Bhrigu Predictions 2000-2050

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  • 7/28/2019 Bhrigu Predictions 2000-2050



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    wave of terrorist attacks of an unseen scale.: The eleventh day of the third month of 2004,

    according to Western calendar, in the capital of Spain there are several attacks, usingexplosives. The aim of the attacks will be urban vehicles. More than 200 people, will die

    and several thousand will be injured. In the last month of 2004, according to the Western

    calendar South East Asia will be affected by a huge disaster. Under the west of Sumatra

    island sea bed there is a strong earth quake. This earthquake causes a huge flood wave,which propagates to large coastal areas of Sumatra, Thailand, Bangladesh, India, Sri

    Lanka, the Maldives and even East Africa. Kills more than two hundred thousand peopleamong them many foreigners, including from Europe. However, most affected will be the

    local population. Millions of people come on the roofs with all their assets. The report on

    this disaster, however, cause wave of solidarity throughout the world and to the affectedarea starts flow-aid money, in kind donations, and rescue teams of doctors. Germans will

    became donors, because they will still live the memory of the floods that hit their own

    country. Anyway the effects will last three years, before the worse of the disaster is

    healed. Much of the aid is not reaching the needy people, but will end be in the hands ofthe unjust, using them as goods for sale. Sumatra recovery will be very long, because the

    complicate civil war situation on the island. The submarine earthquake against the coastof Sumatra but will be only the first in a number of disasters, which incoming decadeswill affect not only Asia, but also other parts of the world. For 2005,it contains other

    important forecasts: one week after some religious holidays of one of the two main

    Christian churches (the Easter means - note. author)the leader of the Church dies, whichstood in the forefront of more than twenty years. (Pope John Paul II. Actually died on 2

    April 2005week after the Easter holidays.) His death will cause great sadness and

    participation among the believers of this church, but also other religions shows how much

    respect they acquired for this man .The successor of the deceased and the new head of theChristian Church becomes a man who for many years belonged to the earliest

    collaborators of the deceased and for many years held one of the highest offices of this

    Church. The new leader will be in functions surprisingly quickly, and the new man leadsthe church forward in the same spirit of the late predecessor. The new main

    representative of the Church will come from Germany and its name will be "Blessed".

    and shall remain in the highest office for about eight years. The manuscript future ofGermany and Europe speaks about general disillusionment. People will elect a new

    leader, but will not be no better than their predecessors. The gap between the rich

    minority and the poor majority will continue to deepen, and to show up at a faster pace.

    More and more people will be without work. Their work will be done by machines. This

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    shall not apply only in Germany, affects other European countries, in fact it will to some

    extent, a global problem. General people will be burdened by greater burden of taxes and

    various levies and charges. Owners of large factories and shops will have on the contrary,continuously growing profits, they will do what they want, living as in a fairy tale. The

    simple people will be seen as slaves and the new factories will be established only where

    it will be possible to pay the hungry low wages and the local rulers will receive rich gifts.Ordinary citizens will afford less and less and will be satisfied with cheap mass

    entertainment the institutions offer. They listen to music, watch TV and play computer

    games. (Here the terms are text interpretation formulations- will be aimed at providing the minimum value. People will be presented a

    kind of a virtual reality, to forget how bleak for them is in reality the world in which they

    live, to make their daily life filled with existential worries, tolerable. People will pay

    attention to what will be free fun for them, to what is really important for them. Thiskeeps them in a gross materialism; and the mayic illusion will celebrate victory. As a

    result, a worse situation will continue to increase and make people uncertain . Many of

    them will realize that the system in which they live is ceasing to function properly. This

    will start major changes. Epoch called kali juga reaches to an end and will be replaced bya better age, Satya-yuga (gold or spiritual age - note. aut.). However, the end of kali-yuga

    will be linked to large disturbances and the resistance of certain quarters against the newtendencies. Many people will loose perspective and use violent speech. These people are

    totally focused on the material values and will look backward instead of a forward view;

    they will complain of better times past and the future will appear for them as completelyhopeless. There is a call for a strong ruler who would eradicate all wickedness and punish

    properly the perpetrators. But a number of despotic rulers in European countries and

    Germany actually come to power because the wish of the people .This occurs in the years

