Bhavesh Report


Transcript of Bhavesh Report

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For, B.B.A. student project work and industrial visit are most

important activity. I got the chance to visit the same under the industrial


The industrial visit is very important visit for the B.B.A. studentand for their future professional activities. A person who learn from lot of 

the books but without experience is incomplete. Practical knowledge is

equally important like rhetorical knowledge for management student.

I am also thankful to our lecturer Mr. Dhaval Baga and Mrs.

Shital shodha for providing proper and useful guidance of my industrial

visit and project report.

Such industrial visits are very knowledge and informative. It is

very important for the management student.

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To acknowledge is very great way to show your gratitude

towards the persons who have contributed in your success in one or other 


At the very outset of training I deem it is my pious duty to express my

sincere thanks to Mr. PRATIK PATEL for his continuous guidance andsupervision during the training period.

My most profound thanks to my revered guide Mr. DHAVAL

BAGA & Mrs. SHITAL SHODHA, Whose generous and able guidance

has always been an unfailing source of inspiration throughout my training


Last but not least, my gratitude¶s are to my family members for 

helping me constantly in preparing this report.


Bhoraniya Pratik 

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Sr. Particulars

1 General Information

2 Production Department

3 Personnel Department

4 Marketing Department

5 Finance Department

6 SWOT Analysis

7 Future Plans

8 Suggestion

9 Conclusion

10 Bibliography

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Sr. Particulars

1 Bio Data of Company

2 History & Development of Organization

3 Organization Chart

4 Size of the firm

5 Form of Organization

6 Location and site preference

7 Time Keeping System

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Name of the Firm CORAL Granito Pvt. Ltd.

Year of Establishment 2007

Form of Organisation Private Limited

Size of Organisation Medium Scale

Location of Factory CORAL Granito Pvt. Ltd.

Old.Rafaleshwar Road,

B/H. Lalpar Village,


Phone Number Factory +91-2822-291 365

Fax Number +91-2822 ±291 364

E-Mail [email protected]

Web Site 

Product Vitrified Tiles

No. of Employees 107Bankers SBS Main Branch, Morbi

Name of Promoters Pravinbhai Patel

Laljibhai sarasiya

Harshadbhai suvariya

Board of Directors Bharatbhai Zalariya

Maheshbhai patel

Dharmshibhai panara

Investment 29 Crores

Area Covered 15 Acres

Market  National and International

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The coral & pravin group is a private company limited which

  produces different kinds of things. Each and every unit has got other 

industries of its town. It contained when the firm was incorporated, who

were the raise, what way its purpose, what are the products manufactured by

them, etc.

This group all promoters are mostly from the Morbi, which comes

under the District Rajkot. They incorporated to cultivation and they have

good business of floor and wall tiles in morbi. It is established in 2004.

Looking to the demand of ceramic floor tiles experience in this lineis most important and the group has more than 60 dealers network, which is

necessary to business. So, they have also started another industry, under the

name and style of M/s. Coral floor tiles.

In 2007, they have also started another industry, under the name

and style of M/s. CORAL Granito Pvt. Ltd. This industry¶s product is to

manufacture vitrified tiles only.

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State Marketing













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According to the definition given by Government of India, the

size of the industry can be divided into three main types.

 Small Scale Organization

 Medium Scale Organization

 Large Scale Organization

If company¶s investment in plant and machinery is more than 3

corers, it is called large sca le organization.

The investment of ³CORAL Granito Pvt. Ltd.´ in fixed assets is

of Rs. 17,01,00,000. Therefore, it is coming under the category

of large scale organization. It also uses manpower, electronic

machinery and having more than 1700 workers.

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The site of this unit is located at Old Rafaleshwar Road, at

lalpar, which is only 14 Kms. away from Morbi City. It is in

ceramic zone with numbers of other ceramic units. It is a main

and most important part of industry has chosen very simple and

suitable location. It plays a vital role for location.


In Lalpar at Morbi, land and labour are found very cheap, so

CORAL Vitrified tiles started at this p lace.


