BELLS OF. MUSIC PUT€¦ · entire section. The groom ls? promi¬ nent business man of...

??. BELLS IT IST PUT The Baptist Church Scene of Beautiful Tableaux Ceremony. MR. BAGBY AND MISS OWENS The Ceremony Performed By the Grandfather of the Groom. (Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) WEST POINT, VA., October 2Ö.-The marriage of Miss Mariflh Virginia Owens to Mr. Alfred Julian Bngby, at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon, In the Went Point Baptist Church, wns one of the most beautiful and Interesting of Ihe many October wed¬ dings. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Vf. Owens, of West Point. She is wide... known us very -jròflclont In music and Is very popular. Mr. Bagby is s young lawyer, and is associated very closely with the business Interests of tlie town, ami is ;«!so prominent in insurance circles. He Is the son of the late Mr. Thomas P. Bngby, of West Point, nnd the grandson Itev. A, K. Scott, of Essex, wh«> «lioil several years ago, and Rev. Alfred Bagby, D. D. Ot Richmond, who performed the marriage ceremony, assisted by Hew Christian V. Waugh, D. D., late of Balm Beach, Florida, now pastor of the West Point Baptist Church. The bride was gowned In a charming creation of white hussar cloth over taf¬ feta, with lace veil caught back with orange blossoms, carrying a bouquet., of white chrysanthemums. She was at¬ tended to the altar by her father, where tho groom and best man met her. Master Lewis Mulford acted as ring-bearer. Mr. Walter D. Owens, ot" Baltimore, was best man. Miss Lillian Roberts, as maid of honor, wore· white silk and carried pink carna¬ tions. The other attendants were Miss Mmle Hargrave, of West Point, with Dr. Alvah Hudson: Miss Jessie Denmead, with Mr. James Melviri Corr, both of AVest Point; Miss Kitty Livingston, of Baltimore, with Mr. Lelnnd Treat, of West Point; Miss Alice Wickham, with Mr. Clyde DeFarges; Miss May Owens, with Mr. Bruce Ware: Miss Margaret Bagby, with Mr. Waller Margrave. The young lady attet.dants wore pompa¬ dour mjulls over colors, two over pink, two over green, two over blue, nnd car¬ ried ferns. Miss Clara Wilder, of Irvlngton, attired .In while point d'esprit, presided at the organ. Tannhauser was rendered as the processional; Mendelssohn's wedding march as the recessional, and during the ceremony the soft notes pf Traumerleri filled the church. The church was decorated with p«ilms. potted and cut (lowers, a roseate hue, overspreading the scene, from colored lamps and shades. The young couple left on the Baltimore boat for a Northern trip. On their re¬ turn they will reside In West Point. The presents of cut-glass, silver, china, fur¬ niture and bric-a-brac were numerous and costly. Sampson.Bentley. (Special to Th«; Times-Dispatch.) RADFORD, .'VA., October 25..A pretty marriage occurred «it th«.·· Presbyterian Church, Dublin, this evening at S:30 o'clock, when Miss Margaret Elizabeth Bentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kent Bentley, of Dublin, became the bride of Mr. William Sampson, of Mid- dleljoro. Ky. The church was elaborately decorated Jn evergreens and whlto chrysanthemums. Three arches of evergreen on either sido of the altar .were lighted with wax candle·;. In the center, an umbrella of white chrysanthemums formed a 'canopy for the bridal couple. Rev. G. W. Ribble, of Pulasltl City, was the officiating clergyman, the beautiful ceremony of the Episcopal Church, being used. The wedding march was played by Miss Lillian Longlcy, of Radford. Tue bride was given away by nor brother. Mr. William W. Bentlc-y, of Blueflcld. W. Va. Her maid of honor was her sister, Miss Lucy Ot«É Bentley. Little Miss H_h.ab.e-h Boll was ring- bearer. Mr. ..-Edward 'Sampson, of Mld- dlesboro. Ky., br>>thcr of the bride¬ groom, was best man. The ushers wore Ranûàl Bentley, brother of the brkln; David Oloyd, Jr., end Francis Bell, all of Dublin, and Mr. Joseph Eclimnn, of Pulaski City. Mr. and Mrs. Sampson loft for Nor- v folk, whence thoy will go by boat to .Tampa, Fla.', and Galveston, Tex. They will resido nt Middlesboro, Ky., .when, the bridegroom Is a prominent at¬ torney. The bride Is a pretty and popular bru¬ nette and has many relatives and frlenus in Southwest Virginia. Morrison.Barker. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) BRISTOL. VA., Octobor 26..A beautiful .wedding took place in the First Presbyte¬ rian Church at S o'clock this evening, .when Miss Lucilo B.irkor became the bride of Mr. Hugh C. Morrison. Dr. Vf. O. Cochrane, pastor of the church, was tbo officiating minister. The music for tho occasion was furnished by .Miss Irene McDowell, wt.o presided at the pipe or¬ gan, and the Read Orchestra, The attendants wore A. Kyle Morrison! brother of tho groom, best man; grooms¬ men.J. B. Ayers, Big Stone Gap; 11. H. Dennis, New York; Stove Moom, Lynch¬ burg, Vn. ; Edward Fulton, Wise, Va, ¡Lady attendants.Ml.s Sarah K. Barker, Bister of the bride, maid nf honor; brides¬ maids.Misses LIHIe Beli«; ami Katherine Pitts, of Sho iman. Texas; Mi.s Viva Har¬ rison, of Macon, Miss.; Miss Allie Lin Anderson, of Bristol; ring-bearer, little Miss Margaret Barker; liBhers.J, C. 8tone, Guy Darsi. H. G, Lavlnder and "?. ?. Bushong, all ni Brlrtol. After an «(tensivo brillai trip the couple Mill go to th«> home_of the groom, .«t Gate City, Va, The bride Is the first 'laugh¬ ter of Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Barker, ol COLD CU ,1 WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY F IT FAILS MIUNYON, Philadelphia. for Infants and Children. Cnstoria is t\ harmless substituto l'or Castor Oil» Pare¬ goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium» Morphine nor other Narcotic st-J.stnnco. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrlshness. It cures Dinrrh.ea and Wind Colic. It relieves Tceth- Troubles and cures Constiputiou. It regulates tho Stomach nnd Bowels» giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlie Children's Panacea.The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. mwz Hrlstol. lier father Is a retired business mnn of great wealth. Ho Is president of the Bristol Board of Trado nnd sustains ? like relation to the City School Board. The groom Is a promising young lawyer ¡in«! Is n son of the late Judgo H. S. K. Morrison, who resided at Gate City, Va. IRVINE.NICHOLAS. Elegant Wedding in Presbyterian Church at New Canton, Va. to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ARVON1A, VA., October 25..Old Trin¬ ity Presbyterian Church, nt New Canton, was the scene of a delightful marriage thi·. morning at 11 o'clock, when Miss Mary Aleln Nicholas was united in wed¬ lock to' Mr. T. Hughart Irvine, of 'Char¬ lottesville, Virginia, The coremony was performed hy Dr. George L. Pétrie, of Charlottesville, the pastor of tho groom. The church had been very handsomely decorated with evergreens. Promptly at! n_30 o'clock the weddlnR march was begun by Mrs .Stewltt. of Charlottesville. and the attendants, flower girVi? and bride and groom entered In order. Miss Lucy Nicholas, sister of the bride, was maid of honor, and came In with Mr. Wake Irvine, brother of the groom. Miss AVillle Sue Nicholas, ot Charlottesville, with Mr. King; Miss Margie Nicholas, of Scottsvllle. with Mr. Rive Nicholas; "Miss Mary Holladay, of Charlottesville, with Mr. Watts, and Miss Saille McKen- na, of New Canton, with Mr. Nutty- combe. The flower girls were little Misses Ruby Nicholas and Frances Irvine, both of whom were charmingly dressed and who acted their parts to the admiration of everybody. Tho ushers wore Messrs. Bentley Brown, John Mt'Kenna, Fontaine Fuqua and Stephen Trent. After the ceremony almost the entire party drove to Bremo, a short distance from the church, where the bride and groom took the train for the Virginia Hot Springs, where they will spend their honeymood. After November 1st they will bo at home in Charlottesville. The bride Is the daughter oT'Mr. Philip Nicholas, whose home Is near this place, glie belongs to one of the oldest and most aristocratic families In Central Virginia, ami was reckoned one of the most popu¬ lar and charming young ladies of this entire section. The groom ls ? promi¬ nent business man of Chariottesvillo, and has many relatives throughout Augusta i-ounty and the Valley, where the family Is widely connected. A delightful ante-nuptial reception was held at the home of the bride last night. A magnificent repast was spread, and the large company of guests were charm¬ ingly entertnlned. The party came to a closo at 2:30 o'clock, after an evening of happiness. A Virginia reel, led by Dr. Perkins Glover, commemorated the clo.«e of the reception. Among the Invited guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Nicholas, of Charlottes- i-llle; Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine, of Charlottesville; Miss Agnes Irvine, Mrs. George Nicholas, Mr. aocl Mrs. Clarence White, Mr. George Irvine, Mrs. J. Z. Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Nicholas, ¦Mrs. P. B. Ambler, Miss Alice Nicholas, Mrs. Hampden B. Nicholas, Mr. Bigelow Nicholas, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Terrell, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fuqua, Mr. and Mrs. William Hurt, Mr. William Gait Halman, Mrs. Halman an'd famllyi Miss Lucy Mc- Kenna, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Pettit, Miss Cassie Du Val, Mr. Plummer F. Jenes, Dr Perkins Glover and Dr. Clark. WITHERS.JONES. Marriage of Prominent Couple in Suffolk Society. .Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.") SUFFOLK, VA., Oct. 25..The auditori¬ um of tho Suffolk Christian Church wns to-night the scene of a brilliant marring«-, the contracting parties being two prom¬ inent voting neople In Suffolk soclptv Miss Phoebe Joneo, daughter of Mr. W. H. Jones, Jr., cnshler Farmers' Hani, of Nansemontl, and Mr. John Thornton Withers', ? young Insurance man, son of the late Austin Withers and Mrs. Mis¬ souri T. AVIthers. Before the niter was a shower mar¬ riage bell, hi' which stood litt].· Miss DorrlS Jones, sister of the Ini.In, wl)0 was bell-ringer. Midway the green nnd white-wreathed aisles were gates of flowers end smllnx, guarded hy Mnsters Herbert Barden, Nathaniel Withers, Ar¬ thur Wooilford and John C. Holladay, gateopcnçrs, who w<jro 'white linen suits. Immediately preceding the ceremony Mr. Joseph Little sang "O Promise Me." At the strains of Lohengrin's marrh, the bridal iyirty entered the church. The bridesmaids* nttlre«! In "princess" gowns of white net. built on chiffon over taffeta, bi'nrlng whlto iohnyfmnjtharnúms, were Misses Gertrude Long, of Beading, Pa.; Eugenia Pinner, of Baltimore, Lillian Parks, of AVashlngton; "Rachel Border, of Goldsboro, N. C,¡ Janet Stephenson, of Monterey. Vn.; Ruth Jones, nf filon rollege, N. C; Winnie [Jobbs, of Chat¬ tanooga, Tenn.; Blanche Williamson, of Driver, A'a·: I-OUlse Jones, of Norfolk, A'a.; Km. Holland nnd Hut h Marshall, of Suffolk. The groomsmen were Messrs. J. A'. l.Mgnori, of Richmond; f¡. p. Dlsoway, or New A'ork olty. ItlclinjH H. Cohoon, of Norfolk:, R. Sydncr LllisTJohn P. Lee, Herbert ?. Holland. Bradford Kllby, ? "hurle., ('.'ramer, William MoAnge and Hinten Hargrav.. Pnrcedlog tho brille came ber mnld of honoF, Mis- Em, Jones, attired In pink crepe de chine over pink taffeta, benring pink chrysanthemums, and her rlngbearer, Master Marshall Lancaster, who corri«·«! u silver tray on whloh lay the golden circlet, ?'??,· (iride, a lovelv, graceful girl, en¬ tered with her father, who gave her ?,way.-SI««· wore a duches« luce robe over taffeta, a bridal veil caught with llllee of the valley, and carried a bou- <iuet nf 1111«=« of tho valley. She was ri««·! ai the altar bv the groom, attended bv his best man. Hon. Robert AV. AVlth· «?·· Th* Impressive service of the TCpis- copal Qhurch was used, the ceremony ! «ing performed bv Dr. W. W. Btalcy, B-h-tetet] by Rev. J. B. Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. AVIthers left for Norfolk, where they will stay until to-morrow, when they will leave for nn extensivo northern tour. Dorrier.Burgess. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) SCOTTRVILLE, VA." October 25..A «inlet but exceedingly pretty wedding wns celebrated at "Belle Haven." the beauti¬ ful home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pitts, Tuesday at noon, the occasion being the marrlago of Miss Cornelia Burgess, a sis¬ ter of Mrs. Pitts and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant Madison Burgess, of Fluvanna county, to Mr. Walter S. Dor¬ rler, of the National Bank of Scottsvllle. Down the ribbon aisle, carpeted In white; the bridal party, at the appointed hour, entered the drawing-room In the fol¬ lowing order: First, Father Crow, of Chnrlottesvllie, tho celebrant; then the groomsmen, two and two.Messrs. Marlon Pitts land Gnrnett Burgess, a brother of tho bride, and Messrs. Leuko Pitts and Charles Dorrler, a brother of the groom. These wore followed hy the maid at Iionor and best man.Miss Grace Burgess, of Richmond, with Mr. James Dorrier, an¬ other brother of the. groom: next, the little ilower girls, Misses A'lrglnla Pitts, of Scottsvllle, and Elizabeth Pitts, of Arvonln; and last, the bride and groom. The priest, with the bride and groom, stood beneath nn arch of white and green In the bay window, while Just nbove their heads hung a wedding bell of green leaves, with a white lining. The bride was attired iu a golng-away gown of .plum-colored chiffon broadcloth, with hat and gloves to match, and car¬ ried a bouquet of white carnations. Miss Grace Burgess, of Richmond, the maid of honor, woro cream accordion- plaited mull and carried, white chrysan¬ themums. The wedding march, from Lohengrin, was played by Miss Clara Pitts on the entrance of the bridal party, and Men¬ delssohn's at the close. Only the Immediate relatives and con¬ nections of the family, with a few inti¬ mate friends, Were present. The bride's present from her father-ln- luw was a generous check. An elegant luncheon was served to the guests at 1 P. M. McMurdo.Mag-ruder. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) EASTHAM, ALBEMARLE CO., VA.. October 25..A beautiful marriage was' solemnized nt .'Edgemont," the home of Mrs. Sara Magruder, this afternoon at 3 o'clock, when Miss Sara Gilmer Magruder became the bride of .Mr. Alured Keith McMurdo, of Livingston, Montana, for¬ merly of Chnrlottesvllie, Va. In the absence of the ffev. ?. B. Lee. the ceremony was performed by the Rev. RuffIn Jones, of Bolse City, Idaho. The Lohengrin wedding march was ar¬ tistically rendered by Miss Kate Minor, a cousin of the bride. The houso wns tastefully decorated with evergreens. . ferns and Chrysanthe¬ mums. The bride was gowned in whlto glace silk, elaborately trimmer In lace, with tulle veil caught with orange blossoms, nnd carried a shower bouquet of whlto roses. The maid of honor, Miss Maria Louisa Magruder, entered with the bride, in a costume of whlto silk, and carried white chrysanthemums. Miss Carrie Belle Watson, of Washing¬ ton, D. C, was bridesmaid, and wore pink messaline silk over pink taffeta, carrying pink ohrysanthemums. Mr. Archibald McMurdo, brother of the groom, was best man. Tho bride was given away by her brother. Mr. Frank¬ lin M. Mngrutlor. The groomsmen were Dr. E. W. Ma- gruder, of Richmond, Va.; Dr. H, M. DeJarnctte, Mr. J. Oscar Thurman and Mr. Hew McMurdo. A reception was held immediately after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. McMurdo left for Montana, stopping in Chicago and at Fort Robinson, Nebraska. Desmond.Kelley. (Spe«!inl to The Times-Dispatch.) LYNCHBURG, VA. October 25,-Mlss Bessie li. Kelley, daughter of Mr, Wil¬ liam J). Kelley, of this city, nnd Mr. John l Desmond, were married yesterday morning at the Holy Cross. Catholic church, tho Rev. Father McGurk b«.n. tlie olllciatlng minister. Only a few friends, lu addition to the families of the contracting parties, witnessed tho cere¬ mony. Miss Annie. Wrenn. a cousin of the bilde, was the mold of honor, and Mr. Andrew Desmond, a brother of the groom, was tho liest iriun. The wedding march was played by Mrs. Jerry Collins. The groom Is a telegraph operator with the Southern, being stationed ai an Important block tower near the city, .Mr. und Mrs. Desmond left immediately after ?'? mar¬ riage for ¡t trip to New York city and Nlagaga Fulls. Gale.-Prather. (Special to Tuie Tlines-DIsputeh.)' BRISTOL; VA., October _5..Mls_ Nelllo Prather, the protty daughter of Mrs. Julia Prather, Ot Mount Airy, N. C, who bad been visiting her uncio, Mr. J. M, I)«>Vault, here for several week», sur- prised her friend» l»- her marriage on Monday afternoon to Mr Thomas Gale, a UOPU'ill' young clerk ul Hotel St. Law¬ renci. The nuptials wero solemnized at the home of the bride's uncle, Rev. ??. li Guie, of Boanoke. Vu,, father of the groom, otllclatlng· The couple will reside in Bristol. ________ Miller.Boyer. (Specillilo The Tltiies-Dlspntch.) WOODSTOCK, VA.. October 25..A pretty, though qulot, homo wedding took iliaco this afternoon nt -;1S o'clock at "Maplowuod," the homo of Mr. ami ???. John D. Boyer, near Woodstock, when their daughter. Ml.« Carrie i'llzabeth Buyer, wus married to Mr. Harvey Pro«· ton Miller, of Washington, li. C. Miss Alile Buyer, u Hitler of the bride, .iiH-iwild of honor, und Mr. ?. I'. Miller, ? broth.r of Ihe groom, was buat man. Tlio couple will lie ut houli·, Nu. '¿lu Q Street, ?. Vf., Washington, li. e., ufi,.,· November I5th. Quarles.Bowers. (Special i" Thn Tl|0__.Dispatch.) ETNA MILLS, VA., C.tôlier ¡".'«.-Ml«» Lui-y Aun powers, of "Dawn," Carolin« county, was married to Mr. Douglas WH- son Qiiarles, of thè same county, by thè Rev. Mr. Forrester, of the Methodist Church, at 4 o'clock tMs afternoon, In Concords Baptist Church. Miss,Bowers is tho daughter ot the late Robert Bow¬ ers, and is one ¡oí Caroline's favóritfe (Innglilcrs. Mr. Q.iArles ls a well ltnowh and prosperous lumber dealer. DANVILLE WEDDINGS. Miss Wemple Becomes,Bride of Mr. Lyle.Berkeley.Pierce. (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) -.DANVILLE, VA. October 25.