BETHANY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FAITHBOOK OUR 2012 DEVOTIONAL Rev. Hadley R. Edwards, Senior Pastor Rev. Marva L. Mitchell, Associate Pastor Minister James D. Ross, Jr. Ministries Assistant Rev. Eddie R. Odom, Retired Pastor Rev. Inez D. Williams, Retired Deacon Devotional Project Coordinators Ms. Percie Ann Rodney Mrs. Emma Y. Graham Rev. Inez D. Williams Ms. Shari Smothers — Website





Rev. Hadley R. Edwards, Senior Pastor

Rev. Marva L. Mitchell, Associate Pastor

Minister James D. Ross, Jr. Ministries Assistant

Rev. Eddie R. Odom, Retired Pastor

Rev. Inez D. Williams, Retired Deacon

Devotional Project Coordinators

Ms. Percie Ann Rodney

Mrs. Emma Y. Graham

Rev. Inez D. Williams

Ms. Shari Smothers — Website

A Message FromThe Faithbook Committee

This is the second edition of Faithbook. It was not available in time to serve as a source of inspiration for

the season of Lent this year. Nevertheless, the 2012 Faithbook was deemed significant enough to be

released now as a delayed blessing anyhow.

A tremendous amount of gratitude is extended to the contributing writers of this book. Recruiting authors

proved more difficult this year than last. Our determination and faith that the effort of the writers would

result in this compilation was unwavering. The end result is, in our opinion, a profound spiritual resource.

The topics selected by the authors are diverse and pertinent to the issues and challenges we face in our

daily lives. Some liberties were allowed in format and content as a means of appreciation for contributing

to this endeavor. The offerings are a testament to the fact that there can never be too many

opportunities to read about and feel the effects of obedience to God.

Please take time to add to the concepts and comprehension of the literature by jotting your reflections on

the designated pages. In this manner, you will be able to share your thoughts about the material with the

writers of Faithbook during conversations.

Once again, many accolades are extended to our spiritual leader, Rev. Hadley R. Edwards. He was the

visionary for this collection. Pastor believed that a book of devotions penned by the members and friends

of Bethany was possible. That, in itself, was a true act of faith.

Continue to give thanks and praise!!!


DAY PAGE1 GOD FIRST, Karen Snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2 COMMITMENT, Nancy Hector Carr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

3 "LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE", Dr. Anita H. Crump. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4 SWEET PRAISE , Joanna Gray Hughes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

5 ORDERING OUR STEPS, Acquanetta Reiss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

6 HOW TO WALK FAITH, E. Harrison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

7 TIME TO DO GOD'S WORK, Jean Demas White. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

8 YOU, Karen Snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

9 DON'T HAVE TIME, Connie R. Bouligny. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

10 OUR THOUGHTS MAY SOMETIMES NEED A WATCHDOG! Percie Ann Rodney. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

REFLECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

11 IS THAT GOD ON THE PHONE? Alice Stiward. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

12 PRECIOUS MEMORIES! Grace Leavings Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

13 "TELL IT WHEREVER YOU GO", Rev. Marva l. Mitchell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

14 THERE IS NO GREATER WORD, Clara James. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

15 IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE, Sis. Alethea J. B. Childers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

16 FAITHFUL SERVANTS, Rev. Eddie R. Odom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

17 MISSING THE MARK, Sybil Boseman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


19 YOU ARE ALWAYS THE SOURCE OF MY STRENGTH, Percie Ann Rodney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

20 A NEW DAWN AND A NEW DAY---"MY TESTIMONY", Marvin L. Turner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

21 VINDICTIVENESS DOES NOT SIT WELL WITH GOD, Karen Snow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

22 JESUS IS THE ANSWER IN ALL SEASONS, Rev. Inez Daggs Williams. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

REFLECTIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

23 DON'T CHOOSE THE BLAME GAME, Percie Ann Rodney.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

24 LEGENDS AND LEGACIES, Sherry Roby Rigaud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

25 BORN..., Evelyn A. Metoyer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

26 PROFOUND SIMPLICITY, Grace L. Johnson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

27 GOD'S GLORIOUS PLANS, Geraldyne “Gerry” Caliste. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

28 A FAMILY THAT MATTERS, Percie Ann Rodney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

29 THE LORD ALREADY HAS PLANS FOR ME, Alexis Harrison. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

30 I LOVE TO HEAR AND SING THE MUSIC OF JESUS, Jolinda Johnson.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

31 NEVER LOSE POWER, Venesta Ball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

LIFE APPLICATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

GOD First

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be

given to you as well.

Why? Because He first loved us. How? Through His ultimate sacrifice — His Son, Jesus.

Now we need to seek God's kingdom, walking on the road to His righteousness, so that all can be given

to us, which is eternal life.

Why? Because He first loved us. How? By loving and putting God first with our thoughts, words, and

deeds in the life that we live with others.

Mark 12:30 says "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with

all your mind and with all your strength."

Prayer — God, we ask that You continually bless us with Your love. Your love that

strengthens our hearts, souls, and minds. Be with us as we are working progressively in

seeking your kingdom. Amen

Karen Snow — member of Bethany United Methodist Church since May 2007 and Chairperson of the

Ministry of Caring Committee.

~ 4 ~


"Commit everything you do to the Lord, trust him and he will help you."(Psalms 37:5)

During this Lenten season, we should take the opportunity to rededicated or renew our Christian

commitment. Let us make a commitment to:

1. Read and study the Bible

2. Be more like Jesus

3. Become a disciple for Christ

If during Lent, you must give up something, give up time. Rather than hitting the snooze button a couple

of times in the morning, get up and start the day by reading scripture. Rather than taking the full half

hour or hour for lunch, take 15-30 minutes to ready the Bible, turning off cell phones. At night, rather

than letting the television watch us, turn it off and read until you fall asleep. After six weeks, you may

form a habit of wanting to read more, learn more and understand more. Remember, we need to know

The Word and have it written on our hearts.

Make a commitment to be more like Jesus. Jesus is Love. The greatest commandment is to love one

another as Jesus loves us. Loving one another is a sign that we are living in fellowship with Jesus Christ.

As you experience varies situations each day, think first, what would Jesus say or want me to do. Then

react or respond with a loving heart. Pray for peace and harmony and be an instrument of peace.

