Bibliography - Home - Springer978-1-4757-4893...Touloukian, Y. S. ed., TPRC Series on...

Bibliography GENERAL (in order of usefulness as a single up-to-date companion volume to this book.) White, G. K., Experimental Techniques in Low-Temperature Physics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Second Edition, 1968. Physical principles and practical details of low-temperature experimental techniques, with useful data and sources of supply of equipment and materials. Litde overlap with this book. Hoare, F. E., Jackson, L. C., and Kurti, N., eds., Experimental Cryo- physics, Butterworths, London, 1961. 19 contributors cover a wide field of experimental technique, but inevitably the treatment of some topics is now somewhat out of date. Contains useful data. Rose-Innes, A. C., Low Temperature Techniques, English Universities Press, 1964. A practical guide to the use of liquid helium and to the design and use of cryostats, including temperature measurement and the use of liquid helium-3. Includes useful da ta and sources of supply of equipment and materials. Scott, R. B., Cryogenic Engineering, Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1959. An essentially practical book covering large-scale plant as weIl as labora- tory-scale equipment, but not experimental technique. Authoritative but now inevitably somewhat out of date in places. Vance, R. W., and Duke, W. M., eds., Applied Cryogenic Engineering, Wiley, New York 1962, and Vance, R. W., ed., Cryogenic Tech- nology, Wiley, New York, 1963. These two books are written primarily for the space technologist but contain some useful chapters and data for the laboratory worker. Timmerhaus, K. D., ed., Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Plenum, New York, Vol. 1, 1960 et seq. (annuaIly). 162

Transcript of Bibliography - Home - Springer978-1-4757-4893...Touloukian, Y. S. ed., TPRC Series on...


GENERAL (in order of usefulness as a single up-to-date companion volume to this book.)

White, G. K., Experimental Techniques in Low-Temperature Physics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, Second Edition, 1968.

Physical principles and practical details of low-temperature experimental techniques, with useful data and sources of supply of equipment and materials. Litde overlap with this book.

Hoare, F. E., Jackson, L. C., and Kurti, N., eds., Experimental Cryo-physics, Butterworths, London, 1961.

19 contributors cover a wide field of experimental technique, but inevitably the treatment of some topics is now somewhat out of date. Contains useful data.

Rose-Innes, A. C., Low Temperature Techniques, English Universities Press, 1964.

A practical guide to the use of liquid helium and to the design and use of cryostats, including temperature measurement and the use of liquid helium-3. Includes useful da ta and sources of supply of equipment and materials.

Scott, R. B., Cryogenic Engineering, Van Nostrand, Princeton, 1959. An essentially practical book covering large-scale plant as weIl as labora­tory-scale equipment, but not experimental technique. Authoritative but now inevitably somewhat out of date in places.

Vance, R. W., and Duke, W. M., eds., Applied Cryogenic Engineering, Wiley, New York 1962, and Vance, R. W., ed., Cryogenic Tech­nology, Wiley, New York, 1963.

These two books are written primarily for the space technologist but contain some useful chapters and data for the laboratory worker.

Timmerhaus, K. D., ed., Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, Plenum, New York, Vol. 1, 1960 et seq. (annuaIly).


Bibliography 163

Mendelssohn, K., ed., Progress in Cryogenics, Heywood, London, Vol. 1, 1959, Vol. 2, 1960, Vol. 3, 1961, Vol. 4, 1964.

PHYSICAL DA TA Brookhaven Bubble Chamber Group Selected Cryogenic Data Notebook, (1966).

Cryogenic Materials Data Handbook ML-TDR-64-280, Martin Company under Air Force Contract AF33 (657)-9161 (1964).

Corruccini, R. J., and Gniewek, J. J., Specific Heat and Enthalpies of Technical Solids at Low Temperatures, Nat!. Bur. Stds. Monograph 21 (1960).

Corruccini, R. J., and Gniewek, J. J., Thermal Expansion of Technical Solids at Low Temperatures, Nat!. Bur. Stds. Monograph 29 (1961).

Gopal, E. S. R., Specific Heats at Low Temperatures, Plenum Press, New Y ork (1966).

Mann, D. B., Thermodynamic Properties of Helium, Nat!. Bur. Stds. Technical Note 154 (1962).

Woolley, H. W., Scott, R. B., and Brickwedde, F. G., Thermal Properties of Hydrogen, Natl. Bur. Stds. Research Paper RP 1932, Vol. 41, p. 379 (1948).

McCarty, R. D., and Stewart, R. B., Tables of Thermodynamic Proper­ties for Neon, Nat!. Bur. Stds. Report 8726 (1965).

Johnson, V. J., ed., A Compendium of the Proper~ies of Materials at Low Temperature, 4 vols., W ADD Technical Report 60-56, Pub. Nat. Bur. Stds. (1960-1961).