In big city labour cost is very high, but in Lalpar at Morbi

 provide cheap and educated skilled l abour because of the cera mic

zone is situated.


In Lalpar at Morbi is situated in ceramic zone, so transportation

facilities are also available.

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Sr. Particulars

1 Introduction

2 Raw Material Availability

3 Raw Material Used

4 Inspection of raw material

5 Types of machines

6 Process of production

7 About products

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The production of a firm is concerned with the creation of a

  product or services required to satisfy customer needs. In any business,

suppliers are needed for product or service, it is quite obvious that activities

of production system must be related to the customer demand or reflected in

the continuous flow of order.

It is the most important department amongst the other departments

of an organization. Personnel department, finance department, marketing

department are very much depended on production department.

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Raw materials are the basic requirement for any industry. Raw

materials are converted into finished goods after various processes on it.

Raw materials are available with help of roadways if purchased

from the country. If the materials are purchased from other countries than it

is available with help of railways.

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  List of raw materials used for production of vitrified tiles

Raw Material

Pots feldspar  

Soda feldspar  Quartz 

Ball Clay 

Ashapura Clay 

Kadappa Clay 

China Clay 

Ukraine Clay 

STPP Body Stain 

Soluble Salts 



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Raw materials are inspected and checked before they are sent to

 production department. It is maintained in Coral as per guidelines of ISO-


Flow chart for inspection of raw material can be showed as


 Sampling from truck 

 MC% content



 Powder preparation

 MC% addition




 Loss on ignition

 Fired color 

 Water absorption

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90% of machineries used in Coral Vitrified Tiles are imported from


List of Machineries

 Weighing hopper 



 Ball mill



 Spray drier 

 Slip pump


 Vibrator with magnet


 Hydraulic press (h600 mt)

 Chilling plant

 Loading machine

 Horizontal dryer cooler box

 Glaze line

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 Unloading machine

 Screen printing machine


 Head polishing line

 Fast single layer roller kiln

 Chamfering line

 Souring line

 Plastic strapping machine

 Fork lift

 Air compressor 

 Vertical drier 


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Production process is very important process as the product

manufactured in the company should satisfy the need of the customer. The

quality is also to be maintained and the given target should be achieved in

the given time period. The following are the main production stages.

Processing of raw material

The first and foremost step to manufacture vitrified tiles is batching

i.e. feeding the box with different types of clay according to the percentage

decided. Batching includes following types of clay.

 Ukraine Clay  16%

 Ball Clay 5%

 China Clay 20%

 Soda Feldspar  19%

 Potash Feldspar  35%

 Quartz 5%

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Formation of tile body and dryingThe powder is taken from the silos and after sieving on a vibrator 

fitted with a magnet, it is fed into hoppers of the hydraulic press where the

 powder is pressed in the shape of a tile of specific size as per the cavity of 

the die. Green tiles coming out of the press are sent to the horizontal roller 

dryer where they are heated to a specified temperature to remove the


Preparation of designs and screen printing of tiles

In the glaze line and printing section, various types of designs are

  prepared and printed on the dried tiles by applying colors on the screen

 printing machine.


The tiles thereafter are fed into the fast single layer roller kiln in

which the tiles are fired. The kiln has different temperatures ranging from

5000C to 15000C in different zones.

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Coral Vitrified Tiles are manufacturing vitrified tiles having various

categories and sizes. They manufacture tiles of different plain colors like:

 Terry cotta




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 Teak Wood




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Sr. Particulars

1 Introduction

2 Organization Chart

3 Recruitment and Selection

4 Human Resource Planning

5 Placement & Induction

6 Training of Employee

7 Wage & Salary Administration

8 Record Keeping System

9 Employee Benefits

10 Promotion & Transfer 

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Personnel management has a vital importance in modern

industrial organization. Personnel department is the part of 

management, which is primarily concerned with establishment

and maintenance of personnel relations.

