Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their...

mf,rfmm"M''-- j f- - 5P Jnw3Ew.f iipmypjK J'l'J' Jf;. r - i ., y40ther People Besides the Energetic Morgan Believe the LIVE Bulletin a GOOD THINGf 'fritss-Jr- J ;g hi See ALONG IT PUSHING how they are I Evening Bulletin I rjrjtrjorjrjrjLrArjrjrj Believe MERCHANTS LIVE LIVE in & jj PAPERS S f( wrjarjnrjarArjiTjtrATjp'lk The Growth of a Community Is Always ADVANCED by a LIVE PAPER. . wrArATArArjirArArArArAn VOL. Y. NO. 1093. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1898. PltlOB 5 Cents. 0 i I 1 .' 1. f T I P"' "1 v -- V V A -X- MA-S- t u R K E , Y 5 :: Better place your order with us now, and avoid the disap- pointment experienc- ed by so many Thanks- giving Day. :: We have ordered from the Coast, a gen- erous supply of Fan- ciest Turkeys and Geese, and can prom- ise something nice. :: Our delivery list for these and other . holiday items, such as Cranberries, Celery, Cauliflower,California Cabbage Frozen Oy- sters, &c, &c, is al- ready on file. If you're wise you'll "get in ear- ly and avoid the rush." J.T.WATERHOUSE Waverley Block, ' . GROCERIES CROCKERY HARDWARE Established 1851 ' . Lenders 1808 CHIEF JUSTICE JUDD DECIDES. Opinion That Chinese are Entitled to Discharge From Custody. Chief Justico A. F. Judd, in Under tho excontion of tho re open court nt chambers this morn- - jdk, reou in a iipcisiou id iuu in ni- ter of the petition of Aiona and eight others for a writ of habeas corpus. Tboro wob a largo at- tendance of lawyers besides thoso encaged in tho caso. Judge Perry of tho Circuit Court and Minister Coopor woro also prosent. Tho opinion of tho Court makes sixtoen pages of typewriting. Ow- ing to tho peculiar circumstances of tho case, which nro fully set forth in tho opinion, tho document will tako second place with scarce- ly any judicial decision in tho Ha woiian .Reports as to either juridi- cal or historical intorcat. " My judgment is that petition- ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to an tor these Hawaiian Islands." With thoso words, tho opinion concludes, making tho nino Ohinamon free moY. An obstruction raised, how evor, to the giving of effect to tho dictum, will bo reported herein- after. Tho Chief Justice at tho begin- ning quotes tho pleading in full tho petition, tho writ, tho return and tho replication to the return. Thon ho eayB: " This caeo presonts questions of groat difficulty, and I am fully impressed (with tho responsibility devolving upon mo in deciding thorn. 1 had no precodouts to ro-f- er to, and I doubt whether any conditions exactly similar to thoso surrounding this caso havo existed anywhere." Ho states the difficulties. Op to July 7, 1898, tho government of tho Hawaiian Islands was an independent ropublic. At that date the joint resolution of annex- ation, passod by Congress tho pre- vious day, bocumo law by tho ap- proval of tho President of tho United States. One of its clauses, quoted, prohibited further immi- gration of Chineso into tho Hawai- ian Islands. Another, also quoted by tho Ohief Justico, provided that until Congress should provide for the government of these islands all tho civil, judicial and military powers oxorciBod by tho officers of the existing govornment,should bo voatcd in such person or persons and oxorcised in such manner as tho President of tho United States should direct, And by proclama- tion by tho Presidout of tho Unit- ed Statos mado on tho 12th of August, 1898, tho existing officers of tho Ropublic of Hawaii woro continued in otlieo. It was contended by the respon- dent that tho Chineso clause in tho annexation resolution was now it part of tho fuudnni- - nlul law of those islands. And that there- after no Chineso could be admitted excopt as in nccordanco with tho lawH of tho Uuitod States. Tho petitionors showed bonafido per mits to enter thoso islands issued to them prior to tho act of annexa- tion. Thoy aro now stoppod on tho threshold of this country bo-oiu- so thoy do not possess tho qua- lifications required by tho laws of tho United States to ontor its do- main. Rtrjral mak.s the food pure, wholesome .nil dellcleaa. . RLngwJ POWDER Absolutely Puro KOVU BAKINO FOWDf CO., MfW VOM. solution of snob legislation as was inconsistent therewith, tho Court rules: "I feel constrained to hold that tho clauso of tho resolution for- bidding furthor Ohinoso immigra- tion has virtually ropealod tho Hawaiian statutes which allowed a restricted Chineso immigration and authorized tho issuo of per- mits to CJiinoso who havo com- plied with cortain requirements." His findings, furthor, must horo bo stated brietly. "Tho crucial question in this caso is whothor Congress intend- ed in the resolution that tho clauso forbidding furthor Ohinoso immi- gration should have a retrospoa-tiv- o operation and rondor invalid thoso pormits." Congros's has mado uo legislation to carry into effect in this territory tho existing laws of tho United States respect- ing Ohinojo immigration. Tho Hawaiian autuorities uavo no power now to do any act which will allow futuro immigration of Chineso to this country. "Whether tho Uuitod SlateB laws can bo enforced in this coun- try without furthor legislation of Congress is a very differout ques- tion." Thoro aro no officors con- stituted by law in this country to execnto tho United States statutes. Not being a couquored country, it is not subject to such orders and decrees as might bo mado by tho conquering power. Our oxisting laws romain in full forco, unless thoy aro inconsistent with tho re- solution. Referring to tho jirguiuent of petitioners that even if tho United States laws regu- lating Chineso immigration aro in forco hore, tho clauso in tho reso- lution in that rospect was not in- tended to apply to Chinneo who are seeking admission by virtuo of permissions given them, uuder Hawaiian law, prior to tho trans- fer of sovereignty