Bibliography - Springer978-1-4615-3632-1/1.pdf · Algorithms for an Approach to Finite State...

Bibliography [Abad89] M.S. Abadir. TIGER: Testability Insertion Guidance Expert Sys- tem. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), 1989. [AbBr85] M.S. Abadir and M.A. Breuer. A Knowledge-Based System for Designing Testable VLSI Chips. IEEE Design fj Test of Comput- ers, August 1985. [AbBr86] M.S. Abadir and M.A. Breuer. Test Schedules for VLSI Circuits Having Built-In Test Hardware. IEEE Transactions on Comput- ers, 1986. [ABCo86] M. Ajmone Marson, G. Balbo, and G. Conte. Performance Models of Multiprocessor Systems. MIT Press, Cambridge MS, 1986. [ADA83] American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018. ANSI Reference Manual for the ADA Programming Language, 1983. [AdPo86] H.H. Adelsberger and U.W. Pooch, et al. Rule Based Object Oriented Simulation Systems. In [LuAd86], 1986. [AgCh90] V.D. Agrawal and K-T. Cheng. Test Function Specification in Syn- thesis. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), pages 235-240, 1990. [AHL91] Abstract Hardware Ltd., BruneI Science Park, Uxbridge UB8 3PH, UK. LAMBDA Version 4.0 Reference Manual and User Guide, July 1991. [AhSU86] A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J.D. Ullman. Compilers-Principles, Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1986. [Aker78] S.B. Akers. Binary Decision Diagrams. IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-27, June 1978. [AmBa89] R. Amann and U.G. Baitinger. Optimal State Chains and State Codes in Finite State Machines. IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design, CAD-8(2), Febr. 1989.

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[Abad89] M.S. Abadir. TIGER: Testability Insertion Guidance Expert Sys­tem. In Proceedings of the International Conference on ComputerAided Design (ICCAD), 1989.

[AbBr85] M.S. Abadir and M.A. Breuer. A Knowledge-Based System forDesigning Testable VLSI Chips. IEEE Design fj Test of Comput­ers, August 1985.

[AbBr86] M.S. Abadir and M.A. Breuer. Test Schedules for VLSI CircuitsHaving Built-In Test Hardware. IEEE Transactions on Comput­ers, 1986.

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[AgCh90] V.D. Agrawal and K-T. Cheng. Test Function Specification in Syn­thesis. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM/IEEE Design AutomationConference (DAC), pages 235-240, 1990.

[AHL91] Abstract Hardware Ltd., BruneI Science Park, Uxbridge UB83PH, UK. LAMBDA Version 4.0 Reference Manual and UserGuide, July 1991.

[AhSU86] A.V. Aho, R. Sethi, and J.D. Ullman. Compilers-Principles,Techniques, and Tools. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,1986.

[Aker78] S.B. Akers. Binary Decision Diagrams. IEEE Transactions onComputers, Vol.C-27, June 1978.

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5th Order Digital Wave Filter (DWF),156, 213

abstraction, 3, 7, 222level of, 3of behavior, 275of data, 275of structure, 275of time, 275

ADAM,142AFAP scheduling, 169ALAP scheduling, 151ALAP time, 146algebraic divisor, 49algebraic expression, 48algebraic factor, 49algebraic minimal, 48algebraic product, 48algebraic quotient, 49algebraic system, 41algorithmic description, 115, 120algorithmic level, 306allocation

bus, 193functional unit, 136register, 137resource, 123

allocation and assignment, 193branch and bound, 193, 194clique partitioning, 194graph coloring, 194, 205graph-theoretical formulation,


greedy or iterative, 193linear programming, 193, 194rule-based scheme, 193two-step approach, 208

allocation table, 178analog rules, 332analysis, 6anti-message, 328APARTY, 226,232application, 125

control-dominated, 125digital signal processing (DSP),

125processor-like, 169

arbitration, 257architecture, 224

controller, 11area, 7artificial intelligence techniques, 331ASAP schedule, 229ASAP scheduling, 151, 188ASAP time, 146assertion, 268assignment, 307

