BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also...


Transcript of BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also...

Page 1: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.





Issue 001





February 2011 Issue

Page 2: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

Hmmmmmm... February... on one hand most peoples finances are getting back into shape after Christmas then one another hand Valentine’s day threatens to destroy all ‘financial healing’ that has taken place in our bank accounts, well for the guys anyway...loool

For many ladies this is a weekend where diets get put on pause, and indulgence goes to a whole other level!

As you can probably tell we’ve gone all ‘relationshippy’ on this episode but dont fret, we’ve also got our usual juciness and ‘hard bodied’ topics too!

We were blessed to have Dr Jaimie Garande and Bishop Tudor Bismarck AND Pastor Chichi Bismark share some priceless insight. And if that wasnt enough, we also have the starlet Ms Emily Bakosi (Happy Birthday for 24th Feb BTW) writing for us for the first time

Our search for a UK Female Gospel MC has uncovered some real gems we’re looking forward to see who you guys vote as the ‘People’s favourite’

There’s so much more in here that I dont have the space to mention so we’ll sign of by saying...

Happy reading!

feel free to email comments, requests, responses or just messages of love (we like those... loool) us [email protected]



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Miss MA - Marie-Antoinette


DISCLAIMER: All views are expressly those of the writers are not necessarily the views of the magazine. Unless otherwise stated articles are either authored by Marie-Antoinette Edeoghon or Allan Okello. This magazine may not be reproduced, quoted or used in

any other way other than read without prior permission

Page 3: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.


Page 4: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.


Phanatik, Lady Preach and Bouqui have been nominated as the three hot names in world of UK Gospel , we look forward to seeing who the people’s favourite will be... email us your opinions now!!!

[email protected]

Phanatik, holds a real UK hiphop flava with bags of character. We first heard this starlet

blaze her incredible flow on JayEss’s ‘Stand’ (click pic-ture to go to track - she on at 2:18s)

Bouqui, one of our more international Fe-

male MCs with a follow-ing in her native Nigeria

and the UK comes in with a more US feel,

check out her video, her most popular track is the feature with Four Kornerz

(click pic to see vid)

Lady Preach reps hard for the

grime Gospel scene, a diamond not

nearly in the rough, Lady Preach is teh youngest but by no means should this be a measure of the fire she brings, see for yourself (click

pic for vid)








Page 5: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

T’s & C’s apply to all competition prizes. Bethel magazine are in no way guaranteeing career success just the building blocks to one. Bethel magazine are not a record label or a management company. This campaign is solely to provide promotion for UK gospel female Mcs or groups of female Mcs. Radio plugging is not to get actual play listing but to get spot plays on significant radio stations in the commercial and Christian radio networks, although we will try to the best of our abilities. The promotional video will be a professionally produced mini documentary, not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single











[email protected]


Page 6: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.


The quality of what you give unto the Lord defines your harvest and blessing, in the case of Cain and Able, both brothers gave onto the Lord – Cain gave whatever he could spare, afford.Not doing all up can to deliver the absolute best product in the name of Jesus is a failure and actually perpetu-ates mediocrity... which unfortunately is the bane of the kingdom of God at the moment.

Before we even go into the recording stage, we have to deal with the conceptual writing stage, aside from keeping your tracks Word based, a depth of word and understanding is required of you as Christian musicians, even as rappers you MUST see yourselves as ministers onto the Lord. With this in mind you MUST ensure your final submissions to world are representative of the awesome and excellent God we so lovingly aim to serve.

If you know you cant create the greatest Chorus’ holla at someone who can, if you know you can’t come up with the greatest melodies, I’m sure you can find someone who can. If you are making music... Then ALWAYS include people who have greater musical knowledge than you, preferable an instrument player who firstly understands chords, keys and most importantly what a ‘record’ (not just a song) sounds like - at least in the evaluation stage.


