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Copyright @ 2008, 2012  YBM^Si-sa

Pubtished in Vietnam, 2013

Th is edition is pubtished in Vietnam under a license Agreement between  YBM^Si-sa, Korea 

and Nhan T ri Viet Co., Ltd. Vietnam through imprima Korea Agency.

A!) rights reserved. No part of this pubtication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieva) system,

or transmitted, in any form or by any means, eiectronic, mechanica), photocopying, recording, 

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Hau nhu ai trong chung ta cung mong muon dat thanh tich cao de danh ducc mot vi

tri lam viec tot hon. Trong thdi dai ngay nay, diem so TOEtC co the la mot minh

chung ve thanh tich nhu vay, tuy nhien that khong de neu ban dat muc tieu cao ve

diem so nhung lai khong co du thol gian va cong sue de dau tu tuong xung.

Trong cac nha sach va tren mang Internet co rat nhieu tai lieu ve TOEtC nen chdc t

M n ban se khong gap kho khan n hieu trong viec tim kiem tai lieu hoc tap. Tuy

nhien, dieu quan trong la trong vo van tai lieu do, ban can phai chon ra giao trinh

nao phu hop vdi trinh do cung nhu kha nang cua ban than de giup cho viec hoc tap

dat duuc hieu qua.

Toi hien day TOE!C tai mot trung tam luyen thi TOEtC co uy tin ldn dat tru sd d

Jong No (Seoul, Han Quoc). Trong qua trinh giang day, toi nhan thay hoc vien rat

can mot giao trinh hay, d§ hoc, co phan luqug phu hop, thich ung vdi muc tieu diem

sd de ra cua moi ngudi.

Giao trinh nay duo*c bien soan nham giup hoc vien nang cao nang luc su dung ngon

ngu va cai thien diem sd TOEtC cua ho trong thdi gian ngdn nhat. Cac dac diem cua

giao trinh bao gom:

1. Gidi thieu cac cau hoi tu de thi TOEtC thuc te duoc to chuc hang thang.

2. Chi tap trung trinh bay nhung noi dung trong tam gan vdi bai thi TOEtC de

hoc vien co the ndm viing trong thdi gian ngdn.

3. Chon phuong phap truyen dat theo so do de van dung vao hoc tap, khong hoc

theo cach thuoc long.

Doi vdi cac hoc vien mdi b&t dau hoc TOEtC thi viec co duoc mot giao trinh phu hop

la rat quan trong. Neu ban la ngudi da chan ngay vdi nhung tai lieu qua kho so vdi

kha nang cua minh hay ban la ngudi mdi lam quen vdi TOEtC, hay vach ra ke

hoach hoc tap vdi BtG STEP TOEtC cho rieng minh theo tung giai doan, ban se

thay duot hieu qua. Ban cung nen chu y vao cac trong tam cua bai hoc ma chung toi

da trinh bay, khi n&m duac cac trong tam nay, c M c chdn ban se tu tin va se dat

duoc diem sd cao hon trong mot thdi gian ngdn.

Chuc ban tien bo.

Kim Soyeong, Park Won va Lee Yun-u

- Vien nghien cuu trudng Nak Seong

\ ________________________________________________ 7

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Cautruccuasach.......................................5 Dacdiemnoibatcuasach.......... -....................6

TOEtC la gi?.............................................. y Gidi thieu chung ve cac phan trong.................. s

bai thi TOEtC

Listening Comprehension

Cac dang cau hoi thuong gap trong bai thi

Par ti. ...................................................................................................................................................... 14

Part 2. ......................................   -. .................... ...................... ...................... -........................... -.............. 18

Part 3. . .......................................................................................................................................................28 

Part 4. . .......................................................................................................................................................37

Cac cach dien dat tinh huong thuong gap trong bai thi

Parti. ...................................................... -. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. .............. .......... 50

Part 2. . .............. .............. ............... .............. .............. .............. .............. ............ ...................................... 52

Part 3. . ................... ....................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .....................54

Part 4. ................. ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ....................... ...................... .. 56

Reading Comprehension

Cac dang cau hoi thuong gap trong bai thi - Top 20 chu diem ngu phap quan trong thuong gap

Top 1-5  

Top 6-10  

Top 11-15 

Top 16-20





5 Actua! Tests

 Actua) Test 1

 Actua! Test 2 

 Actua) Test 3 

 Actua! Test 4 

 Actua) Test 5

.............9 6


.............1 8 8


..............2 8 4

Script & Answer Key

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Cau true cua sach <-*\




Cac dang cau hoi thudng gap trong bai thi

1. Phan tich chinh xac xu hudng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

Trong cac bai thi TOEtC hang thang co su khac biet doi chut giua bai thi thang nay vdi

bai thi thang ke tiep. Vi vay, trong mdi part deu co su phan tich that ti mi xu hudng thay

doi cua bai thi. Ngoai ra, trong mdi part cung co hudng dan cach hoc va cung cap sd luong

cau hoi nM m giup ngudi hoc thich nghi vdi su da dang cua bai thi.

2 .Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Trudc tien, thong qua su giai thich don gian, ngudi hoc xac dinh duuc dang cau hoi; sau

do, ho se true tiep giai quyet nhung cau hoi tuong ung. Qua hai budc nay, ngudi hoc co

the hoc duoc trnig dang cau hoi mot cach day du.

3  Chon dap an cho tung dang cau hoi

Phan nay se cung cap nhung chien luoc ma ngudi hoc can phai nhd nhu: cach phan bo

thdi gian, cach chon dap an ... trong moi part nh^m giup ngudi hoc co the dat duoc diem

sd cao.

Cac cach dien dat tinh hudng thudng gap trong bai thi

Chung toi da tap hop va sdp xep cac bieu hien thudng duac dua ra trong bai thi thuc te

nh&m giup nguoi hoc co the quen vdi tat ca cac cach dien dat tinh hudng thudng gap.


Cac dang cau hoi thudng gap trong bai thi

Chung toi da phan tich chi tiet 20 dang cau hoi thudng duo*c ETS dua ra nhat nMm giup

ngudi hoc on lai nhung noi dung ngu phap trong tam. Tuong ung vdi cac diem ngu phap

do, chung toi con bo sung nhung cau hoi de hoc vien thuc hanh.

5 Actua! Tests

Sau khi phan tich chi tiet cac cau hoi thudng gap trong bai thi, chung toi dua vao sach 5

bai kiem tra co do kho tuong duong vdi bai thi thuc te.

Thong qua viec thuc hanh cac bai kiem tra trong Big Step 1 va 2, ngudi hoc co the tu

danh gia ket qua hoc tap cua minh, ddng thdi rut ra duo-c nhung phan minh con yeu de

hoan thien ket qua hoc tap.

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Bac diem noi bat cua sach

Big StepTOE!C 3 tap hop cac noi dung chu. yeu cua LC va RC nhpm giup nguoi hoc

chuan bi trudc cho ky thi thuc te.

(1) tNTRO giup ban kiem tra lai nhung diem da hoc trong Big Step 1 va 2.

(2) Actua) Te sts se giup ban lam quen vdi bai thi thuc te.

(3) V iec phan bo thoi gian hop ly va lam nhung bai thi mo phong thuc te se giup ban

quen dan vdi cam giac trong phong thi.

!NTRO: S^p xep nhung diem trong yeu thuong gap trong LC va RC

LC : Phan 1: "Cac dang cau hoi thuong gap" duoc chia thanh 3 budc: budc 1: Phan

tich xu huong dat cau hoi va phuon g phap giai quyet; budc 2: Nhan biet dang

cau hoi; budc 3: Chon dap an dung nh^m giup cac ban n han biet cac dang cau

hoi thuong gap va cach giai quyet.

Phdn 2: "Cac cach di^n dat tinh huong thuong gap" giup cac ban dat duoc diem

chuan trong LC.

*RC : Thong qua T op 20 chu diem ngu phap duoc trinh bay trong phan "Cac dang

cau hoi thuong gap trong bai thi", ban se duoc on lai cac noi dung ngu phap

trong tam. Sau do, b&ng cach giai quyet cac cau hoi tuong ung vdi tung pattern,

ban co the sdp xep duoc nhung noi dung chu yeu trudc khi du thi. Ngoai ra, con

co phan thiet lap cau hoi cho tung pattern trong Top 20 mo hinh cau hoi ETS

va phan tich chi tiet timg cau hoi cung nhu cung cap cho ngudi hoc nhung

phuong phap giai quyet cac dang cau hoi cua ETS.

^ Actua) Tests

 Vdi nen tang la noi dung hoc duoc he tho ng trong B)G ST EP 1 va B)G ST EP 2, cung

vdi nhung van de da dw c trinh bay trong ")NTRO " cua B)G S TEP 3 chung toi da dua

ra 5 Actua) Tests va cach giai quyet nh^m giup cac ban chuan bi trudc de dat duot

diem cao trong ky thi. B^ng cach giai quyet cac cau hoi co do kho tuong duong vdi cau

hoi trong ky thi thuc te, cac ban se trau doi duoc kha nang giai quyet cac cau hoi va

ndm b^t duoc cac xu huong dat cau hoi mdi nhat. Ngoai ra, thong qua viec giai quyetcac Actua) Tests trong dieu kien tuong tu nhu thi thuc te, ban se quen vdi cam giac thi

that va co the phat huy den muc cao nhat kha n&ng cua minh trong phong thi.


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--------------------------------------------- * TOEtC la gi?

* K ha i n iem TO E t C

TOEtC la tu viet tdt cua Test of Engtish for tnternationat Communication, la ky thi quoc

te danh gia nang luc su dung tieng Anh thuc dung trong mdi truong cong viec do ETS

(Educationat Testing Service) to chuc va quan ly. Day la ky thi nh^m danh gia "kha nang

dung tieng Anh de giao tiep" cua nhung nguoi khong su dung tieng Anh nhu tieng me de,

va trong tam la tieng Anh thuc dung duot dung lam phuong tien giao tiep trong moi truong

cong viec.

w Cau true cua TOEtC

Cau true Part Hinh thuc cau hoi



Mieu ta hinh 10

45 phut 495 diem2 Tra loi cau hoi 30

3 Doi thoai ngdn 30

4 Bai noi 30



5 Dien vao cho trong trong cau 40

75 phut 495 diem6 Dien vao chd trong trong bai doc 12

7r Doc hieu bai doc don

- Doc hieu bai doc ghep



Totat 7 parts 200 120phut 990diem

-------------- ---------------- * New TOEtC co gi khac?

Phat am va giong dieu da dang hon.

Cac bai nghe duoc dua tren noi dung phu hop vdi tinh hudng thuc te, co do dai dai hon

phien ban cu va duo*c phat am theo nhieu giong khac nhau nhu: My, Anh, Canada, Uc,

New Zealand...

^ Cau hoi duoc doc qua bang.

Trong LC, cau hoi khong chi duoc in tren de thi ma ban con duoc nghe chung qua bang.

Cau hoi R C da dang hon.

Thu nhat, phan phat hien ldi sai trong cau da duoc bo di; thu hai, cac doan van trong

phan doc hieu dai hon va khong chi co cac cau hoi ve bai doc don ma con co ca cac cau hoi

cho bai doc ghep. Ngoai ra, trong New TOEtC, de danh gia kha nang doc hieu mach van,

mot nua so cau hoi du<yc xay dung dua tren cac doan van.

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Gioi thieu chung ve cac phan trong * 


Part 1 (10 cau hoi)

Moi hinh co 4 dap an cho s^n, sau khi nghe 4 dap an cho s&n do, ban phai chon ra dap an

mieu ta buc hinh chinh xac nhat. Vi day la part de nhat trong mon nghe nen sau khi hoc

xong sach nay ban nen co gdng lam dung it nhat la 6 cau trong tong so 10 cau hoi.


(A) The man is fishing from the boat.

(B) The man is putting on a hat.

(C) The man is standing at the water front.

(D) The man is sitting on a chair.

Part 2 (30 cau hoi)

Moi cau hoi co 3 dap an cho s&n. Cau hoi thuong duoc bdt dau bdng nhung tu nghi van

nhu: What, Where, When, Why, How. Tuy nhien, nhung cau hoi b&t dau b^ng Do, Have,

Be va cau hoi phu dinh, cau hoi duoi cung quan trong khong kem.

Q : Why don't you join us for a cup of coffee after work?

(A) t go to work by bus.

(B) That sounds good.

(C )! prefer btack coffee.


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Part 3 (30 cau hoi)

Ban nghe mot doan doi thoai ngdn roi tra 161 cau hoi. Vi day la part kho nen nhung nguoi

mdi b&t dau hoc hay tap doc doan doi thoai trudc khi bdt dau nghe no. Ban can phai lam

quen vdi "cac cach dien dat tinh hudng thudng gap" cung nhu nhung tu vung thudng duoc

dung de dat cau hoi.

Mark, the vice president has asked that at! new emptoyees be in the cafeteria 

tounge on Friday at 6 P.M. for a meeting.

 A meeting? What for?

!Vr ! think he wants to take everybody out for dinner. )'m not sure. !'m just instructed 

to tet! everyone about the meeting.

 Wett, ! had ptans to take my famity to an amusement park for the weekend and we 

were to teave right after work on Friday.) gu ess t'H have to reschedute.

Q : Wh o do es the vice president want to meet on Friday?

(A) Managers

(B) New emptoyees

(C) Retiring emptoyees

(D) Mark's famity

Part 4 (30 cau hoi)

Cac bai nghe co dang: hudng ddn, dua tin, thong bao noi cong cong... M6i bai nghe co 3 cau

hoi, va ban phai chon dap an chinh xac nhat trong sd 4 dap an cho sdn dudi moi cau hoi. Vi

day la loai cau hoi xuat hien thudng xuyen va hinh thuc cua bai nghe hau nhu co dinh nen

ban can phai hoc that nhieu tu vung va cach dien dat cua moi chu de tuong ung vdi cac bai

nghe duot cho.

 Attention, passen gers. Can ! have your attention, ptease? This G train is going out of  

service at the next stop, Grand Avenue. At) passengers must get off the train at Grand  

 Avenue. Due to a fire on the tracks between Battic Street and Mutberry Avenue, the G 

tocat wit! not be running past Grand Avenue. To continue to at) stops on the way to  

Center Station, take the H train at Grand Avenue. The H train wit) not, ) repeat, wit) not 

be running express. The H train wit! be making att tocat stops between Grand Avenue  and Center Station. No passengers are to remain on the train once we stop at Grand 

 Avenue. Thank you, and we regret any inconvenience that this causes you.

Q : Who is speaking?

(A) A fireman

(B) A passenger

(C) The train's conductor

(D) A bus driver

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Gioi thieu chung ve cac phan trong .-------------------^RC TOEIC

Part 5 (40 cau hoi)

Day la part yeu cAu chon tu thich hop de d i& vao cho trong trong cau, trong do khoang mot

nua so cau hoi la ve tu vung va so con lai la ve ngu phap. Dieu quan trong khi lam bai thi

TO EtC la phai tra 161 cac cau hoi mot cach nha nh chon g trong khoang thoi gian duoc cho.

The two companies signed a n ---------- to share the semiconductor production technotogy.

(A) agrees (B) agreement (C) agreements (D) agreed

Part 6(12 cau hoi)

Day cung la part chon tu thich hop de dien vao cho trong nhu part 5 nhung vdi cac bai doc

co dang nhu: quang cao, e-mail, thu tu, thong bao... Phan nay co tat ca 4 bai doc, moi bai co

3 cau hoi. Cac cau hoi chu yeu la ve tu vung va mot phan (khoang 3 - 4 cau) hoi ve ngu

phap. Mac du part 6 la part co hinh thuc doc hieu bai doc, nhung cac yeu to can thiet de giai

quyet cau hoi lai tuong tu nhu part 5.

To : Martinez Perez, Accounting Manager 

From: Todd Handter, Sa!es Manager 

Date: September 29, 2007 

Subject: Sates Totats

t regret to -------you that it is impossibte for us to submit our sates totats by this coming Friday.141.(A)announce

(B) inform


(D) express

As you know, our sates staff has been very ------ having ctearance sate for the tast few weeks.

142. (A) busy

(B) expensive

(C) exciting

(D) impressive

! heard that the Madrid branch atready submitted i ts sates totats, b u t! think we need more time

to catcutate --------.

143. (A) us(B)ours



) woutd appreciate your patience.

7b;M Hand/cr

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_________   ______.................. ........................ BtG iSTEP TOEtC

Part 7 (48 cau hoi)

Trong tong so 48 cau hoi thi co 28 cau hoi dang doc hieu bai doc don va 20 cau hoi dang doc

hieu bai doc ghep. Phan doc hieu bai doc don thuong co tu 2 - 4 cau hoi cho moi bai doc;

con phan doc hieu bai doc ghep thi thuong co 5 cau hoi cho moi cap bai doc. Doi khi trong

phan doc hieu bai doc don co 5 cau hoi, trong truong hop nay se co mot cau hoi ve tu vung.

/3 oc doc

Compufer DesAr Sa/e

Shop desks at Staptes.Free detivery on orders over $50.

To ceiebrate our 10th anniversary, we've just reduced our prices on a wide setection

of furniture items.

 Visit our website today and check out the savings now.

Q : How tong has the company been in busin ess?

(A) One year (B) Five years (C) Ten years (D) Twenty years

 /Doe (foe gAepj

To: A!t Emptoyees

From: Kevin Redford

Date: Aprit 25

Subject: Staff Meeting

There witt be a monthty staff meeting next Monday at 2 P.M. in room 101. The 

meeting witt tast about an hour. At) emptoyees shoutd attend the meeting.

 Agenda: (1) Dress Code (2) Vacation Poticy (3) Expense Reduction

To: Kevin Redford

From: Jason Kay 

Subject: Staff Meeting

Date: Aprit 26

) am afraid that thave to miss the monthty meeting becau se ) have a previous

appointment with JD Drew Co. at noon.) witt ask one of my assoc iate s about the 


Jason Kay

Q : Wh o shoutd attend the staff meeting?

(A) Managers (B) New emptoyees (C) Directors (D) At) emptoyees

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Phan tich chinh xac xu htrdng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

Tong cong 10 cau hoi

Mieu ta nguoi

75 - 80% (khoang 7 - 8 cau hoi)

O Chu ngu cua cac dap an cho sAn la nguoi.

