Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts

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Transcript of Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    Time : 1 Hoursf1'Ill : 1 TI1t

    u P 2 5 9 lNo. of Questions: 50


  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    l lP/259/1

    03 Claw-cheese is a tool for:(1) Clay- Moldelling(3) Metal Repusie'R' l 'PlT t ?(1) m T

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    U P 2 5 9 l

    ' 'It m' IfI'll'l'lli;' 4>1 m wflI l l ?(1) (2) 'F'IT'I" (2) (3) (4) i

    5 P.T.O.

    A laSem Admi
  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts



    12 Most of the painting ofYamini Roy is in the medium 0:(1) Wash (2) Oil (3) Tempera (4) ::crallic

    ~ l f ' 1 4 1

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    H P 259 l

    d < ; ' 1 f i R l - l 1 i ~ f i R l q,'\ it q.ft ?(1) 1i14,*,1

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts



    (3) fi ' lq{q{(1)21 Where is sun temple?

    1) Puri 2) Mathura (3) Ayodhya (4) Konarkaf I ~ . m t (

    (1) iU (2) 1I" ,\ (3) 31 it.-zrr (4) if.IOII'f.22 Art is imitation of nature who said this:

    (1) Freud (2) Aristotle (3) Sacreties (4) Platoq, \ "lfliRl t fM

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    UP/259/ t

    25 On top of Lauriya Nandangarh's Pillar of Maurya period an animal iscarved that is :(1) Bullock (2) Lion (3) Horse (4) Elephant4l4ihlHl1 0 1 R ~ 1 1 ~ 1 ' I G ii;- -wI R ~ q,'\ t(1) 'l: (2) (3) 3Hl (4)

    26 Fobbism was innovated by(1) Malisse (2) Cezanne (3) Van Gogh (4) Noldeq;1 f "fiR ii;- r i l ~ i l i l l ii;- f0tl: ~ ?(1) fq;rur (2) 'l' 1 fq;rur (3) f t > R ~ fq;rur (4) fq;rur

    29 Where is Prince ofWalse Musium:(1) Cu1catta (2) Mumbai (3) Delhi (4) Chennaiflm 31 f1:F; l

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    l lP/259/1

    30 Mention the place where Jantar-Mantar is situated except Jaipur :I) DelhiVaransi-Uiiain (2) Delhi-Uiiain-Shrawasti(3) Delhi-Varanasi-Shrawasti (4) Delhi-Mathura- Shrawasti

    I) ~ C f I < I O I ~ am(3) ~ C f I < I O I ~ am JJUCf@ (2) ~ ~ m lJIlCfRlI(4) ~ 1 i ~ am

    31 What is Charkol:I) Graphite 2) Chak (3) Pestal (4) Coalll

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    l l P 259 l

    ~ ~ ~ 1 T 1 ' ~ ~ ~ " i l ~ ~ ?(1)

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts



    39 Who is comtemporary of Nagarguna ?(1) Kumar Gupta (2) Ashok(3) Kanisk (4) Samudra Gupta'11'1I' I'1 r'li{li); { l ~ i l i l < f l 1 t ?(1) ~ T ' I (2) mi\iii- (4) ~ T ' I

    40 Select the name of the installation artist who used chair and butteras medium of his sculpture:(1) Joan Miro (2) Lucas Samaras(3) Joseph Beuse (4) Andria Del Sarve

    ~ R I M ~ H iIiZfll 4;- t ~ k l ~ l < %'IT ?(1) J'R -,:ftU (2) {lWI{l(3) (4) ~ 3 1 T ~ w 1 '

    41 Woodcut is named under which discipline?(1) Sculpture (2) Architecture (3) Print-Making 4) Painting'ISiIi flRl mm q;r m=m t ?(1 ) 'l0i1i

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    UP 259 l

    -a< dW "ll\l1W'II

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


    l lP/259/1

    47 Name of God Architect and creation is :(1) Vishnu (2) Viswakarma (3) Brahma (4) Ganesh

    (1) (2) f I ~ (3) ;roT48 Nirmala Patawardhan is the artist of :

    (1) Sculpture (2) Painting(3) Pottery Ceramic (4) Print Makingf.rR f I lT if q ] l l q @ off?(1) fcI licll(3) er f\1{fllit>

    (2) f ~ ' l i c l l(4) w:n ' >cll t>1 ' fR IT ?

    (2) , < f U l ~ I t < 1 m-iI(4) 11;

  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts



  • 8/12/2019 Bhu Pet 2011 m.f.a. Plastic Arts


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