Sorry but that’s just utter foolishness, its like going to a Doctor with a toothache and they give you a prescription which in your ‘infinite wisdom’ discard as you leave the surgery thinking “I know best I don’t need the treatment, I’ll be fine! My teeth will heal without the medicine”.Learn your craft to the deepest depth you can go, and continue learning your craft! The word of God says ‘Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth’ [2 Tim 2:15].

A lot of people haven’t figured this out or have and aren’t doing anything to fix the situation...


I can’t stress this point enough, so many producers kill their own tracks and other peoples tracks trying to mix it themselves. If its not your lane, stay out of it! Mixing and mastering are skill sets completely independent of producing or artistry, there’s a reason why there are specialist courses in it that last as long if not longer than production courses!

Stop thinking ‘an ok mix will do’ keep comparing your tracks with the best out there and the tracks that sounds most like yours and get it as close as possible.

Find a mixing engineer, if you have to find one at Uni and grow together, you can get really good engineers from £30 per track to £100 if you look hard enough! And remember, its not you funding your ministry, stretch your faith and exercise Genesis 18:14 “Is anything too hard for the LORD?” and Philippians 4:19 “my God shall supply my needs according to His riches”... not YOUR riches HIS riches, Selah.Here are some Christian Record Producers/ Recording Engineers/ Mixing & Mastering Engineers that can improve your sound: (They will require you to bless them with a financial seed, but they WILL bring up to your next level!)


Producer Wes:Previous clients: Victizzle, Lola Godheld

G-way: Previous Clients: Victizzle, [email protected]

Wayne Herms: Previous Clients: Victizzle, G-Force

Kiasi:Previous Clients: Utter Once, Beverley [email protected]/ 07946057595

Page 7: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.
Page 8: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

Bishop & Pastor Bismark pastor a church of thousands and parent four sons; they also have an extremely busy itinerant schedule including many days apart.

However, they have 33 years of a very suc-cessful marriage behind them. So, here are some of their wisdom keys for you to glean...

Practical Tips For A Successful Marriage

Pastor ChiChi – The meaning of the word ‘HUSBAND’

Honesty The worst thing for a woman to face is dishonesty. Honesty builds trust in any relationship.Understanding Men sometimes find women complicated but if women are l listened to intently with patience, understanding will come. Security Men, you must have a plan! You must know where you’re going. You will always get support from your wife if you have a plan first.Bravery Men, be brave! This is something that we like to admire.Availability Take time out to spend time with your wife. Nurture Develop the gifts that you see in your wife. Nurture what you see is good. Doers Be a person of your word. If you say you’re going to do some thing, make sure you do it.

Bishop Bismark – What A Man NeedsAll men tend to want the same things from their wives, the most important of these being honour and respect. Also, a man wants his space. He may need that space to play golf or to watch football or to follow his favourite hobby. He ought to have a close male friend to do these things with.Finally, every man needs sex. Don’t treat this as a privilege.In my many years of pastoral counselling, I understand that men are visually stimulated which is why the pornographic industry is so prolific. Wife, be visually stimulating to your husband.Women need to know and hear their men say “I love you”. Men want to show their love through sexual intimacy but women don’t need that – they prefer to be assured and for example, to be hugged. Wives don’t disrespect your husband in front of your children.Finally, never marry the person you can live with – always marry the person you cannot live without.

Page 9: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

Bishop Bismark is an Apostle to the nations. He has served as apostolic covering for ministries all over the world since 1989. He and his wife Pastor Chichi Bismark, serve as the senior pastors of New Life Covenant Church, in Harare, Zimbabwe. He also serves as the Chairman of the Council of African Apostles, a wholly African initiative to bring the apostolic voice of the African church to African issues.


Bishop Bismark has a passion for the empowerment of people and the realisation of their God-ordained destiny. He has a desire to see being raised in these last days, networks of Believers in Kingdom dominion. As a proponent and firm believer in the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the earth as a tangible reality, Bishop Bismark is now a well sought after itinerate speaker, an Apostle carrying a current and relevant word of God.

He travels extensively, preaching, teaching and empowering the Body of Christ all over the world.