Densities, thermal expansion coefficients, thermal conductivities, specific heats, enthalpies, transition heats, phase equilibria, dielectric constants, adsorptions, surface tensions, and viscosities of fluids; thermal expansion coefficients, thermal conductivities, specific heats, and enthalpies of solids; compressibilities of fluids, thermal conductivity integrals of solids, entropy of neon, velo city of sound in fluids, equilibrium concentrations of binary mixtures of fluids, and electrical tesistivities of metallic elements; bibliography.

Teed, P. L., The Properties of Metallic Materials at Low Temperatures, Wiley, New York (1950)

Touloukian, Y. S. ed., TPRC Series on Thermo-physical Properties of Matter, 13 vols., Plenum Press, New York, 1970.

This compilation will include much information of no relevance to cryo­genies but is likely to prove the definitive source of thermal conduc­tivity, specific heat, thermal radiative properties, thermal diffusivity, viscosity, and thermal expansion.

164 Bibliography

CHAPTER 1 Davies, ManseI, The Physical Principles of Gaf Liquefaction and Low

Temperature Rectijication, Longmans, 1949.

Ruhemann, M., The Separation of Gases, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1940.

Scott, R. B., Denton, W. H., and Nicholls, C. M., eds., Techn%gy and Uses of Liquid Hydrogen, Pergamon, 1964.

International Institute of Refrigeration, 1965 conference at Grenoble, Liquid Hydrogen, Pergamon, 1966.

This book is mainly concerned with large-scale applications, but it includes some useful data and references to sources of other data. There are chapters concerned with application to nuclear physics and electrical engineering.

Farkas, A., Orthohydrogen, Parahydrogen and Heavy Hydrogen, Cambridge University Press, 1935.

Kropschot R. H., Birmingham B. W., and Mann, D. B., eds., Technology of Liquid Helium, National Bureau of Standards Monograph III, US Dept. ofCommerce, 1968.

This book, to which leading authorities have contributed, includes chapters on properties of helium, liquefaction, refrigeration, storage and handling, cryoelectronics and applications to superconducting and resistive magnet technology, bubble chambers etc. International Institute of Refrigeration, Proceedings of 1965 conference at

Boulder, Colorado, Liquid Helium Technology, Pergamon, 1966.

A collection of articles by world authorities - SQme general and some specific - covering liquid-helium technology at CEL, Boulder, physical properties of liquid helium-4 and liquid helium-3 of technological interest, various aspects of he at transfer, control of temperature in .cryostats, calibration of germanium thermometers, thermoacoustic osciIlations, helium liquefiers and refrigerators, large-scale distribution of liquid helium, a 670-litre light-weight liquid helium vessel, applications to nuclear physics and space technology, and devices exploiting super­conductivity. Keesom, W.H., Helium, Elsevier, 1942.

CHAPTER 3 Collins, S. C., and Cannaday, R. L., Expansion Machines for Low

Temperature Processes, Oxford University Press, 1958.

Bibliography 165

CHAPfER 4 White, F. G., Industrial Air Compressors, Foulis, London, 1967.

Yarwood, J., High Vacuum Technique, Chapman & Hall, 4th edition, 1967.

CHAPTER6 Young, A. J., Process Control, Instruments Publishing Co., Pittsburgh,


CHAPfER 7 Yarwood, J., High Vacuum Technique, Chapman & Hall, 4th editiort,

1967. Rosenberg, H. M., Low Temperature Solid State Physics, Clarendon

Press, Oxford, 1965. Theoretical treatment of and quantitative data for physical properties of solids at low temperatures. See also under Physical data above.

USA government-sponsored publications are obtainable in Great Britain through

Universal Subscription Service Ud., Universal House, 4 Footscray Road, Eltham London, S. E. 9.



This Appendix dOe6 not attempt a wide eoverage of Ameriean suppliers. Readers are referred to the annual "Data Book and Buyer's Guide" issue of Cryogenic Engineering News, published by Business Communieations Ine., 2800 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44115.


The following firms offer a variety of eryogenie hardware including ~torage vessels, transfer lines, cryostat dewars, etc.: Ai I, Aiz , AiJ , An I, Ar, Brl, COz , CrJ, Crs, Ct, Gal' HOl, Le, MaJ, Ox, Ph, Sp, SUI, SUz, Uni, Va, Wo.

Chapter 2


p.15. p.16.

p.22. p.24.

Liquid nitrogen vessels: ROl , Ry All expanded polystyrene laboratory vessels: We Liquid nitrogen tanks: BUI Liquid hydrogen and liquid helium vessels: Ai}, Ar, Br}, CO2 ,CrJ,

Ga}, HOl, Sp, SUI, UnI, Va, Wo Transfer lines: AIJ , Hy 1,114, Ja, Ti Metal bellows: Av, Dr, POl, Te2


See text for manufacturers ofliquefiers and refrigerators. p. 69. Extended surface tubing for he at exchangers: Cal , Ea, Yo


168 Appendix


p.83. Rotary exhausters: Brs, Hi2 pp. 83-4.

