Berman - Greenhouse Gas Analyzer Aboard an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Ple ase cit e thi s art icle in press as: E.S .F.Berman, et al. , Greenhous e gas analyzerformea sur eme nts of car bon dioxid e, methane,and wat ervapor aboardan unmann ed aer ial vehicle, Sens. Actuat ors B: Chem. (2012), ARTICLE IN PRESS GModel SNB-14074; No .of Page s8 Sensor s andActuatorsB xxx (2012) xxx–xxx Con tents lis ts ava ilable at SciV erse ScienceDirect SensorsandActuatorsB:Chemical  j o u r na l h om e p a g e : Greenhousegasanalyzerformeasurementsof carbondioxide,methane, andwatervaporaboardanunmannedaerialvehicle ElenaS.F. Berman a,,MatthewFladeland b , JimmyLiem a ,RichardKolyer b ,ManishGupta a a LosGatos Res ear ch, 67 Eas t Eve lyn Ave, Suite 3, Mou ntain View, CA 94043,Unite d States b NASA Ame s Res ear ch Center, Mof fet t Fie ld, CA 940 35, Uni ted Sta tes articleinfo  Article history: Rec eived 20 Dec ember 2011 Rec eived in rev ise d for m 5 April 2012 Acc ept ed 10 Apr il 201 2 Available online xxx Keywords: Gree nhouse gas ICOS UAV Optica l sensor Carbo n dioxide Methane Wate r vapor abstract Acompact,lightweightatmosphericgasanalyzerhasbeenintegratedintoandownon t heNational AeronauticsandSpaceAdministration(NASA)SensorIntegratedEnvironmentalRemoteResearchAir- craft(SIERRA)unmannedaerialvehicle(UAV)anddeployedtomakehighlyaccurate,1 Hzmeasurements of methane,carbondioxide,andwatervapor.Theanalyzerwasusedtomeasuregasconcentrationsin ightandtodemonstratethesystemforprovidingmeasurementsataltitudesaslowas 10m andin remotelocations.TherstightswereconductedatCrowsLanding,CA,anagriculturalsite,withH 2 O concentrationsshowingdistinctstructureandsharpfeaturesthatwerewelloutsideof themeasurement noise.TheinstrumentwasthendeployedinSvalbard,NorwaypriortotheNASACharacterizationof Arctic Sea IceExperiment(CASIE).DuringtheSvalbardight,therewasminimalvariationintheCO 2 andCH 4 concentrations,butthewaterconcentrationchangeddramatically,oscillatingastheaircraft movedrepeatedlythroughits racetrackshapedightpattern.Theregionsof highwaterconcentration correspondedtolow-lyingareaswhichcollectrunoff fromthenearbyVestreBroggerbreenglacier.This novel,integratedinstrument-aircraftsystemallowsmorenumerousandefcientmeasurementsof car- bon dio xide, methane,andwatervaporconcentrationsatlow-altitudesandinremoteordangerous locations. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All r ights reserved. 1. Intr oduc ti on The ac cura te quan ti catio n of gr ee nhouse gases is cr itically impo rt ant for determining ho w the glob al environment is chang- ing, what dr ives these chan ges, and th e po te ntial co ns eq uences for human civili zat ion [1].Ideally, this quanti catio n is provided wi th hi gh accura cy , fast time re sponse, an d hi gh spat ia l resolu- ti on at relatively low cost. The three most impo rt ant gr eenhouse ga ses, in terms of abundance and cont ri bution to the gr eenhouse effe ct , ar e wa ter vapo r (H 2 O), carbon di ox ide (CO 2 ), and methane (CH 4 ). Water vapo r is the primar y dr iver behind the development of weath er syste ms. Moreo ver, it stro ngly absor bs terrestria l radia- tio n, and thu s provides str ongpositivefeedback of the greenhous e effect [1]. Altho ugh water vapor measurements are routi nely made by groun d-based stationsandenviro nment al monit oring satellites, more acc urate qua nti cation andspatialprecisionarerequiredfor climatemodel ing [2].Carbondioxideisthekeyspeciesintheatmo- spheri c carbon cycl e and has be en impl icat ed as the fo remost ga s responsi bl e for climate change. In order to bett er understand the gl ob al carbon cy cl e and pr edict future climate change, scientists Cor respon din g aut hor . Tel .: +1 650 965 7772x2 39; fax : +1 650 9657074. E-mai l addres s: [email protected] (E.S. F. Berma n). need to accura tely quanti fy the spat ia l and te mporal di st ri buti on of ca rbon di ox ide. Methane also pl ay s a critic al role in gl ob al cl i- ma te chan ge , wi th a global wa rming potential that is 72 ti mes lar ger tha n CO 2 in a 20 yearti me ho rizon [2].However,unl ike CO 2 , atmospheric methane is mor e dif cult to measure, oft en requir ing off -linelabora tor y ana lys is using a gas chr omatograph couple d toa ame ionization detec tor [3].Methane quant icat ion is impor tant in studyi ng the ca rbon cy cle where vert ic al pro ling an d hi gher re so lu tion pr ovide additional da ta on ke y methane source s and sinks. Currentl y, greenhouse gases ar e measur ed primar il y at a net- wo rk of atmo sp heric mo ni to ri ng site s arou nd the gl obe, such as the NOA A Mauna Loa Obs erv atory, which provide sin gle -lo cat ion mea sur eme ntsof gre enhouse gasconcen tra tio nsat theEarth ’ssur- face [2].Thesemeasu rement s are comple mented by satel lite- based soundingsystems whi chmeasure gre enhouse gas es in var iou s lay- er s of the atmos phe re such as the NASA Atmo sp heric Infr ar ed Sounder [4] andtheJAXAGOSATwhichmeasurestota l columncon- centra tions using infrared spect rosco py [5,6]. These measur ement str ate gie s have sev era l advant age s includ ing wid e glo balcovera ge and multi-species de te ction. However, as a complement to these measur ements,in situmonitoringwith higheraccuracy , faste r time response, and more spatial resoluti on is re quired for a more com- pl ete understanding of climat e change [7].Fo r example, current 092 5-4 005 /$ see frontmat ter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Please cite this article in press as: E.S.F. Berman, et al., Greenhouse gas analyzer formeasurements of carbondioxide,methane, andwater vaporaboard an unmanned aerial vehicle, Sens. Actuators B: Chem. (2012),