Pastor ChiChi is the wife of Bishop Tudor Bismark. She is the co-founder of Jabula New Life Ministries & pastor of New Life Covenant Church in Harare, Zimbabwe. Her sincere heart for people and her desire for the manifestation of the power of the Word of God in the earth has positioned her as a credible minister in her own right.

Pastor ChiChi is an intercessor, a prophet, a teacher and an encourager to the body of Christ globally. Anointed in the areas of sound biblical teaching, healing and kingdom finance, she along with Bishop Bismark have grown their assembly in Harare in to a force of faith and power for the Kingdom of God.

Pastor ChiChi and Bishop Tudor have been married for over twenty five years and have been blessed with four sons. As an avid reader, information seeker and a possessor of revelation knowledge, Pastor ChiChi will minister to your present need, challenge your boundaries and encourage your faith.


Page 10: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.
Page 11: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

I woke up at about 3:30 am this morning and of course everyone else in the house was still asleep. The harder I tried to fall asleep the more awake I got. Just laying there looking at the ceiling, I turned over and looked at Gerald laying there. I thought to this the same man I used to have to get home before midnight so he wouldn't get in trouble? The same man that used to walk by my classroom in high school and just stare at me. The man that walked up and kissed me on my lips while I was at a concert with a date? The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the anwser is NO!

He's not the same man. He is however the man that married me and told me that day I didn't have to work anymore...The man that has paid every house note, car note and utility bill so I would never be uncomfortable. The man that gave me 3 wonderful boys ( Austin, Gerald & Blair) and loved me through the loss of our son Justin. The man that still thinks I'm the most beautiful woman in the world, even with all the baby weight. What kind of man is this that could KNOW me and still LOVE me?! He's my man!!! My friend, confidant, lover and spiritual covering. Laying there he was easily one of the best things that ever happened to me. I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes just thinking about how wonderful he is. Not perfect...Just in love with me.

Guess what?! This morning I fell in love again...My heart pounding, hands sweating and butterflies all in my stomach. I leaned over and kissed the blessing God gave me...whispered in his ear that he is forever needed and never taken for granted. I turned over with a smile on my face and drifted back off to sleep... Looking forward to the morning because its another day of the rest of my life that I get to spend with this man. How Awesome!!! How truly AWESOME!!!!!!


Fallin In Love Again...My Valentine’s Love Note...

Page 12: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

My Destiny Inc is a not for profit organization that has as its objective the empowering of individu-als and businesses in the areas of entrepreneurship, leadership and capacity building.

The key focus of the organization is to alert every individual that it works with to the reality of a God ordained purpose for their lives. It is easy for one to forge a path of their own choosing, but it is better still to locate and then live out the particular plan that God had in mind for you when He created you.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

It is our belief that every individual has something unique that they can contribute to our society in their lifetime. We also believe that we must leave a legacy for those who will come after us. It fol-lows on from this however that there is an active requirement for each individual to aggressively live out their particular assignment. Over the years we have become aware of the tendency on the part of many believers to expect the will of God to come to pass in their lives by default, with-out any participation on their part. That is why we have come up with the following statement, to assist those we work with to understand the importance of the role that they have to play.

“The will of God for you will not happen in spite of you, but because of you.”

How we work

Our organization works through a number of different avenues which include the following:

• Hosting leadership and business conferences

• Mentoring programmes:

1) From Father to Son: providing mentoring to young men who did nothavethebenefitofthenecessarymentoringthatafathershould provide.

2)FromMothertoDaughter:similarprogrammetotheoneabove butdesignedforyoungwomen.

• School and University visits and talks, both locally and internationally, to promote an awareness of God in a relevant and interactive way.

• Establishing strategic partnerships with organizations that work in areas where we do not have the expertise, to spread the message of the Gospel.

• The use of a wide range of different media to highlight the relevance of the Gospel to modern day living. This includes books, cds and dvds, plays etc.

Page 13: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

The Founders

Dr Jaimie Oliver Garande

Dr Jaimie Oliver Garande is the Senior Pastor of Milestone Covenant Ministries based in Notting-ham, England. A solicitor and chartered secretary, Dr. Garande is also an author and entrepre-neur and acts as a consultant for a number of international investment companies.

