best of f.b.

All of u forget something ! its 6th of July Ha! Ha! Today is my birthday, a special day ! Its just for me , Its just for me Today is my birthday & I'm so glad Hey everybody sing with me My friends will come & dance & play And have a lots of fun The sun is out & I'm so glad My day has just begun The sun is out & I'm so glad My day has just begun... .... Song 4m Baby T.V.

Transcript of best of f.b.

Page 1: best of f.b.

All of u forget  something ! its 6th of July        Ha! Ha!

Today is my birthday, a special day !Its just for me , Its just for me Today is my birthday & I'm so glad Hey everybody sing with me My friends will come & dance & play And have a lots of fun The sun is out & I'm so gladMy day has just begunThe sun is out & I'm so gladMy day has just begun...         ....      Song 4m  Baby T.V.

____________________________________________________________                        Pain      (Yasmeen Aziz)  From me to Him

Page 2: best of f.b.

Once I told you that I wanted to showsome relative who look down upon meI could show them "me"  as "excellence"But that  dream wouldn't come true

Once I took my studies as JihadMy Imam heartiest desire academic excellenceBut now I'm fighting against  my own ill healthreaching the verge where there is no way outnor comes any end to my pain

O friends tell my teachers I could never be their petdo tell themI could never be a star of their eyes

O God give me more trialsas Thou(You) give pain not beyond ones endurance and teach me the path of Al Sabiroonas Thou art with me                                           (You are with me)Thou art Great & Perfect (not me)"Allah -o- Akber"

O.a 100% All Natural Herbal Hair Color & Conditioner

Page 3: best of f.b.

Making Herbal Hair Dyes

November 20, 2008 · Filed under diy, Environmental Detox, Herb Recipes, Natural Beauty, Personal Care · Tagged coloring, diy, dyes, hair, herbs, homemade, non toxic, recipes, safe

I know most of you are aware of herbal hair dyes, mainly because you have heard of henna rinses which have become sort of the commercial standard. Henna is a herbal rinse

and has all the qualities of herbs except when it’s manufactured with added chemicals and fragrances that make it toxic and harsh. You can make your own henna rinse at home

that costs a lot less and is a lot more safe. In fact, any color of herbal dye you make yourself not only saves you money but puts you in control of your hair in a way you cannot imagine. When you use a commercial product you are stuck with full throttle

color all at once that leaves your hair in shock. Frizzy, burned out hair is often the result. Too much color, too little color, spotty color, are all possible problems that can’t be

resolved easily. Who wants to color over color over color until they get the right color, when the cumulative effects of all these treatments spells disaster for your hair.

But how about using herb based dyes you can mix up yourself for very little money and rinsing as often and as deeply as you like, gaining hair color as you rinse and only going as far as you want to? The more you rinse, the darker the rinse becomes so that over time you can control your level of hair color as you work with the various dyes. And over time this does not damage, dry out or shock your hair. No more blue frizzies or orange frays. No more streaky hair with gray that didn’t take mixed with hair that took too much. You can just rinse and rinse every night, twice a day, as often as you like, gaining more color as you do so and then stopping when it’s good enough. Washing over time will take it back out. Imagine this kind of control. It’s actually a real pleasure once you try it. So I thought I’d share some of my favorite herbal dye recipes that you can mix up and try.

Remember, with herbal dyes, if you make a mistake you won’t need color remover. Just wash and wait. It will lessen in color over a short period of time or you can rinse over

rinse until you find what it is you really want. So are you ready to try it?

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Here are the recipes. Along with each are instructions and hints to help you with the process.

Herbal Mixes to Lighten Blond Hair

This rinse will slightly lighten blond hair to the next lighter shade or intensify blond highlights already present in the hair. This will not lighten brown shades to blond. The

effects are never dramatic but become more and more apparent when used several times.

Simple Blond Rinse

2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Chamomile Flowers2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Marigold Flowers2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Mullein Flowers

2 tbsp fresh Lemon Juice

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Put the flowers together in a bowl. Boil 2 cups of water and pour over the flowers and cover the bowl. Leave these to infuse for 30 minutes. Srain out the herbs and stir in the Lemon Juice right before using. Pour over the hair and leave as a soak. Using this as a daily rinse when washing the hair will dramatically lighten the blond highlights in your

hair, more and more with each use.