SNB-14074; No.of Pages8

Sensors andActuatorsB xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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Greenhouse gas analyzer for measurements of carbon dioxide, methane,and water vapor aboard an unmanned aerial vehicle

Elena S.F. Bermana,∗, Matthew Fladelandb, Jimmy Liema, Richard Kolyerb, Manish Guptaa

a LosGatos Research, 67 East EvelynAve, Suite 3, Mountain View, CA 94043,United Statesb NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 94035, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o

 Article history:

Received 20 December 2011Received in revised form 5 April 2012Accepted 10 April 2012Available online xxx


Greenhouse gasICOSUAVOptical sensorCarbon dioxideMethaneWater vapor

a b s t r a c t

A compact, lightweight atmospheric gas analyzer has been integrated into and flown on the NationalAeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Sensor Integrated Environmental Remote Research Air-craft (SIERRA)unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and deployed tomakehighly accurate, 1Hzmeasurementsof methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. The analyzer was used to measure gas concentrations inflight and to demonstrate the system for providing measurements at altitudes as low as 10m and inremote locations. The first flights were conducted at Crows Landing, CA, an agricultural site, with H2Oconcentrations showing distinct structure and sharp features that werewell outside of themeasurementnoise. The instrument was then deployed in Svalbard, Norway prior to the NASA Characterization of Arctic Sea Ice Experiment (CASIE). During the Svalbard flight, there was minimal variation in the CO2

and CH4 concentrations, but the water concentration changed dramatically, oscillating as the aircraftmoved repeatedly through its racetrack shaped flight pattern. The regions of high water concentrationcorresponded to low-lying areas which collect runoff from the nearby Vestre Broggerbreen glacier. Thisnovel, integrated instrument-aircraft system allows more numerous and efficient measurements of car-bon dioxide, methane, and water vapor concentrations at low-altitudes and in remote or dangerouslocations.

© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The accurate quantification of greenhouse gases is criticallyimportant for determining how the global environment is chang-ing, what drives these changes, and the potential consequencesfor human civilization [1]. Ideally, this quantification is providedwith high accuracy, fast time response, and high spatial resolu-tion at relatively low cost. The three most important greenhousegases, in terms of abundance and contribution to the greenhouseeffect, are water vapor (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane(CH4). Water vapor is the primary driver behind the developmentofweather systems.Moreover, it stronglyabsorbs terrestrial radia-

tion, and thus provides strongpositive feedback of thegreenhouseeffect [1]. Althoughwatervapormeasurements are routinelymadebyground-based stationsandenvironmentalmonitoringsatellites,more accurate quantification andspatial precisionare required forclimatemodeling [2]. Carbondioxideisthekeyspeciesintheatmo-spheric carbon cycle and has been implicated as the foremost gasresponsible for climate change. In order to better understand theglobal carbon cycle and predict future climate change, scientists

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 650965 7772x239; fax: +1 650 9657074.E-mail address: [email protected] (E.S.F. Berman).

need to accurately quantify the spatial and temporal distributionof carbon dioxide. Methane also plays a critical role in global cli-mate change, with a global warming potential that is 72 timeslarger than CO2 in a 20year timehorizon [2]. However, unlikeCO2,atmosphericmethane is more difficult tomeasure, often requiringoff-line laboratory analysis using a gaschromatograph coupled toaflame ionization detector [3]. Methane quantification is importantin studying the carbon cycle where vertical profiling and higherresolution provide additional data on key methane sources andsinks.

Currently, greenhouse gases are measured primarily at a net-work of atmospheric monitoring sites around the globe, such as

the NOAA Mauna Loa Observatory, which provide single-locationmeasurementsof greenhouse gasconcentrationsat theEarth’s sur-face [2]. Thesemeasurements arecomplemented bysatellite-basedsounding systemswhichmeasure greenhouse gases in various lay-ers of the atmosphere such as the NASA Atmospheric InfraredSounder [4] andtheJAXAGOSATwhichmeasurestotal columncon-centrations using infrared spectroscopy [5,6]. Thesemeasurementstrategies have several advantages includingwide global coverageand multi-species detection. However, as a complement to thesemeasurements, in situmonitoringwith higheraccuracy, faster timeresponse, and more spatial resolution is required for a more com-plete understanding of climate change [7]. For example, current

0925-4005/$ – see frontmatter© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Fig.1. Schematicof theunmannedaerialvehiclegreenhouse gasanalyzershowingthetop (a)bottom(c)and assembled(b) UAVGGA.The fullyassembledUAVGGAmeasuresapproximately 30.5cm×30.5cm×28cm and weighs 19.5 kg.

satellite instrumentation, like theMicrowaveLimb Sounder (MLS),provides a best-case 1.5 km of vertical resolution and 200km of horizontal resolution for water vapor measurements [8], which isinsufficient to resolve Stratospheric–Tropospheric exchange (STE)mechanisms (tropopause folding) [9–11]. Likewise, accurate verti-cal profiling is necessary to study large carbon sinks and sources(e.g. Amazon forest), where satellite data is insufficient for currentclimate modeling efforts [2]. Finally, in situ data can also be used

to provide verification of satellite observations.In the past, most such airbornemeasurements have beenmade

using comprehensive, large-scale, field campaigns on piloted air-craft, such as the DC-8, WB-57F, and ER-2 (e.g. [7,10–12]). In aneffort to make these measurements more efficient and cost effec-tive, research is underway to use smaller, unmanned aircraft [13].Thus, new instrumentation is required that can autonomouslymeasure greenhouse gases while meeting the size, weight, andpower limitations of UAV’s. Forexample, NASA’sSensor IntegratedEnvironmental Remote Research Aircraft (SIERRA) UAV is mid-size UAV with a 6.1m wing span, 3.6m long and 1.4m high.The SIERRA has a cruising speed of 28m/s and a maximum alti-tude of 3600m. The SIERRA can carry a 40kg payload measuring40.5cm×40.5cm×30.5cmand can provide upto 200Wofaircraft