Dr Garande has over 14 years of experience in the areas of banking and commercial law, and is the author of From Father to Son: 17 Lessons for Successful Living, and In Pursuit of Destiny:10 Keys to Fulfilling your Purpose and Transforming your Life”. He is an avid boxing fan and enjoys reading autobiographies and books on history.

He is married to Nyarai Garande and they have four children, Panashe, Tawana, Adalia-Rose and Zachary-Zion.

Pastor Nyarai Garande

Pastor Nyarai Garande is the Senior Pastor of Milestone Covenant Ministries. She holds an MBA in Finance and a BSc in Information Systems and Marketing. She currently runs a recruitment company and has worked in various capacities in the telecommunications and marketing indus-tries. She is the founder of Radiate for Women, which focuses on empowering women of all ages to overcome the adversities and pains of their past and live full lives that can also inspire others. She enjoys period dramas and is a keen photographer.

Page 14: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

About our Guest on the 4th and 5th of March

Dr Peter J. Daniels is a Christian multi-millionaire, international statesman and businessman and is committed to helping people attain financial success in their own businesses. Dr Daniels has served as a director of several international companies and continues to advise many of the world’s leading organizations. Dr Peter J Daniels and his family are the only family in the world with their own gold and silver bullion which backs their private currency.

Dr Daniels (born in 1932 in Adelaide, Australia) is an international statesman, life coach, author and professional speaker. Dr Daniels came from a disadvantaged background and was chal-lenged with illiteracy in his early years. His family were third generation welfare recipients. He failed at every grade in school and became a bricklayer. At 26 years of age he was hopelessly in debt, and attended a Billy Graham Crusade on May 25, 1959. He attributes his life change and subsequent success to that meeting.

He subsequently built a large real estate business in Australia and South East Asia and now serves as a director and chairman on a number of international boards. Described by Dr Norman Vincent Peale as “the best speaker in the world”, Dr Daniels has been speaking on personal de-velopment for over 30 years. Dr Daniels married his wife Robina in 1955 and has three children and eight grandchildren.


From 1974 to 1990, he ran Dr Peter J Daniels Real Estate. Since 1989 he has run the World Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies. Other business involvements include being a director of In-ternational Corporate Holdings Pty Ltd, Chairman of Australia Fair Pty Ltd, and an international director of The Worldwide Leadership Council.

His Books

• Living on the Edge: From bricklayer to business leader (Autobiography)

• How to Reach Your Life Goals: A step by step goals formula

• How to Create Your Own Dynamic Mission Statement That Works Entrepreneurs and Leaders Handbook

• A Global Survey into Multi-Level Marketing: The Rescue of an Industry

• Miss Phillips You Were Wrong: A formula to overcome rejection

• How to have the Awesome Power of Public Speaking: The book for Mastering the crowd

• How to be Motivated all the Time: Practical keys to becoming and remaining moti-vated in an uncomplicated step by step procedure

• How to Handle a Major Crisis: Practical steps to overcome difficulty and to face criti-cal situations successfully

• How to be Happy Though Rich: The book every poor person should read

• Will Power: The integrity of the soul

Page 15: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.




Page 16: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.



Page 17: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.




E: [email protected]

Page 18: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

“Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, If I wore that dress, Could I wear those shoes?”So 11 months later, and it’s that time again... Saint Valentine’s Day ya’ll!! A time for chocolates, a dozen red roses, a bunch of corny cards with big red hearts, but boy oh boy! Do we love it!! Not only is it a great time for the big busi-nesses to make oodles load of cash; but it’s the one day of the year for 24 hours, when we’re we all allowed to be completely cringe-worthy cheesy! And get away with it!! Oh the power! So who’s going to be your victim this year! Muahaha!