bus, 193functional unit, 137register, 137resource, 123

ASYL,194axiom, 269

backsubstitution, 49backward oriented modeling, 317

406 The Synthesis Approach to Digital System Design

basic block, 126, 144basic rules, 332behavioral transformation, 120, 129,

181, 218, 236-245balanced stages, 242concurrency, 241concurrent process, 240controller process, 244design space, 236functional decomposition, 242functional pipelining, 242, 243functional stages, 244interprocess communication, 240lockstep, 239, 243loop unrolling, 238loop winding, 244pipelining, 242pipestage creation, 243procedure in-line expansion, 237process allocation, 242process creation, 240SELECT transformation, 238

behavioral transformationssystem-level synthesis, 239

binary Boolean algebra, 41binary decision diagram, 47binary relations, 278bipartite weighted matching, 210BIST, 339bitstring, 306Boolean algebra, 305Boolean equation, 5, 12Boolean function, 11Boolean product, 48Boolean quotient, 49Bottom-Up Designer (BUD), 141,

225, 226, 233boundary scan, 344-345

external test, 345internal test, 345sample mode, 345

branching, 5branching operator, 228breakpoint rules, 332broadband simulator, 325Built-In Self-Test, 350-363

BIST controller, 352circular BIST, 358cone, 355exhaustive BIST, 355LFSR,355limit cycling, 358LOCST,357MISR,355modular BIST, 353random BIST, 356test pattern generator, 351test pattern path, 351test response evaluator, 352test response path, 352

CADDY/CALLAS, 119, 127, 141,154, 162, 194, 216

cancellation, 328Cartesian product, 266CATHEDRAL II/2ND, 127,193causality, 306chaining, 145, 151channel, 308chordal graph

definition, 207circuit diagram, 12circuit level, 305circular arc graph, 206clique partitioning, 194

clique cover definition, 200Tseng's heuristic, 194, 199weight-directed, 202

clock, 306, 317clock cycle, 118clocking scheme, 118, 119cluster tree, 226, 233


clustering, 226-233control, 228, 232data, 229, 232hierarchical, 226-227inter-procedural, 231, 232

control, 231data, 232

multi-stage, 226-228operator, 230, 232proximity, 226schedule, 229

code optimization, 120cofactors, 50cokernel, 61collapsing, 67combinator, 277common multiple-cube divisor, 64common subexpressions, 63communicating processors, 224communicating sequential processes,

307communication, 5, 228, 235, 257­

258control step scheduling, 258logical communication structure,

258physical communication struc­

ture, 258synthesis of protocols, 258

communication channel, 307, 308compatibility, 230

clusters, 231operators, 230operators with clusters, 231

compatibility graph, 199compiled mode simulation, 318completely specified binary Boolean

function, 42complexity, 222computer-aided theorem proving, 261conclusion, 268


concurrencydescription, 246-250synthesis, 246-250

concurrent algorithm, 307concurrent process, 224, 308conditional branching, 228conditional transformation, 289conflict graph, 205, 206

chordal, 207circular arc, 206interval, 205triangulated, 205, 207

CONLAN, 317constraint component, 291constraint propagation, 292contains, 44control, 228

transfer of, 228, 231control flow, 120control flow graph, 126control flow model, 126control part, 117control step, 118, 144control, abstraction of, 5control/dataflow graph (CDFG), 127controllability, 336, 340controller, 10controller architectures, 100controller synthesis, 98conversion of signal values, 327cooperating simulators, 327cost function, 234, 235cost function, 64cover, 44critical event scheduling, 322critical event simulation, 318critical path, 137, 146CSP, 307cube-free, 61

data, 5

408 The Synthesis Approach to Digital System Design

data converters, 292data exchange, 326data flow, 12, 120data flow analysis, 217, 233data flow graph, 126, 128, 367

acyclic, 135, 144cyclic, 144, 186delay operation, 129select operation, 129

data flow model, 126data flow operator, 228data part, 117data part architecture, 118

bidirectional bus, 118multiplexed, 118

data path, 10data path synthesis

Mealy/Moore automaton trade-off, 90

operator selection, 96peripheral retiming, 94retiming, 90retiming algorithm, 94

data typeabstract, 264constructor, 265declaration, 265polymorphic, 265recursive, 265

