Benefits of Red Rice

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  • 8/10/2019 Benefits of Red Rice


    Benefits of Red Riceby Norma Chew, Demand Media

    OverviewRed rice, also called Chinese red yeast rice, is derived from yeast (Monascuu purpureus) grown

    on rice. ccording to Medline!lus, monacolins in red yeast rice wor" to inhibit cholesterolformation. Monacolin # is a powerful component that inhibits $M%&Co reductase, a group of

    prescription drugs used to lower cholesterol. Monocolin # is also called 'ovastatin. Red rise

    may benefit people with high cholesterol, coronary artery disease or diabetes. a"e herbalremedies under the advice and supervision of a professional health care provider.

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    Can Lower High Cholesterol

    +n 2673, human studies reported red rice8s effect on lowering the blood levels of total cholesterol.

    he active ingredient in red rice is monacolin #. +t is similar to lovastatin in the prescription drugcholesterol&lowering drug, Mevacor. ccording to 9Medtv, the :nited tates ood and Drug

    dministration has ruled that because lovastatin is a prescription drug, any red yeast rice

    supplement with a significant dosage of lovastatin is an unapproved drug and not a dietarysupplement. Don8t ta"e red rice if you have liver disease, are pregnant, or are younger than 2;.

    ide effects include gas, heartburn and di

  • 8/10/2019 Benefits of Red Rice


    substitute for treating diabetes. he results suggest that oral administration of $on&?i may lower

    blood glucose in diabetic rats lac"ing insulin.