Beyond What Develops When: Neuroimaging May Inform How...

Sage Publications, Inc. and Association for Psychological Science are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Current Directions in Psychological Science. Beyond What Develops When: Neuroimaging May Inform How Cognition Changes with Development Author(s): Dima Amso and B. J. Casey Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Feb., 2006), pp. 24-29 Published by: on behalf of Sage Publications, Inc. Association for Psychological Science Stable URL: Accessed: 26-08-2014 14:15 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. This content downloaded from on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 14:15:46 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions

Transcript of Beyond What Develops When: Neuroimaging May Inform How...

Sage Publications, Inc. and Association for Psychological Science are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Current Directions in Psychological Science.

Beyond What Develops When: Neuroimaging May Inform How Cognition Changes withDevelopment Author(s): Dima Amso and B. J. Casey Source: Current Directions in Psychological Science, Vol. 15, No. 1 (Feb., 2006), pp. 24-29Published by: on behalf of Sage Publications, Inc. Association for Psychological ScienceStable URL: 26-08-2014 14:15 UTC

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JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of contentin a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship.For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected].

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Beyond What

Develops When

Neuroimaging May Inform How Cognition Changes With

Development Dima Amso and B.J. Casey

Sackler Institute for Developmental Psychobiology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University

ABSTRACT?There is no single methodology that can fully

explain the nature of human development and learning.

Yet, headway is being made on how cognitive milestones

are achieved during development with the use of magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI) technology. With this method

ology, it is possible to assess changes in brain structure,

function, and connectivity. Recent findings suggest that

both progressive and regressive processes?as opposed to

simple linear patterns of change?underlie changes in

cognitive abilities. Functional MRI studies suggest that

both biological maturation and learning correspond to a

fine-tuning of neural systems with enhanced recruitment of task-relevant regions. This fine-tuning of cortical systems

corresponds with their enhanced connectivity with cortical

and subcortical circuitry. In sum, imaging has helped to

move the field of cognitive development beyond questions of what develops and when, to how these changes may occur.

KEYWORDS?neuroimaging; cognitive development; learning

Developmental cognitive psychology is the study of how indi

viduals' cognitive abilities change overtime and of the emergent

processes that support those changes. Behavioral measures used

to assess cognitive development typically vary by the age of the

population of interest. For example, investigations in infancy are

often dependent on looking-time measures, while studies in

children use verbal-report or manual-response (button-press,

joystick) measures. In either case, the measure obtained is an

indirect estimate of some underlying process or body of knowl

edge. Broadly speaking, such measures have been most suc

cessful at addressing what develops and when.

Although traditional research methods have been informative

in understanding cognitive change over time, recent advances in

brain-imaging methods promise to be useful at addressing the

biological mechanisms underlying those changes. The methods

that will be emphasized in this article are all forms of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that provide information about struc

ture, function, and brain connectivity.

One could argue that neuroimaging provides no unique in

formation to the study of cognitive development. That is, iden

tifying a structure with which a function is associated (i.e., brain

mapping) is interesting, but it provides no more information

about cognitive development than can be obtained from simple

behavioral measures. When, between populations, performance

differs along some dimension of interest, behavioral data can be

informative about developmental processes. However, infants

and children may arrive at the same behavioral outcomes adults

do by using very different neural pathways and associated cog

nitive strategies. In such cases, having only behavioral infor

mation may be misleading, resulting in the formulation of models

and theories that devalue the contribution of other factors to


Understanding the development of pathways underlying

cognition and the experiences that alter those pathways is im

perative to the study of cognitive development. As noted by

Karmiloff-Smith (1994), "the mind does not begin with pre

specified modules; rather, development involves a gradual

process of modularization" (p. 693). Perhaps the single greatest

contribution that neuroimaging can make to the study of cog

nitive development involves unmasking the biological mecha

nisms that support developmental behavioral change. Before the

advent of sophisticated imaging techniques, assumptions about

relationships between the brain and behavior had no empirical

grounding. We suggest that imaging techniques provide a unique

opportunity to assess biological and behavioral changes simul

taneously, allowing for quantitative evidence of brain-behavior

associations. We provide evidence from developmental studies

of cognitive control during learning to illustrate these contri

butions. Learning to predict environmental information is a key

element of cognitive development. Knowing what to expect

and in which context to expect it is critical to planning and

Address correspondence to Dima Amso, Sackler Institute for Devel

opmental Psychobiology, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, 1300 York Avenue, Box 140, New York, NY 10021; e-mail: dia2004@

24 Copyright ? 2006 Association for Psychological Science Volume 15?Number 1

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Dima Amso and B.J. Casey

maintaining appropriate thoughts and actions. Although learn

ing to predict certain events in the world (e.g., anticipatory eye

movements in response to regularly presented stimuli) may be

intact early in development, the ability to adjust behavior when

these predictions are violated develops more gradually as the

underlying neural circuitry is organized (Casey, Amso, & David

son, in press).


