Bibliography - Springer978-1-84800-070-4/1.pdf · Bibliography [AAAG95] O. Aichholzer, F....

Bibliography [AAAG95] O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, D. Alberts, and B. Gartner. A novel type of skeleton for polygons. J. Universal Computer Science, 1:752–761, 1995. [ABCC07] D. Applegate, R. Bixby, V. Chvatal, and W. Cook. The Traveling Salesman Problem: A computational study. Princeton University Press, 2007. [Abd80] N. N. Abdelmalek. A Fortran subroutine for the L1 solution of overdeter- mined systems of linear equations. ACM Trans. Math. Softw., 6(2):228–230, June 1980. [ABF05] L. Arge, G. Brodal, and R. Fagerberg. Cache-oblivious data structures. In D. Mehta and S. Sahni, editors, Handbook of Data Structures and Applica- tions, pages 34:1–34:27. Chapman and Hall / CRC, 2005. [AC75] A. Aho and M. Corasick. Efficient string matching: an aid to bibliographic search. Communications of the ACM, 18:333–340, 1975. [AC91] D. Applegate and W. Cook. A computational study of the job-shop schedul- ing problem. ORSA Journal on Computing, 3:149–156, 1991. [ACG + 03] G. Ausiello, P. Crescenzi, G. Gambosi, V. Kann, S. Marchetti-Spaccamela, and M. Protasi. Complexity and Approximation: Combinatorial Optimiza- tion Problems and Their Approximability Properties. Springer, 2003. [ACH + 91] E. M. Arkin, L. P. Chew, D. P. Huttenlocher, K. Kedem, and J. S. B. Mitchell. An efficiently computable metric for comparing polygonal shapes. IEEE Trans. PAMI, 13(3):209–216, 1991. [ACI92] D. Alberts, G. Cattaneo, and G. Italiano. An empirical study of dynamic graph algorithms. In Proc. Seventh ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA), pages 192–201, 1992. [ACK01a] N. Amenta, S. Choi, and R. Kolluri. The power crust. In Proc. 6th ACM Symp. on Solid Modeling, pages 249–260, 2001.

Transcript of Bibliography - Springer978-1-84800-070-4/1.pdf · Bibliography [AAAG95] O. Aichholzer, F....


[AAAG95] O. Aichholzer, F. Aurenhammer, D. Alberts, and B. Gartner. A novel typeof skeleton for polygons. J. Universal Computer Science, 1:752–761, 1995.

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ε-moves, 648#P-completeness, 406, 4830/1 knapsack problem, 4272/3 tree, 3703-SAT, 329

above-below test, 404, 566abracadabra, 629abstract graph type, 383academic institutions – licensing, 657acceptance-rejection method, 417Ackerman function, 388acyclic graph, 148acyclic subgraph, 559Ada, 366adaptive compression algorithms, 639Adaptive Simulated Annealing (ASA),

410addition, 423adjacency list, 152, 381adjacency matrix, 151, 381adjacent swaps, 451Advanced Encryption Standard, 642advice – caveat, 364aesthetically pleasing drawings, 513aggregate range queries, 585agrep, 635Aho-Corasick algorithm, 629air travel pricing, 118

airline distance metric, 347

airline scheduling, 411, 626

algorist, 23

Algorist Technologies, 664

algorithm design, 356

algorithmic resources, 657

aligning DNA sequences, 650

alignment costs, 632

all-pairs shortest path, 210, 381, 491

alpha-beta pruning, 268, 441

alpha-shapes, 570

amortized analysis, 372

analog channel, 455

ancestor, 20

angular resolution, 514

animation – motion planning, 610

animation – sorting, 439

approximate nearest neighbor search, 392,583

approximate string matching, 280, 630,631, 650

approximate string matching – relatedproblems, 630, 653

approximation algorithms, 344, 399

approximation scheme, 430, 536

arbitrary-precision arithmetic, 423

arbitrary-precision arithmetic – geometry,565


arbitrary-precision arithmetic – relatedproblems, 467

architectural models, 591area computations – applications, 608area computations – triangles, 566area minimization, 514arm, robot, 612around the world game, 540Arrange, 590, 616arrangement, 19, 382, 613arrangement of objects, 448arrangements of lines, 614array, 368array searching, 441art gallery problems, 603articulation vertex, 174, 177, 506artists steal, 657ASA, 410ASCII, 370aspect ratio, 514assembly language, 424, 433assignment problem, 498associative operation, 402asymmetric longest path problem, 540asymmetric TSPs, 536, 655asymptotic analysis, 31atom smashing, 456attitude of the algorithm designer, 356attribute, 387attribute – graph, 382augmenting path, 499, 511automorphisms, 551average, 445average-case analysis, 372average-case complexity, 33AVL tree, 370Avogadro’s number, 540awk, 628Axiom, 425axis-oriented rectangles, 584, 594axis-parallel planes, 390

B-tree, 370, 438, 443back edge, 170backpacker, 427backsubstitution, 396backtracking, 231, 450, 482, 526, 539, 545,

551, 623, 626

backtracking – applications, 429, 556backtracking – bandwidth problem, 399balanced search tree, 82, 367, 370banded systems, 396, 398bandersnatch problem, 317bandwidth, 396, 448bandwidth – matrix, 401bandwidth reduction, 398bandwidth reduction – related problems,

561bar codes, 307base – arithmetic, 424base – conversion, 424base of logarithm, 51Bellman-Ford algorithm, 490, 493Berge’s theorem, 499best-case complexity, 33BFS, 169Bible – searching the, 629bibliographic databases, 663biconnected components, 479biconnected graph, 177biconnected graphs, 403, 506, 539Big Oh notation, 34, 59bijection, 453bin packing, 595bin packing – applications, 470, 515bin packing – knapsack problem, 429bin packing – related problems, 430, 471binary heap, 374binary representation – subsets, 453binary search, 46, 132, 441binary search – applications, 379, 651binary search – counting occurrences, 133binary search – one-sided, 134, 443binary search tree, 77, 370, 375, 589binary search tree - applications, 79binary search tree – computational

experience, 96binomial coefficients, 278biocomputing, 540biology, 95bipartite graph, 218, 544bipartite graph recognition, 168bipartite incidence structures, 382bipartite matching, 218, 376, 412, 499,



bipartite matching – applications, 224,468

bit representation of graphs, 384bit vector, 383, 386, 437, 449bit vector – applications, 25, 420blackmail graph, 212blind man’s algorithm, 612block – set partition, 457blossoms, 499board evaluation function, 408bookshelves, 294Boolean logic minimization, 530, 622Boolean matrix multiplication, 403Boost graph library, 155borrowing, 424Boruvka’s algorithm, 487boss’s delight, 6bottleneck spanning tree, 201boundaries, 20boundary conditions, dynamic

programming, 287bounded height priority queue, 374bounding boxes, 593Boyer-Moore algorithm, 629brainstorming, 356branch-and-bound search, 527, 534, 556breadth-first search, 162, 169, 477, 486,