power.In order tomeet these stringent requirements for autonomousairborne deployments, we have exploited near infrared Off-AxisIntegrated Cavity Output Spectroscopy (Off-Axis ICOS) [14,15].Briefly, Off-Axis ICOS employs a high-finesse optical cavity asan absorption cell for laser spectroscopic measurements. Thetechnique uses an off-axis trajectory of the laser beam throughthe optical cavity to produce an effective path length of severalkilometers, allowing sensitive spectroscopic measurements whileavoiding excessive noise due to constructive/destructive interfer-ences. The sensitivity of Off-Axis ICOS makes possible the accuratemeasurement of atmospheric quantities of H2O, CO2, and CH4 ina lightweight and miniaturized package suitable for UAV deploy-ment. Besides its high sensitivity, Off-Axis ICOS is also inherently

robust and self-calibrating. Since the pathlength only depends on

losses in the cavity and not on the exact beam alignment, it isnot necessary to stringently align the optical cavity or the inputbeam. This allows the Off-Axis ICOS technique to tolerate a veryhigh degree of mechanical vibration and promotes its use as aflight instrument (see [12] f or example). Moreover, this uniqueplatform permits self-calibration by rapidly switching the laser off and measuring the decay of light out of the cavity (similar to thewell-established technique of cavity ringdown spectroscopy) [16].

Due to the robustness and sensitivity of Off-Axis ICOS technology,researchers routinelymeasure absorptions as small as 10−10 cm−1

and have applied this technique to a variety of industrial and envi-ronmental problems [15].

In this report, we detail the development and deployment of aminiaturized sensor for quantification of H2O, CO2, and CH4 thatmeets the physical requirements for UAV operation aboard theNASA SIERRA.

2. System design and construction

TheUAVGreenhouse GasAnalyzer (GGA), schematically shownin Fig. 1, is based upon LosGatos Research’s Off-Axis ICOStechnol-ogy [15]. Theinstrumentisfabricatedontwo30.5cmsquareoptical

breadboards. The bottom breadboard houses power and gas han-dlingcomponents including the battery, inverter, switching powersupply, and2-headdiaphragmpump. Theinstrument uses a single,rechargeable Lithium-Polymer battery (Powerizer) that measures185mm×170mm×70mm, weighs 3.5 kg, and provides 560Whofcapacityat 11.1V (nominal).The instrument requiresabout70Wof power, so the battery is capable of continuously operating theunit for 8h, comparable to the typical SIERRA flight time. A 12Vinverter (PowerBright, Coral Springs, FL) is employed to transformthe battery voltage into 110 VAC with> 90% efficiency after whicha switching power supply (Condor Electronics, Sunnyvale, CA) isused totransformthe110VAC into allrequiredvoltages(e.g.±12V,+5V). A small, 2-head diaphragm pump (KNF Neuberger, Trenton,NJ) that measures 129mm×105mm×49mm, weighs 0.9kg, and

provides500sccmofflowis used todirectsampledgasthrough the

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SNB-14074; No.of Pages8

E.S.F.Bermanet al./ Sensors andActuators B xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 2. UAVgreenhouse gas analyzer (left)integrated into theSIERRAnoseconeready forflight (right). Theinstrument measures approximately 30.5 cm×30.5cm×28cm.

Off-Axis ICOS cavity. The cavity volume is approximately 400 cc,and the pump rate gives a flow response time at 18.7kPa of about9s. At the standard SIERRA cruise speed of 28m/s, this response

timecorresponds toanapproximately250mhorizontalresolution.A small voltage drivenswitch is included to activate thepump onlywhen the software is operational to save power.