delay, 311, 312design assistant, 233design flow, 9design for testability, 336design representation, 127design space, 10DFT, see design for testabilitydifferential equations, 305digital system, 117directed acyclic graph, 319disjunctive canonical form, 43domain, 3

behavioral, 3physical/geometrical, 3structural, 3

don't cares, 43don't-care set, 43

edge triggering, 312-314Eindhoven Silicon Compiler (ESC),

127, 128ELLA, 116encoding, 11, 140, 216entailment operator, 268equational transformation, 289equations

system of, 310equitemporal iteration, 318, 322error condition, 331error correction, 331ESPRESSO, 58essential prime implicant, 45estimation, 120, 134estimation tools, 225event, 307, 323event queue, 324experimentor, 331expert system, 331extraction, 6

multiplexor, 138

FACET,194factored forms, 46fault coverage, 336fault diagnosis, 335fault model, 336

single stuck-at fault, 336stuck-at fault, 336

filtering rules, 332finite state machine, 11finite state system, 11floorplanning, 125, 189, 218flow graph, 367

control flow graph, 369


data flow graph, 367state transition diagram, 369

flush-test, 340force-directed scheduling, 162, 180,

188forkfjoin, 228, 246-250formal constraints, 291formal methods, 13formal model

functional, 262, 272hierarchy, 274of behavior, 264of structure, 262relational, 263, 273

formula, 267forward oriented modeling, 317FSM decomposition, 252full scan, 340function

composition, 273declaration, 266partial application, 272, 277partially specified, 266pattern matching, 266polymorphic, 267recursive, 267, 273total,266type constructor, 266

functional modeling, 310functional pipelining, 175functional unit type, 144

uniform, 145

gated clocks, 342gating logic, 342generation, 6generic ROM, 295global state, 310go/no go test, 335goal-directed, 333graph coloring, 194, 205


definition, 205guarded command, 307,310

HAL, 118, 127, 141, 194hardware accelerator, 304, 318hardware component library, 135hardware constraints, 120hardware description language, 12

limitations, 261hardware sharing, 233HDL,15

example, 16history, 15multi-level, 15synthesis, 29

control description, 31data description, 31data types, 31don't care, 31formal semantics, 30multi-level description, 30relevances, 29requirements, 30subset, 33timing description, 32usage policy, 30validation, 32

trend, 36HERCULES, 216high-level data path mapping, 216higher-order functions, 262, 276higher-order logic, 261higher-order parameters, 276higher-order predicate, 263HIS, 127, 216homing sequence, 338homogeneous test, 369HU's algorithm, 149Huffman normal form, 321HYPER, 188, 216hypergraph, 233

410 The Synthesis Approach to Digital System Design

bipartitioning, 235partitioning, 235

hypotheses, 268

if-then-else-DAGs, 47implementation, 1, 10implicant, 44implicative transformation, 289incompatibility, 229

clusters, 230operators, 229operators with clusters, 229

incompletely specified Boolean func-tion, 42

inertia, 312inference mechanism, 331initialization, 338input part, 46instructions, 228integer linear programming (ILP),

147intelligent experimentor, 331interconnect, 118, 119, 134interconnect cost, 229, 230interface, 12interface synthesis, 125internal representation, 120intersecting kernels, 64interval graph, 205

definition, 206irredundant, 52ISPS, 116, 231iteration, 307

kernels, 61Kernighan and Lin heuristics, 235

language, 10latency, 174layout area, 229lazy cancellation, 329left-edge algorithm, 197

level, 3algorithmic, 5circuit, 3logic, 5register-transfer, 5system, 5

level of abstraction, 304, 305Level-Sensitive Scan Design, 340-

343levelizing, 319library look ahead, 74library mapping, 11, 71lifetime, 138, 196

table, 138list constant, 296list scheduling, 149, 151, 188

ready operation, 149list scheduling priority, 149, 187

delay reduction look-ahead, 154dynamic, 150mobility, 153static, 149urgency, 178

literal, 11,42logic

combinational, 11multi-level, 11two-level, 11

logic level, 305logic minimization, 11logical AND, 41logical complement or NOT opera-