MRI technologies have introduced a new set of tools for cap

turing features of brain development in living, developing hu

mans. This method permits repeated scanning of the same

individual over time, thus providing precise measurements of

neuroanatomical changes during learning and development.

MRI became especially important to cognitive and develop mental scientists when its functional capabilities

were discov

ered and developed. Whereas MRI is used to produce structural

images of the brain, the functional component of MRI (fMRI)

provides an index of brain activity by measuring changes in

localized blood-oxygen levels in the living brain (e.g., Kwong et al., 1992). The assumption that these localized increases in

blood oxyg?nation reflect increases in neuronal activity has

found empirical grounding in combined fMRI and electro

physiology studies of nonhuman primates (Logothetis, Pauls,

Augath, Trinath, & Oeltermann, 2001). While fMRI provides a measure of brain function and can help

identify regional changes with development, diffusion tensor

imaging (DTI) provides an index of brain connectivity. DTI

measures change in the microstructure of white matter (tissue

containing nerve fibers with fatty insulating material called

myelin), based on the properties of water diffusion (e.g., Pier

paoli, Jezzard, Basser, Barnett, & Di Chiro, 1996). Diffusion of

water in white-matter tracts is constrained by myelin and the

orientation and regularity of fibers. Water diffuses more readily in parallel to a tract than perpendicular to it?a phenomenon

called anisotropic diffusion?and thus can provide information

about directionality of connectivity. MRI can be sensitized to

water diffusion to quantify myelination and white-matter micro

structure in the living brain in order to provide information about

changes in connectivity with development (Klingberg, Vaidya, Gabrieli, Moseley, & Hedehus, 1999; Liston et al., in press). This

technique can be informative as to how regional connectivity

relates to the development of behavior and changes in cortical

activity underlying that behavior.

Conventional imaging methods have advanced the field of

developmental neuroscience by providing evidence of changes

in structural architecture and functional organization in the

living brain as it develops. However, magnetic resonance (MR) methods (e.g., MRI, fMRI, DTI) only provide indirect measures

of brain structure, function, and connectivity. Differences in the

volume of a structure or amount of activity, as measured by MR

methods, lack the resolution to definitively characterize the

mechanisms of change. Evidence from histology, the micro

scopic study of tissue, suggests that brain development is a dy namic process of regressive and progressive processes. As such,

developmental changes observed using MR techniques may reflect a combination of these processes.



Several imaging studies have mapped the neuroanatomical

course of human brain development. Longitudinal MRI studies

(Gogtay et al., 2004; Sowell et al., 2004) have shown that cortical

maturation parallels developmental cognitive milestones. Re

gions supporting primary functions, such as motor and sensory

systems, mature earliest (see Fig. 1). Next come temporal and

parietal association cortices involved in basic language skills

and spatial attention. Evidence suggests that higher-order as

sociation areas, such as the prefrontal and lateral temporal

cortices, which integrate primary sensorimotor processes and

modulate basic attention and language processes, mature last

(see Fig. 1; Gogtay et al., 2004; Sowell et al., 2004). This pro

gression has been determined via MRI-based studies showing that loss of cortical gray-matter (which contains mostly cell

bodies) volume occurs earliest in the primary sensorimotor areas

and latest in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (e.g., Gogtay et al.,

2004; Sowell et al., 2004). The prevalent hypothesis that

changes in gray-matter volume detected by MR reflect synapse

formation and elimination cannot be supported by imaging studies because of the limited resolution of this methodology.

Cross-sectional studies of normative brain maturation during

childhood and adolescence have shown similar patterns, leading to the conclusion that gray-matter loss during this period reflects

a sculpting process of the immature brain (e.g., Caviness,

Kennedy, Richelme, Rademacher, & Filipek, 1996). While

gray-matter volume has an inverted-U-shaped pattern of

development, increases in white-matter volume and density with

age are roughly linear (Gogtay et al., 2004). These changes

presumably reflect ongoing myelination of axons, which en

hances neuronal conduction and may play a role in the speed of

cognitive processing.

How do these changes in brain structure relate to cognitive

development? With development, a child's capacity to filter

competing information and suppress inappropriate actions,

termed cognitive control, improves dramatically; thus suscep

tibility to interfering and competing actions diminishes with

maturity (Casey, Amso, & Davidson, in press). Durston, Thomas,

Worden, Yang, and Casey (2002) used a go/no-go task in com

bination with fMRI to examine the neural basis of cognitive control and its development. In a go/no-go task, subjects are

presented with stimuli to which they are instructed either to

respond (go trials) or withhold a response (no-go trials). In an

Volume 15?Number 1 25

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Neuroimaging and Cognitive Development




Structure and Function

Motor and sensory systems involved in

vision, motor response, audition.