Now armed with God's words and being more like Jesus, make a commitment to become a disciple for

Christ. It's as simple as smiling as you pass a stranger on the street, hugging someone having a bad day

or giving financial support to someone in need Acts of love and compassion to people you meet,

demonstrates Christian character.

Hopefully, if you make the above commitments during Lent, by Easter you will be spiritually renewed and

on the battlefield for the Lord.

Lord, I vow to read your Word and carrying Your Word in my heart. Help me to be more like Jesus in my

daily walk so that I maybe an example to others. In all that I do, help me to show Christian love.

Nancy Hector Carr

~ 5 ~

Let Your Light Shine

Scripture Reading: Jesus spoke to them saying, "I am the light of the world; he who follows me will not

walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12 (RSV)

Well, as a young child, I was always taught the importance of striving for excellence. In school I

participated in Spelling and Essay contests, Debates, Book Reports, Plays, and Concerts and just about

anything where excellence in achievement would and could be paramount. This I thought would always

enable me to let my light shine.

In our home it was most evident that besides striving for excellence in school that serving God should and

would be the hallmark for our lives. This became my way of life.

As I grew up, I knew that the light I had experienced in my life came from Jesus who said that; He is the

light of the world.

At times I have found life to be like a journey. There have been many important decisions that had to be

reached. When this occurs, I have always turned to Jesus who has emphasized that He is the light of the


I know that he is our Savior— Emmanuel —God With Us. He was born to illuminate the darkness of our

lives and to let our light shine.

I am so glad that I was given that strong light ofJesus in my life. Whenever I experience any darkness I

utter these words: Jesus You Are the Light of My Life!

This light that I have experienced will forever be with me and it will continue to show me the right way.

Dear Jesus, be the light of my life. In your Spirit show me that I will never walk alone because you will

continue to enable me to "Let My Light Shine." Amen.

Dr. Anita H. Crump is an involved United Methodist who serves on the Local, District, Jurisdictional and

General Church levels.

~ 6 ~

Sweet Praise

Colossians 3:15 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly...singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Praise is an expression of the heartfelt gratitude and thanksgiving to God for all that He has done for us.

It is a physical and vocal expression of our sincere appreciation to God for all of the wonderful blessings

He has provided. Praise through music brought deliverance out of situations that caused pain in my life

and helped me learn how to forgive. Whenever the distressing spirit came on me, I would begin to sing

praises to His name. My pains were relieved and I felt better.

Therefore, the distressing spirit would leave my body. We should praise the Lord because He is worthy of

thanks and praise.

Prayer: Lord, I pray that our words of praise and songs of joy can be welcomed gifts to those who need

encouragement and a spiritual lift. Amen!

Joanna Gray Hughes is a former member of Bethany who currently resides in Baton Rouge, LA. She

continues to utilize her God given talent through singing praises to the Lord in the choir at Franklin

Avenue Baptist Church there.

~ 7 ~

Ordering Our Steps

Many of us have heard that life is a journey--not a destination. This means that we need to have

movement; even it is just placing one foot in front of the other. But, with movement come risks. "We

can't leave home without them." We can't become prisoners in our homes and communities. Of course, a

ship in port is safe; but, that is not why ships are built. So, we must move! We must move even when we

can't see what the next step might bring. This is life.

As we sing songs such as "I Want Jesus to Walk with Me" and "Just a Closer Walk with Thee", we must

realize that we are asking for spiritual company. We need to ask if we could really stand to have our

Savior walk with us. Would we walk the same paths? Would we skip some of the places that we walked

with Jesus, when we walk alone?

The challenge is that we are to live our lives so that God can use us at any time. We do have exact

expiration dates; but, we know that eventually we will expire. God's grace and mercy come with this

challenge. He has provided us with a manual (The Bible); a road map (The Plan of Salvation: Romans

3:23, 5:8, 6:4; Psalm 51:7; 2 Peter 3:18; Rev. 2:10) and enriching motivation (Growth in Christ leading to

Eternal Life: 2 Peter 1: 1-11)

The sixth verse in 2 Peter1 is one of my favorites. It reads: Knowing God leads to self- control;

Self-control leads to patient endurance and patient endurance leads to Godliness.

Prayer: God, help us all on our Christian journeys

Prayer Focus: All who seek to follow Christ.

Acquanetta Reiss a retired educator.

~ 8 ~

How to Walk by Faith

Romans 10:17

King James Version (KJV)

"So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God."

Hebrews 11:1 King James Version (KTV)

"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."

As I set with my bible study group/class, we got off topic and started discussing random questions we as

Christians have about the world in which we live. Such questions as "why is there so much suffering?"

"Why do good Christians have to suffer?" "Why does God allow all this'?" "Why did God allow the serpent

in the Garden of Eden in the first place?" Everyone dug through bibles trying to find answers. In some

cases, the "answers" led to more "why" questions. So I thought Wait a minute. Why do we have to have

ALL the answers? Why can't we walk/follow in faith and know God is in control? Sometimes we don't see

the whole picture. Sometimes we don't see God at work when He is at work. Sometimes the "bad" times

are to mold us for who God wants us to be. Or as a friend said "To get us ready for what he has planned

for us." The discussion led to faith. How do we as Christians walk in/by faith? The only way to get faith is

by hearing the Word of God. In other words, we must know the facts of the gospel. Faith also requires

that one agrees with those facts and trusts and commits to Jesus Christ. We can know God's Word

through bible study, daily readings about the promises of God in our bibles, daily talks with God. Faith is

confidence in the promises of God which are intangible. It is being sure of what we hope for and certain

of what we do not see. We will come to live by faith, just as Noah, Abraham and Moses did This way we

won't be easily distracted by the mix messages the world may send out.

Also in proclaiming God's message to others, we become that human instrument by which others can

hear the Word of God. God's message is one of love. Who would not be moved to love after hearing it?

Prayer: (from Frances of Assisi)

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is

injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith;

where there is despair, hope;

where there is darkness, light;

and where there is sadness, joy. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

E. Harrison

~ 9 ~

Time to Do God’s Work


"Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the

interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ


As a committed caregiver, how easy it is for me to become totally engaged in my "to do" list for the day!

