Beware the Office Halloween Monsters


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Transcript of Beware the Office Halloween Monsters

Page 1: Beware the Office Halloween Monsters

She’s all fun and games, luring everyone in the office into her time-wasting activities. She’s always sharing funny links she found on 9GAG, dragging people into long coffee breaks and spurring trivial conversations. While she’s the life of the office, she can also impact her co-workers performance, so beware of her leaving-early-coming-late attitude.

There’s competition, and there’s competition from HIM. He’ll race you to the water cooler, finish off his scalding hot coffee first and be the first one off the building. While he’s fun on the first few days, soon you’ll realize he’ll do anything - and we mean anything - to stay ahead of you. So keep in mind that underneath his wired attitude, he’s one of your most dangerous coworkers.

She’s the office gossip, spilling in everyone’s secrets to everyone else. She’ll take note of everything she hears and then strike when you least expect it, leading to mild embarrassment or in the worst case, social outcasting. Talking around her is like tweeting or posting to a public Facebook wall. So keep your mouth shut around this overly social butterfly.

She’ll lurk under the shadows until opportunity strikes. When it does, she’ll trash-talk your work, your attitude, your shoes, anything. Most of the time you won’t even know she’s there - does she really come in every day? But dare to show off your work to anyone and here she’ll come, riding her high horse.

When he’s not taking selfies, he’s flashing off his new gadgets to everyone around the office. He’s a cronical attention seeker, usually harmless. But under stressful situations, when his job is on the line, he can go as far as taking credit for other people’s work. So be careful not to bump into his gigantic ego.

If there’s something he can be negative about, rest assured that he’ll find it. His attitude can drain the professional performance and the mental health of the most optimistic of teams. He feeds off of other people’s negativity, so try to abstain from complaining around him. His attitude can be contagious, so try to keep that skeleton in the closet.

He won’t hesitate to put you in the line of fireif he ever feels threatened. On good days, he’sa great guy to hang around with, someone you’re comfortable sharing secrets with over lunch break. But if his performance is ever questioned, he won’t think twice to throw someone else under the bus and save hisown skin.

When the office is feeling the pinch, he’s the first one to panic and disappear. When the dust cloud settles, you’ll be forced to cover for him and do his work as well. He’s the one who calls in sick on the day of the big meeting, without even sending you an email heads-up. Probably not the best person to partner with.

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