@ Vi the can hoc thuoc cac tu vung mieu ta

trang thai va dong tac cua con nguoi.

Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Mieu ta su vat

20 - 25% (khoang 2 - 3 cau hoi)

O Cau mieu ta trang thai cua su vat la cau dan

bi dong voi cau true don gian "be + qua kh

phan tu", vi the, cau hoi yeu cau phan bie

"have been + qua khu phan tu" voi "be bein

+ qua khu phan tu".

Q Vi co nhieu dap an cho sdn mieu ta phan ph

cua buc anh nen can quan sat ti mi toan bo bu

anh de tim ra chi tiet duot dien dat trong da

an cho sdn.

Dang O : Chu ngu trong cac dap an cho san la ngudi.^

Chon cac dap an voi trong tam mieu ta dong tac cua con nguoi, hay chu y cac tu ngu di^n ta dong tac co

ban. Bai thi New TOEtC thuong khong khai thac nhung cau hoi ve so luong hay gidi tinh cua nguoi

nen ban hay quyet dinh chon dap an dua vao trong tam la cac mieu ta dong tac. Thinh thoang, cung co

cau hoi yeu cau dap an dung la mieu ta ve nhung su vat o xung quanh con nguoi, vi vay ban cung nen

quan sat ca vi tri lan dac trung cua cac su vat do. Day la phan chung ta se xem xet lai trong dang 2.

1. Xac dinh the loai

Chien iaoc dat diem cao

Thd nhat, co nhieu khi dong dien ta hanh dong

trong dap an cho s§n ro rang la khong dung, nhtRig

rat co the do la cai bay.

Thuf hai, hay nhd r ng trong dap an cho s n co

de cap den nd chon.

Thuf ba, hay nhd r&ng trong dap an cho s&n co

trinh bay diem giong va diem khac nhau ve vi

tri va noi chon cua nhuTng ngtfMtrong hinh.

(A) (B) (C) (D)


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Pa rt i

2. Tim hieu the loai

(A) Peopte are sitting in a circte.

(B) Peopte are sharing the working space.

(C) Peopte are arranging the tabtes.

(D) Peopte are entering the room.

Dang : Chu ngu trong cac dap an cho san la nguoi va vat. *— :---- ----------------------- Hr

Day la truong hop co mot hoac nhieu nguoi trong hinh. Trong cac dap an cho s&n co chu ngu bao gom ca

nguoi lan vat. Tuy dong tac cua con nguoi la chi tiet quan trong, nhung vi trong cac dap an cho s^n

mieu ta cac d&c trung hoac bieu hien cua cac vat xung quanh nen can phai hoc cac tu vung co lien quan

den vat cung nhu can phai hieu can ke ve the bi dong.

1. Xac dinh the loai

Chien ltroc dat diem cao

Thd nhat, phai tim xem ngtfdi trong hinh dang

thtR hien hanh dong gi vdi may moc, thiet bi.

Thuf hai, xem xet muc dich stf dung co ban cua

may moc thiet bi thtldng dtfoc de cap trong dap

an cho s n la gi.

Thuf ba, hay nhd r ng nhQng ttf lien quan den

stj vat co nhieu kha nang la dap an sai.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

2. Tim hieu the loai

(A) The man is fixing the machine.

(B) The car is being fueted up.

(C) The man is instating a car part.

(D) The car engine is being checked.


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Chon dap an dung

1. N a m d u o c di em c o t ye u

O Cac dap an cho s&n cua 3 - 4 cau hoi dau co chu ngu la ngudi. De chondap andung, ban hay tap

trung quan sat dong tac cua nguoi trong hinh.

@ Trong cau 4 va 5, tren 90% tru ong hop se co mot cau co dap an duoc trinh bay d the bi dong vdi

chu ngu la vat.

@ Dap an dung thudng la dap an mieu ta tong the, con nhung dap an mieu ta trang thai hay dong

tac ma ta nhin thay ro trong hinh thudng khong phai la dap an dung.

O Nhung dap an cho sdn co dong tu duoc gdn them cac tiep dau ngunhu: re-, un-, dis- thi ti le

dung cua chung la dudi 20%.

2. P h an b o th d i gi a n h o p ly

O Trudc khi bdt dau part 1, ban se co 1 phut 25 giay de nghe Directio ns va Sam pte q uestio n cua part

nay. Hay dung khoang thoi gian nay de doc cau hoi cua part 3 hoac giai quyet part 5.

@ Sau khi ban nghe xong 4 dap an cua moi cau hoi thi bang se dung khoang 5 giay. Luc nay ban nen

giai quyet cau hoi do trong vong 3 giay va dung 2 giay con lai vao viec phan tich buc anh tiep theo.

Hay dem 1, 2, 3, va ngay khi dem den 3, ban nen quyet dinh dap an cuoi cung. Neu 3 giay troi qua

ma ban van khong the chon ra duoc dap an nghia la ban khong nghe duoc dap an dung, dieu nay se

khien ban mat nhieu thol gian hon, lo ldng nhieu hon va khong nhd ra duot dap an dung. Dac biet,

trong truong hop phai lat sang trang khac, ban se bi cham di va bo mat thdi gian phan tich buc anh

ke tiep.

3. P h t io n g ph a p d a n h d a u d a p an

O Khi xem hinh, ban nen dung but chi de danh dau dap an vao ben canh hinh do, dung nen danh dau

vao phieu dap an.

 » Gan day , de thi thu dng co khuyn h hudng dua ra nhung chi tie t nho nha t trong cac buc anh vao

cac dap an, neu k hong quan sat buc hinh that ti mi, ban co the bi "m& bay". Dung de bi phan

tan tam nhin bdi phieu dap an.

@ Dung danh dau qua ldn vao de thi de tranh su chu y. Sau khi giai quyet xong phan LC, hay xoa di

nhung dau da the hien.

 » Du thdi gian danh cho viec danh dau vao dap an co ngdn den dau di nua thi cun g dung de mat

di su tap trung vao cau hoi. Trong part 1, neu chi bo qua 1 tu thoi thi ban cung se khong the

phan doan duoc dau la dap an dung. Vi vay, hay tiet kiem tung giay mot.


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Part 2  __

p ) 8 BIG STEP TOEtC 3

Phan tich chinh xac xu hudng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

Tong con g 30 cau

Cau nghi van Wh-Cau tudng thuat/cau hoi phu dinh/cau hoi duoi/

cau hoi dung tro dong tu

Giam bdt muc do quan trong

O Can hoc co ban ve cau hoi  Wh- (co khoang

tren 10 cau hoi bdt dau vdi cac tu:  What, Wh ere,

 Who , Wh en, Why).

@ Khong the dat diem cao neu chi tap trung chu

y vao cau hoi dung cac nghi van tu.

Tang muc do quan trong

O  Yeu cau tap trung hoc ve cac kieu cau hoi  Y e s

No vi tarn quan trong cua chung cao hon.

Q So luong cau hoi duoi / phu dinh la tren - 6 c

Q Co khoang 2 - 4 cau ke (statement), vi vay cu

cdn phai thuc hanh vdi loai cau nay.

Trong tong so 30 cau hoi thi co khoang 10 cau co dap an dung khong phai la dap an true tiep tra ldi ch

tu nghi van ma la dap an gian tiep. Vi the, ban can phai hoc ve nhung cau tra ldi co tinh gian tiep.

* Nhan biet dang cau hoi

v— w Dang O : Cau h o i v o i W h- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cau hoi vdi Wh- la nhung cau hoi bdt dau bdng cac tu nghi van: What, Where, Who, When, Why

Dang cau hoi nay duoc chia thanh 2 loai sau day:

(1) Cau hoi bdt dau bdng Wh en, Where , W ho la loai cau hoi chi can nghe tu nghi van la co the doan r

duoc dap an, nhung dap an dung cho loai nay thudng la nhung cau tra ldi co tinh gian tiep chu khong

true tiep tra ldi cho cac tu nghi van neu tren.

2) Cau hoi bdt dau b&ng Why, How, Wha t la loai cau hoi co the tra ldi b&ng nhieu cach khac nhau

Muc tieu cua ETS la danh gia kha nang hieu cau hoi. Vi vay, neu ban hoc duoc cach su dung da dang

^ cua tu nghi van thi se d§ dang tim ra duoc dap an dung. _______________   __ 

1. X a c d in h th e l oa i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C) (4) (A) (B) (C) (5) (A) (B) (C)

(6) (A) (B) (C) (7) (A) (B) (C) (8) (A) (B) (C) (9) (A) (B) (C) (10) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h ie u t h e l o a i

(1) Cau hoi vdi Where: Hoi ve noi mua ve va cau tra ldi dien hinh la cau noi ve noi chon.

Q : Where can ! buy tickets for tomorrow's performance?

(A) tt costs $200.

(B) At the theater.

(C) The performance was great.


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Pars 2

(2) Cau hoi vdi Who: Hoi ve nguoi chiu trach nhiem va cau tra ldi dien hinh la cau noi ve chuc vu cua nguoido.

: Who's in charge of maintenance for this buiiding?

(A) Sorry, but it's not in the main buiiding.

(B) The buitding manager,! guess.

(C) They charge too much.

(3) Cau hoi vdi When: Hoi ve thoi han ket thuc (thi tuong lai) va kieu tra ldi dien hinh cho cau hoi nay la

cau noi vd thdi diem tuong ung.

Q : When is this report due?(A) Due to the weekty report.

(B) By the end of this week.

(C) it's on your desk.

(4) Cau hoi vdi Why: Hoi ve ly do lam viec trd va cau tra ldi lam sang to ly do ay la cau co dung tu "have to".

Q : Why did you work iate yesterday?

(A) Because i drive to work.

(B) Not untii tomorrow.

(C )! have to give a presentation for my ctients today.

(5) Cau hoi vdi Why don't you: Cau dd nghi cung tham gia va cau tra ldi la cau chap nhan ldi de nghi do.

Q : Why don't you join us for dinner tonight?

(A) Because the food was not that good.

(B) That sounds tike a good idea.

(C) t haven't joined yet.

(6) Cau hoi vdi What: Hoi ve thdi gian lam viec va cau tra ldi la cau noi ve thdi gian cu the.

Q : What are your hours at your restaurant?

(A) it's iocated at the intersection.

(B) We are open from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

(C) Two hours at most.

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(7) Cau hoi voi Wh at dong vai tro la mot tinh tu: Cau hoi la ve mau sdcnhung dap an dung lai khong tr

true tiep vao mau sdc ma chi noi r&ng co ai khac biet dieu dd.

^ : What coior wit) the office be when renovations are finished?

(A) !t takes 3 months at teast.

(B) Yes, it's stii) under renovation.

(C) Tom may know about it.

(8) Cau hoi vdi How: Hoi ve so thich uong ca phe va cau tra ldi la cau dien ta that cu the so thich do.

^ : How wouid you !ike your coffee?

(A) 5 copies, piease.

(B )! prefer btack.

(C) Yes, it was very good.

(9) Cau hoi vdi How iong: H oi ve do dai cua thdi gian va cau tra ldi lacau noicu the vd thdi gian.

^ : How !ong does it take to get to the airport?

(A)!')) take the bus.

(B) it's 5 meters iong.

(C) About 10 minutes or so.

(10) Cau hoi vdi How about: Cau hoi nay co tinh chat goi y va cau tra ldi la cau bieu lo su dong y.

Q : How about sending the contract by overnight deiivery?

(A) They wii) sign the contract tomorrow.

(B) By surface mai).

(C) That woutd be great.

Chien ltroc dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , v d i c a u h o i W h - t h i m o t n t ia s o c a u h o i d a u d u n g t i t n g h i v a n d ( ? n g i a n , c a u t r a l d i c u n g s e d a n g i a n

v a t ru e t i e p , n h uf n g c au t r a l d i g i a n t i e p s e c h i e m t i t e c a o t r o n g s o c au h o i c o n l a i .

T ht jf h a i, c a n t a p n g h e v a c a u t ru e h o a n h u fn g c au h o ic o W h y ( ly d o ) / W h y d o n 't y o u ( d e n g h i ) /H o w l on g ( t

g i a n c a n t h i e t ) /H o w a b o u t ( g o i y ) / H o w o f t e n ( ta n s u a t ).

T h u f b a , d u c a u d e n g h i b a t d a u b a n g t i f n g h i v a n W h - n h u n g c a u t r a l d i c o th e b a t

d a u b a n g Y e s / N o .


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Pan 2

Dang (5*: Cau h oi phu dinh / cau h oi du oi

Day la 2 loai cau hoi pho bien trong cau hoi Y es / No ( 5 - 8 cau trong moi bai thi) va co hinh thuc da

dang: D o/ B e/ H a ve . Ban phai tra ldi la "Ye s" neu khang dinh va "No" neu phu dinh bat ke cau hoi

phu din h/ca u hoi duoi d dang phu dinh hay khAng dinh. Vi du, "Don't you tike ctassica) mu sic?" hoac

"You tike ctassica) music, don't you?" Neu ban thich nhac co dien thi tra <di "Yes", con neu khong

thich thi tra ldi "No".

1. X a c di n h t h e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h i e u t h e lo a i

(1) Cau hoi duoi: Hoi co thich mon an Trung Quoc hay khong va cau tra ldi la thich.

Q : You tike Chinese food, don't you?

(A )! tove it.

(B) No, t'm from Japan.

(C) t've studied atmost for 3 years.

2) Cau hoi phu dinh: Hoi co dudng nao di nhanh den nha ga khong va cau tra ldi la viec chi dudng mot

cach cu the.

Q : tsn't there a fast way to the station?

(A) Yes, it's faster than the otd one.

(B) You can go through the park.

(C) The train teaves at any minute.

Chien luroc dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , n g h e d d o c d o n g t i f t r o n g c a u h o i l a b a n d a c o d d o c k e y w o r d d e n & m b a t n o i d u n g c a u h o i , v i t h e c a n

l u y e n n g h e d o n g t d c h i n h t r o n g c a u .

T h d h a i , v d i c a u h o i d u o i , b a n p h a i n g h e d t M c t h i v a c h u n g C c u a ta g t h e o s a u c au h o i . N e u t a g l a " d id n ' t s h e ? "

t h i d a p a n s e l a c a u d t h i q u a k h d v a c h u n g u f l a " s h e " ; c o n n e u l a " d o n ' t y o u ? " t h i d a p a n s e c o c h u n g ij f l a " ) "

h o a c " W e " v a d o n g t d d t h i h i e n t a i.

T h uf b a , p h a i x e m n o i d u n g t h e o s a u Y e s / N o t r o n g d a p a n c h o s § n c o d o n g n h a t v d i n o i d u n g

c u a c a u h o i h a y k h o n g . C a c d a p a n c h o s d n b a t d a u b a n g Y e s / N o t h d d n g l a c a c d a p a n s a i.

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Part 222 BIG STEP TOEtC 3

Dang Q : Cau ho i lua chon

Thong thudng co khoang 3 cau hoi loai nay trong bai thi. Ban phai nghe duoc tu "or" d giua cau hoi va

nhd rdng cau tra ldi khong bdt dau bdng Y es / No. Hien nay, cau hoi co hinh thuc tra ldi don gian la

chon 1 trong 2 danh tu (vi du: tea or coffee) dang dan it di va thay vao dd la hinh thuc cau hoi yeu cdu

chon noi dung cua 1 trong 2 cau hoi duoc lien ket vdi nhau bdng "or" (vi du: Did you receive the report

or shouid [ fax you aga in?)

1. X a c d in h t h e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) ( C )

2. T i m h ie u th e l oa i

(2) (A) (B) ( C )

(1) Cau hoi chon danh tu: Hoi se xem phim hay choi game va cau tra ldi la khong chon thu nao ca.

Q : Are you going to watch the movie or the game?

(A) No, i'm moving tomorrow.

(B) it's 5 o'ciock sharp.

( C ) Neither, i'm too tired.

(2) Cau hoi chon dong tu: Hoi ra ve bay gid hay du tiec va cau tra ldi la thich ra ve ngay bay gid.

Q : Do you need to ieave now or can you join tonight's party?

(A) Thanks, but idon't need any.

(B) Yes, i tive in the company housing.

( C ) i'd better go home soon.

Chien hmc dat di6m cao

T h u f n h a t , n h u fn g d a p a n c h o s a n c o s uf d u n g l a i t i f m a b a n n g h e d t M c t r o n g c a u h o i t h u d n g l a d a p a n s a i .

B a p a n d u n g t h ^ cfn g d M c t r in h b a y b h n g c a c h c h u y e n c a c h d i e n d a t t r o n g c a u h o i s a n g ca c h d i e n d a t

k h a c ( p a r a p h r a s in g ) .

T h u f h a i . c o n h i e u t n J c fn g h tf p d a p a n c h o s § n k h o n g c h o n 1 t r o n g 2 t hu f d ^ c h o i m a l a i c h o n t h uf k h a c ,

h o a c c h o n t h u ; n a o c u n g d u M c, h o a c k h o n g c h o n c a 2 t h uf c o t h e l a d a p a n d u n g .

( V i d u : E i t he r is f in e . / W h i c h e v e r o n e I c a n r e a c h y o u . / N e i t h e r . /A n y t h i n g c o m e s f irs t.


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^— * Uang uu ± y±cm * —---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Cau hoi gian tiep co 2 hinh thuc:

Hinh thuc 1: bdt dau vdi "Do you know w here ... /C an you tett me w hen ...". Loai nay co the duoc tra

loi bdng Yes/N o.

Hinh thuc 2: bdt dau bdng "W ho do you think ... / Wh ere do you think ...". Loai nay khong duoc tra loi

bdng Yes /N o .

Cau hoi gian tiep chiem k hoang 2 - 3 cau trong moi de thi. Trong ca 2 hinh thuc tren, neu cau hoi vdi

Where thi dap an dung la cau noi ve noi chon, va neu cau hoi vdi When thi dap an dung la cau noi ve

thoi gian. Dieu nay co nghia la voi cau hoi gian tiep, ban chi can nghe duoc tu nghi van trong cau hoi

thi co the d6 dang tim ra duoc dap an dung.


