Bibliography - Springer978-3-540-69657-5/1.pdf · Bibliography 1. Symplectic relations ... La...

Bibliography R. Abraham and J. E. Marsden 1. Foundations of Mechanics, 2nd Ed., The Benjamin/Cummings Pub!. Comp., Reading, 1978. P. L. Antonelli and R. Miron 1. Lagrange and Finsler Geometry, P. L. Antonelli and R. Miron, eds., K1uwer, Dordrecht, 1996. V.Aldaya and J. de Azcarraga 1. Vector bundles, r-tli order Noether invariants and canonical symmetries in Lagrangian field theory, J. Math. Phys. 19 (1978), 1876-1880. 2. Variational principles on r-th order jets of fibre bundles in field theory, J. Math. Phys. 19 (1978),1869-1875. 3. Geometric formulation of classical mechanics and field theory, Rev. Nuovo Cimento 3 (1980), 1-66. 4. Higher order Hamiltonian formalism in field theory, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 13 (1982), 22545-2551. I. Anderson 1. Aspects of the inverse problem to the calculus of variations, Arch. Math. (Brno) 24 (1988), 181-202. 2. The Variational Bicomplex, Preprint, Utah State University, 1989. I. Anderson and T. Duchamp 1. On the existence of global variational principles, Am. J. Math. 102 (1980) 781-867. I. Anderson and G. Thompson 1. The Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variationsfor Ordinary Differential Equations, Mem- oirs of the AMS 98, No. 473 (1992) 110 pp. L. C. de Andres, M. de Leon and P. R. Rodrigues 1. Connections on tangent bundles of higher order, Dernonstratio Mathematica 22 (1989), 607-632. J. Barcelos-Neto and N. R. F. Braga 1. Symplectic analysis of a Dirac constrained theory, 1. Math. Phys. 3S (1994),3497-3503. C. Batlle, J. Gomis, J. M. Pons and N. Roman-Roy 1. Equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism for constrained systems, J. Math. Phys. 27 (1986), 2953-2962. 2. On the Legendre transformation for singular Lagrangians and related topics, 1. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 20 (1987), 5113-5123. 3. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian constraints for second-order singular Lagrangians, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 21 (1988), 2693-2703.

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R. Abraham and J. E. Marsden

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P. L. Antonelli and R. Miron

1. Lagrange and Finsler Geometry, P.L. Antonelli and R. Miron, eds., K1uwer, Dordrecht, 1996.

V.Aldaya and J. de Azcarraga

1. Vector bundles, r-tli order Noether invariants and canonical symmetries in Lagrangian fieldtheory, J. Math. Phys. 19 (1978), 1876-1880.

2. Variational principles on r-th order jets of fibre bundles in field theory, J. Math. Phys. 19(1978),1869-1875.

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I. Anderson and T. Duchamp

1. On the existence ofglobal variational principles, Am. J. Math. 102 (1980) 781-867.

I. Anderson and G. Thompson

1. The Inverse Problem of the Calculus of Variationsfor Ordinary Differential Equations, Mem-oirs of the AMS 98, No. 473 (1992) 110 pp.

L. C. de Andres, M. de Leon and P. R. Rodrigues

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J. Barcelos-Neto and N. R. F. Braga

1. Symplectic analysis ofa Dirac constrained theory, 1. Math. Phys. 3S (1994),3497-3503.

C. Batlle, J. Gomis, J. M. Pons and N. Roman-Roy

1. Equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalism for constrained systems, J.Math. Phys. 27 (1986), 2953-2962.

2. On the Legendre transformation for singular Lagrangians and related topics, 1. Phys. A: Math.Gen. 20 (1987), 5113-5123.

3. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian constraints for second-order singular Lagrangians, J. Phys. A:Math. Gen. 21 (1988), 2693-2703.

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action function 42adapted chart to a distribution 24alternative Lagrangians 123Anderson-Duchamp-Krupka conditions 6 Iangular momentum 159- conservation law 159, 165anholonomic prolongation of a fibered

manifold 30annihilator 2 IAristotle group 159associated- fiber chart 30- fibered coordinates 30, 3I- system of a closed two-form 25autonomous-Lagrangean system 71,210- serni-finslerian structure 223base of a fibered manifold 29brachystochrone 3, 4-problem 3bunch of final constraint submanifolds 133bundle of JT,-vertical vectors 31canonical- connection 222- dynamical two-form 221canonical form- of Hamilton equations 81, 107, 108, 145- of a Lagrangean system 67- of a Lepagean 2-form 67canonical transformation 187Cartan- connection 224- distribution 34, 37, 39- form 8, 47, 48, 209,- Theorem 26- symmetry 172Cauchy characteristic 25, 191- vector field 25, 191characteristic distribution- of a closed two-form 25, 175- of a Lagrangean system 88, 107, 108, 146Christoffel symbols 121,224


classical- Hamilton-Jacobi equation 18, 174, 189- Hamilton-Jacobi integration method 18,