Large rotating-vane vaeuum pumps: Al, Ed, Le pp. 84-6.

Kinney-type vaeuum pumps: Ed, Ge2 , Ki Vapour·booster pumps and Roots pumps: Ed, Ge2, Le

p.86. Compressors: An2' Co)., Ga2' Hy b Le, Lu, Re, Wi


p.88. Wet gas holders: De2, Ha3 p.88. Dry gas holders: P02, Ar p.89. Gasbags, synthetie rubber: Du, Ar p. 90. Rubber Balloons: Ch2, Du, Gu p.92. High-pressure eylinders, ete.: Cht , 102, Un2. p.93. Drying agents: Pe, Si2, Uni

Drying units: Bi, Un3 p.93. Chareoal: Br2, Ca.. p.94. Platinum eatalyst: Ent


p. 100. Pressure gauges-See Table XII, page 103. Also Sm. p. 102. Pressure transdueers: Bo, Dat, Fi2 , In3, KD, R04, Se2, St pp.104-S.

p.106. p.lOS. p.104 p.104. p.10? p.10? p.IO? p.109.

Semieonduetor thermometers: Cr4, CS, H02, Ra Vapour-pressure and gas thermometers: Cr2 , R04 Thermoeouple wire: J04 PIatinum resistanee thermometers: Dei Resistanee thermometerwire: J04 Float-in-tube flowmeters: Fi1 , Gr 1, PI, Ro Orifiee plate and Venturi tube flowmeters: Ke, Wa Turbine flowmeters: Fi1 , F01 , Me In tegrating flowmeters ("gasmeters") :

dry: Pa, Wa wet: Ah, Pa, Wa

p.110. Optieal dipstieks: Hi1 , Sp p. 112. Carbon resistors suitable for thermometry: Bk (UK agent for Alan

Bradley) p.113. Mass-speetrometer gas analyzers: EI2, As, C04, Va


p. 113. Katharometric gas analyzers: Eil, Be p.l14. Hygrometers: Be, E1 2, HY2, Sh2 p.115. Pneumatically-operated valves: Fi3, Fol , GI, Ne, PI


p.1I5. Pneumatic and/or electronic controllers: Ca2, Dr, Fi2, Fi3, Fol , Ga2 ,Ke, Ne, H02

p. 115. Manostats: Ed, Grl p. 116. Liquid refrigerant level control: Ah, Cr2 , KD, Mal p.118. Solenoid-operated valves: BI, Hai p. 118. Pressure-sensitive switches: BI, Dr, Inl, KD, Qu


p.122. Low expansion alloys: He2 p. 125. Copper tubing: Cal, Yo, Hel, Cal p. 126. Compression fittings: Br4, Cr6, H03 p.126. Brass tubing, general: Hel, Yo, RT, Cal p.126. Brass tubing, telescopic: Ro3, RT p.126. German silver thin-walled tubing: J04 p. 126. Stainless steel thin-walled tubing: Ca3, Un2 p. 127. Other stainless steel tubing: Ca3 , Tu, Un2 p.127. Large diameters: Av

Flexible tubing: C03, Ma2, POl, Av p.127. HP gas control valves: Ga2, Ha2, H03 , (esp. small needle valve),

Hy I, lV, Nu, Pr2 , Wh2 p.127. LP and vacuum control valves: Ga2, Ha2, H03 , NU,Pr2, Sa, Wh2 pp. 131-2.

Hard solde ring (silver-brazing) alloys and fluxes: J04 p. 132. Soft solders and tinning pastes: En2 p.133. Wood'smetal: Br3 p. 135. Stainless steel/aluminium transition couplings: Shl , Whl p. 136. Epoxy resins: Ci p. 136. Metal/glass seals: As, Je p. 139. Explosive gas detectors: Ah , In2, Mi p. 139. Katharometric gas detectors: Ed p. 140. Aerogel powders: C~, Da2, EXI, Mo, Sil p.141. Solid foam insulation, ready-made: EX2, Sh3

p.141. Solid foam "Do-it-yourself': Ba, H04 Metal bellows: see under Chapter 2


p. 149. Spinnings: F02 p.152. Cryostats and cryostat dewars: (see also underGeneral above)In4'

Ja, Ti

170 Appendix


p. 154. Hydraulic test punps: Ma4, Ta p.155. Cylinder trolleys: Sc p. 155. Cylinder wall clamps: Wh2

p.156. Bursting dises: Di, J04, Mas


Ai1 L'Air Liquide, 75 Quai d'Orsay, Paris 7e, France Ai2 Air Products and Chemieals Inc., Advanced Products Dept.,

Allentown, Penna., USA. UK office: 49 Poland Street, London Wl, England.