1. Xac dinh the loai

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C)

2. Tim hieu the loai

(1) Cau hoi gian tiep: Hoi de biet thoi han va cau tra loi dien dat thoi diem cu the.

Q : Do you know when the deadiine is on the Thomson project?

(A) Yes, you can get one at the suppty room.

(B) Not unti) the end of next week.

(C) On this tine.

(2) Cau hoi gian tiep: Hoi de biet noi co the mua ca phe va cau tra loi mieu ta noi chon cu the.

Q : Can you teH me where )can get a cup of coffee?

(A) There is a shop in the next buitding.

(B) it's out of order again.

(C) With cream, ptease.

(3) Cau hoi gian tiep: Hoi de biet ai se la nguoi duoc chon va cau tra loi la khong biet.

Q : Who do you think wi!) be setected as a manager?

(A )! have no idea.

(B)! think he is generous.

(C)  He was seiected from among 100 candidates.

Chien luoc dat diem cao

T ht if n h a t , " d o y o u t h in k " th e o s a u t if n g h i v a n s e k h o n g a n h I n M n g g i d e n y n g h i a c u a c a u : " W h o d o y o u t h in k

. . . /W h e r e d o y o u t h in k . .. /W h e n d o y o u t hin k . .. /H o w o f t e n d o y o u t h i n k .

T h u f h a i , k h i c o M n g h i v a n t h e o s a u " D o y o u k n o w . . ./ C a n y o u t e l! m e . . ." t h i b a n p h a i n g h e

d t M c d o l a M g i .

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— # Dang 0 : Cau h&i v o i dong tR khiem khuyet #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Day la dang cau hoi M t dau b&ng nhung dong tu khiem khuyet "Can you .../C ou td you .../W ou id

you . . ./Wit ) you .. . /Ma y t ..." va co muc dich khuyen bao, yeu cau, de nghi. Cau hoi dang nay chiem

khoan g 3 cau trong moi de thi. Cau tra ldi dung co the bdt dau b&ng Y e s /N o n hung thudng thi nhung

cau tra ldi co dang "Su re/C erta inty /N o th ank s/)'m afraid/t can't" chmh la dap an dung va dieu nay

mang tinh co dinh. De dat duoc diem cao, ban hay hoc trudc cac loai dap an dung, dieu nay quan trong

^ hon viec hoc trudc cac !oai cau hoi. ___________________________________ 

1. X a c d in h th e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C) (3) (A) (B) (C) *

2. T im h i e u th e l oa i

(1) Cau hoi vdi Coutd yo u: C&u tra ldi chap nhan se dat hangthay ngudi kia.

Q : Coutd you ptace the suppty order instead of me, Laura?

(A) Certainty,!')! do it right now.

(B) We need more copy paper.

(C) !'!t ptace it on your desk in a minute.

(2) Cau hoi vdi Woutd you : Cau tra ldi chap nhan ldi khuyen macthu cai ao.

0 : Woutd you tike to try on this shirt, sir?

(A) Sure, where is the fitting room?

(B) Actuatty, we re short-handed.

(C)) bought this shirt white on vacation tast year.

(3) Cau hoi vdi Can you: Hoi ve so va dap an khong noi th^ng vao van de duoc hoi.

Q : Can you tett me your software program's seriat number?

(A) Yes, they are very serious about it.

(B) tt's a very hard question to answer.(C) Let me check where it is.

Chien luoc dat di6m cao

v * T h uf n h a t , v i ca u h o i v d i d o n g t i? k h i e m k h u y e t la lo a i c au h o i c o n o i d u n g : d e n g h i , k h u y e n b a o , v a n x i n ... n e n

d a p a n lu c n a o c u n g l a c a u c hu fa n o i d u n g d o n g y , c h a p n h a n h o a c t i t c h o i t i f p h i a n g u o i n g h e .

T h uf h a i , d a p a n d u n g l a d a p a n d i e n d a t s R d o n g y c u a n gt fc fi n g h e ( c h i e m t r e n 9 5 % ) .


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- .


-+ Dang @ : Cau hoi ba t dau bang tr o dong tu *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Day la dang cau hoi M t ddu b&ng "Do / Be / Have" va co the tra 161 bang Y es / No. Cau hoi loai nay

chiem khoang 2 cau trong mdi bai thi. Ban can phai xac dinh xem noi dung theo sau Y e s/ N o trong cac

dap an cho sdn co phu hop vdi noi dung cua cau hoi hay khong. Thong thudng, nhung dap an cho s&n co

su dung lai tu da dung trong cau hoi la dap an sai, con nhung dap an cho s^n Ja chuyen nhung tu ngu

cua cau hoi sang cach dien dat khac hoac co noi dung tra ldi gian tiep la dap an dung.

1. X a c di n h t h e lo a i

(1) (A) (B) (C) (2) (A) (B) (C)

2. T im h i e u th e l oa i

(1) Cau hoi Did you: Cau hoi la co nghe tin hay khong va cau tra ldi la chua nghe.

Q : Did you hear that Mr. Kim is retiring next month?

(A) No, the retirement party wi!) be hetd next week.

(B) No, it's news to me.

(C) tmet him iast month.

(2) Cau hoi Have you: Cau hoi la da lien lac chua va cau tra ldi la khong co phan hdi.

Q : Have you contacted the London branch?

(A) Yes, but they haven't reptied yet.

(B) No, he was transferred to the Hong Kong branch.

(C)) enjoyed it a iot there.

Chien laoc dat di m cao

T h u f n h a t , h a y n g h e d o n g t d c h i n h c u a c a u h o i v a n a m b a t d M c y n g h i a c u a c a u h o i. V i d a y l a l oa i c au h o i

k h o n g c o t d n g h i v a n h a y m u c d i c h d a c b i e t n a o n e n h a y n A m b a t n o i d u n g v a c h o n t r o n g s o c a c d a p a n c h o

s & n m o t c a u co n o i d u n g p h u h o p n h a t v d i n o i d u n g c u a c a u d a n g h e .

T h uf h a i , ch u y d e n n h u f ng t d c o n g h i a t d tf n g tu n h a u h o a c c o c a c h p h a t a m g i o n g n h a u . C a u h o i c a n g

d o n g i a n t h i c a n g c o n h i e u b a y d c a c t d p h a t a m g i o n g n h a u h o a c c a c t d c o y n g h i a t d c f n g t d n h a u ^

( d a y c h i l a n h u f n g n h a n d i n h d d of c t o n g k e t t d v i e c n g h i e n c ufu c a c ca u h o i t r o n g L C ) .

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 € Chon dap an dung

1. P h an b o t h d i gi a n h o p l y

O Trudc khi Mt dau part 2, ban se nghe doc Directions va Sa mp ie question ve part 2 trong khoang

57 giay. Hay dung khoang thdi gian nay de doc cau hoi cua part 3 hoac giai quyet part 5.

Q Sau khi nghe cau h oi cung 3 dap an cho s&n cua cau hoi do, bang se dung kho ang 5 giay. Hay

quyet dinh dap an trong vong 3 giay va dung 2 giay con lai vao viec chd nghe cau hoi tiep theo.

Neu bo qua tu nghi van dau tien thi ban khong the chon ra duoc dap an dung, vi the hay phan bo

thdi gian sao cho ban co the quyet dinh duoc dap an khi dem den 3. Sau 3 giay ma ban vdn tthong

the chon ra duoc dap an thi ban se vua mat thdi gian vua khong the nghe duoc cau hoi ke tiep.

2. C a ch d a n h d a u d ap a n

O Doi vdi part 2, trong d6 thi chi co cau "Mark your answe r on your an swer sheet" laplai cho tung

cau hoi nen ban khong can danh dau gi vao do.

@ V ua nghe dap an vua dung but chi ghi tam vao ngay ben canh nhu ng cau tuong ung trong phieu

dap an cac tu tuong ung vdi cau dd nhu W hen / W here; muc dich cua viec nay la de phong khi ban

khong nhd hoac ldn ion cau hoi. Sau khi hoan tat part 2 trong phieu dap an, hay dung tay xoa di

nhung ghi chu tam thdi dd.

3. Chu y

Can luu y la hau het cac dap an d ung trong part 2 ddu la cac dap an mang tinh gian tiep. Sauday la

nhung dap an cho sdn co tinh chat gian tiep thudng duo*c cho trong bai thi.

 » ) don't know.

! can't te!!.

! can't recat! the numbers.

) forgot the name.

They didn't mention the date,

i haven't been totd yet.


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! haven't decided yet.

!t hasn't been decided yet.

We are sti!) thinking about it.

Let me check the price.

)'!) have to ask Tom.

Go and ask Michae!.

Peter may know it.

tt's up to you.

it depends.

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Part 328 BtG STEP TOEtC 3

Phan tich chinh xac xu htrdng dat cau hoi va phuomg phap giai quyet

Tong cong 30 cau hoi

Cau hoi ve thong tin chi tiet


O Co the doan trudc thong tin can nghe co trong ldi

noi cua nhan vat nao.

@ Trong truong hop trong cau hoi hoac dap an cho

sdn co de cap den ten cong ty hoac ten mot noi

nao dd thi ch&c chdn trong doan doi thoai se de

cap den nhung van de nhu vay nen hay ghi nhd

trudc dieu nay.

Cau hoi ve thong tin tong hop


O Dang cau hoi thudng gap

 What are the speakers mainty tatking about?

(Chu de cuoc doi thoai)

 Where is the conversation probabty taking 

ptace? (Noi di&t ra cuoc doi thoai) ^

 Who are the speakers? (Nghe nghiep cua ngu

tham gia doi thoai)

^ Doc va n&m ro cau hoi trudc khi bdt dau ng

doan doi thoai.

* Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Dang O : Boi tho ai van phong

Trong tong so 10 doan doi thoai thi doi thoai lien quan den cong viec chiem tren 40%. Nhung doan do

thoai nay thudng lien quan den nhung viec nhu: cong viec van phong, thay doi nhan su, nhu cau v

chuan bi van phong pham, thdi gian dien ra hoi nghi, thdi gian nop bao cao, chuan bi nhung cong vie

trong cong ty...

1. X a c d in h t h e l o a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What did the man receive from the woman?

(A) A report (B) Som e statements (C) An e -mai! m es sa ge (D) A c opy of a docu ment

2. What wit! happen tomorrow?

(A) The woma n wit! discu ss a probtem. (B) The man wit! make a presentation.

(C) The com pan y wit! annou nce a strategy. (D) The board wi!! review a decision.

What wi!) the woman do next?

(A) Prepare for a meeting

(C) Pass on a message to a co-worker

(B) Check sates figures

(D) Outtine a new bus iness deat


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M: A n ne ,) go t the statements, but coutd ) have 5 more co pi es ? They're for my presentation A 


W : Certainty,!'!! get them re ady straight away, is there anything etse you ne ed ?

M: Ptea se ask Tom from Sates to bring the tatest reports to the board meeting, t'tt nee d them for

the discussion on our bu siness strategy.

W : i'm meeting him in 10 minutes. !'tt tett him then.

1.B 2.B 3.C

Chien tape dat diem cao

T M n h a t , h a y n g h e d o a n d o i t h o a i v a ch u y v e g i d i t in h n e u c a u h o i co d e c a p d e n g i d i t in h .

T h u f h a i , s a u k h i d o c c a u h o i , b a n c a n n ^ m d u p e n o i d u n g c u a d o a n d o i t h o a i . V i d u : n e u c au h o i l a " W h a t d id

t h e m a n r e c e i v e fr o m t h e w o m a n ? " t h i p h a i d o a n r a d Pp c n o i d u n g t r o n g d o a n d o i t h o a i s e d e c a p d e n v i e c

n g t f d i d a n o n g n h a n c a i g i d o t t f n g u d i p h u n d .

T h u f b a , h a y h o c t h u o c n h d n g t i t v p n g t h u d n g d u p e d u n g t r o n g d o i t h o a i v a n

n e u c o t d n a o t r o n g b a i n g h e m a b a n k h o n g b i e t , h a y t im h i e u v a h o c t h u o c n t

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* Dang : Bo i thoa i lien quan den mua sam * - -------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------Day la loai doi thoai cu cach 1 - 2 thang lai xuat hien m ot Mn trong bai thi thuc te. Cau hoi nh^m danh

gia kha nang tim nhung thong tin can thiet trong doan doi thoai giong vdi doi thoai trong cuoc song

M ng ngay.

1. X a c d in h t h e lo a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Where most tikety are the spea kers ?

(A) At a card disptay (B) At a ctothing store (C) At a gift shop (D) At a gattery

2. Why can the man not use his credit card?

(A) The store accepts onty cash payment. (B) The card has expired.

(C) The totat is not high enough. (D) A payment is stitt pending.

3. What does the man request?

(A) Home detivery (B) Additionai discount (C) Free tria) (D) Specia) wrapping

2. T im h i eu t h e lo a i

1. 2.C 3.D

Chien ltrpc dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , n e u d o a n d o i t h o a i li e n q u a n d e n m u a s ^ m t h i c a n c h u y n h a n v a t m u o n m u a c a i g i v a m u a c f d a u .

T h uf h a i , c a u h o i l i e n q u a n d e n v i e c su f d u n g p h i e u h o a c p h M n g t hu fc t h a n h t o a n t h u c n g x u a t h i e n t r o n g b a it h i T O E I C .

T h u f b a , c a n p h a i p h a n b i e t d t M c a i la k h a c h h a n g v a a i la n g t f j i b a n h a n g .

 W: )s there anything e!se you'd !ike to )ook at, sir? There's a discount on shirts.

M: No thanks, that'!! be a)!. Can ) pay by credit ca rd?

 W: We ac cep t ca rds onty for purcha ses a bov e $60. Your bitt is just $45.75.

M: Wett then, t't! pay cash, but ptea se gift-wrap the tie. it's for a friend.

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Part 3

* Dang Q : B oi t h oai li en quan den am th uc #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \Day la loai doi thoai thudng xuyen xuat hien trong bai thi hang thang va lien quan den nhung noi dung:

doi thoai giua nhan vien phuc vu vdi thuc khach trong luc chon mon an; trao doi thong tin ve nha hang

mdi khai truong d gan cong ty; quyet dinh chon noi an trua...

1. X a c d in h t h e l o a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What doe s the man want to know?

(A) T he b es t p tac e to g et ch ry san th em um s (B) W hen to se rv e his g ue sts

(C) A suitabte ptace to dine (D) What to order for the staff dinner

2. Why does the man want the information?

(A) A friend wants to know.

(C) The woman has aske d for a treat.

(B) He ptans to take ctients out.

(D) He is new to the area.

3.  Accor ding to the wo man , ho w is Bindra's dif ferent?

(A) !t spe ciat izes in Asian cuisine . (B) The offerin gs are atways excettent.

(C) The re's sp eciat s ervice for visitors.(D) Customers can sampte food before ordering.

2. T im h ie u th e lo ai

M: ts there a go od ptace to ea t nearby? t have ctients visiting and ! need to take them out to dinner.

W: Big Joe's serves Mexican and Continentat food. Go to Chrysanthemum for Asian cuisine.

M: Thanks, but t'm so conf us ed now . M aybe !'tt just order from a ptace t know.

W: You shoutd try Bindra's then. They offer gener ous portions and the food is fantastic.

 Answers : 1.( 2. 3.B

Chien luge dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , n e u c a u h o i h o i t e n n h a h a n g t h i c a n n g h e d J p c t e n n h a h a n g d o t r o n g d o a n d o i t h o a i .

T h u f h a i , k h i k h e n n g p i n h a h a n g , n g ^ o i t a tl n l& n g n o i d e n s e r v i c e , g o o d f o o d v a k h o n g n o i n h i e u

d e n g i a c a .

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Part 332 BtGSTEPT0E)C3

^ Dang O : Boi tho ai lie n quan den dich vu bUu dien *--------------------------------------------------------------------------Loai doi thoai nay xuat hien vdi tan suat kha cao (khoang 10 lan trong 1 nam). Nhung tinh huong doi

thoai thudng gap la: doi thoai lien quan den viec quyet dinh phuong tien gui buu pham; doi thoai lien

quan den viec giao buu kien...

1. X a c d in h t he lo ai

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What are the speakers discussing?

( A ) Taking aftight

( C ) Renting a car

2. What is the woman concerned about?

( A )  Whether a specia) service is avaitabte

( C ) if a detivery wit) be made speedity

3. What witt the man probabty do next?

( A ) Put stamps on a tetter

( C ) Cat) the airport to confirm a schedute

( B ) Maiting a package

(D) Paying for a ticket

( B )  What the man witt charge her

( D )  Wh o witt hetp her with a job

( B ) Fit) in a form for the woman

(D) Check the weight of an item

2. T im h ie u th e lo ai

 W: What's the fastest way to s end this pa cka ge? t want it to ge t to Attanta by tomorrow.

M: Airmait is best , ma'am . But that woutd co st you a tittte extra.

W : That's at) right, tt's very important. How much witt that be?

. M: $10, ma'am . But tet me just weigh it first, just to be sure.

\  _____________________________________________________________________________________ — ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 

1.8 2.C 3.D

Chien tape dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , n e u d o a n d o i t h o a i d e c a p d e n p h M n g t h uf c g ufi b J u p h a m t h i c u m t R t h t ic fn g x u a t h i e n i a " a ir m a i l"

h o a c " s u r f a c e m a i f .

T h uf h a i , tr o n g t n R f n g h o p n g ^ o i n h a n b J u p h a m k h o n g c o m a t t h i b a n p h a i n s tm t n t d c d tM c n o i d u n g

i a n h a n v i e n s e p h a t b Pu p h a m c h o n g ti & i k h a c v a n h o c h u y e n c h o n g R cf i n h a n .


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r.Dang 0 : Bo i thoa i lien quan den du lich , ky nghi * .............- .................


- .......................... -- -......

Cu 3 ky thi thi co khoang 2 ky co doan doi thoai lien quan den chu de du lich, ky nghi. Noi dung cua

doan doi thoai bao gom: du lich lien quan den cong viec (hoi thao, hoi nghi ...) va du lich nghi dudng.

Doi thoai thudng di^n ra giua khach hang vdi nhan vien cong ty du lich; giua khach hang vdi nhan vien

hang hang khong; doi thoai giua cac nhan vien ... Loai cau hoi lien quan den chu de nay nh^m danh gia

kha nang nghe thong tin chi tiet.