Did you know that “Valentine’s Day”, was modified from the priests name Saint Valentine who passed away on the 14th of February, 269 A.D. A priest who was tortured for refusing to give up his Christianity and defying Emperor Claudius back in Rome.. He would perform marriage cer-emonies in secret since Emperor Claudius had cancelled all marriage and engagement ceremonies in Rome, you go Valentine! Keep the sacrament alive!! It’s only been since the 1800’s that Valentines’ days had been commercialised; with a Miss Esther Howard from the USA sending the very first valentines’ day card! (See... I’ve just helped you out; if

Page 19: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

you’re having a bit of trouble with nothing to say if you’re on a date, say that! D’you know how smart you’ll look! Ha-haha!)

So now that we’ve got the history down, let’s talk the mod-ern! WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!?!? The clothes that you wear can speak way louder than what you actually say! So guys, can we pleeasseee AVOID the red shirts with a mob of cupid’s rosy pink bottom all over it; and ladies let’s keep it classy! People, let’s remember the rule whenever we’re assembling our outfits ‘Dress to impress without showing ANY FLESH!!’ Works every time *wink wink*!

So for those of you that has a date... Good Luck! Don’t screw it up! But if it wasn’t meant to be, take it on the chin and move on! For those of you that don’t... Please, please, PLEEASEEEE do not do the typical sit at home and sulk with a tub of ice cream!! Have a salad instead! It’s healthier! I’m just kidding! Fling on a sweet love song, and have a dance with Christ (I recommended ‘Jesus’ by Debra Killings; Love that song!) remember how much He loves you, and all the great things that he does for you... Now hmmm.... Where did I put those earrings??!


Page 20: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.


Page 21: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.


Page 22: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

You’ve probably, at least once, heard about that Christian brother, who has a very long list of sisters in the faith that he has somehow managed to get involved with, either emotionally or physically. Part of this Christian brother’s appeal is that he is by no means a novice when it comes to God’s word, or may even be in ministry. He frequently preys on naive sisters but is never viewed as a danger because of his ministry.

Although this brother can be well meaning and feels he loves God, he ac-tually loves himself much more. This type of brother knows his weakness is women; but he pursues them anyway. He crosses the boundaries by what he says and does to them, dismissing it as jest to cover his back. His mindset is that he is depraved and therefore unable to achieve perfection- correct (on the unable to achieve perfection part), thus he heavily relies on the fact that he can always ‘run back to God’-wrong. True conviction and repentance does not allow one to abuse the grace given to us. Obe-dience is better than sacrifice 1 Samuel 15:22 (animals where sacrificed to cover sin back in the OT days). Some would argue that this brother is not a Christian at all, but I am reminded that even David an adulterer was described in the bible as a man after God’s own heart but ask yourself, did David keep re offending? We can never be perfect, but we can ask God to help us out. We can avoid being the tool of the enemy in bringing down those with weaknesses.

So, how and why do so many sisters end up in a situation where they become involved with a Christian brother with a weakness for women? It goes deeper than the brother’s knowledge of the word and seemingly godly persona. It is because this Christian brother, is usually also an expert on relationships, women and their insecurities.



Page 23: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

He is able to use this knowledge anytime it is convenient for him. As bad as it sounds, his relationships often boil down to him manipulat-ing women, making them emotionally dependent, abusing their trust, and then sometimes publically giving the impression that he is the one being pursued. All the while, however, he is suggesting inappropriate things, being touchy feely, perhaps even scorning your desire NOT to get entangled with him in that way. There are 3 things this type of broth-er is after:

1. He wants your trust 2. He wants you to be emotionally dependent on him 3. He wants to get away with talking to you and touching you inappro-priately and constantly pushes the boundaries.

Women are not exempt from blame, however. This issue is made even more complex simply because this brother’s ‘expertise’ on relationships and women, ultimately, make him a good friend to talk to. He is often also a shoulder to cry on. With that companionship to gain, women con-tinue in many dangerous relationships, where both themselves and the Christian brother are sinking, and that in itself is a form of selfishness. When he does not get all of what he wants in return, which varies from girl to girl, he eventually disappears leaving you hurt.