of this country to the United States. Tho Chief Justico on this point says: "The injustico and onnrossion which" would bo visitod upon thoso potitionors by being rofupod to land, when thoy camu to this country rolying in good faith up on tno permission granted, is ap- parent to ovoryone. "I am avorso to hold that tho Congress of tho United States de libprately intended to iuilict this injury." Retrospective laws aro prohib- ited by tho Constitution of Ha-wai- i. Thoro is no hucIi prohibi- tion in tho Constitution of tho Uuited States. That Court was not a Court of tho United States, but, considering that this ease should bo decided as a Court of the United States would, tho Chief Justice followed tho rule of con- struction ndopto.l in tho United Statos, "that u Btatuto should havo a proBpoctivo oporation unless its torms show clearly a lpgislativo iutoution that it should operato retrospectively." Copious authorities aro hore nuoted. conalndincr with that tlin United Statos dooisiou in the Chow xoong caso that on which Mr. Robertson mado his strong and final rolianco in argument for po- titionors wheroin a Ghinuman who went from Hawaii to tho United Statoj, having previously lived in tho lattor country, was ordored tojbo allowed to land, on tho ground that "it was impossiblo for him to produco at tho timo of his intended tho certifi- cate required becaueo ho had loft tho United Statos boforo tho pas- sage of tho now treaty and statutes whioh required, as a of his tho 'certificate t l 01 reBiuence. ' Tho Chief Justico romarka on tho utter lmpossibiliiy of theso petitionors cettinc tho certificates required by tho United States law, asking: "Can a residonco in Hawaii bo construed to ho a residonco in tho United States bocauso subsequent to such residonco Hawaii becamo United StateB torritory?" Ho could soo no difference, so far as those petitionors woro con- cerned, botweon tho right to ontor a foreign country socurod by treaty and tho right secured by tho Btatuto of tho country which theso Ohinoso desiro to ontor. "They had a right to rely upon tho provisions of tho Resolution of Annexation itsolf that until Congress should provide for tho govornmontof theso islands, Ha- waiian legislation continued in forco, and, though futuro immigra- tion was forbidden, thoroi was nothing in tho resolution to warn them that thoir pormits woro in- valid. There was nothing in tho resolu- tion to provide for tho coforco-mon- t of tho Chineso oxclusivc laws in these islands. Tho power given tho President of tho United States in tho resolu-tio- u would not permit him to direct a Hawaiian official to per- form duties not authorized by or contrary to Hawaiian laws. Tho respondent is tho Collector Qouoral of Customs of Hawaii, and tho terms of tho resolution which in tho intorim continues tho "existing customs relations of tho Hawaii with tho United States aud othor countries ho executes Hawaiian laws. Hono lulu is still a foroigu port iu this reBpoct. 1 cannot soo what protection the respondent would havo in a Hawaiian court, if ho Bbould un- dertake to do an act not authorized by Hawaiian law." jluo uuiot Justico turttior says: "1 can unci no discretion grantod to oxecnte a portion of tho United States laws on this subject and ignoro othor portions. In Baying this, I wish distinctly to disavow auy ' intention of seeming to intluenco auy action of tho Inspeotor -- of Ohinoso Immigration, Mr. J. K. Brown, who is horo undor tho instructions from tho Secretary of tho Treasury of tho United States. 'I Thero is nothing in tho Reso- lution itsolf, or in tho circum stancos attending its pasaugo, to indicato that it was tho intention of Congress to repudiato any act of tho Hawaiian Uovernmont pre- viously dono. Tho whole scopo of tho Resolution indicates a contrary intontion as shown by tho assump- tion of tho Hawaiian national dobt, tho continuance of our cus toms laws and customs rotations, tho continuance of our officials iu offico, otc." Thou, preceding tho judgment as givou abovo, tho Ohief Justico reiterates tho opinion that Con- gress would not havo intondod tho Ohinoso exclusion laws to go into fulloffect immodiatoly in tho Ha- waiian Islands. Magoon & Silliman, Robertson it Wilder for petitionors; Attornoy Gonoral "V. O. Smith for respon- dent. APPEAL NOTED. Tho Attorney Gonoral noted an appeal'to tho Supremo Court, aud moved that tho petitioner bo to tho custody of Inspec- tor Brown ponding tho decision of tho appeal. Mr. Robortsou doniod tho right of appoal, citing tho Bishop case. Tito Chiof Justico said this was a question ho had not expected, aud suggested it should bo argued at 1:30 o'clock. Mr. Robortson contondod that potitiouorB could not bo remanded to tho custody of rospoudouts. Thoy woro ontitled to discharge immodiatoly on tho rondoriug of tho decision just rendered. Wliile argument on whothor an appeal lay or not was ponding thoy could only bo in custody of tho Court. Tho Chief Justico accordingly gftvo tho potitionors in oharge of Deputy Marshal' Hitohcock as an officor of tho Court. Currant talk' about tho court- house was that tho decision was ono-o- f tho ablest over ronderod from tho Hawaiian bonch. Ohinoso Consul Pin and Vice Consul Goo Kim nttonded court in tho afternoon. Continued on Pago 8, CITY OF BROTHERLY LOYE Extends tho Hand of Business to Metro polis of c, The Philadelphia Commercial Museum Invites the Affiliation of the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. At tho meeting of tho Chamber of Commerce yesterday, tho sccre tary, J. G. Spencer, read a com munication from tho Philadelphia Commercial Museum, by William P. Wilson, Doctor of Scionco aud Director of tho institution. It was in reply to a lottor of tho secretary asking for fuller information about tho objects and scopo of tho insti- tution. This request is complied with iu four closely typewritten lottor pages. Tho