BIG IDEA The digestive system: provides nutrients energy for your body through the digestion of food...

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download BIG IDEA The digestive system: provides nutrients energy for your body through the digestion of food THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM.

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Transcript of BIG IDEA The digestive system: provides nutrients energy for your body through the digestion of food...

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  • BIG IDEA The digestive system: provides nutrients energy for your body through the digestion of food THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
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  • Objective Students will learn: How the digestive system provides nutrients and energy to the body through the digestion of food.
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  • What happens During Digestion? Main Idea: During digestion, foods are broken down and absorbed as nourishment or eliminated as waste. Digestion Mechanical breakdown of foods within the stomach and intestines for use by the bodys cells. Absorption Passage of digested food from the digestive tract into the cardiovascular system Elimination The bodys expulsion of undigested food or body waste
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  • How Digestion Works Main Idea: The digestion system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines. Mouth--teeth,salivary glands, tongue Esophagusmuscular tube about 10 inches long that connects the pharynx with the stomach Stomachhollow sac organ enclosed in a wall of muscles. These muscles are flexible and allows the stomach to expand when you eat. Intestinespancreas, liver and gallbladder, small and large intestines.
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  • Esophagus Muscular tube 10 inches long Connects pharynx with the stomach Peristalsispare-ih-STAWL-suhsvoluntary muscle contractions that moves food through the digestive tract.
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  • The Stomach Hallow Sac-like-organ Flexible muscles Stomach expands 3 tasks1. Mixing foods with gastric juices2.Storing partially digested food and liquid3. Moving food into the small intestines 3 layers in stomach muscles
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  • The Pancreas, Liver and Gallbladder Pancreas produces enzymes Liver produces bile Glands in walls of intestine
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  • The Small and Large Intestine Small IntestineLarge Intestine 20-23 feet in length 1 inch in diameter Consist of 3 parts: duodenum jejunumileum Digestives juice secreted from small intestine, liver and pancreas 90% of all nutrients are absorbed by small intestine Villifinger-like projection absorb nutrients 5-6-feet long 2.5 feet in diameter Unabsorbed materials move by peristalsis into large intestine Undigested parts of food- fiber-roughage is pass into colon Function is to absorb water, vitamins and salts, and to eliminate waste
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  • Functional and Structural Problems Functional Indigestion Constipation Heart burn Gas Nausea Diarrhea Structural Tooth decay Gastritis Peptic ulcer Gallstones Lactose intolerance Appendicitis Colitis Colon Cancer Hemorrhoids Crohns disease Cirrhosis
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  • The Digestive System
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  • The Stomach
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  • Good versus Bad (Liver)
  • Slide 13
  • How the Body Work
  • Slide 14
  • Human Digestive System 200142.htm Glencoe Health book pages 422-428