I have found myself so focused on my list of things to accomplish that I sometimes fail to take advantage

of the joys and rewards that are part of God's "to do" list. Through prayers for guidance and direction, I

have discovered that allowing God to direct my day, I have time to do God's work in serving others and

successfully completing "my" tasks as well. Trust and faith are key factors and important in our lives to

move us to another level. Trust requires you to place your time in God's hands believing that His timing is

perfect for all things in your life.

We are called to have an attitude like Christ which is loving and caring. Giving of our time to God through

our church and reaching out to those in need is a blessing that we miss when we focus on ourselves first.

It is a blessing to have God's love in us — but we must not hoard it for ourselves. God wants us to give it

away — to love others lavishly and unconditionally as He has

loved us.

There should always be time in our day to do God's work. Should I call a friend who is hurting, or write a

note to a distant relative? Should I go to a shelter, nursing home or food panty to

volunteer my time, or sign up to be a part of an ongoing ministry at church? Connecting with others is our

way to have an attitude like Jesus. The Bible tells us it is God who starts a good work in us, and it is God

who finish it! This means you should let Him do His work in you.

There are certain things only God can do, and your part is to let Him do it. We are to handle our

responsibility but cast our care on Him. If a need, or a person, keeps coming to mind, perhaps it is God's

way of nudging us to do His work. We are uniquely created and shaped by God to serve. We have been

given abilities and spiritual gifts that enable us to live with purpose.

Serving our awesome God is a blessing no one should miss and a wonderful way to share your faith. Our

faith should be reflected in our daily lives as we show love to others.

Although God's Word does not specifically require us to tithe our time, by doing so, we put God first in

our day and show Him our gratitude for all that he gives us including twenty-four hours a day. As faithful

stewards, we serve because we have a heart for God and exhibit a loving spirit.

When I’ve serve in love we discover it not only blesses others, it also blesses us. Take time to do God's


PRAYER: Lord, help us to use each day you give wisely, in ways you would have us to live--

devoting time to do Your work. and showing love towards others. Give us the heart to love as

you do. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Jean Demas White is a retired Education Administrator who lives in Florida.

~ 10 ~


2, Timothy 2:15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be

ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. (KJV)

Do you! Be you! Just be yourself! You work hard to be yourself to show approval not only to God but to

others. You want others to accept you for who you are but that just not always the


You feel the need to say or do things just to make others like you. You feel the need to say the words

you think people want to hear or do what they want you to do. But, there is nothing like being yourself,

especially when you need to show approval to God.

My mother once told me that out of 100% of people that you know or will meet in your life, 25% will like

you and know why they like you, 25% will like you and do not know why they like you, 25% will not like

you and know why they do not like you, and 25% will not like you and do not know why they do not like


Also, there are people that not only know who you are but can only assume who you are. Some years

ago, when I was working as a contact representative for a 401k plan, I was talking with a customer on

the telephone regarding his request for getting a loan against his plan. This customer was telling me

about his family and the tough times he was going through on his job. In trying to assist the customer, I

made an assumption regarding the tough times he was going through. He then asked me, "Ms. Snow, do

you know the first three letters in the word 'assumption' means?" Before I can answer, he said "a s s."

Now, in a defensive manner, I asked the customer "Sir, what did you just call me?" He explained, "Ms.

Snow, I just meant that is not always good to assume." I understand what the customer was saying but I

believe assumptions can be good if there are meant to be good.

You need not be ashamed. You are a child of God. You have three basic types of personalities: good,

bad, and indifferent. You are working to show approval to God by righteously living and spreading His

Word of Truth to the people that you know and meet along the way.

Prayer — God, thank You for being who You are and loving us for who we are. Amen

Karen Snow — member of Bethany United Methodist Church since May 2007 and Chairperson of the

Ministry of Caring Committee.

~ 11 ~

Don't Have Time

One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the

Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in His temple.

Psahn 27:4

Time is precious- something we never seem to have enough of I recall in my childhood how long a wait

there was from one Christmas or birthday to the next. As an adult twelve months just don't seem to equal

a year. Time flies!

The brevity of time makes me appreciate the persons and things that make it invaluable By the time I roll

out of bed in the morning I've already thanked my Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit for newness of

mercies and compassions awaiting me that day. I don't have time to complain about the shortness of

night, pulled covers, or inclimate weather. 'While driving the streets and highways of New Orleans I

occupy my mind with songs of praise and Christian teachings I sing praises to the Lord and try to figure

out how to put what I'm learning in His word into practice. I don't have time to scream about all the

potholes in the streets or rock kickup 'scabs' on my windshield; swear at the driver who just cut me off;

or wonder how in the world so many' idiots' managed to get drivers licenses. I just can't use precious

time on such things.

My days- whether spent at work, home or elsewhere- are filled with thanksgiving to God I am not always

happy, but I am appreciative for all that the Lord does in my life. My strength during the day comes from

enjoying the God of my salvation!! What a great Love Who would swap places with me by accepting the

blame for my sins, and allow me to become rich through His poverty. When I think of His goodness and

all He does, have done, and will do for me I can repay Him by purposefully using my time wisely

magnifying and glorifying His name.

My desire is to never forget to both make time and take time to show gratitude to the One who saved,

keeps, and raises me higher and higher in His love.


Loving, awesome, unbelievable Father, Thank You for giving me time to use to honor and reverence You.

Help me remember never to let go of my praise in good and bad times.

Surround me with loved ones who will remind me not to let go of me praise if I ever forget. In Jesus'

name, Amen.

Connie R. Bouligny

~ 12 ~

Our Thoughts May Sometimes Need aWatchdog!

Philippians 4:8 (KJV) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,

whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things

are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

I was driving on a major thoroughfare one day with a friend as my passenger. As we approached a traffic

light, we stopped behind a large truck since the signal had now turned red. On the rear of the truck, a

sign was visible with the words, "How's My Driving?" There was also a telephone number included to

allow interested persons to contact the company with the answer to the question. Moments before this

encounter with the truck, my friend and I were engaged in a conversation that is all too common these

days, crime in our city. We were sharing our thoughts about the mentality of the young people who are

committing these heinous acts. For some reason, we proceeded to relate the sign on the truck to our

previous attempts to understand how criminal minds work. "Suppose a teenager sees the sign and

decides to engage in a prank by telephoning to complain that the driver is actually a lousy driver?", I

asked. My passenger responded that in today's society, the recipient of the call would know who was

calling through Caller I D "Wow, but is it possible to block a telephone number anymore or is that a thing

of the past; then would a youngster stop to think about this possible repercussion before dialing the

number? These questions led to deeper and therefore more unpleasant thoughts about the whole

scenario. It became evident that we had wasted precious and valuable time generalizing and ultimately

stereotyping the behavior of our young citizens. Where was our love that we proclaim so fervently for the

15-25 age group? Surely we both have persons in our own families, churches, neighborhoods who are in

this category.