Philadelphia Com morcial Museum, it is stated, is ono of a group of tho museums undor the control of tho Board of Trustees of tho Philadelphia Mu souuiB. This Board constitutes a municipal dopartmont. Tho Cornraorcial museum is or ganized to oxtend and dovolop tho foreign trado of America, partiou lorly in tho direction of export. It acts as a coutor of trado iuforma tion. Full records of foreign mor- - chants aro circulated conmlontial ly among tho chambors of cor- a- morco, also individual business firms in tho United States, and similar records of American man ufacturors and exporters aro boing placed in tho principal trado conf ers abroad. Tho musoum possesses collec tions of tho raw products of for eign countries, such as aro host Buited to Amorican industries. It has also collections of samples of manufactured products most in favor in tho various export mark ets of the world. Tho work is Bub sidizod by tho city of Philadel- phia, tho appropriation for tho currontyoar being 3100,000. To tho board of museums iu general tho city has granted a central tract of moro than forty acres, and an appropriation of $200,0 0 for the oroction of suitabla buildings. Coming down to the point of local intorcst tho communication says: "Granting that tho Honolulu Chamber of Commorco should ao-co- pt. membership in this Board, wo should first of all placo our services ut tno disposal ot your membors. Wo should invito thoir correspondence touching business questions, should be vory much pleased to lond our assistance to find a market for thoir products in this country, aud should promptly refer to thoir full in- formation about American indus- tries, whoro thoy could best pur chase such articlos as thoy might caro to handle, through whom, and on what terms. "At tho samo timo wo should ondoavor tokoop in touch with the opinions of your association re- garding matters of interest tho mainland and tho isl- ands. Wo think you will agroo with us that questions of this kind, nrising in tho next few yoarp, will bo very numerous, and that it will bo decidedly to your advan-tsg- o to havo an organic connection with an influential institution in tho Statoa, through which your opinions might bo mado generally known." In conclusion tho Director statos that every chamber of commorco joining tho advisory board is re- quested to uamo two or thrcodole- - gatoB for representing tho chamber at international congresses. Secretary Spencor Biiggostod that tho matlor bo roforred to President Athorlou to take action as bo thought advisablo. Mr. Schaofor elated that Mr. Sowell of Williams, Dimoud & Co. would bo hero in a fow days and, as tho lettor raontioned the Cali- fornia State Board of Trado as to tho advisory board, that gentloman might bo consulted by tho presidout. It wob eo ordered. n '1 infra tfiiiiiiM' aithfriMifchttin5J .a ttkWS CHURCH DIRECTORY. Reorganized emmeu dp ircim CHRIST."-Service- s In AUIIIanl H.ill. rwr of Opera House, next Sunday as follows: io a. m. bunday bchools preaching in Ha- waiian at 1 1 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Preach-n- g In English at 7!jo p. m hy Elder w. ureene; subject. "1 he Restoration of the Gospel bv Angel .Ministry In Tills Age." All are cordially Invited to come and hear. KAUMAKAPILI CHURCH FAIR Tho Kanmnkapili church fir is the ovent for Saturday. Tho comes that tho doors of tho basement of tho church on Boretania street will bo thrown opon at 2 p. m. and that tho foir will last throughout tho aftoruoon and ovening. Some of tho vory finest Hawaii- an mats, hots, fans, calabashes, etc., willbo oil salo. Nearly all thoso articles havo boon made dur- ing tho paBt months of tliifl year by tho members of tho church, who are anxious to lift tho debt thoy aro now encumbered with. Refreshments will bo sold. Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Gulick havo kindly taken chnrgo of tho fair. Mrs. A. K. Judd, Mra. Chas. Athertou and Miss Nollio Judd, together with Mr. Geo. Ciistlo aro among Hm hard workers from Central Union who are assisting. Strangers iu tho city looking for Hawaiian mats, etc., would do well to tako in the fair. GUAM) DISPLAY OP IllOS. Tim KlIllhKlOti Umiiii Thronjr.1 Willi .Many Ailmlrrra of ArtMtc Work. Tho suporior advantages of tho live BuiJiKriN 113 a rimlium of im- porting information throughout Now Honolulu was clearly de monstrated to lay in tho crowd which viewed with pleasure and exclamations of doliulit tho hand- some display of gonuine Porsian and Turkish rugs on exhibition in Uruco Waring ,fc Co.'s building Fort street. Last night's Bulmuin contained an elaborate description, written from an artistic standpoint, of tho rugs. Today all know that Per- sian nnd Turkish rugs are dull in color but beautiful iu harmonizing effects. Jamos F. Morgan will inaugu- rate tho Bale of thoso rugs tomor- row at 10 o'clock a. in. Thoro aro individual rugs iu tho collection brought horo by M. B. Mihran, tho conuoisseur and scholar, worth hundrods of dollars. It will bo interesting to art adepts to see what they will fetch. Stock Urlianei. Government and Oahu Railroad bonds worn tho center of interest on tho Exchnugo today. Betweon board salos of $19,000 of (Jovcm-mo- nt G per cents and 15,000 O. R. & L. both at 100 aud five shares o Oakala at $95 wero reported. For Ewa 8210 was bid and 8250 askod, Hawaiian Auricultural $390 bid, uouoKaa siyu bid 8170 asked. Trli I'oatponril. Presidont Dole's trip to Wash- ington has been postponed. It was stated at tho executivo build ing tins morning that Prosident LoloB doparturo would dopond on letters received bv tho noxt stoamer. John Ahsing has rocoived tho contract for punting tho new work of tho custom house buildiugd for S120. Awarded Hlgheat Honors World's Fain Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR; CREAM BAKING A Pure Or.T (Jin fif,.,. lr Ponder. 10YJLM- - i'UnOARD- - . 9 as i ii '! V.i, si

