Best practice for e commerce

eCommerce Best Practice


We take a look at what great eCommerce looks like and use as an example.

Transcript of Best practice for e commerce

eCommerce Best Practice

• Based in Cape Town, South Africa, with offices in USA,UK & Australia.

• Specialist PPC agency with over 50 clients mainly in Retail & Travel.

A little bit about me...

Your site should be built for one

Figure out what that purpose is.Is it really eCommerce?

This is not eCommerce

Neither is this…

According to Wikipedia

“Buying and selling of a product or service conducted over electronic systems such as the

Internet and other computer networks. Electronic commerce draws on technologies such as mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, supply chain

management, Internet marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data

interchange (EDI), inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems”

In English

eCommerce is the buying and selling of services and stuff over the internet using a payment gateway

Manage that inventory!

Leave no droid unturned aka Make sure you collect all the data

You know what they say about chains…

Make sure yours isn’t weak!

Getting people to your site

“Give the users what they want, and the rest will

follow.”-Sergey Brin & Larry


Where are we today and where are we going?

Yes, there is a difference between SEO and SEM

AdvertsMaking your site get found easier by Google

Search is where users show their intent

The Holy Grail of PPC

Keywords!Adcopy!Landing Pages!

The Longtail



“KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer”


AKA Unique Selling Point

Homepages are where users go to die

If they have to go to the homepage, make sure they can search your site easily

So what does a great eCommerce site look like?

Great UX is the key to conversion2 levels of navigation

Popular brands are displayed

Differentways ofshopping

Compared to this…

Make sure your sight isn’t a yawny.

A quickie is a goodie

Google offers you a site speed test

Yuppiechef got 88 out of 100!

Nifty suggestions to make the site load even quicker!

Make sure it is responsive

AKA make sure it can cater for the user’s preferences

Make a mobile version for mobile browsers

The content changes as the screen size does

Automatically deliver the content the audience wants, in the context they’re in

Either: Optimise the layout of your contentOr: Adapt the content itself – perhaps a summary of

the desktop site

Provide Quality Pictures and Descriptions

Photos AND videos!

All sorts ofcolours!

Special offer!

Upsell by recommending based on what other users bought

Online shoppers are interested in each other’s good taste.

Bonus points for customer reviews!

Email addresses > Usernames

Avoid hidden charges

And, if you’re going to charge, be transparent!

Make it safe!

Easy forms remove user pain

Allow for multiple payment options

Make it easy to get hold of you

Ignore the community at your peril

Make sure you don’t let go of their hand after the sale!