197classification- of Lagrangean systems 130- of symmetries 150- of variational semispray connections 227codistribution 22compatibility conditions 38complementary distributions 21complete integral 18, 174, 175- of a closed 2-form 176complete set of independent first integrals23,26

completely integrable- connection 38- distribution 23, 207- generalized connection 40components of ajet field 38configuration space 31, 63, 15Iconnection on a fibered manifold 37, 38,

183,195conservation law 149, 152, 157constant of the motion 149, 152, 160,constrained system J30constraint algorithm 25, 130, 131, 132,

134,172,210contact- form 34- transformation 212contactization 34contactness 32continuous distribution 21Coordinate free Liouville Theorem 179Coriolis force 14cosymplectic Lagrangean system 99, 210cotangent representation of symplectic

Lagrangean systems 218critical section of a Lagrangian 50, 51curvature of a connection 38Darboux chart 26, 175

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Darboux Theorem 26, 175, 176Decomposition Theorem 35deformation of a section 42, 49degenerate Lagrangean system 129degree of freedom 12, 78Dirac theory of constrained systems 103,

113,134,218,219distribution 21- of a constant rank 21, 22- of a locally constant rank 22- of a non-constrant rank 22- of class C' 21dynamical- form 37, 44, 53, 116- symmetry 151, 171eikonal equation 191Embedding Theorem 191energy- conservation law 159, 165- one-form 211equivalent- dynamical forms 117, 126- Lagrangians 10, 61, 149- systems of a Hamiltonian and momenta

70Euclidean group 159,162,162,165,168,

169Euler-Lagrange distribution 90, 107, 108,

146,147- constrained to a submanifold 133Euler-Lagrange- equations I, 2, 2, 12, 41, 49, 51, 53, 80,

209- expressions 3, 46- form 41, 46, 49, 209Euler-Lagrange mapping 41, 46, 64even-order- Lagrangean system 100, 105- variational equations 105, 183, 195evolution of a function 100, 107, 109,

214exact integration methods for variational

equations 148, 149, 174extended-dynamics81,87,129,132,148,217- Lagrangian 85, 88, 108, 109extremal- of a Lagrangian 50, 51, 53,- of a locally variational form 53fiber chart 29

Index 247

fibered manifold 29field- of Lagrangean submanifolds 181- of extremals 174, 190, 192final constraint submanifold 133, 218finite symmetry 24Finsler manifold 220, 220, 223finslerian structure 223first integral 18,23, 100, 149, 152- of a Lagrangean system 152first integrals in involution 175, 177, 178first-order Lagrangean system 74, 75, 101,

102,118,122, 145,first variation 2, 41- formula 2, 41, 42, 43, 47- of the action function 42First Theorem of Emmy Noether 157flat- connection 38- generalized connection 40foliation 23force on a fibered manifold 225free- energy 12- particle on a semi-finslerian manifold 225Frobenius Theorem 24Frolicher-Nijenhuis bracket 38fundamental Lepagean equivalent 49Galilei-group 159, 162, 166,167,168,169- transformation 159, 163gauge function 61, 68General Liouville-Jacobi Theorem 189generalized-connection 37,40, 141,181,181,183- coordinates 12, 78- dynamical symmetry 172- Hamilton equations 84, 86, 88, 91, 130,

145,191,210- Hamilton-Jacobi equation 180, 189- horizontal form 40- jet field 40- Legendre chart 145- Legendre coordinates 145, 214- Legendre transformation 130, 145, 148,

214- Liouville Theorem 178, 179- Noether Theorem 160, 160, 172- Poincre-Cartan form 49- Van Hove Theorem 191

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generating function- of a canonical transformation 174, 187

188- of a contact transformation 212generators of a distribution 21geodesics 10geodesic distance- in a field of extremals 200- in a Hamilton-Jacobi field 200geometric classification of Lagrangean

systems 96, 129, 130global- extended dynamics 131- inverse problem of the calculus of

variations 64, 65- Lagrangian 54, 65- proper dynamics 131globally variational form 53, 54Grifone connection 223Hamilton equations 17, 80, 84, 107, 108,