The truck and my car had parted travel routes for awhile now and yet the negative and inappropriate

conversation that had ensued following that traffic stop was still fresh on our minds. We both became

silent. Perhaps this was because we knew all too well that this was not what we have been taught to

think about in the bible, specifically, Philippians 4:8.

Heavenly Father, help us to keep our minds and hence our actions on positive and solution-focused


Percie Ann Rodney is a member of the Lay Leadership Team at Bethany United Methodist Church.

~ 13 ~


~ 14 ~

Is that God on the Phone?

Scripture: Hebrews 11 :1

One day recently, after a particularly frustrating morning at work, I prayed: "God, if it's time for me to

retire, please give me a sign!" I looked out my office window at the blue skies and the sparkling white

clouds hoping to see something written there saying: "Alice now is the time". Unfortunately, there wasn't

anything written in the sky, no personal message from God. Nothing could I see, but white clouds and

blue sky.

Just then, my phone rang. It was a telemarketer conducting a survey for a cruise line and one of the

"prizes" for taking the survey was a discount on a future cruise. I declined the survey and the "prize", but

wondered "is that my sign? Could God be speaking to me through a telemarketer?"

Although I knew the telemarketer was not a messenger from God, it led me to think about our receptivity

or lack of it to the Word of God in our daily lives: Do we listen for that still small voice when praying or

studying scripture? Do we listen to the Sunday sermon for the nugget of truth that speaks to our

situation? Does a song by the choir lead us to reflect on the meaning behind the music? Or do we just

stagger through life like the balls in an old pinball machine, zigzagging from pillar to post heedless to any


God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. He will tell us what he wants us to do and where he wants

us to go. But the message won't come by iPhone, Facebook, e-mail, or iPad and it won't even come by

post card or snail mail. It can only come by "faith, the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

things not seen." Furthermore, "faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through

the word of Christ". It is our responsibility to seek the word of God to learn of His plan for us.

Prayer: "Lead me; guide me along the way, for if you lead me, I cannot stray." Father, as I walk through

life, help me realize I don't have to see the road ahead. All I have to do is follow You down the path and

by faith I will get to the place You have prepared for me.

Alice Stiward, a member of Bethany for 35 + years, is now contemplating retirement.

~ 15 ~

Precious Memories!

Philippians 4:7 KJV And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and

minds through Christ Jesus.

Forever embedded in the memoirs of my mind will be: my visit to the Vatican.

Attending a U.N.O. summer session in Austria was an experience of a lifetime. We has class one half

week and field trips the other half. Our last trip was to the Vatican. That really was saving the best for

last! We saw where the first Christian died on Vatican Square, where the popes were buried under the

cathedral, the beautiful paintings on the ceiling done by Michelangelo and much, much more. But I must

tell you about my most unforgettable experience.

Our tour guide told us that a very smart student once asked Michelangelo this question. "Why does Jesus

look so old in the art, much older than His mother?" Michelangelo answered: "He looks much older

because He bore all the sins of the world. All sin debts He paid; He paid them in full. Mary is depicted as

pure and at peace, however. This explanation was a very suitable one for the smart student.

Heavenly Father, as we go along our way, may we feel your peace within us and our loved ones now and

forever more. Amen

Grace Leavings Johnson, (now retired), is humbled to have crossed the paths of more than 25 members

of Bethany who have enriched her life, at school and at church

~ 16 ~

Tell It Wherever You Go

So the woman left her water jar, and went away into the city, and said to the people, Come, see a man

who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ? They went out of the city and were coming to him

John 4:28-30 (RSV)

The Samaritan Woman, a least likely person, had an encounter with Jesus at Jacob's Well. The scripture

describes the scene with Jesus resting following a long journey. He sat beside the deep well because he

was weary and thirsty.

We have read that Jesus had been asked by many to make life changes. Few times do we find Jesus

asking for a favor. Jesus now finds himself in a situation where he has to ask for help. He asked for a

drink from a despised and yet surprised woman.

Jesus asked a Samaritan woman for a drink. The unfilled request was not met but it subsequently lead

the two to engage into a conversation about spirit, truth and a promise of "living water" Jesus took the

opportunity to "Tell it" to one who needed to hear the message of hope and eternal life.

The promise of Jesus was so compelling that the woman asked Jesus for the "living water" to quench her

thirst forever. She became a believer and was converted.

The woman could not contain herself nor could she keep this secret, which changed her life. She had to

tell her story. I can imagine, that she returned back to her city, with great excitement to "tell it". To tell

about her encounter with Jesus.

Her witness to the people created a mass exodus when she invited them to "Come, see a man" They

accepted the woman's invitation and traveled to a place for a personal encounter with Jesus. It pays to

be a "religious tattle tale."

This is a story of long ago. It is as fresh today as it was then. Each one of us has a story to tell.

Therefore, we should "Tell it where ever we go." The Reverend Dr. Zan W Holmes, Jr., in his book

entitled "Encountering Jesus" asks this question: "where and how do we encounter Jesus in these modern


The Lenten Season gives us an opportunity to get closer to God, appreciate the sacrifices made for our

salvation, and seek an encounter with the risen Christ.

Prayer: Father God, open my eyes to see Jesus before me, open my ears to hear his message, open my

heart to receive Him and open my mouth to tell the story of his love. Amen

Rev. Marva L. Mitchell, Retired, Ministerial Staff, Bethany United Methodist Church

New Orleans, Louisiana

~ 17 ~

There is No Greater Word

Scripture: John 15:17 This I command you to love on another.

I read an article recently about the greatest word in the world, LOVE. The author spoke about some of

the numerous characteristics of love including its ability to cast out fear. He also advised us to pray for an

understanding of the power of love. As I continued to read, I found myself pausing to think about every

phrase the author wrote. It became necessary to see how his statements about LOVE have meaning in

my own life. When he wrote that "there is no difficulty that enough love will not conquer" , I thought

about my husband, his illness and how our long tern connection to each other has brought us tlu-ough

this time in our lives.