We all need to be very careful. The bible warns us to guard our hearts in Proverbs 4:23, for it determines the course of our lives. How sad then that we allow ourselves to get carried away, that we allow ourselves to be used. As always, there are women that pose the same threat to men too so care needs to be taken by both men and women. Endeavour to watch out for the signs and when you see them... RUN.


Page 24: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.
Page 25: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.
Page 26: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.


coming soon

Facebook: Kimberley Stewart Music

Page 27: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

This year marks exactly 15 years since I completed my first degree. I can remember all too well the challenges of having to study diligently and at the same time ensure that I had enough money to pay for my upkeep. Like many students today,I would get a grant that was intended to pay for my food and accommodation. But also like many students, I didn’t understand how to handle money and so I would invariably spend it all too quickly, and spend the rest of the semester scrounging around looking for a meal. I remember one particularly bad season in which I ate peanut butter

for a whole week. Not exactly what one would call brain food!Those experiences did teach me a couple of things though. Firstly I learnt how to become more disciplined in my spending choices. But secondly and just as important I learnt how to be more resourceful and enterprising, and started looking for innovative ways of earning extra money. Having one source of money is never a good idea. So I started selling second hand clothing, bought a camera and started taking photographs, and even started teaching ‘A’ level history at a local college to supplement my income. As a result I made enough money to be able to finish university without being a permanent burden on my parents and family. There is a fallacy that makes students believe that they will all have to struggle with debt and lack through their college or university years, and then be introduced into an even bigger world of debt when they graduate. But that doesn’t have to be the case at all. There are opportunities all around you that you can take advantage of right now to break the cycle of lack and insufficiency and actually begin to create increasingly large income streams. Don’t allow self-limiting beliefs to stop you from becoming more enterprising. Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think that you can, or that you can’t, you are usually right.” Look all around you. What services can you provide that are desperately needed? How can you earn extra money by providing convenience to and solving the problems of those around you?God is limitless in His creative power, and as his son or daughter you can be too. Ask Him to guide you in your search for new opportunities. Remember Psalm 23:1 – “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” It applies to students also.We are thrilled to be hosting international statesman and multimillionaire Peter J Daniels at our conference In Pursuit of Destiny. If you would like to be inspired, discover new ideas and meet budding and existing business people from all walks of life, this will be a great opportunity. Please visit our website to register or call us on 0115 822 0606.


Dr Jaimie Garande

Page 28: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

We are all so used to hearing of faith seminars, relationship seminars, finance seminars and healing and breakthrough seminars and conferences, but we seldom come across specific events which are geared towards TEACHING THE TRUTH AND HEART OF WHAT WORSHIP IS ALL ABOUT.

Andrew ‘Drew’ Mutambira, founder of Unrestrained Worship, spoke to Bethel magazine about the birth of this awesome event, his journey as a worshipper and what we’re to expect!

Drew is a Worshipper a song writer, a producer and a musician.

Drew began by sharing his history and legacy; his father being a prolific Pastor and songwriter with a number of songs we all still sing today in worship.

Understanding the legacy of generation and how old-ers are to pass on their knowledge and experiences


SeminarThe worship seminar will focus on the following areas:The Worship LeaderThe Whole Worship TeamSingersMusiciansSound Engineers

Discussion Points Will Include:

Song writingWorship leadingWorship vocalsGuitarBassDrumsKeyboardsAudio mixingWorship space design, lighting and productionMusic production and technology

to the next generation as well as edify peers, Drew’s heart is that God should be worshipped ‘in spirit and in truth’ and with excellence because our God deserves nothing less.BUT there are too many areas in the body of Christ which haven’t developed too well in recent years or have been distorted by the world. God has laid this event on Drew’s heart to deal with the WHOLE topic of what goes into worship and has called him to hold this seminar to highlight the full sphere of what goes into worship. Areas to be addressed range from the actual development of worship songs at writing stage to worship space design, sound and lighting.He has called in some of the best people, all professionals from around the UK music industry, to hold workshops in various areas.If you are a worship leader, choir member, band member, church member who serves, come and engage in and learn how all the things which happen in church attribute to worship... You are guaranteed to be blessed!The seminar ends with a two hour worship session lead by four amazing worship leaders including Drew himself back by probably one of the best ensemble of musicians in the kingdom of God! And all this for only £10, we should all buy two tickets each cos that’s what it should cost!