Ai3 Airtec Inc., 264 Columbus Ave, Roselle, NJ 07203, USA. All Alley Compressors Ud., Cathcart, Glasgow S4, Scotland. Al2 Alexander Wright & Co (Westminster) Ud., 91 Wellesley Road,

Croydon CR9 2SA, England. Al3 Almac Cryogenics Inc., 1108 26 Street, Oakland Califomia 94607,

USA. An1 Andonian Associates Inc., 26 Thaver Road, Waltham, Mass., USA. An2 Andreas Hofer Ud., Mühlheim, W. Germany. Ar CTI (Cryogenic Technology Inc), Kelvin Park, 266 Second Avenue,

Waltham, Mass. 02154, USA. European office: Arthur D. Little A. G., Zürich, Seefeldstrasse

224, Switzerland. UK office: Arthur D. Little Ud., Berkeley Square House, Berkeley

Square, London, W.l., England. As Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., Scientific Apparatus Dept.,

Barton Dock Road, Unnston, Manchester, England. Av Aviea Equipment Ud., Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts,

England. Ba Baxenden Chernieal Co., Baxenden, Near Accrington, Lanes,

England. Be Beckman Instruments Ine., 2500 Harbor Boulevard, Fullerton,

California 92634, USA. UK braneh: Beckman Instruments Ltd., Queensway, Glenrothes,

Fife, Seotland. Bi Birlec Ltd., Tybum Road, Erdington, Birmingham 24, England. Bk B. & K. Laboratories Ltd., 4 Tilney Street, Park Lane, London,

W.l., England. (UK agent for Alan Bradley) BI Blaek Automatie Controls Ltd., Leafield, Corsham, Wilts, I;ngland.

Appendix 171

Bo Electronics Dept., Boulton Paul Aircraft Ltd., Wolverhampton, England.

Brt British Oxygen Cryöproducts Ltd., Deer Park Road, London, SWI9, England.

Br2 British Carbo-Norit Union Ltd., London Road, West Thurrock, Greys, Essex, England.

Br] British Drug Houses Ltd., Poole, Dorset, England. Br4 British Ermeto Corp. Ltd., Hargrave Road, Maidenhead, Berks,

England. Brs Broom & Wade Ltd., PO Box No. 7, High Wycombe, England. BUt W. P. Butterfieid Ltd., Shipley, Yorks, Engla.nd. BU2 Budenberg Gauge Co., Broadheath, Near Manchester, England. Cat Wolverine Tube Division, Calumet & Hecla, 1233 Central Street,

Evanston, llünois, USA. Ca2 Cambridge Industrial Instruments Ltd., Sydney Road, MusweIl

HilI, London, N.lO, England. Ca] Carpenter Steel Co. Alloy Tube Division, 101 West Bern Street,

Reading, Penna., USA. UK agent: Tube Sales (U.K.) Ltd., West Bay Road, Southampton,

England. C~ The Cabot Corporation, 125 High Street, Boston 10, Mass., USA.

UK office: Cabot Carbon Ltd., Caroline House, Dingwall Road, Croydon, Surrey, England.

Chi Chesterfield Tube Co. Ltd., Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England. Ch2 Chemring, Ltd., Alchem Works, Rodney Road, Fratton Industrial

Estate, Portsmouth, Hants, England. Ci Ciba (A.R.L.) Ltd., Duxford, Cambridge, England. CO l Corblin et Cie, 78-80 Boulevard St. Marcel, Paris 5e, France.

British agent: C. T. (London) Ltd., 27 Ashley Place, London, W.l., England.

CO2 The Cosmodyne Corp, 2920 Columbia St., Torrance, California 90509, USA.

C03 Compoflex Co. Ltd., 306 Burbury Street, Lozells, Birmingham 19, England.

C04 Consolidated Electrodynarnics Corp., 1500 Shamrock, Monrovia, California 91017, USA.

Cr t Crofts Ltd., Bradford, Yorks, England. Cr2 Cryogenics Inc., 5821 Serninary Road, Bailey's Crossroads,

Alexandria, Virginia 22041, USA. Cr] Cryenco - Cryogenic Engineering Company, 4955 Bannock

Street, Denver, Colorado 82216, USA. Cr4 Cryocal Inc., PO Box 10176, Riviera Beach, Florida 33404, USA. Crs Cryogenic Research Co., PO Box 881, Boulder, Colorado 80302,


172 Appendix

Cr6 Crawford Fitting Co., 29500 Solon Road, Solon, Ohi044139, USA. CS CSF (UK) Ud., 1 Cadogan Place, London, S.Wl., Fngland. Ct CTLS, 53 Bonn-Ippendorf, Gierolstrasse 15, W. Gerrnany.

UK. office: Cryotechnic Ltd. Apollo House, 56 New Bond Street, London, W.1., England.

Dal Datarnetrics Ud., Upton Road, Watford, Herts, England. Da2 Davison Chemical Division, W. R. Grace & Co., 101 North Charles

St., Baltirnore, Maryland 21203, USA. Dei Degussa, Weissfrauenstrasse 9, Frankfurt arn Main, W. Gerrnany.