While still praying for a healing for his disease, we also know that God cares and is with us tlu-ough it all.

We know that the best thing we can say about love is that, GOD IS LOVE.

(Excerpts from the writing of Emmet Fox)

Prayer: Lord, you have given us all that we ever need through giving us love .

Clara James is a former usher at Bethany, a Christian, and a devoted wife.

~ 18 ~

It’s a Wonderful Life

A man that hath friends must show himself friendly: and there is a friend that stick-,eth closer than a


Proverbs 18:24(KJV)

Year after year during the Advent season, I make a point to watch "It's a Wonderful Life" starring

Jimmy Steward it seems to get me into the Christmas spirit. In the movie Mr. Steward's

character is disgruntle and feeling he is a failure over the path that his life has taken mostly due

to no fault of his own. He gets to the point where he wished he'd never been born. He is prepared to end

it all leaving his wife and kids then God sends a guardian angel to help redirect

that decision. The angel lets him see what life would have been without his existence. He then comes to

realize the difference he made in the lives of others with the sacrifices he made on their

behalf. In the end they were there for him during his time of need. The angel left a note for him

and it read "No Man is a Failure who has Friends."

We must not forget that "It’s a WONDERFUL Life" but not because of any great thing we have

done but only because of the awesome sacrifice that Christ made on our behalf on Calvary's

cross. He continues to be with us daily being that friend that is closer than a brother.

What a hiend we have in Jesus all our sins and grieves to bear

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer

Prayer: Lord, help us to remember to keep the faith in the midst of hard times and tribulations

believing in you as we are instruments of service.

Prayerfully Submitted by, Sis. Alethea J. B. Childers, Devoted wife, mother, grandmother and sister lives

in Algiers, La. and is a member of Bethany United Methodist Church where she serves in many capacities.

~ 19 ~

Faithful Servants

Read Matthew 16:24

Philippians 2:7

We must do as Jesus commanded his disciples: Deny ourselves, pick up our crosses and follow Him. On

our journeys, we must have Patience, show Love, be Long-suffering, gentle, faithful and exhibit


In John 13: 1-2, we find these words: Now before the feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that His

hour was come, that He should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved His own which

were in the world, He loved them unto the end. Jesus rose from supper and gave his disciples an

example of how they should live. He laid down His Robe , took up a towel of humility and washed the

feet of his disciples. He told them to go and do the same. In the Upper Room, the disciples witnessed

their master stepping down to become one of them. The Prince of Peace stripped Himself of His deity to

appear as a disciple.

As he knelt down and began to wash their feet, the master allowed Himself to be seen in a demeaning

way—one moment standing before them as a stately prince, the next kneeling as a common servant.

Believe that, and each of us has the ability to wash the dusty sands of life from the feet of the world and

resist joining the spiritual elitists who are impressed with their own voices.

Lay aside every distraction, every distinction and pick up a warm towel of servanthood. You may be they

only one at your table who knows that the hour has come and supper has ended. Wait no longer, get

your towel and begin to serve as a faithful servant.

PRAYER: Father God, help us to live as good servants in Jesus. Amen

Rev. Eddie R. Odom is a communion steward at Bethany United Methodist Church

~ 20 ~

Missing the Mark

Read Philippians 3: 13-14

If what I am going to relate has NOT happened to you, then you belong to a very small group of adults.

There is an empty wall in your newly acquired home or apartment that would be greatly improved by a

clock, a painting or an artistic rendering. You find the perfect piece, but it's a little heavy and requires a

stud for support. Using your favorite method (maybe tapping the wall with the heel of your hand) you

begin to search for that elusive prize. You mark the spot and drive the nail at a slight angle and recoil in

horror when the nail simply slides into the wall with little effort---you've missed the mark. You try

again---maybe you're successful—maybe not. Eventually you or a friend prevails.

"Missing the mark" when hanging a picture is one thing; missing the marks in our Christian journeys is

quite another. Fortunately, aiming for our Christian marks comes with an instruction manual---the Holy

Bible. Since we can spend a lifetime aiming for our "marks", we take them by degrees. I mention only a

few here for illustration. We can start with Exodus 20 1-17 and proceed to Malachi 3: 6-10. We continue

our pursuit with Psalm 119: 33-38,

I John 3:18 and Micah 6:8. You get the "picture". If you recognize the references, then you have hit one

mark, that of being a student of the Word. If not, consult your trusty instruction manual.



Sybil Boseman is a retired teacher.

~ 21 ~

My Life is Peaceful and OrderlyAs I Let Go and Let God

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him- for he that cometh to God must believe

that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

As I went through my bouts of cancer/chemotherapy, I aligned myself with divine order! As I acted on

this inner knowledge, confidence replaced wony and I moved forward in faith. I give thanks to God for

continual guidance.

Father God, thanks for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. I ask for a continuation of these

blessings as I praise your holy name. In Jesus' name, I pray.


I am an 83 year old mother of three children and four grandchildren. I have been a member of Bethany

United Methodist Church since it opened in 1957.

Mattie B.Walker

~ 22 ~

You are Always The Source of MyStrength!!!

Psalm 18 (KJV) I will love thee, 0 LORD, my strength...

I was more exhausted that day than I had been in a long time. Most faculty members had left the

building and the two senior high counselors had gone to a meeting that was specifically related to

assisting graduating seniors. I looked forward to going directly to my home to obtain some direly needed

rest since I had finally completed a report that was required by the central office. As I picked up my purse

and tote bag and proceeded to the door, I suddenly heard a voice summoning me to the office

immediately. Anticipating a simple assignment of a future service to provide on behalf of the middle

school students, I mustered the energy to travel to the principal’s office for what I hoped would be a brief

conversation. Little did I know that I was about to experience perhaps the most difficult day of my entire


A horrendous and brutal attack had been inflicted upon a student, one that required police officers and

brought out news reporters as well. Upon seeing the victimized child, all of my tiredness and

self-absorbed thoughts shifted to a tremendous desire and necessity to do all I could for this child of God

who desperately needed to feel his presence and help now.