490breadth-first search – applications, 399bridge, 506bridge edge, 177bridges of Konigsberg, 504Brook’s theorem, 547Brooks, Mel, 206brush fire, 599brute-force search, 415bubblesort, 436, 439bucket sort, 437bucketing techniques, 129, 369, 590bucketing techniques – graphics, 224budget, fixed, 427built-in random number generator, 416buying fixed lots, 621

C language, 413, 421, 433, 492, 500, 507,511, 527, 546, 553, 571, 574,575, 578, 582, 586, 590, 594,616, 655

C sorting library, 108C++, 366, 371, 375, 383, 388, 405, 479,

483, 487, 493, 500, 504, 507,511, 521, 536, 549, 567, 582,586, 589, 594, 630, 649, 662

C++ templates, 658cache, 32cache-oblivious algorithms, 370Caesar shifts, 641calendrical calculations, 465call graph, 462, 506canonical order, 385, 452, 620canonically-labeled graphs, 553CAP3, 655Carmichael numbers, 422cars and tanks, 609cartoons, 20casino analysis, 33casino poker, 415catalog WWW site, 364Catch-22 situation, 469caveat, 364CD-ROM, 370, 443center vertex, 490, 492, 518CGAL, 563, 594, 658chain of matrices, 402chaining, 89characters, 20checksum, 643chess program, 407, 445chessboard coverage, 244Chinese calendar, 465Chinese postman problem, 502Chinese remainder theorem, 425Christofides heuristic, 536chromatic index, 549chromatic number, 544chromatic polynomials, 546cipher, 641circle, 417circuit analysis, 395circuit board assembly, 5circuit board placement – simulated

annealing, 259circuit layout, 398circuit testing, 230circular embeddings, 515


classification, 556classification – nearest-neighbor, 580clauses, 473clique, 525clique – definition, 328clique – hardness proof, 328clique – related problems, 529clock, 415closest pair heuristic, 7closest point, 580closest-pair problem, 104, 582closure, 495clothing – manufacturing, 597cloudy days, 609cluster, 19cluster identification, 477, 484clustered access, 443clustering, 204, 363, 525co-NP, 422coding theory, 528coefficients, 408cofactor method, 405coin flip, 453collapsing dense subgraphs, 541Collected Algorithms of the ACM, 402,

409, 414, 418, 426, 430, 433,454, 470, 536, 540, 660

collection, 19color interchange, 546coloring graphs, 544combinatorial generation, 459combinatorial generation algorithms, 662combinatorial geometry, 615combinatorial problems, 405, 434Combinatorica, 383, 435, 451, 454, 459,

463, 487, 497, 504, 507, 519,546, 549, 652, 661

Commentz-Walter algorithm, 630, 649commercial implementations, 412committee, 19committee – congressional, 382common substrings, 650communication in circuits, 542communications networks, 489, 509compaction, 637comparison function, 108comparisons – minimizing, 447

compiler, 416compiler construction, 646compiler optimization, 304, 544compiler optimization – performance, 54complement, 381complement graph, 528completion time – minimum, 469complexity classes, 422composite integer, 420compositions, 459compression, 637compression – image, 431computational biology, 95computational complexity, 552computational geometry, 562computational number theory, 421, 426computer algebra system, 408, 423computer chess, 268computer graphics, 401computer graphics – applications, 85, 291computer graphics – rendering, 604computer vision, 598concatenation – string, 655concavities, 570concavity elimination, 604configuration space, 612configurations, 20conjugate gradient methods, 409conjunctive normal form (CNF), 473connected component, 166, 174connected components, 167, 387, 456, 477connected components – related problems,

497, 508connectivity, 174, 479, 505consensus sequences, 650consistent schedule, 468constrained Delaunay triangulation, 574constrained optimization, 407, 413, 414,

474constraint elimination, 559consulting services, 360, 664container, 71, 386context-free grammars, 630Contig Assembly Program, 655control systems – minimization, 646convex decomposition, 585, 601convex hull, 105, 568, 577


convex hull – related problems, 537, 606convex polygons, 618convex polygons – intersection, 592convex region, 412convolution – polygon, 618convolution – sequences, 431cookbook, 364cooling schedules, 255coordinate transformations, 401coplanar points, 404copying a graph, 161corporate ladder, 518correctness – algorithm, 4correlation function, 432counterexample construction, 8counting edges and vertices, 161counting Eulerian cycles, 504counting integer partitions, 457counting linear extensions, 482counting matchings, 405counting paths, 402, 553counting set partitions, 457counting spanning trees, 488covering polygons with convex pieces, 602covering set elements, 621Cramer’s rule, 405CRC, 643critical path method, 471crossing number, 521crossings, 513cryptography, 641cryptography – keys, 415cryptography – related problems, 422,

426, 640CS, 511CSA, 500, 507cubic regions, 390curve fitting, 413cut set, 506, 542Cuthill-McKee algorithm, 399cutting plane methods, 412, 534cutting stock problem, 595CWEB, 660cycle – shortest, 492cycle breaking, 560cycle detection, 170, 479cycle in graph, 148

cycle length, 417cycle structure of permutations, 451cyclic-redundancy check (CRC), 643

DAG, 148, 179, 348DAG – longest path in, 539DAG – shortest path in, 491data compression, 308Data Encryption Standard (DES), 642data filtering, 445data records, 20data structures, 65, 366data transmission, 637data validation, 643database algorithms, 628database application, 584database query optimization, 497Davenport-Schinzel sequences, 388, 613,

616Davis-Putnam procedure, 473day of the week calculation, 465de Bruijn sequence, 504, 539De Morgan’s laws, 473deadlock, 479debugging graph algorithms, 477debugging parallel programs, 268debugging randomized algorithms, 416debugging time, 438debugging tools, 517decimal arithmetic, 424decompose space, 389decomposing polygons, 572deconvolution, 431decrease-key, 375decreasing subsequence, 289decryption, 641Deep Blue, 268defenestrate, 442degeneracy, 564degeneracy testing, 614degenerate configuration, 404degenerate system of equations, 395degree sequence, 462degree, vertex, 150, 552degrees of freedom, 611Delaunay triangulation, 573, 577, 582Delaunay triangulation – applications,



deletion from binary search tree, 81deletions – text, 631deliveries and pickups, 502delivery routing, 469Democrat/Republican identification, 580dense graphs, 150, 381, 539dense subgraph, 526densest sphere packing, 597depth-first search, 172, 178, 378, 381, 477,

