Benificial Insects

132 MAXIMUM YIELD USA - September 2009 Nathan Jackson, Nature's Control Green Lacewing Larvae MY: What are the benefits of using insects as a pest control? Nathan: We have poisoned our environment with pesticides for decades. It has caused cancer and death in fish, birds, wildlife and humans. Mother Nature has controlled insect pests for thousands of years with beneficial insects. Aside from the environmental and health benefits of using predatory insects over insecticides, they also work extremely well. Rather than spraying over and over again, you can release Hired Bugs into your grow room or greenhouse and let them do all the hard work. They have evolved to feed on specific insects, and their goal in life is to eat as many pests as they can find. Not only do they get rid of the adult pests, but they also feed on the eggs which often are not killed by sprays. MY:What varieties of pests can be found in an indoor growing environment that can be killed off with beneficial insects? Nathan: Probably the most common pest found indoors is spider mites. Nearly all experienced growers recognize the fine Maximum Yield sits down with Nathan Jackson of Nature’s Control, to discuss the benefits of beneficial insects in an indoor growing environment? YOU TELL US 132 MAXIMUM YIELD USA - September 2009 1: Two Spot Spider Mite 2: Spider Mite Predator 1 2


132 MAXIMUM YIELD USA - September 2009 132 MAXIMUM YIELD USA - September 2009 Nathan Jackson, Nature's Control Green Lacewing Larvae 1 2 1: Two Spot Spider Mite 2: Spider Mite Predator

Transcript of Benificial Insects

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Nathan Jackson, Nature's Control Green Lacewing Larvae

MY: what are the benefits of using insects as a pest control?

Nathan: We have poisoned our environment with pesticides for decades. It has caused cancer and death in fish, birds, wildlife and humans.

Mother Nature has controlled insect pests for thousands of years with beneficial insects. Aside from the environmental and health benefits of using predatory insects over insecticides, they also work extremely well. Rather than spraying over and over again, you can release Hired Bugs into your grow room or greenhouse and let them do all the hard work.

They have evolved to feed on specific insects, and their goal in life is to eat as many pests as they can find. Not only do they get rid of the adult pests, but they also feed on the eggs which often are not killed by sprays.

MY:what varieties of pests can be found in an indoor growing environment that can be killed off with beneficial insects?

Nathan: Probably the most common pest found indoors is spider mites. Nearly all experienced growers recognize the fine

Maximum Yield sits down with Nathan Jackson of Nature’s Control, to discuss the benefits of beneficial insects in an indoor growing environment?


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1: Two Spot Spider Mite 2: Spider Mite Predator



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"Double Death" Predator Nematodes

webbing and yellow-speckling on the leaves these nasty little mites create. There are numerous predators that eat spider mites, the most popular being the group referred to as Spider Mite Predators. Other pests commonly found indoors include thrips, aphids, whiteflies, mealy bugs and fungus gnats, all of which can be controlled with beneficial insects.

MY: what are the different varieties of hired bugs available and what can they do to help eliminate a pest problem?

Nathan: Spider Mite Predators are used to attack spider mites. These small mites eat both spider mite adults and eggs. There are different types available; however, our most popular is a Triple Threat mixture of three different varieties. Spider Mite Destroyers can also be introduced in conjunction with the predators.

Ladybugs, green lacewings and pirate bugs are considered general feeders. They eat many different types of insects making them a good choice for rooms with unidentified pests, rooms with multiple pests or for prevention.

Predatory nematodes are used to attack soil pests. They will go after nearly any pest in the top six inches of soil and work well against fleas, thrips and fungus gnats.

Ladybug eating aphids

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There are many predators that attack specific pests. They only go after one type of insect, but they do it very efficiently. Whitefly parasites, whitefly predators, aphid parasites, aphid predators, mealy bug destroyers, thrips predators, caterpillar parasites, fungus gnat predators and housefly parasites all attack one specific group of pests.

MY: How are the “hired bugs” reared or cared for prior to being shipped off to “work”?

Nathan: Ladybugs are collected in the wild while on their migration. They are stored in refrigeration to encourage them to go dormant. They are then cleaned, packaged and shipped. Most of our Hired Bugs are reared in large greenhouses called insectaries. Great care must be taken to prevent contamination and ensure the breeding population stays healthy.

When they leave the insectary they are packaged in Styrofoam with ice packs to ensure they arrive healthy and ready to eat.

MY: Ladybugs have long since been known as a natural pest control agent. But, how do they work in an indoor growing environment compared to outdoors in their natural environment?

Nathan: Ladybugs are probably the most widely recognized predator on the planet. They are general feeders, but their real preference is aphids.

Outdoors they can travel over many miles, eating thousands of aphids and other small soft bodied insects along their journey. They are an inexpensive and effective way to rid your outdoor garden of pests. They work indoors as well. They crawl in and around the plants eating as they go. They have been known to fly into lights, so it is best to use glass on your hoods. They are very good escape artists, so in greenhouses or rooms with lots of ventilation it can help to put window screen over any openings. In the winter the ladybugs are older and more mature, which increases the chances of them breeding and laying eggs in your room. The ladybug larvae that hatch out are extremely predatory and are the best aphid control you can find.

MY: what happens to the “hired bugs” once the pest populations die off?

Nathan: When all the pests are gone the Hired Bugs move on to find tasty bugs to eat in other areas.


Praying Mantis