Best Kep Secret

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  • 7/26/2019 Best Kep Secret




  • 7/26/2019 Best Kep Secret


    This beachside Cambodian town is one of South-East Asiaslesser-known attractions. But its gaining attention, not least for

    its pepper crab. Visit once and you may never want to leave.



    This huge crabsaue greesvisiors on heirway ino Kep.(opposie) KnaiBang Chatresor.




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    ven after the Gulf of Thailand comes into view,

    atop the last of the rolling hills before reaching

    the seafront, its tempting to ask, is this it? It is,

    and thats Kep: a most unlikely destination on

    South-East Asias well-trodden trails a scrap

    of near paradise the world forgot about. It still

    takes some digging before it yields its secrets.

    Thank the French. They founded Kep-sur-Mer in the first

    decade of the 20th century. By its 1950s and 1960s heyday, the

    Cambodian black-sand beach resort just a stones throw from

    the Vietnam border had become a popular escape from the

    tropical boulevards of the capital, Phnom Penh. It remained so

    until the French were forced to abandon it as a result of the

    Vietnam War, leaving their decaying villas sprouting weeds and

    providing shade for grazing water buffalo.

    A decade ago, French travellers, along with

    other Europeans, began trickling back. But

    it wasnt until recently that Kep started to

    once again assert a place for itself on the map.Now, as the locals will proudly tell you,

    Cambodias forgotten St Tropez probably

    something of a stretch, as such analogies

    inevitably are has an ATM machine and a

    modern pharmacy. Not to mention a brand-

    new, white-sand beach, which was hauled

    over from neighbouring Sihanoukville.

    In the beginning we ran off a generator,

    and then in 2009 they brought in electricity

    by cable from Vietnam, says Dan Kreis, who

    opened Kep Lodge in 2007. As if recalling a

    distant era, he adds of those early days, I was

    the only one with a swimming pool, an online

    booking website and I was adjacent to the

    national park. I started to get a lot of interestfrom expats living in Phnom Penh.

    Just as it was at the turn of the last century,

    the expat factor is a force to be reckoned

    with in Cambodia. While precise numbers

    are elusive, there are about 3000 non-

    government organisations operating in the

    country, and Phnom Penh is swarming with

    foreign-owned bars and restaurants, and

    travellers looking for a beach getaway.

    But, if Cambodias expatriates were behind

    Keps first wave of redevelopment, they

    (op o botom)A garden-view rooma Knai Bang Chat;Kep locals; he ownsfamed crab dish.

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    have been shouldered aside by more recent arrivals. According to

    Kreis, these days about 70 per cent of his guests are international

    travellers, mostly from Europe and Australia. Other restaurant

    and accommodation owners confirm the trend.

    Travellers who are only now discovering Kep are far from too

    late though. The changes that have come to the languid

    beachfront town famed in Cambodia for its pepper crab are

    of the basic variety. Traffic is next to non-existent, farmers still

    stroll along the roadside with lazy herds of buffalo, guesthouses

    lie hidden under the canopy of the forested hillsides. In fact,

    until you reach the beach itself, with its sprinkling of shops and

    cafes, perhaps a handful of holidaying Cambodians floating just

    metres offshore in inner tubes, visitors might be forgiven for

    wondering whether Kep is even inhabited.

    Keps transformation is, for the most part, discreet and hidden

    from view. Take the recent development of the luxury boutique

    resort Knai Bang Chatt (Phum Thmey, Sangkat Prey Thom; +855

    36 210 310;, for example. Tucked away

    almost invisibly on the foreshore, the resorts original villas were

    built between 1962 and 1965 by protgs of Cambodias pre-

    eminent modern architect Vann Molyvann, who himself wasmentored by a pioneer of modern architecture, Le Corbusier.

    Knai Bang Chatt has expanded, undergoing a full renovation in

    2012, but with minimal fuss. General manager Joffrey Gris calls

    it barefoot luxury. Were talking luxury with simplicity and

    minimalism, almost everything locally sourced, and what cannot

    be sourced locally coming from Indochina, he says.

    With just 18 rooms and a reservations-only restaurant, The

    Strand, the exclusivity of Knai Bang Chatt gives way to a more

    egalitarian spirit at its Sailing Club the most popular spot in

    Kep to watch the seaside towns

    kaleidoscopic sunsets.

    Gris, who is originally from

    Provence and whose last hotel

    posting before being lured to

    Kep a year and half ago was in

    Laoss UNESCO World Heritage

    Site Luang Prabang, says that

    the main challenge for him is in

    positioning Kep as a destination

    alongside Cambodias far better-

    known tourist attractions such

    as the capital and Siem Reap,

    (clockwise from above)Fishing boas a hecrab marke; he lushsurrounds; local waerbuffalo; go exploringwih Knai Bang Chatskayaks and bikes.


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    home to Angkor Wat. Im selling Kep as a destination you come

    to relax, a place you walk or rent a bicycle, a place you come to

    rejuvenate, he says. Most people in Kep echo such sentiments.

