BEYOND MKUKUTA FRAMEWORK: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication and Implementation Guide...

BEYOND MKUKUTA FRAMEWORK: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication and Implementation Guide Presentation to the DPG Meeting 18 th January, 2011

Transcript of BEYOND MKUKUTA FRAMEWORK: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication and Implementation Guide...

Page 1: BEYOND MKUKUTA FRAMEWORK: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication and Implementation Guide Presentation to the DPG Meeting 18 th January, 2011.

BEYOND MKUKUTA FRAMEWORK: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication and

Implementation Guide

Presentation to the DPG Meeting18th January, 2011

Page 2: BEYOND MKUKUTA FRAMEWORK: Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication and Implementation Guide Presentation to the DPG Meeting 18 th January, 2011.


Introduction:Presentation sheds some progress on the design of three broad areas aiming at getting quick views, these areas are:

1. MKUKUTA II Monitoring and Evaluation;

2. MKUKUTA II Implementation Guide;3. MKUKUTA II Communication


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1.Progress:Some work has been done and progress is good, initial thinking is emerging on: i. The institutional set- up for MMS IIii. MKUKUTA II Indicator framework

MMSII Institutional Set up.Factors for the design of MMS II institutional set:

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1. Progress:.....Factors for the design of Inst-set up

a.Assessment study Recommendations improvement of MMS outputs(MAIRs, etc) Strengthening of stakeholder participation in; Enhancing utilization of evidence for decision

making strengthening capacities on M&E at all levels strengthening the evaluation function

b.Manual for Planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting • an opportunity for reporting as well as

strengthening evidence-based decision making

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1. Progress:……c. New Dialogue Structure adopted in 2008,

• A platform for policy thinking and consultation on implementation effectiveness;

d. Tanzania Statistical Master Plan(TSMP) an opportunity for building a stronger,

and more robust evidence base for policy making on economic growth and poverty reduction,

Thus, Overall Objective of MMS II would be;

Provide a space for dialogue and policy thinking on issues relating to inclusive growth and poverty reduction based on a robust evidence

Promote evidence –based planning, budgeting, and decision making at all levels of government

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2. MKUKUTA II Monitoring Master Plan:Draft Master Plan in place , pointing to the following thinking:The institutional set up; Maintain the three themes;

Data Generation - NBS Research and Analysis- COSTECH Communication – more institutions will be

engaged to take up some roles. Suggested- PED lead for upstream and CSOs for downstream.

The MKUKUTA Technical Committee (TC)-DPS-MoF Provide stewardship for the overall functioning

of MMS II and the implementation of MMMP II; Link the MMS with IMTC, wider govt and

dialogue structure,

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Indicator FrameworkA draft indicator framework in place and is under consolidation and refinement before shared widely;A list of 58 indicators is proposed, of which, 47 tracked annually, and 11 beyond;The proposed indicators framework is based on a number of factors including;

Continuity; Affordability/feasibility

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Indicator Framework------cntThe proposed indicator framework to take into account the need for comprehensive but manageable list of indicators

The proposed indicator framework is based on a number of factors including;

A judicious mix of frequencies of reporting; Linking with other M&E efforts; Plugging the ‘missing middle’ Sensitivity to changes;

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PART II: MKUKUTA II Communication Strategy

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1. Progress:First draft in place,Two rounds of consultation with a selected group of communication experts UN, CSOs, Academia, Media and


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2. Approach in Communicating

Focus on creation of awareness, advocacy, and mindset changeUse formative research to align communication strategy with MKUKUTA II activities throughout the implementation period;Involve communication specialists, influential stakeholders and educational, behavioral, social, specialists

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2. Approaches …. Select media suitable for both rural and urban audience as well as create a dialogue in the rural communitiesDevelop educational materials, user-friendly manual, to guide MKUKUTA II key stakeholders and targeted audience;Target specific communities and special groups such as the youth and women while disseminating MKUKUTA II nationwide;

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2. Approaches …. Use of Performing Communication including; traditional communication (folk media, forum

theater, oral media, storytelling, masked dancing, and other means of oral communications.

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3. Target Audiences: Central level-Ministries, Departments

and Agencies To strength their institutional capacities in

regard with communicating and promoting MKUKUTA related activities.

Development Partners need to be informed on the progress and

the impact on MKUKUTA II implementation,

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3. Target Audience ..…Local Government Authorities to target needs and build capacity toward

effective management, communicating, and implementation of MKUKUTA II at grassroots level.

Civil Society Organizations at national and local levels to mobilize urban and rural communities.

Urban and rural communities the final target population.

Public and community in generalParliamentarians

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4. Challenges ..…However, there are challenges related to implementing the communication approaches; Costs for communication are

relatively high, then who will be interested to support and how?

There is capacity challenges on reaching the poor at community levels

Capacities related to communication impact assessment

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1. Purpose:

Purpose of the Guide To address the implementation challenges

by providing strategic guidance and support to actors;

To provide further elaboration on the strategic areas and priorities,

To provide guidance on various aspects of MKUKUTA II implementation

Strengthening the alignment of MDAs' Strategic Plans with MKUKUTA II;

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2. Progress and proposals:A draft guide in place, with proposals on a number of issues, including: Action Planning, with the focus on Programmes

selection criteria, costing and financing matters Institutional and organizational change, Human resources factors(expertise and

Leadership), Monitoring and Evaluation,

MDAs are developing their PAPs

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2. Progress and proposals…..:

A draft guide in place, with proposals on a number of issues, including: Linkages-tying together several

initiatives, Accountability and Oversight functions

MDAs are now developing Priority Acton Programmes(PAPs),Based on PAPs, a Programme Budget will be developed

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Expected OutputsAdequate alignment of sectors’ development programmes,Well focused and prioritised interventions including projects and programmes,Adequate alignment of budget to MKUKUTA Priorities,Strengthened cross sector collaboration,Roles and participation of private sector in priority areas scaled up,

Right Mindset towards hard work, patriotism and

self reliance inculcated.

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Next StepsOpen for consultation-End January/Early February 2011; Through the dialogue structure, National forum for key stakeholders, An explicit plan of events will be issued

Final Drafts expected by end April, 2011;