1. X a c d in h th e l o a i

* Nghe doan doi thoai giu a 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Why are the speak ers traveting?

(A )T om ee tac tie nt (B)T ofina tizea dea t (C) To do a survey (D) To attend a seminar

2. What does the man ptan to do?

(A) Leave the previous day

(C) Meet the woman at the airport

3. Why doe s the man suggest Rosa tnn?

(A) !t is reasonabty priced.

(C) !t is near a particutar ptace.

(B) Take an earty ftight 

(D) Make a reservation

(B) tt is next to his brother's house.

(D) !t is on the company's approved tist.

2. T im h ie u t h e lo a i

 W: Have you ma de hotet reservations for Friday's confe ren ce in Sao P auto? t've yet to dec ide

where t'm going to stay.

M: t'm taking an earty morning ftight on Friday, and t'tt be at my brother's white t'm there.

 W: Can you suggest a good ptace to stay? You visited Sao Pauto severat times.

M: Ro sa tnn is convenientty tocated. The convent ion cen ter is just dow n the street.

 Answers: 1.D 2.B 3.C

Chien tupc dat di6m cao

T h u f n h a t , c a u h o i l i e n q u a n d e n d o a n d o i t h o a i n o i v e d u l i c h , k y n g h i t h u c fn g c o n o i d u n g : d i d a u , k h i n a o , v a

t a i s a o d i d u l i c h , v i t h e b a n c a n p h a i n g h e d t i c f c n h u f n g t h o n g t i n d o t r o n g d o a n d o i t h o a i .

T h uf h a i , c o th e b i e t d u p e t h o n g t i n d u l i c L d p a v a o n h a n v i e n c o n g t y d u l i c h , v i t h e b a n p h a i

n h d r a n g d o a n d o i t h o a i g iu fa k h a c h v d i n h a n v i e n c o n g t y d u l i c h l a l o a i th u & n g x u a t h i e n .


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Part 3 j 34 B)GSTEPTOBC3

Dang 0 : Boi th oai lien quan den dich vu ngan hang ^

Noi dung cau hoi la nhung van de lien quan den dich vu ngan hang nhu: the tin dung, chuyen tien, gu

tiet kiem, md tai khoan moi...

1. Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe doan doi thoai giua 2 ngudi va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What is the man catting about?...................

(A) A card sta tem ent (B) A new acc ount (C) A d ep os it (D) A ch ec k that w as written

2. What information does the man give?

(A) An amount (B) A da te (C) An ad dr es s (D) A c on ta ct num ber

3. What does the woman offer to do?

(A) Send him a dupticate document (B) Cat) when she has information

(C) Check the record s again (D) Wait for his instructions

2. Tim hieu the loa i

t'm catting to ask if a deposit two days ago has posted to my account.

W: Sure, sir. Can thave your acco un t number, ptease?

M: That's 649-732. !t woutd be a che ck de pos it for $6950.

^ W: Sorry sir, we h aven't received it, bu t) coutd tet you know as so on as it co m es in.

1.C 2.A 3.B

Chien !uoc dat diem cao

^ ^T h u f n h a t , d o i v d i d o i t h o a i l i e n q u a n d e n d i c h v u n g a n h a n g , c a u h o i c h u y e u l a : n h a n v a t l i e n l a c h o a c d e n

n g a n h a n g n h h m m u c d i c h g i , v a d a p a n t h t i d n g n h m t r o n g c a u d o i t h o a i d a u t i e n .

T h uf h a i , v e p h i a n g a n h a n g , c a u h o i c M c c h a n s e h o i v e d i c h v u m a n g a n h a n g c o t h e t h u c h i e n c h o k h a c h .

C h u y c a n p h a n b i e t giu fa k h a c h h a n g v a n h a n v i e n .

T h uf b a , h o c t h u o c n h u fn g ti ? v U n g l ie n q u a n d e n n g a n h a n g . N e u n g h e M s a i t h i c h o n c a u c u n g

s e s a i .


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Parts j

Chon dap an dung

1. P h an b o t h d i g ia n h a p l y

O Trudc khi bdt dau part 3, ban se nghe phan hudng dan trong 30 giay. Khong duoc lo dang, vi neu

mat tap trung thi ban se khong the ndm duoc y cua cuoc doi thoai ngay khi part 3 bdt dau.

@ Sau khi nghe het doan doi thoai, ban se nghe 3 cau hoi lien quan den doan doi thoai do. Thdi gian

doc 1 cau hoi la 1 giay va thdi gian ng&t quang giua cac cau hoi la 8 giay. Nghia la, sau khi ket

thuc doan doi thoai ban se co 27 giay de giai quyet cac cau hoi trudc khi budc sang doan doi thoai

tiep theo. Nhu vay, khi nghe doc den cau hoi thu 3, ban phai nhanh chong giai quyet duoc het cac

cau hoi cua doan doi thoai do va dung khoang thdi gian con lai de doc nhung cau hoi tiep theo.

Q Trong 3 cau hoi tuon g ung voi 1 doan doi thoai thi cM c ch^n se co 1 cau hoi ve thong tin cu the.

Khong danh qua nhieu thdi gian cho 1 cau hoi.

O Kho co the nhd het thong tin nghe duoc trong doan doi thoai da qua, do dd ban dung lang phi thdi

gian de tim dap an cho cau hoi da qua ma hay tap lam quen vdi viec phan bo thdi gian sao cho

ngay khi nghe cau hoi thu 3 la ban da bdt ddu doc den nhung cau hoi cua doan doi thoai tiep theo.

2. C h o n d a p a n ch o c a u h o i

O Ban vua phai ngh e 10 doan doi thoai, vua phai doc nhung cau hoi va dap an cho s n (tong cong

150 cau gom 30 cau hoi va 120 cau dap an) co trong de thi chi trong vong 1 0 - 1 1 phut. Neu ban

tap trung nghe ky thi se khong doc duoc cau hoi, con neu ban cham chu doc cau hoi va cac dap an

cho sdn thi se khong the nghe ky duoc. Vi the, de co the dat duoc diem cao can phai loai bo het

nhung yeu td gay trd ngai.

@ Neu ban danh dau dap an vao phieu dap an nga y khi tim ra cau tra ldi thi se mat tap trung va se

khong co thdi gian doc nhung cau hoi tiep theo trong phieu cau hoi. Ban nen danh dau cau tra ldi

dung vao de thi va tap trung toi da vao viec nghe doan doi thoai.

3. L ull y

Hay phan tich that nhanh nhung cau hoi co trong de thi (part 3) va doan xem doan doi thoai noi

ve van de gi. Hay tap lam quen vdi viec ndm bM duoc the loai cua nhung cau hoi duoc cho va

cach nghe moi the loai.

O Cau ho i l i en quan den toan bo doan do i thoa i

Trong bo 3 cau hoi cua mdi doan doi thoai, cau hoi dau tien thudng hoi ve chu de doan doi thoai/

noi di§n ra doan doi thoai / nghe ngh iep cua nha n vat. Vdi loai cau hoi nay thi 20% la ban phai

tim ra chu de b^ng cach tim xem tu khoa n&m d dau trong toan bo doan doi thoai va 80% la chu

de n&m d ngay cau thu nhat hoac thu hai cua doan doi thoai.

 » What are the speakers dis cussing?

Where does the conversation probabty take ptace?

Where most tikety are the speakers?

Who most tikety is the woman?

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Part 336 B ! GS TE PT0 E ! C 3

@ Cau ho i co danh tu r ieng

 Vdi tru dng hop ten rie ng cong ty, ten ngudi, ten dia diem xuat hien trong cau hoi hoac cac dap a

cho s&n thi ch^c cM n t u dd se duoc lap lai trong doan doi thoai va nhung thong tin chi tiet s

n&m d trudc hoac sau tu dd. Dac biet, neu ten ngudi xuat hien trong cau hoi thi can phai tim ra

duoc moi lien he giua nhung thong tin can thiet vdi ten ngudi, vi co khi 2 ngudi trong doan do

thoai dang noi ve mot ngudi thu ba nao dd. Chu y, trong cau hoi hoi la Mr. White nhung tron

doan doi thoai thi Mr. White co the duoc nhdc den vdi ten ho day du, ch&ng han: Peter White.


 » How many peopte wi!! Mr. Depau! meet with?

What does Mr. Atvarez want to know?

Who is visiting Kyoko?

What is stated about Ms. Endo?

What does Mark say about the Shanghai expenses?

@ Cau ho i v6 v iec se lam

Trong so 3 cau hoi thi dang cau hoi nay xuat hien cuoi cung, va dap an thudng duot cho d 2 cau

cuoi cua doan doi thoai. Neu cau hoi yeu cau phan biet gidi tinh thi ban chi can nghe duoc gid

tinh tuong ung. Neu cau hoi lien quan den ke hoach hoac lich lam viec thi dap an luon n^m d

cau cuoi cua doan doi thoai. Luu y, neu no duo^ de cap d phan dau hoac giua doan doi thoai th

muc dich la de gay nham Mn cho ban.

 » What wit! the woman probabty do next?

What is Ju!ie ptanning to do before her trip?

What wi!! the man do in Apri!?

Where wi!) the woman be working?

O Cau ho i vd i "Why"

 Vdi dang cau hoi nay thi cau hoi n&m true tiep trong cau noi cua mot trong hai nhan vat do

thoai. Dap an dung cho cau hoi nay duoc trinh bay d ngay trudc hoac sau phan de cap den no

dung cau hoi trong doan doi thoai. Hay chu y ky vi day la mot trong nhung diem ban phai vuo

qua de dat diem cao.

 » Why is the woman coming in !ate?

Why is the woman unabte to come at 10 o'ctock ?

Why did the man contact the woman?

Why must Ms. Lewis visit the human resources department?

 \ www.nhantriviet.

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Phan tich chinh xac xu hudng dat cau hoi va phuong phap giai quyet

Tong cong 30 cau hoi (10 bai Singte Taik)

Thon g bao Tin nhan dien thoai Tham quan D u bao thdi tiet Tho ng tin giao thong Tin kinh te Quang cao

6 ^ 9 cau 6 cau 3 ^ 6 cau 3 cau 3 cau 3 ^ 6 cau 3 cau

O Ti le cac cau hoi trong part 4 gan nhu la co dinh va giong n hau qua cac bai thi nghe hang thang.

Q Trudc khi bat dau nghe ban can doc trudc cau hoi, va viec tu trang bi cho minh nhung tu vung lien

quan den cac bai nghe thudng gap la rat can thiet.

* Nhan biet dang cau hoi

Dang 0: Thong bao, huong dan

Cau hoi thudng lien quan den nhung thong bao va hudng dan d nhung noi cong cong hoac thong bao

duoc pho bien trong cong ty nhu: hudng dan lam thu tuc d san bay, thong bao hoan, huy bo chuyen bay,

thong bao nhun g cong viec se lam trong ngay trong cong ty, thong bao thay doi thdi gian kinh doanh cua

trung tam mua sdm, hay thong bao danh muc cac san pham co gia dac biet...

1. X a c d in h t h e lo a i

* Nghe thong bao sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

** What is the purpose of this announcem ent?

(A) To review preparations for an event (B) To announce a project for a shopping matt

(C) T o say that the office witt be moving (D) To detait a revised travet poticy

2. How witt it affect so m e tisteners?

(A) They witt receive reduced benefits. (B) They witt have to travet farther to work.

(C) They witt be forced to rety on buses. (D) They witt be required to stay tater.

3. What does the speaker hope witt happen in six months?

(A) The ctient witt agree to their terms. (B) A tease witt be renewed.

(C) Staff witt move back into the area. (D) The company witt comptete an assignment.

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2. T im h ie u th e lo a i

The owners of this buitding have asked us to vacate because they want to buitd a shopping ma!)  

here. We're going to be moving into our downtown premises on Park Street next week. This means

that some of you wi)! be traveting )onger distances to work. But the company is finatizing a tease on

office space in this neighborhood. Hopefutty, we witt be back in the area within the next six months.

Meanwhite, t urge you at) to prepare for the retocation.

 Answers: 1.C 2.B 3.C

Chien lupc dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , v a n d e d u o c h o i n h i e u n h a t l a m u c d i c h v a d o i M p n g c u a t h o n g b a o .

T h uf h a i , tr o n g t n l d n g h o p t h o n g b a o , h ^ d n g d a n t h i c h i n h s a c h m d i , d J d n g l o i . .. la n h u fn g n o i d u n g lu o n d u o c

d e c a p d e n .

T h u f b a , v d i t n fd n g h o p m a y b a y h o a c t a u d e n t r e t h i n g u y e n n h a n t h u d n g l a d o t h d i t i e t xa u .


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Part 4

r Dang (3: Tham quanNoi dung cua loai bai noi nay thudng la: viec tham quan nhung noi nhu vien bao tang, vudn bach thao

hay cac cong xudng, chung cu mdi ... 0 nhung noi dd deu co nhan vien hudng dan va ho se pho bien

nhung thong tin can biet cung lich tham quan trong ngay. Cau hoi thudng xuyen duoc dat ra la xac

dinh xem ngudi noi trong nua phan dau tien la ai.

1 . Xac d inh the loai

* Nghe thong bao sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Who is the speaker?

( A )  A museum emptoyee

(C) An artist

2.  What wit! happen at 1 p.m.?

( A )  An exhibit wit) ctose.

(C) The group wit) go to tunch.

3.  Why is a cou pon mentioned?

(A) tt is for entry into the gattery.

(C) tt gives users a speciat discount.

(B) A tour guide

(D) A photographer

(B) The bus witt arrive.

(D) The guided part of the trip witt end.

(B) Listeners can use it in the gift store.

(D) The speaker witt cottect it tater.

2 . T im h ieu the loa i

Good mornin g.! am Linda, and !'tt be your guide today. W e witt be reaching the museum shortty, 

but t have a few announcements to make before we go in. Visitors are not permitted to take 

pictures of the exhibits. Att photography equipment must be teft at the museum office. The tour witt 

end at 1 p.m. You witt then get an hour to exptore on your own. The coupon on your ticket can be 

used to buy items at the museum gift shop. Ptease be ready to board your bus at 2 p.m .! hope you 

enjoy your visit.

iswers: 1.B 2.D 3.B

Chien luge dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , l u o n c o c a u h o i v e n o i d u n g h t fc fn g d a n o f n o i t h a m q u a n l a d o a i n o i v a d a p a n c h o c a u h o i n a y

t h ^ & n g n & m t r o n g c a u d a u t i e n c u a d o a n .

T h u f h a i , ca u h o i t l n t d n g t a p t r u n g v a o n o i v i e n g t h a m d a u t i e n v a c u o i c u n g t r o n g l i c h t h a m q u a n .

T h u f b a , d d n g n h a m l a n g iu fa t h d i h a n v a t h d i g i a n c a n c o . T h d i g i a n d u n g v a o v i e c t h a m

q u a n v a g i d a n t n i a d u o c h o i n h i e u n h a t .

www.nhantriviet .com

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Dang &: Gidi thieu ngudi w-------------


Bai noi loai nay chu yeu gidi thieu ve nguoi thang giai, dien gia duoc moi, va nhan vien moi... Truon

hop nguoi duoc gidi thieu la dien gia noi tieng thi hay tim nghe chi tiet ho da co thanh tich nghien cu

hoac xuat ban an pham gi; neu ngudi duot gidi thieu la nhan vien thi hay tim nghe cac chi tiet ve qu

trinh lam viec trudc day hay noi den nhung noi dung lien quan den cong viec cua ho.

1. X a c d in h t h e lo a i

* Nghe doan van sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Where most tikety are the tisteners?

(A) At a seminar

(C) At a wetcome ceremony

 What witt Dr. Suri d o?

(A) Conduct training 

(C) Address a gathering

3. What witt happen tast?

(A) An event witt be announced.

(C) The guest witt answer questions.

(B) At an award function

(D) At a conservation ratty

(B) Open a facitity 

(D) introduce a speaker

(B) The speaker witt thank the audience.

(D) Participants witt receive certificates.

2. T im h ie u th e l oa i

Good morning, tt's an honor to introduce the guest speaker at this convention. Dr. Sanjay Suri is

wett-known organic farmer and conservationist. He has recentty been chosen Environmental

the Year by . Today, he witt speak on simpte but efficient ways to protect t

earth, maintain the fertitity of our soit and conserve naturat resources. After the presentation, the

witt be a short question and answer sessio n. Ptease feet free to ask him questions.

1.A  2.C 3.C

Chien luoc dat diem cao

^ ' T h uf n h a t , t r o n g tr d d n g h o p b a i n o i g i d i t h ie u m o t n g d d i n a o d o t h i c h a c c h a n c a u h o i s e h o i v e n g h e n g h i e p v a

n h a n t h a n c u a h o .

T h u f h a i , v d i tr d d n g h o p b a i n o i g i d i t h ie u k h a c h m d i t h i c au h o i s e t a p t r u n g v a o n o i d u n g m a v i k h a c h d d s e

p h a t b i e u .

T h u f b a , c h a c c h a n s e c o c a u h o i : n e u c uf t o a c o t h e d a t c a u h o i t h i h o c o t h e h o i n h d t h e

n a o v a v a o l u c n a o .


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. .

Da so cac tin nhan deu nham muc dich truyen dat yeu cdu hoac thong bao cho doi tuong biet ve su thay

doi lich lam viec. Thinh thoang, nhung tin nhan co noi dung mang tinh ca nhan cung duoc dat cau hoi.

 Vdi tru ong hop doan van ve tin nha n ARS (A utomati c Routing Sy stem - He thong chu yen cuoc goi tu

dong) cua co quan hoac cong ty thi noi dung chu yeu la nhan vao nut nao thi se nhan duoc thong tin gi,

va thong tin duoc hoi nhieu nhat la so dien thoai de tiep xuc vdi nhan vien huong dan. Cau hoi co noi

dung lien quan den ngudi goi dien thoai / muc dich goi dien thoai / ngudi nh an dien thoai / yeu cau cua

ngudi goi dien thoai chiem tren 95%.

1. Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe tin nhan dien thoai sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3%

1 What is the purpose of this message ?

( A ) To request a detivery ( B ) To request photocopying

( C ) To request an instaitation ( D ) To request maintenance

2 .  Why is Fred worried?

