Best Practices for Your Facebook Business Page



With over 1.4 billion active Facebook users monthly, you need to optimize your business page to maximize traffic and growth for you. Just having a token presence on Facebook in the form of a business page is not enough. You can use the business page efficiently as a marketing tool, by following some best practice methods, to make it attractive and engaging for Facebook users.

Transcript of Best Practices for Your Facebook Business Page

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Best Practices for your Face book Business page

With over 1.4 billion active Facebook users monthly, you need to optimize your business page to maximize traffic and growth for you. Just having a token presence on Facebook in the form of a business page is not enough. You can use the business page efficiently as a marketing tool, by following some best practice methods, to make it attractive and engaging for Facebook users.

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Use videos & photos

Users may find visuals more engaging and are more likely to share them too. So for posts on your business page, do use photos and videos that can range from instructive and informational, to entertaining. The more people know about your business, the more they will trust you. So you can use photos or videos to inform the users about your business and workshop through product features, instructional videos, behind the scene photos, how-to tutorials. You can even make a playlist, by uploading videos to Facebook and not embedding them from YouTube. This will ensure you are visible on people’s timeline more.

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Run exclusive offers and contests

Give people a reason to visit your page by running exclusive offers and fun contests. Who does not love a good deal or sale? Run exclusive offers that expire quickly, maybe within 24 hours of posting, to encourage people to check your Timeline more frequently. You can also encourage user participation by running contests, like best selfie with products, caption contests, etc. and have people vote the winner among submissions. If you keep your fans entertained, the more likely you will be to attract them back, and spread the word about your page.

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Like, Share and Interact with other Facebook pages

With social media marketing the most important principle is engagement. Like. Share and comment on posts of other business pages, to increase your visibility too. Utilize Facebook as a search engine to find businesses with similar target markets or businesses you are or may want to collaborate with, to like them. You are more likely to get some cross promotion by being mentioned or liked back in return. Also if you like a page, it can be displayed on the left hand side of your business page as a vertical tab. Do like or comment on pages of your employees, companies physically located near you, or companies whose services or products you have been using, to build your social presence and improve engagement.

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Check your Notifications

You should check your notifications regularly, so that you do not miss out on any queries or questions left for you, on your Facebook page. If you fail to respond back quickly, it may reflect badly on your business and you may even end up losing a follower. You may just be missing out on business opportunities and potential future sales.

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Get Testimonials from Customers

You can build trust in your business and attract potential customers by gently asking your loyal fan base for testimonials. A positive testimonial can work wonders for building your reputation and if your existing customers trust you, it gives faith to your new users too.

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Create a custom tab

Custom tabs need a little hard work with programming but work well to integrate different business elements into your Facebook business page including billing, live chat, events, shipping information, eBooks, signups and subscriptions.

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Split testing Performance

Split testing, by posting diverse kinds of content at various times through the week, can help you find out what posts your audience is responding to, and you can accordingly work out a specific marketing strategy. Go with what performs better and boosts engagement through more likes or shares. Also split test your call to action buttons, on the bottom right of the page header to measure sales and website visits. Typically ‘Video’, ‘Shop Now’ and ‘Contact Us’ are a good starting point for call to action buttons.

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Showcase other social media pages

Do ensure that Instagram, You Tube, Pinterest, Twitter, and other social media network tabs are added to your Facebook page. You want your fans to engage with your brand across all platforms, so that they can connect with you on any social network of their choice. Showcasing pages of other social media networks on your Facebook business page gives potential customers a holistic idea about your company culture, brand and media activity across all social networks.

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Adapt or Perish

There it is. Remember while you have to be adaptable with changing strategies for Facebook, the most important part of business that remains a constant is building relationships with your users. Build your community by posting engaging and valuable content and encouraging more interaction. Most importantly be genuine. Do let us know if you have any other tips for using Facebook business pages.