    2019 to 2046, Western calendar. However they soon realize that this solution is notproper. Gradually they begin to understand that a real change will be achieved only if

    they assume responsibility for their own lives and the lives of his closest people and

    neighbors. This knowledge, however, will lead a long way, but even more will berequired for the practical path of this knowledge .After a continued disintegration of

    values and social structures, positive social changes in Europe and Germany do not

    appear before 2048 Western calendar, Initially, the people will help itself, or even at theexpense of others. Only when the situation becomes completely hopeless, they will

    realize that they can survive only if there is cooperation among all. Since public

    authorities will not be able to help, mutual assistance and solidarity between the families

    will be the distinctive characteristics of the new age. END of the super CAPITALISMMost European nations are part of the same political and economic system, like Germany

    The EU Community was originally founded by six countries with the aim of improving

    living conditions of the population by trade liberalization and industrial developmentproduction. Over time, other countries joined. There will be a common currency.

    However, the larger the EU becomes, the more difficult will be to govern it and achieve

    the objectives which the individual nations wish. The EU Community serves primarilythe interests of powerful corporations. In 2004, the Western calendar there is a further

    large extension of the community by a number of states of Eastern Europe joining. Until

    1989 Western Calendar these countries lived under a completely different system and

    large part of their population is poor. New country members hope that their membership

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    in the Union will bring greater prosperity. However, it remains only a hope. Powerful

    forces in the European Union control the situation only to be ruthlessly enriched. They all

    promise equality; however, for most people this will mean equality in poverty. The rulingcircles do not fulfill their promises at the end. While various European countries

    participate alongside the American in some military operations against oriental countries,

    ordinary citizens will begin the first public protests. In 2005 western European calendar,rulers try to enforce basic uniform laws for the whole Community, but it fails. In two

    countries, the majority of people, refuse this common law. (In a referendum organized in

    the Netherlands and in France people actually rejected the so- called EuropeanConstitution -- note. author.) This is caused a by prolonged crisis in which the system

    falls apart. Since the living conditions of people will deteriorate, the year 2004 by the

    Western calendar is becoming increasingly socially conflictive. On one hand, people seek

    refuge in the circle of family or close friends, on the other will be subject to spontaneousmanifestations of discontent, that will often directed against groups of foreign immigrants

    .Since 2007 Western calendar there will be protests of people in general, mainly in large

    cities against the politics of the government and the powerful 'captains of industry. First it

    appears, that these protests have the intended effect on the political leaders; finallyhowever, it will be just a false impression. The situation will further deteriorate and

    governments will begin to lose control to ensure safety and public order. Economicsituation will get worse as in migrant people will come to Europe in large numbers from

    other parts of the world, fleeing from crop failures, famine & civil war. From 2011

    western calendar, the crisis deepens since in the U.S. and in Europe money will lose itsvalue fast. This will result in wrong economic and financial policies based on fake basis -

    on the assumption of hopes for a continuous economic growth. Influential circles in the

    U.S. and Europe believed for decades that the world is governed by the selfish benefit of

    some greedy people. However, people do not have knowledge of this and become victimsof cruel illusion physical world game- Mayas veils. Earthly world is not infinite nor are

    its borders, nor human happiness nor there is unlimited economic growth.

    In 2012 the U.S. financial system collapses. The state will no longer be able to pay its

    employees. This will lead to a chain response and chaos in the society as a whole. Many

    shops, factories and banks will become bankrupt, more and more people will be withoutwork, and thus without livelihoods. In cities there will be social unrest and looting, and

    armed gangs in the countryside. People will die. The government tries to get the situation

    under control, deploying its army; however, it succeeds only partially. The economic

    situation leads to conditions that will resemble a civil war. This situation will last untilmid 2017. Then a military force from a friendly country from the north maintains order

    again. The riots will be the largest since the Civil War in the 19th century, but north and

    south will not fight against each other, but east and west United States. The decline of theU.S. economy and the depreciation of the U.S. currency seriously hits Europe, in

    particular Germany, which is largely dependent on exports. Inflation in Europe reaches

    proportions as in the United States, and its implications, especially for poorer sectors ofthe population, is catastrophic. Many people will live in real poverty. In big cities in

    Europe, unrest breaks out, there will be looting, and the aim of the attacks of the

    discontented crowds will be the public buildings and offices. The situation, however, is

    not so dramatic as in the U.S. because in Europe the private possession of weapons is not