145,210,211,213- for autonomous Lagrangean systems 211- for semiregular autonomous Lagrangean

systems 212Hamilton- extremal 84, 129, 194, 212- form 84, 107, 108- function 17,67,70,71,210,210- vector field 90, 191, 214Hamilton's variational principle 12, 13, 15Hamilton-Jacobi- distribution 192, 193, 194, 195, 196- equation 18, 187- equation for fields of extremals 190- field 193, 194, 195- integration method 18, 174, 182, 197Hamiltonian 17,67,70,71,210,210- formalism 82, 217- system 84, 88, 100, 106Helmholtz conditions 5, 8, 57, 61, 64, 118,

161higher-order semispray problem 96, 129,

132,134,141,212Hilbert-Einstein Lagrangian 113holonomic- constraints 12, 77- Hamilton extremal 86, 87, 93, 98- section 30, 34homomorphism of fibered manifolds 30horizontal distribution 32, 37, 38


horizontal form 32- of a connection 38horizontality 32horizontalization 33image of the Euler-Lagrange mapping 64independent first integrals 23, 175infinitesimal- first variation formula 47- symmetry 24integral first variation formula 47integral manifold 23- of maximal dimension 23integral mapping of a distribution 22- of maximal dimension 23integral section- of a connection 38- of a dynamical form 53, 116- of an ideal 189- of a jet field 37integrating factor I 18, 126integration- by quadratures 18, 175-methods 16, 18,142,148160,174,188,

195,207- problem 18,95,129,132,149,157,174invariant transformation- of a differential form 26-- of a distribution 24inverse Legendre transformation 106inverse problem of the calculus of

variations 4, 9, 16, 61, 65, I 18, 123,126, 150, 180, 207

- for distributions 123isomorphism of a fibered manifold 30, 75isoperimetric problem IJacobi chart 183, 196Jacobi complete integral 183, 196Jacobi Theorem 180, 182, 183- for even-order variational equations 183- for odd-order variational equations 184- for regular even-order variational

equations 186jet field 37jet manifold 29jet prolongation of a fibered manifold 29k-contact form 35kernel of the Euler-Lagrange mapping 64kinetic energy 12, 122, 126, 163, 165- of a metric 221Lagrange function I, 41, 210

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Lagrange space 220, 223Lagrangean foliation 181Lagrangean submanifold 181, 196Lagrangean system 63, 81, 83, 97,126,149- admitting generalized Legendre

transformations 144,214,218- of order zero 73,75,83, 88,90, 100, 101,

102,109,127- with dynamical constraints 2 I2-- with no dynamical constraints 153- with no primary dynamical constraints

131- with no primary semispray constraints

132- with no secondary semispray constraints

133- with primary dynamical constraints 131- with primary semispray constraints 131- with secondary semispray constraints 133Lagrangian 37,41,210- affine in accelerations 74, 102- affine in velocities 73, 100, 101, 109- on R x T'M 210Legendre- chart 105-coordinates 17, 105, 148,213-transformation 17,97, 103, 105, 144,

148,213Lepage mapping- of the first kind 46- of the second kind 58Lepagean equivalent- of a locally variational form 58- of a Lagrangian 46Lepagean- n-form 41,48- one-form 41, 46, 56- two-form 55, 55, 55, 8I, 83, 97, 150,

171,208,209Levi-Civita connection 224line element induced by a minimal-order

Lagrangian 200Liouville- form 21 I- integration method 18, 207- Theorem 175, 178, 179, 182local inverse problem of the calculus of

variations 6 I, 98, 118local Lagrangian 54, 55- section of a fibered manifold 29

Index 249

locally variational form 53, 54, 8 I, I 18,161,220

Lorentz force 14, 122, 226me-parameter family of Hamilton-Jacobi

distributions 197manifold- of s-jets of local sections 29- of s-velocities 3Imaximal- integral manifold 23- vertical distribution 32mechanical system 117, 126, 225- on a semi-finslerian manifold 225method of canonical transformations 207metric on R x T M 220minimal-order Lagrangian 68, 158Minkowski- metric 208- space-time 170momentum 17,67,70,144- conservation law 159, 165- map 150multiplier I 18Newton equations 54, 80, 12INewtonian determinism 99Noether- equation 155, 161- symmetry 172- Theorem 157, 158, 172Noether-Bessel-Hagen equation 155, 16INoetherian symmetry 172non-holonomic constraints 78nonlinear connection 37odd-order- differential equations 53- Euler-Lagrange equations 68, 100, 102,