-«M1ss Lily AVomple, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. AVemplo, of this city, was married to-nlfeht at 0 o'clock to Mr. John Thnmns Lyle, .tr.. of Meridian, .Alls... The ceremony· wiifi performed In the Main Street M. E. church. Rev. 15. U. Kawllngs. the pastor, officiating. Tho church was beautifully decorated, nnd the ni.irri.-go was witnessed hy a largo number of the friends of tho contracting parties, many of them being· out of town residents. «Air. J. Roscoc Anderson, was best man. and Misa Blanche Wemple, sister to the brido, wns maid of honor. The attendants wero as follows: Miss Chariot to .Miller, of Richmond, with J. AV. Ormn.nd. of Me«· ridimi, .Allss.; Miss _.agonie Taylor, of Richmond, with Mr Kenneth AVimblsh; "Miss Mary Gravely, wlih Air. EHI.« Ponti "Miss Mabel Robinson with Mr. rolando AVomple; Miss Estolle Tucker, with MrJ James O. Gravolv; Miss Mallssa Paynej of Norfolk, with Mr. Jamos T. Callo, Jr.; Miss .Ionie Howard, with Mr. Lewis·* AV#kor. After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr. O. AVomple,' on Main street. The brido Is ono or the most oharmlnjr mombrs of th social world In .(his city, nnd the groom sales mannger in a big wholesale concern in Meridian. Mr. nnd «Airs. Lyle loft, to¬ night for nn extended southern trip; Miss Penrl Elizabeth Pierce, daughter of Mr. and Afra. ?. E. Pierce, waH united MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM J. PURDUE. in marriage to-day at high noon at the home of the bride, to Mr. E. J. Berkeley, of Charlotte county. The ceremony ivas performed by Rev. AV. R. Laird, and wit¬ nessed by many friends of tho contracting parlies. Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley will make their future home In Charlotte county. Whitmore.Brown. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) WINCHESTER. A'A., October 25..Miss Alberta Brown, daughter of R. A. Brown, of Mllwood, Clarke county, and AAMlllam" C. AVhltmore. of Jefferson county, AAr. A'a., were married last evening In the Baptist Church at AVIliwood by Rev. Dr. Julian Bronddus, of Berryville. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Her sister. Miss Florence Brown, .was maid of honor. 'The best' mini was Walter Shipman, of Charleston. AV. A'a., and the ushers were ConU*y-Du-lti.y and Herbert Brown, brothers of the bride, and Ernest AV. Phillips, of Chf-r]f»V>wn. Following tho ceremony was an elnborato reception nt home of the bride's father, which was largely attended. After a Northern tour, the couple will live on the groom's fine estate near Charlestown. Davis.Price. (Special to The TJmes-Dispntch.) ROANOKE, A*A.. October 2S.-MIk,s Cora Lee Price, daughter of Mrs. B. S. Price, anil Mr. Fayette H. Davis, a tobacconist of Farmvllle, were married to-day at tho residence of the brido, Rev. J. Ml Keister officiating: Nr. A', orange, of Baltimore, was besL man, and Miss Edna Price, sla¬ ter of the bride, maid of honor. Brides¬ maids and groomsmen.Miss Bert AVal- thall anil Mr Edgar Price. Miss Mamie Kling and Mr. J. Vf. AVheeler. Tho couple left for their future home in Farmvllle. Dorsey.Souder (Special tr, The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) LEESBURY, A'A., October 25..Miss Jessica AVaters Souder, daughter of the late Amorten« Souder, of Lovettsvlllo, Loudoun county, and Mr. William Shep¬ herd Dorsey, of Howard county, Md., were married this evening at 7 o'clock In St. John's ltformed Church at Lovetts- vllle, by Rev, Asa Richard. The bride wns given away bv Mr. William Frasler, of Summit Point, AV.-Va. Tho maid of honor was Miss Nellie Solder, and the groom's best man was Mr. C. Lenthlcum, of Baltimore, Md.. Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey will reside In Bal¬ timore, Md., after a brief bridal tour North. _ Burnett.Petherbridge. (Ppeclal to Tlu: Times-Dispatch,) NORFOLK, A'A., October 2d..Miss Eleanor Hope Petherbridge, the daughter of Mrs. ?. E. Petherbridge, of Berkley, was married to-day to Eldridge Ewing Barnctt, of Cape May, N. J., at the resi¬ dence of the bride In Main Street, by Rev Vf. II. Edwards, of tho Methodist Church. They left here to-night for a honeymoon trip to Now York, after which tlít-y will reside In Capo May. .-._?.. Billings.Pace. - (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ROANOKE, VA., October 25..Mabel A. Pace, daughter of Mrs. S. F. Pace, and Mr. Edward Billings, of the Radford Laundry, were married ??-night at the residence of the brother of the groom. Rev. H. N. Canter officiating. The couple left on a Northern tour. Hodges.Thomas, (Special to Tile Tlmes-Dlspatch.) ROANOKE, VA., October 25..Miss Nova M. Thomas ami Mr. C. R. Hodges, of Norton, were married laat night at tho residence ot* tl««· bride's slstor, Mrs, F E, Davis, Rev, W. S. Neighbors .offi¬ ciating. ' Crook.Abshire. (Special to The Tlmos-Dlspatch.) ROANOKE, VA., October 25..Miss Lillle Abshire. of Franklin county, and Mr. AV. L. Crook, of Dayton« Ohio, wero mar- ri.'d to-night. Rev. S. P. Miller offi¬ ciating. SOME EXPECT C. AND 0. TO INCREASE DIVIDEND (Rpeclnl to The 'nTñOs-DIspalch.) NEAV YOKE. October 25..Thero Ik still sòme oxP-ctailon that tho dividend on qiiotwiiottke litui Ohio will bo Increased this fall from ? ?«, ·_« .e,· cent, a year. Such expectation, which formed tho busis for soini. ruceiil buying. Is very likely to bo qUappolnt.-U. The annulli report show¬ ed thnt after necessary expenditures for betterments last yen- tho road earned less than .' per cent, on Its stock, To puv that mi«· «,f «livid« ml Hie compuny wotihl have to borrow j.m 0f tho money. This would be entirely at variance with tbo conservative poll.·)· of Pennsylvania iri- tore.ii«, f.,r while it |. (ru_i that C'Iiobh- Tjeake ami («hi«, now bears thn burden of ?".""« """'!'·' "luiHcntlng unearned ül.lüoiK.H pulii ?«, 1,'ockholder.H, Peimsvl- Min it illil nui In.juguiute th« policy of paying (livid. i.|k ,,,, ,)mt Bt.,.it. but In- In-ill.-.| n when a bought Ihe property, l.i.i year .¦..;¦ ,,, rirsi In which diesa· im,·?*.«· an,I i,i,:,, would have been Justillo«! in puylnts itlyld.-ndH from tho Pennsy). yaniii NlMiulpoln« and It is now entirely too early to look for any Increase. Mr. William J. Perdue and Miss Margaret Ebcrt. United Last Night. MUST BE FAITHFUL TO ARMY First Salvatiqn -Army Wedding Wedding in Richmond.Im¬ pressive Service. For the ilrst timo In tho history of Richmond a public Salvation Army wed¬ ding was celebrated nt 8 o'clock lnst night In'the army's hall, No, 027 Enst Broad Street. The ceremony was per¬ formed after the rite of the Salvationists, and wn.s simple and Impressive, though often flavored with the humorous re¬ marks of Mnjor L. M. Slmonson, tho cele¬ brant, who, It seemed, could not help now and then flinging In some witticism nt the contracting parties. The ceremony wns performed on a dais placed at ono end of the hnll, nrtlsticnlly decorated In evergreen·« and flowers. In the middle was placed on arch, draped In white and hung with ferns; and at either ,e/id of the rostrum were placed fiais, one of the United States and the other of the Slavatlon Army. The coloring of tho flogs, the flowers and ferns anil the bright lights,' though In, perhaps, rather meagro .surroundings, was vory effective and made an Impression on tho eyes of all that saw. The services opened with the Hinging of the hymn Zlon, ln which not only the Salvationists, but also the largo crowd, for Hie hall was packed and Jammed, joined with great effect- Tho Salvationists then knelt In prayer, after which another hymn was sung. The signal was given, and the wedding procession filed in, headed by four little flower girls, dressed nil in white and carrying nosegays. The bride, Miss Mar¬ garet Ebort, a very pretty brunette, come In with tho groom, Mr. William J. Pur- due, a tall, attractive looking young man. The bride was dressed In the regulation uniform, with a whlto silk sash thrown across the shoulders and caught in the waist. The groow wols also donned in tho regulation uniform. Tho party, with the bride and groom in the middle, took seats on the center of the dais, just behind the arch. * Explained Marriage Rite. The ceremony began with the reading of a portion of the Scriptures by Major Simonson. who then in a few words ex¬ plained tiie marriage rite of the Salvation Army. Tho contracting parties, must promise not only to bo faithful to each other through all the Ills and Joy« of life, but to give eternal allegiance to the work of the Salvation Army, and to givo their corltlnual effort to ench other so to do. This Is the main difference between the Salvation Army and other forms of the ..arriage ceremony. After the explanation the bride and groom stepped forward nearly beneath th. arch, and stood beneath tlie graceful folds of the two flags held by orderlies. Major Simonson read the Fi-rvlces, and both parties made the responses In firm, loud tones. The "I wills" were'delivered with such precision and vehemence that THE WAY IS OPENED.THROUGH SERVICE RESTORED. The Southern Railway announces thot tho yellow fever quarantine In the South hns -practically been withdrawn by all of tho Southern States. Its through sleeping car service has been restored to Now Orlenns, and the sale of through tickets to New Orleans and to all points South and