In this company, there is a separate personnel department,

where all the decision regarding the personnel¶s is taken by

  personnel manager. He has the final authority. The personnel

manager of this firm is Shri

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In CORAL Vitrified Tiles Pvt. Ltd., separate department

for personnel for the achievement of goals and the personnel

manager has authority and higher status in the organization in his

own department.

Board of Director 

Managing Director 

Executive Director 



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Every firm or company needs persons to perform different

works. In this shifting process only manpower have been

determined, recruitment is next logical step. It is a linking

activity bringing together those with job and those seeking job.

According to one author, ³Recruitment is the process of 

finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The

  process begins when new results are sought and ends when their 

applications are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants

from which new employees are selected.´


Selection is a process of carefully choosing the candidates

who offer themselves for appointment. In selection many

  processes applies on raw material but unit wants few persons.

This is one of the most important responsibilities. In selection,

the person who is having knowledge as well as experience is


According to one author, ³It is the process of 

differentiating between applicants in order to identify those with

a greater livelihood of success in a j ob.´

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Here in case of CORAL Granito, the co-selection process

includes basic four main steps.

 Preliminary searching interview

 Checking of reference

 Comprehensive interview

 Final employment decision.

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Human resource planning is understood as the process of 

forecasting an organization¶s future demand for and supply of 

the right type of people in the right number. It is only after this

that the human resource department can initiate a recruitment

and selection process. Human resource planning is a sub-syste m

in the total organizational planning. Organizational planning

includes management activities that set the company¶s objectives

for the future and determine the appropriate means for achieving

those objectives. Human resource planning facilitates the

capitalization of the company¶s objectives by providing the right

type and right number of personnel. Human resource planning is

like material planning that estimate the type and annuity of the

materials and supplies needed to facilitate the manufacturing

activities of the organization. Human resource planning is

variously called manpower planning or e mployment planning.

In case of this industry, human reso urce planning is done as

 per the need.

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An applicant who has cleared all the hurdles in the

selection procedure is offered a job. The main problem after 

final selection is to place him on some suitable job. The out of 

offering the job to a finally selecting candidate is called

  placement. The selection procedure comes with placement of workers on the job.

Induction is a technique by which a new employee is

rehabituated into the changed surrounding and introduced to the

  practices, policies and purpose of the organization. In other 

words, induction means introducing or orienting a new employee

to the organization and to follow up for his adjustment in the


In this industry, when a new employee is selected, he is

kept under the supervision of his superior where he is trained.

The new employee is provided with the operational knowledge

that is specific to the position and location.

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Training refers to the imparting of specific skills abilities

and knowledge to an e mployee.

It is any attempt to improve current or future employee¶s

  performance by increasing an employee¶s ability to performthrough learning, usually by changing the employee¶s attitude or 

increasing his/her skills and knowledge. The need for training is

determined by the employee¶s performance deficiency.

At present training of workers is necessary because many

  jobs have assumed highly technological character and under 

automation. We require highly skilled operatives. In CORAL

Granito, the workers who need training are kept under their 

supervisors who give them training while training for staff 

members or manageria l level is given on the job.  

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Wage and Salary Administration refers to the establishment

and implementation of sound policies and practices of employee


Wages are the economic compensation paid to the workers

for services derived by them. It can be divided into two types

i.e. piece wage and time wage. In CORAL, there is time wage

system and it is paid on monthly basis. There wages are

calculated as per monthly wage rate according to the minimum

wages act of government. Salaries are paid on monthly basis and

its amount is by the company according to working efficiency of 

the employee.

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It is very much necessary for an organization to keep the

reward of its workers a nd many other details related to it.

The reward contains personnel as well as on the job

efficiency information of an employers or workers. In CORAL

Granito, the supervisor sees the employee ability to do work 

 properly and effectively whether he understand his responsibility

or not, how is his behavior towards his colleagues, etc.

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  Now a day, most of the firms provide the provident fund

scheme or other facilities to their workers. It is important as it

is one kind of security of a worker.