Blond Dye Paste

This mix is close to the cream on hair color you are used to using in the commercial products. This will have a stronger, faster effect than the rinse.

2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Chamomile Flowers2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Marigold Flowers2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Mullein Flowers

1 tbsp fresh Hollyhock FlowersKaolin Powder

Put these flowers into a bowl. Boil 2 cups of water and pour over the flowers. Cover the bowl and allow to steep for 30 minutes. Strain out the herbs from the water and discard. Remove one quarter cup of the liquid and mix it to a paste using the powdered Kaolin. Judge by the eye if there is enough for as much hair as you have. For long hair or very

thick hair, you may have to make twice as much. Simply double the ingredients and use 1/2 cup of water instead.

Once it is a manageable paste, take both the paste and the remaining liquid into the shower or over the sink. Make successive partings over your head, applying the paste evenly as you go. Leave this mix on for at least 30 minutes then rinse off with the remaining rinse water. Do this a few times and the change in hair color will be dramatic.

Herbal Mixes For Darker Hair

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These mixes can be used either to darken brown hair, to darken light brown or blond hair or to enhance highlights in already dark hair. The effects are progressive, allowing you to

control just how dark you wish your hair to be.

Simple Dark Hair Rinse

2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp Dried Sage Leaf 2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp Dried Rosemary Leaf

2 cups of strong Black Tea

Put the herbs into a bowl. Pour the hot, boiling tea over the herbs and cover the bowl. Allow to sit for 30 minutes. Strain out the herbs and pour over your head after washing. Leave it soak before drying off. This will darken the hair dramatically with a few uses.

Blond hair will eventually turn a very light brown.

Highlighting Rinse For Dark Hair

5-10 Unripe Walnuts in Shells or crushed Walnut Shell Sea Salt

Crush the Walnut Shells in a mortar with a pestle or buy crushed shells from the link above. If yu do crush them yourself, be sure to crush them to dust. Add a pinch of the Sea

Salt and soak this way for 3 days. After 3 days, put the walnut shells and salt into a pot and cover with 3 cups of water. Simmer on low heat for 5 hours, adding more water as

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necessary to maintain at least 1 cup of liquid. After 5 hours, strain out the walnut shells. If there is more than 1 cup liquid remaining, reduce the amount by boiling until it is

exactly one cup. Rinse hair with this cup of liquid. This is rich and dark and will have a dramatic effect after several applications. But once you have the color you want, it is

slow to wash out or fade.

Dark Hair Paste

This is close to the commercial hair color mixes you may have used. It will make the hair very dark, gradually more and more so with each application. It’s a deep, rich color you

will like.

Fresh or dried Rhubarb Root2c Water

Kaolin Powder

If you have fresh root, mash and pulverize it to a pulp. If you have dried root, crush it to a powder. Use 3 tbsp of either pulp or powdered root. Mix it with the 2 cups of water in a pot. Simmer this over medium heat, leaving the lid off. When the liquid has reduced by

half, thicken it by adding Kaolin powder until it has the consistency of paste.

Shampoo the hair first and then part it all over the head in rows. Apply the paste along each row until the entire head is covered, to the end of the hair. Leave it on for about 15 minutes. Rinse off a little to check the color. If it is not dark enough, leave on another 15 minutes and check again. After one hour, it will not color any longer, so if it’s not dark enough you will just have to repeat the process. When it is the color you wish it to be,

rinse it out.

If you wish to repeat the process to achieve even darker hair, wait two days before doing it again. It won’t damage your hair but you should check to see how much washes out

before going through the process again. You can always double the strength by doubling the rhubarb that you use in making the mix.

Herbal Mixes for Red Hair

Everyone is familiar with Henna hair dyes. They are sold commercially in every drugstore in the country. Here I have a homemade recipe so you can make your own.