Transcript of Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their...

Page 1: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."

mf,rfmm"M''-- j f- -5P Jnw3Ew.f iipmypjK J'l'J' Jf;.r -

i .,y40ther People Besides the Energetic Morgan Believe the LIVE Bulletin a GOOD THINGf'fritss-Jr-J





I Evening Bulletin I








f( wrjarjnrjarArjiTjtrATjp'lk The Growth of a Community Is Always ADVANCED by a LIVE PAPER. . wrArATArArjirArArArArAn

VOL. Y. NO. 1093. HONOLULU, H. I., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1898. PltlOB 5 Cents.




1.' 1.








-X- MA-S-

tuRKE ,Y5

:: Better place yourorder with us now,and avoid the disap-pointment experienc-ed by so many Thanks-giving Day.

:: We have orderedfrom the Coast, a gen-

erous supply of Fan-

ciest Turkeys andGeese, and can prom-

ise something nice.:: Our delivery list

for these and other. holiday items, such asCranberries, Celery,Cauliflower,CaliforniaCabbage Frozen Oy-sters, &c, &c, is al-

ready on file. If you'rewise you'll "get in ear-ly and avoid the rush."


Waverley Block, '


Established 1851' . Lenders 1808


Opinion That Chinese are Entitled toDischarge From Custody.

Chief Justico A. F. Judd, in Under tho excontion of tho reopen court nt chambers this morn- -

jdk, reou in a iipcisiou id iuu in ni-

ter of the petition of Aiona andeight others for a writ of habeascorpus. Tboro wob a largo at-

tendance of lawyers besides thosoencaged in tho caso. Judge Perryof tho Circuit Court and MinisterCoopor woro also prosent.

Tho opinion of tho Court makessixtoen pages of typewriting. Ow-

ing to tho peculiar circumstancesof tho case, which nro fully setforth in tho opinion, tho documentwill tako second place with scarce-ly any judicial decision in tho Hawoiian .Reports as to either juridi-cal or historical intorcat.

" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their dischargefrom respondent's custody, andthat thoy be allowed to an tor theseHawaiian Islands." With thosowords, tho opinion concludes,making tho nino Ohinamon freemoY. An obstruction raised, howevor, to the giving of effect to thodictum, will bo reported herein-after.

Tho Chief Justice at tho begin-ning quotes tho pleading in fulltho petition, tho writ, tho returnand tho replication to the return.Thon ho eayB:

" This caeo presonts questionsof groat difficulty, and I am fullyimpressed (with tho responsibilitydevolving upon mo in decidingthorn. 1 had no precodouts to ro-f- er

to, and I doubt whether anyconditions exactly similar to thososurrounding this caso havo existedanywhere."

