Benefits Of Sambal Sauce

Benefits Of Sambal Sauce

Transcript of Benefits Of Sambal Sauce

Benefits Of Sambal Sauce

About Sambal Sauce

Sambal is a spicy sauce based on relish or chili which is famous in some countries located in Southeast Asia,

particularly Indonesia, Malaysia and other exotic countries. This sauce is made of pureed or ground chilies

and also may include little amounts of different ingredients such as shallots, citrus juice, salt, fruit, sugar

and a mix of other spices

Various Benefits Of Sambal Sauce

Health Benefits

Improve The Blood Circulation

Foods with sambal

Ingredients Sambal Sauces

Recipe Of Sambal Sauce

1. Eight small sized onions chopped into pieces or ten finely chopped shallots.2. Five cloves of sliced garlic.3. One stalk of finely sliced lemongrass. Only the bottom three inches of the stalk should be used.4. Seven or eight red chilies. Slice the chilies after removing the seeds.5. Three tea spoon of chili powder or ten dried chili that is soaked in hot water for five minutes.6. Half ounce of tamarind. The tamarind should be first soaked in a cup and then the juice should be poured through a strainer.7. Three table spoon of sugar.8. Two table spoon of turmeric powder.9. Salt, according to taste.

Sambal Sauce Makes Your Food Testier

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