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Henna Hair Dye

4 tbsp ground or powdered HennaHot water

You can get powdered Henna at most health food stores or herbalists. Some pharmacies carry it as well. The best kind of the fresh organic powder found in bulk. It’s cheaper,


Make a paste with the powder and the hot water. Once it is a manageable consistency, leave it to mature for 30 minutes. The water will bring out the red in the Henna. Test it

slowly and carefully, starting with only a few strands of hair. This can be intensely red so use it with care. If it’s not red enough, just add more Henna to it until it’s as red as you

would like.

For those of you who would like a more strawberry blond color or are looking to just highlight red hair and not add more red to it, you can water down the Henna with

Chamomile. Make a strong Chamomile tea and strain out the flowers. Mix the Chamomile in with the Henna until it’s a lighter, blonder shade.

When the color is satisfactory, part the hair into rows. Spread the paste along the rows, making sure to cover every length of your hair. Once the paste is all over your hair, cover your head with a plastic bag. A leftover plastic grocery bag is perfect. Use the handles to

tie it under your chin. Then moisten a towel and heat it to steaming in the microwave. Wrap your head with the hot towel and leave until it’s cooled back down.

You can check the hair at this point to see how dark red it actually is. If you wish it to be darker, you can wrap it back up and leave this on overnight. It will continue to color your hair for as long as you leave it on and it won’t destroy your hair. When you are ready to

wash it out, shampoo as usual and then towel the hair to moist. Rub oil into the moist hair and leave it to dry. Use cosmetic quality oils like Avocado, Olive, Coconut or Grapeseed

Oil. In a pinch, Mineral Oil is just fine. The oil will leave your hair rich and glossy. Really shiny. This color is so intense it will last for as long as 6 months.

Red Hair Rinse

This is a rinse that will add reddish highlights to blond or brown hair. It will also enhance red hair but it won’t change the color of red hair.

2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Alkanet Root2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Calendula Flowers

2 fresh Red Hibiscus Flowers1 tbsp Dried Saffron

Put all of the flowers into a bowl. Boil 2 cups of water and pour it over the flowers. Cover the bowl and let sit for 30 minutes. Once the water has cooled, use it to rinse the

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hair. Leave it on a few minutes to soak. This is a light reddish tint that is not orange or brassy. It will deepen with every use and can be washed out over time.

Gray Hair Fixes:

Rinse to Remove Yellowing

Some gray hair gets a yellow tint that some folk find unattractive. It happens to people with blond or light brown hair. To get rid of yellow in gray hair, use this rinse every night

until the yellow has gone.

1 handful of purple blue Hollyhock FlowersSea Salt

Soak the flowers in 2 cups of water, tossing in a pinch of salt. Let sit for a half hour and then put flowers and water into a pot. Heat the pot over low heat, simmering this way for

an hour. Strain the flowers out and replace the water in the pot. Heat to boiling and reduce the water to one half. Once the water has been reduced to one cup, rinse the hair

with it.

This mix may take a few applications to work but once it’s affected the hair, stop using it until the yellowing returns. If you use this day after day, there can be a bluing effect. Like

all yellow removers, this can turn the hair blue over long term use. Use with care and only use it until the yellow is gone. And only use it if the yellowing returns.

Rinse to Highlight Yellow

And then there are those of you who like the yellow highlights in your blond hair. There is a certain honey skin tone that makes this sort of gray hair look lovely. To highlight the

golden or blond tones in your gray hair, here is the rinse to use.

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2 tbsp fresh or 1 tbsp dried Betony Flowers, Leaves and RootWater

Make this up as you would a strong tea. Use about 2 cups of water and simmer it until the liquid is darker and reduced in quantity. The stronger you make it, the more yellow it will

add to your hair. Go lightly at first and add strength in future mixes until it’s what you like. Too much and it might look brassy.

Simply rinse your hair with the liquid after shampooing. On nights you don’t shampoo, it’s ok to just rinse your hair with this. If you can, leave it in as a soak for as long as you

can before toweling your hair.

This rinse can be used indefinitely and will not harm your hair. It will simply keep brightening and lightening the yellow in gray hair. If it gets brassy, stop use for awhile and allow it to tone down. If it’s not bright enough, add more Betony in each tea you

make until it’s effective.

