Berkshire Pennysaver

ere’s Something In It For You! September 8, 2010 editorial email [email protected] advertising email [email protected] Editorial Deadline: 20th at noon the month before publication. Classified Deadline: September 20, 2010 Display Deadline: September 20, 2010 Auto ....................................... 13 Business Directory ................ 13 Classifieds ................................ 2 Help Wanted .......................... 16 Real Estate ............................. 14 Healthy Living ......................... 6 Founders’ Day.......................... 8 Penny Saver Berkshire ������������������ �� ���� �������������������������������� ������������


Berkshire Pennysaver, 9/10

Transcript of Berkshire Pennysaver

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There’s Something In It For You! September 8, 2010

editorial [email protected]

advertising [email protected]

Editorial Deadline:20th at noon

the month before publication.

Classified Deadline:September 20, 2010

Display Deadline: September 20, 2010

Auto ....................................... 13

Business Directory ................ 13

Classifieds ................................ 2

Help Wanted .......................... 16

Real Estate ............................. 14

Healthy Living ......................... 6

Founders’ Day .......................... 8

Penny SaverBerkshire













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2 Berkshire Penny Saver September 8, 2010

800.234.1432Classifieds 800.234.1432

editorial [email protected]

advertising [email protected]

Renee Tassone, General ManagerLinda Devlin, Circulation ManagerSarah Masiero, Advertising SalesCarrie Devlin, Advertising Sales

Brian Dempsey, Advertising SalesMelissa Miller, Art Director

Mary A. Garcia, ArtistJen Hathaway, Artist

Chris Sobolowski, Artist

Deadline*:20th of Prior Month

*Deadlines will change due to Holidays. See special deadline notices

published before major holidays.

Submission Guidelines: Those wishing to submit event listings or editorial content may email [email protected].

Notice: The Berkshire Penny Saver will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the sole right to edit, revise, or reject any and all advertising, with or without cause being assigned, which in the publisher’s judgement is contrary to the interests of this publication. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher.

©2008, Hersam Acorn Newspapers. All contents of the Berkshire Penny Saver News are copyrighted, and any reproduction without permission is prohibited.

Martin Hersam, Chief Operating OfficerThomas B. Nash, Publisher

Penny SaverBerkshire

I refuse to believe that it is the end of summer. Leaves are already starting to change and I even drove by a vegetable stand over the week-end that had an entire wagon filled with pumpkins. I couldn’t believe it, but they must be growing early like everything else has been due to the wonderful weather we have been having.

I have a hard time enjoying fall because I know winter is not far behind. Did any of you see Mars over the last few weeks? They say we will not see it again for over 200 years - amazing. My husband and I have spent many nights this summer sitting on our deck by the pool admiring the stars, the moon and now Mars. It makes you wonder about so much, like life on other planets, how the universe began and how little we all mean in the whole scheme of things.

You may all be happy to hear that things are finally starting to get back to normal. My husband was released to go back to work after being out for 11 weeks. He had to find two neurologists to overturn the original diagnosis of a seizure. Basically, the UPS doctor needed another doctor to be responsible if something else happens in the future. I hope we never have to deal with him again. He has full control over people’s livelihood; it made us feel completely help-less.

I have also been able to get my Celiac under control, which has been a challenge. It seems almost impos-sible to completely eliminate gluten. I have had two instances of ingesting gluten by accident by cross con-tamination and I suffered for about 4 weeks each time. I even had to undergo additional testing because they thought maybe Celiac was not the full diagnosis, but everything turned up fine and found out that I was

feeling so terrible because I had gluten in my system. It has been tough to attend parties, weddings and eating out (which I love to do), I envy the people that can look over a menu and have so many options that they can-not decide what to order. When I look over a menu I am lucky to have two or three options and they usually are not dishes that would be at the top of my list on a nor-mal day. I also have to make sure I am prepared every time I leave my house. I keep gluten free salad dressing and soy sauce in my car along with some snacks. I even had to smuggle a cooler filled with gluten free beer into a wedding a few weeks ago. Imagine going to a wedding and not being able to have a drink or two. If that is what I need to do to feel better then I will continue to do it. Unfortunately it is a life-long disease so I guess I better get used to living this way. I guess I shouldn’t complain. It could be worse.

Speaking of worse, one of my husband’s cousins passed away this week from Leukemia. Such a horrible disease. She fought the courageous battle for 20 months, unfortunately the Leukemia won in the end. She was an incredible woman. It was amazing to see the number of lives she touched. Her philosophy was that life is too short to be mad, so be patient with one another. I agree with that philosophy, life is definitely too short. The older I get the faster time goes. For example, we just brought our daughter back to college for her final year, and it seems like yesterday we were bringing her there for the first time. So enjoy the remainder of your summer. Have fun and soak up as much sunshine as you can. Get out and enjoy the fun events that are still going on for the whole family; fairs, Lee Founder’s Day, Irish Festival and Garlic Festival in Bennington and many more.