UK. agent: Bush, Beach & Segner Bayley Ud., Engineering Division, Marlow House, Uoyds Avenue, London, E.C.3., England.

De:z R. & J. Dempster Ud., Chapter Street, Newton Heath, Manchester 10, Lancs, England.

Di Distillers Co. Ud., Great Burgh, Epsom, Surrey, England. Dr Drayton Hydroflex Ud., Chantry WorkS, West Drayton, Middlesex,

England. also: ·Drayton Controls Ud., Horton Road Works, West Drayton,

Middlesex, England. Du Dunlop Rubber Co. Ud., Fort Dunlop, Birrningham, England.

also: Dunlop Semtex Ud., Insulating Division, Empire Way, Wembley, Middlesex, England.

Ea H.G. East & Co., 37 A Oxford Road, Cowley, Oxford, England. Ed Edwards High Vacuum Ud., Manor Royal, Crawley, Sussex,

England. EIl Electronic Instruments Ud., Richmond, Surrey, England. (For-

merly part of the Cambridge Instrument Company). El2 Elliott-Process Automation Ud., Blackwall Lane, Greenwich,

London, S.E.lO., England. Enl Engelhard Industries, 207 Grant Avenue, Newark, NJ 07029, USA.

UK. branch: Engelhard Industries Ud., Valley Road, Cinderford, Gloucestershire, England.

En2 Enthoven Solders Ud., Dominion Buildings, South Place, London, E.C.2., England.

Ex I Expanded Perll te Ud., 175 Piccadilly, London, W.1., England. Ex2 Expanded Rubber & Plastics Ud., Mitcham Road, Croydon,

Surrey, England. Fil Fischer & Porter Ud., Warminster, Pennsylvania, USA.

UK branch: Salterbeck Trading Estate, Workington, Cnmberland, England.

Fi2 Fielden Electronics Ud., Wythenshawe, Manchester, England. 6 3 Fisher Governor Co., PO Box 190, Marshalltown, Iowa 50158,

USA. UK. branch: Airport Works, Maidstone Road, Rochester, Kent,


Appendix 173

F4 Fine Tubes Ud., Estover Works, Crownhill, Plymouth, Devon, England.

FOl Foxboro-Yoxall Ud., Redhill, Surrey, England. F02 Fowler & Polglaze Ud., 8-9 Stephen Buildings, Gresse St.,

London, W.1., England. Gal Gardner Cryogenies Corp., 2136 City Une Road, Bethlehem, Penna

18017, USA. European Head Offiee: 20 Chaus~e d'Houtem Vilorde, Brussels,

Belgium. UK offiee: 34 Hayseeeh, Cradley Heath, Warley, Wores, England.

Ga2 Garrett Corporation, 9851 Sepulveda Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90009, USA.

Gel General Eleetrie Company, Seheneetady, NY 12305, USA. Ge2 General Engineering Co. (Radeliffe) Ltd., Yorkshire, England. GI Gloueester Controls Ud., Eastern Avenue, Gloueester, England. Grl Greiner Scientifie Corp., 20-26 N. Moore St., New York, NY

10013, USA. Gr2 Gresham Uon Eleetronies Ud., Twiekenham Road, Feltham,

Middlesex, England. Gu Guide Bridge Rubber Co., Vulcan Mill, Buteher Lane, Bury, Lanes,

England. Hal Harvey Control Company,2880 Chattleton Lane, San Pablo,

California 94806, USA Ha2 Hale Hamilton (Valves) Ud., Frays Mill Works, Cowley Road,

Uxbridge, Middlesex, England. Ha3 Harvey Fabrication Ud., Woolwieh Road, London, S.E. 7, England. Hel Henry Righton & Co. Ltd., 70 Pentonville Road, London, N.l,

England. He2 Henry Wiggin & Co. Ltd., Holmer Road, Hereford, England. Hil Hird-Brown Ltd., Bolton, Laneashire, England. Hi2 Hiek, Hargreaves & Co. Ud., Soho Ironworks, Bolton, Lanes,

England. HOl Hofman Division, Minnesota Valley Engineering Ine., New Prague,

Minnesota 56071, USA. H02 Honeywell Ine., Philadelphia Div., 1100 Virginia Drive, Fort

Washington, Penna 19034, USA. UK office: Honeywell House, Great West Road, Brentford,

Middlesex, England. H03 Hoke Mfg. Co., 1 Tenakill Park, Cresskill, NJ 07626, USA.

UK agent: George MeIler Ud., 26 Hallam Street, London, WIN 6LB, England.

H04 Honeywill-Atlas Ltd., Devonshire House, Mayfair Plaee, Pieeadilly, London, W.l, England.

Hos F. J. Hone & Co. Ltd., 19 Eldon Park, London, S.E. 25, England.