Ho states the difficulties. Op toJuly 7, 1898, tho government oftho Hawaiian Islands was anindependent ropublic. At thatdate the joint resolution of annex-ation, passod by Congress tho pre-vious day, bocumo law by tho ap-proval of tho President of thoUnited States. One of its clauses,quoted, prohibited further immi-gration of Chineso into tho Hawai-ian Islands. Another, also quotedby tho Ohief Justico, provided thatuntil Congress should provide forthe government of these islands alltho civil, judicial and militarypowers oxorciBod by tho officers ofthe existing govornment,should bovoatcd in such person or persons andoxorcised in such manner as thoPresident of tho United Statesshould direct, And by proclama-tion by tho Presidout of tho Unit-ed Statos mado on tho 12th ofAugust, 1898, tho existing officersof tho Ropublic of Hawaii worocontinued in otlieo.

It was contended by the respon-dent that tho Chineso clause intho annexation resolution was nowit part of tho fuudnni- - nlul law ofthose islands. And that there-after no Chineso could be admittedexcopt as in nccordanco with tholawH of tho Uuitod States. Thopetitionors showed bonafido permits to enter thoso islands issuedto them prior to tho act of annexa-tion. Thoy aro now stoppod ontho threshold of this country bo-oiu- so

thoy do not possess tho qua-lifications required by tho laws oftho United States to ontor its do-


Rtrjral mak.s the food pure,wholesome .nil dellcleaa.

. RLngwJ

POWDERAbsolutely Puro


solution of snob legislation as wasinconsistent therewith, tho Courtrules:

"I feel constrained to hold thattho clauso of tho resolution for-bidding furthor Ohinoso immigra-tion has virtually ropealod thoHawaiian statutes which alloweda restricted Chineso immigrationand authorized tho issuo of per-mits to CJiinoso who havo com-plied with cortain requirements."His findings, furthor, must horo bostated brietly.

"Tho crucial question in thiscaso is whothor Congress intend-ed in the resolution that tho clausoforbidding furthor Ohinoso immi-gration should have a retrospoa-tiv- o

operation and rondor invalidthoso pormits." Congros's hasmado uo legislation to carry intoeffect in this territory tho existinglaws of tho United States respect-ing Ohinojo immigration. ThoHawaiian autuorities uavo nopower now to do any act whichwill allow futuro immigration ofChineso to this country.

"Whether tho Uuitod SlateBlaws can bo enforced in this coun-try without furthor legislation ofCongress is a very differout ques-tion." Thoro aro no officors con-stituted by law in this country toexecnto tho United States statutes.Not being a couquored country, itis not subject to such orders anddecrees as might bo mado by thoconquering power. Our oxistinglaws romain in full forco, unlessthoy aro inconsistent with tho re-solution.

Referring to tho jirguiuentof petitioners that even iftho United States laws regu-lating Chineso immigration aro inforco hore, tho clauso in tho reso-lution in that rospect was not in-

tended to apply to Chinneo whoare seeking admission by virtuo ofpermissions given them, uuderHawaiian law, prior to tho trans-fer of sovereignty of this countryto the United States. Tho ChiefJustico on this point says:

"The injustico and onnrossionwhich" would bo visitod upon thosopotitionors by being rofupod toland, when thoy camu to thiscountry rolying in good faith upon tno permission granted, is ap-parent to ovoryone.

"I am avorso to hold that thoCongress of tho United States delibprately intended to iuilict thisinjury."

Retrospective laws aro prohib-ited by tho Constitution of Ha-wai- i.

Thoro is no hucIi prohibi-tion in tho Constitution of thoUuited States. That Court wasnot a Court of tho United States,but, considering that this easeshould bo decided as a Court ofthe United States would, tho ChiefJustice followed tho rule of con-struction ndopto.l in tho UnitedStatos, "that u Btatuto should havoa proBpoctivo oporation unless itstorms show clearly a lpgislativoiutoution that it should operatoretrospectively."

Copious authorities aro horenuoted. conalndincr with that tlinUnited Statos dooisiou in the Chowxoong caso that on which Mr.Robertson mado his strong andfinal rolianco in argument for po-

titionors wheroin a Ghinumanwho went from Hawaii to thoUnited Statoj, having previouslylived in tho lattor country, wasordored tojbo allowed to land, ontho ground that "it was impossiblofor him to produco at tho timo ofhis intended tho certifi-cate required becaueo ho had lofttho United Statos boforo tho pas-sage of tho now treaty and statuteswhioh required, as aof his tho 'certificatet l01 reBiuence. '

Tho Chief Justico romarka ontho utter lmpossibiliiy of thesopetitionors cettinc tho certificatesrequired by tho United States law,asking:

"Can a residonco in Hawaii boconstrued to ho a residonco in tho

United States bocauso subsequentto such residonco Hawaii becamoUnited StateB torritory?"

Ho could soo no difference, sofar as those petitionors woro con-cerned, botweon tho right to ontora foreign country socurod bytreaty and tho right secured bytho Btatuto of tho country whichtheso Ohinoso desiro to ontor."They had a right to rely upontho provisions of tho Resolutionof Annexation itsolf that untilCongress should provide for thogovornmontof theso islands, Ha-waiian legislation continued inforco, and, though futuro immigra-tion was forbidden, thoroi wasnothing in tho resolution to warnthem that thoir pormits woro in-valid.