The top breadboard houses the Off-Axis ICOS cavity, PC/104computer, laser driver boards, lasers, and pressure controller. TheOff-Axis ICOS subsystem includes the 2in. (5cm) diameter cav-ity, highly reflective, multi-layer dielectric mirrors (R=0.99995and 0.999925 at 1650nm and 1603nm, respectively), laser launchmount, and custom amplified InGaAs detector (3mm diameter).The laser launch mount is equipped with a custom launch blockthat enables 2 lasers to be simultaneously coupled into the cell,a 1650nm laser for CH4 measurements and a 1603nm laser forsimultaneous measurements of CO2 and H2O. The absorptionsdue to CO2 and H2O are well-separated in the spectrum near

1603nm, permitting simultaneous, separate measurements of thetwo species. The cavity is insulated to prevent thermal gradientsacross themeasurement. A 10k thermistor (Measurement Special-ties, Dayton, OH) andpressure gauge (Honeywell, Morristown, NJ)are inserted into thesampletomeasure gas temperature andpres-sure respectively. The entire system is operated by an onboardPC/104 computer. The system includes the processor board, dataacquisition card, interfacing board, and solid state hard drive fordata storage. The computer provides voltages to drive the lasers,reads the relevant signals (e.g. detector, temperature, and pres-sure), andstores themeasureddata to theharddrive forpost-flightanalysis. An external KVM can be connected to change the controlsettings or diagnose the analyzer’s operation.

Two custom, miniature laser driver boards are used to con-

trol the laser current and temperature. These parameters are usedto provide fine and coarse control over the laser operating fre-quency, respectively. The driver boards are also equipped with afast laser disable switch (<200ns) to permit rapid cavity ringdownmeasurements of effective pathlength. Based on cavity ringdownmeasurements, the optical path lengths through the cavity areapproximately 3000m at 1603nm and approximately 4000m at1650nm. The near-infrared distributed feedback diode lasers arehoused in a 14-pin butterfly package that is directly mountedonto the laser driver board. The laser temperatures are activelycontrolled via their internal thermo-electric coolers to maintainwavelength stability. The pressure in the cell is controlled atapproximately 18.4kPa via a proportional solenoid valve (ParkerHaniffin Pneutronics, Hollis, NH) that feeds back from thepressure

gauge. Note that the setpoint pressure is substantially lower than

theambient pressure forall SIERRAflight altitudes (i.e. 0–3600m),and the cell pressure is actively controlled throughout the flight.

The fully assembled UAV GGA is shown in Fig. 2a and mea-

suresapproximately30.5 cm×30.5cm×28cmandweighs19.5kg,allowing for it tofitwithin the SIERRAnosecone and displacemostof the ballast weight. The instrument contains no moving parts,other than the internalworkings of thediaphragmpump, allowingit to tolerate a high degree of mechanical vibration. Nevertheless,the topbreadboard is vibrationally isolated fromthebottombread-board using inlinevibrational isolatorswith tension springs (BarryControls,Hopkinton,MA). TheUAVGGAinterfaceswith theSIERRAnosecone via a baseplate allowing simple drop-in integrationwithfour anchor points. Thegas inlet line is routed through the bottomplateandfastenedto thebottomof thenoseconesuch that theinletgas stream is directed opposite theplane’s movement. This config-uration helps prevent particulates from entering the system andclogging the included filters. Fig. 2b shows the UAV Greenhouse

Gas Analyzer fully integrated into the SIERRAnosecone.

3. Results and discussion

 3.1. Laboratory testing 

Prior to flight, the UAV Greenhouse Gas Analyzer was labora-tory tested to determine its accuracy, precision, linearity, dynamicrange, and thermal stability. The instrument’s performance wastested for CO2 using a NIST-calibrated set of standards that spansfrom372to 944ppm CO2/air. Themeasured data (Fig. 3a) iswithinthe cylinder accuracy of ±1ppm (1 ), even for the highest molefraction,demonstratinghighaccuracy (defined as theresidual fromthe best fit line) and linearity (R2 =0.999994)over theatmospheric

range. Note that much higher levels of CO2 (e.g. >1%) can bemea-suredusingtheinstrumentwithappropriatenon-linearcalibration.The instrument’s performance on CH4 was determined by using 3calibrated gas cylinders containing mixtures that span from 1.738to 5.021ppm CH4/air. The results are shown in Fig. 3b and showthat the instrument is highly linear (R2 =0.999998)andaccurate to±1.7 ppb (1 ) over the atmospherically relevant range of CH4 con-centrations. The instrument’s performance was tested for watervapor bymeasuring the output of a dewpoint generator (LICOR LI-610). The measured data (Fig. 3c) is within the specified accuracyof the dewpoint generator (0.2 ◦C) and highly linear (R2 =0.99987)over the entire atmospheric range from7000 to 20,000ppm.