174 Appendix

Hy 1 Hymatic Engineering Co. Ltd., Redditch, Worcs, England. Hyz Hygrodynamics Inc., 949 Selim Road., Silver Spring, Md.-

Washington, D.C., USA. Inl Inertia Switches Ltd., 123 London Road, Camberley, Surrey,

England. Ioz International Gas Detectors Ltd., Great Wilson Street, Leeds, 11,

England. In3 Intersonde Ltd., Queen Mary's Avenue, Watford, Herts, England. h4 International Research and Development, Fossway, Newcastle-

upon-Tyne, 6, England. N I.V. Pressure Controllers Ltd., 683 London Road, Isleworth,

Middlesex, England. Ja Janis Research Company Inc., 22 Spencer Street, Stoneham, Mass.

02180, USA. Je Jencons (Scientific) Ltd., Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead, Herts,

England. J01 James Jobling& Co. Ltd., Sunderland, Co. Durham, England. Joz John Thompson (pressure Vessel Division) Ltd., Ettingshall,

Wolverhampton, England. J03 John Moncrieff & Co., Perth, Scotland. J04 Johnson Matthey Metals Ltd., 81 Hatton Garden, London,

E.C.l, England. KD KDG Instruments Ltd., Manor Royal, Crawley, Sussex, England.

Agent: A. D. Wood Ltd., SelVice House, 1 Lansdowne Road, Tottenham, London, N.17, England.

Ke Kent Instruments Ltd., Biscot Rd., Luton, Bedfordshire, England. Ki Kinney Vacuum Div., 3529 Washington, Boston, Mass 02130,

USA. UK: see Gez

Le Leybold-Heraeus Ud., Blackwall Lane, London, S.E.10, England. li Gesellschaft für lindes Eismaschinen AG., 8021 Hollriegelskreuth

bei München, W. Germany. Lu Luchard et Cie, 137 a 161 Avenue Georges Clemenceau, Nanterre

(Seine) Bo?te Postale No.31, France. Mal Malaker Laboratories Inc., West Main Street, High Bridge, NJ

08829, USA. Maz Mason Renshaw Industries, Box 445, Carpinteria, California

93013, USA. Ma3 Magnion Inc., Cryo. Division, 144 Middlesex Turnpike, Burling-

ton, Maryland 01803, USA. M~ C. S. Madan & Co. Ltd., Vortex Works, Altrincham, Cheshire,

England. Mas Marston Excelsior Ltd., Fordhouses, Wolverhampton, England. Me Meterflow Ltd., Royston Road, Baldock, Herts, England.

Appendix 175

Mi Mine Safety Appliances Co. Ud., Marshgate Trading Estate, Taplo~ Road, Taplow, Bucks, England.

Mo Monsanto Chemical Co., 800 N. Lindberg Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri 63166, USA.

UK office: Monsanto House, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l, England.

Ne Negretti & Zambra Ud., Stocklake, Aylesbury, Bucks, England. No North American Philips Co. Inc., Cryogenic Division, PO Box

2200, Ashton, R.1. 02864, USA. Nu Nupro Company, 15635 Saranac Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44110,

USA. Ox Oxford Instrument Co. Ud., Osney Mead, Oxford, England. Pa Parkinson & Cowan Ud., Talbot Road, Stretford, Manchester,

England. Pe Peter Spence Ud., Widnes, Lancs, England:* Ph N. V. Philips Gloeilampenfabrieken, Eindhoven, Holland.

UK subsidiary: Pye-Unicam Ud., York Street,. Cambridge, England.

PI G. A. Platon Ud., Wella Road, Basingstoke, Hants, England. POl Power Flexible Tubing Co. Ud., Derby Works, Vale Road,

London, N.4, England. P02 Power-Gas Corporation, PO Box 21, Stockton on Tees, England. Pr2 Pressure Control Ud., Davis Road, Chessington, Surrey, England. Py Pye-Unicam Ud., York Street, Cambridge, Qu USA-Qualitrol Corp., 1387 Ford and Fairport Road, Fairport,

NY 14450, USA. UK branch: Qualitrol Instruments Ltd., 97-107 Uxbridge Road,

London, W.5, England. Ra Radiation Research Corp., 1150 Shames Drive, Westbury, Long

Island, NY, USA. Re Reavell & Co., Ipswich, Suffolk, England. ROl Ronan & Kunzle Inc., 1225 S. Kalamazoo Ave., Marshall,

Minnesota 49068, USA. R02 Rotameter Manufacturing Co. Ud., 330 PurIey Way, Croydon,

Surrey, England. R03 H. Rollet & Co. Ud., 36 Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.l,

England. R04 Rosemount Engineering Co. Ud., Durban Road, Bognor Regis,

Sussex, England. RT R.T.Z. Metals Ud., York House, Empire Way, Wembley,

Middlesex, England. Ry Ryan Industries Inc., 888 East 70th Street, Cleveland, Ohio

44103, USA.

*Now Laporte Industries Ltd., Moorfield Road, Widnes, Lancs., EngIand.