CORAL Granito provides various monitory and non monitory

 benefits and services like:

 Bonus  10% extra bonus is paid to workers.   Allowances Various types of allowances are given to

workers. CORAL provides two wheeler facilities (Honda &

Splendor) and 100% expense of petrol.   Statutory Welfare Measures Under this, the company

  provides first aid facility, cold water facility, company

distributes sweets and other eatables on the festivals like

Dashera, Diwali, etc.   Loan Facility  Loan is provided to employees when in need.

They are not charging any type of interest on the loan. It is

repaid in installments.  

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TRAN SFER Promotion

The promotion means to do upliftment within the

organization. At this stage employee¶s wage and salary status,

  prestige moves towards the top level. Their thinking is also

increasing up in his duties and responsibilities.

Therefore, a promotion is a vertical upward movement in

rank & responsibility.


The transfer is a process of planning the employees in the

  position where they are likely to be more effective, or where

they are likely to get more job satisfaction or it is movement of 

an employee from one job to another without involving any

substantial changes in his duties, responsibility, status, etc.

Therefore, transfer is exchange in job where new job is

substantially equal to old in terms of pay, status and


This company is only 2 years old, so there is no such polic y

and programs formulated for promotion as well as transfer.

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Sr. Particulars

1 Introduction

2 Organization Chart

3 Market Segmentation

4 Pricing

5 Advertisement

6 Channel of Distribution

7 Market Research

8 Credit Facility

9 Sales Promotion

10 Competitors

11 Consumer problem handling

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Market is the place where buying and selling is carried out

 by buyers and sellers i.e. trading acti vity are carried out.

Marketing is a social and management process that involves

identifying unsatisfied needs or wants of the consumers,

  producing goods or services to satisfy those needs or wants,

determining appropriate price, promotion and distributing and

maintaining relation with the market.

In today¶s modern area each and every firm gives priority

to have a different marketing department. Marketing involves

the activities such as advertising, publishing, market research,

distribution aspect, sales promotion, etc.

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Board of Director


Managing Director

Marketing Manager

Assistant Manager

Regional Manager

District Manager

Area Manager


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Price is the amount charged for the product or service

including any warranties or guarantees, delivery, discounts,

services or other items that are paid of the conditions of sale and

are not paid for separately. To the buyer price is a package or 

expectations and satisfactions.

Pricing is an important decision that every company has to

take high price or low price may create a bad reputation of 

company. The price of a product is a crucial decision.

In CORAL Granito, pricing policy is cost + profit.

Whatever expenses have incurred during the manufacturing of 

 product is considered + profit is too included. Competitors price

are also considered, their prices are higher than their 


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 Now a day, marketing plays a n important role for the entire

organization. Marketing is very much necessary for all the

  products as without marketing the consumer will have lack of 

information about the products. Thus, to make the consumers

aware of the product, marketing is d one.

CORAL advertise their products on very large scale. On

Chitra-Lekha, Hoardings and together. They advertise their 

  products on television and also do wall paintings all over India.

They also distribute pamphlets for t he same.

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The word ³Channel´ has its origin to the French word used

for ³Canal´. Thus, channel is route through which goods passes

from one end to another. In other words, the route through

which goods move from the place of production to the place of 

consumption is called ³Channel Distribution´. Channel of 

distribution is the pathway or route through which goods are

transferred from the hands of producer to the consumers or from

the seller to the buyer.

According to one author, ³A channel of distribution for a

  product is the route taken by the title to the goods as they move

from the producer to ultimate consumer.´

In this industry, the distribution channel is


Of Company



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Sales promotion consists of short term incentives to

encourage purchase or sales of a product or service. It is demand

stimulating devices designed to supplement advertising and

facilitate personal selling. It is a direct inducement which offers

an extra value and incentive for the product to and sales force

distributors to ultimate customers.

In this industry, they do not adopt any technique because of 

 potential marketing and pote ntial customers.

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COMPETITORS It is rightly said that, ³Without competitors market does not


CORAL is also starving in to sale its products in the

competitive market by continuous development of a product

finding new areas of consumption.

Their competitors are


 H R  Johnson

 City tiles


 Ramoji(ramco), etc.

