Benefit lemon for your health

Benefit Lemon for Your Daily Life

Transcript of Benefit lemon for your health

Benefit Lemon for Your

Daily Life

did you know that lemon has

many benefits for our health

and beauty ??

Lemon is the small evergreen tree which found in Asia. All parts of the fruit can be used for culinary and non-culinary purposes primarily for its juice, though the pulp and rind (zest) are also used in cooking and baking. The juice of the lemon is about 5% to 6% citric acid, which makes lemons a sour taste. Lemon contains Vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Folate, Magnesium, Choline, Iron, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6 Sugars, and Dietary Fiber . Lemon has a number of nutritional benefits and can be used in many ways.

The high amount of Vitamin C in lemon helps in boosting the immune system. The level of vitamin C in your system is one of the first things to plummet when you’re stressed, which is why experts recommended consume extra vitamin C especially in stressful days. Having warm lemon juice early in the morning helps flush out toxins.

Boosts Your Immune System

Lemon is The Excellent Source of Potassium

As already mentioned, lemons are high in potassium, which is good for heart health, as well as brain and nerve function. Potassium stimulates brain and nerve function and helps control blood pressure.

Prevents Cancer

Lemon is well-known for its richness in multipurpose flavonoid compounds which defend your body against different types of cancer. Regular consumption of lemon juice ensures the prevention of cancerous cells.

Lemon Can Abandon Your Anxiety

Research has shown that lemon balm has a calming effect and therefore may be able to help remove fatigue, exhaustion, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness, and tension. It is also believed that inhaling lemon oil helps in increasing concentration and alertness.

Help You to Lose Your Weight

Lemon juice is the best facilitator for reducing weight as the high amount of pectin fibre in this juice benefits your body’s fight against hunger cravings. Drinking a solution of freshly-squeezed lemon juice and water is an effectual remedy for losing extra pounds naturally. Lemon juice for weight loss is a tip that has worked for many!

Aids Digestion

Lemon juice flushes out unwanted materials and toxins from the body. It’s atomic composition is similar to saliva and the hydrochloric acid of digestive juices. It encourages the liver to produce bile which is an acid that is required for digestion. Lemons are also high in minerals and vitamins and help loosen ama, or toxins, in the digestive tract. The digestive qualities of lemon juice help to relieve symptoms of indigestion, such as heartburn, burping and bloating.

Helps Fight Virus Infections

Warm lemon water is the most effective way to diminish virus infections and their subsequent sore throats. Lemons contain a high amount of Vitamin C, which is essential for strengthening the immune system. So, consuming it in any form is a natural way to prevent viral infections like cold and flu. Lemon water also aids in treating urinary tract infections.

Balance pH Level

Lemons are one of the most alkalizing foods for the body. They are acidic on their own, but inside our bodies they’re alkaline (the citric acid does not create acidity in the body once metabolized). Lemons contain both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easily metabolized from the body allowing the mineral content of lemons to help alkalize the blood.

Heal Acne and Remove Blackheads

Lemons' antibacterial and antifungal properties make them a natural alternative to treat acne. Simply slice open a lemon and rub it across your face. Or you can add a few drops of honey to a lemon half before applying it directly to the area where you have blackheads. Wait five to 10 minutes before rinsing off with cold water.

Brighten Your Skin

Lemons are rich in vitamin C and citric acid, so they can help brighten and lighten your skin when used over time. Vitamin C is a great antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and boosting collagen production. Lemon juice's citric acid gradually fades spots and evens your skin tone.

Whiten Teeth

Save yourself a lot of money and time with a homemade teeth whitener using baking soda and lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients and apply it to your teeth with a clean Q-tip. Leave on for no more than one minute (the acid is strong enough to break down tooth enamel) and gently scrub off with a toothbrush.

Make Nails Strong and Beautiful

Massaging the nails with a bit of lemon juice is the best remedy to make them bright and full of life. Make a mixture of your favorite cooking oil (try olive oil) with lemon juice, and soak your nails. This is a good practice if your nails are dry and brittle, but it's also a great way to help fix nails that have yellowed.

Brighten Your Hair Color

Combine lemon juice and hair conditioner, comb through strands, sit in the sun for a few hours and wash out. Repeat these steps at least once a week, and you will notice that your hair is significantly lighter. The lemon juice can also help treat a dry scalp and dandruff, so apply it liberally.

Cleanse The Face and Body

If you're unsure about what's lurking inside your favorite face or body wash, you can always be certain with a homemade cleanser made out of lemon juice, yogurt and an essential oil like lavender or chamomile. Massage this on to remove dirt and bacteria, while moisturizing your skin at the same time.

Lighten Dark Lips

Lemon juice is well known for its skin lightening abilities and can be used for lightening your lips. Lemon juice would help in removing all the dead skin cells and free agents from the surface of your lips. Bedtime is the best time to massage your lips with freshly squeezed lemon juice, before you go to sleep. Also, you can use honey, it can soften lips and give your lips a pink glow. You can apply honey all over your lips at bedtime and let it dry. Don’t wash it off.

Lighten Discolored Armpits and Elbows

Discoloration and hyperpigmentation happens to people when there is more melanin in their skin. The more melanin a person has in their skin, the darker it will be. Since lemon acts as a bleaching agent, rubbing a cut lemon on armpits or elbows will help to lighten the skin in those areas.

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