There was nothing in tho resolu-tion to provide for tho coforco-mon- t

of tho Chineso oxclusivclaws in these islands.

Tho power given tho Presidentof tho United States in tho resolu-tio- u

would not permit him todirect a Hawaiian official to per-form duties not authorized by orcontrary to Hawaiian laws.

Tho respondent is tho CollectorQouoral of Customs of Hawaii,and tho terms of tho resolutionwhich in tho intorim continues tho"existing customs relations of thoHawaii with tho UnitedStates aud othor countries hoexecutes Hawaiian laws. Honolulu is still a foroigu port iu thisreBpoct.

1 cannot soo what protectionthe respondent would havo in aHawaiian court, if ho Bbould un-dertake to do an act not authorizedby Hawaiian law."

jluo uuiot Justico turttior says:"1 can unci no discretion grantodto oxecnte a portion of tho UnitedStates laws on this subject andignoro othor portions. In Bayingthis, I wish distinctly todisavow auy ' intention ofseeming to intluenco auy actionof tho Inspeotor --of OhinosoImmigration, Mr. J. K. Brown,who is horo undor tho instructionsfrom tho Secretary of tho Treasuryof tho United States.

'I Thero is nothing in tho Reso-lution itsolf, or in tho circumstancos attending its pasaugo, toindicato that it was tho intentionof Congress to repudiato any actof tho Hawaiian Uovernmont pre-viously dono. Tho whole scopo oftho Resolution indicates a contraryintontion as shown by tho assump-tion of tho Hawaiian nationaldobt, tho continuance of our customs laws and customs rotations,tho continuance of our officials iuoffico, otc."

Thou, preceding tho judgmentas givou abovo, tho Ohief Justicoreiterates tho opinion that Con-

gress would not havo intondod thoOhinoso exclusion laws to go intofulloffect immodiatoly in tho Ha-waiian Islands.

Magoon & Silliman, Robertsonit Wilder for petitionors; AttornoyGonoral "V. O. Smith for respon-dent.


Tho Attorney Gonoral noted anappeal'to tho Supremo Court, audmoved that tho petitioner bo

to tho custody of Inspec-tor Brown ponding tho decision oftho appeal.

Mr. Robortsou doniod tho rightof appoal, citing tho Bishop case.

Tito Chiof Justico said this wasa question ho had not expected,aud suggested it should bo arguedat 1:30 o'clock.

Mr. Robortson contondod thatpotitiouorB could not bo remandedto tho custody of rospoudouts.Thoy woro ontitled to dischargeimmodiatoly on tho rondoriug oftho decision just rendered. Wliileargument on whothor an appeallay or not was ponding thoy couldonly bo in custody of tho Court.

Tho Chief Justico accordinglygftvo tho potitionors in oharge ofDeputy Marshal' Hitohcock as anofficor of tho Court.

Currant talk' about tho court-house was that tho decision wasono-o- f tho ablest over ronderodfrom tho Hawaiian bonch.

Ohinoso Consul Pin and ViceConsul Goo Kim nttonded court intho afternoon.

Continued on Pago 8,


Extends tho Hand of Business to Metro

polis of c,

The Philadelphia Commercial Museum Invites

the Affiliation of the Honolulu

Chamber of Commerce.

At tho meeting of tho Chamberof Commerce yesterday, tho sccretary, J. G. Spencer, read a communication from tho PhiladelphiaCommercial Museum, by WilliamP. Wilson, Doctor of Scionco audDirector of tho institution. It wasin reply to a lottor of tho secretaryasking for fuller information abouttho objects and scopo of tho insti-tution.

This request is complied with iufour closely typewritten lottorpages. Tho Philadelphia Commorcial Museum, it is stated, isono of a group of tho museumsundor the control of tho Board ofTrustees of tho Philadelphia MusouuiB. This Board constitutes amunicipal dopartmont.

Tho Cornraorcial museum is organized to oxtend and dovolop thoforeign trado of America, partioulorly in tho direction of export. Itacts as a coutor of trado iuformation. Full records of foreign mor- -

chants aro circulated conmlontially among tho chambors of cor- a-

morco, also individual businessfirms in tho United States, andsimilar records of American manufacturors and exporters aro boingplaced in tho principal trado confers abroad.

Tho musoum possesses collections of tho raw products of foreign countries, such as aro hostBuited to Amorican industries. Ithas also collections of samples ofmanufactured products most infavor in tho various export markets of the world. Tho work is Bubsidizod by tho city of Philadel-phia, tho appropriation for thocurrontyoar being 3100,000. Totho board of museums iu generaltho city has granted a central tractof moro than forty acres, and anappropriation of $200,0 0 for theoroction of suitabla buildings.

Coming down to the point oflocal intorcst tho communicationsays:

"Granting that tho HonoluluChamber of Commorco should ao-co- pt.

membership in this Board,wo should first of all placo ourservices ut tno disposal ot yourmembors. Wo should invito thoircorrespondence touching businessquestions, should be vory muchpleased to lond our assistance tofind a market for thoir productsin this country, aud shouldpromptly refer to thoir full in-

formation about American indus-tries, whoro thoy could best purchase such articlos as thoy mightcaro to handle, through whom,and on what terms.