481, 486, 495, 505, 539depth-first search – applications, 347, 503,

521, 535, 545, 650depth-first search – backtracking, 231dequeue, 72derangement, 270derivatives – automata, 648derivatives – calculus, 408DES, 642descendent, 20design process, 356design rule checking, 591determinant, 395determinant – related problems, 397determinants and permanents, 404deterministic finite automata (DFA), 646DFA, 646DFS, 172diameter of a graph, 492diameter of a point set, 568dictionaries – related problems, 440, 444dictionary, 72, 367, 373, 386dictionary – applications, 88dictionary – related problems, 376dictionary – searching, 441diff – how it works, 631digital geometry, 599digital signatures, 644digitized images, 489Dijkstra’s algorithm, 206, 490, 493DIMACS, 371, 391DIMACS Challenge data, 663DIMACS Implementation Challenge, 500,

511, 527, 546Dinic’s algorithm, 511directed acyclic graph (DAG), 148, 469,

481, 559directed cycle, 481

directed graph, 146, 149directed graphs – automata, 646directory file structures, 517disclaimer, 364discrete event simulation, 415discrete Fourier transform, 431, 432discrete mathematics software, 661discussion section, 364disjoint paths, 506disjoint set union, 388disjoint subsets, 386disjunctive normal form, 473, 622disk access, 370disk drives, 637, 643dispatching emergency vehicles, 580, 587dispersion problems, 528distance graph, 534distance metrics, 205distinguishable elements, 450distribution sort, 129, 437divide and conquer, 425, 433, 541divide-and-conquer, 122, 135division, 420, 423DNA, 94DNA sequence comparisons, 650DNA sequencing, 223, 263, 654dominance orderings, 20, 585DOS file names, 224double-precision arithmetic, 393, 423, 565Douglas-Puecker algorithm, 605drawing graphs – related problems, 519drawing graphs nicely, 513drawing puzzles, 502drawing trees, 517drawing trees – related problems, 516, 522driving time minimization, 533drug discovery, 610DSATUR, 546dual graph, 86, 159duality, 431, 569duality transformations, 615duplicate elimination, 369duplicate elimination – graphs, 550duplicate elimination – permutations, 449duplicate keys, 437dynamic convex hulls, 571dynamic data structures, 582, 590


dynamic graph algorithms, 384dynamic programming, 273, 403, 428,

491, 539, 575, 651dynamic programming – applications,

291, 602, 631dynamic programming – initialization,

632dynamic programming – shortest paths,

217dynamic programming – space efficiency,

289dynamic programming traceback, 285

eccentricity of a graph, 492economics – applications to, 561edge, 146edge and vertex connectivity, 505edge chromatic number, 549edge coloring, 545, 548edge coloring – applications, 468edge coloring – related problems, 471, 547edge connectivity, 177edge cover, 531, 622edge disjoint paths, 506edge flipping operation, 463edge labeled graphs, 646edge length, 514edge tour, 539edge/vertex connectivity – related

problems, 480, 512, 543edit distance, 280, 650Edmond’s algorithm, 500efficiency of algorithms, 4electrical engineers, 431electronic circuit analysis, 395electronic circuits, 145element uniqueness problem, 104, 447elimination ordering, 520ellipsoid algorithm, 414elliptic-curve method, 422embedded graph, 148embeddings – planar, 520Emde Boas priority queue, 375empirical results, 497, 547empirical results – heuristics, 558empirical results – string matching, 630employees to jobs – matching, 498

empty circle – largest, 577empty rectangle, 597enclosing boxes, 593enclosing disk, 611enclosing rectangle, 597encryption, 641energy function, 407energy minimization, 515, 558English language, 12, 442English to French, 443enqueue, 72epsilon-moves, 648equilateral triangle, 557equivalence classes, 552equivalence classes – automata states, 647Erdos-Gallai conditions, 464error, 393estimating closure sizes, 497ethnic groups in Congress, 622Euclid’s algorithm, 426Euclidean minimum spanning tree, 535Euclidean traveling salesman, 346Euler’s formula, 520Eulerian cycle, 502Eulerian cycle – applications, 469Eulerian cycle – line graphs, 549Eulerian cycle – related problems, 501,

540Eulerian path, 502evaluation function, 407even-degree vertices, 503even-length cycles, 499event queue, 593evolutionary tree, 556exact cover problem, 626exact string matching, 631exam scheduling, 548exercises, 27, 57, 98, 139, 184, 225, 270,

310, 350exhaustive search, 25, 448exhaustive search – application, 8exhaustive search – empirical results, 537exhaustive search – subsets, 452expanded obstacles approach, 611expander graphs, 660expected-time, linear, 446experimental analysis – set cover, 624


experimental graph theory, 460explicit graph, 148exponential distribution, 418exponential time, 282exponential-time algorithms, 230, 523exponentiation, 48, 425external memory, 443external-memory sorting, 436, 438

facets, 569facility location, 528, 576factorial function, 136factoring and primality testing, 420factoring and primality testing – related

problems, 426, 645factory location, 577family tree, 20, 517fan out minimization for networks, 487FAQ file, 413Fary’s theorem, 522fast Fourier transform (FFT), 433fat cells, 390fattening polygons, 617feature sets, 609Federal Sentencing Guidelines, 49feedback edge/vertex set, 482, 559feedback edge/vertex set – related

problems, 483Fermat, 558Fermat’s theorem, 421Ferrer’s diagram, 457FFT, 426, 433FFTPACK, 433fgrep, 629Fibonacci heap, 375, 376, 487, 493Fibonacci numbers, 136, 274FIFO, 72FIFO queue, 163file difference comparison, 631file layout, 398filtering outlying elements, 445filtering signals, 431final examination, 642financial constraints, 427find operation, 387finite automata, 646finite automata minimization, 629

finite element analysis, 574finite state machine minimization, 646FIRE Engine, 649firehouse, 580first in, first out (FIFO), 72first-fit – decreasing, 596fixed degree sequence graphs, 462flat-earth model, 32Fleury’s algorithm, 504flight crew scheduling, 626flight ticket pricing, 118floating-point arithmetic, 565Floyd’s algorithm, 210, 491, 493, 496football program, 540football scheduling, 548Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, 220Fortran, 394, 397, 399, 402, 405, 409, 414,

