Between the Eyes and the Fez by Abdul Batin Bey

Between the eyes and the Fez by Abdul Batin Bey

Transcript of Between the Eyes and the Fez by Abdul Batin Bey

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Between the eyes and the Fez by Abdul BatinBey

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  3/23/14 12:54 PM 

Thanks: All praise is due to Allah who thought of us into existence, the

Moorish Orthodox Church of America for being my ultimate family, to all the

Moors of different sects may we all become One and grow in accordance to

the Islamic Divine Creed and my beautiful wife Kristin who knows I’m

nothing without her.

All poems are under license and are free to use. Please give credit

to the author 7AbdulBatinBey

Contact: [email protected],,

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With freedom come choices

To build or to destroy

Everyday you must decide

The unwise destroy

The wise wear the number twelve around their necks

To attain the level of god you must have understanding

With this gift you must add knowledge in order to attain wisdom

Few reach Morocco

Most stay vertical

If you dare you to move ahead the righteous path then you must travel on

Spread Justice and True Equality

Making this planet better for all humanity

Staying away from demonic temptations

If you only a demon to divide you then the devil owns you

Before you can receive you must give

What you give is what you become

So push yourself to be born again

Put on the clothes of real culture

Not the false ideals of the media and the mindless masses

Only the serious walk the path

All are called but very few are chosen

With freedom comes a choice


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Alpha To Omega

One day there will be no more white

One day there will be no more brown

One day there will be no more yellow

One day there will be no more red

As it was back in the Alpha state

It will be again at the Omega

If you can’t rejoice at the good news

Surely you will lose

Africa is rising

Africa is reclaiming

Not just those in the Diaspora

All you have to do is embrace her

Some lost children will declare war

They’re misguided by static minds

No match for the SoulJah

Ethiopia is clearly the Victor

To the King of Kings all will surrender

So all you people from America to JapanEmbrace your parents and your true homeland

We are all children of the African

Children of the African

Africa is rising

Africa is reclaiming

The throne of David

Submerge every continent in the Ocean

Only Africa will rise to the top

End all wars and hate

Humanity will be one

The father shall embrace his prodigal son

Forgive him; treat him as if he never left

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Humanity will be one

Alpha and Omega collide together

The Armageddon days will become faded memories

Long lives Africa

Long lives Africa

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Doughnut Shop Hangout

Local men hanging out at the doughnut shop

They sit sipping their coffees

Talking about local news

Watching paint dry

I see them from the early morning hours to the late afternoonHopeless men with no lives

Sad, pathetic existence

As they talk they feel as if they belong

Taking liberties that most people would never think of

Prying into the waitress personal life

Pretending they belong to a Coffee Clubhouse

I could never be one of them

I could never just sit and talk

I could never waist my life with idle banter

I need to move

I need to do something

What happened to these misfortunes?

Did life just lick them to the crumb curve?

Have they been orphaned at the Doughnut Shop?

Every morningEvery late afternoon

They are there

Sipping life away

Livicated: Doughnut Shops in the Bridgewater area

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Five O’ Clock Prayer

Every breath I take is a prayer to the One God

The God of Adam

The God of Noah

The God of Abraham

In the dayIn the night

I pray to the Most Holy Lord

Creator of all worlds

I praise your Holy Name


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Fool On The Shore

He stands on the shore

In deep prayer

Clutching in his hands a photo of his savior

He prays for revolution

Hoping his god will save himIn his clutched hands the photo is Hitler

The destruction of Israel leaves his lips

Every problem he has he blames on the Jews

Misguided man

Wrapped in his hatred he sees not the world

He ignores the timing of the One God

Submitting himself to the powers of darkness

All I can do is pray for him

In hopes that he sees the error of his ways

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Heart Number One

Sitting in my living room

Listening to two middleclass people telling dirty jokes

Nice cold tea in my left hand

As I sat relaxing an image jumped out of the wall

A one-eyed heart cryingThis heart image ran from one side of the room to the other