Without providing too many details about the events of the months that followed, it must be said that

God worked His miracles and the child survived. Whenever I recall that awful day, I realize that I serve a

God who can do all things. As weary as we were when we ended that evening around 10:00p.m., God

had somehow provided strength that neither the principal nor I thought we had within us. We both relied

upon Him, obeyed His will and provided guidance, security, encouragement and hope to the child and her

frantic parent. Strength can and does come from an on-time God. Believe! Trust Him!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, we sing the words, "You are the source of my strength; You are the strength of

my life." Thank You for demonstrating how true and blessed we are when we experience the reality of

what we sing.

Percie Ann Rodney is a member of the Caring Ministry at Bethany United Methodist Church.

~ 23 ~

A New Dawn and a New Day"My Testimony"

Jeremiah 30: 12-17

I always believed that there is a God. That there is an omnipotent one of a higher power, in whom all

things are possible. I was taught in my home, in the church and the catholic schools my brother and I

attended that God is and should be in the center of our lives. Didn't realize the meaning of all of this at

the time And yet, I felt that all of these important people in my life couldn't be wrong. My late maternal

grandparents never let me forget that God is our creator and provider. I grew up learning that God gave

up His son for everyone, even me.

I was raised in a religious environment, loved , protected and given all the tools necessary to be

responsible, respectful, loyal and to treat others as I wish to be treated It was not until I became grown ,

living on my own that God became "out of sight-out of mind".

Thinking, of course, that I could make it by myself. It didn't take long for me to realize that all of what

had been told to me, during my younger years, about a loving God and all of His goodness , was

beginning to make sense, now that I have grown older.

The Gospel Hymn: "I Love the Lord" by Isaac Watts , Verse 6, speaks to me and for me.

My God hath saved my soul from death,

And dried my falling tears;

Now to His praise I'll spend my breath,

And my remaining years.

Hymn based on Psalms 116:1-4

Suddenly, one day it dawned on me that just like God restored and rescued a sick nation like Israel and

Judah , God can do the same for "little old me" guiding me from self destruction , healing me from

sickness and the darkness of death.

Like Jeremiah, God spoke to my spit-it and said, "write it down".

During the days when I was fighting evil demons, God came and rescued me;

during the days of my fears, trials and tribulations, God came and rescued me;

dining the days lacking of food, warmth and shelter, God came and rescued me;

during the days I was hanging on the hedges of life, God came and rescued me;

during the days I neglected my caring love ones, God came and rescued me;

during the days my body ached with disease and pain, God came and rescued me.

It is one thing to know of the Lord, It is an awesome and a more powerful thing to have a relationship

with. the Lord . My heart, soul and spirit are eternally grateful for This New Dawn and This New Day.

Prayer: Thank you Lord, for rescuing me and restoring my life. Amen

Marvin L. Ttirner, Corpus Christi, Texas, son of Rev. Marva L. Mitchell, Bethany UMC

~ 24 ~

VindictivenessDoes Not Sit Well With God

Don't do wrong to a person to pay him back for doing wrong to you. Or don't say something bad to a

person to pay him back for saying something bad to you. But {ask God to} bless that person. Do this,

because you yourselves were called to receive a blessing. 1 Peter 3:9 (ER'V)

We express vindictiveness at one time or another: bitterness, cruelty, jealousy, meanness, unkindness,

and just being down right nasty. God knows that these types of expressions (emotions) are part of our

human conditions. However, I believe if we allow vindictiveness to take control of our lives and stand in

the way of our relationship with others, then it will not sit well with our relationship with God.

Galatians 5:22-23 says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such there is no law." (NKJV)

Love that does sit well with God.

Prayer - God, we thank You and pray for Your continued love that is placed in our hearts so that love can

be expressed in our relationship with others. Amen.

Karen Snow — member of Bethany United Methodist Church since May 2007 and Chairperson of the

Ministry of Caring Committee.

~ 25 ~

Jesus is The Answer in All Seasons

Ecclesiastes 3:1 / 2Chorinthians 4:8-9

King Solomon writes in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that, "For everything there is a season and a time for every

matter under heaven." He goes on to name different times. The time that stands out to me can be found

in verse 3, " a time to break down and a time to build up." We go through so many kinds of times in our

lives, but all of the answers lie in our faith in Jesus Christ.

2"d Chorinthians 4:8-9 tells us that there are times when we are, "hard pressed in every way but not

crushed; perplexed but not driven to despair; persecuted but not abandoned; struck down but not

destroyed." There are times in our lives when we may feel hard pressed on the job, in our relationships,

in our finances and even in our minds. But Jesus will keep the walls from closing in on us so that we will

not be crushed. Times like these today, may have us perplexed and wandering, but Jesus will always

show us the way. There are times when a sudden change in our lives (such as an unexpected death in

the family, an abrupt separation, being laid off, friends moving away, a natural disaster such as Hurricane

Katrina), may cause us bewilderment; but Jesus will put our lives back together again. There are times

we feel persecuted for standing up for what is right, but Jesus will take our part. There are times when all

of the above seem to happen at the same time, in the same season. We feel that Satan has knocked us

out, but Jesus will pick us up again and stave the final blow.

Prayer: Father God, thank you for the many seasons in our lives; the times for every matter under

heaven. Thank you for Your Son, Jesus Christ who by the Holy Spirit leads us and guides us through them

all. A-men.

Written by Rev. Inez Daggs Williams, retired deacon at Bethany United Methodist Church

~ 26 ~


~ 27 ~

Don’t Choose the Blame Game!

Job 13:15 Though He slay me, yet shall I serve Him.

Following a devastating loss that stunned even lukewarm fans, many persons quickly vilified the

quarterback, the coach and the entire team.

Weeks of speculation about what happened, why it happened and how it happened resulted from the

agony of defeat. Everyone had an opinion about what had formerly been the most anticipated game of

the year.

It is so unfortunate that no matter how many times you win, one loss can have devastating effects on

your prestige, standing, rank and/or level of loyalty you can command. It is possibly a part of the human

condition that losers are never admired, never praised and inevitably become the object or objects of

ridicule. People seem to enjoy playing the blame game. It sometimes almost becomes as harsh as the

words, "crucify him". Teachers even use the term, unsatisfactory, to indicate performance on tests,

papers, projects, etc. deemed unacceptable in the world of academia. Let's face it. Being blamed hurts

the recipient while helping the blamer feel better.