418, 426, 429, 433, 451, 454,458, 464, 470, 500, 536, 540,546, 597, 603, 660, 662

Fortune’s algorithm, 577four Russians algorithm, 403, 635, 652four-color problem, 460, 547Fourier transform – applications, 605Fourier transform – multiplication, 425Fourier transform – related problems, 606fragment ordering, 223fraud – tax, 525free space, 613free trees, 517freedom to hang yourself, 356frequency distribution, 105frequency domain, 431friendship graph, 149, 525function interpolation, 572furniture moving, 610furthest-point insertion heuristic, 535furthest-site diagrams, 578future events, 373

game-tree search, 441game-tree search – parallel, 268games directory, 420GAMS, 409, 659gaps between primes, 421garbage trucks, 502Garey and Johnson, 474


Gates, William, 445

Gaussian distribution, 417, 432Gaussian elimination, 395, 398Genbank searching, 631

generating graphs, 460generating partitions, 456generating partitions – related problems,

388, 419, 451, 455generating permutations, 448

generating permutations – relatedproblems, 419, 455, 459, 464,467

generating subsets, 452

generating subsets – applications, 25generating subsets – related problems,

388, 419, 451, 459genetic algorithms, 266, 410geographic information systems, 584

geometric data structure, 94geometric degeneracy, 564geometric primitives – related problems,

406geometric shortest path, 491, 611

geometric spanning tree, 486geometric Steiner tree, 556geometric traveling salesman problem, 5

geometric TSP, 534GEOMPACK, 603Gettysburg Address, 213

Gibbs-Poole-Stockmeyer algorithm, 399gift-wrapping algorithm, 569Gilbert and Pollak conjecture, 558

girth, 492global optimization, 408Graham scan, 570

Grail, 648graph, 145graph algorithms, 145, 374

graph algorithms – bandwidth problem,398

graph complement, 381graph data structures, 94, 191, 381graph data structures – applications, 646

graph data structures – Boost, 155graph data structures – LEDA, 155, 658graph density, 381

graph drawings – clutter, 496

graph embedding, 382graph isomorphism, 448, 463, 550graph isomorphism – related problems,

464, 609graph partition, 383, 506, 541graph partition – related problems, 384,

508, 522graph products, 463graph theory, 146graph theory packages, 661graph traversal, 161GraphBase, 383, 462, 463, 487, 500, 540,

561, 660graphic partitions, 464graphical enumeration, 464graphs, 20Gray code, 453, 455greatest common divisor, 423greedy heuristic, 87, 192, 305, 429, 529,

623, 626greedy heuristic – Huffman codes, 639greedy heuristic – minimum spanning

trees, 484Gregorian calendar, 466grid embeddings, 521grid file, 588Grinch, The, 139group – automorphism, 551growth rates, 38guarantees – importance of, 344guarding art galleries, 603Guide to Available Mathematical

Software, 659gzip, 640

had-sex-with graph, 149, 168half-space intersection, 569Hamiltonian cycle, 403, 497, 533, 538Hamiltonian cycle – applications, 469Hamiltonian cycle – counting, 406Hamiltonian cycle – hardness proof, 324Hamiltonian cycle – hypercube, 455Hamiltonian cycle – line graphs, 549Hamiltonian cycle – related problems,

504, 537Hamiltonian path, 487Hamiltonian path – applications, 86


Hamming distance, 607hardness of approximation, 525hardware arithmetic, 424hardware design applications, 646hardware implementation, 433hash function, 369hash tables, 89, 369hash tables – computational experience,

96hash tables – size, 420Hausdorff distance, 608heap, 374heap construction, 136heapsort, 109, 436, 439heard-of graph, 149heart-lung machine, 368heating ducts, 555Hebrew calendar, 465Hertel-Mehlhorn heuristic, 602heuristics, 247, 595heuristics – empirical results, 535hidden-surface elimination, 592hierarchical decomposition, 383, 390hierarchical drawings, 517hierarchical graph structures, 383, 384hierarchy, 20high school algebra, 395high school cliques, 525high-precision arithmetic – need for, 450high-precision arithmetic – related

problems, 422, 433higher-dimensional data structures, 389higher-dimensional geometry, 569, 577,

581hill climbing, 409HIPR, 511historical objects, 465history, 364, 439history – cryptography, 645history – graph theory, 504hitting set, 622HIV virus, 266homeomorphism, 522homophones, 489horizon, 593Horner’s rule, 370, 425How to Solve It, 360

hub site, 534Huffman codes, 639human genome, 94Hungarian algorithm, 500hypercube, 269, 455hypergraph, 382, 384, 386hyperlinks, 462hyperplanes, 616hypertext layout, 398

identical graphs, 550IEEE Data Compression Conference, 640image compression, 580, 604, 638image data, 390image features, 609image filtering, 431image processing, 598image segmentation, 489image simplification, 605implementation challenges, 30, 64, 102,

144, 189, 229, 272, 315, 355,371, 391

implementations, caveats, 364implicit binary tree, 374implicit graph, 148impress your friends algorithms, 466in-circle test, 567in-order traversal, 170inapproximability results, 624incidence matrices, 382inconsistent linear equations, 411increasing subsequences, 289, 652incremental algorithms, 515incremental change methods, 449incremental insertion algorithms –

arrangements, 615incremental insertion algorithms –

coloring, 545incremental insertion algorithms – graph

drawing, 521incremental insertion algorithms – sorting,

117incremental insertion algorithms – suffix

trees, 379incremental insertion algorithms – TSP,

535independent set, 224, 528


independent set – alternate formulations,625

independent set – hardness proof, 325

independent set – related problems, 527,532, 547, 627

independent set – simulated annealing,259

index – how to use, 363

index manipulation, 287

induced subgraph, 526, 546

induced subgraph isomorphism, 551

induction and recursion, 15

inequivalence of programs withassignments, 337

information retrieval, 441

information theory, 418

input/output graphics, 363

insertion into binary search tree, 80

insertion sort, 3, 117, 436, 438

insertions – text, 631

inside/outside polygon, 588

instance – definition, 3

instance generator, 660

integer arithmetic, 565

integer compositions, 459

integer factorization, 552, 642

integer partition, 428, 456, 462, 595

integer programming, 412

integer programming – applications, 429,470

Integer programming – hardness proof,331

integer programming – related problems,430

integrality constraints, 412

interfering tasks, 548

interior-point methods, 412

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 525

Internet, 415, 663

interpolation search, 443

intersection – halfspaces, 412

intersection – set, 385

intersection detection, 591

intersection detection – applications, 608

intersection detection – related problems,567, 616

intersection point, 395

interview scheduling, 548invariant – graph, 552inverse Ackerman function, 388inverse Fourier transform, 431inverse matrix, 397, 404inverse operations, 449inversions, 405isomorphism, 463isomorphism – graph, 550isomorphism-complete, 554iterative methods – linear systems, 396