Rinse to Darken Gray Hair

And then there are those of us who like our gray hair darker rather than lighter. Some people don’t look so good with silver locks. Steel gray can be flattering on women with porcelain or blue based complexions. For those of you who want to darken the gray in

your hair, this is the rinse for you.

Fresh or Dried Sage Leaf Hot Water

Use a handful of fresh Sage or a few tbsp of dried Sage. Add it to water and make a really strong tea. Boil it until the water is very dark and strain out the sage. Pour it over your

hair anytime, either after shampooing or just to rinse. This will make gray hair very dark and however often you use it the darker it will get. It will not leave streaky patches or

fade out in areas like some colors do. If you want to, you can take it all the way back to dark brown. It’s up to you. Just remember to use it as often as you like and stop using it when your hair is where you want it. You can always freshen up, at any time, when the

color fades or isn’t rich enough. This will not harm or dry out your hair. In fact, it’s good for it!



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01/28/2008: Jackie from Grand Rapids, Minnesota writes: "since introduced to this site, i have eliminated chemicals wherever possible. first, i stopped all anti-aging products on face and got rid of fluoride toothpaste. i cleanse with bkg soda and use jaboba oil or vegetable gycerine with drop of essential oil for moisturizer sometimes castor oil around the eyes.use minimal amt of non animal tested pressed powder blush and eyeliner. i indeed look younger and soft and my eyesight has improved. i think the antiaging products might be absorbed into the eye itself or into the blood vessels. any thoughts on this? my skin is much better.

next i found this website, black hair media hair forum. gives recipes for coloring hair using herbs. i wish i had known about this from teenage years. i invented my own recipe that works very well and is very easy to do. i have chin length white hair with darker grey at the neckline.

1 tsp ground ginger, i tsp dry mustard, 1 tsp curry powder and a pinch of tumeric. (be careful with tumeric, hair can turn clown yellow if you use too much. all of these ingredients are spices that can be bought in any grocery store. i put the spices in a bowl, pour one cup of boiling water over them, cover tightly and let cool. next strain saving the liquid. pour over washed and dried hair about 5-6 times. i use a basin in the sink or tub to catch the mixture then pour back into the cup and repeat 5-6 times. don't rinse,squeeze out excess water cover with shower cap and leave on about 30 minutes. rinse with cool water lastly i add a dash of vinegar to cup of cool water and pour over and leave in. acts like a conditioner and keeps the color in better. the mixture doesn't stain my skin,sink or hands. there is some dripping under the shower cap so have a towel handy. this gives me a natural light golden blonde hair color, and my darker hair blends in washes out with each shampoo so has to be done each time. the gray is comletely covered using this method, even better than hair dye which often won't cover the temples or the sides. the spices and the vinegar condition it and idon't have to use a's recommended to a patch test with herbs and spices first."



[YEA]  03/17/2009: Amber from Portland, Oregon writes: "Many people (including myself) use natural plants to color thier hair, such as Henna (for Orange/Red color, and adds brilliant shine to hair), Henna with Indigo (to achieve brunette to black colors), and Cassia; a plant that can be used to add shine or add a bit of golden color to very pale blond or white hair. There are other plants and spices that can enhance tone as well. (for more on this, read on)

About the results: I am a dark blonde who used to lighten my hair. I have colored my hair all types of ways, and most recently I decided to 'go dark'. Well, I can tell you that nothing colors and strengthens my hair like the henna. And I now use the henna + indigo mix to achieve a very exotic dark color, that fully saturates (dyes used to wash out easily), shines, and is actually healthy for my hair! The shine you can achieve with the use of henna is head-turning and like no other. Henna binds with your hair, so it is much different than a dye. You can also use chemical lighteners or dyes over it, or apply it over chemically dyed/lightened hair, and as long as you are using PURE henna, you will get nice results. The horror stories you may have heard only relate to people using 'compound' hennas, again, like you would buy in the

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store, mixed with other ingredients.