Page 29: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.





Tickets are £10

Page 30: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

Heart Brokenness

Email us your testimonies: [email protected]

Its not once but twice that this has happened. First, before I got saved, second time when I was saved. People ask which was worse, the worse was the second time, only because everything was given, literally everything, the heart was taken out and place in her hands, and she gave it back on a plate and didn’t want it anymore. The break-up was complicated, affected both parties, but that’s how I received it.

It was painful, i was depressed, hurt, dying if I could say that. It led to malice, anger, rage, hatred, yes it birthed these things. Its worse when you see the person weekly, and also with your good friends.

What do you say? How do you act? I was left at a crucial point in my life, and she was the best friend I had.

This heart brokenness showed me how much i didn’t know myself, how much i trusted man, but didn’t know the identity I have in Jesus and didn’t trust Him or even really place Him 1st in my life.

Healing took time, because it made me confront all the issues I had and failed to deal with.

I had to face myself and my insecurities and literally go through a process of healing. This involved submitting myself to God and REALLY BEING HONEST and REAL with my issues and bringing them before the throne daily. I can boldly say, even though it took a few months, that I am HEALED, WHOLE and RESTORED, all by the power of his blood!

– Ayo, London

Page 31: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.
Page 32: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.






Triple O has, for a while, been a name that flew around our ears regu-larly but up until now we hadn’t actually listened to a full works by him.I picked up the free mixtape/ EP and was expecting the unfortunate usual with many gospel MCs, OK beats and mediocre flows with aver-age polishing (mixing & mastering) and no consistent concept and flow of tracks. Boy were we surprised! the piece was awesomely formed with good rooting in word, it reminded us of when artist made ‘albums’ properly rather than ‘a bunch of tracks recorded in the last couple of months thrown together AS an album’. beats were well selected tracks and flows were constructed beautifully - the fact that there was a con-cept of relationships (backed teachings for men, women and blogs and readings) gave the piece a story and a journey like feel. We will admit that Triple O’s flows are more at home on the grime tip but non the less he smashed it with this. Finally another rapper enter the ranks with Dwayne Tryumf, Jahaziel and Forever Christ. GO get this for your collection.

Absolutely amazing concept to release the full project over time, it gives the whole album real life and the journey suspense. Now that’s spirit led. We loved the realness that Mighty came at this, the flow was ‘noice!’ Mighty was at home on the beat and it was evident he had his head in the word and heart on the Kingdom of God. best track in this segment was ‘Ima Servant’ wasn’t feeling ‘For My Daddy’ as much but that was only because the chorus wasn’t doubled up in the recording or a harmony on the lead vocal, weren’t ‘wack’ though.

Page 33: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.





January 2011 Issue

CAN YOU WRITE?BETHEL magaz ine is look ing to

expand i ts team of wr i te rs . . .

We’ re look ing for pass ionate and commi t ted fo lks who love God and

wr i t ing and have a ins ight fu l , youth fu l and un ique s ty le . . . I s th is you?

We’re looking for... Writers who love Christian music (Street music, Rock, indie, alternative, etc),

Writers who love fashion,

And writers who like to tackle issues that we as Christians go through from time to time

No real experience necessary just passion and dedication.

If you’re interested please contact us on the details below and we’ll go from there!

EMAIL US ON: [email protected] CALL 07961 228 131

Page 34: BETHEL MAGAZINE...not a music video. MC will hold all rights to their lyric, the producer will also retain rights. Bethel magazine will however retain 15% of revenue from single sales.

Romans 8:38-39 niv

For I am convinced that

neither death nor life,

neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the

future, nor any powers,

neither height nor depth,

nor anything else in all

creation, will be able to

separate us from the love of

God that is in Christ Jesus our