176 Appendix

Sa Saunders Valve Company Ltd., Cwmbran, Mon, England. Sc Seientifie Supplies Co. Ltd., Seientifie House, Vine HilI, London,

E.C.l, England. Sei Servomex Controls Ud., Crowborough, Sussex, England. Se2 S.E. Laboratories (Engineering) Ud., North Feltham Trading

Estate, Feltham, Middlesex, England. Shl Sherwood Overseas Corp, 65 E. 55 Street, New York, NY 10022,

USA. UK Agent: Gatwiek Eleetrode Co., Crawley, Sussex, England.

Sh2 Shaw Moisture Meters, Rawson Road, Westgate, Bradford, Yorks, England.

Sh3 Shell International Petroleum Co. Ud., Plastics & Rubbers Divi-sion, Shell Centre, London, S.E.1, England.

Sil Silbrieo Corp., 6300 River Road, Hodgkins, Illinois 60527, USA. Sh Silica Gel Ud., 62 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.1, England. Sm Smith's Industrial Instruments Ud., Chronos Works, North Cir-

eular Road, London, N.W.2, England. Sp Spembley Teehnieal Produets Ud., Trinity Trading Estate,

Sittingbourne, Kent, England. St Stowe Laboratories Ine., Kane Industrial Drive, Hudson, Mass

01749 USA. UK agent: Guest International Ud., Nicholas House, Brigstoek

Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, England. SUI Superior Air Produets Co., 132 Malvern Street, Newark, NJ

07105, USA. SU2 Suifrian Cryogenies, 391 East Inman Ave., Rahway, NJ 07065,

USA. SU3 Sulzer Bros. Ud., Winterthur, Switzerland. Ta Tangyes Ud., Cornwall Works, Smethwiek, Birmingham,

England. Tel Texas Instruments Ine., 3609 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, Texas

77036, USA. and Texas Instruments Ud., Manton Lane, Bedford, England.

Te2 Teddington Aireraft Controls Ud., Bellows Division, Teilo Works,. Pontardulais, Swansea, Wales.

Ti Tilbury Cryo-Equipment, 29 Kingston Road, Oxford, England. Tr TBT (see Aid. Tu Tube Sales (U.K.) Ud., West Bay Road, Southampton,

England. Uni Union Carbide Corp., Linde Division, 270 Park Avenue, New

York, 10.017, USA. UK braneh: 8 Grafton Street, London W.1, England.

Un2 United States Steel, 1401 Areh Street, Philadelphia, Penna 19105, USA.

Appendix 177

Un3 United States Dynamics, 10 Denham Street, Newton Highlands 61, Mass., USA.

Va Vacuum Barrier Corp., 4 Barton Lane, Woburn, Mass. 01801, USA.

Vi. Visco Ltd., Stafford Road, Croydon, Surrey, England. Wa Walker, Crossweller & Co. Ltd., Whaddon Works, Cheltenham,

Glos., England. We Wesley Coe Ltd., Scotland Road, Cambridge, England. Wh. Whittaker Nuc1ear Metals Division, Main Street, West Concord,

Mass. 01781, USA. European agent: Eskenazi S. A., 24 Rue Joseph Girard, 1227

Carouge-Geneve, Switzerland. Wh2 Whitey Research Tool Co., 5525 Marshall Street, Oakland S",

California, USA. Wi Williams & James Ltd., Chequers Bridge, Gloucester, England. Wo A. D. Wood (London) Ltd., Service House 1, Lansdowne Road,

Tottenham, London, N.17, England. Yo Yorksllire Imperial Metals Ltd., PO Box 166, Leeds, England.


adhesives, epoxy resin 136 air, liquid 5, 46-49 aluminium and Al alloys 120, 122 bellows 24 boiling points 4 brasses 120, 122, 126 brittle fracture 123 carbon steels, hazard of 123 Collins 34 compressors

booster 82 choice and use of 74-78 helium recovery 82 high-pressure 81 medium-pressure 79-81 oil-free 81-82

contraction 120 copper 120, 121-122 critical points 4 cryostat dewaIs

commercial 152-153 laboratory-built 147-150 principles 147 windows in 150-152

cylinders, gas-storage 91-92, 155 demountable joints 136 densities 4 dewar vessels (see liquid refrigerant

storage and cryostat dewars)


emissivity(see radiation, thermal) expanded plastics and mineral powders

(see thermal insulation) flow measurement of gases 107-109 gasmeters 109 gas purification

charcoal 93-94 droplet separation 92 drying agents 92-93 platinum catalyst 94 purifier, laboratory-built 96-99 purifiers, commercial 94-95, 96 purity measurement 113-114

gas storage bubbler 90 gasbags 88-90 gasholders, dry 88 gasholders, wet 88 high -pressure vessels 91-92, 155 recovery systems, commercial9 5 -96

glasses 120, 124, 137 glass/metal seals 136-13 7 hazards

carbon steels 123 high-pressure gas 154-155 hydrogen 158-160 liquid refrigerant vessels 156-158 oxygen 158 physiological 160