Southwest through New Orleans and other Southern guteways has been resumed. This Information will meet with much favor with the traveling publlo, as' the Southern Railway with Its elegant sched¬ ules and through car arrangements to the South and Southwest Is the favorite route. Low rate winter troulsts' tickets to Flordla, Cuba, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippi and many resort points In the South are now on sale. RATES REDUCED TO PETERSBURG, VA. ACCOUNT CONFEDERATE REUNION, OCTOBER 25TH, 26TH AND 27TH, 1905, Account tho abovo occasion, tho At¬ lantic Coast Line Railroad will sell tickets, Richmond to Petersburg and re¬ turn, at rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents, tickets on sale' October 23d, 21th' and 26th, limited to return Ootober 30th, 1805. On October 26th the Atlantic Coast Lino Railroad will sell tickets, Richmond to Petersburg nnd rotiirn, at rate of fifty (50) qents, good returning on some date only, account Battio of the Crater. For further Information, upply to agents of the company, tho Richmond Transfer Company, or C. S. CAMPBELL, D. P. ?., S88 ISast Main Street, Rjohmond, Vn. WINTER TOURIST RATES, VIA THE ATLANTIC COA6T LINE RAILROAD. Wintor Tourist tickets are now on sale to all Southern Winter Resorts, via the Atlantic Coast Lino. .This Uno le th_ Shortest, Quickest and most Elegantly Equipped between the North and South. It offers to health and pleasure seekers service equalled by none. You make no chungo to Florida points; havo two, through trains dally, Full information, apply to agents of the Company, or C. S. CAMPBELL, D. P. A. Richmond, Vu. THE SHORTEST AND MQST COM- FORTABLE TRIP TO "BIRMING¬ HAM," ALA. Is via the "Southern Railway." Two through trains dully from Richmond, with Pullmans und Pining Cars,, tho service of which Is maintained at the highest standard of excellence. Winter Tourists' Tickets now on sale to Florida and many points In tho South by thle popular route. ( ACADEMY OF. MUSIC THURSDAY EVENING Booker-Powell., Recital.Superb Mason and Hamlin Piano From the Cable Company to Be Used. ~\-'"*r No event as important, locally, as the recital Of Miss Betty Burwell Booker and Mr. John Powell at the Academy next Thursday night has ever hap¬ pened in Richmond. Both artists have gathered fame and recognition of their ability and genius. Tho Cable Company, through its manager here, Mr. J. O. Co-ley, has brought about the recital, and/. with the departure of Mr. Powell for Vienna to fin¬ ish his, course with his illustrious music master, Les- chetlzky, and the return óf Miss Booker from abroad, after a flattering season in London, Rich- rhonders will have the first opportunity to see her two great artists in recital together as professionals. To secure a piano with the finest possible tone for a virtuoso the Cable Company's manager has se- , cured from their Mason and Hamlin Branch one of the best concert grands they have in their studios in Boston. This piano, a magnificent instrument, has been secured at considerable cost in the matter of transportation and care, and it will be heard under the magic touch of Powell in a splendid se¬ lection of the masters during the recital, as well as under the touch of the accompanist to Miss Booker, whose exquisite voice has already made her a Lon¬ don success among the finest and best of the artists in the concert world. , The Mason and Hamlin factory has reached the highest point of artistic endeavor in the piano which Mr. Powell will play, and the same instrument pro¬ vided for some of the greatest virtuosi of the world will be given him for the Booker-Powell recital. Tickets now on sale at The .Cable Company. Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00. an audibl tittr went round the room. There was no mincing of matter by either ot the rart'et. They then clasped hands, and the groom placed the wedding ring on the bride's tinger, and.with bowed heads, the two were mado man and wife, and were given a blessing by Major Simonson. A resounding kiss placed on the bride's lip« by the groom ended the ceremony, and for a moment the two stood before the world happy In the knowledge that they were husband and wife. The two took their seats, and two little girls. Ma¬ rlon and Florence De Fane, daughter» of adjutant and Mrs. De Pane, came for- wurd and sang the wedding song. The bride herself accompanied them on the mandolin, and the groom Joined In the chorus ot tho song. After the services wer«· over, the Army followers adjourned to an adjoining room, where a bounteous wedding feast was spread. Mr. and Mrs. Purdue will remain In Richmond for the prêtent; hut It Is ex- pect.d that they will be removel. in tlie nenr future to some other station. WAS VERY UNIQUE Mr. Shine and Miss .Magri, and Mr. Magri and Miss Lloyd United. One of tho most unlquo weddings that ever occurred' in Richmond took place In St. Peter's cathedral, yesterday afternoon at 4:15 o'clock, when Mr. Robert Shine and Miss Marie Magri, on the one hand, and Mr. Lawrence Magri and Miss Lil¬ lian Lloyd, oh the other, were Joined ln holy matrimony. Rev. Dr. Magri was the celebrant, and the most unique feature of the double wedding Is the fact that the bride, Miss Magri, in one case, and tho groom Mr. Lawrence Mngrl. In the other, are sister and brother to Dr. Magri, who was the celejaant In their respective mar¬ riages. Both young couples, desiring as far as possible to surprise their friends kept the approaching marriage a profound secret, hence no Invlto-tlons were issued, and tho secret was kept so well that no one out¬ side of a very few Intimate friends was made aware that the wedding was about to bo. Mr, Shine and Miss Marie Magri, that was. are both of Lynchburg. Mr. Shine Is tho son of Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. Shine, and Mrs. Shine is the daughter of Mrs. Mary J. Magri, of Lynchburg. and tho sister of Dr. Magri. Mr. Lawrence Magri is of Lynciïburg, and his brido Is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Lloyd, of Norfolk. Both grooms are prosperous young citizens of Lynchburg. where they nave hosts of friends. Mrs. Shine, Ulster of Dr. Magri, has a very attractive per¬ sonality, nnd Is gifted with a most pleas¬ ing disposition and power to mako friends, and ig very popularly known. Mrs. Magri Is a beautiful and popular young lady of Norfolk, where she Is known as ? genernl favorite'among- a large circle of friends. The altar of the cathedral was beauti¬ fully decorated last night with flowers nnd candles. There was a large choir of altar boys. who. under tho director¬ ship of Brother Charles, song, without accompaniment ns the two counlos enter¬ ed and proceeded un the aisle, lunch groom and each brido wero best man and bridesmaid, respectively, to the other. Ono couple acted as best man and brides¬ maid· to the other, and when the first were united, they stepned. aside nnd act¬ ed ih a like, capacity for the other. After the ceremonv both eounles left nn tho 5:05 trnln bv. r tho Atlantic Coast Lino for a tour of tho Northern cities. EXAMINING, PLANTS. ' Will Award Contraot for New Henrico County Jail. Tho board of supervisors of Henrlco county, togother with Judgo Scott and Commonwealth -Aforney Wendenburg, spent yesterday afternoon In looking over the plans and specifications for the pro¬ posed new county Jail, but the contract was not awarded. Four firms are competing for the work. They are tho Mankin Construction Com¬ pany, of DiIb city;, tho Stewart Iron Work«,-of Cincinnati; tho Van Doren Iron Works, .of Columbus, O., aud .Meager BroB., of St. Louis.. The Stewart Iron Worke built tho new jail here, und have contracts for Jails In the counties of Wise, Tazowell and Rus¬ sell. They are represented hy Ale. W. M. Bowman, who Is well known here. All the firms have representatives oh tho ground. The contract for the new county JflU will likely bo awarded to¬ night. Receiver Appointed. (By Associated Press.) ..ISW YORK. October 23..Justice Stover in the Supreme Court to-day appointed Arthur D. Truax receiver for the prop¬ erty of the ..flight and Free.« Company, Geo. W. Anderson sssss & Sons = Lace Ciiìiaiiìs Renaissance, Arabians, Irish Point, Tamboured, Cluny's, Ruffled Curtains. Every Novelty you will find ln our stock. Portieres in the newest styles and colors. ANDERSON'S Carpet House, 215 East Broad Street. I427 E. Main St. John H. Rose & Co. We make a specialty of putting in 1 Hot Air Furnaces, Latrobe Heaters. Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures, , Tin Work of AH Kinds· Now is season to let us figure with you. ( John H. Rose ? £t Co. ESTABLISHED 1885, Phone SII, hi'flkçri.,. of thin city, with Uraiionos ta Hi....«--., Norlolk, \ a. and i'llttsburg. Pro- pef.linge worn brought by George 5, Tur, WW'irVfíi. Ihu'vuj· AVutsoii the sole sur¬ viving'dlrcotors for a voluntary dlssolii. tlau-Of the corporation. The company's affairs have .been Involved In litigation slwò last May. - » I. Governor Coming Tq-day. Governor and Mm. Montugue will return frota New York this ufttrm-on. Only routine worl» wa_ «ruins on hi the executive ."IrnTrtTfllt Hit terdi-i·,