I hope you enjoy our Lee Founder’s Day section, which has the schedule and history. As always, we encourage your feedback. Feel free to send us your press releases to [email protected] or [email protected].

Renee Tassone, General Manager

Renee Tassone, General Manager

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4 Berkshire Penny Saver September 8, 2010

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6 Berkshire Penny Saver September 8, 2010

• HEALTHY LIVING •How You Can Tell the Difference

Between Allergy and a Cold (ARA) - A visit with your doctor is the best way to determine

whether you have a cold or an allergy. While allergy symptoms and cold symptoms are very similar, there are some signs to look for if you want to know the difference.

1. Take a look at the color of your nasal discharge, mucous or saliva. Both allergies and colds cause a runny nose, but for cold sufferers, the discharge is usually green or brown - which is a sign of an infection. “If the mucous is clear - it is probably an allergy,” says Dr. Carl Wurster, chair, Allied Health Department, at Brown Mackie College - Boise. The allergy comes from an allergen, while the cold indicates exposure to a virus.

2. Allergy sufferers do not generally have to deal with body pain, but if you have a headache and feel lots of aches and pains, it’s probably a cold. If you have a viral cold, you’ll also experience fatigue and a severe sore throat. “A mild sore throat may accompany an allergy, but with a cold you could lose your voice and have hoarseness. It is rare to be hoarse with allergies and lose your voice,” adds Wurster.

3. Check your calendar and keep track of how long you’ve been sneez-ing or feeling sick. A cold can last up to two weeks. Allergies are often seasonal, especially if the trigger comes from grass or tree pollen. “If your allergy comes from something inside your house like mold or dust

the symptoms can be constant or come and go - depending on the exposure level to the indoor aller-gy source,” says Wurster. “Allergy sufferers may also have nosebleeds because pollen gets deposited inside the front of nose which triggers the sneeze reflex. Sometimes allergy sufferers have a line across the tip if their nose and puffiness under their lower eyelids because of heparin (a substance naturally generated from the white cells of the body),” he says.

4. If your eyes, nose, throat or mouth itch, it’s a sure bet that you are reacting to some kind of allergen which can come from pollen or even an allergen in the workplace or on a college campus. If your allergy stems from something in your workplace, some industries have set up “clean rooms,” where employees wear “clean suits” in highly-sterile rooms. Some employees feel claustrophobic in clean rooms, but people with allergies tend to like it.

“With allergies, you will run a low-grade fever of 100.1 or 100.2 F. With the viral or bacterial cold your temperature will be a degree higher - 103 or 104 F,” says Wurster. Hay fever is the old term for allergies “because you get symptoms of a cold with a low grade fever,” Wurster says. The average person does not know whether their sickness is viral, bacterial or the result of an allergen.

“Allergy sufferers should consider using antihistamines at night (Benadryl),” Wurster says. “A cold will not respond to an antihistamine. Claritin and Afrin would be effective during the day because they don’t cause drowsiness. Take a decongestant to prevent mucous from build-ing up in your sinuses.”

Not being able to sleep at night is another sign of an allergy. “You should elevate yourself on a bunch of pillows to get the drainage of fluid out of your head to help you fall asleep,” says Wurster.

Wurster says there is one good thing about having allergies. “Allergy sufferers are genetically-coordinated with high intelligence.” He added that “the peak incidence of allergies can be absent from the onset of puberty to the mid-20s, but can show up when the patient is in their 30s and late 40s.”

For cold sufferers, the key is to visit your physician because you may need antibiotics. Try to avert getting a cold. “When it first starts, rinse your nose out with salt water four to five times a day. It can prevent a bacterial cold and treat sinus infections,” he says.

“For some people with allergies, mucous gets backed up in their sinuses which serves as fertile ground for bacterial culture. What could have been a two-to three-day allergy can turn into sinusitis, bronchitis or a cold which includes congestion and the risk of an upper respiratory virus infection,” says Wurster who added, “It’s important to visit your doctor to see if your lungs are clear.”

Courtesy of ARAcontent








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8 Berkshire Penny Saver September 8, 2010

• FOUNDERS’ DAY 2010 •

The Founding of Lee Founders’ Weekend

- Mary L. McGinnis

The Town of Lee, Massachusetts will be celebrating its 16th “Lee Founders’ Weekend” festival September 24, 25 and 26. The weekend is filled with many wonderful events starting with the always popular “Taste of Lee” on Friday, September 24 up and down its Main Street. Local restaurants cover the sidewalks with samples of their specialties selling them for a minimal fee to “taste testers.” Music fills the street

bringing back old time favorites from days gone by. It’s a good time to see friends and neighbors you have missed all summer, and a great time to kick off the fall with Lee’s very own birthday party. Lee was incorporated as a town in October 1777. The original Lee Founders’ Weekend was in October, but given the fact that by October, the weather can become a little risky for the many outdoor events held during this celebration, the date was moved up a few weeks earlier, to the last week-end in September. In 1995, the then President of the Lee Chamber of Commerce, Pat LaChappelle, came up with the idea of this birthday party for the town. She named it “Lee Founders’ Weekend” in honor of all those decendants who made Lee the town it is today; a thriving

destination point and known as “The Gateway of the Berkshires.” With a historical theme in mind, she spearheaded the project of organizing the local businesses to financially support and partici-pate in the weekend-long celebra-tion. This weekend includes liv-ing history exhibits, food, music, lectures, art shows, a parade, and much, much more. Come to Lee the last weekend in September and join in on all the festivities, you’ll be glad you did!