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H ANDLING  ³Customer is the king´ of the market, is a very attractive

slogan. Consumers generally never face any problem for 

CORAL but in spite of this, if any problem arises than following

hierarchies of proble m handling is followed.

Problem of Government


Marketing People

Experts of Company



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Sr. Particulars

1 Introduction

2 Organization Chart

3 Capital Structure

4 Accounting Policy

5 Means of Finance

6 Working capital requirement

7 Financial Planning

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Finance plays a very important role in any type of the firm.

From the initial stage awards money is needed for the

information registration of the firms, listing of the firm. Finance

is needed for making necessary documents.

Finance consists of procuring funds, managing and utilizing

them efficiently in order to maximize the profit, which is

ultimate goal of any organization.

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Finance Cum



Finance Manager

And Accountant

Assistant Account

Computer Section

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STRUCTURE Procurement of capital is the most important process of an

organization. Capital can be of two types i.e. ownership capital

and borrowed capital. Ownership capital can be procured by

issuing equity shares and sometimes preference shares and

  borrowed capital can be procured by issuing debentures, bank 

loan, etc.

The capital structure of CORAL is very simple as it has

issued desirable equity debt ration of 1:2.

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Accounting policy of CORAL Granito as under:

The company maintains its accounts on historical cost

  basis. The current assets, loans, and advances, liabilities are

approximately of value stated if realized in ordinary course of 


The company follows the accrual method of accounting and

all claims, receivables a nd liabilities are provided on that basis.

Depreciation is provided during year at prevailing rates

 prescribed by co mpany¶s act 1956.

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The project is to be funded through promoter·s equity funds.

Term loan as also working capital facilities form bank and

unsecured loans from the relatives of promoters.

Sr. Particulars Amount (Laces)

1 Total Equity 2,050

2 Term Loan 750

3 Unsecured Loan 200Total 2,900

It is proposed that unsecured loan will not be repaid til l

repayment period of term loan is not over.

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Working capital requirement means it is necessary to

maintain stocks of raw materials and to finance the funds

  blocked in goods in process, finished goods, overheads, etc.

Total working capital requirement for first year has been

estimated at Rs. 958 Laces. The working capital is proposed to  be through Bank finance to the tune Rs. 2300 Laces and

 promotions funds at Rs. 160 Laces.

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Financial management also requires managing for effective

management of finance as it is the part of management.

Financial planning means decisions to be taken to achieve basic

objectives of the firm.

The basic objective of finance planning is to raise the

necessary funds as and when needed. At minimum cost cash

should be controlled properly. There are three types of financial


 Short term planning

 Medium term planning

 Long term planning

In CORAL Granito Pvt. Ltd. there is long term financial


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SWOT Analysis means the analysis of 

S Strength

W Weakness

O Opportunity

T Threat


 CORAL Granito Pvt. Ltd. is giving employment around 200  


 Strong market presence

 Develop rural area to reach at the global position.


 Irregularity in time cost.

 CORAL industry entered late in the market


 Rapidly and continuous growth in the market, so company

will Think about expansion.


 Highly competitive market against imported vitrified tiles.  

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Future plan of CORAL Granito is to become leading

companies in the Vitrified tiles a ll over the world.

They will be installing new latest machines for increasing

 production and various designs and ranges to meet the upcoming

market needs. Also, they wanted to try serving backward class

 by giving those services.

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From this unit, I learn as many things, I am very much

happy to visit the company. Deep study of CORAL Granito Pvt.

Ltd, I came to give my conclusion that its future is very bright

and they will progress well.

The co-operation of the employees is good. The

management is also effective and efficient. All the departments

are also handled by authorized person who have great experience

and it is one of the response of succe ss of the firm.

So, I wish the company makes more and more profit, fulfill

the future plans and get good and global market.  

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S Author



1 L.m. Prasad Principle and practice

of management


2 Philip kotler Marketing management 2005-µ06

3 ___ chitralekha October 2006

4 ___ abhiyan October 2006