Bible Investment

How to Invest Money According to the Bible The Bible shows us when to buy a home, when to sell a home, when to buy a business, when to sell a business, how to succeed in your career, and even what career to select. When you learn these three amazing secrets from the life of Abraham, you will never be the same again. Recognize that God wants to make you rich (3 John 2, Proverbs 10:22). Recognize that Jesus died to make you rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Recognize that God will supply your needs (Philippians 4:19). 2 Recognize that the number one way to prosperity is that God will lead you so that you must follow your conscience (Proverbs 4:23, Romans 8:14-17, Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Genesis 12:4 and Genesis 13:2). You have fantastic talents and abilities, and God can show you exactly what you must do. You might be laid off but get a raise in your new job. On these occasions God's Spirit gives a witness in your spirit on what career to pursue -- and you can prosper by following your conscience (and leadership of the Holy Spirit). In the times that you have such a witness, get alone and pray seriously each day, for several days before, to be sure that God was witnessing to your conscience. Notice that Abraham obeyed the leading of God in Genesis 12:4. Proverbs 4:23, "Above all things keep your heart [listen to the "small still voice" within you] for out of it are the issues of life." Read Galatians 3:13-14 and Romans 8:16-17. 3 Be a specialist in your career: Manage the money you make and learn theinvestment cycles. Now for the three types of money in the Bible and the three secrets to prosperity: after Abraham followed God (Genesis 12:4), God prospered Abraham in Genesis 13:2 with cattle (his career), silver (the money he made) and gold (investments).

Transcript of Bible Investment

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How to Invest Money According to the BibleThe Bible shows us when to buy a home, when to sell a home, when to buy a business, when to sell a business, how to succeed in your career, and even what career to select. When you learn these three amazing secrets from the life of Abraham, you will never be the same again.

Recognize that God wants to make you rich (3 John 2, Proverbs 10:22). Recognize that Jesus died to make you rich (2 Corinthians 8:9). Recognize that God will supply your needs (Philippians 4:19).

2Recognize that the number one way to prosperity is that God will lead you so that you must follow your conscience (Proverbs 4:23, Romans 8:14-17, Deuteronomy 28:1-2, Genesis 12:4 and Genesis 13:2). You have fantastic talents and abilities, and God can show you exactly what you must do. You might be laid off but get a raise in your new job. On these occasions God's Spirit gives a witness in your spirit on what career to pursue -- and you can prosper by following your conscience (and leadership of the Holy Spirit). In the times that you have such a witness, get alone and pray seriously each day, for several days before, to be sure that God was witnessing to your conscience. Notice that Abraham obeyed the leading of God in Genesis 12:4. Proverbs 4:23, "Above all things keep your heart [listen to the "small still voice" within you] for out of it are the issues of life." Read Galatians 3:13-14 and Romans 8:16-17.

3Be a specialist in your career: Manage the money you make and learn theinvestment cycles. Now for the three types of money in the Bible and the three secrets to prosperity: after Abraham followed God (Genesis 12:4), God prospered Abraham in Genesis 13:2 with cattle (his career), silver (the money he made) and gold (investments).

The cattle represents your career and notice that this comes first in The Bible. The secret to your career is to become a specialist. Proverbs 13:15 says that "good understanding gives favor". You must get your college degree and stick with the same career to become a specialist. Proverbs 12:8 says that a man shall be commended for his prudence, not for his hard work. You must learn to "work smarter, not just harder."

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Notice that in Proverbs 24:27, God wants you to establish your career before you get married. 54% of the divorce in America is over lack of money. Deuteronomy 8:18, "But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today."

The silver represents managing the money you make and the Bible secret is to live on a budget. Proverbs 21:17 says that "he who loves pleasure will be poor". You must balance your bills with your income. Also use credit wisely because proverbs 22:7 says that "the borrower is slave to the lender".

Next is the gold and this represents an investment. The Bible has a lot to say about investment cycles. Forty years in the Bible is considered to be a generation. Every 40 years a terrible recession hits America and home prices collapse as in the 1890's, 1930's, 1970's and 2010's. These collapses are all caused by the government lowering interest rates, causing cheap money, easy loans and a housing bubble. We see this in Genesis 41 where Joseph told Pharaoh that they would have 7 lean years. The 7 lean years, called the "winter recession" in the Bible, happens every 40 years in America. There is another type of recession in the Bible, such as when the government is aggressively lowering interest rates, or recessions that are mild like the "aerospace recession" and the "dot com bubble". Once again there are other influences in the Bible -- for Elijah prayed, and it did not rain for 3.5 years.

4Associate with people that inspire you and teach you to prosper (Proverbs 13:20). It is important to note that Lot who traveled with Abraham also prospered in his career due to the law of association. Lot did not manage the money he made; all of his workers were drunk and fought with Abraham's men, and the two had to go different paths. Lot lost everything in Genesis 19 because Lot did not learn to follow his conscience, be a specialist, manage the money he made nor learn investment cycles. This goes to show that you can be blessed by the law of association but unless one matures spiritually, one will always be driven with circumstances (Abraham ignored circumstances Romans 4:19).


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Major verses that show economic and housing cycles in the Bible are Genesis 41, Proverbs 22:2-3, Ecclesiastes 3:2,6 and the Early Church that sold their homes before a huge recession under Claudius Caesar.

Proverbs 22:2-3,

"Rich and poor have this in common:The Lord is the Maker of them all.The prudent see danger and take refuge,but the simple keep going and pay the penalty".

Ecclesiastes 3:1,3,6,

"There is a time for everything,and a season for every activity under the heavens:a time to be born and a time to die,a time to plant and a time to uproot,a time to search and a time to give up,a time to keep and a time to throw away".

Besides the economic cycles, the Bible also talks about housing as being theinheritance of fathers in Proverbs 19:14. One could apply the 7 years up and 7 years down economic cycle in Genesis 41 to real estate (8 is completion) and find out that real estate was 8 years up from 82 to 90, 8 years depressed from 90 to 98 and 8 years up from 98 to 2006. Bingo, when foreclosures rose in 2006 one might have sold a home at the top and have been waiting until approximately (2006+8=2014) to get back in.

By the way in 2014, the last of the foreclosed homes that wouldn't sell may be almost given away by the banks with $1,000 down. At the end of the last cycle in 1997-98, that is what the banks did to get rid of the homes that wouldn't sell.

Another suggestion, when at the 40 year recession, the real estate depression tends to last another 2 years so be sure to buy a home before 2016 (2006 + 8 + 2 = 2016). From 2016 onward, home prices may soar.

2010-2019 might be an entire decade of recession, this happens every 40 years. Real estate might be depressed the first half of the decade 2010-2015, but Soar the second half. The reason that the economy will struggle even after the construction recovers is that the government will raise interest rates (to slow the inflation in housing prices), but airlines, auto manufacturers and retail will be struggling with higher interest/and debt payments. That would be if it is a repeat of the 1970's (remember

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major cycle are generational change conjectured to be 40 years: 1850's, 1890's, 1930's, 1970's, 2010's, and the 2050's)