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An Extraordinarily Enjoyable Quaint Magazine for Otis & Beyond

E-Subscribe for free on-line Read it in Print Subscriptions $20

Send to Otis Gazette, Otis, MA 01253-0800

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10 Berkshire Penny Saver September 8, 2010

• FOUNDERS’ DAY 2010 •

Friday, September 24• Founders’ Weekend begins • Main Street Sidewalk Sales from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.• Creative Lee Annual Art Show featuring work by Lee artists in the Lee Library Gallery. Preview and refreshments from 3 to 5 p.m..• “Taste of Lee” from 5 to 8 p.m. • 4 p.m. Moonshone Holler to perform at the Park. Sponsored by the Lee Cultural Council• Housatonic Philharmonic sponsored by Trustco

Bank at Dresser Hull Lumber, Windows and Doors, Main Street from 6 to 8 p.m.• Carr Hardware hosting supervised Bounce House, 4 to 8 p.m.• Tri-Town Rotary and Lee Chamber Duck Race tick-ets on sale in front of Greylock Federal Credit Union.

Saturday, September 25

• Sidewalk Sales down Main Street• 10th Annual Creative Lee Art show in the Lee Library Gallery• VFW Hometown Parade down Main Street, 11 a.m.• Terry a la Berry perfroms pon the Library Lawn, 1:30 p.m.• Lee Congregational Church Tag Sale in Fellowship Hall 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.• Italian Fest under the tent in the Park from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. • Richard Fabozi’s musical tribute to Dean, Frank, Tony and the like at Italian Fest, sponsored by Applegate Inn.• Lion’s Club Eye Mobile, park driveway

Founders’ Weekend 2010 Schedule
























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• FOUNDERS’ DAY 2010 •

• Lee Boy Scouts, Troop 3 grilling hamburgs, hot dogs and sausages at Kelly Funeral Home• Lee Cub Scouts, Pack 45 selling popcorn at Lee Power• Carr Hardware hosting supervised Bounce House, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., also serving Barbecued bratwurst, hamburgers, beans and chips on sale following parade and while supplies last. All proceeds to benefit Lee Visiting Nurse Association.• Lee Historial Society display of Lee memorabilia and sale of articles related to Lee, and a raffle• Lee Visiting Nurse Association Blood pressures, health counseling, and telemonitor demonstra-tions all day• Lee Main Street Historic Walking Tour with Caroline Young, 2 p.m. meet at the Chamber Information Booth • Lee Cultural Council presents Robin O’Herin ( singing the blues in front of Cakewalk• Festival Latino in the Park 4 to 8 p.m. food, music, dancing, multi-cultural celebration

Sunday, September 26

• 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Lee Kiwanis Club at Saint Mary’s School• Lion’s Club Eye Mobile, park driveway• Carr Hardware host-ing supervised Bounce House, 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.• 1 p.m. The Eagles Band performs under the tent• 1:30 p.m. Duck Race Launch Listing is not comprehen-sive of all events.








FRIDAY5pm to 8pm

During The Taste of Lee we will be serving the following homemade special� es in

front of Greylock Co� age on Main Street:

Bu� ernut Squash Riso� o, Gnocchi, Sausage, Peppers & Onions, Pasta Fagioli, Bu� ernut Squash Soup, Chili,

Hot Mulled Cider, Mini Italian Pastries, Gelato and other sweet treats!

SATURDAY12pm to 10pm

Meet us on our lawn - Bring your blankets & chairs for a party! Join us for food, spirits, live bands including the Jill Gallagher

Band, Guilty Pleasures and the Schaefer Brothers!

MENU: Burgers, Hot & Sweet Sausage, Sauteed Peppers & Onions, Steamers, Bu� ernut Squash Riso� o and Hot

Dogs, Pulled Pork, Shrimp Skewers, Beer, Wine, So� Drinks, and more!

KIDS: Bouncy Bounce • Co� on Candy

ALBERTO’S at The Grind62 West Center Street, Lee, MA


51 Park Street • Lee, MA 01238 • (413) 243-2153

TOWN OF LEE Founders’ Weekend!FRIDAY for the Taste of Lee, we’ll

be in front of the Greylock Bank

Saturday, September 25 12-6pm After the parade, join us for Live Music on the Porch!

- Regular Menu Available -

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