The instrument precision for CO2 and CH4 was determined bymeasuring a continuously flowing gas sample of constant com-

position from an air cylinder for approximately 8h at a 1Hz

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Fig. 3. (a) Measured carbon dioxide mole fractions versus the actual, certified cylinder value. The instrument is accurate and linear (R2 =0.999994) to better than thecylinder uncertainty (±1ppm) from 0 to 1000ppm. (b)Measured methane mole fractions versus the actual, certified cylinder value. The instrument is accurate and linear(R2 =0.999998) to ±1.7ppb (1 ) from 0 to 5ppm. (c) Measured water vapor concentrations versus the dewpoint generator value. The instrument is accurate and linear(R2 =0.99987) to betterthan thedewpoint generatoraccuracy (0.2 ◦C) from7000 to 20,000ppm.

measurement rate. The resulting Allan deviation plots are shownin Fig. 4. The 1Hzprecision for CO2 is±0.6 ppm (1 ) and improveswith averaging time, to a limit of ±0.08ppm (1 ) in 2000s. The1Hz precision for CH4 is ±2ppb (1 ) and the Allan deviation plotshows that betterprecision canbe readily obtainedby further aver-aging, reaching a limit of ±0.2 ppb (1 ) in 1000s. The instrumentprecision for H2O was determined by measuring the output of adewpoint generator for approximately 8h at a 1Hz measurementrate. The resultingAllan deviationplot is shown in Fig. 4c;the1Hz

precision is ±35ppm (1 ) and improves with averaging time to alimit of ±5ppm (1 ) in 100s.One of the presumed challenges of deploying instrumentation

aboard an UAV was the large ambient thermal excursion as theplanechangesaltitude.For example,priorto flight, thetemperaturein the SIERRA nosecone can reach 35 ◦C (depending on deploy-ment location) but, as the plane approaches itsmaximum altitudeof 3600m, the ambient temperature can be as low as 0–5 ◦C. Inorder to mimic these conditions, the analyzer was placed in anenvironmental test chamber and continuously measured a con-stant gas streamas theambient temperaturewasvaried. Note thatthe analyzer is not actively thermally controlled. The temperaturewas varied over 2.5 days: first the temperature was ramped overits extremes of 40 ◦C to −5 ◦C. Then, in order to emphasize the

expected highest-altitude cruising temperature, the temperature

was heldat 5 ◦C andfinallybrought back to room temperature (seeFig. 5).

The instrument readings show slight correlation with exter-nal temperature. Since the instrument constantly measures thegas temperature, a linear compensation factor can be readilyimplemented to account for gas temperature. The compensateddependence of the CO2 and CH4 readings on ambient temperatureis shown in Fig. 6; the readings change by less than ±0.36% and±0.37% (1 ) respectively over the entire −5 to 40 ◦C range. This

type of compensationschemehasbeen validated for the full atmo-spheric range of gas concentrations.However, duringflight testing(seeSection3.2) itwas found that theinternalgas temperaturevar-ied by a much smaller amount, reducing the temperature-relatedvariation of the concentration readings and eliminating the needfor temperature compensation.

 3.2. Flight deployments

The UAV Greenhouse Gas Analyzer was integrated into thenosecone of the SIERRA as shown in Fig. 2. Two separatedeployments demonstrated the airborne performance of the


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SNB-14074; No.of Pages8

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Fig. 4. The CO2 (a), CH4 (b), and H2O (c) Allan deviation plots show a 1Hz preci-sion of ±0.6 ppm (1 ) for CO2, ±2ppb(1 ) for CH4, and ±35ppm (1 ) for H2O anddemonstrate that the measurement uncertainty decreases with averaging time toa limit of ±0.08ppm (1 ) in2000s for CO2 , ±0.2ppb (1 ) in 1000s for CH4, and±5ppm(1 ) in 100s for H2O. Thedashedlines represent perfect averaging.

