Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters


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Page 1: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

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Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

Page 2: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Avoid hot showers and bath in chilling winter.•Hot water makes skin dry and rough.•Wash your face with the lukewarm water to avoid this problem.

Use Lukewarm Water

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Page 3: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Avoid petroleum jelly as it leads to dryness. •Go for natural & nourishing ingredients.• Select the oil based moisturizer in winter rather than water base.•Go for the one which keeps your skin hydrated and soft.•Watch out the ingredients on the bottle.

Select Moisturizer Wisely

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Page 4: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Apply moisture within 1 minuteafter washing it. •The moisture works best on the damp skin. •Apply immediately after you take bath.

Use Moisture

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Page 5: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Cover your most of the skin with the help of scarf or glove as winter are very harsh and could keep harmful for your skin. •Use the sunscreen.• Go for a safe option like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide they are more effective in protecting skin.

Protect Your Skin

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Page 6: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•The heating systems causes over dryness. So Avoid as far as possible.•Install the humidifier at least in your bedroom. •Go for hot drinks or warm water with few drops of lemon in it.

Hydrating is Must

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Page 7: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Get rid of the dead skin cells by using exfoliating mask. •Be gentle on the skin and do not be rough as it can make skin more dry.•Go for cream or oil based scrub. •Apply moisturizer for sure or go for essential oils like Coconut oil.

Exfoliate your skin

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Page 8: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Eat food that is rich in water content. •Eat fruit such as apples, oranges, kiwi, and watery veggies like celery, tomatoes and carrots. •The production of collagen and elastin is helpful through Vitamin C and Zinc. •Omega-3 supplements, or consumes more fatty fish and flaxseed is good for the skin

Hydrate your skin From the Inside Out

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Page 9: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

•Use homemade mask which are effective.•Use ingredients like honey, avocado, yogurt, olive and jojoba oils, almond oil, bananas, and aloe. •Keep this mask for 30 minutes on your face.•Use moisturizer or essential oil.

Use DIY Masks

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Page 10: Best Tips To Moisturize Your Skin In Winters

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