How it basically works: Henna can be combined with an acid (lemon juice, apple cider vinegar) and left to sit for 12 hours to release the dye. It can then be added to color the hair (usually for 2 hours) or it can be diluted and/or applied for a lesser duration, to add just a touch of tint and gloss to the hair. Indigo can be mixed with water and mixed into the Henna, or applied seperately after a Henna treatment. Cassia can be applied alone, or added to the aforementioned mixes. These plants should be purchased in a pure form (not in mixes from the beauty supply).

Where you can find out more: You can find a wealth of information at this website: about how to color your hair with these plants, and a very interesting history. There are also personal mixes, techniques, forums where you can ask questions about your specific hair type/goals, and order the products. You can also order small samples very inexpensively so that you can experiment on 'brush harvested' hair. I can't say enough great things about the women who run this website. If you are curious, and check it out, they offer all the info and help you need to become confident about trying this.

I have also since read on many natural health and hair sites that Honey can be used as a natural lightener. So if you are a blonde, perhaps that will work for you, as well as lemon juice. One could also use the cassia to get the brilliant shine that henna gives, without turning into a redhead! If I ever grow my natural hair out again, this is what I will do!

One last thing I want to say, is that it feels very good to get off of the chemical-dye train, to find natural plant dyes that achieve colors and results so beauteous that nature could only provide. It may seem time-consuming at first, but after learning and becoming experienced with the use of these dyes (and it doesn't take long!) it has become a nice beauty ritual; it feels more natural and personal...and has become something I look forward to doing, taking time to relax while the mix does it's magic, and the hair is always more beautiful each time! It has been about 2 years that I have been using these plant dyes, and I am glad to be able to share this info on earth clinic, so that perhaps others can start using this too."

How To Make Your Own Herbal Hair Color

By Amy Jeanroy, Guide

Have you ever wanted to try a new hair color, but worried about damage? This herbal hair color is not permanent, but will provide a change of color that fades gently. Difficulty: AverageTime Required: 30 minutes

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What You Need 1 Cup of water 1 ounce of herb Kaolin clay Medical type gloves for applying paste Plastic bag or wrap for covering hair

Here's How:1. Create an infusion that is extremely strong.2. Add enough clay to create a smooth paste.3. Apply to hair in small sections, starting at the scalp and working towards the ends. 4. Cover your hair with plastic to retain heat.5. Leave on hair for 30 minutes. 6. Rinse with tepid water and let air dry. 7. Repeat as needed.

Tips:1. For red hair, use Alkanet root or Hibiscus2. For black hair, use Elderberry3. For grey hair, help cover yellow tones with Hollyhock. Use Sage to darken grey

hair.4. To lighten hair, use Mullein flowers or Chamomile flowers5. To darken hair, try Sage, Rosemary, Red raspberry leaves.

Herbal Hair Coloring to Remove Gray

Posted: Tuesday, August 07, 2007

by Angela CarterCoastal Health Information Services

My family and friends as well as my husband and I have been using this formula for over four years.  This formula will bring your hair back to it's natural color as well as get rid of the gray. 


2 C. Distilled bottled water

1 c. Rosemarry (can be found in most grocery stores in the produced department.  Comes in small packages and you will need two of them)

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1 Lg or med bottle of baby shampoo (Dollar Store brand ok).

Put the water and rosemary (stems and all) in a microwave safe bowl (I use a plastic 12 c. measuring cup) and nuke for about 5 minutes or until water boils.  Remove from microwave and cover and allow to steep for 5 minutes.  Remove rosemary and disgard.  Add shampoo and mix throughly.  Will make two bottles of shampoo.  The shampoo will be thin and will not suds up on the first time of use because of the previous hair products you have used and also if your hair is dirty or oily.  But when you shampoo again it will have more suds then you can imagine.  The shampoo strips all the residue from products and enviornment without stripping the natural oils found in your hair.  You will notice after about a week that your hair will stay cleaner and if you have gray in your hair it will be gone.  You may also have to have your hair cut more often because it also makes your hair grow.  I have to get my hair cut once a month where as before it was every three months.  My mother, who is 83, uses this shampoo and has no gray hair.  Some close friends of our also use it, he is bald on top and has notice hair starting to grow back.