JFLAP, 648jigsaw puzzle, 595job matching, 498job scheduling, 468job-shop scheduling, 470Journal of Algorithms, 474JPEG, 638Julian calendar, 466

K5, 520K3,3, 522k-optimal tours, 535k-subsets, 454, 459k-subsets – applications, 461Konigsberg, 504Karatsuba’s algorithm, 424Karazanov’s algorithm, 511Karmarkar’s algorithm, 414Karp-Rabin algorithm, 630kd-trees, 389, 581kd-trees – applications, 585kd-trees – related problems, 583, 586, 590Kepler conjecture, 597Kernighan-Lin heuristic, 535, 543key length, 642key search, 391Kirchhoff’s laws, 395knapsack, 412knapsack problem, 427, 452knapsack problem – applications, 53knapsack problem – related problems, 597Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, 629Kolmogorov complexity, 418Kruskal’s algorithm, 196, 373, 388, 485,

487kth-order Voronoi diagrams, 578


Kuratowski’s theorem, 522

L∞ metric, 205label placement, 515labeled graphs, 149, 461, 551labels, 20language pattern matching, 551LAPACK, 397, 402large graphs – representation, 383largest element, 445last in, first out, 71layered printed circuit boards, 521LCA – least common ancestor, 380leap year, 466least common ancestor, 380least-squares curve fitting, 413leaves – tree, 462LEDA, 155, 371, 375, 383, 388, 405, 479,

483, 487, 493, 497, 500, 504,507, 511, 521, 567, 570, 574,578, 582, 586, 589, 594, 658

left-right test, 404left-to-right ordering, 301Lempel-Ziv algorithms, 638, 639lexicographic order, 448, 453, 454, 457lhs, 571libraries, 394licensing arrangements, 657LIFO, 71lifting-map construction, 571line arrangements, 614line graph, 463, 549line intersection, 564, 592line segment intersection, 566line segment Voronoi diagram, 598line-point duality, 615linear algebra, 401, 404linear arrangement, 398linear congruential generator, 416linear constraint satisfaction, 614linear extension, 481linear interpolation search, 444linear partitioning, 294linear programming, 408, 411linear programming – models, 509linear programming – related problems,

410, 512

linear programming – relaxation, 534linear programming – special cases, 509linear-time graph algorithms, 384link distance, 605, 617linked lists vs. arrays, 72, 368LINPACK, 397, 402, 405LISP, 409list searching, 441literate program, 660little oh notation, 57local optima, 409locality of reference, 368, 443locations, 20logarithms, 47logic minimization, 622logic programming, 304long division, 425long keys, 437longest common prefix, 380longest common subsequence, 288longest common substring, 378, 650longest common substring – related

problems, 380, 636longest cycle, 492, 538longest increasing subsequence, 289, 635longest path, 491, 538longest path, DAG, 180, 469loop, 31, 150lossless encodings, 638lossy encodings, 638lottery problems, 23Lotto problem, 449low-degree spanning tree, 487, 488lower bound, 35, 142, 447, 571lower bound – range searching, 586lower bound – sorting, 440lower triangular matrix, 396lp solve, 413LU-decomposition, 396, 405lunar calendar, 465LZW algorithm, 638, 639

machine clock, 415machine-independent random number

generator, 660Macsyma, 425mafia, 642


magnetic tape, 398mail routing, 502maintaining arrangements – related

problems, 567, 594maintaining line arrangements, 614Malawi, 118manufacturing applications, 533, 595map making, 612Maple, 423marriage problems, 498master theorem, 137matching, 218, 498, 622matching – applications, 536matching – dual to, 529matching – number of perfect, 405matching – related problems, 406, 471,

504, 512, 624matching shapes, 607Mathematica, 383, 394, 423, 451, 454,

459, 463, 497, 504, 507, 519,546, 549, 652, 661

mathematical notation, 31mathematical programming, 408, 411mathematical software – netlib, 659matrix bandwidth, 398matrix compression, 654matrix inversion, 397, 401matrix multiplication, 136, 401, 496matrix multiplication – applications, 406matrix multiplication – related problems,

397matrix-tree theorem, 488matroids, 488max-cut, 542max-flow, min-cut theorem, 507maxima, 408maximal clique, 526maximal matching, 531maximum acyclic subgraph, 348, 559maximum cut – simulated annealing, 258maximum spanning tree, 201maximum-cardinality matchings, 499maze, 161, 480McDonald’s restaurants, 576MD5, 645mean, 445mechanical computers, 422

mechanical truss analysis, 395medial-axis transform, 600medial-axis transformation, 598median – application, 438median and selection, 445medical residents to hospitals – matching,

501memory accesses, 487mems, 487Menger’s theorem, 506mergesort, 122, 135, 436, 439merging subsets, 387merging tapes, 438mesh generation, 572, 577Metaphone, 636Metropolis algorithm, 410middle-square method, 418millennium bug, 465Miller-Rabin algorithm, 422mindset, 356minima, 408minimax search, 268minimizing automata, 647minimum change order – subsets, 453minimum equivalent digraph, 496minimum product spanning tree, 201minimum spanning tree (MST), 192, 363,

373, 388, 484, 539minimum spanning tree – applications,

204, 347minimum spanning tree – drawing, 517minimum spanning tree – related

problems, 388, 537, 558minimum weight triangulation, 575minimum-change order, 451Minkowski sum, 611, 617Minkowski sum – applications, 605Minkowski sum – related problems, 600,

613MIX assembly language, 426mixed graphs, 504mixed-integer programming, 412mode, 139, 446mode-switching, 308modeling, 357modeling algorithm problems, 19modeling graph problems, 222


models of computation, 440Modula-3, 662modular arithmetic, 425molecular docking, 610molecular sequence data, 557Mona Lisa, 463, 500monotone decomposition, 602monotone polygons, 575monotone subsequence, 289Monte Carlo techniques, 410, 415month and year, 465morphing, 291motion planning, 491, 610motion planning – related problems, 494,