180 Index

heat conductivity (see thermal con­ductivity)

heat exchangers, principles 29, 32-33 helium (4 He and 3 He) (see also lique-

fiers and refrigerators) dilution refrigerator 69-72 liquid 3He, use of 8 liquid 4He, handling 18,23,25 liquid 4He, storage 16-18 liquid 4 He, use of 8 thermal and physical properties 4, 9

helium recovery (see compressors, gas storage, and gas purification)

hydrogen (see also liquefiers and re-frigera tors)

detection of 139 liquid, handling of 2 liquid, storage of 16-18 liquid, use of 6,7 ortho- andpara- 6, 7-8 safety in use of 158-160 thermal and physical properties 4

hygrometers 114 inversion temperatures 28 Johnston coupling (see transfer lines) Joule-Thomson effect (see liquefiers

and refrigerators) katharometers 113-114, 139 Kirk cyc1e 28,44 latent heats of evaporation 4 leak detection 137-139 level (see liquid refrigerant level depth

measurement) liquefiers and refrigerators

ADL-Collins 34-40 ADL-Cryodyne 60-62 Air Products Cryotip 67 Collins 34 Cryodyne principle 57-60 dilution refrigerator 69-72 Doll-Eder 40-44 economics 6, 9 extern al work principle 28, 32, 44 Gifford-McMahon principle 57-60

liquifiers and refrigerators (continued) heat exchangers in 29,32,33 helium, principles 32 hydrogen, principles 32 Hymatic Minicooler 67-68 internal work principle 29-31 Joule-Thomson effect 28 Kirk cyc1e 28,44 Linde Co. 40-44 Linde principle 29-31 MalakerCryomite 57 Norelco 50-52 Philips

air and nitrogen 46-49 Cryogem 50-52 cryogenerators 50 helium 53-56

principles 27 purification in 33-34 Pye-Unicarn 62-63 regenerators in 44-46 Sirnon 28 Stirling cyc1e 28,44 TBT 65-67

liquid refrigerant level 116-118 controlof depth measurement 111-113 surface detection 109-111

liquid refrigerant storage liquid H2 and He 16-18 liquid nitrogen, etc. 13-16 principles 11

magnetic properties 121 manostats 115-116 mass spectrometers

for gas analysis 113 for leak detection 138-139

mechanical properties, metals and plastics 120, 121-123

multilayer insulation (see thermal in­sulation)

neon liquid, use of 6 thermal and physical properties 4

Index 181

nickel alloys 120, 122-123 nitrogen

liquid automatie contral of 118 handling of23, 25 pumps far 118 storage of 13-16 use of 5

thermal and physical properties 4 oxygen

hazards of 158 liquid, use of 5 thermal and physical properties 4

Perlite 13, 140-141 pipes (see tubes and pipes) plastics

adhesives 136 foamed 141 solid 120, 123-124

pressure, control of 115 pressure measurement 100-102, 103 pressure testing 154, 155 pumps, vacuum

Kinney 84-86 Roots 86 rotary exhauster 83 rotating vane 83-84 vapour booster 86

radiation, thermal effectiveness of thin reflecting films

143-145 emissivity 119, 120 liquid refrigerant vessels 12 radiation shields 12-13, 142, 149 Stefan's constant 12

refrigerators (see liquefiers and re-frigerators)

regenerators 44-46 safety (see hazards) seals

demountable 136 glass/metaI136-137 window 151-152

Simon 28

siphons (see transfer lines) Solders and soldering

hard ("silver") 131-132 non-superconducting 135 soft (tin/lead) 132-135 Wood's metal135

specific heat (see thermal capacity ) stainless steels 120, 123, 126-127 Stirling cyc1e 28,44 superinsulation (see thermal insu­

lation) temperature measurement

carbon thermometer 104 gas thermometer 106-107 resistance thermometer 104 semiconductor thermometer 104-

105 thermocouple 105 vapour pressure thermometer 106

tensile strength 120 thermal capacity

gases 4 metals and plastics 120

thermal conductivity insulating powders 140-141 metals and plastics (solid) 119, 120 multilayer insulation 142-145 plastics, foamed 141 residual gas 13

thermal expansion 120 thermal insulation

expanded mineral powders 13, 140-141 high vacuum 13 liquid refrigerant vessels 11-13 muItilayer 13, 142-145 plastics, foamed 141 radiation shields 142 superinsulation 13, 142-145

transfer lines, liquid refrigerant couplings for 22 liquid H2 and He 23,25 liquid nitrogen 23, 140 principles 20-22


transition couplings 135-136 tripie points 4 tubes and pipes

bursting pressures 124 collapsing pressures 125 fittings for 126 pressure drop 128 sizes 125-126

turbines 28, 63, 64


valves high-pressure, low-temperature

129-130 liquid refrigerant 129 room-temperature 127-129 vapour-pressure operated 116-

117 welding 131 windows (see seals)