"At tho samo timo wo shouldondoavor tokoop in touch with theopinions of your association re-garding matters of interest

tho mainland and tho isl-ands. Wo think you will agroowith us that questions of this kind,nrising in tho next few yoarp,will bo very numerous, and thatit will bo decidedly to your advan-tsg- o

to havo an organic connectionwith an influential institution intho Statoa, through which youropinions might bo mado generallyknown."

In conclusion tho Director statosthat every chamber of commorcojoining tho advisory board is re-quested to uamo two or thrcodole- -gatoB for representing tho chamberat international congresses.

Secretary Spencor Biiggostodthat tho matlor bo roforred toPresident Athorlou to take actionas bo thought advisablo.

Mr. Schaofor elated that Mr.Sowell of Williams, Dimoud & Co.would bo hero in a fow days and,as tho lettor raontioned the Cali-fornia State Board of Trado as

to tho advisory board, thatgentloman might bo consulted bytho presidout.

It wob eo ordered.

n '1 infra tfiiiiiiM' aithfriMifchttin5J .a ttkWS


Reorganized emmeu dp ircimCHRIST."-Service- s In AUIIIanl H.ill. rwrof Opera House, next Sunday as follows:io a. m. bunday bchools preaching in Ha-waiian at 1 1 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Preach-n- g

In English at 7!jo p. m hy Elderw. ureene; subject. "1 he Restoration

of the Gospel bv Angel .Ministry In TillsAge." All are cordially Invited to comeand hear.


Tho Kanmnkapili church fir isthe ovent for Saturday. Tho

comes that tho doorsof tho basement of tho church onBoretania street will bo thrownopon at 2 p. m. and that tho foirwill last throughout tho aftoruoonand ovening.

Some of tho vory finest Hawaii-an mats, hots, fans, calabashes,etc., willbo oil salo. Nearly allthoso articles havo boon made dur-ing tho paBt months of tliifl yearby tho members of tho church,who are anxious to lift tho debtthoy aro now encumbered with.Refreshments will bo sold.

Rev. and Mrs. O. H. Gulickhavo kindly taken chnrgo of thofair. Mrs. A. K. Judd, Mra. Chas.Athertou and Miss Nollio Judd,together with Mr. Geo. Ciistlo aroamong Hm hard workers fromCentral Union who are assisting.

Strangers iu tho city lookingfor Hawaiian mats, etc., would dowell to tako in the fair.


Tim KlIllhKlOti Umiiii Thronjr.1 Willi.Many Ailmlrrra of ArtMtc Work.Tho suporior advantages of tho

live BuiJiKriN 113 a rimlium of im-porting information throughoutNow Honolulu was clearly demonstrated to lay in tho crowdwhich viewed with pleasure andexclamations of doliulit tho hand-some display of gonuine Porsianand Turkish rugs on exhibition inUruco Waring ,fc Co.'s buildingFort street.

Last night's Bulmuin containedan elaborate description, writtenfrom an artistic standpoint, of thorugs. Today all know that Per-sian nnd Turkish rugs are dull incolor but beautiful iu harmonizingeffects.

Jamos F. Morgan will inaugu-rate tho Bale of thoso rugs tomor-row at 10 o'clock a. in. Thoro aroindividual rugs iu tho collectionbrought horo by M. B. Mihran,tho conuoisseur and scholar,worth hundrods of dollars. Itwill bo interesting to art adepts tosee what they will fetch.

Stock Urlianei.Government and Oahu Railroad

bonds worn tho center of intereston tho Exchnugo today. Betweonboard salos of $19,000 of (Jovcm-mo- nt

G per cents and 15,000 O. R.& L. both at 100 aud five shares oOakala at $95 wero reported. ForEwa 8210 was bid and 8250 askod,Hawaiian Auricultural $390 bid,uouoKaa siyu bid 8170 asked.

Trli I'oatponril.Presidont Dole's trip to Wash-

ington has been postponed. Itwas stated at tho executivo building tins morning that ProsidentLoloB doparturo would dopondon letters received bv tho noxtstoamer.

John Ahsing has rocoived thocontract for punting tho new workof tho custom house buildiugd forS120.

AwardedHlgheat Honors World's Fain

Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.DR;



A Pure Or.T (Jin fif,.,. lr Ponder.10YJLM- - i'UnOARD- -

. 9





Page 2: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."

wmr.n' -- mp , n . ""v v 9r "wr "Wrt-X- " " - vr - . . "kt" iT"VJ ''f ' ""JS'-- j "nv . -

5P(pWW 'WKT tjv



Agents, Brokers and Jobbers.

The Club StablesHiimitcd.

O. Bklmna, : Malinger.FORT STREET,

Tolcphono 477LiYery, Boarding & Sale Stables

Prompt Service. Stylish Turnouts.Safe Drivers.