Fig. 5. Environmental chamber testing temperatureprofile designed to exceed theexpectedextremesandmimicthe highest-altitudecruisingtemperaturein theUAV.

 3.2.1. Crow’s Landing, California

Crows Landing is a 1500 acre (607ha) former NASA facility inStanislaus County, in a highlyagricultural area of thecentral valleyofCalifornia (Lat:37.4Lon:121.1). It isusedbyNASAforflighttest-ing of the SIERRA among other uses. The UAV GGA was flown forapproximately 40min around 6pm local time, 9 June 2009 (01:00

UTC,10June)duringwhichtimeCO2 andH2Odatawerecollectedata 1Hz data rate. During flight, internal gas temperature (30–35◦C)and pressure (18.36kPa±0.2%) remained in a very narrow range,and based on the findings of the laboratorymeasurements shownabove, should have a negligible effect on the measurements. Mea-sured dry CO2 mole fraction was relatively constant during theconstant altitude portion of the flight. Measured H2O vapor fluc-tuatedwith spatial position along the racetrackshapedflight path.The measured H2O vapor concentration was generally higher inthe more southerly regions of the flight path, possibly correlated

Fig. 6. Linearly compensated CO2 (a) and CH4 (b) concentrations fromthe analyzer,which is nottemperaturestabilized, as a function of gas temperature.Note that thereadings change less than 0.36% and 0.37% (1 ), respectively over the entire−5 to


C range.

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Please cite this article in press as: E.S.F. Berman, et al., Greenhouse gas analyzer formeasurements of carbondioxide, methane, andwater vaporaboard an unmanned aerial vehicle, Sens. Actuators B: Chem. (2012),


SNB-14074; No.of Pages8

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Fig. 7. Aerial photo taken a few days prior to the test flight showing the locationsof theairstrip, glacier, andglacialrunoff collection area.

with agricultural activity such as increased irrigation. CH4 was notmeasured during this flight.

 3.2.2. Svalbard, Norway

The Svalbard archipelago is located midwaybetween mainlandNorway and theNorth Pole andprimarily consists of arcticwilder-

ness. The area of the Svalbard deployment near Ny Ålesund (Lat:78.9 Lon: 11.9) is shown in an aerial photograph in Fig. 7 taken afew days prior to the test flight. In the photograph one can see theshoreline, airstrip, andVestreBroggerbreen glacier. Thearea to thesouth of the runway is a collection area for glacial runoff.

The UAV GGA was integrated into SIERRA prior to the NASACharacterization of ArcticSea IceExperiment(CASIE) andoperatedfor approximately 45min on the groundwhile the plane was pre-pared and taxied, around 06:00UTC, 11 July 2009. The SIERRA wasthen flown for approximately 25min in a racetrack shaped flightpath traversed 8 times during which the analyzer measured CO2,CH4, and H2O mole fractions at 1Hz. The internal gas tempera-ture (21.8–22.5 ◦C) andpressure (18.36kPa±0.2%)againremainedin a very narrow range during flight, and should have a negligi-ble effect on the measurements. The measured CH

4mole fraction

is relatively stable throughout the short flight and consistent withNOAA and Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) measure-ments (Fig. 8). NOAAscientists collect flasksamples approximatelyweekly at Zeppelin Station (475m ASL) near Ny Ålesund, Norwayand measure greenhouse gasses from these flasks, including CH4

Fig. 8. Measured CH4 mole fraction is relatively stableduring theflightin Svalbard,Norway andis consistent with levelsmeasured by NOAA scientists from flasksam-ples taken at the Zeppelin station the day after the flight (dashed line) [18] andmeasurements taken by the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (marker) [data

courtesy of NILU].

