Benefits of Elder Care Products

Commode Stool: A Necessity to Ensure Safety and Comfort Caring for an aging parent or elderly presents difficult challenges. Elderly are at a vulnerable stage of their life. They often face multiple health problems and loss of physical function. Seniors need the support and care of family members. They often face difficulty expressing their needs, preferences and desires, so they need someone to proponent for them. Commode chairs and other mobility products have come a long way to senior people to achieve independence. It is necessary to help people become as independent as possible for doing their day to day activities. The Role of Commode Stool in Everyday Life 1. Everybody has to face elder care issues in their lifetimes. One common problem that older people experience is falls. One of the most important things that can help someone with mobility problems is to encourage physical activity. Reduced movability is a common problem faced by senior people as well as patients with physical disability. 2. These stools are best option for people who are not able to use a regular toilet. The chairs are the best way to assist who have limited movability due to an accident or any medical condition. The chair enables patients to use the toilet without causing discomfort to the back and legs. It can be setup next to the bedside for ease and comfort. 3. Folding commode is convenient and portable with wheels. It can be folded easily and require minimum storage space. They are fairly comfortable and are equipped with back and arm rest that can be removed whenever needed. Patients who are recovering from surgery and face difficulty in standing up can easily move from the wheelchair to the stool without requiring any support. 4. You naturally do not have control over accidents. Moreover, accidents can happen to anyone at anytime. Remember that bathroom is the place where most of the household accidents occur. Many elders concerned with toileting issues due to increased urinary frequency and urgency. It is best option for night use as it can be placed close to the bed. Senior people with reduced movability would also consider it beneficial during the daytime due to ease of access. 5. It is basically a movable toilet which does not utilize running water. This is the best alternative for senior people or patients whose mobility is affected by certain medical condition. By using this tool, people with such conditions can now perform their activities at the bedside which otherwise they do using a traditional bathroom. Everyone would reach a time in their lives where they would need to rely on others to assist in their day to day activities. Every person in their old age needs someone to take care of them. They need support because of physical and medical conditions associated with aging, limited mobility, impaired vision, diabetes and certain other health complications. Since bathroom is one of the dangerous place for the elderly. Mobility products ensure safety in the home and prevent fall especially in the bathroom. So using a portable commode stool allows elderly and patients to maintain safe and independent lifestyle.

Transcript of Benefits of Elder Care Products

Page 1: Benefits of Elder Care Products

Commode Stool: A Necessity to Ensure Safety and Comfort

Caring for an aging parent or elderly presents difficult challenges. Elderly are at a vulnerable stage of their life. They often face multiple health problems and loss of physical function. Seniors need the support and care of family members. They often face difficulty expressing their needs, preferences and desires, so they need someone to proponent for them. Commode chairs and other mobility products have come a long way to senior people to achieve independence. It is necessary to help people become as independent as possible for doing their day to day activities.

The Role of Commode Stool in Everyday Life

1. Everybody has to face elder care issues in their lifetimes. One common problem that older people experience is falls. One of the most important things that can help someone with mobility problems is to encourage physical activity. Reduced movability is a common problem faced by senior people as well as patients with physical disability.

2. These stools are best option for people who are not able to use a regular toilet. The chairs are the best way to assist who have limited movability due to an accident or any medical condition. The chair enables patients to use the toilet without causing discomfort to the back and legs. It can be setup next to the bedside for ease and comfort.

3. Folding commode is convenient and portable with wheels. It can be folded easily and require minimum storage space. They are fairly comfortable and are equipped with back and arm rest that can be removed whenever needed. Patients who are recovering from surgery and face difficulty in standing up can easily move from the wheelchair to the stool without requiring any support.

4. You naturally do not have control over accidents. Moreover, accidents can happen to anyone at anytime. Remember that bathroom is the place where most of the household accidents occur. Many elders concerned with toileting issues due to increased urinary frequency and urgency. It is best option for night use as it can be placed close to the bed. Senior people with reduced movability would also consider it beneficial during the daytime due to ease of access.

5. It is basically a movable toilet which does not utilize running water. This is the best alternative for senior people or patients whose mobility is affected by certain medical condition. By using this tool, people with such conditions can now perform their activities at the bedside which otherwise they do using a traditional bathroom.

Everyone would reach a time in their lives where they would need to rely on others to assist in their day to day activities. Every person in their old age needs someone to take care of them. They need support because of physical and medical conditions associated with aging, limited mobility, impaired vision, diabetes and certain other health complications. Since bathroom is one of the dangerous place for the elderly. Mobility products ensure safety in the home and prevent fall especially in the bathroom. So using a portable commode stool allows elderly and patients to maintain safe and independent lifestyle.