( A ) He has to comptete a task on time. ( B ) He has to make a presentation.

( C ) He has to contact a customer. ( D ) He has to submit a proposat.

3 .  What wi!) Natasha do soon ?

( A ) Contact a supervisor ( B ) Send staff to answer a request

( C ) Hire new workers ( D )  Visit Fred's office

2. Tim hieu the loai

Hetto, Natasha, this is Fred from Chrysatis. We need someone from your office to repair our copy

machines rather urgentty. There's a big project coming up tomorrow and we wit) need a!) the

machines in order to compiete the work in time. Ptease cat) me at 555-3214 as soon as you receive

this messa ge and tet me know when you're sending your crew. ! wit) be avaitabie unti) 5 p.m this 

evening.!')) be waiting to hear from you.

 Answers: 1 .D 2 .A 3 .B

Chien luoc dat diem cao

T h u f n h a t , v d i d a n g b a i t in n h a n d i e n t h o a i t h i c h a c c h a n s e c o c a u h o i : t a i s a o n g ti cf i n a y l a i g o i d i e n t h o a i c h o

n g tt cf i k i a ? B a p a n c h o c a u h o i d a n g n a y t h J d n g n a m of c a u d a u v a c a u t h u f h a i c u a b a i n o i .

T h u f h a i , h a u n h t l k y t h i n a o c u n g d e u c o c a u h o i n g u fc fi g o i d i e n t h o a i c o y e u c a u g i d o i v d i n g t f d i n h a n d i e n t h o a i .

T h u ! b a , n o i d u n g y e u c a u c u o i c u n g c u a n g t fd i g o i d i e n t h o a i c h i n h l a v i e c m a n g t id i n h a n d i e n t h o a i

s e l a m .

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-* Dang : Chuong trinh phat thanh

Ngudi ta thudng dat cau hoi ve phan gidi thieu cua mot chuong trinh hoac mot buoi phat thanh am

nhac ma ban co the nghe duoc tren radio. Nhung noi dung lien quan den chuong trinh phat thanh thon

bao tin tuc cua mot dia phuong nhu: thong bao ve viec xay mdi mot toa nha trong khu vuc hoac cun

cap tin tuc cho dan chung... thudng duoc dat cau hoi. Dac biet, khong duoc bo Id cau dau tien vi c

nhieu cau hoi yeu cau ban phai phan biet duoc ai la ngudi dan chuong trinh va ai la khach mdi mdi c

the tra ldi chinh xac cau hoi.

1. X a c d in h t h e lo a i

* Nghe phan gidi thieu cua chuong trinh phat thanh sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. Who is Sam Myers?

(A) A banker (B) A specia! reporter ( C )  A tistener (D) A news reader

2.  What is NOT a feature o f the program?

(A) investment advice (B) Financiai news

( C ) Stock updates (D) Business ioans

3. How often is Money Wise' broadc ast?

(A) Every day (B) Twice a week ( C ) Once a week (D) Once in every two weeks

2. T im h ie u th e l oa i

This is 'Money Wise', your weekty program on money matters on Radio 91. Today, we have senio

financiai correspondent Sam Myers speaking on safe investment options. We aiso have a speci

segment on stocks to watch out for this week. This wiii be foiiowed by our regutar news roundu

by Caro) Noh. And finaity, we report on unusuat business ventures that have become case studi

at famous business schoots!

A n s w e r s : 1 .B 2 . D 3 . C

Chien )trpc dat di^m cac

T h u f n h a t , c h u d e c u a c hu M n g t r in h p h a t t h a n h d o n g v a i t r o g i a i t h i c h d a c d i e m c u a c h M n g t r i n h . H a y c h u y

M n g n g h e c a u d a u t i e n v i t e n c u a c ht lc fn g t r in h s e d M c d e c a p 8 d o .

T h u ! h a i , c a n p h a n b i e t k h a c h m & i v a n g u & i d a n c l n M n g t r i n h .


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Part 4

Dang Du bao thoi tiet

Day la dang co noi dung du bao thoi tiet thudng phat tren radio. Dang cau hoi nay cu cach 1 - 3 thang

lai xuat hien mot lan trong bai thi thuc te va tan suat cao nhat la dang du bao thdi tiet ca tuan. Vi phai

nghe va phan biet tinh trang khi tuong tung khu vuc nen ban se kho tim ra dap an chinh xac neu

khong biet trudc cau hoi hoi ve thong tin khi tuong cua khu vuc nao. Loai cau hoi nay chu yeu hoi ve

thong tin chi tiet.

1 . Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe doan van sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

< ^

1. Who is Maggie Carr?

(A) A music DJ (B) An airline emptoyee (C) A traffic controiter (D) A radio reporter

2.  What doe s the speaker say about the next few days?

(A) Temperatures wi)) rise in the northern region.

(B) The weather wi)) remain cotder than norma).

(C) Ftights wi)) be detayed because of heavy snowfat).

(D) Listeners can expect a sudden change very soon.

3.  What program wi)) fo))ow this announcement?

(A) A )ist of offerings for the day

(C) An update on traffic

(B) A request show

(D) An announcement of revised ftight schedutes

2. T i m h ie u th e l oa i

Good morning, t'm Maggie Carr with the weather report on Radio 91. The co)d wave continues to

disrupt norma) )ife in the northern parts of the country. A)so, the unusua))y cotd weather affects

even the southern cities. Strong winds are tikety to keep temperatures at about 12 degrees for the

next few days. Weather experts say that heavy fog is expected to detay air services, particutarty in  

the morning, so if you do ptan to fty, choose a ftight around mid-moming or noon. Up next is the

traffic update with Tim Brant.

 Answers: 1.D 2.B 3.C

Chien luroc dat diem cao

T h t i n h a t , v d i d a n g d t b a o t h d i t i e t t h i n g t fd i t a t h u d n g d a t c a u h o i v e c h C s o v a d i a d a n h , v i v a y k h i n g h e b a n

n e n c h u y d e n n h u f n g c h i t i e t n a y . D a c b i e t , h a y c h u y d e n d i a d a n h d t K f c d e c a p d e n t r o n g c a u h o i v a d a p a n

c h o s a n .

T h u f h a i , t r o n g b a i t h i T O E t C , d a n g d t l b a o t h d i t i e t v e m u f a, tu y e t , g i o t h t l d n g x u a t h i e n n h i e u

n h a t .

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Dang & Thong tin giao thong *-----------------------------------------------------

Noi dung cua dang cau hoi nay lien quan den nhung van de nhu: thong bao cong trinh dang thi con

cung nhu tai nan giao thong xay ra tren mot tuyen dudng nao dd va khuyen ngudi di dudng nen d

tuyen dudng khac de tranh tuyen dudng do. Ban nen hoc thuoc nhung tu ngu thudng duoc dung tron

chuong trinh phat thanh giao thong, vi chung se giup ban rat nhieu khi nghe bai noi cung nhu gia

quyet cau hoi.

1. Xac dinh the loai

* Nghe thong tin giao thong sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3


1. What time of day is it most tikety?

(A) Evening (B) Afternoon ( C ) Mid-morning (D) Earty morning

2 .  What has happened at Hudson Circte?

(A) Vehictes going west are being checked. (B) A van has overturned.

( C )  A traffic jam is ctearing. (D) A bus has statted.

3 .  What can tisteners expect next?

(A) A message from sponsors (B) New updates

( C ) Business reports (D) A report on the weather


2. Tim hieu the loai

The workday's over, so it's time to check out the weekend traffic in your city. S-8 teading to th

western suburbs is moving very stowty. You are advised to use )-6, where traffic is tight at this tim

 An overturned detivery van at Hudson Circte is btocking the right tane and detaying commuters

their way home. Avoid this area and use L-6 to reach the express highway. The next update w

com e up in 15 minutes after the business n ews, s o stay tuned.

 An sw ers: 1 .A 2 .B 3 .C

Chien tape dat diem cao

T h u ! n h a t , c o 2 l o a i t h o n g t i n g i a o t h o n g : t h o n g t i n l i e n q u a n d e n t a i n a n g i a o t h o n g v a t h o n g t i n l i e n q u a n

d e n s tl k i e n d a n g d i e n r a t r e n d t tc tn g. L o a i t i n M e l i e n q u a n d e n v a n d e t a i n a n g i a o t h o n g l a n g u y e n n h a n g a y

k e t x e c o t y l e x u a t h i e n t r e n 8 0 % v a l o a i t in t ufc li e n q u a n d e n v a n d e g i a o t h o n g b i h a n c h e d o c o c o n g t r in h

d a n g t h i c o n g h o a c c u o c d i e u h a n h t r e n d t % n g c o t y l e x u a t h i e n k h o a n g 2 0 % .

T h u f h a i , 1 0 0 % n o i d u n g y e u c a u n g t fe fi n g h e r a d i o p h a i t h t lc h i e n l a d i v o n g s a n g d t lc fn g k h a c

( d e t o u r ) .


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:Part 4 45

Dang @ : Thong tin quang cao

Noi dung cua dang cau hoi nay chu yeu la nhung quang cao ve san pham hay dich vu. Day la loai cau hoi

co ty le xuat hien kha cao (trung binh khoang 1 - 2 thang 1 lan). Hai cau dau tien se gioi thieu ve ten

san pham, doi tuong de quang cao san pham va gidi thieu mot cach chi tiet ve dac tinh cua san pham,

chu yeu la de cap den van de khuyen mai hoac qua tang. Nua phan sau de cap den cach thuc dat hang.

f )

1. X a c d in h t h e l o a i

* Nghe quang cao sau va tra ldi cau hoi 1 - 3

1. What is being advertised?

(A) A cooking ctass

(C)Kitchen furniture

(B)  A refrigerator

(D) Food containers

2. What can users expect from the product?

(A) They can be assured of its high quatity.

(B) The company wit! customize products.

(C)  !t is now avaitabte at a discount.

(D) Users can return products if they are not satisfied.

3. How iong is the warranty on Kitchen Stuff products?

(A) One year (B) Two years (C) Three years (D) Lifetime

2. T i m h ie u th e l o a i

)s storing food a big chatienge? Try the new storage options from Kitchen Stuff. These inctude

bags, pouches and containers in different sizes to store every kind of food safety. Save on space in 

your refrigerator or your kitchen shetves. Made of superior ptastic, these products are virtuatty 

maintenance-free and come with a 2-year warranty. Catt Kitchen Stuff now for free information and 

easy payment ptans.

2 . 3.B

Chien tape dat diem cao

T h uf n h a t , t en c u a s a n p h a m v a d o i t M n g d e q u a n g c a o s a n p h a m s e d d o c d e c a p t r o n g c a u d a u t ie n .

T h u f h a i , t r o n g t n i d n g h o p q u a n g c a o b a n h a g i a , s e c o n h C n g c a u h o i v e m u c d i c h , t h d i g i a n , te n s a n p h a m

d tM c b a n h a g i a n e n b a n p h a i n ^ m ro s e n g h e n o i d u n g c u a p h a n n a o t n i d c v a c a n t a p t r u n g n g h e

t h a t k y .

A c t u a

 )T e s t



A c t u a )T e s t



A c t u a )T e s t 3


A c t u a )T e s t



A c t u a )T e s t


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Part 4I 46 BtG STEP TOEIC 3

# Chon dap an dung

1. P h an b o t h d i g ia n h o p l y

O Trudc khi bat dau part 4, ban se nghe doc hu dng dan trong 30 giay. Hay tap trung ldng

nghe, neu khong ban se bo Id mat cau hoi dau tien vi co the ngudi ta se bat dau doc cau hoi

trong luc ban dang mat tap trung.

@ Sau khi bai n oi ket thuc, n guoi ta se doc tiep 3 cau hoi tuong u ng vdi bai noi dd. Thdi gian

doc mdi cau hoi la 1 giay va sau khi doc xong mdi cau hoi se co 8 giay pause. Nghia la th^i

gian ngan cach giua 2 doan la 27 giay. Ban chi nen dung 18 giay giai quyet cau hoi cua doan

dd va dung thdi gian con lai doc trudc nhung cau hoi cua doan tiep theo.

@ Trong luc dan g giai quyet bo 3 cau hoi cua doa n van, neu nghe doc den cau hoi thu 3 roi thi

hay dung lai, dung lam tiep bo cau hoi dd nua ma hay bat dau doc bo cau hoi tiep theo that


2.* Ch on d ap an du ng

O Danh d au dap an vao phieu d ap an se mat thdi gian va su tap trung, vi the, trong phong thi,

khi giai quyet cau hoi, ban nen danh dau dap an vao ngay ben canh dap an cho san trong de


9 Sau khi nghe het toan bo 100 cau hoi, ban hay danh dau da p an dung cua part 1, part 3,

part 4 vao phieu dap an dua vao phan da danh dau trong phieu de thi. Neu co cau hoi nao

khong giai quyet duoc, hay danh dau vao mot dap an ngau nhien cua cau hoi do.

@ Trong thuc te, khong co thdi gian de kiem tra lai toan bo dap an nen khi danh dau dap an

cua LC, ban hay danh dau het tat ca, dung de cau nao trong. Lam vay se giup ban khong bi

tr§ gid. Neu ban co the ghi dap an vao phieu dap an chi trong vong 3 - 4 phut thi van kip

gid nop bai.


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Part 4

3. Lull y

O Neu danh gia tat ca cac part cua LC theo muc do kho thi ta se co: part 1 > part 2 > part 4 >

part 3. Da so thi sinh deu cam thay part 3 kho hon part 4.

@ Qua dd ta thay ty le dap an dung cua part 4 cao hon part 3. Tuy nhien, hau het thi sinh lai

mat kha nang tap trung cho part 4, vi sau khi trai qua 30 phut giai quyet nhung part trudc ho

da mat di rat nhieu nang luong va su tap trung cung giam di nhieu nen khi tiep xuc vdi part 4,

la part sau cung, ho giai quyet no vdi tam trang met mdi, nhat la sau khi tap trung qua nhieu

cho part 3. Ve mat thdi gian, trong vong 45 phut thi sinh chi nghe toan tieng Anh va tra ldi

cau hoi, di^u nay da khien ho khong the tap trung duoc nua.

@ Do do, neu muon dat duoc diem cao ma it cang th4ng thi ban nen thudng xuyen luyen nghe

tieng Anh trong 45 phut de quen vdi viec nghe va duy tri kha nang tap trung cua minh trong

45 phut d phong thi.

O Tuy ban co ky nang giai quyet cau hoi tot, va da hoc het cac cach dien dat thudng gap nhung

neu ban khong the duy tri duoc su tap trung toi da trong 45 phut thi nhung ky thuat va thong

tin dd cung chang co tac dung gi. Ngay tu bay gid, moi ngay ban nen luyen nghe tieng Anh

trong khoang 45 phut.

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Part 1[ 50 BIG STEP TOEIC 3

B onu s! ! Nghe dime taomg dtrong vdi nhan biet

Ban nen biet trudc nhung noi dung nao thudng duoc dat cau hoi trong cac ky thi gan day de chuan bi

cho bai thi cua minh. Khi do, ban se thay r^ng viec chuan bi trudc cho phan thi nghe vdi viec khong

chuan bi gi ca hoan toan khac nhau.

(1) Dong tac chung cua con ngudi (lau chui; dat/de; treo/mang; chat dong; cam/giu ...)

The man is wiping the window.

The woman is potishing the microscope.

He is picking up the chair.

 A man is setting dow n some bread.

He is stocking boxes.

He is laying some bricks.

She is hanging decorations.

The man is holding an eiectrica! cord.

One woman is hotding the back of the chair.

She is taking a voiume from the shetf.

The man is putting up some waiipaper.

(2) Dong tac cu the cua con ngudi (thiet lap; thanh lap; Mp ddy/khoa chat; sdp xep ...)

The man is instating a car part.

He is watering the piants.

The boy is buttoning a coat.

Peopte are organizing the desks.

The woman is assembling a desk.

He is shoveling the snow.

He is piloting a plane.

The man is directing traffic.

He is pinning up a chart.

 A woman is adjusting a camera.


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(3) Trang thai cua con ngudi (co dang mac ...)

There is a work crew on the road.

The man is wearing a too) be!t.

They are turning away from each other.

She is comparing two computers.

(4) Su vat hoac boi canh

The prices are cteariy visibte.

Som e food items are disptayed for sate.

The fruit is !ying on the f!oor.

Some books are spread out on the fioor.

Trees are being transported down the river. 

Houses are overiooking the water.

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Part 2I 52 BIG STEP TOEtC 3

Trong so cac part cua TOE!C thi day la part d^ bi mat diem nhat. Tuy part 2 tuong doi de hon part 3 va

4, nhung no lai la phan kho dat duoc diem cao. Sau day la nhung loai cau hoi co the gay kho khan cho

thi sinh:

1. H o i b a n g c au t u u n g t h ua t

E ! : ! hear the bookstore is having a big sa!e.

!t ended yesterday.

Q ^ This apartment was just finished recentty.

^ Yes, it tooks very new.

Q : ) thought you'd aiready teft for Taipei.

^ My trip was canceted.

Q : Ptease tet Ms. Cohen know that! came by white she was out.

* )'!) te!t her.

E ! : Thank you for coming in on such short notice, Ms. Lang.

* t'm g!ad that) coutd heip out.

E ! : The new accountant wi!) have the office next to yours.

* )'!! stop by to introduce mysetf.


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2. H o i b ^ n g c au n g h i va n

E ) : When is the shift scheduted to end?

* Soon,) think.

H : Where are the invoices for tast February?

* in the fite cabinet.

P ! : t've been trying to reach customers service at) morning.

* is the iine stiii busy?

Q : Have you purchased a new house yet, or are you stiii iooking?

* ) can't decide on a tocation.

Q : Where is the fruit stored after it's been picked?

* )n a refrigerated storage container.

E ) : Have we run out of foiders?

* No, there are some in the cabinet.

E ! : What's the projected budget for the trip to New York?

* i'd estimate it's about $3,000.

E ! : Doesn't the manager have to authorize this purchase?

* Yes, you need her signature.

E ! : Why don' t) confirm the meeting time with Ms. Park?

* Thanks, that wouid be great.