Puking up deep philosophical prose

After a long while the heart became a blur

The lights went out

I saw nothing

Total blackness

Lights came on

The heart was gone

I went to bed

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Heathen’s Back


You are a place of savagery

Home to jealous and unmerciful devils

Seeking power with blood thirsty fangs

Nothing but wretched misery breeds in youTyranny you ware as a crown

Deceit is your native tongue

The heathen hordes you birth have no place of earth

Livicated: David Walker

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J-Lady Scene

Japanese lady

Foolish painted face

Naked submerged in green tea

Listening to the breeze

Watching the cherry blossoms drift

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Jah Wave

JAH is the never-ending wave

Which moves my soul

Carrying me to the higher realms

Flooding my being with the six pillars

Livicated: Moorish Orthodox Church of America/ Zen Zion Coptic Orthodox


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Japanese Green TeaLight green tea pool

Reflecting mirror

Bitter taste in mouth

Skunk kick back

Japanese pyramidsUnlocking puzzles beyond Mount IshII

Stone demon saluting

Double B’s hopping popping locking through the corridors of mind

Spinning in a bottle neck

Aging ceases immortality flies

Dark brown shy

The Hall of Ministry breaks down

Icarus sleeps at the feet of Gabriel

Green tea pool simply reflecting

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Mad Mind

Mad mind consuming the world

Power perversion

Causing problems

Spreading rumors

Placing sanctions on all those that don’t play puppetPushing the world closer and closer to the edge

Sparking the dry kindle

Acting amazed when the blaze appears

Even more amazed when the embers burn you

I laugh at them

They who ignore the olive branch and hide behind the arrows

Setting up their own downfall

Destroying their own houses while they keep there neighbors house clean

Mad Mind

Mad Mind

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No Swine

Swine eaters want to have my babies

You might suck dick but I am not crazy

Never foolish enough to plant my seed in a Zelda zee

Nothing but mind corruption and disease

You can only be my night nurseTo make you a mother is put on a curse

My children need to grow, no to be useless

If I’m going to plant there has to be more than a quick fly

Beware my children

Beware of the trap some pussy can set

Because you aren’t the man when you’re living in the gutter

You ain’t the man being enslaved forever

That’s what I call a sucker

Swine eaters want to have my babies

What? You must think I’m crazy

Livicated: Noble Drew Ali

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On The Yarrow

Walking through an empty city

Light bulb sun

Poison music sandwich

Tree coffee pillsHammer baby kites

Soda horse burger

Rocket radio

Foster biker chair

Corndog star moon

Candle nudist house

Cap book lamp

Mitten clock

Holy gun cigar

Ketchup shake television

Flag crown amazement

Fifty-three teddy glasses

Communist frog money

Gosh American

Miniscule horse prancing under my feet

Two hideous teenagers hug in excitement

Puss oozing from one zit to the next

All this by a fire hydrant

In an empty city among the stalks

Livicated: R.Crumb

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People Seriously

Wars mounted upon wars

Lead by the foolish masses

Know that there is only one God

Yours and mine

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Pharaoh Chains


Pharaoh blinded

Wings sprouted

Chains broke

Now I can behold the face of AtenFreer of the enslaved

Liberated from conscious dogma

Gnosis giving to those who escape Old Egypt

Those who dare to flee from the oppression of baby Land


To live in the presence of the divine

On level cooperative terms with the Divine

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Point Cheese

I walked into a mouse hole

Inside was a huge oval store

An old pale male sat exactly in the center

A young woman raced around the edge of the room

The egg was filled with jewelry, glass, and unusual trinketsEach piece had a halo surrounding it

As I walked I studied each unique piece

Black crucified Christ

Asiatic Mesopotamian mini building set

Odd rooster squirting lemonade

Horizontal Star of David

Pieces of misshapen perfection

I spent hours walking around and around learning

When I left the mouse hole I stood by the lambs of tea

Sniffing the Kat nip air

I was home

Shuffling slippers money hog bones

Yes I was home

Dream 8/13.11

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Silent Why

Why should I remain silent when my ignorant father speaks?