Transcript of BELLS OF. MUSIC PUT€¦ · entire section. The groom ls? promi¬ nent business man of...

Page 1: BELLS OF. MUSIC PUT€¦ · entire section. The groom ls? promi¬ nent business man of Chariottesvillo, and has many relatives throughout Augusta i-ounty and the Valley, where the


The Baptist Church Scene ofBeautiful Tableaux



The Ceremony Performed Bythe Grandfather of the


(Speclnl to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)WEST POINT, VA., October 2Ö.-The

marriage of Miss Mariflh Virginia Owens

to Mr. Alfred Julian Bngby, at 4:30 o'clock

this afternoon, In the Went Point BaptistChurch, wns one of the most beautifuland Interesting of Ihe many October wed¬

dings. The bride Is the daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. J. Vf. Owens, of West Point.She is wide... known us very -jròflclontIn music and Is very popular. Mr. Bagbyis s young lawyer, and is associated very

closely with the business Interests of tlie

town, ami is ;«!so prominent in insurance

circles. He Is the son of the late Mr.Thomas P. Bngby, of West Point, nndthe grandson oí Itev. A, K. Scott, ofEssex, wh«> «lioil several years ago, andRev. Alfred Bagby, D. D. Ot Richmond,who performed the marriage ceremony,assisted by Hew Christian V. Waugh,D. D., late of Balm Beach, Florida, now

pastor of the West Point Baptist Church.The bride was gowned In a charming

creation of white hussar cloth over taf¬feta, with lace veil caught back withorange blossoms, carrying a bouquet., ofwhite chrysanthemums. She was at¬tended to the altar by her father, wheretho groom and best man met her. MasterLewis Mulford acted as ring-bearer. Mr.Walter D. Owens, ot" Baltimore, was bestman.Miss Lillian Roberts, as maid of honor,

wore· white silk and carried pink carna¬

tions. The other attendants were MissMmle Hargrave, of West Point, with Dr.Alvah Hudson: Miss Jessie Denmead,with Mr. James Melviri Corr, both ofAVest Point; Miss Kitty Livingston, ofBaltimore, with Mr. Lelnnd Treat, ofWest Point; Miss Alice Wickham, withMr. Clyde DeFarges; Miss May Owens,with Mr. Bruce Ware: Miss MargaretBagby, with Mr. Waller Margrave.The young lady attet.dants wore pompa¬

dour mjulls over colors, two over pink,two over green, two over blue, nnd car¬

ried ferns.Miss Clara Wilder, of Irvlngton, attired

.In while point d'esprit, presided at theorgan. Tannhauser was rendered as theprocessional; Mendelssohn's weddingmarch as the recessional, and during theceremony the soft notes pf Traumerlerifilled the church.The church was decorated with p«ilms.

potted and cut (lowers, a roseate hue,overspreading the scene, from coloredlamps and shades.The young couple left on the Baltimore

boat for a Northern trip. On their re¬turn they will reside In West Point. Thepresents of cut-glass, silver, china, fur¬niture and bric-a-brac were numerousand costly.

Sampson.Bentley.(Special to Th«; Times-Dispatch.)

RADFORD, .'VA., October 25..A prettymarriage occurred «it th«.·· PresbyterianChurch, Dublin, this evening at S:30o'clock, when Miss Margaret ElizabethBentley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.Kent Bentley, of Dublin, became thebride of Mr. William Sampson, of Mid-dleljoro. Ky.The church was elaborately decorated

Jn evergreens and whlto chrysanthemums.Three arches of evergreen on either sidoof the altar .were lighted with wax

candle·;. In the center, an umbrella ofwhite chrysanthemums formed a 'canopyfor the bridal couple.Rev. G. W. Ribble, of Pulasltl City, was

the officiating clergyman, the beautifulceremony of the Episcopal Church, beingused.The wedding march was played by Miss

Lillian Longlcy, of Radford.Tue bride was given away by nor

brother. Mr. William W. Bentlc-y, ofBlueflcld. W. Va.Her maid of honor was her sister, Miss

Lucy Ot«É Bentley.Little Miss H_h.ab.e-h Boll was ring-

bearer. Mr. ..-Edward 'Sampson, of Mld-dlesboro. Ky., br>>thcr of the bride¬groom, was best man.The ushers wore Ranûàl Bentley,

brother of the brkln; David Oloyd, Jr.,end Francis Bell, all of Dublin, and Mr.Joseph Eclimnn, of Pulaski City.Mr. and Mrs. Sampson loft for Nor-

v folk, whence thoy will go by boat to.Tampa, Fla.', and Galveston, Tex.They will resido nt Middlesboro, Ky.,

.when, the bridegroom Is a prominent at¬torney.The bride Is a pretty and popular bru¬

nette and has many relatives and frlenusin Southwest Virginia.

Morrison.Barker.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

BRISTOL. VA., Octobor 26..A took place in the First Presbyte¬rian Church at S o'clock this evening,.when Miss Lucilo B.irkor became the brideof Mr. Hugh C. Morrison. Dr. Vf. O.Cochrane, pastor of the church, was tboofficiating minister. The music for thooccasion was furnished by .Miss IreneMcDowell, wt.o presided at the pipe or¬gan, and the Read Orchestra,The attendants wore A. Kyle Morrison!

brother of tho groom, best man; grooms¬men.J. B. Ayers, Big Stone Gap; 11. H.Dennis, New York; Stove Moom, Lynch¬burg, Vn. ; Edward Fulton, Wise, Va,¡Lady attendants.Ml.s Sarah K. Barker,Bister of the bride, maid nf honor; brides¬maids.Misses LIHIe Beli«; ami KatherinePitts, of Sho iman. Texas; Mi.s Viva Har¬rison, of Macon, Miss.; Miss Allie LinAnderson, of Bristol; ring-bearer, littleMiss Margaret Barker; liBhers.J, C.8tone, Guy Darsi. H. G, Lavlnder and"?. ?. Bushong, all ni Brlrtol.After an «(tensivo brillai trip the couple

Mill go to th«> home_of the groom, .«t GateCity, Va, The bride Is the first 'laugh¬ter of Colonel and Mrs. J. M. Barker, ol



for Infants and Children.Cnstoria is t\ harmless substituto l'or Castor Oil» Pare¬goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Itcontains neither Opium» Morphine nor other Narcoticst-J.stnnco. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrlshness.It cures Dinrrh.ea and Wind Colic. It relieves Troubles and cures Constiputiou. It regulates thoStomach nnd Bowels» giving healthy and natural sleep.Tlie Children's Panacea.The Mother's Friend.

The Kind You Have Always BoughtBears the Signature of

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Hrlstol. lier father Is a retired businessmnn of great wealth. Ho Is presidentof the Bristol Board of Trado nnd sustains? like relation to the City School Board.The groom Is a promising young lawyer¡in«! Is n son of the late Judgo H. S. K.Morrison, who resided at Gate City, Va.


Elegant Wedding in PresbyterianChurch at New Canton, Va. to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)ARVON1A, VA., October 25..Old Trin¬

ity Presbyterian Church, nt New Canton,was the scene of a delightful marriagethi·. morning at 11 o'clock, when MissMary Aleln Nicholas was united in wed¬lock to' Mr. T. Hughart Irvine, of 'Char¬lottesville, Virginia, The coremony was

performed hy Dr. George L. Pétrie, ofCharlottesville, the pastor of tho groom.The church had been very handsomely

decorated with evergreens.Promptly at! n_30 o'clock the weddlnR

march was begun by Mrs .Stewltt. ofCharlottesville. and the attendants, flowergirVi? and bride and groom entered Inorder.Miss Lucy Nicholas, sister of the bride,

was maid of honor, and came In with Mr.Wake Irvine, brother of the groom. MissAVillle Sue Nicholas, ot Charlottesville,with Mr. King; Miss Margie Nicholas,of Scottsvllle. with Mr. Rive Nicholas;"Miss Mary Holladay, of Charlottesville,with Mr. Watts, and Miss Saille McKen-na, of New Canton, with Mr. Nutty-combe.The flower girls were little Misses Ruby

Nicholas and Frances Irvine, both ofwhom were charmingly dressed and whoacted their parts to the admiration ofeverybody.Tho ushers wore Messrs. Bentley Brown,

John Mt'Kenna, Fontaine Fuqua andStephen Trent.After the ceremony almost the entire

party drove to Bremo, a short distancefrom the church, where the bride andgroom took the train for the Virginia HotSprings, where they will spend theirhoneymood. After November 1st theywill bo at home in Charlottesville.The bride Is the daughter oT'Mr. Philip

Nicholas, whose home Is near this place,glie belongs to one of the oldest and mostaristocratic families In Central Virginia,ami was reckoned one of the most popu¬lar and charming young ladies of thisentire section. The groom ls ? promi¬nent business man of Chariottesvillo, andhas many relatives throughout Augustai-ounty and the Valley, where the familyIs widely connected.A delightful ante-nuptial reception was

held at the home of the bride last night.A magnificent repast was spread, andthe large company of guests were charm¬ingly entertnlned. The party came to acloso at 2:30 o'clock, after an evening ofhappiness. A Virginia reel, led by Dr.Perkins Glover, commemorated the clo.«eof the reception.Among the Invited guests were Mr. and

Mrs. Robert C. Nicholas, of Charlottes-i-llle; Mr. and Mrs. James Irvine, ofCharlottesville; Miss Agnes Irvine, Mrs.George Nicholas, Mr. aocl Mrs. ClarenceWhite, Mr. George Irvine, Mrs. J. Z.Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Nicholas,¦Mrs. P. B. Ambler, Miss Alice Nicholas,Mrs. Hampden B. Nicholas, Mr. BigelowNicholas, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Terrell,Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Fuqua, Mr. and Mrs.William Hurt, Mr. William Gait Halman,Mrs. Halman an'd famllyi Miss Lucy Mc-Kenna, Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Pettit, MissCassie Du Val, Mr. Plummer F. Jenes,Dr Perkins Glover and Dr. Clark.