tor, 41logical OR, 41loop, 5loop folding, 180LSSD, see Level-Sensitive Scan De­

signLYRA/ARYL, 118, 194



MARA/ADAM, 142, 188MEALY machine, 132Mealy model, 321memory management, 125, 216message, 328MIMOLA, 194minterms, 43mixed digital/analog simulation, 326mixed-level simulation, 325, 329model

imperative, 307, 308reactive, 307,308

model of the environment, 330modeling of time, 310modular refinement, 291modular test methods, 345-350

test plan, 348transparency mode, 348

modular testing, 339module binding, 71module generator, 296MOORE machine, 132most binate, 50multiple-output function, 42multi-cycle operation, 146multi-cycling, 145, 151multi-level modeling, 305multi-level simulation, 325multi-simulator, 325, 326, 329multiple-cube expressions, 63multiple-prime implicant, 45multiplexed-data flip-flops, 343multiplier array, 296multiprocessor architecture, 117multiprocessor system, 328, 329mutual exclusion, 168

negative, 49netlist, 12,124, 127, 132network

covering, 76


matching, 76NISCRE, 188

object orientation, 252-257objective function, 7observability, 336, 340OCCAM,307off-set, 42OLYMPUS, 233on-set, 42one-hot, 247operand alignment, 140, 194operation, 10operation type, 144

disjoint sets, 145overlapping functionality, 145

operator, 10optimization, 7, 331optimizing transformation, 237

loop unrolling, 238procedure in-line expansion, 237SELECT transformation, 238

output part, 46overlapping functionality, 145, 154,


parallelism, 226, 229, 230parity checker, 273, 274partial ordering of operations, 309partial scan, 344partitioning, 9, 125, 189, 218, 224-

236architectural, 232-233cluster tree, 189constrained, 233-236distance measure, 189multi-chip, 236system-level, 224-236

PASCAL, 116passive stimuli, 330path-based scheduling, 169, 188

412 The Synthesis Approach to Digital System Design

perfect vertex elimination scheme,211

performance, 7, 228, 230performance analysis, 331PHIDEO,216philosophers problem, 333pipe stage, 175pipeline structure, 344, 365pipelining, 173, 248

functional pipelining, 175SEHWA pipeline scheduling, 178structural pipelining, 153

PLA, 2,11polymorphic type, 264, 265polymorphism, 264positive, 49power consumption, 7precedence constrained scheduling,

143predicate, 267premise, 268primary divisors, 61prime, 44prime cover, 44priority queue, 324procedure call, 5process, 5, 307

concurrent, 9processes and communication, 239

interprocess communication, 239message passing, 239synchronization, 239

by control step scheduling, 239hardware supported, 240

product, 43production test, 335proof system, 261

Boyer-Moore, 296, 298HOL, 295, 299LAMBDA, 261, 265VERITAS, 299

proximitycontrol, 228data, 229operator, 229, 231procedural control, 232procedural data, 232schedule, 230

quantifierexistential, 263, 267, 274universal, 263, 267

resubstitution, 66recursion, 307reduced equation, 290redundancy, 13, 338

and test, 365-367redundant, 52refinement, 7register, 10register relocation, 10register-transfer level, 306register-transfer level structure, 120relative scheduling, 162reservation table, 175resolution, 271resolution functions, 307resource allocation, 10resource assignment, 10resource constrained scheduling, 124,

136ILP formulation, 148

resource constraint, 136resource sharing, 11result analysis, 330, 331resynthesis, 10retiming, 10, 125, 186,217,218rewriting, 270roll-back, 328rule, 268

application, 270basic, 269


derived, 269equation, 270theorem, 269trivial, 269unsound, 269

rule-based methods, 77, 82rules, 331

S(P)LICER, 118, 153, 194SAM/SAW, 142scan chain, 340Scan Path, 343-344scan techniques, 340-345schedule, 146schedule length, 146, 230scheduling, 10, 123, 317

AFAP scheduling, 169ALAP scheduling, 151ASAP scheduling, 151, 188constructive, 188critical path, 188force-directed, 162, 188global, 188iterative, 188list scheduling, 149, 151, 188path-based, 169, 188precedence constrained, 143relative, 162resource constrained, 124, 136,