Another one is if you wish to have blond hair for the summer you can use chamomile tea.  Simply make a tea and wet your hair with it and go out in the sun.  You will notice a gradual change in your color.  You can also use the same recipe as above but substitute chamomile tea for the rosemary.

The Beauty and Makeup BlogBeauty and Makeup tips at your finger tips

Applying Eye Shadow Step By Step

It goes without saying that you are going to need a makeup brush set, an eyeshadow set, and a makeup kit to apply eyeshadow properly. If you do not have the material needed or they are too expensive for you, you can always practice with free makeup samples.

Regular synthetic eye shadow is fine and safe, but we do prefer mineral products such as glo minerals eye shadow and bare minerals eye shadows.

Before going through the steps, I would like to remind you that you can become a fan of our facebook page (click the like button on the left) to get updates on your facebook wall.

1- Always start by applying foundation . Foundation gives you a good base to work with. Do not over do it however; keep it light and gentle.

2- Then,  start applying an eye shadow primer over your eye from the lash to the eyebrow. A primer will help the shadow last longer and minimize the number of applications daily.

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3- Use an eye shadow to apply the MEDIUM shade from your eye lashes to your eyelid’s outer corner.

4- Use a pencil eyeliner to mark the eye just above your upper lash. Move from the inner corner to the outer corner slowly

5- Use the brush and go over the area where you applied the eye liner to diffuse the color just a little bit

6- To make your eyes look deep, apply the dark eye shadow on the outer corner of the eye lids.

7- On the eyebrow bone use the light color to highlight your eyes and make them shiny and beautiful.

8- Also apply the light eye shadow from your eye lashes to the outer corner of the eye at the center of the eye lids.

9- Blend the color a little bit so that there are no hard lines

10- Apply Mascara to your upper and lower eye lashes to finish the great look

VIDEO: How To Smear Proof Your Eye Liner

Spencer Barnes, celebrity makeup artist, shows you how to smear proof your eye liner

video by SignatureSeries

Posted in Beauty, Eye Liner, Eyes, TipsVIDEO: Lipstick Colors That Make Teeth Look WhiterNovember 25th, 2011 . 1 Comment »

Makeup Artiest, Taylor Babian, shows you which lipstick color make your teeth look whiter.

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video by Signature Series

Posted in UncategorizedHow to Choose the Perfect Wedding HairNovember 24th, 2011 . No Comments »

It is every bride’s wish to make everything perfect during the big day. And if you are a soon-to-be bride, one of the top things on your checklist is choosing the perfect wedding hair. Here are a few tips that will make your choice easier:

Determine what type of hairstyle will complement the shape of your face. The trick here is to try a hairdo which is appropriate for you then check whether you look and feel great in such hairstyle.

Match your hair with the theme and style of your wedding. If you and your groom have decided to make it a formal event, it will be best to wear your hair in an updo. But if you prefer a more casual and relaxed wedding theme, you can wear your hair down or whatever style you are comfortable with.

You should have your dress in mind when choosing your wedding hair. Some wisps and curls will look splendid on your naked shoulders if you will be wearing a strapless ball gown. And if your dress has an intricate neckline, wearing your hair up will make the design more visible.

Posted in Beauty, Hair, WeddingTips for Home Hair ColoringNovember 17th, 2011 . 1 Comment »

Page 17: best of f.b.

Instead of going to the salon to get your desired hair color, you can do the process on your own. It is not as complicated as it may seem if you will follow these home hair coloring tips:

Choose a hair color that is not more than 2 shades darker or lighter than the present color of your hair.

Make sure that your hair is clean by shampooing it thoroughly before you start.

Wear rubber gloves to avoid getting your hands and fingernails stained.

Start applying the hair color at the roots then slowly work outward. Pile your hair like a mound on top of your head while waiting for the dye to set.

Rinse your hair thoroughly and use conditioner to make your hair feel softer after the process.


Coloring your hair at home is fairly easy once you get the feel of it. Anyway, you can use the package instructions as your guide.

Posted in Hair, Hair Coloring, TipsHow to Balance Hair Style With The Makeup LookNovember 16th, 2011 . 1 Comment »

Page 18: best of f.b.

