Best remedies for stomach gas.docx

Best remedies for stomach gas? The best remedy is the one that works best for you. For the rest of us there is another remedy. Gas is a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Your age will have something to do with this. Mental stress effects your stomach. Physical damage will effect your stomach. Eating all the wrong foods will effect your stomach. Worrying all the time will effect your stomach. You decide which answer fits your life. Anxiety does disturb the stomach. If you are a perfectionist; do things at a great speed; get disturbed with people who do not follow your style of work; keeps things too clean; wants to know everything that goes on around you?......You must be secreting too much juices in the stomach. This disturbs your system. This will slowly lead to pain in the occipital region of the head and mimic neck pains...Hope this helps Eat atleast 500 gms of garlic well cooked with other food for a month. All unwanted gas in your system would have left you by then. Any product with Simethicone will help reduce gas. Mylanta, Gas-X, Phasyzme, all have Simethicone in them. Another possibility is Charco- caps, which is a homeopathic remedy. I can assure u complete remedy.If u like homeopathy go for Carboveg(2- 3 drops in 15ml 0f drinking water).If u like alopathy go for- Rabeprazole tabs and a simethicone/Methyl polysiloxone tab.(U have to take both of them.Rabeprazole is the fastest acting PPI till today).But if the promleb is chronic in nature,it is necessary to go to a GASTROENTEROLOGIST.

Transcript of Best remedies for stomach gas.docx

Best remedies for stomach gas? The best remedy is the one that works best for you. For the rest of us there is another remedy. Gas is a lack of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Your age will have something to do with this. Mental stress effects your stomach. Physical damage will effect your stomach. Eating all the wrong foods will effect your stomach. Worrying all the time will effect your stomach. You decide which answer fits your life.

Anxiety does disturb the stomach. If you are a perfectionist; do things at a great speed; get disturbed with people who do not follow your style of work; keeps things too clean; wants to know everything that goes on around you?......You must be secreting too much juices in the stomach. This disturbs your system. This will slowly lead to pain in the occipital region of the head and mimic neck pains...Hope this helps

Eat atleast 500 gms of garlic well cooked with other food for a month. All unwanted gas in your system would have left you by then.

Any product with Simethicone will help reduce gas. Mylanta, Gas-X, Phasyzme, all have Simethicone in them. Another possibility is Charco-caps, which is a homeopathic remedy.

I can assure u complete remedy.If u like homeopathy go for Carboveg(2-3 drops in 15ml 0f drinking water).If u like alopathy go for-Rabeprazole tabs and a simethicone/Methyl polysiloxone tab.(U have to take both of them.Rabeprazole is the fastest acting PPI till today).But if the promleb is chronic in nature,it is necessary to go to a GASTROENTEROLOGIST.

Do s.p. balance . acu press .sujok - mi of lower pt of thu. Precaution:Don' take heavy spices foods. sleep at 10p.m wake up at 4.a.m. complete your all the 1st works before sun rise. Do pranayam . you will get the result.

Eat whenever you feel hungry......don leave your stomach so empty.......drink adequate water.....avoid eating ll be aerophagic (eating air).....this might too add discomfort...... this will be enough to follow..... but if you still have problem.....consult a physician to rule out if you have got any ulcer or any other problem with your stomach....don get scared... whatever it is most often treatable and curable....medical or go ahead...


4 Easy Ways To Reduce Gas And BloatingIPS FOR REDUCING BLOATING

1. Avoid belly-bloating foods. You should either avoid these foods altogether or eat them in limited amounts:Excess carbohydrates: Eating too many carbs can lead to unnecessary water retention, which leads to bloating.Raw veggies: Many veggies are known to cause gas when eaten raw, especially cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, peppers, onions and Brussels sprouts. Simply cook your veggies instead - the nutritional value is equal to that of raw veggies.Spicy foods: The spicier a meal is, the more stomach acid it will trigger, which leads to bloating and irritation.Fatty foods: Foods with a lot of fats, especially fried foods, cause bloating because they are digested very slowly. Pick foods with monounsaturated fatty acids instead, like walnuts, sunflower seeds and avocados.Salt: Avoid foods with too much salt, including processed foods, whenever possible. The sodium attracts water, which causes the body to retain fluids.Carbonated drinks: The air bubbles in caffeinated drinks like soda end up in your belly.Acidic drinks: Fruit juice, coffee and alcohol each have a high acid content which can cause swelling in the gastrointestinal tract.Chewing gum: You swallow air as you chew gum, which causes bloating.2. Eat bloat-busting foods instead. These are the top dietary changes you should make in order to prevent bloating:Fiber: Your digestive system will be much more efficient with enough fiber in your diet, which in turn decreases the likelihood of bloating. High-fiber foods include bran cereals, blueberries, peas and lentils.Carminative herbs: Herbs like peppermint, chamomile, fennel and ginger are all great for reducing gas. You can eat foods with these ingredients or drink them as a tea.Water: Despite the fact that bloating is often due to water retention, drinking more water helps to flush out the system and reduce bloating.3. Change your habits. There are a few simple changes you can make to your daily routine to prevent bloating before it happens:Exercise more: Even just a short, brisk walk each day can reduce bloating because the activity helps the digestive tract process gas more quickly.Eat slowly: When you eat too quickly or while talking, you're more likely to take in excess air, which can turn into a bloated belly. Slow down while you eat and always close your mouth while chewing.Don't use straws: Drinking with a straw can also cause excess air intake and bloating.Check your meds: Some prescriptions and supplements contain carbonate or bicarbonate, both of which can cause bloating. Ask your doctor about these side effects and how to prevent them.Belch more: Though it may seem a little crass, a few stealthy burps can help get rid of excess gas from your stomach.4. Over-the-Counter Remedies for BloatingEven with these lifestyle and dietary changes, you may still experience bloating once in a while. Here are some basic over-the-counter options for relieving bloating:Gas-XPhazymeMylantaBeanoMaaloxFinally, if your bloating is severe or chronic, you should see a doctor as this could be a sign of a more serious condition.

astric Problems - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide

Read more: Gastric Problems - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide | Medindia s Physical and mental stress can also cause ulceration s Causes of gastric mucosa inflammation:a. Acidic foodsb. Alcoholc. Smokingd. Stresse. DrugsAvoid s Hot Spicy foods s Alcohol s Smoking s Excessive eating s Large meals before bed s Fatty food s Pulse s Late nights

Read more: Gastric Problems - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide | Medindia s Acute problems resolve spontaneously s Chronic problems should be treated s Drugs for treatment include:a. Antacidsb. H2 antagonistsc. Proton pump inhibitors s Timely meals releives pain due to ulcers s Consult - Gastroenterologist.

Read more: Gastric Problems - First Aid and Emergency Treatment Guide | Medindia

What for ZINETAC tablet is used? Used to decrease gastric acid.