Parietal and temporal association cortices

support basic language skills and spatial attention.

Prefrontal and lateral temporal cortices

integrate primary sensohmotor processes and modulate attention/language processes.

Fig. 1. The sequence of gray-matter maturation (indicated by loss) with age. Areas in blue cor

respond to the specific cortices undergoing gray-matter loss. These structures and their functional

significance are described to the right. Adapted from Gogtay et al., 2004.

attempt to isolate cognitive and neural processes underlying

susceptibility to interference, they parametrically manipulated the number of responses a subject made before having to with

hold a response. The ability to accurately withhold a response decreased as the number of preceding responses increased.

Simultaneously, the imaging data showed that inhibiting a

response to a less-frequent nontarget was associated with in

creased activity in the ventral prefrontal cortex and the striatum,

one of the nuclei that make up the basal ganglia, located below

the cerebral cortex. Activity in the ventral prefrontal cortex

correlated with performance across age, with children making

more errors overall and maximally recruiting the ventral pre

frontal cortex, even when a single response preceded them

withholding a response.

These findings suggest that susceptibility to interference from

competing sources is paralleled by maturational differences in

recruitment of underlying frontostriatal circuitry, especially in

the prefrontal cortex. Collectively, imaging studies of cognitive control show that children recruit larger, more diffuse prefrontal

regions when performing these cognitive tasks than adults do.

Activity within brain regions that correlates with task perfor mance becomes more focal or fine-tuned with age, whereas brain

regions not correlated with such task performance diminish in

activity with age, as shown by cross-sectional (Brown, Lugar,

Coalson, Miezin, Petersen, & Schlaggar, 2005) and longitudinal studies (Durston et al., 2006; see Fig. 2).

There are only a few examples of the use of DTI to study

cognitive development. One such study (Liston et al., in press) used activation maps from the Durston et al. (2002) develop mental-fMRI study discussed earlier to identify fiber tracts that

play a role in control over behavior. Specifically, they examined

the degree of connectivity between the prefrontal cortex and the

striatum, two brain regions in which activity has been shown to

correlate with task performance. Levels of connectivity in the

frontostriatal and a comparison fiber tract (the corticospinal fiber

tract) both correlated with age, but only frontostriatal connec

tivity correlated with performance on the cognitive-control task

(go/no-go paradigm). These findings suggest that the develop ment of prefrontal connectivity and function contributes to a

developing capacity for cognitive control.

The results from this select review of studies indicate that

changes in prefrontal cortical volume, function, and connec

tivity as measured by MRI, ?MRI, and DTI correspond with a

developing capacity for cognitive control. The MRI data showed

protracted development of lateral prefrontal cortical thickness.

The fMRI data showed fine-tuning of prefrontal activity with

development as the pattern of activity shifted from a diffuse to

more focal pattern. The DTI results suggest that enhanced

26 Volume 15?Number 1

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Dima Amso and B.J. Casey





0 group 1. time 1 D group 1. time 2 ? group 2

O ^o o

^Z ^< 0,A 1?P 12 14 A


Accuracy on non-target trials Age

Fig. 2. Regressive and progressive changes with development. Red areas indicate increases in activity in regions associated with

cognitive control with age. Blue areas are those that do not correlate with cognitive-control task performance and show attenuated

activity with age. The graphs show correlations between activity of key brain areas (ventral prefrontal cortex) during performance of a go/no-go task with behavioral performance and age. These data reflect the increased impulsivity observed as children move into

the early stages of adolescence and that later diminishes in adulthood. Adapted from "A Shift From Diffuse to Focal Cortical

Activity With Development," by S. Durston, M.C. Davidson, N. Tottenham, A. Galvan, J. Spicer, J.A. Fossella, & B.J. Casey, 2006, Developmental Science, 9, p. 5. Copyright 2006 by Blackwell Publishers. Adapted with permission.

prefrontal connectivity may contribute to changes in cognitive

abilities with development.



As development is an interactive process between biological maturation and experience, it is important to examine neural

changes with learning. One of the first studies to examine

learning with fMRI showed cortical changes as subjects learned

sequential finger movements (Kami, Meyer, Jezzard, Adams,

Turner, & Ungerleider, 1995). Activity in the primary motor

cortex during motor-sequence learning was apparent within a

single imaging session and increased over weeks of training.