WITHERS.JONES.Marriage of Prominent Couple in

Suffolk Society..Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.")

SUFFOLK, VA., Oct. 25..The auditori¬um of tho Suffolk Christian Church wnsto-night the scene of a brilliant marring«-,the contracting parties being two prom¬inent voting neople In Suffolk soclptvMiss Phoebe Joneo, daughter of Mr. W.H. Jones, Jr., cnshler Farmers' Hani, ofNansemontl, and Mr. John ThorntonWithers', ? young Insurance man, son ofthe late Austin Withers and Mrs. Mis¬souri T. AVIthers.Before the niter was a shower mar¬

riage bell, hi' which stood litt].· MissDorrlS Jones, sister of the Ini.In, wl)0was bell-ringer. Midway the green nndwhite-wreathed aisles were gates offlowers end smllnx, guarded hy MnstersHerbert Barden, Nathaniel Withers, Ar¬thur Wooilford and John C. Holladay,gateopcnçrs, who w<jro 'white linen suits.Immediately preceding the ceremony

Mr. Joseph Little sang "O Promise Me."At the strains of Lohengrin's marrh,the bridal iyirty entered the church. Thebridesmaids* nttlre«! In "princess" gownsof white net. built on chiffon over taffeta,bi'nrlng whlto iohnyfmnjtharnúms, wereMisses Gertrude Long, of Beading, Pa.;Eugenia Pinner, of Baltimore, LillianParks, of AVashlngton; "Rachel Border,of Goldsboro, N. C,¡ Janet Stephenson,of Monterey. Vn.; Ruth Jones, nf filonrollege, N. C; Winnie [Jobbs, of Chat¬tanooga, Tenn.; Blanche Williamson, ofDriver, A'a·: I-OUlse Jones, of Norfolk,A'a.; Km. Holland nnd Hut h Marshall,of Suffolk.The groomsmen were Messrs. J. A'.

l.Mgnori, of Richmond; f¡. p. Dlsoway,or New A'ork olty. ItlclinjH H. Cohoon,of Norfolk:, R. Sydncr LllisTJohn P. Lee,Herbert ?. Holland. Bradford Kllby,? "hurle., ('.'ramer, William MoAnge andHinten Hargrav..Pnrcedlog tho brille came ber mnld

of honoF, Mis- Em, Jones, attired Inpink crepe de chine over pink taffeta,benring pink chrysanthemums, and herrlngbearer, Master Marshall Lancaster,who corri«·«! u silver tray on whlohlay the golden circlet,

?'??,· (iride, a lovelv, graceful girl, en¬tered with her father, who gave her?,way.-SI««· wore a duches« luce robeover taffeta, a bridal veil caught withllllee of the valley, and carried a bou-<iuet nf 1111«=« of tho valley. She wasri««·! ai the altar bv the groom, attendedbv his best man. Hon. Robert AV. AVlth·«?·· Th* Impressive service of the TCpis-copal Qhurch was used, the ceremony! «ing performed bv Dr. W. W. Btalcy,B-h-tetet] by Rev. J. B. Dunn.Mr. and Mrs. AVIthers left for Norfolk,

where they will stay until to-morrow,when they will leave for nn extensivonorthern tour.

Dorrier.Burgess.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

SCOTTRVILLE, VA." October 25..A«inlet but exceedingly pretty wedding wns

celebrated at "Belle Haven." the beauti¬ful home of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Pitts,Tuesday at noon, the occasion being themarrlago of Miss Cornelia Burgess, a sis¬ter of Mrs. Pitts and a daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Pleasant Madison Burgess, ofFluvanna county, to Mr. Walter S. Dor¬rler, of the National Bank of Scottsvllle.Down the ribbon aisle, carpeted In white;the bridal party, at the appointed hour,entered the drawing-room In the fol¬lowing order: First, Father Crow, ofChnrlottesvllie, tho celebrant; then thegroomsmen, two and two.Messrs. MarlonPitts land Gnrnett Burgess, a brother oftho bride, and Messrs. Leuko Pitts andCharles Dorrler, a brother of the groom.These wore followed hy the maid at Iionorand best man.Miss Grace Burgess, ofRichmond, with Mr. James Dorrier, an¬other brother of the. groom: next, thelittle ilower girls, Misses A'lrglnla Pitts,of Scottsvllle, and Elizabeth Pitts, ofArvonln; and last, the bride and groom.The priest, with the bride and groom,stood beneath nn arch of white andgreen In the bay window, while Justnbove their heads hung a weddingbell of green leaves, with a white lining.The bride was attired iu a golng-awaygown of .plum-colored chiffon broadcloth,with hat and gloves to match, and car¬ried a bouquet of white carnations.Miss Grace Burgess, of Richmond, the

maid of honor, woro cream accordion-plaited mull and carried, white chrysan¬themums.The wedding march, from Lohengrin,

was played by Miss Clara Pitts on theentrance of the bridal party, and Men¬delssohn's at the close.Only the Immediate relatives and con¬

nections of the family, with a few inti¬mate friends, Were present.The bride's present from her father-ln-

luw was a generous check. An elegantluncheon was served to the guests at1 P. M.

McMurdo.Mag-ruder.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

EASTHAM, ALBEMARLE CO., VA..October 25..A beautiful marriage was'solemnized nt .'Edgemont," the home ofMrs. Sara Magruder, this afternoon at 3o'clock, when Miss Sara Gilmer Magruderbecame the bride of .Mr. Alured KeithMcMurdo, of Livingston, Montana, for¬merly of Chnrlottesvllie, Va.In the absence of the ffev. ?. B. Lee.

the ceremony was performed by the Rev.RuffIn Jones, of Bolse City, Idaho.The Lohengrin wedding march was ar¬

tistically rendered by Miss Kate Minor,a cousin of the bride.The houso wns tastefully decorated

with evergreens. . ferns and Chrysanthe¬mums.The bride was gowned in whlto glace

silk, elaborately trimmer In lace, withtulle veil caught with orange blossoms,nnd carried a shower bouquet of whltoroses.The maid of honor, Miss Maria Louisa

Magruder, entered with the bride, in acostume of whlto silk, and carried whitechrysanthemums.Miss Carrie Belle Watson, of Washing¬

ton, D. C, was bridesmaid, and worepink messaline silk over pink taffeta,carrying pink ohrysanthemums.Mr. Archibald McMurdo, brother of the

groom, was best man. Tho bride wasgiven away by her brother. Mr. Frank¬lin M. Mngrutlor.The groomsmen were Dr. E. W. Ma-

gruder, of Richmond, Va.; Dr. H, M.DeJarnctte, Mr. J. Oscar Thurman andMr. Hew McMurdo.A reception was held immediately afterthe ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. McMurdoleft for Montana, stopping in Chicagoand at Fort Robinson, Nebraska.

Desmond.Kelley.(Spe«!inl to The Times-Dispatch.)LYNCHBURG, VA. October 25,-MlssBessie li. Kelley, daughter of Mr, Wil¬liam J). Kelley, of this city, nnd Mr. Johnl Desmond, were married yesterdaymorning at the Holy Cross. Catholicchurch, tho Rev. Father McGurk b«.n.tlie olllciatlng minister. Only a fewfriends, lu addition to the families of thecontracting parties, witnessed tho cere¬

mony. Miss Annie. Wrenn. a cousin of thebilde, was the mold of honor, and Mr.Andrew Desmond, a brother of the groom,was tho liest iriun. The wedding marchwas played by Mrs. Jerry Collins. Thegroom Is a telegraph operator with theSouthern, being stationed ai an Importantblock tower near the city, .Mr. und Mrs.Desmond left immediately after ?'? mar¬riage for ¡t trip to New York city andNlagaga Fulls.

Gale.-Prather.(Special to Tuie Tlines-DIsputeh.)'

BRISTOL; VA., October _5..Mls_ NellloPrather, the protty daughter of Mrs.Julia Prather, Ot Mount Airy, N. C, whobad been visiting her uncio, Mr. J. M,I)«>Vault, here for several week», sur-prised her friend» l»- her marriage onMonday afternoon to Mr Thomas Gale, aUOPU'ill' young clerk ul Hotel St. Law¬renci. The nuptials wero solemnized atthe home of the bride's uncle, Rev. ??.li Guie, of Boanoke. Vu,, father of thegroom, otllclatlng· The couple will residein Bristol.


Miller.Boyer.(Specillilo The Tltiies-Dlspntch.)

WOODSTOCK, VA.. October 25..Apretty, though qulot, homo wedding tookiliaco this afternoon nt -;1S o'clock at"Maplowuod," the homo of Mr. ami ???.John D. Boyer, near Woodstock, whentheir daughter. Ml.« Carrie i'llzabethBuyer, wus married to Mr. Harvey Pro«·ton Miller, of Washington, li. C.Miss Alile Buyer, u Hitler of the bride,.iiH-iwild of honor, und Mr. ?. I'. Miller,? broth.r of Ihe groom, was buat man.Tlio couple will lie ut houli·, Nu. '¿lu Q

Street, ?. Vf., Washington, li. e., ufi,.,·November I5th.

Quarles.Bowers.(Special i" Thn Tl|0__.Dispatch.)