594, 619motion planning – shape simplification,

604mountain climbing, 409move to front rule, 369, 442moving furniture, 610MPEG, 638multicommodity flow, 510multiedge, 147multigraph, 150multiple knapsacks, 429multiple precision arithmetic, 426multiple sequence alignment, 652multiplication, 423, 432multiplication algorithms, 63multiplication, matrix, 402multiset, 270, 450musical scales, 436

name variations, recognizing, 634naming concepts, 578nanosecond, 38national debt, 423National Football League (NFL), 548National Security Agency (NSA), 642nauty, 463, 553NC – Nick’s class, 414nearest neighbor – related problems, 579nearest neighbor graph, 534, 582nearest neighbor search, 390, 576, 580nearest neighbor search – related

problems, 392, 590nearest-neighbor heuristic, 6

negation, 473

negative-cost cycle, 490

negative-cost edges, 209, 490

NEOS, 410, 414

Netlib, 394, 397, 399, 402, 433, 454, 574,578, 659, 660

network, 20

network design, 174, 460, 555

network design – minimum spanning tree,484

network flow, 217, 412, 506, 509

network flow – applications, 542

network flow – related problems, 414, 494,501, 508, 543

network reliability, 479, 505

Network-Enabled Optimization System(NEOS), 410

next subset, 453

Nobel Prize, 52, 269

noisy channels, 528

noisy images, 604, 608

non-Euclidean distance metrics, 578

noncrossing drawing, 520

nondeterministic automata, 647

nonnumerical problems, 434

nonself intersecting polygons, 570

nonuniform access, 442

normal distribution, 418

notorious NP-complete problem, 533

NP, 342, 422

NP-complete problem, 428, 469, 497, 542

NP-complete problem – bandwidth, 399

NP-complete problem – crossing number,521

NP-complete problem – NFAminimization, 647

NP-complete problem – satisfiability, 472

NP-complete problem – set packing, 626

NP-complete problem – superstrings, 655

NP-complete problem – tetrahedraliza-tion, 573

NP-complete problem – tree drawing, 519

NP-complete problem – trie minimization,306

NP-completeness, 316

NP-completeness – definition of, 342

NP-completeness – theory of, 329


NP-hard problems, 405nuclear fission, 456number field sieve, 421number theory, 420, 423numerical analysis, 399numerical precision, 565Numerical Recipes, 393, 397numerical root finding, 409numerical stability, 396, 412

O-notation, 34objective function, 407obstacle-filled rooms, 491OCR, 307octtree, 390odd-degree vertices, 503odd-length cycles, 499, 547off-line problem, 596oligonucleotide arrays, 263on-line problem, 596one million, 230one-sided binary search, 134, 443online algorithm resources, 663open addressing, 90OpenGL graphics library, 86operations research, 411optical character recognition, 225, 598,

603, 607optical character recognition – system

testing, 631optimal binary search trees, 444optimization, 407order statistics, 445ordered set, 385ordering, 19, 448organ transplant, 65organic graphs, 462orthogonal planes, 390orthogonal polyline drawings, 514orthogonal range query, 584outerplanar graphs, 522outlying elements, 445output-sensitive algorithms, 592overdetermined linear systems, 411overlap graph, 655overpasses – highway, 521Oxford English Dictionary, 23

P, 342P-completeness, 414packaging, 19packaging applications, 595packing vs. covering, 622paging, 370, 383pairing heap, 375, 376palindrome, 379paradigms of algorithms design, 436parallel algorithms, 267, 397parallel algorithms – graphs, 504parallel lines, 564parallel processor scheduling, 468paranoia level, 642parenthesization, 402PARI, 421parse trees, 551parsing, 630partial key search, 391partial order, 376, 434partitioning automata states, 647partitioning point sets, 389partitioning polygons into convex pieces,

602partitioning problems, 294, 625party affiliations, 387Pascal, 487, 546, 582, 624, 627password, 415, 642Pat tree, 380patented algorithms, 638path, 477path generation – backtracking, 236path planning, 577path reconstruction, 285paths – counting, 402, 553paths across a grid, counting, 278paths in graphs, 165pattern matching, 628, 631, 647, 649pattern recognition, 538, 607pattern recognition – automata, 629patterns, 20PAUP, 557PDF-417, 307penalty costs, 286penalty functions, 409perfect hashing, 371perfect matching, 499


performance guarantee, 531performance in practice, 8period, 417periodicities, 432perl, 628permanent, 405permutation, 19, 405permutation comparisons, 651permutation generation, 448permutation generation – backtracking,

235perpendicular bisector, 577personality conflicts – avoiding, 626PERT/CPM, 471Petersen graph, 513PGP, 421, 643phone company, 484PHYLIP, 557phylogenic tree, 556, 557piano mover’s problem, 613Picasso, P., 592, 657pieces of a graph, 477pilots, 357pink panther, 223pivoting rules, 396, 412pixel geometry, 599, 608planar drawings, 382, 518planar drawings – related problems, 519planar graph, 382, 514planar graph – clique, 526planar graph – coloring, 545planar graph – isomorphism, 553planar separators, 542planar subdivisions, 589planar sweep algorithms, 593planarity detection and embedding, 520planarity testing – related problems, 516plumbing, 509point in polygon, 588point location, 390, 587point location – related problems, 392,

579, 586, 616point robots, 611point set clusters, 484point-spread function, 432pointer manipulation, 65points, 20

Poisson distribution, 418polygon partitioning, 601polygon partitioning – related problems,

575polygon triangulation, 574polygonal data structure, 94polygons, 20polyhedral simplification, 606polyline graph drawings, 514polynomial evaluation, 425polynomial multiplication, 432polynomial-time approximation scheme

(PTAS), 430polynomial-time problems, 475poor thin people, 584pop, 72popular keys, 442porting code, 224positions, 20potential function, 407power diagrams, 578power set, 388powers of graphs, 553Prufer codes, 462, 464precedence constraints, 481, 559precedence-constrained scheduling, 468precision, 393preemptive scheduling, 470prefix – string, 377preflow-push methods, 511preprocessing – graph algorithms, 477presortedness measures, 439previous subset, 453PRF, 511price-per-pound, 427pricing rules, 118Prim’s algorithm, 193, 194, 207, 485primality testing, 420, 642prime number, 369prime number theorem, 421principle of optimality, 303printed circuit boards, 202, 533printing a graph, 161priority queues, 84, 373priority queues – applications, 88, 109,

593, 623priority queues – arithmetic model, 440


priority queues – related problems, 447problem – definition, 3problem descriptions, 363problem instance, 3problem-solving techniques, 356, 360problem-specific algorithms, 407procedure call overhead, 367producer/consumer sectors, 561profile minimization, 399profit maximization, 411Program Evaluation and Review