146time constrained, 124, 146transformational, 188

scheduling scheme, 188basic block, 188hierarchical, 188path-based, 188

schematic, 11, 12SEHWA pipeline scheduling, 178SEHWA/ADAM,178selective trace, 324sensitivity list, 308


sequencer controller, 247sequencing abstraction model, 233Sequencing Intermediate Format (SIF),

233sequent, 268sequential algorithm, 307sequential circuit, 321sequential depth, 338sequential execution, 307sequential feedback, 338sequential process, 308Shannon expansion, 50shift register latches, 340SILAGE, 116, 129silicon compiler, 9simulated annealing, 188simulation, 13, 303simulation algorithm, 318simulation engine, 304simulation machines, 318simulation of specification, 304simulation performance, 317, 326simulator coupling, 326single-cube containment, 48single-cube expressions, 63single-cycle operation, 146single-output function, 42slope, 313, 314soundness, 269SPAID, 119splitting variable, 50stable state, 310standard components, 326state, 11state assignment, 11state assignment for controllers, 101

adjacency groups, 102coding constraints, 102, 106column encoding, 106column encoding algorithm, 110compatible rows, 108

414 The Synthesis Approach to Digital System Design

constraint matrix A, 106cube collapsing, 104, 111face matrix F, 107general assignment strategy, 101next state encoding, 111present state encoding, 111state code matrix S, 106symbolic minimization, 104

state transition, 11state-transition table, 117, 124, 127,

132Statecharts, 250-252statistics, 331stimulated equations, 307stimulation, 329stimuli validation, 331streamline code simulation, 318structural pipelining, 153structure, 222subcube, 43substitution, 49sum of product form, 43, 45supervisor approach, 327support, 48synchronization, 228, 235synchronization of the simulators,

326synchronous design, 306, 337synchronous system, 118syntactic context, 271syntactic function, 271synthesis, 3, 6, 223

algorithmic-level, 9controller, 10high-level, 9logic-level, 11register-transfer level, 10system-level, 9, 223

synthesis for simulation, 304synthesis strategy, 125

domain specific, 216

system, 221architecture, 223common properties, 222

system level, 306system-level specification, 221system-level synthesis, 221

tactic, 270component know-how, 282design step, 280mux and delay, 285scheduling, 285synthesis algorithms, 282

tautology, 269, 279taxonomy of design automation, 3technology abstraction, 73technology binding, 71technology mapping, 11, 71test access port, 345test data flow, 367test data generation, 370-371test data sink, 367test data source, 367testability, 13, 335testability by construction, 336testable controllers, 363-365testing, 13theorem, 269theorem proving, 261time constrained scheduling, 124

ILP formulation, 148time constraint, 161time frame, 155time step, 118, 144time switching function, 316time, abstraction of, 5time-warp, 329time-warp method, 327time-wheel, 324timing, 312timing rules, 332


tolerance analysis, 331trade-off, 10

time/area, 10transition, 5transport delay, 312, 315tree covering, 86tree pruning, 84triangulated graph, 205

definition, 207truth table, 12, 45Tseng's heuristic, 199type abbreviation, 266type constructor, 266type variable, 263, 265

unate,49unate recursive paradigm, 50unification, 270

backtracking, 270guide, 270stream, 270

validation, 13, 331Value Trace (VT), 127, 231variable, 42

bound, 268flexible, 270free, 268rigid, 270

verification, 6, 303VHDL, 19, 116,162,307,316,317

architecture, 19,21-23assertion, 20assignment, 19attribute, 20, 27bit, 21block statement, 22component instantiation, 25concurrent statement, 19, 27conditional statement, 19configuration, 25, 27constant, 19


declaration, 27declaration part, 19design unit, 19entity, 19entity declaration, 19, 21exit, 19expression, 27generic map, 27library clause, 19, 25loop, 19model, 20multi-valued logic, 28package, 25package body, 19package declaration, 19port list, 19port map, 25process, 19sequential statement, 27signal assignment, 22standard HDL, 19statement part, 19subprogram, 25time model, 22types, 25variable, 19view, 20wait, 19

virtual signals, 331, 332virtual time, 328

waveform, 330waveform editor, 330weight-directed clique partitioning,


Y-chart, 3Yorktown Silicon Compiler (YSC),