ETNA MILLS, VA., C.tôlier ¡".'«.-Ml«»Lui-y Aun powers, of "Dawn," Carolin«county, was married to Mr. Douglas WH-

son Qiiarles, of thè same county, by thèRev. Mr. Forrester, of the MethodistChurch, at 4 o'clock tMs afternoon, InConcords Baptist Church. Miss,Bowersis tho daughter ot the late Robert Bow¬ers, and is one ¡oí Caroline's favóritfe(Innglilcrs. Mr. Q.iArles ls a well ltnowhand prosperous lumber dealer.

DANVILLE WEDDINGS.Miss Wemple Becomes,Bride ofMr. Lyle.Berkeley.Pierce.(Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)-.DANVILLE, VA. October 25.-«M1ss

Lily AVomple, youngest daughter of Mr.and Mrs. O. AVemplo, of this city, wasmarried to-nlfeht at 0 o'clock to Mr. JohnThnmns Lyle, .tr.. of Meridian, .Alls... Theceremony· wiifi performed In the MainStreet M. E. church. Rev. 15. U. Kawllngs.the pastor, officiating. Tho church wasbeautifully decorated, nnd the ni.irri.-gowas witnessed hy a largo number of thefriends of tho contracting parties, manyof them being· out of town residents. «Air.J. Roscoc Anderson, was best man. andMisa Blanche Wemple, sister to the brido,wns maid of honor. The attendants weroas follows: Miss Chariot to .Miller, ofRichmond, with J. AV. Ormn.nd. of Me«·ridimi, .Allss.; Miss _.agonie Taylor, ofRichmond, with Mr Kenneth AVimblsh;"Miss Mary Gravely, wlih Air. EHI.« Ponti"Miss Mabel Robinson with Mr. rolandoAVomple; Miss Estolle Tucker, with MrJJames O. Gravolv; Miss Mallssa Paynejof Norfolk, with Mr. Jamos T. Callo, Jr.;Miss .Ionie Howard, with Mr. Lewis·*AV#kor. After the ceremony a receptionwas held at the home of Mr. O. AVomple,'on Main street. The brido Is ono or themost oharmlnjr mombrs of th socialworld In .(his city, nnd the groom salesmannger in a big wholesale concern inMeridian. Mr. nnd «Airs. Lyle loft, to¬night for nn extended southern trip;Miss Penrl Elizabeth Pierce, daughterof Mr. and Afra. ?. E. Pierce, waH united


in marriage to-day at high noon at thehome of the bride, to Mr. E. J. Berkeley,of Charlotte county. The ceremony ivasperformed by Rev. AV. R. Laird, and wit¬nessed by many friends of tho contractingparlies. Mr. and Mrs. Berkeley willmake their future home In Charlottecounty.

Whitmore.Brown.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

WINCHESTER. A'A., October 25..MissAlberta Brown, daughter of R. A. Brown,of Mllwood, Clarke county, and AAMlllam"C. AVhltmore. of Jefferson county, AAr. A'a.,were married last evening In the BaptistChurch at AVIliwood by Rev. Dr. JulianBronddus, of Berryville. The bride wasgiven in marriage by her father. Hersister. Miss Florence Brown, .was maidof honor. 'The best' mini was WalterShipman, of Charleston. AV. A'a., and theushers were ConU*y-Du-lti.y and HerbertBrown, brothers of the bride, and ErnestAV. Phillips, of Chf-r]f»V>wn. Followingtho ceremony was an elnborato receptionnt home of the bride's father, which waslargely attended. After a Northern tour,the couple will live on the groom's fineestate near Charlestown.

Davis.Price.(Special to The TJmes-Dispntch.)

ROANOKE, A*A.. October 2S.-MIk,s CoraLee Price, daughter of Mrs. B. S. Price,anil Mr. Fayette H. Davis, a tobacconistof Farmvllle, were married to-day at thoresidence of the brido, Rev. J. Ml Keisterofficiating: Nr. A', orange, of Baltimore,was besL man, and Miss Edna Price, sla¬ter of the bride, maid of honor. Brides¬maids and groomsmen.Miss Bert AVal-thall anil Mr Edgar Price. Miss MamieKling and Mr. J. Vf. AVheeler. Tho coupleleft for their future home in Farmvllle.

Dorsey.Souder(Special tr, The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

LEESBURY, A'A., October 25..MissJessica AVaters Souder, daughter of thelate Amorten« Souder, of Lovettsvlllo,Loudoun county, and Mr. William Shep¬herd Dorsey, of Howard county, Md.,were married this evening at 7 o'clock InSt. John's ltformed Church at Lovetts-vllle, by Rev, Asa Richard. The bridewns given away bv Mr. William Frasler,of Summit Point, AV.-Va. Tho maid ofhonor was Miss Nellie Solder, and thegroom's best man was Mr. C. Lenthlcum,of Baltimore, Md..Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey will reside In Bal¬

timore, Md., after a brief bridal tourNorth.


Burnett.Petherbridge.(Ppeclal to Tlu: Times-Dispatch,)

NORFOLK, A'A., October 2d..MissEleanor Hope Petherbridge, the daughterof Mrs. ?. E. Petherbridge, of Berkley,was married to-day to Eldridge EwingBarnctt, of Cape May, N. J., at the resi¬dence of the bride In Main Street, byRev Vf. II. Edwards, of tho MethodistChurch. They left here to-night for a

honeymoon trip to Now York, after whichtlít-y will reside In Capo May.


Billings.Pace.- (Special to The Tlmes-Dlspatch.)ROANOKE, VA., October 25..Mabel A.

Pace, daughter of Mrs. S. F. Pace, andMr. Edward Billings, of the RadfordLaundry, were married ??-night at theresidence of the brother of the groom.Rev. H. N. Canter officiating. The coupleleft on a Northern tour.

Hodges.Thomas,(Special to Tile Tlmes-Dlspatch.)

ROANOKE, VA., October 25..MissNova M. Thomas ami Mr. C. R. Hodges,of Norton, were married laat night attho residence ot* tl««· bride's slstor, Mrs,F E, Davis, Rev, W. S. Neighbors .offi¬ciating. '

Crook.Abshire.(Special to The Tlmos-Dlspatch.)

ROANOKE, VA., October 25..Miss LillleAbshire. of Franklin county, and Mr.AV. L. Crook, of Dayton« Ohio, wero mar-ri.'d to-night. Rev. S. P. Miller offi¬ciating.


(Rpeclnl to The 'nTñOs-DIspalch.)NEAV YOKE. October 25..Thero Ik still

sòme oxP-ctailon that tho dividend on

qiiotwiiottke litui Ohio will bo Increasedthis fall from ? ?«, ·_« .e,· cent, a year.Such expectation, which formed tho busisfor soini. ruceiil buying. Is very likely tobo qUappolnt.-U. The annulli report show¬ed thnt after necessary expenditures forbetterments last yen- tho road earnedless than .' per cent, on Its stock, To puvthat mi«· «,f «livid« ml Hie compuny wotihlhave to borrow j.m 0f tho money. Thiswould be entirely at variance with tboconservative poll.·)· of Pennsylvania iri-tore.ii«, f.,r while it |. (ru_i that C'Iiobh-Tjeake ami («hi«, now bears thn burden of?".""« """'!'·' "luiHcntlng unearnedül.lüoiK.H pulii ?«, 1,'ockholder.H, Peimsvl-Min it illil nui In.juguiute th« policy ofpaying (livid. i.|k ,,,, ,)mt Bt.,.it. but In-In-ill.-.| n when a bought Ihe property,l.i.i year .¦..;¦ ,,, rirsi In which diesa·im,·?*.«· an,I i,i,:,, would have been Justillo«!in puylnts itlyld.-ndH from tho Pennsy).yaniii NlMiulpoln« and It is now entirelytoo early to look for any Increase.

Mr. William J. Perdue and MissMargaret Ebcrt. United

Last Night.


First Salvatiqn -Army WeddingWedding in Richmond.Im¬

pressive Service.

For the ilrst timo In tho history ofRichmond a public Salvation Army wed¬ding was celebrated nt 8 o'clock lnstnight In'the army's hall, No, 027 EnstBroad Street. The ceremony was per¬formed after the rite of the Salvationists,and wn.s simple and Impressive, thoughoften flavored with the humorous re¬

marks of Mnjor L. M. Slmonson, tho cele¬brant, who, It seemed, could not help now

and then flinging In some witticism nt thecontracting parties.The ceremony wns performed on a dais

placed at ono end of the hnll, nrtlsticnllydecorated In evergreen·« and flowers. Inthe middle was placed on arch, draped In

white and hung with ferns; and at either,e/id of the rostrum were placed fiais, oneof the United States and the other ofthe Slavatlon Army. The coloring of thoflogs, the flowers and ferns anil the brightlights,' though In, perhaps, rather meagro.surroundings, was vory effective andmade an Impression on tho eyes of allthat saw.The services opened with the Hinging

of the hymn oí Zlon, ln which not onlythe Salvationists, but also the largocrowd, for Hie hall was packed andJammed, joined with great effect- ThoSalvationists then knelt In prayer, afterwhich another hymn was sung.The signal was given, and the wedding

procession filed in, headed by four littleflower girls, dressed nil in white andcarrying nosegays. The bride, Miss Mar¬garet Ebort, a very pretty brunette, comeIn with tho groom, Mr. William J. Pur-due, a tall, attractive looking young man.The bride was dressed In the regulationuniform, with a whlto silk sash thrownacross the shoulders and caught in thewaist. The groow wols also donned in thoregulation uniform. Tho party, with thebride and groom in the middle, took seatson the center of the dais, just behind thearch. *

Explained Marriage Rite.The ceremony began with the reading

of a portion of the Scriptures by MajorSimonson. who then in a few words ex¬plained tiie marriage rite of the SalvationArmy. Tho contracting parties, mustpromise not only to bo faithful to eachother through all the Ills and Joy« of life,but to give eternal allegiance to the workof the Salvation Army, and to givo theircorltlnual effort to ench other so to do.This Is the main difference between theSalvation Army and other forms of the..arriage ceremony.After the explanation the bride and

groom stepped forward nearly beneathth. arch, and stood beneath tlie gracefulfolds of the two flags held by orderlies.Major Simonson read the Fi-rvlces, andboth parties made the responses In firm,loud tones. The "I wills" were'deliveredwith such precision and vehemence that


The Southern Railway announces thottho yellow fever quarantine In the Southhns -practically been withdrawn by allof tho Southern States.