Technique, 471program flow graph, 146program libraries, 394program structure, 506programming languages, 12programming time, 438, 442Prolog, 304proof of correctness, 5propagating consequences, 495pruning – backtracking, 238, 399, 552pseudocode, 12pseudorandom numbers, 415psychic lotto prediction, 23PTAS, 430public key cryptography, 423, 430, 642push, 72

Qhull, 571, 575, 578, 594qsort(), 108quadratic programming, 413quadratic-sieve method, 422quadtree, 390quality triangulations, 577questions, 357queue, 72, 373queue – applications, 169quicksort, 123, 436, 438, 439quicksort – applications, 446

rabbits, 274radial embeddings, 518radio stations, 578radius of a graph, 492radix sort, 437, 439RAM, 370Random Access Machine (RAM), 31random generation – testing, 662

random graph theory, 464, 547random graphs – generation, 461random permutations, 449, 451random perturbations, 565random sampling – applications, 612random search tree, 370random subset, 453random-number generation, 415, 432, 463random-number generation – related

problems, 451randomization, 123randomized algorithms, 415, 421, 488,

507, 543randomized incremental algorithms, 577,

590, 594, 616randomized quicksort, 438randomized search – applications, 25range search, 391, 584range search – related problems, 392, 583Ranger, 582, 586ranked embedding, 518ranking and unranking operations, 25,

449, 466ranking combinatorial objects, 434ranking permutations, 449ranking subsets, 453rasterized images, 618reachability problems, 495reading graphs, 153rebalancing, 370recommendations, caveat, 364rectangle, 597rectilinear Steiner tree, 556recurrence relation, basis case, 279recurrence relations, 135, 274recurrence relations – evaluation, 278recursion, 165, 171recursion – applications, 634recursion and induction, 15red-black tree, 370reduction, 317, 530reduction – direction of, 331reflex vertices, 602region of influence, 576regions, 20regions formed by lines, 614register allocation, 544


regular expressions, 630, 647relationship, 20reliability, network, 479repeated vertices, 539replicating vertices, 499representative selection, 622resource allocation, 411, 427resources – algorithm, 657restricted growth function, 457retrieval, 380, 441reverse-search algorithms, 571Right Stuff, The, 357riots ensuing, 466Rivest-Shamir-Adelman, 642road network, 145, 146, 478, 514robot assembly, 5, 533robot motion planning, 592, 610, 617robust geometric computations, 406, 564Roget’s Thesaurus, 463, 660root finding algorithms, 134, 394, 409rooted tree, 387, 517rotating-calipers method, 568rotation, 370rotation – polygon, 611roulette wheels, 416round-off error, 393, 396RSA algorithm, 420, 423, 642RSA-129, 422rules of algorithm design, 357run-length coding, 638

s-t connectivity, 506safe cracker sequence, 504satisfiability, 328satisfiability – related problems, 410, 649satisfying constraints, 409SBH, 95scaling, 396, 429scanner, OCR, 432scattered subsequences, 651scene interpolation, 610scheduling, 180, 468, 559scheduling – precedence constraints, 481scheduling – related problems, 528, 549,

561scheduling problems, 509schoolhouse method, 424

scientific computing, 394, 395, 407

search time minimization – magneticmedia, 398

search tree, 370, 375

searching, 441

searching – related problems, 372, 440

secondary key, 437

secondary storage devices, 637

secure hashing function, 645

security, 415, 641

seed, 416

segment intersection, 592

segmentation, 225, 489

selection, 19, 105, 445

selection – subsets, 452

selection sort, 109, 438

self-intersecting polygons, 605

self-organizing list, 369, 442

self-organizing tree, 370, 444

semi-exhaustive greedy algorithm, 546

semidefinite programming, 543

sentence structure, 490

separation problems, 528

separator theorems, 542

sequence, 19

sequencing by hybridization (SBH), 95

sequencing permutations, 449

sequential search, 441, 581

set, 385

set algorithms, 620

set cover, 412, 530, 621

set cover – applications, 24

set cover – exact, 626

set cover – related problems, 388, 532,603, 627

set data structures, 75, 94, 385

set data structures – applications, 25

set data structures – related problems,384

set packing, 452, 625

set packing – related problems, 597, 624

set partition, 387, 456

shape of a point set, 568

shape representation, 598

shape similarity, 607

shape simplification, 604


shape simplification – applications, 588,611

shapes, 20

shellsort, 436, 439Shifflett, 129shift-register sequences, 418

shipping applications, 595shipping problems, 509shortest common superstring, 654

shortest common superstring – relatedproblems, 640, 653

shortest cycle, 492shortest path, 206, 375, 412, 489, 509shortest path – applications, 215, 225

shortest path – definition, 206shortest path – geometric, 223, 577shortest path – related problems, 376,

403, 480, 497, 554, 558, 613shortest path, unweighted graph, 166

shortest-path matrix, 552shotgun sequencing, 654shuffling, 642

sieving devices – mechanical, 422sign – determinant, 406sign – permutation, 405

signal processing, 431signal propagation minimization, 398simple cycle, 492

simple graph, 147, 150simple polygon – construction, 570simple polygons, 605

simplex method, 412simplicial complex, 404simplicity testing, 606

simplification envelopes, 606simplifying polygons, 604simplifying polygons – related problems,

619simulated annealing, 409, 410, 415, 515,

527, 535, 539, 543, 546, 561,623, 626

simulated annealing – satisfiability, 473simulated annealing – theory, 254

simulations, 373simulations – accuracy, 415sin, state of, 415

sine functions, 431

single-precision numbers, 393, 423single-source shortest path, 490singular matrix, 395, 404sink vertex, 482sinks – multiple, 510sites, 20size of graph, 381skeleton, 598, 608skewed distribution, 368Skiena, Len, viii, 20skiing, 640skinny triangles, 573skip list, 371slab method, 588slack variables, 413smallest element, 445smallest enclosing circle problem, 579Smith Society, 437smoothing, 431, 617smoothness, 409snow plows, 502soap films, 558social networks, 149software engineering, 506software tools, 517solar year, 466solving linear equations, 395solving linear equations – related

problems, 400, 403, 406sorted array, 369, 374sorted linked list, 369, 374sorting, 3, 373, 436sorting X + Y , 119sorting - applications, 104sorting – applications, 428, 446sorting – cost of, 442sorting – rationales for, 103sorting – related problems, 372, 376, 444,