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Part 3] 54 BIG STEP TOE)C 3

Nhung cau trong part 3 co do dai gap 1,5 den 2 lan do dai cua nhung cau trong part 2. Hon nua, trong so 2

nhan vat doi thoai thi chAc ch^n co mot nguod khong noi giong My nen do kho cua part 3 vi the ma co phan

cao hon part 1, 2. B&ng cach xem trudc nhung cau kho thuong xuat hien trong bai thi, ban se thay do cang

th4ng khi buot vao ky thi that. Cung giong nhu choi mot game may tinh nhieu ian thi ban se thay game d

de choi hon, neu thuong xuyen !uyen nghe thi ban se dat duoc diem cao trong bai thi thuc te.

1. Trong van phong

O Dat hang v^n phong pham ^

 We 've just received the copiers we ordered tast week, but we're having probtems with both of them.

e Cong ty bao tri, sua chua

) just got a ca!) from a manager over in the research department. She's reporting that a heating unit 

stopped working.

O Thue nhan vien

 We have a few openings, and we'd tike to conduct interviews at the job fair next month.

O Chuan bi hoi nghi

! have some visitors here to !eam about our new products. And ! need to set up a projector in the room.

2. Du lich, mua sam

O Noi du lich

) went to Spain with a few friends. We stayed at a smat) hote) in Vatencia for one week.

O Hieu sach

i'm tooking for the newest book by Renee Smith. Can you tet) me where it might be?

O Dat ve may bay

i have to be in Washington D.C tomorrow morning. What is the eartiest fiight you can book me


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Part 3

3. Nhung van de khac

O The tin dung (doi thoai lien quan den cong viec ngan hang)

) just received a new bank card and my name is Sophia Kim.

€) An trua (doi thoai lien quan den thuc an)

! heard the itatian restaurant in JJ buiiding has reatty good food. Woutd you iike to go for tunch today?

O Hop mat (doi thoai lien quan den thui gian ranh r6i)

! hadn't pianned to come b ut) coutdn't miss out ten year reunion.! have a iot of memories of my

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Nhung noi dung duoc hoi trong part 4 duoc co dinh va lap di lap lai hang thang, nghia la cau duoc chon la

dap an co noi dung duoc lap lai trong bai thi hang thang. Duoi day la nhung cau thuong duoc chon lam da

an dung.

1. Thong bao, huung dan

O Truyen dat thong tin

First of a!!, you must get your supervisor's approva! in advance for any business trip. To get this approv

you must compiete and submit Form A.

O Hoan chuyen bay

 Attention Korean Airtines passengers. At this time gusty wind conditions are causing detays for both 

incoming and outgoing ftights this evening.

2. Chmyng trinh phat thanh

O Thong tin thoi tiet (du bao thoi tiet)

 Atthough spring is sti!) a month away, we wit! have more unseasonabty warm weather today.

O Tin tuc dia phuong

The construction wiii begin on June 1, and is expected to cost $1.5 mitiion. The project wit! take  

approximate^ 2 months.

O Ke hoach xay dung

in nationat news, the Centra) Transportation Authority announced today that the new North Highway is 

finatty scheduied to open next month after 4 years of construction.

O Thong bao trong cong ty

HTM incorporated, the weti-known manufacturer of premium candy products has announced that it's 

aggressivety iooking for ways to cut energy use in its piants.


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Part 4

3. Tham quan, chuyen di thuc te

O Giol thieu hudng dan vien

 Weicome to Morrison Nationai Park. My name is Sean and i wii) be your guide on the wa!k to the top of  

the Morrison point today.

O Muc dich hudng dan

) wit) be showing you around the production part today and heiping you get settied into your new jobs.

4. Nhung van de khac

O Thon g tin cua nguoi goi dien thoai (tin nh&n dien thoai)

Heito, this is Maria Ortiz from Parker Square Bakery & Pastry.

O Gioi thieu khach mol (gioi thieu nguol)

Now, iet me introduce our guest speaker, Sophia Kim, professor of Pubiic Retations at Nationai 


O Quang cao cua cong ty du lich (quang cao)

 Are you tooking for a travei agency with a soiid reputation and knowiedgeabie staff? Then took no further 

than Benson's Trave) Agency tocated in Downtown Andover.


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* * Hinh thac cua dong tif 

Pattern 1 : Tim dong tu thich hop trong cau


The president of the First One Bank assured its customers that it ---------- quaiity service despite the

ongoing restructuring ptan.

(A) maintain (B) to maintain (C) wiii maintain (D) maintaining

Phan tich Mot cau can ph ai cd dong tu, va trong trudng hop cd lien tu that lien ket giua 2 menh de thi chdc

ch^n menh de dd cung phai cd dong tu. Theo cau true "lien tu (that) + chu ngu (it) +  ____ " thi chd

trong phai can mot dong tu. Trong 4 dap an cho sdn, (B) to maintain la mot dong tu nguyen mau

cd to, (D) maintaining la mot dong tu them -ing nen khong phu hop. Tuy (A) maintain cung la

mot dong tu nhung vi chu ngu la so it nen dong tu nay cung khong thich hop.

Dich nghia Giam doc ngan hang First One da tran an khach hang cua minh ra ng chat luong phuc vu vAn

tot nhu truoc cho du ke hoach tai cau true bo may cua ong ay dang duoc tien hanh.

Tu vung assure ^ quatity despite ongoing Jong Mn A,' ra

restructur ing pian AoacA con M

Bap an dung (C) wiH m aintain

Phttong phap giai quyet Khi giai quyet cau hoi thi viec dau tien can lam la xac dinh dong tu.

Pattern 2: Chia hinh thuc dung cua dong tu

Mr. Hoffman, the marketing director, h a s ............ that every department head works cottaborativeiy

to overcome the recent financiai difficuity.

(A) suggestion (B) sugg est (C) suggest ing (D) sugg ested

Phan tich Theo sau dong tu "have" thuong la danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu. Tuy nhien, neu theo sau "have"

la mot don g tu thi dong tu dd phai o dang qua khu phan tu. Trong cau nay, theo sau chd trong la

mot menh de danh tu cd vai tro tuc tu nen o cho tron g dd can cd mot dong tu O' dang qua khu

phan tu, vi vay, trong 4 dap an cho sAn (D) suggested la phu hop nhat.

Djch nghia Ong Hoffman, giam doc tiep thi, da de nghi cac trudng phong cd gdng hop tac de kh&c phuc tinh

trang kho khan ve tai chinh trong thdi gian gan day.

Ti t vvng head frM7Mg co!!aborative!y (wof c&A ) Aop overcome ngM'

Bap an dung (D) suggested

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Phuong phapgiai quyet Tim dong tu cua cau va xac dinh xem dong tu dd da duoc chia d hinh thuc dung hay chua.

1. Dong tu khiem khuyet + dong tu nguyen mau khong to (cac dong tu khiem khuyet: can /cou td/w itt/

woutd / shoutd / ma y / might / must)

2. hav e + qua khu phan tu: neu theo sau have la mot dong tu thi dong tu do phai duoc dung d dang qua

khu phan tu (p.p).

3. be + qua khu phan tu: khi be duoc dung vdi nghia bi dong thi theo sau no phai la mot dong tu d dang

qua khu phan tu (p.p).

be + V-ing: khi be duoc dung vdi nghia chu dong thi dong tu theo sau no phai la dong tu cd hinh thuc

tiep dien (V-ing).

Pattern 3: Dong tu trong cau menh lenh

Ptease,------------- at! questions regarding this project to my secretary white t am away for the

business conference.

(A) forw ards (B) forward (C) to forward (D) forwarding

Phan tich Doi vdi cau menh lenh thi chdc chan dong tu phai duoc dung d dang nguyen mau khong to. Dau

tien, ban can phai tim dong tu cho ca cau. Theo sau (C ) to forward cung cd the la danh tu (att

questions) dong vai tro tuc tu nhung vi cau nay khong cd dong tu nen neu dat dong tu nguyen

mau cd to vao cho trong thi cau se bi sai.

Dich nghia Cac ban vui long gui tat ca cac cau hoi lien quan den du an nay cho th u ky cua toi trong thdi

gian toi di tham du hoi nghi cong viec.

Tirvtmg forward gM regarding be away

B a p a n d u n g ( B ) f o r w a r d

Phmmg phap giai quyet Xac dinh xem dong tu cd phai d dang nguyen mau khong to hay khong.

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Su hoa hop giiira chu ngu va dong tir

O Pattern 1 : Chon dong tu dung dua vao chu ngu

The government's new p!an for hetping unemptoyed young peopte ............. intensive job trainings

for quatified appticants.

(A) inctusion (B) inctudes (C) to inctude (D) inctude

Phan tich De cau co nghia thi tu duo t dat vao cho trong phai la mot dong tu. Giua chu ngu va dpng tu

mot cum tu bo nghia (for hetping unemptoyed young peopte) bo sung y nghia cho chu ng

(ptan). Vi chu ngu so it nen dong tu cung phai duoc dung d dang so it: (B) inctudes. Chu y, da

tu dung ngay trudc cho trong (peop te) khong phai la chu ngu cua cau. Peo ple duoc dung la

tuc tu cua danh dong tu hetping.

Dich nghia Ke hoach mdi cua chinh phu nham giup do nhung ngudi tre tuoi that nghiep bao gom ca viec t

trung dao tao nghe cho cac ung vien dat yeu cau.

Tu vtnig unemptoyed f/zaf intensive fop frt ing; training Jdo fdo


Bap an dung (B) inctudes

Phuong phap giai quyetXac dinh cum tu bo nghia va ndm duoc dau la chu ngii va dong tu cua cau, sau do xac din

su hoa hop giua chu ngu va dong tu.

1. Gidi tu + danh tu: theo sau danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu dd.

The sales reports from the reqionat branches have been reviewed.

2. Menh de cd dai tu quan he theo sau danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu dd.

Our experts who have extensive experience are ready to assist our customers.


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O Pattern 2: Chon chu ngu dung dua vao dong tu

T h e .............for the vacant position are advised to submit required documents prior to the deadtine.

(A) appticants (B) apptication (C) appticant (D) appty

Phan tich  Vi chd trong la vi th cua chu ngu nen ta phai dien vao do mot danh tu. Vi dong tu tron g cau

nay chia so nhieu (are) nen chu ngu phai la m ot danh tu so nhieu. Loai cau hoithuong gap

trong New TOE)C chinh la tim chu ngu hoa hop vdi dong tu.

Dich nghia Cac ung cu vien cho vi tri con trong phai nop ho so theo yeu cAu trudc thdi han.

Ti r vong applicant CM* P i f MgMW JM* vacant con Zrong be advised to H<?H submit ?/op

required prior to — 

Bap an dung (A) appticants

Phuong phap giai quyetKhi can dien danh tu vao vi tri chu ngu cua cau thi phai xac dinh xem so cua danh tu va so

cua dong tu co hoa hop vdi nhau khong.

We are going to move our office to the new buitding which is scheduled to be completed by next month.

Dong tu is n&m trong menh de cd dai tu quan he which phai hoa hop vdi danh tu dung trudc no the new



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Pattern 3: Chon dong tu trong cau cd chu ngu phuc tap

Retaining competen t empto yees .......... the key to the su cce ss of your business.

(A) is (B) being (C) have (D) are

Phan tich  Vi chu ng u la mot danh don g tu nen don g tu phai la don g tu so it is.Danh tu so nh

em pto yee s khong phai la chu ngu ma la tuc tu cua danh dong tu retaining.

Dich nghia Giu chan nhung nhan v ien cd nan g luc chinh la chia khoa thanh cong cua cong ty cac ong.

Ti r vung retain gn? competent ?; JMg /Me

Bap an dung (A) is

Khi chu ngu la danh dong tu thi dong tu cua cau phai d so it.

1. Khi dong tu nguyen mau cd to hoac danh dong tu lam chu ngu thi dong tu cua cau phai d so it.

To improve sales is the most important job of the sales director.

2. Khi chu ngu la ev er yo ne /ev er y + noun (cd nghia la "moi") thi dong tu cua cau phai d so it.

Everyone in the classroom is taking a test.

3. Khi chu ngu cd dang A and B thi dong tu phai chia d so nhieu.

My cotleague and ! are going to attend the annual seminar.

4. Nhung danh tu rieng (nhu ten cong ty) du cd hinh thuc so nhieu nhung dong tu van d so it.

 ABC industries :s trying to expand its business into the European market.

Phuong phap giai quyet


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TOP3  _.T O P 3

# # Su hoa hop ve thi

Pattern 1: Su hoa hop giua thi vdi trang tu chi thdi gian

The piant manager, Mr. Lee, rec entiy . .........a tour of the com pany's main production faciiities

for ctients.

(A) conduct (B) cond ucted (C) to conduct (0) wiii conduct

Phan tich Trang tu recentty (gan day) thuo ng duoc du ng vdi thi qua khu ho$c hien tai hoanthanh. %

Dich nghia GAn day, ong Lee, ngudi quan ly nha may da tien hanh mot chuyen tham quan danh cho khach

hang tim hieu nhung trang thiet bi san xuat chinh cua cong ty.

Tuvung  p ta n t nAd c o n d u c t Aa/z/i faciiities

Bap an dung (B) condu cted

Phuong phap giai quyetNeu co trang tu chi thdi gian trong cau thi phai xac dinh xem thi cua dong tu cd hoa hop vdi

trang tu chi thdi gian dd hay khong.

Khi nhung trang tu usuaHy/a!ways duoc dung trong cau de dien dat mot su that nao dd thi dong tu

duoc chia d thi hien tai.

2. Khi trong cau cd cac trang tu yesterday/ !ast /ago/in thi dong tu duoc chia d thi qua khu.

Recentty duoc dung vdi thi hien tai hoan thanh hoac qua khu.

3. Khi trong cau cd tomorrow/next/soon thi dong tu duoc chia d thi tuong lai.

4. Khi trong cau cd for/over/in the !ast [past] dien dat y nghia "trong khoang thdi gian ... da qua" thi

dong tu d thi hien tai hoan thanh.

Khi since duoc dung vdi nghia "tu qua khu den hien tai thi dong tu cua cau cung duoc chia d thi hien

tai hoan thanh.

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C Pattern 2: Trudng hop ngoai le cua su hoa hop ve thi

The technica! support department has requested that a!) network a cces s ------------to perform the

regutar maintenance.

(A) suspend (B) be suspended (C) has susp ended (D) suspending

Phan tich Dong tu trong menh de theo sau request phai la mot dong tu nguyen mdu khong to. Trong

trudng hop nay, cau mang y nghia bi dong nen dong tu phai d dang bi dong.

Dich nghia Bo phan ho tro ky thuat da yeu cau tam ngung cac ket noi mang de tien hanh viec bao &i dinh


Tu vimg ac ce ss cap susp end c#; ,* perform regular ma intenance <20 fri

Bap an dung (B) be susp ended

Khi trong cau cd dong tu the hien su "giai quyet/yeu cau/ra lenh/de nghi" thi dong tu

trong menh de theo sau nhung dong tu do phai la dong tu nguyen mau khong to.

1. Doi vdi cau dieu kien va menh de trang ngu chi thdi gian, thi hien tai duoc dung thay cho thi tuong lai

!f you reg iste! early, you ca n g et a 10 p ercent discount.

2. Dong tu trong menh de theo sau nhung dong tu: "kh&ng dinh/ye u c au /ra len h/de nghi..." phai la dong

tu nguyen mau khong to.

The engineer has requested that the defective parts be replaced as soon as possible.

3. Dong tu trong menh de theo sau nhung tinh tu the hien y nghia "viec ... la quan trong/can thiet/thiet

yeu" phai la dong tu nguyen mAu khong to.

It is imperative that all site managers be aware of the safety guidelines.

Phuomg phapgiai quy&

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# The bi dong

O Pattern 1: Phan biet the bi dong va the chu dong

^ ........... ......... .  - . ................ w ^

To appty for the position, a!) the requested information shouid be . the address betow.

(A) sending (B) sent (C) send (D) sender

Phan tich  Vi send in g (V-in g) va sent (p .p ) deu co the theo sau be nen ta phai xem no mangnghia chu

dong hay bi dong. De phan biet duoc the chu dong va bi dong, chung taphai duavao dong tu

trong cau. Neu dong tu cd tuc tu theo sau thi no phai d hinh thai chu dong (be + V-ing), neu

dong tu khong cd tuc tu theo sau thi no phai d hinh thai bi dong (be + p.p).

Dich nghia Ung vien cho vi tri nay can gui thong tin can thiet den dia chi dudi day.

Tirvtmg apply for x!?:,* J:/  pos it io n rn r e q u e s t e d can cJu

Bap an dung (B) sent

De quyet dinh dung dong tu d hinh thai bi dong hay chu dong, chung ta phai xem cd tuc tu

theo sau dong tu hay khong.

1. Dong tu khiem khuyet + dong tu nguyen mau

can receive a new-member discount

can be received by e-mail

2 have + qua khu phan tu

have accepted the offer

have been accepted by the committee

3. be + V-ing / be + P.P

be desi gning the new library

be designed by the architect

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$ To-infinitive

O Pattern 1: Vai tro cua to-infinitive

............... the increasing customer demand, the company decided to expand its production tine.

(A) M eet (B) Be meeting (C) Meeting (D) To meet

Phan tich Theo sau cho trong la mot cum danh tu (the increasing custom er dem and), nen ta phai dien vao cho tr

mot dong tu nguyen m&u co to dong vai tro nhu mot trang tu. Tuy theo §au danh

dong tu meeting cung co the la danh tu nhung meeting thuong dong vai tro cua chu ngu hoac tuc tu nen

khong the dung no de dien vao chd trong trong cau nay.

Dich nghia De dap ung duoc nhu cau ngay cang tang cua khach hang, cong ty da quyet dinh md rong d

chuyen san xuat.

Tit vtmg inc reasing caMg M ng dem and ?;/??; r expand w J r o ng

Bap an dung (D) To meet

 Vdi cau de trong phan dau va ngay sau no la mot cum danh tu thi ta phai dien vao

cho trong mot to-infinitive cd vai tro lam trang ngu.

 Vai tro cua to-infinitive

1. D ong vai tro lam chu ngu hoac tuc tu cua cau.

To hire more sales representatives is needed.

2. Dong vai tro lam trang ngu.

staff productivity, the management introduced a new incentive program.