For most beauty fanatics, going all out on hair and make-up is a common blunder that often defeats the purpose of making oneself looking more beautiful. In order to balance hair style with makeup look, it is important to choose only one to amp up so as to create a more powerful effect without overdoing it.

When you have set your make-up to look more sophisticated, it is better to go with a more subtle hairstyle. The make-up you wear during the day should be lighter and more carefree. With this kind of look, you can let your hair flow freely and have a playful bounce. And if you decide to party after work, you can create dramatic smoky eyes effect and wear your hair up to emphasize the look.

Make it a point to watch the limits. On some occasions, it is better to leave make-up and hairdo uncomplicated especially if you are planning to wear an already eye-catching outfit. Even a simple ponytail could already bring out a more gorgeous you if you strike the right balance.

Posted in Beauty, Hair, Makeup, TipsLiquid and Powder Foundation TipsNovember 15th, 2011 . 2 Comments »

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Aside from the name and composition, there are many differences between liquid and powder foundation particularly in the way they are applied to the face. Although both are used to enhance the skin’s appearance, they differ significantly in their application and the effect they will have once applied.

Liquid Foundation

Many people find it harder to use liquid foundation because of its inconsistency. The application alone can be a chore and it often takes several minutes to set. Some parts of the face may show obvious creases where excess liquid foundation was collected. But the trick in making the look even and well blended is to apply loose powder using a puff to create a smooth, porcelain effect.

Powder Foundation

Compared to liquid foundation, a good number of women and make-up artists prefer powder foundation because application is a cinch. Some women like to use make-up sponge while others go for brushes or even their fingers. The only tricky part is keeping the skin hydrated and this can be done by applying a light facial spritz. This will also allow the foundation to settle well on the face.

Posted in Foundation, Makeup, TipsEffective Ways to Achieve Hair VolumeNovember 14th, 2011 . No Comments »

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More often than not, people turn their heads to appreciate someone with a beautiful crowning glory that bounce with every movement. If you were not gifted with hair volume, there are many natural ways on how to achieve hair volume and you can even use products that you can find in your very own kitchen. Here are some of the most effective ways:

Use natural volumizing wash like eggs or beer. Doing so will help revitalize your scalp and improve hair volume.

When blow-drying your hair, it is better to flip your hair upside down because it can quickly add volume to the roots.

Use light shampoo and conditioner. Choosing a heavy conditioner often tends to weigh down hair and decrease its natural volume.

Wash your hair less frequently as this will allow the hair strands to relax and achieve potential for full volume.

Use your fingers to scrunch your hair and that will instantly make your hair appear full of volume.

Posted in Hair, TipsHow to Achieve Younger Looking EyesNovember 11th, 2011 . 2 Comments »

Page 21: best of f.b.

As they say, the eyes are the windows to the soul. And if you want to appear younger than your real age, the secret is to keep your eyes brighter and to mimic the innocence of a child’s eyes. Young eyes secrets are easy to apply if you only know where to start and how to go about it. Here are some helpful tips:

Keep the skin around your eyes properly hydrated in order to avoid wrinkles from appearing prematurely and to minimize the existing ones. You can do this by applying night cream or moisturizer around the eye area.Maintain your eyebrows by keeping them well-shaped and groomed at all times. Get rid of stray hairs and trim those which are too long. Well-shaped eyebrows can work their magic in making your eyes look younger.

Curl your eyelashes to make your eyes look wider and brighter.

Use light eye make-up and go for the natural look.

Get a good night’s sleep. Nothing can improve the look of your eyes better than a restful snooze.

Posted in Eyes, Health, TipsKeeping Your Skin Looking Young and VibrantNovember 6th, 2011 . 1 Comment »

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Almost always, your skin is the tell-tale sign of how young or old you are. But there are some lucky few who defy aging by keeping their skin in best shape. Here are some anti-aging skin tips that can help maintain a youthful look:Facial CareMake it a habit to wash your face daily. Use gentle soap and cleansers that do not dry the skin. Steam or hot wash cloth can help open pores and remove impurities that may cause blackheads and pimples.ExfoliateBecause the skin is exposed to harsh elements like the sun’s rays, pollution and even stress, it is important to exfoliate regularly to remove dead cells and create a fresh glow.