    Alberto Medori, a former orchestral clarinet player from Perugia

    in Italy, describes Kep as kind of magical. Its somewhere that

    reminds him of his childhood, particularly in day-to-day details

    such as the food. Theres something about this place everything

    about the local produce is organic, fed only by the sun, says

    Medori, who now owns the Italian Corner (Sangkat Prey Thum; a small restaurant opposite Keps

    newly whitened beach (and bus station). Its a microcosm, like

    Ischia. He trails off, and explains, Thats an island off Napoli.

    Like many residents of Kep, Medori came for a holiday and

    ended up staying. I have everything I need here, he says. The

    mountains, the ocean, the seafood... Have you tried the crab?

    Try the crab. Try the pepper crab, to be precise. You wont hear

    the last of it if you dont. The waterfront crab market is Keps

    public house, its town hall, its raison dtre. A giant crab statue,

    positioned on the far eastern end of the beach, welcomes you to

    town if you arrive from the right direction. Rich families will

    drive two and a half hours from Phnom Penh to indulge ahankering for it still caught in the traditional way, in cages,

    says Medori. Its cooked with the locally grown peppers, which

    are regarded as some of the best in the world.

    The crab market is unlikely to survive in its current,

    unreconstructed form. Already the wooden shacks, with their

    rickety decks, are being challenged by a popular French-run

    eatery in their midst; La Baraka restaurant and bar serves up

    wood-fired pizzas, cocktails and crab with a Gallic touch.

    Meanwhile, Keps migr population is

    experimenting with the local cuisine

    and adding a twist. Singaporean Joey

    Soo, who runs Raingsey Bungalow (Kep

    Mountain Hillside Rd, Crab Market; +855

    366 343 222; www.raingsey-bungalow- with her partner Laurant, not

    only lays on a chilli crab for her guests,

    but also offers a three-pepper crab, crab

    soup and even crab-cake burgers.

    At Breezes Lounge and Restaurant

    (Road 33a), an open-air seaside eatery

    surrounded by palm trees, Christopher

    Marullaz and partner Cinthia offer a

    taste of fusion food, tapas and original

    cocktails. Like Soo, Marullaz, who hails from Switzerland, came

    to the town as a volunteer teacher and ended up staying.

    Kep is populated by people who ended up staying. But its not

    just the crabs, the nearby mountains or the ocean that seducesthem into lingering. Its the people. Somehow you feel connected

    to them, says Soo. Theyre kind and gentle, not demanding,

    even if that can sometimes be a little difficult in terms

    of professionalism. She shrugs nonchalantly, as if to say the

    professionalism, like so many other things in Kep, can wait.

    GETTING THEREVirgin Australia offers flights to

    Phnom Penh, with its codeshare partner Singapore

    Airlines/SilkAir. To book, visit www.virginaustralia.

    com or call 13 67 89 (in Australia).


    If you have several days in

    Kep, do ake he ime o

    drive half an hour or so

    norh-wes o Kampo .

    A French colonial-era

    riverine own, Kampo reains

    is sleepy charm even as i

    quiely wrings is hands in

    concern abou an imminen

    ouris onslaugh. If you are

    shor on ime, he riverside

    area immediaely souh of

    he old bridge is a friendly

    cluter of largely foreign-run

    resaurans and bars.

    Bicycles and moorbikes are

    available for hire a he newlybuil marke area close o he

    bridge. For lunch or dinner,

    ry he hoel La Java Bleue

    (Road 27, Phoum Ouksophear,

    Sangka Kampong Kandal;

    Equally recommended is

    he so-called Jungle Trek

    in he 50-square-kilomere

    Kep Naional Park .The name

    oversaes he difficuly of he

    eigh-kilomere shaded walk,

    bu be advised o wear proper

    walking shoes (no hongs) for

    sunning views of he Gulf of

    Thailand and Bokor mounains.

    Maps, crepes, pizzas and lates

    are available a he Led Zep

    Cafe nex o he enrance.

    Bokor Naional Park

    long relegaed o a ghos-

    own dayrip is once again

    open for business, bu only

    jus. The area is undergoing

    developmen and he winding

    road o reach he summi is

    resored, wih accommodaion

    now available a he Thansur

    Bokor Highland Resor (www. The resor

    ous iself, honesly enough,

    as he only highland resor in

    he Mekong sub-region. Bring

    some warm clohing.

    Rabbi Island , also known

    as Koh Tonsy, is abou a

    20-minue boa ride from Kep

    and has one of Cambodiasfines beaches. Accommodaion

    on he island remains sparan,

    bu he 250-mere-long main

    beach where boas drop visiors

    has several seafood resaurans,

    making he island a perfec

    dayrip. Snorkels are available

    for hire when you ge here.

    Keps Whie Ladysaue wih he famous

    gian crab in hebackground. (above)Colonial-era Kampo

    makes a good dayrip.



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