3. Dun g vdi chu ngu gia it va cd vai tro la mot chu ng u that,

tt is up to you to decide whether to request for a transfer or not.


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O Pattern2

: Phan biet to-infinitive va gidi tu to

in addition to . with a thorough anaiysis, this business magazine has been designed to

become a heipfui business resource to you.

(A) providing (B) provided (C) provide (D) provides

Phan tich to trong cum in addition to (them vao do) la mot gidi tu nen theo sau no phai la mot dai tu hoac

danh tu. Can phan biet to (gidi tu) vdi to-infinitive, va nhd khong duoc chon provide (dong tu

nguyen mau) dat vao cho trong.$

Dich nghia Ngoai viec cung cap cho ban nhung bai phan tich chi tiet, tap chi thuong mai nay con duoc thiet

ke de tro thanh mot nguon tai nguyen rat huu ich cho ban ve linh vuc kinh doanh.

Tirvimg thorough c/;; ^ f , ' anatysis SM*p/:an ffcA be desig ned to ^ ((fa)

Dap an dung (A) providing

Ban nen sdp xep rieng dang cau hoi yeu cau phan biet gidi tu to vdi to-infinitive va hoc

thuoc no.

Nhimg cum tu thuoiig dung vdi gioi tu to

be committed to N / -in g (= be devoted to N/- in g)  

took forward to N / -ing 

be subject to N / -ing

be accustomed to N / -ing (= be used to N/ -in g)  

in addition to N / -in g

Phuomg phap giai quyet

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Pattern 3: Cum tu va dong tu di chung vdi to-infinitive

^ **— ' - .

..................................................................... — — — - - - - - - -   - - - - - - - - - ' " ' % ensure timety detivery of you r order, b e su re to thorou ghiy ch ec k yo ur addre ss is


(A) Thanks (B) Ac cor din g (C) How (D) )n order

Phan tich Cum tu co the di chung vdi to-infinitive (to ensure) la cum in order to. How to + dong tu nguyen

mAu duoc dung nhu mot danh tu vdi y nghia "cach lam...", nen khong the dung no de dien

vao chd trong cd tinh chat trang ngu nhu d day duoc.

Djch nghia De dam bao viec giao hang dung thdi han theo don dat hang cua ban, hay nhd kiem tra that ky

dia chi ma ban ghi trong don.

Tu vung in rder t ens ure dJ t imety


than ks to (pao) accord ing to f /zao

Bap an dung (D) tn o rd e r 

Phmmg phap giai quyet Hay liet ke nh ung cum tu thuong di chung vdi to-infinitive va hoc thuoc chung.

Nhung cum tu thuong su dung to-infinitive

1. Nhun g dong tu dung chun g vdi to-infinitive.

propose to do, intend to do, ptan to do

decide to do, need to do

in order to do (- so as to do), have yet to do

* abitity / right / w ay / need to d o

2. Nh ung cum tu bao gom to-infinitive.

be going to do (= be scheduled to do)

be likety to do

woutd like to do

be able to do

be pteased to do (- be delighted to do)in an effort to do (= in an attempt to do)

be designed to do

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T0P6 .**TOP 6

* * Danh dong tir (V-ing)

Pattern 1: Phan biet danh tu va danh dong tu

To better serve our customers, we are in the pr ocess o f -----------a secure server for credit card


(A) estabiish (B) estabtishment (C) estabtished (D) estabtishing

Phan tich Theo sau gidi tu of phai la danh tu hoac danh dong tu. Nhung ngay sau cho trong la mot tu^ tu

nen ta phai dien vao do danh dong tu co vai tro nhu mot dong tu.

Dich nghia De phuc vu khach hang tot hon, chung toi dang lap dat mot server co do an toan cao cho cac

khoan giao dich bang the tin dung.

Tu vung inthe process of Jang; frong <7Ma estabiish /ap,* Mp Jay secure an foan 

Dap an dung (D) esta btishing

Phtrong phap giai quyetNeu sau chd trong la danh tu thi phai dien vao dd mot danh dong tu, con neu theo sau cho

trong khong phai la danh tu thi phai dien vao dd mot danh tu.

1. Danh dong tu khong di cung mao tu.

* Ng?%yc /ai, JanA n/ cd c?! vd: nzao nh

2. Vi danh d ong tu cd tinh chat cua dong tu nen danh tu theo sau no dong vai tro la tuc tu.

* Dan/? ;tr AAdng cd wdr JanA w AAac ^dng vai fro Me nir rAco $aa nd.

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Pattern 2: Cum tu va dong tu dung chung vdi danh dong tu

Some anaiysts suggest. ...........desktop operating systems to tower security costs and issues.

(A) to diversify (B) diversifying (C) diversified (D) diversification

Phan tich  Vi theo sau don g tu su gg es t la mot danh dong tu dong vai tro tuc tu nen ta phai dien vao cho

trong tu diversifying.

Dich nghia Mot vai nha phan tich de nghi nen da dang hoa he dieu hanh may tinh de ban de cdt giam cac

chi phi va su co an ninh. ^

Tu vung anatyst nAd pAJn n'cA diversify Jo Jong Aoo operating system  Ad J/dn AdnA tower /dw gzdw

security on n:nA 

Dap an dung (B) diversifying

Phuong phap giai quyet Liet ke nhung cum tu va dong tu theo sau la danh dong tu va hoc thuoc chung.

Cum tu va dong tu theo sau la danh dong tu

1. Nhung dong tu theo sau la danh dong tu.

suggest / discontinue / finish -ing  

continue to do / -ing

2. Nhun g cum tu theo sau la danh dong tu.

have difficutty -ing be capabte of -ing

succeed in -ing keep (on) -ing

upon -ing


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* * Vai tro cua danh tu va dai tu 

Pattern 1: Vai tro cua danh tu

Our company wit) submit a bid for the government contract, atthough . .......for it wit) be fierce.

(A) competitivety (B) competitive (C) competes (D) competition

- -

Phan tich  Vi lien tu aithough n^m d dau menh de thu hai nen ta phai dien vao chd tron g mot danh tu


Dich nghia Cong ty chung ta se tham gia dau thau hop dong cua chinh phu mac du su canh tranh cho goi

thau se khoc liet.

Tu vung submit nop; gni bid ng/:: Jan fAJn competition can/: fran/: fierce ac 

Dap an dung (D) competition

Phuong phap giai quyetSau khi ndm ro cau true co ban cua cau ban hay dien danh tu vao vi tri cua chu ngu hoac

tuc tu.

 Vai tro cua danh tu

1. Danh tu dong vai tro chu ngu trong cau. * ________ +  V + N.

2. Danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu cho dong tu. *S + V +

3. Danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu cua gidi tu. *Gidi tu + ________ 

4. Sau mao tu hoac so huu cach, chung ta dung danh tu. *M ao tu /sd huu each +

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Pattern 2: Vai tro cua dai tu

 We are sorry to inform you th at --------toan appiication cannot be accepted.

(A) you (B) yoursetf (C) your (D) yours

Phan tich Phai dien vao vi tri dung trudc danh tu mot tinh tu so huu bo nghia cho danh tu.

Dich nghia Chung toi lay lam tiec khi thong bao vdi ong rang don xin vay no cua ong khong duoc chap


Tu vung inform ?/;ong M o toan (w , AAoo?:) pay appiication Jo?: accept <r/:op .

Dap an dung (C) your

Phuong phap giai quyet Ndm ro vi tri cua dai tu va phai chon hinh thuc phu hop cua dai tu.

Nhung diem trong tarn ma cac cau hoi ve dai tty thuong khai thac

1. Dai tu phai phu hop vdi danh tu chinh

Danh tii so it (st vat) it

Danh tif so it (ngtldi) he (nam gidi) /s h e (nuf gidi)

Danh tti so nhieu (ngtfdi / vat) they

2. Phai chon cach cua dai tu tuy theo vi tri

 Vi tri chu ng3 hinh thufc chu n gO - ! / y o u /h e /s h e / t h e y / i t  

 Vi tri tuc tif hinh thdc tuc t i i- me /y o u /h i m/h e r / t h e m/ i t

3. D ung tinh tu so huu d vi tri trudc danh tu - my/your/his/her/their/its


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TOP 8TOP 8 7

* * Bai tu phan than 

O Pattern 1 : Cach dung dai tu phan than

Because he has a tot of experience in managing personnet, Mr. Robert is effectivety running his 

department b y ------------- .

(A) his (B) he (C) him setf (D) him

Phan tich Chung ta phai su dung cau true ngu phap cua dai tu phan than: by onesetf vdi nghia "tu minh".

Dich nghia  Vi on g Robert cd nhieu kin h nghie m quan ly nhan su nen ong ta dang tu dieu han h bo phan cua

minh mot cach hieu qua.

Tu vung manage /zozz/z; ^z/Jzz /y personnet zz/zJzz effectivety (w of rJ f/ z) /zz(?zz zvez run /zozz/z; pozz /zozz/z 

Dap an dung (C) himsetf

Phuong phap giai quyet Ban phai d ung dai tu phan than doi vdi nh ung cach dien dat cd nghia "tu minh / chinh minh".

 Vai tro cua dai tu phan than

1. Khi chu ngu va tuc tu la dong nhat thi ta phai dun g dai tu phan than.

He introduced himsetf to the audience.

2. Dung dai tu phan than vdi muc dich nhan manh (dai tu phan than trong trudng hop nay cd the dupe

lupc bo).

The president himsetf wetcomed the detegates.

3. Dai tu phan than man g tinh dac ngu.

by onese lf w o; win/: (= alone) for onesetf vz/c/zoc/zzzz/z a;

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Vai tro cua tinh tu 

Pattern 1 : Vai tro cua tinh tu

 Approvat of at! fund raising requ ests must be given by the city counci) and a n y . raisin

activities must be submitted for approva!.

(A) addition (B) additions (C) additionat (D) additionatty

Phan tich Ta phai dien tinh tu vao vi tri dung trudc danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu.

Dich nghia Tat ca nhung yeu cau gay quy deu phai duoc su chap thuan cua hoi dong thanh pho, va bat k

hoat dong gay quy bo sung nao cung phai xin phep.

Tuvimg approva! cM p fund raising i:/*gov <7My counci! /zo: JoNg submit Hop,* fnn/;

Dap an dung (C) additionat

Sau khi xac dinh duoc cau true cau, ban phai di^n tinh tu vao trudc danh tu de bo nghia

danh tu dd.

 Vai tro cua tinh tv

1. T inh tu dung trudc danh tu de bo nghia cho danh tu.We had to work harder to meet the tight deadtine.

2. Tinh tu dupe dung sau cac dong tu dien ta trang thai (b e/ b ec om e/ re m ai n ) de lam bo ngu cho chu n

To remain competitive, you need to spend more time on career development.

Phucmg phap giai quyet


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* * Vai tro cua trang tu

Pattern 1: Trang tu dung trudc dong tu va bo nghia cho dong tu.

 Anti-virus software i s ................ recommen ded to protect your computer and fites from viruses.

(A) stron g (B) strength en (C) strength ening (D) strongty

Phan tich Ta phai dien trang tu vao giua dong tu chinh va tro dong tu (is ... recommended) de bo nghia

cho dong tu.$

Dich nghia Ban dupe dac biet khuyen dung phan mem chong vi-rut de bao ve cho may tinh va cac tep tin

cua ban khoi bi vi-nit tan cong.

Tu vimg strongty WOM/: recommend A A w fn ; (nan /ow; protect pa

Dap an dung (D) st ro ngty

Neu co cho trong d giua dong tu chinh va tro dong tu thi ban nen dien trang tu vao do.

1. Dien trang tu vao cuoi cau de bo nghia cho dong tu.

 As a bus iness owner, you need to review the financial status o f your business periodicatty.

2. Neu cd chd trong d cuoi cau ma no khong cd vai tro gi trong cau true cauthi dd phai ia vi tri cua trang tu

Nghia ia ta cd the dien vao dd mot trang tu hoac to-infinitive.

Phtrong phap giai quyet

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Pattern 2: Trang tu dung sau noi dong tu va bo nghia cho noi dong tu.

 As a consuttant to businesses, Mr. Chris Evans travets ---------- to various countries around the wortd

(A) regutar (B) regutarty (C) regutarity (D) regutate

Phan tich Ta phai dat trang tu vao sau noi dong tu travet de bo nghia cho noi dong tu dd.

Dich nghia La mot nha tu van cho cac doanh nghiep, ong Chris Evans thuong xuyen di cong tac den ca

quoc gia khac nhau tren the giol.

Tu vung trave! J : /a: regutarly fAMowg xoyaM various AAoc MAoM

Dap an dung (B) regutarty

Hoc thuoc nhung trang tu va noi dong tu thuong gap trong bai thi.

Trang tu dung sau noi dong tu de bo nghia cho noi dong tu.

spe ak ctearty to the audience no; ro roMg p A AAoM g:o

*speak to MO! po/ —

. respon d promptly to com plaints from custom ers MAoMA aAoMg pAoM Ac: MA:?MgpAoM Mow fMo AAocA AoMg

*respond to Jop /o: —

3. meet frequ ently with go p (o:) ;AMOMg xwaM

*meet with gop go —

4 leave pr om pt ly for Sin gap ore nAanA aAoMg roi (MO! Moo) Ja JaA ^:Mgopora

*)eave for roi (MO? Moo) Ja JaA —

5. react catmty to delays pAon :/Mg ^azA a^A MAMMg ytr cAow fra

*react to pAoM z Mg

6. rely rteavily on tourism JMo nA:aM po o MgoMA AcA

*re!y on JMo poo , fro Mg poo

7. comm unica te easily with Ja JoMg g!oo n ap po; — 

*communicate with g/oo nap p<A  —

8 trave! ex te nsively / regutariy J / MA/aM MOz7fA?/wzg xMyaM

Phuong phap giai quyet


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T0P11 .*:TOPn

Tinh tu* chi so luong 

O Pattern 1: Su hoa hop giua danh tu va tinh tu chi so lupng

We are very proud to introduce our new ca r which is design ed to con sum e tess fuet white emitting

f e w e r ------------- .

(A) pottu tes (B) pottution (C) pottutants (D) pottuted

Phan tich  Vi tinh tu chi so luon g few duoc dung chung vdi danh tu so nhieu nen tu thich hop deidien

vao cho trong do chinh la pottutants (danh tu so nhieu).

Dich nghia Chung toi rat tu hao giol thieu chiec xe mdi duoc thiet ke cua chung toi: no vua tieu ton it

nhien lieu hon vua thai ra chat gay o nhiem it hon (so vdi cac san pham cung loai).

T i t v u n g introduce gzdz fAza z/ consumez/zzz emit r/z Jz; p/zozzg ro pottutant c/zczz goy d zz/zzazzz

Dap an dung (C) pottuta nts

Neu trong cau cd tinh tu chi so luong thi ta phai tim danh tu di chung vdi no va phai xac

dinh xem danh tu dd la so it hay so nhieu, cd hoa hop vdi tinh tu hay khong.Phucmg phap giai quyet

Su hoa hop giua danh tu va tinh tu so luong

1. Nhung tinh tu chi so luong dung chung vdi danh tu dem duoc so it

a /a n (mao tu bat dinh) + danh tu dem duoc so it

another/each/every + danh tu dem dupe so it

2. Tinh tu chi so luong dung chu ng vdi danh tu dem dupe so nhieu

these /those /severa! / few/a few/m any/a number of + danh tu so nhieu

3. Tinh tu chi so lupng dung chung vdi danh tu khong dem dupe

!itt!e/a !itt!e/much + danh tu khong dem dupe

4. Tinh tu chi so lupng cd the dun g cho ca 2 trudng hop

this/that + danh tu so it (dem dupe)/danh tu khong dem dupe

a ! !/mo s t / s o me /o t h e r + danh tu so nhieu (dem dupe)/danh tu khong dem dupe

a !ot of/tots of/p!enty of + danh tu so nhieu (dem dupe)/danh tu khong dem dupe

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* # So sanh tuong doi va so sanh tuyet doi

Pattern 1: Hinh thuc cua so sanh tuong doi va so sanh tuyet doi

Last year, Dr. Kim and his team pubtished one of the most detaited studies ever into whether  

dishwashers a re ............. than hand-washing.

(A) m ore efficient (B) so efficie ncy (C) as efficient (D) m ost efficien cy

Phan tich Phai dung mo re de ket hop vdi than tao thanh hinh thuc so sanh tuong doi. %

Dich nghia Nam ngoai tien si Kim va nhom cua ong ta da cong bo ket qua nghien cuu ti mi nhat tu trudcden nay ve viec lieu may rua chen cd lam viec hieu qua hon la thao tac rua chen thu cong hay


Tu vimg pubtish cong M , detaited <r/n na? study cong Hg/naH efficient /naw

Dap an dung (A) more efficient

 Vi phan ldn cac cau hoi ve so san h tuong doi va so sanh tuy et doi deu tap trung vao hin

thuc co ban nen neu ban thay trong cau cd than thi nen chon more de tao thanh so san

tuong doi.

Trang tu nhan manh so sanh tmmg doi

Mot so trang tu duoc them vao trudc hinh thuc so sanh tuong doi de nhan manh su so sanh. Nhung

trang tu nhan manh so sanh tuong doi thuong gap la: m uc h/f ar /ev en .

Our new data backup software is jc h faster than that of other competitors.

Phuong phap giai quyet


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O Pattern 2: Do ng tinh tu dien ta cam xuc.

The sate s report for the tast quarter was s o ---------that the sates director catted an urgent meeting.

(A) disappointing (B) disappointed (C) disappoint (D) disappointment

Phan tich  Vi chu ngu la vat (s aie s report) nen ta phai chon disappointing . (B) disappointed dupe dun

khi chu ngu hoac danh tu dupe bo nghia la ngudi.

Dich nghia Bao cao doanh so quy vua qua gay that vong den n6i giam doc kinh doanh da trieu tap mot

cuoc hop khan cap. *

Tit vimg quarter disappointing goy f/;<^ Jawg /A powg urgent Mow cop

Dap an dung (A) disappointing

Phtrtmgphap giai quyet

 Vdi cau hoi yeu cau lua chon don g tinh tu di§n ta cam xuc thi ban phai dua vao danh

dupe bo nghia hoac chu ngu de xem xet. Neu chu ngu la ngudi thi chon "-ed", neu chu ng

la vat thi chon "-ing".