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    so wide spread. The police and army maintains the situation fairly intact. As a contrast, in

    America, soldiers and police go without payment, and will often revolt. In European

    capitals there is a storm, whose target are mostly foreigners who have settled in the past.Especially bloody fights break out in Paris, Rome, Madrid, London and Prague. In Rome,

    people attack and take the head seat of the Catholic Church. The Pope initially manages

    to flee, but later falls into the hands of rebels who trap him .The riots in Germany andEurope continue to autumn 2016,up to the intervention of Russian and Chinese troops,

    which will be solicited by European governments, as they will not be able to keep

    control. Least affected countries will be Russia, China and India, because their economicsystems are mutually supportive.

    MOTHER EARTH DEFENDS HERSELF Since 2017 the situation will be somewhat

    calmer, but only seemingly. There will be new challenges and immediate dangers Whilethe war will be avoided, a changing climate becomes rapidly an acute threat .The average

    annual temperature will continue to increase. The Gulf current, which brings billions of

    tonnes of tropical waters to the north areas begin to lose strength and changes its

    direction. This will be due to the fact that the Atlantic Ocean gets huge quantities of freshsweet water from the melting polar ice, as well as Antarctic Ice Sheet polar regions. As a

    result of this climate changes, there will be in the U.S. a disastrous drought affecting itssouth; while in China in some areas there will be extensive floods. Scandinavia

    transforms into an ice desert, while coastal countries will be threatened by rising sea level

    such as Netherlands & Bangladesh. Millions of hungry refugees will leave their homesand seek asylum in richer countries. These events occur from 2029 to 2034 Western

    calendar. Ice storm will slash areas of northern Europe, devastating storms and floods

    affecting coastal states. Forests will die, low areas of the coast of Northern and the Baltic

    Sea freeze and becomes a tundra. Dramatic changes in climatic conditions throws nationsand their governments in a desperate situation. A lack of fuel will erode progressive

    international cooperation and peace agreements. Again armed conflicts breaks out, all

    continents will be desolated by a war of raw materials and foodstuffs. Within a few years,the world comes on the border of a total anarchy. Countries with unstable governments,

    like Pakistan in a desperate struggle for raw materials and foodstuffs will have

    temptations to use its nuclear arsenal. In 2029 there may be another war between Pakistanand India. There is a greatest danger threatening the two fighting parties to deploy

    nuclear weapons, which would result in complete devastation of large areas of India and

    Pakistan. As Central European countries will not have enough sufficient strategic stocks,

    the authority rulers decide to deploy lethal gases in order to reduce the population. Theovercrowding as a result of the influx of immigrants from all over the world , becomes a

    large problem and the political leaders will considered it the main cause of existing

    problems. Especially Great Britain will widely use gas thanaton to bring a quick andpainless death. However, due to the extensive cooling of the earth's atmosphere, which is

    due to the collapse of Gulf Stream, and the glaciation of large areas of North America

    and Scandinavia , it will take several years for the Gulf current to start to circulate again.After this there is a certain stabilization climatic conditions. This happens from the year

    2035. Gradually, agricultural yields improve, the harvest will be richer and there is a

    pacification of the social unrest. Moreover, in years when the world is affected by natural

    disasters a` political confusion, epidemic diseases break out again, which are considered

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    as already eradicated. Millions of people falls victim as a result of poor sanitary

    conditions, caused by a civil war that will rage epidemics of plague and cholera. Global

    climate change in turn causes health problems of another kind. Especially in Africa andAsia, but also in some areas of Europe more intense solar radiation produced in human

    and animal skin diseases and tumoral diseases. After 2018, another strange disease will

    kill hundreds of thousands of human lives in U.S., Europe, Asia. the infected personeasily gets ill by normal diseases such as colds, as their organism, is unable to deal with

    them .Death usually arrives within three days. (Ganesh- babu Sastri called the disease by

    an English acronym RISC-Rapid Immune System Collapse, the accelerated collapse ofthe immune system - note. author.) In most cases the disease causes death. After the year

    2023 in Europe, some African refugees bring a fatal disease called Kunu. Weak people

    get a high fever and their internal organs cease to work in a few days. The sickness will

    be deadly and will spread as fast as flu.

    Brighu Predictions 2000-2050

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