Specifically, activity in task-relevant regions became increas

ingly enhanced with training, whereas task-irrelevant regions

become less active over time. This pattern, in adults, mimics the

observed changes in cross-sectional (Brown et al., 2005) and

longitudinal (Durston et al., 2006) developmental data de

scribed previously. The previously described studies (Durston et al., 2002; Liston

et al., in press) examined the neural mechanisms supporting

changes in how behavior is altered when learned expectations are violated (i.e., inhibiting a response to a less frequent non

target). Recently, Amso, Davidson, Johnson, Glover, and Casey

(2005) used fMRI to examine neural mechanisms underlying

simple learning in adults. A common measure of learning from

developmental psychology is preference for novelty as measured

by looking times. In novelty-preference paradigms, a stimulus

becomes familiar or learned through repeated exposures. Ad

justing behavior when these learned or expected events are vi

olated is an essential element of cognitive control (Casey et al.,

in press), aspects of which are present early in life. Under

standing the neural bases for these preferences may constrain

developmental theories for how these abilities emerge. In this

Volume 15?Number 1 27

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Neuroimaging and Cognitive Development






o (O






12 3 4 5

Time on Task


?5 O^**^*

0) > O

Q) c tu

O "to c O)

W -0.3









ki. -^

-0.4 J 1 2 3 4 5

Time on Task

Fig. 3. Infrequent (novel) relative to frequent association comparison.

Top graph illustrates changes in reaction time to the novel relative to the

frequent association. A greater response to the novel relative to the fre

quent association indicates learning; results show that learning is not ev

ident at sampled time points early in the task, but becomes increasingly evident later, as participants are more exposed to the task structure. Image

(center) shows hippocampal activity to novelty. Bottom graph shows pat tern of activation (as measured by signal change) in the hippocampus to

novel relative to frequent association as a function of time on task. Adapted from Amso, Davidson, Johnson, Glover, & Casey (2005).

The behavioral results from this study showed longer response

times to novel target stimuli?i.e., stimuli with a lower frequency

of occurrence across the experiment?as well as learning

related behavioral changes (shorter response times) for both

frequently occurring and frequently associated stimuli. The

imaging results showed increased activity in the striatum to

novel targets and increased left hippocampal activity to novel

associations. The hippocampus was preferentially active to the

infrequent association, suggesting its involvement in learning of

new associations or linking a cue with a novel target (see Fig. 3).

These behavioral and imaging findings are interesting in light of

the developmental work using novelty preferences and looking

time measures to show learning in infants. The findings suggest

that novelty preference is not based in a single system, but is

rather a manifestation of various learning mechanisms that are

interacting with the environment. When learned associations are

violated is when cognitive control is needed to adjust behavior

appropriately, and the previously described studies suggest that

this ability is what changes most with development.



How has imaging informed the understanding of cognitive de

velopment? First, the imaging studies of development and

learning suggest that both progressive and regressive processes,

as opposed to simple linear patterns of change, underlie chang

es in cognitive abilities and that these changes may differ

regionally across the brain. In development, cortical-thickness

changes occur last in higher cortical regions of the lateral pre

frontal and temporal cortex and occur in an inverted U-shaped

progression, with an increase and subsequent decrease. Second,

development and learning correspond to a fine-tuning of neural

systems with enhanced recruitment of task-relevant regions and

suppression of less task-relevant regions. Finally, these changes

correspond with enhanced connectivity of cortical circuitry as

measured by DTI. Each of these imaging methods has begun to provide insight on how changes in cognitive processing

occur with development. Neuroimaging and other sophisticated

techniques such as computational modeling (Munakata &

McClelland, 2003) permit the mechanisms supporting the be

haviors under investigation to be more precisely characterized.

This approach allows for formulation of testable theories and

models of development that are consistent with neurobiology.

study, subjects were presented with cue and target stimuli in

alternation. The frequency manipulation was

designed so that

frequent and novel target stimuli were preceded by and had an

equal probability of co-occurrence or association with the same

cue. The association manipulation was such that the target

stimulus was identical in the novel and frequent-association

condition. Here the manipulation rested solely on the proba

bility of its co-occurrence with the preceding cue stimulus.

Recommended Reading

Casey, B.J., Tottenham, N., Liston, C, & Durston, S. (2005). Imaging the

developing brain: What have we learned about cognitive devel

opment? Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 104-109.

Gogtay, N., Giedd, J.N., Lusk, L., Hayashi, K.M., Greenstein, D., Vai

tuzis, A.C., Nugent, T.F., Herman, D.H., Ciasen, L.S., Toga, A.W.,

Rapoport, J.L., & Thompson, P.M. (2004). (See References)

2o Volume 15?Number 1

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Dima Aniso and B. J. Casey

Acknowledgments?This work was supported in part by R01

MH63255, R01 DA018879, R21 DA15882, and P50

MH062196 awarded to B.J. Casey.

Volume 15?Number 1 29

Liston, C, Watts, R., Tottenham, N., Davidson, M., Niogi, M., Ulug, A.,

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Brown, T.T., Lugar, H.M., Coalson, R.S., Miezin, F.M., Petersen, S.E., &

Schlaggar, B.L. (2005). Developmental changes in human cerebral

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Munakata (Eds). Attention and performance XXI: Processes of

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