Its through sleeping car service hasbeen restored to Now Orlenns, and thesale of through tickets to New Orleansand to all points South and Southwestthrough New Orleans and other Southernguteways has been resumed.This Information will meet with much

favor with the traveling publlo, as' theSouthern Railway with Its elegant sched¬ules and through car arrangements tothe South and Southwest Is the favoriteroute.Low rate winter troulsts' tickets to

Flordla, Cuba, South Carolina, Georgia,Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Mississippiand many resort points In the South arenow on sale.



Account tho abovo occasion, tho At¬lantic Coast Line Railroad will selltickets, Richmond to Petersburg and re¬turn, at rate of one first-class fare plus25 cents, tickets on sale' October 23d,21th' and 26th, limited to return Ootober30th, 1805.On October 26th the Atlantic Coast

Lino Railroad will sell tickets, Richmondto Petersburg nnd rotiirn, at rate of fifty(50) qents, good returning on some dateonly, account Battio of the Crater.For further Information, upply to

agents of the company, tho RichmondTransfer Company, or

C. S. CAMPBELL, D. P. ?.,S88 ISast Main Street,

Rjohmond, Vn.


RAILROAD.Wintor Tourist tickets are now on sale

to all Southern Winter Resorts, via theAtlantic Coast Lino. .This Uno le th_Shortest, Quickest and most ElegantlyEquipped between the North and South.It offers to health and pleasure seekersservice equalled by none. You make no

chungo to Florida points; havo two,through trains dally,

Full information, apply to agents of theCompany, or

C. S. CAMPBELL, D. P. A.Richmond, Vu.


HAM," ALA.Is via the "Southern Railway." Twothrough trains dully from Richmond, withPullmans und Pining Cars,, tho serviceof which Is maintained at the higheststandard of excellence.Winter Tourists' Tickets now on sale

to Florida and many points In tho Southby thle popular route. (


Booker-Powell., Recital.Superb Mason andHamlin Piano From the Cable

Company to Be Used.~\-'"*r No event as important, locally, as the recital

Of Miss Betty Burwell Booker and Mr. John Powellat the Academy next Thursday night has ever hap¬pened in Richmond. Both artists have gatheredfame and recognition of their ability and genius.

Tho Cable Company, through its manager here,Mr. J. O. Co-ley, has brought about the recital, and/.with the departure of Mr. Powell for Vienna to fin¬ish his, course with his illustrious music master, Les-chetlzky, and the return óf Miss Booker fromabroad, after a flattering season in London, Rich-rhonders will have the first opportunity to see hertwo great artists in recital together as professionals.

To secure a piano with the finest possible tonefor a virtuoso the Cable Company's manager has se-

, cured from their Mason and Hamlin Branch one ofthe best concert grands they have in their studiosin Boston. This piano, a magnificent instrument,has been secured at considerable cost in the matterof transportation and care, and it will be heardunder the magic touch of Powell in a splendid se¬

lection of the masters during the recital, as well as

under the touch of the accompanist to Miss Booker,whose exquisite voice has already made her a Lon¬don success among the finest and best of the artistsin the concert world.

, The Mason and Hamlin factory has reached thehighest point of artistic endeavor in the piano whichMr. Powell will play, and the same instrument pro¬vided for some of the greatest virtuosi of the worldwill be given him for the Booker-Powell recital.

Tickets now on sale at The .Cable Company.Prices, 50c, 75c and $1.00.

an audibl tittr went round the room.There was no mincing of matter by eitherot the rart'et. They then clasped hands,and the groom placed the wedding ring onthe bride's tinger, and.with bowed heads,the two were mado man and wife, andwere given a blessing by Major Simonson.A resounding kiss placed on the bride'slip« by the groom ended the ceremony,and for a moment the two stood beforethe world happy In the knowledge thatthey were husband and wife. The twotook their seats, and two little girls. Ma¬rlon and Florence De Fane, daughter» ofadjutant and Mrs. De Pane, came for-wurd and sang the wedding song. Thebride herself accompanied them on themandolin, and the groom Joined In thechorus ot tho song. After the serviceswer«· over, the Army followers adjournedto an adjoining room, where a bounteouswedding feast was spread.Mr. and Mrs. Purdue will remain In

Richmond for the prêtent; hut It Is ex-pect.d that they will be removel. in tlienenr future to some other station.

WAS VERY UNIQUEMr. Shine and Miss .Magri, and

Mr. Magri and Miss LloydUnited.

One of tho most unlquo weddings thatever occurred' in Richmond took place InSt. Peter's cathedral, yesterday afternoonat 4:15 o'clock, when Mr. Robert Shineand Miss Marie Magri, on the one hand,and Mr. Lawrence Magri and Miss Lil¬lian Lloyd, oh the other, were Joined lnholy matrimony. Rev. Dr. Magri was thecelebrant, and the most unique featureof the double wedding Is the fact that thebride, Miss Magri, in one case, and thogroom Mr. Lawrence Mngrl. In the other,are sister and brother to Dr. Magri, whowas the celejaant In their respective mar¬

riages.Both young couples, desiring as far as

possible to surprise their friends kept theapproaching marriage a profound secret,hence no Invlto-tlons were issued, and thosecret was kept so well that no one out¬side of a very few Intimate friends wasmade aware that the wedding was aboutto bo. '¦

Mr, Shine and Miss Marie Magri, thatwas. are both of Lynchburg. Mr. ShineIs tho son of Mr. and Mrs. C. AV. Shine,and Mrs. Shine is the daughter of Mrs.Mary J. Magri, of Lynchburg. and thosister of Dr. Magri. Mr. Lawrence Magriis of Lynciïburg, and his brido Is thodaughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Lloyd, ofNorfolk. Both grooms are prosperousyoung citizens of Lynchburg. where theynave hosts of friends. Mrs. Shine, Ulsterof Dr. Magri, has a very attractive per¬sonality, nnd Is gifted with a most pleas¬ing disposition and power to mako friends,and ig very popularly known. Mrs. MagriIs a beautiful and popular young lady ofNorfolk, where she Is known as ? genernlfavorite'among- a large circle of friends.The altar of the cathedral was beauti¬

fully decorated last night with flowersnnd candles. There was a large choirof altar boys. who. under tho director¬ship of Brother Charles, song, withoutaccompaniment ns the two counlos enter¬ed and proceeded un the aisle, lunchgroom and each brido wero best manand bridesmaid, respectively, to the other.Ono couple acted as best man and brides¬maid· to the other, and when the firstwere united, they stepned. aside nnd act¬ed ih a like, capacity for the other.After the ceremonv both eounles left

nn tho 5:05 trnln bv. r tho Atlantic CoastLino for a tour of tho Northern cities.


Will Award Contraot for NewHenrico County Jail.

Tho board of supervisors of Henrlcocounty, togother with Judgo Scott andCommonwealth -Aforney Wendenburg,spent yesterday afternoon In looking overthe plans and specifications for the pro¬posed new county Jail, but the contractwas not awarded.Four firms are competing for the work.

They are tho Mankin Construction Com¬pany, of DiIb city;, tho Stewart IronWork«,-of Cincinnati; tho Van Doren IronWorks, .of Columbus, O., aud .MeagerBroB., of St. Louis..The Stewart Iron Worke built tho new

jail here, und have contracts for Jails Inthe counties of Wise, Tazowell and Rus¬sell.They are represented hy Ale. W. M.

Bowman, who Is well known here.All the firms have representatives oh

tho ground. The contract for the new

county JflU will likely bo awarded to¬night.

Receiver Appointed.(By Associated Press.)

..ISW YORK. October 23..Justice Stoverin the Supreme Court to-day appointedArthur D. Truax receiver for the prop¬erty of the ..flight and Free.« Company,

Geo. W. Andersonsssss & Sons=


Renaissance, Arabians,Irish Point, Tamboured,Cluny's, Ruffled Curtains.


you will find ln our stock.

Portieresin the newest styles andcolors.

ANDERSON'SCarpet House,

215 East Broad Street.

I427 E. Main St.

John H. Rose & Co.

We make a specialtyof putting in 1

Hot Air Furnaces,Latrobe Heaters.Sanitary PlumbingFixtures, ,

Tin Work of AH Kinds·Now is season to let us

figure with you. (

John H. Rose ?


Phone SII,

hi'flkçri.,. of thin city, with Uraiionos taHi....«--., Norlolk, \ a. and i'llttsburg. Pro-pef.linge worn brought by George 5, Tur,WW'irVfíi. Ihu'vuj· AVutsoii the sole sur¬viving'dlrcotors for a voluntary dlssolii.tlau-Of the corporation. The company'saffairs have .been Involved In litigationslwò last May.

- » I.

Governor Coming Tq-day.Governor and Mm. Montugue will return frota

New York this ufttrm-on. Only routine worl»wa_ «ruins on hi the executive ."IrnTrtTfllt Hitterdi-i·,