103,105,184- Lagrangean system 68, 103, 105, 183,

186,195,197,198,198,217- variational equations 68, 100, 102, 103,

105, 184one-contact form 35one-parameter family of sections 49order- of a Lagrangean system 63, 63- of contactness 36order-reduction problem for Lagrangians56,64,64

Ostrogradskii Hamiltonian 71, 85, 88Ostrogradskii momentum 71 , 85, 88

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path of a connection 38phase space 63, 189Poincare- group 170-Lemma 36Poincare-Canan form 47point symmetry 151Poisson- bracket 27,213- Theorem 27potential energy 12, 12, 122, 165, 227potential force 13, 13, 14,54, 121,227precosymplectic Lagrangean system 210presymplectic- form 28- Hamilton equations 212- Lagrangean system 210- manifold 28- structure 28primary- constraints 134, 218- constraint set 94, 13I- dynamical constraints 134- semispray-constraint set 94- semis pray constraints 134principle of least time IIprojectable- differential form 33- vector field 31projection 29- of a differential form 33- of a vector field 31prolonged extremal 129proper dynamics 87,129,132,133,217quantization 63, 74, 82, 88, 10I, 125quantum mechanics 63quasi-configuration space 187, 189quasi-holonomic Hamilton extremal 194,

199rank of a distribution 21reducibility condition 73regular- dynamical form I 17- mechanical system 117,220- even-order Lagrangean system 100, 104,

105,105- first-order Lagrangean system 101, 102,

220- first-order Lagrangian 100- Hamiltoninan system 100


- Lagrangean system 95, 97, 98, 100, 129,158

- Lagrangian 97, 98, 223- minimal-order Lagrangian 102- odd-order Lagrangean system 103, 103,

105,183,195- second-order Lagrangean system 102- second-order Lagrangian 101- zero-order Lagrangean system 102, 105,

109, 127regularity 81, 81, 97,129,130regularity condition 17,81,99, 103,213- for Lagrangians 100, 102, 213Riemannian structure 224s-equivalent- Lagrangians 123- mappings 31- sections 29s-jet 29s-jet prolongation- of a fibered manifold 29- of a projectable vector field 32- of a section 30second-order differential equation problem

134second variation 2secondary- constraints 134- dynamical constraints 133, 134- semispray constraints 133, 134section of a fibered manifold 29semi-finslerian manifold 221semi-finslerian structure 223semiregular- Lagrangean system 130, 131, 141, 145,

172,181,183,210- Lagrangian 131semiregularity 129,141- along a submanifold 141semispray 35, 37, 99, 143- along a submanifold 95- connection 37, 39, 98, 193- connection related with a dynamical

form 117- distribution 39set of admissible initial conditions- for Euler-Lagrange equations 134- for Hamilton equations 133singular Lagrangean system 129, 144smooth distribution 21

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SODE problem 134soldering form 38, 226solution-equivalent Lagrangians 123source of an s-jet 31Souriau-Lagrange form 60space- rotation 159- translation 159strongly semiregular Lagrangean system

132,143structure- of extremals 90, 190- of second-order Euler-Lagrange

expressions 118support of a deformation 50symmetry- of a differential form 26- of a distribution 24symplectic- form 28, 213- Hamilton equations 213- Lagrangean system 99, 212- manifold 28- reduction 150- structure 28tangent- bundle 31- manifold 31target of an s -jet 31Theorem- on canonical form of a Lepagean

two-form 66- on order-reduction 68- on primary dynamical constraints 94- on primary semispray constraints 94time-dependent- finslerian structure 224- riemannian structure 224time-independent- Hamiltonian 71, 210- Lagrangean system 71, 210time translation 159,209total- energy 12, 71, 210- space a fibered manifold 29trivial Lagrangian 10, 60Vainberg-Tonti Lagrangian 5, 56, 118,

210Van Hove theorem 191variation of a section 50

Index 251

variational- bicomplex 64- connection 11, 123,227- dynamical form 53- function 42- integral 1- integrating factor 9, 123- metric 220- multiplier 9, 123- semispray connection 123, 227- semispray distribution 123- sequence 64variationality conditions 5, 8, 13, 14,57,61,64,118,161

vertical- distribution 32, 40- vector field 31wave front 186weak regularity 129weakly horizontal distribution 40,91weakly regular- autonomous Lagrangean system 217- Lagrangean system 130, 132, 143, 145- Lagrangian 132weakly variational dynamical form 126Weber's electrodynamic force 15zero-order Lagrangean system 73, 75, 83,

88, 90, 100, 101, 102, 109, 127O-contact form 35r -prolongation of a vector field 38tl-prolongation 40