Dong tinh tu di^n ta cam xuc

1. Cac don g tinh tu thuong dung khi chu ngu la vat.

disturbing troubiing frustrating

disappointing encouraging satisfying




2. Cac dong tinh tu thuong du ng khi chu ngu la ngudi.

disturbed troubted frustrated interested

disappointed encourag ed satisfied fascinated



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TOP 14TOP 14 8

Vai tro cua Hen tu va gidi tu

O Pattern 1: Vai tro cua lien tu va gidi tu

............. you know the saiary you can demand, you can decide which jobs fat! into your desired range

and cou!d be right for you.

(A) O nce (B) So on (C) Then (D) Later

Phan tich  Vi day la vi tri lien ket hai menh de (cd chiia 2 dong tu: k n ow /c a n deci de) nen ta phai di§n

vao day mot lien tu.

Dich nghia Mot khi ban biet dupe muc luong ban cd the yeu cau, ban cd the quyet dinh dupe cong viec

nao n&m trong tam ng&m va phu hop vdi minh.

Tir vxng once wef %/?; satary  /MW!g demand fa!! into ro? wo,* p:

range f J?n,* r :

Dap an dung (A) O nce

Phucmg phap giai quyetKhi cau cd 2 menh de (cd 2 dong tu) thi ban phai xac dinh xem da cd lien tu lien ket giua 2

menh de hay chua.

Gidi tu lien ket danh tu, khac vdi lien tu lien ket menh de.

He had to decline the invitation due to his health problem.

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*9 Lien tu

Pattern 1: Chon lien tu thich hop

-----------the new sates representative is retativety inexperienced, he has atready outperformed

experienced sates personnet.

(A) Ho we ver (B) Wh ich (C) That (D) Thou gh

Phan tich Dau tien ta phai xem tai vi tri lien ket hai menh de (2 dong tu is/ h a s) can cd loai lien tu nao.

 Vi o cho tron g can cd mot tu dong vai tro trang tu va khong cd vai tro gi trong cau true cau

nen ta phai chon though la lien tu cua menh d^ trang ngu. However la trang tu, which la dai

tu quan he va that duot dung nhu mot dai tu quan he va lien tu cua menh de danh tu.

Dich nghia Du ngudi dai dien ban hang moi van con kha non yeu kinh nghiem, doanh so cua anh ay da

vuot miic cua cac nhan vien ban hang cd kinh nghiem roi.

Tir vong retativety M a ; Jo ; inexperienced ??OMya;;outperform2HRHfro;

Dap an dung (D) Though

Dau tien, ta phai xem can dien loai lien tu nao vao vi tri cua lien tu, roi sau dd chon lien tu

thich hop.

Cac loai lien tii

1. L ien tu b&t dau menh de trang tu ( i f /s ince /as /when/because /though. . . )

B eca us e h e w as sick, Jason couldn't attend the meeting.

2. Lien tu bdt dau menh de danh tu (lam chu ngu/tuc tu trong cau) (that/what) 

The mayor suggested that the construction of the new bridge begin immediatety.

3. Dai tu quan he ddng thdi cd vai tro "lien tu va dai tu" (who/which/that)

The information which you requested has been sent by express mail.

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TOP 15

O Pattern 2: Lien tu bdt ddu menh de danh tu

Every emptoyer shouid reatize. ...........emptoyee satisfaction is the most important key to succe ss.

(A) wha t (B) that (C) w ho (D) sin ce

Phan tich  Vi sau chd trong la mot menh de danh tu dong vai tro tuc tu cua dong tu rea liz e nen ta phai

dien vao dd mot lien tu bdt dau menh de danh tu. Can phan biet what va that trong cac dap

an cho s^n: neu cau da ket thuc thi chon that, neu cau chua ket thuc thi chon what. Vi o' day,

menh de theo sau cho trong da ket thuc cau nen ta se chon that.

Dich nghia Moi ngudi qu an ly nen hieu r^ng viec nhan vien cua minh hai long vdi cong viec chinh ^a

chia khoa quan trong nhat ddn den thanh cong.Ti t vung employer <y:ain /y; wgw/ reaiize A/aM sati sfaction /:a: /owg

Bap an dung (B ) th at

Phucmgphap giai quyetNeu theo sau dong tu la mot menh de danh tu thi phai dien vao vi tri dd mot lien tu bat dau

menh de danh tu.

Phan biet hai hen tv bdt dau menh de danh ttr: what va that

1. Theo sau that la mot cau hoan chinh.

Our invoice sugge sts that the shipment was delivered to your office two w eeks ago.

* Trong vi du tren ta thay theo sau that la mot cau hoan chinh.

2. Theo sau wha t la mot cau khon g hoan chinh vi trong cau dd khong cd tuc tu cua dong tu want.

To improve sales, you must know what your potential customers want.

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TOP 16f 8 6 [ B )G ST EP TO E)C3

Lien tif ket hop 

C Pattern 1: Cau true song song cua lien tu ket hop

Our wett-trained speciaiists are ready to provide retiabte a n d . ................sotutions to corporate ctients.

(A) innov ate (B) innovation (C) innovativety (D) innovative

Phan tich Lien tu ket hop and noi nhung tu cd cung tu loai.

Dich nghia Cac chuyen gia lanh nghe cua chung toi s^n sang cung cap cho cackhach hang doanh


nhung giai phap sang tao va dang tin cay.

  u vung well-trained /a?;/; Mg a;

for specialistcAavaw g:a reliable Ja?;g fw cay

innovative Jo: wzd;,* yawg fao solution g;a: p/zap corporate Joaw/; ?;g/;;ap

Dap an dung (D) innovative

Phai xac dinh xem n hung tu duoc lien k et M ng lien tu ket hop cd cung tu loai hay khong.

Nhvng van d^ lien quan den lien tv ket hop

1. Lien tu ket hop noi cac tu cd cung tu loai.

The president has suggested an extensive and aggressive marketing campaign.

2. Lien tu ket hop noi cac cau true giong nhau.

It is important to e nc ou rag e emp loyees to work hard and reward them accordingly.

^ Lien tu ket hop and noi to enco ura ge vdi (to) reward.

3. C hon nghia cua lien tu ket hop.

 All financial reports should be submitted be fore or on the deadline.

^ or: hoac (lua chon); and: va; but: tuy nhien

Phuong ph&p giai quyet


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Pattern 2: Lien tu theo cap


The city auditorium wit! be avaitabte fo r ---------private and business functions to tocat residents and

commercia! estabtishments.

(A) ev en (B) bot h (C) eithe r (D) not onty

Phan tich De tao thanh cap hen tu di chung vdi and ta phai dien vao cho trong lien tu both.

Dich nghia Hoi trudng thanh pho se duoc dung cho ca muc dich ca nhan ldn cong viec cua cu dan trong

khu vuc va cac co quan thuong mai. ,

Tit vong auditorium function Mang,* WMC resident Jd r; commercia) ?A;%77:g

wa : estabtishment co fo cAw  

Dap an dung (B) both

Neu tim dupe tu tao thanh cap vdi lien tu thi co the giai quyet cau hoi mot cach d§ dang,

both A and B: ca A Mn B

The seminar is designed for both entry and management tevet emptoyees.

2 either A or B: hoac A hoac B

The reptacement parts witl arrive either today or tomorrow.

3. neither A nor B: ca A va B deu khong phai

Neither Ms. Brown nor t witl be able to attend the monthly business meeting.

4. not on)y A but a!so B: khong nhung A ma con B

Our new product is not onty innovative but atso affordable.

Phuong phap giai quvet

www.nhantriviet .com

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Bai tu quan he 

O Pattern 1: Chon dai tu quan he thich hop


 At) new emptoyees are required to attend the orientation. ............wiit be heid in the conference room

(A) w ho (B) which (C) what (D) be ca u se

Phan tich Ta phai dien vao cho trong mot tu vua dong vai tro chu ngu cua cum dong tu wit! be hetd

vua lam nhiem vu lien tu lien ket dong tu. Vi tu dung trudc cho trong la tu chi (su) igit (the

orientation ) nen ta phai dien vao dd tu which hoac that. W ho dupe dung khi tu dung trudc no

chi ngudi. What la lien tu bdt dau menh de danh tu. Con because khong thich hop vi no la

lien tu bdt dau menh de trang ngu.

Dich nghia Tat ca cac nhan vien mdi d^u phai tham du buoi gidi thieu v§ cong ty dupe to chuc d phong

hoi nghi.

Ttmm g employee nAdf? require cd:/ attend r/?aw Jz r orientation J!??/? /n^zg/ g/d ; 

be hetd  jM&c rd cAmr

Dap an dung (B) wh ic h

Phai dua vao tu dung trudc do (danh tu) de tim ra dai tu quan he.

Nhung van de ve dai tu quan he thuong gap trong bai thi TOE!C

1. Chu ngu (w h o/ w h ic h /th a t) cd cau true: "chu ngu + lien tu"

Ms. Lim (who is in charge of the sales department) will be promoted.

2. Tuc tu (w h om /w h ich /th at ) cd cau true: "tuc tu + lien tu"

Circte the name o f the friend (whom ) you tike.

3 So huu cach (w h os e) cd cau true: "lien tu + danh tu"

Dr. Randolph (whose research received nationat recognition) witl give an opening speech.

Phtrong phap giai quyet


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TOP 18TOP 18

Cau dieu kien

Pattern 1: Hinh thuc ca ban cua cau dieu kien

!f their proposat---------- submitted before the deadtine, they wouid have gotten the contract.

(A) be (B) is (C) had been (D) wit! be

Phan tich Dua vao hinh thuc cua dong tu trong menh de chinh (wou id h ave gotten) ta cd the biet day

la cau dieu kien o qua khu. Do dd, dap an la (C) had been. Vi day la cau dieu kien nen ^s"

chi thich hop khi menh de chinh d thi tuong lai hoac thi hien tai.

Dich nghia Gia ma ban de an duoc nop trudc thdi han thi ho da cd dupe hop ddng dd roi.

Tu vung prop osa! submit nop deadiine Aow cAo; contr act JoHg

Dap an dung (C) had b ee n

Phutmg phap giai quyet

Dua vao hinh thuc cua dong tu trong menh d^ chinh de tim ra hinh thuc cua dong tu trong

menh de theo sau menh de if.

1. D ieu kien qua khu (gia dinh ve su that d qua khu)

if + S + had + qua khu phan tu ..., S + wouid/couid/shouid + have + qua khu phan tu.

"(trong qua khu) neu da ... thi da ..."

2. Dieu kien hien tai (gia dinh ve su tha t d hien tai)

if + S + dong tu chia d thi qua khu/were ..., S + wouid/couid/shouid + dong tu nguyen mdu.

"(d hien tai) gia su ... thi se ..."

3. Dieu kien tuong lai (kha nang kho ng ldn Mm d hien tai hoac tuong lai)

if + S + shouid + dong tu nguyen mdu ..., S + dong tu (hien tai/tuong lai).

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Pattern 2: Cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien

-----------you experience any difficutty, do not hesitate to contact one of my staff members.

(A) Having (B)S hou )d (C)H ad (D) To have

Phan tich Trong cau dieu kien, lien tu if thuong dupe lupc bo de tao cau true dao ngu. Trong cau dieu

kien tuong lai "if you shoutd experience any difficuity" thi lien tu if dupe lupc bo va lam

phat sinh cau true dao ngu nen ta phai dien dong tu khiem khuyet "shoutd" vao chd trong.

Dich nghia Neu ban cd bat ky kho khan gi, dung ngan ngai lien lac voi mot trong cac nhan vien c&a toi.

Tii vung difficutty M o AAoM hesitate Jo Jtr con tac t na p XMC, /o c

Dap an dung (B) Shoutd

Ndm ro cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien va hoc thuoc long nhung hinh thuc da dang c

no sau khi dao ngu.

1. Cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien tuong lai

,^Jfyou Q ;ho uld )have any problem with this product, con tact our customer service department.

Shoutd you have probtem with this product, contact our customer service department.

2. Cau true dao ngu cua cau dieu kien qua khu

the parts (h ad) arrived earlier, we could have met the deadline.

Had the parts arrived earlier, we could have met the deadline.

Phvong phap giai quvet


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Cau true rut gon

Pattern 1: Rut gon menh de trang ngu

TOP 19  _____________________ 

TOP 19

 W h en ---------your appiication, be sure to check the repty address is correct.

(A) send (B) sen ds (C) sendin g (D) sent

Phan tich Khi rut gon chu ngu theo sau lien tu when cua menh de trang ngu thi chdc chdn dong tu cua

menh de se thay doi hinh thuc. Do dd ta khong the chon (A) va (B) didn vao chd trong. Cau

goc When you send your appiication la mot cau chu dong, trong dd, you la chu ngu va aa

dupe rut gon trong menh de trang ngu, vi the dong tu phai dupe chuyen thanh sending. Neu

cau goc cd dang chu dong thi dong tu dupe chuyen thanh dang V-ing, neu cau goc cd dang bi

dong thi dong tu se dupe chuyen thanh qua khu phan tu.

Dich nghia Khi gui ho so xin viec, ban hay kiem tra lai xem dia chi hoi dap cd dung hay khong.

Tit vmng appiicat ion Jow x??; repty address cAt Ao: Ja p cor rec t xar

Dap an dung (C) sending

Phuong phap giai quyetKhi khong cd chu ngu theo sau lien tu thi ta phai xem xet hinh thuc dong tu cua cau rut gon

can cu vao danh tu (tuc tu) theo sau cho trong.

Cau true rut gon cua menh de trang ngu

 Viec rut gon menh de trang ngu chinh la viec rut gon chu ngu cua menh de dd khi chu ngu cua no va

chu ngu cua menh de chinh dong nhat vdi nhau. Trong trudng hop rut gon, hinh thuc cua dong tu

trong menh de trang ngu se cd thay doi.

1. when y0ti mail your payment, when mailing your payment, (cau true rut gon d the chu dong)

2. on ce /E m erg ed , &on ce merged, (cau true rut gon d the bi dong)

3. al th ou gh po si ti ve , - att lough positive, (vai tro bo ngu cua tinh tu)

white t% y pr6 on duty, white on duty, (vai tro bo ngu cua "gidi tu + danh tu")

white in operation, w m e m oper ation ,

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O Pattern 2: Rut gon dai tu quan he

 A not ic's speciat events is posted on the buttetin board.

(B) show ed (C) showin g (D) show s(A) shown

Phan tich

Dich nghia 

Tif vtmg

 Vi cau da co dong tu chinh is pos te d nen (B) va (D) khong the la dap an. Day la cau true ru

gon chuyen doi hinh thuc dong tu. Vi dai tu quan he which cua cau goc d the chu dong "A

notice which shows today's specia! events" nen dang rut gon cua no trong cau nay phai l


Mot to thong bao ve nhung su kien dac biet cua ngay hom nay da duoc dang len bang hn.

notice ; o i/zowg M o pos t Jd7?g buttetin board AJng nn

Dap an dung (C) showing

Phuong phap giai quyet

Cau true rut gon cua dai tu quan he

Neu dai tu quan he dupe rut gon thi chdc chdn dong tu cung phai thay doi hinh thuc.

1 Emptoyees .who agree to transfer to the new branch wit! receive financial assistance .

Employees agreeing to transfer to the new branch will receive financial assistance.

Noi dong tu d hinh thai chu dong phai dupe chuyen sang dang V-ing.

 You can sen d it back to us in the envelope provided.

 You can sen d it back to us in the envelop e prov ided .

Trong the bi dong, ta can rut gon ca dong tu be va chi giu lai dong tu d dang qua khu phan tu.


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TOP 20

Cau true dao ngu

Pattern 1: Cau true dao ngu

TOP 20 !

............... is a !ist of potentia! investors who have shown their interest in the joint project.

(A) Attach men t (B) Atta ched (C) Attaching (D) Atta ches

Phan tich Chu ngu cua cau nay la "a tist of potentia! investors". De nhan manh y nghia dac biet cua bo

ngu, ngudi ta dat bo ngu d dau cau va hinh thanh cau true dao ngu. Trong cau "a tist of

potentia! investors is attached" thi attached la bo ngu; neu dat attached vao vi tri dau (giu

thi cau se cd cau true dao ngu.

Dich nghia Kem theo day la danh sach cac nha ddu tu tiem nang, nhung ngudi the hien su quan tarn

cua minh ve du an hop tac.

Tuvung attach t/fnA Aaw potentia! naw; zmug investor interest

Dap an dung (B) Attached

Hay hoc ky cac cau true dao ngu thuong dupe kiem tra va dua vao cau cu the de biet khi nao

phai dung cac cau true nay.

1. Khi bo ngu dupe dat o dau cau vdi muc dich nhan manh thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

2. Khi lien tu if trong cau dieu kien dupe nit gon thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

3. Khi tu phu dinh dupe dat d dau cau thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

Nev er d o w e u se your persona) information for business purposes.

4. Khi cd menh de trang n gu hoac trang ngu theo sau onty thi cau true dao ngu se dupe hinh thanh.

Onty after we placed an ad in tocat newspapers coutd we receive some applications.

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ActuaHest 196 BtG STEP TOBC 3

Listening Test

!n the Listening test, you wit! be asked to demonstrate how wet! you understand spoken

Engtish. The entire Listening test wit! tast approximate^ 45 minutes. There are four parts,

and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate

answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.

Part 1

Directions: For each question in this part, you wit! hear four statements about a picture in

your test book. When you hear the statements, you must seiect the one statement that

best describes what you see in the picture. Then, find the number of the question on your

answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements wit) not be printed in your test book

and wi!! be spoken onty one time.

Look at the exampte item beiow.

Now tisten to the four statements.

Sampte Answer

(A) (B) * (D)

Statement (C), "They're standing near the tabie," is the best description of the picture, so

you shoutd seiect answer (C) and mark it on your answer sheet.


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tntroduction Actuat Test 2 Actua)T est3 Actua)T est4 Actuat Test 5

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ActuaL Test 1


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* * * * !LC introduction  Actua)

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Actuat Test 1100 S)G STEP TOEIC 3




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