Bhagavad Gita As It Is - Setting the Scene

Setting the Scene


Bhagavad Gita As It Is - Setting the Scene

Transcript of Bhagavad Gita As It Is - Setting the Scene

  • Setting the Scene

  • Setting the Scene By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta

    Swami Srila Prabhupada

    Bhagavad Gita As It Is

  • Srimad Bhagavad Gita


    Composed 5000 Years Ago by

    Maharishi Vyasadev

    Srimad Bhagavad Gita

    Appears as an episode of


    Greatest Philosophical &

    Religious dialogue, just

    before war

    Spoken by Lord Sri Krishna (Supreme

    Personality of Godhead)

    Spoken to Arjuna Devotee &


  • Mahabharata History

    Dronacharya Military Art Teacher


    Kuru Dynasty

    Bhisma Grandfather of

    Pandavas & Kauravas



    Born Blind


    Eldest son Duryodhana

    Duryodhana planned to kill

    Pandavas many times but under

    careful protection of Uncle Vidura

    they were saved.

    Younger brother of Dhritarashtra

    -Had 5 Sons

    100 sons

    Bhima Arjuna Nakula Sahadeva

    King Bharata Former Ruler of Earth

  • Mahabharata History contd Sri Krsna

    Supreme Personality Of Godhead

    Descended to Material World as King

    Nephew of Pandus wife Kunti or Prtha (mother of


    Krsna favored the righteous sons of Pandu and protected


    Duryodhana Challenged Pandavas in Gambling Match

    Cheated, took all all possession, disrobed Draupadi (wife of Pandavas), Krsna saved her,

    forced them to 13 years of exile.

    Returning from exile, Pandavas requested Kingdom, bluntly refused, Krsna went as

    mediator for peace and asked for 5 villages which was refused. War was in evident.

    Kings all the World divided, some siding Pandavas and some siding Kauravas. Pandavas

    chose Krsna (SPG) to be in their side and Kauravas were happy with Krsnas Narayani sena. Krsna would personally not fight and

    took a role of charioteer of Arjuna.

    History of Battle of Kuruksetra

    Battlefield Scene Two armies arrayed, ready for combat

    Dhrtarastra ask Sanjaya What did they do?

  • Srimad Bhagavad Gita Note regarding Translation & Commentary

    In General Translators of Bhagavad Gita have brush aside the Person Krsna to make room for their own concepts and philosophies. Thus the History of Mahabharata is considered as Mythology and Sri Krsna becomes a poetic device for presenting ideas of some anonymous genius, or at the best He becomes minor historical personage.

    Krsna is both Goal and substance of Bhagavad Gita, as per Gita itself.

    In this translation and the commentary accompanies it, purpose is to direct reader to Krsna, rather than away from Him.

    Mistakes of other Bhagavad Gita Commentaries

    Bhagavad Gitas Message

    About this Translation

    Thus Bhagavad Gita becomes wholly consistent and comprehensible.

    Since Krsna is the speaker of Bhagavad Gita and its ultimate goal, Bhagavad Gita As It Is presents this Great Scripture in its true terms.

  • Complied from the Teachings of

    Compiled by Amritananda das email : [email protected]

  • End Setting the Scene