Page 2: Benefits of Elder Care Products

Incontinence: Do Not Embarrass, It is Time to Fight Back

Incontinence is the inability to control the bladder or bowel. It is not just a problem for older people but

it also affects men and women of any age. It should not be considered normal rather it can often be a

sign of other health problems. It is important that you get medical help to find out the cause so you can

be given the right treatment. Urinary incontinence is loss of bladder control. It happens to anyone, but it

becomes more common with elderly. Most bladder control problems occur when muscles are too weak

or too active.

Types of Incontinence

1. Stress: It is the symptom of loss of urine when pressure within the abdomen increases. It is usually

described as the involuntary loss of urine while sneezing, coughing, lifting heavy objects, or

laughing. The action that may trigger such condition includes a sudden cough, sneezing, laughing,

heavy lifting and exercise.

2. Urge: It is the condition when bladder is either unstable or overactive. It is caused by the sudden

involuntary contraction of the muscular wall of the bladder that causes urinary urgency. If your

muscles become too active, you may feel a strong urge to urinate that cannot be stopped. It is more

common in elderly. It also may be symptom of urinary infection in the bladder or kidneys or may

result from illness or surgery.

3. Mixed: It is a combination of both stress and urge which may cause symptoms of both.

4. Overflow: It occurs when the bladder is so full that it leaks urine. It is the condition when muscles

are too weak to contract and force the urine out in usual manner, such as in neurologic disorders or

diabetes. This type of urinary problem is more common in men with prostate gland problem and

damaged bladder.

5. Environmental: It occurs when a person is unable to get to a toilet on time. In such condition urinary

system may work well, but physical or mental disabilities or maybe other circumstances prevent

normal toilet usage.

Page 3: Benefits of Elder Care Products

What are the Causes?

The causes which include medical conditions, medications, and environmental obstacles are as follows:

Urinary tract infection and constipation

Diabetes, stroke or neurological disorder such as Parkinson’s disease

Physical disability

Medications such as sleeping pills and anxiety reducing drugs

Drinks such as cola, coffee and tea that acts as a diuretics

What are the Treatments?

Incontinence is a subject that is not often discussed about, however it is very common. Those who

experience such condition can prevent control of bladder movements by using adult diapers. It is

something that many people face as they move towards their older years. It is a medical condition

affecting millions of men and women. For those concerned about such condition must seek medical

attention. Meanwhile, people can use adult diapers, which can help retain sense of dignity. No matter

what causes your loss of bladder control certain lifestyle changes will help you treat it. Avoid foods or

drinks such as alcohol and caffeine that may lead to such condition. Regular exercise and losing weight

can also help to treat it.

Page 4: Benefits of Elder Care Products

Wheel Chair: A Solution for Walking, Balance, and Coordination Problems!

Before discussing about wheel chair you must know what it is, who needs and how it helps. It is a

movable device consists of seat and back rest with wheels. This device is used by physically disabled

people who have disability or illness. It is mostly used by people having walking disability. It has become

a lifeline for anyone who is mobility impaired. Humans are made to be bipeds, and when they lose

mobility is nearly equivalent to losing freedom. It help by allowing people the freedom to move and

making it possible for those confined to a chair to move with relative ease.

What is the Purpose of Wheel Chair?

1. It is a very useful device that makes life easier for physically disabled people. They are able to gain

their independence and are living in freedom and dignity. Mobilization is an important factor of

living. It is true that being able to move brings so much enjoyment and satisfaction among

individuals. There are some people who might have been born or have met an accident that caused

them to lose their freedom of mobilization. Mobility is an essential element in meeting the goals of

everyday living. People with serious illness or injury, it prove to be a necessity.

2. It not only provides you with the power of mobility but also make you independent to be able to

move on your own and you can take better care of yourself. Mobility and independence are the two

important things in life that everyone must needs. When a person’s movement is restricted,

whether it is because of permanent disability, temporary impairment, or old age, even sometime

simple things such as going to bathroom becomes difficult too. Wheelchair with commode especially

created for people with limited mobility. The main purpose is to allow them safety and


3. The elders are significantly the most respected members of society. They need care so that they can

live the rest of their life in a healthy manner. Seniors at this age may suffer from physical disability.

Therefore, it is our duty to take care and help elderly people because at this stage they need help

and support both physically and mentally. These are used a lot by the aged people and physically

disabled people. Using these may offer the mobility, comfort, and independence. Moreover, people

who have met with some kind of accident or suffering from chronic disease benefit a lot from this


Page 5: Benefits of Elder Care Products

Physically disabled people and elder people depend on wheelchairs for comfort and mobility. Without

this they are unable to enjoy and participate in every walking activity. No one wants to depend too

much on anyone in this world and moreover everyone wants to be independent in their lives. It is the

best way to make physically disabled and elderly independent and gives them comfort. These chairs are

manufactured with safety in mind so that the users can go on with their day to day living without