Fig. 9. Measured CO2 mole fraction (dry) shows large spikes due to sampling of engine exhaust prior to takeoff. During the flight in Svalbard, Norway (inset) CO2

mole fraction is relatively stable and is consistent with levels measured by NOAAscientists from flask samples taken at the Zeppelin station the day after the flight(dashed line) [17] and hourly samples taken by researchers from Stockholm Uni-

versity (marker) [data courtesy of StockholmUniversity].

Fig. 10. Water vapor mole fraction measured with the UAV GGA fluctuates withspatial position along the racetrack shapedflight path (4 traversals) as seen super-imposed on a satellite map of the Svalbard flight area. The areas of high waterconcentration correspond to low-lying areas which collect runoff from the nearbyVestre Broggerbreen glacier. Satellite images© GoogleMaps, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye,Norwegian Polar Institute. Mapproduced by GPS Visualizer.

and CO2, at the NOAA laboratories in Boulder, Colorado [17,18].The NOAA measured CH4 mole fraction the day after the flight isshown by the dashed line in Fig. 8 [18]. In the twoweeks immedi-ately surrounding theflight, theCH4 levels at thesite are relativelyconstant, changing by a maximum of 8ppb [18]. The NorwegianInstitute for Air Research measures CH4 on an hourly basis usingan automated GC at the Zeppelin Station; the CH4 mole fractionmeasured at the flight time is shown by the marker in Fig. 8 [datacourtesy of NILU].

The measured CO2 (dry mole fraction) shows large spikes priorto takeoff due to sampling of engine exhaust (Fig. 9). Duringflight,mole fractions are relatively stable at expected ambient levelsand consistent with the NOAA measurement taken the day afterthe flight (dashed line) [17] and hourly data taken by researchers

fromtheDepartmentof AppliedEnvironmental Science, Stockholm

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Please cite this article in press as: E.S.F. Berman, et al., Greenhouse gas analyzer formeasurements of carbondioxide, methane, andwater vaporaboard an unmanned aerial vehicle Sens Actuators B: Chem (2012) http://dx doi org/10 1016/j snb 2012 04 036


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8 E.S.F. Bermanet al./ Sensors andActuators B xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Matthew Fladeland is a research scientist at NASA Ames Research Center servingas theAirborneScienceManagerwithintheEarthScienceDivision.Heis theprojectmanager forthe SIERRAUAV flight project andis interested in theuse of unmannedaircraft as platforms to support and complement NASA satellite observations andmeasurements. Mr. Fladeland received his Masters degree from the Yale Schoolof Forestry and Environmental Studies and served as a Presidential ManagementFellowat NASA Headquarters prior to takinga position at Ames Research Center.

 Jimmy Soeseno Liem is a mechanical design engineer who has over 20 years of experience in product development and manufacturing. His experience includesdesigning automation for assembly lines, developing test/measurement products

involving ultra-precise mechanical and optical designs, and managing technicaloperations of multi-discipline and cross-department projects. Presently, he servesas Vice Presidentof Operations at LosGatosResearch. Hereceiveda MastersDegreein Mechanical Engineering from University ofWisconsin in 1990.

RichardKolyer is a payload integration specialistwithNASA AmesResearchCenter.He has extensive experience in thefields of in situ and remote sensing instrumentdesign & payload integration on both manned and unmanned aircraft. He is cur-rently the SIERRAUAV avionics lead and payload integration manager. His currentinterests center on developing medium class unmanned aircraft for use in remoteand dangerous environments.

ManishGuptais theVice-President ofR&D atLGR anda pioneer inthe developmentand applicationof cavity-enhancedoptical absorptiontechniques to gas, liquid, andfibersensing.Hehasover 18yearsof experience inlaser spectroscopyandhas servedas PI on over 20 projects funded by EPA, DoD, NASA, NSF, and DOE. Dr. Gupta has

helpeddevelopeda suiteof Off-AxisICOS instrumentationforenvironmental, indus-trial, medical, andmilitaryapplications. Prior to joining LGR,Dr. Gupta received hisPh.D. in Physical Chemistry from Harvard University anda postdoctoral fellowshipfromStanfordUniversity.