Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Bellwork: Oct. 17-18 • Conjugate (give all 6 Latin forms of) navigo, navigāre in present AND future tenses. The first one for each tense has been done as an example for you. • Be in your seat working with your ID on when the bell rings. PRESENT Singular Plural 1 st person navigo 2 nd person 3 rd FUTURE Singular Plural 1 st person navigabo 2 nd person 3 rd


Bellwork : Oct. 17-18. Conjugate (give all 6 Latin forms of) navigo , navig ā re in present AND future tenses. The first one for each tense has been done as an example for you. Be in your seat working with your ID on when the bell rings. Let’s translate “ad”. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Page 1: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Bellwork: Oct. 17-18• Conjugate (give all 6 Latin forms of) navigo,

navigāre in present AND future tenses. The first one for each tense has been done as an example for you.

• Be in your seat working with your ID on when the bell rings.

PRESENT Singular Plural

1st person navigo

2nd person

3rd person

FUTURE Singular Plural

1st person navigabo

2nd person

3rd person

Page 2: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Let’s translate “ad”

• Ad terras novas navigabimus.• Tum ad familiam nautae pecuniam porto. • Nautae ad novam insulam navigabunt. • Anna ad familiam copiam aquae portabit.

Page 3: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Now for some Roman numerals…

• 576• 1002• 1298• 343• 2011• The year you were born! (Tell me the year in

Arabic numbers too. Ex: 1996)

Page 4: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Translate these sentences!

• Cras carrum reginae spectabimus. • What case is reginae? How do you know?• Magnam copiam cibi parabis?• What case is cibi? How do you know?• Ubi undae sunt, forma terrae plana est. • What case is undae? How do you know? • What case is terrae? How do you know?

Page 5: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Genitive or nominative???• Equi carros portant. • Nominative! • Numerus puellarum erat magnus. • Genitive!• Familia servi est bona. • Genitive!• Clarae reginae agricolas spectant. • Nominative!

Page 6: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Give me the word(s) for…

• he will prepare• Now translate: Multos carros parabit. • they will look at• Now translate: Undas magnas spectabunt.• there was• Now translate: Numerus undarum magnus erat.

Page 7: Bellwork : Oct. 17-18

Add the correct endings…

• Est copia cib___ bon___. (of good food)• Ubi sunt silv___ insul____? (the forests of the

island)• Copiam pecuni___ (of money) para____ (we will

get). • Agricolae terr____ plan___ (the flat land)

ama___ (will like).