We all have choices to make in our lives. When bad things happen to us, do we choose to blame others

when perhaps we should assess our role in the occurrence? Accepting responsibility for our own decisions

can lessen the need to blame others for the mistakes we make. When we do this, we please God and we

can pray for the wisdom to change the error of our ways. We can also ask Him to prevent us from

criticizing, hating, bullying and harming others through hurtful words and actions.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, instill in me the choice to uplift, compliment and commend during this earthly

journey. Amen.

Percie Ann Rodney is a former school counselor.

~ 28 ~

Legends and Legacies"Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ".

1 Corinthians 15:57

In the past months I have had to come to terrils with the loss of some personal and public women whom

I have admired for many years. I have known some personally and others I have known only from a

distance, throng» their talents and works. These women have shaped my life in their own special way.

Death is no stranger to any of us. It has been said that "Death is an unwelcome guess at our table" We

hear about it on a daily basis here in New Orleans. But, if God is the head of your life you don't have to

worry, because God has the victory over death. As the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi, so eloquently put it,

"It is in dying that we are born to eternal life". So until we are born to eternal life, we hold you in our

hearts until we see you again. With some words borrowed from "We Speak Your Name" by Pearl Cleage,

I celebrate these special women, my friend and former co-worker, Karen Smedley White Jordan, the

remarkably talented Whitney Elizabeth Houston and Etta James, and Bethany's very own Lucille Tolbert


Because we are free women,

born of free women, who are

born of -free women, back as far

as time begins, we celebrate

your freedom.

Lucille Tolbert Bland

We speak your name

From the very first day I met her and she introduced hersel-f, with

that wonderfully rich voice, I knew her spirit and energy was

something special to be hold..

Because we are magical women,

bom of magical women, who are

born of magical women, we

celebrate your magic

Whitney Elizabeth Houston

We speak your name

Each time I hear her sing, I love the Lord , he heard my cry and

pitied every groan, long as I live, and trouble rise, I'll hasten to his

throne. Her voice was magic from above.

Because we are strong women,

born of strong women, who are

born of strong women, we

celebrate your strength.

Karen Smedley 'White Jordan

We speak your name

From day one at AT&T we became friends, she was a true hippie,

I had never met any one who was actually at Woodstock. She was

a real flower child.

Because we are talented

women, born of talented

women, who are born of

talented women, we celebrate

your talents

Etta James

We speak your name

In high school, in every talent show, everyone tried to sing Etta

James. "At Last" arid "Goody, Goody " were the favorite. She

inspired many yotmg black women to sing with her intoxicating

melodious voice.

Father God, bless us as we celebrate these timeless women who have touched and inspired so many.

Each day encourage us to always to use our talents to inspire others.

Respectfully submitted by: Sherry Roby Rigaud

~ 29 ~

Born ...

Jesus said to His Apostles, "When the Holy Spirit has come upon you,you will receive power and will tell

people about Me everywhere- in Jerusalem throughout Judea, in Samaria, and the ends of the earth."

Acts 1: 8

Zoey came into the world screaming and kicking everyone knew she had arrived. She got -the attention

of everyone in the delivery room and all the near by rooms in the hospital.The doctors commented -that

she is defmitely a lively one.Zoey kept the nurses busy in -the nursery,she went from one nurse to -the

next.and loved by all On her discharge from the hospital she left,yes, you guessed, crying and kicking.She

got everyone's attention on her way out.

During Zoey's childhood she was very busy and curious.She was a handful for her parents and older

brother.At her nursery school her teachers noticed how she was so concerned about -the younger

children. When one cried she would try to comfort with a hug and kiss.Zoey began to talk and read at an

early age.

Zoey was very active in her Sunday School and youth group.She was leader of the youth ministry.During

special programs she always had reading and other speaking duties.and did an excellent job and always

had the congregation's full attention.Zoey had the youth participating in community and irmer city

missions.All of their gatherings began and ended with Zoey giving the prayer. She encouraged the youths

to participate in a Bible study class and had some other youths from -the community in attendance.

There was an incident during Zoey's cheerleading at her high school .At the first meeting one of the girls

announced she will have to drop out because her parents could not afford the cheerleader's new

costume.After the meeting Zoey contacted the other girls and asked them to contribute their next two

allowances to help the girl financially.The girl got her costtune.This was not anything new for Zoey

because she had encouraged her church youths to give to the church from their allowances.

After gaduating from college Zoey announced to her parents she wanted to attend a Seminary to get

theological training.As of this writing Zoey is an Assistant Pastor at an inner city church.She is the

chairperson of four missions and organized a group called street mission and from this 34 new members

joined her church.

Now, the complete title of this writing:Bom to WittleSs

Prayer: Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I pray for the Zoeys of the world with their willing hearts to witness,

tithe, serve and preach and teach The Word. Amen

Evelyn A. Metoyer

~ 30 ~

Profound Simplicity

Psalms 30:11 You have turned for me my mourning into dancing...

Of all the household chores, dusting is the one I detest most However, a strange thing happened on

Friday (black Friday). On my coffee table are a lead crystal vase salvaged from Hurricane Katrina, a

flashlight in anticipation of a blackout, a globe of the world which was a souvenir from Bethany's

anniversary celebration, and a whole lot of dust. My task that day began with me in a (black Friday)

mood but the mood was soon transformed to an Easter joy that always follows our observance of Good


I marveled at how profound that each item on the coffee table embodied so much spirituality:

God formed man from the dust of the earth.

He turned darkness into light.

He's got the whole world in his hands.

He made his son a sacrificial lamb for our sin debt. His love for the whole world is crystal clear.

The simple chore of dusting became one of the most profound moments of my life. Rejoice!!! He is


Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing to me that you are so awesome even in the simplest

elements in life. Amen.

Grace L. Johnson continues her love for Bethany Church while living in St. Charles Parish.

~ 31 ~

God's Glorious Plans

Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and

not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.

When considering this scripture, we are reminded that plans is a plural word. Thus, God has a plan for us

in all areas of our lives. We must realize that God through the Holy Spirit will guide us to the tasks that

God has for us to achieve and and fulfill each plan We must know that each plan has many facets.

In my early years growing up in Baton Rouge, I realized that one of God's plans was for me to work with

young people. I started that work at the age of 18 prior to entering college. My work with youth began

with my mentor, Mrs. Harriett T. Israel, in Baton Rouge.

I began speech training in high school and entered competitions. I continued sharing my gift for speaking

and short story writing while teaching at Derham Junior High School even providing advice to former

students and directing drama at Bethany

Within each gift God takes you to many levels. Still within my gi-ft for working with youth, my passion for

Christian drama emerged.