Good DietWhat you eat affects your skin in more ways than one. The kind of food you take in regularly has a huge impact in your skin’s appearance. Make it a point to eat healthy foods and have more of those foods rich in antioxidants because they can help protect the cells from damage and promote healthy blood flow. Water also helps nourish the skin so drink at least eight glasses every day.Posted in Beauty, Skin, TipsHow to Apply French Manicure Like a ProNovember 4th, 2011 . 2 Comments »

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When it comes to polish jobs, nothing is more versatile than applying French manicure. The popular white-tip look goes well with any outfit, be it casual or classy, and you can match it with any color you want to dress yourself in for the day. Applying French manicure on your own is not that complicated. Just have all the essential supplies on hand and you can do it anytime. You may get a convenient kit containing white polish, neutral polish, base or top coat and tip guide strips.

Considering that you have already clipped, filed and shaped your nails with the cuticles done, first thing to apply is the base coat then allow it to dry.

Fix a guide strip just below the tip of every nail and make sure to follow the natural curve.

Be consistent in the length of the tips and take note that longer nails require longer white tips. This will serve as your guide in painting a precise white tip effortlessly.

Apply white polish and be careful not to paint below the guide. Let dry then remove the guides.

Apply two coats of the neutral polish and finish with base coat.

Luv u mom

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Wall Photos A human body can bear only 45 del (unit) of pain. But at the time of giving birth,a mother feels upto 57 del(unit) of pain... This is similar to 20 bones getting fractured, all at the same time!! This is just to tell you the extent to which a mother loves her child! 'Love your mom till the end of your life.The lady with whom you fight almost everyday,suffered so much pain just to give you a beautiful life! How many people will you forward his to? I won't mind if I get it again.. I passed it coz i love my motherBy: Dipayan Banerjee

Alishan Jaffer shared Learn to appreciate what u have.. before time makes u realize what u had?'s photo.

Wall Photos A Letter from "Mom n Dad"...

My child,

When I get old, I hope you understand 'n have patience with meIn case I break the plate, or spill soup on the table because I’m losing my eyesight, I hope you don’t yell at me.Older people are sensitive, always having self pity when you yell.When my hearing gets worse 'n I can’t hear what you’re saying, I hope you don’t call me ‘Deaf!’

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Please repeat what you said or write it down.

I’m sorry, my child.I’m getting older.When my knees get weaker, I hope you have the patience to help me get up.Like how I used to help you while you were little, learning how to walk.Please bear with me, when I keep repeating myself like a broken record, I hope you just keep listening to me.Please don’t make fun of me, or get sick of listening to me.

Do you remember when you were little 'n you wanted a ballon? You repeated yourself over 'n over until you get what you wanted.Please also pardon my smell. I smell like an old person.Please don’t force me to shower.My body is weak.Old people get sick easily when they’re cold. I hope I don’t gross you out.

Do you remember when you were little? I used to chase you around because you didn’t want to shower.I hope you can be patient with me when I’m always cranky. It’s all part of getting old.You’ll understand when you’re older.'n if you have spare time, I hope we can talk even for a few minutes.I’m always all by myself all the time, 'n have no one to talk to.I know you’re busy with work.Even if you’re not interested in my stories, please have time for me.

Do you remember when you were little? I used to listen to your stories about your teddy bear.When the time comes, 'n I get ill 'n bedridden, I hope you have the patience to take care of me.I’m sorry if I accidentally wet the bed or make a mess.I hope you have the patience to take care of me during the last few moments of my life.I’m not going to last much longer, anyway.When the time of my death comes, I hope you hold my hand 'n give me strength to face death.

'n don’t worry..When I finally meet our creator, I will whisper in his ear to bless you. Because you loved your Mom 'n Dad.Thank you so much for your care.We love you. ! ♥

"Just Like This Status If You Love It & You Will Never Leave Your Parents At Any Cost"By: Learn to appreciate what u have.. before time makes u realize what u had?

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