447, 483, 571sorting – strings, 379sound-alike strings, 634Soundex, 634, 636source vertex, 482sources – multiple, 510space decomposition, 389space minimization – digraphs, 496space minimization – string matching, 633


space-efficient encodings, 637spanning tree, 484SPARE Parts, 630, 649sparse graph, 150, 381, 520sparse matrices, 402sparse matrices – compression, 654sparse subset, 386sparse systems, 396sparsification, 384spatial data structure, 94special-purpose hardware, 645speech recognition, 489speedup – parallel, 268spelling correction, 280, 630, 631sphere packing, 597spikes, 432Spinout puzzle, 455spiral polygon, 588splay tree, 370splicing cycles, 503splines, 394split-and-merge algorithm, 605spreadsheet updates, 495spring embedding heuristics, 515, 518square of a graph, 187, 402, 403square root of a graph, 403square roots, 134stable marriages, 501stable sorting, 437stack, 71, 373stack – applications, 169stack size, 439standard form, 413Stanford GraphBase, 383, 660star-shaped polygon decomposition, 603state elimination, automata, 647static tables, 441statistical significance, 450statistics, 445steepest descent methods, 409Steiner points, 574Steiner ratio, 557Steiner tree, 555Steiner tree – related problems, 488Steiner vertices, 602Stirling numbers, 457stock exchange, 393

stock picking, 407Stony Brook class projects, 549straight-line graph drawings, 514, 522Strassen’s algorithm, 397, 402, 403, 496strategy, 357strength of a graph, 479string, 385string algorithms, 620string data structures, 94, 377, 629string matching, 377, 628string matching – related problems, 380,

554, 636, 649string overlaps, 655strings, 20strings – combinatorial, 462strings – generating, 454strongly connected component, 181strongly connected graphs, 478, 505subgraph isomorphism, 551subgraph isomorphism – applications, 608subroutine call overhead, 367, 424subset, 19subset generation, 452subset generation – backtracking, 233subset sum problem, 428substitution cipher, 641substitutions, text, 631substring matching, 288, 377, 632subtraction, 423suffix arrays, 377, 379suffix trees, 94, 377, 629suffix trees – applications, 650, 655suffix trees – computational experience,

96suffix trees – related problems, 630, 656sunny days, 609supercomputer, 51superstrings – shortest common, 654support vector machines – classification,

609surface interpolation, 572surface structures, 520swap elements, 450swapping, 371sweepline algorithms, 577, 593, 616Symbol Technologies, 307symbolic computation, 408


symbolic set representation, 388symmetric difference, 607symmetry detection, 550symmetry removal, 238

tabu search, 410tactics, 357tail recursion, 438tape drive, 438taxonomy, 20technical skills, 357telephone books, 46, 129, 443telephone dialing, 212terrorist, 174, 505test data, 460test pilots, 357testing planarity, 521tetrahedralization, 572text, 20text compression, 308, 418, 637text compression – related problems, 380,

433, 645, 656text data structures, 377, 629text processing algorithms, 628text searching with errors, 631textbooks, 661thermodynamics, 254thinning, 598thinning – related problems, 609, 619three-points-on-a-line, 615tight bound, 35time slot scheduling, 468time-series analysis, 431tool path optimization, 533topological graph, 148topological sorting, 179, 481topological sorting – applications, 223,

468topological sorting – related problems,

400, 440, 471, 561topological sweep, 616tour, 19traceback, dynamic programming, 285transition matrix, 646transitive closure, 212, 401transitive reduction, 401, 495translation – polygon, 611

transmitter power, 578transportation problems, 462, 489, 533transposition, 450trapezoidal decomposition, 602traveling salesman, 8, 412, 448traveling salesman – applications, 203,

655traveling salesman – approximation

algorithms, 346traveling salesman – decision problem,

317traveling salesman – related problems,

474, 488, 540traveling salesman problem (TSP), 533tree edge, 170tree identification, 479trees, 20, 382trees – acyclic graphs, 560trees – drawings, 514trees – generation, 462trees – hard problem in, 400trees – independent set, 529trees – matching, 551trees – partition, 542trial division, 420Triangle, 574triangle inequality, 346, 533triangle refinement method, 590triangle strips, 85, 159triangulated surfaces, 85triangulation, 572triangulation – applications, 585, 588,

601, 618triangulation – minimum weight, 300triangulation – related problems, 579, 603triconnected components, 508trie, 304, 377trigram statistics, 213TSP, 533tsp solve, 536TSPLIB, 536, 663turnpike reconstruction problem, 271twenty questions, 133two-coloring, 168

unbounded search, 134, 443unconstrained optimization, 408, 413, 441


unconstrained optimization – relatedproblems, 419

undirected graph, 146, 149uniform distribution, 368, 417, 450union of polygons, 593union of polygons – applications, 618union, set, 385union-find data structure, 387union-find data structure – applications,

485unit cube, 391unit sphere, 391universal set, 385unknown data structures, 366unlabeled graphs, 149, 461, 551unranking combinatorial objects, 434unranking permutations, 449unranking subsets, 453unsorted array, 368unsorted list, 368unweighted graph, 147unweighted graphs – spanning trees, 486upper bound, 35upper triangular matrix, 396Utah, 640

validation, 643Vancouver Stock Exchange, 393variable elimination, 396variable length encodings, 639vector quantification, 580vector sums, 617vertex, 146vertex coloring, 224, 456, 544, 549vertex coloring – applications, 468vertex coloring – bipartite graphs, 167vertex coloring – related problems, 471,

529, 549vertex connectivity, 177vertex cover, 452, 530vertex cover – approximation algorithm,

345vertex cover – hardness proof, 325, 333vertex cover – related problems, 527, 529,

624vertex degree, 374, 462vertex disjoint paths, 506

vertex ordering, 398video – algorithm animation, 582video compression, 638virtual memory, 370, 433, 438virtual memory – performance, 541virtual reality applications, 591visibility graphs, 592, 611Viterbi algorithm, 217Vizing’s theorem, 488, 549VLSI circuit layout, 555, 591VLSI design problems, 384volume computations, 404, 566von Emde Boas queue, 375von Neumann, J., 439Voronoi diagram, 573, 576Voronoi diagrams – nearest neighbor

search, 581Voronoi diagrams – related problems, 571,

575, 583, 590, 600

walk-through, 591war story, 22, 23, 158, 202, 212, 263, 268,

291, 304, 337Waring’s problem, 52, 268Warshall’s algorithm, 496water pipes, 555wavelets, 433weakly-connected graphs, 478, 505web, 20Website, 364weighted graph, 147weighted graphs, applications, 499Winograd’s algorithm, 402wire length minimization, 398wiring layout problems, 555word ladders, 660worker assignment – scheduling, 469worst-case complexity, 33

Xerox machines – scheduling, 470XRLF, 546

Young tableaux, 459, 652

Zipf’s law, 442zone theorem, 615, 616