Following Hurricane Katrina, God said to try a new touch with the drama ministry by including as many

people of all ages as possible such as seasoned members Many are simply young at heart.

Bethany's Drama Ministry has at its center a love of God, as well as chances for selfexpression, leadership

development, opportunities for teamwork, fellowship and sharing for all ages. Yes, a dream. Langston

Hughes said in his poem, A Dream Deferred,

What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raison in the sun Or does

it explode?

God gives the dream to the dreamer. Hopefully, I will meet other challenges as I work in other areas in

God's church.

Prayer: Dear God, help us to be guided by the Holy Spirit in the plans you have for each of us. Help us to

fulfill your plans in all areas of our lives and all areas around the church.

Geraldyne "Gerry" Caliste is the Drama Ministries Director/Mentor to the young at Bethany and most of all

a devoted child of God.

~ 32 ~


Psalm 84:11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will

He withhold from those who walk uprightly. (NKJV)

Every family has a set of dynamics that make it unique and special.

Years ago, I visited the home of a family of three persons along with one of my relatives. The couple had

adopted a small boy following many years of praying to God for a child. It was the Christmas season and

the first Christmas with their child. When we entered the home, we were both astonished by the

tremendous amount of toys and clothes the new parents had purchased for the little boy. Every surface

was completely filled with seemingly everything a child would possibly desire. The young boy had been

placed in the center of the room and appeared to be absolutely baffled about what he should reach for

and play with next.

The married couple exuded such joy, delight, and happiness that their prayers had finally been answered.

They vowed to provide a wonderful life for their little miracle and blessing. I wondered why they felt they

had to go to such extremes to provide so many material possessions for their little boy. Surely they knew

that he would need more than "things" to live a worthwhile life. However, I had been in the presence of

this couple on a number of occasions before that Christmas day. I reflected upon how much faith they

had demonstrated while waiting for a child. I recalled how loving, kind and giving they had always been

to each other and how they had always sought to live Godly lives. I realized suddenly that whenever they

cleared away most of the toys and clothes, the desire to ultimately create a pathway to God would

emerge as their main emphasis in child-rearing. This young boy was now a part of a larger family, the

family of God. Therefore, they now had the greatest reason to give thanks and praise. God had shown

them that they were truly a family that mattered to Him.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help us to remove all of the obstacles that prevent us from realizing what really

matters to You.

Percie Ann Rodney is a member of the Caring Ministry at Bethany.

~ 33 ~

The Lord Already Has Plans For Me

Jeremiah 29-11

New International Version (NIV)

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans

to give you hope and a future."

When eating lunch in the cafeteria one day my friends and I were talking about our plans for our future

after college. All my friends shared where they planned to live and work. After sharing our plans, I

noticed that we all still had some uncertainty about the future and quite frightened of the unknown. We

were afraid that what we desired to do wouldn't actually happen I realized that we, even coming to

college as freshmen, had different views on what our first year would be like. My first year was nothing as

I imagined it to be. My first year was all about finding out who I really was as a person. My first year

helped me to reevaluate my life in every aspect. I didn't even think I would be in the current state that I

am in when I was still a senior in high school. Even though I was frightened of going to college, it turned

out to be the best thing that ever happened to me. I -figured out who I am! Having fear about the

unknown made me think about my favorite Bible verse. The verse states, "For I know the plans I have for

you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future",

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV. I love this Bible verse because it helps me to remember that the more I talk to the

Lord the more I will realize what he wants me to do in my life. He will lead me to the path that is best for

me, even when I may not realize it. If I continue to pray often and thank the Lord for my blessings he will

lead me down the right path for my future If we pray we will not fear the unknown, we have the

reassurance that the Lord will always guide us the right way.

Talking about the future brings up another problem I had this summer. I was in the process of changing

my major and I didn't know if it was the right choice. I was scared that this career wasn't my fit. So I

considered not changing my major. I told myself I would wait to hear from God to know if this is what he

wants me to do. I prayed on it and told the Lord to "let me know if I arn on the right path that you have

for me". I prayed many times a day for a week or more. I ended up hearing from the Lord in stores and

on TV. I even heard from God when people would have a conversation with me. I took these happens a

sign so to speak. I soon realized that God is telling me this is the right decision; this is where I'm trying to

lead you. We just have to pray and talk to him to know where the Lord wants to lead us. The Jeremiah

verse reassures me that the Lord already has plans for me; he already knows what purpose I have on this

earth. It just takes prayer to know what God wants you to do. Prayer will lead you on the right path that

the Lord has made for you.

Alexis Harrison

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I Love to Hear and SingMusic About Jesus

Psalm 100 (KJV) Make a joyful noise unto the Lord. . .

These are a few of my favorite hymns from The Songs of Zion:

Jesus, Keep Me Near The CrossHis Eye Is On The SparrowWe Will Understand It Better By And ByI Couldn't Hear Nobody PrayStanding In The Need Of Prayer

Prayer: Thank you Jesus for such beautiful music

Jolinda Johnson is a faithful member of Bethany's Mass Choir.

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Never Lose PowerRead Hebrews 9:11-14

How much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself without spot to

God, purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

Hebrews 9: 11 (KJV)

Electricity is a manmade invention. It's a form of power that we depend on. This power is needed in our

homes, workplaces, hospitals, etc. When our neighborhoods and out homes suddenly lose power, what is

the number one thing we do? We fast forward to peer out of the doors and windows to find out if we are

the only one without power. There is a power that's not manmade. It is the Power of Jesus' blood. This

power encompasses everyone. It flows north, south, east and west. No matter what an individual's status

of life is, Jesus' shed blood can and will reach


Are you connected to the Power source?

The blood that Jesus shed, way back on Calvary. The blood that gives us strength from day to day. It will

never lose its POWER.

Prayer: We pray for those who look for strength and power from other sources. Amen

Venesta Ball

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Bethany United Methodist Church4533 Mendez Street

New Orleans, LA. 70126Email: [email protected]


Vision Statement: A Community of God's people striving to model God's Love.

Mission Statement: To be a dynamic church, which celebrates oneness in Christ,provides vital worship experiences and Christian education, is mission-minded andfocused on stewardship and intergenerational ministries.

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