Spewing forth his twisted visions of the world

Why should I remain silent when my whore mouthed mother speaks?

Vomiting my fathers adopted sickness of the world

Both live in a dark holeA place they made themselves

Feeding off each others misery

Trying to capture all who pass by into the web

Weak and pathetic

They start arguments just to keep themselves amused

Trashing the names of there sons and expect the sons to love them

Piercing venom into the hearts and minds of there children

Never showing anything except disrespect and explosive anger

But they expect there children to them patience and love

With twisted logic they vindicate themselves

Turning their corruptions into stained glass saint reflections

Mocking their children behavior and speech

They expect their babies to view them, as they desire to be viewed

No amount of damage control can undue what’s been done!

Why should I remain silent?

I do so because a human cannot communicate dialog to an animal

A civilized man must not bow down to the uncivilized

A pious one channels his lower emotions into higher states of perfection

Exempting himself from the animalistic behavior of the sinful ones

Be remaining silent I am the supreme victor

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All religions and philosophies are threads

Each one complementing the other

Pull one

The tapestry falls apart

They all lose meaning

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Tea Kettle  

The Texan comet passes

Earth sends a shiver out

A great light cannot be seen

Millions of screams never heard

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Thom the Atheist

He sits there smiling

There is no God he says

A person disagrees

No tom demands there is no God

He continues with scientific dialog all that proves there is a GodBut he demands that everyone thinks like him

That his way is the right way

Everything is random

Nothing happened by design

But when I look at science I see a well-planed symphony

Everything happened in order by the will of God.

Tom listens then walks away shaking his head

Oh atheist your argument doesn’t faze me

And atheist you are no different than those preachers you hate

They force Muhammad, Christ, Buddha, and Krishna

And you force Atheism

I believe what I will as you believe what you will

Freedom is for all not the few

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United States and Europe

All around me I hear worried voices

Everywhere I turn I see fearful tears

Why have we been abandoned? They jerking say

O United States

O EuropeHave you learned nothing?

Turned away from the righteous path

Embraced man made ideas

Erected money as your new god

The laws of Noah you have broken

Trampled on the Commandments of Moses

Handed your civilization over to unclean heathens

Allowing the very things the Lord hates to flourish

Now you must feel the wrath

The innocent you have slain are now rising up

A condemnation has come upon you

By the decree of the Holy One

You shall be brought to the low places

Poverty will be your new name

The other nations will turn their backs towards you

You shall become a near forgotten placeA dying population

Those whom you have placed in high society will become powerless

Not a wise man lives among you

Prepare for many generations of darkness

Repent O United States

Repent Old Europe

Change your greed, lustful and arrogant ways

Open the pages of your Holy Books

Fall on your faces and beg for the hand of mercy

Allow the lord back into your hearts


Your hour draws near

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Repent before the door of opportunity closes

Listen not to your philosophies and pretentious clots

Hear the Great God

Turn to your Maker

Put your destiny back in his handsYou shall be great again

Repent- or forever be trampled underfoot

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Western democracy will say they will protect you

With an open hand they will ask for your trust

Those in dire need will accept this peace offering

In time they will see their folly

As there homes get destroyedChildren scared faces

Dreams burned in bonfires of ounce optimistic future

The peace that was promised is nothing but a ghoulish nightmare

A horror that they can’t be rid of

Western democracy cannot save you

Western democracy cannot ease you out of your situation

All it can do is hinder you

Make you depend on its blood

Trap you in a cycle of poverty and fear

This is the truth

The western world is a soulless demonic place

Hungry placid demons feeding off of naive angels

Western democracy will say anything to lure you in

Livicated: To all those who look towards the United States for help

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Abdul Batin Bey: is an Anarchist, Writer, musician,

active blogger, and spiritual explorer he is an ordained

minister in the Universal Life Church and an Imam in the

Moorish Orthodox Church. He attended Timbuktu

University and the Hakim Bey Diocesan Theological