Wo nro especially equipped to calor toyour trade. Fair dealing mid good sor-vic- e

Is wlmt wo dopond iifioii to c;ot It.Wo huvo for Kilo Family Carrlanoand

Driving Horsos, single or double teams.They aro In good condition mid will boMold on fuvonililo torini.

Dr. Itownt In always III nttoiidnnco nttho Stablos.

Cmb Staples Hack StandCor. Union A Hotel Sts.


DK1VEHS.FIRST CLASS CA1UUAOES.HACKS AT ALL HOURS.Orders forSurroys, Wagonettes, Slnglo

or Doiihlo Teams lit n moment's notice.Hark Nos. H!B, lsn, 1(10, 70, 77.


. 6.lrwin&Go.i"MT7Limited

Agents forWestern Sngar Hetiuery Co. of San

K".incico.tlultlwlu Locomotive Works of Phils.

.l.lphia.Peuu.. U. 8. A.NflTSll Universal Mill Co. (National

i 'huo Shredder), N- - 7 York, U. 8. A.X.Oklandt & Go's Chemical Fertilizers.Alex Croat & Sons, high grade fertil-

izers for Cano and Coffee.Heeds Steam i'ipe Covering


Offer for SaleFurjfflne l'alnt Co'a P & H Paints and

Papers; Lucol and Linseed oils, rawhu boiled.

Inilnrine, (a cold water paint) in whiteand colors.

Filtt r Press Cloths, Cement, Lime andKHcks.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(limited).

Wm. Q. Irwin, - President nnd ManagerOlnnn HnreckelB. ... Vice-Presid-

W. M. Qiffard, - Secretory and TreasurerTheo. O. Porter. ... Auditor

Sugar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.AGENTS OF inn



(JiU'cn street, Honolulu, II. I.

AGENTS FOR. iwMtan Acrlculturnl Comptny, Onomta SumiCimpsn;, lionomu Sugar Company, WalluknBiitar Cnmpan) , Walhee Suear Comian. MikceBagsr Cumrany, llalcakala Ranch Contiiany, Ka.papula Kanch. Pinners' Line San KranclicoPackets, Cliaa. Brewer & Co.'a Line of BostonPicket;. Boston Board of Underwriter i.Atcnts Philadelphia Board of Underwriters.

list or oiyiceimiF 0 Jonos, President; George II Robertson,Manager; E F Bishop, Treasurer and SoorcUry ; Col. W F Allen, Anditor; 0 M Cooke,H Watcrhonse, A W Carter, Dlreotora.

Hawaiian Carriage Mfg. Co. Ltd.121 Queen Street.

Carriage and Wukou IluildurH.


WILSON c? WHTEHOUSE,Sole Llet'iisoes Hawaiian Islands.

121 Queen Street.

Consol daied SoAa Water Co., fB

Comui ".'" & Fort Sts., Honolulu



Mercantile Agencyin King street.

DHBcult Collections a Specialty


Wholesale Importers and Jobbers of

European nnd American Dry Goods

Kntt and Qneen Htriwtn.


mini commission agents,

Oor. Fort and Qneen BtrOt8 IlonoloJn,








Wlmt makes n neater or n moro usefulPresent than u llmiilUorclilef 7

EGAN'S,Fort Street.



Have You

Heard It ?If Not Call at the

Hawaiian News Go's

And Get a Copy.

The above firm have

"UKULELE'SAt reduced prices, FOR A SHORT



Irrigation Notice.Holders of water privileges, or those

paying viiter rates, are hereby notitied that tile hours for Irrigation pur-poses are from 0 to 8 o'clock u. m. amifrom 4 to G o'clock p. in.

II. Holders of water privileges onthe slopes of Punchlmwl above Greenstreet, and In Nuuiinu Valley aboveSchool street are hereby notified thatthey will not bo restricted to the Irri-gation hours of 0 to 8 a, in. and 4 totl p. in., nut will bo allowed to irrigatewheiieverruillleleiit water Isavallable,provided that they do not uhu thewatei for Irrigation purposes for morethan four hours In evorv twenty-fou- r.

ANDREW IIROWN,Supl. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved- - J. A. KING,Minister of Interior.

Honolulu, H. I., Sept. 7, 18981010-t- f

Notice to Importers ofAnimals.

In pursiianeo of tlio authority vestodIn mo by Section 10, Chapter , of tlioSession Laws of 1B82, notlco Is herebygi on that from and nftor this dato allNeat Cattlo Importod Into tlio HawaiianIslands shall bo subjected to the test fortulierculosls by and iindor tho super-vision of tho Hoard of Inspectors ofAnimals at tho port of arrival, and dulycertified ns being free from Mich dlsonsobefore being permitted to go at largo.

J. A. KINO,Minister of tho Interior.

Intorlor Oillco, Deo. 13, 18U8.1081-3- 1


Horse ExchangeHorses, Wagons. Harnesses, Saddles,

etc., bought and sold on

COMMISSION.17 K()inn(foriiiorly Smith) St

Christmas Toys !

A Die Surprise for BmssnJGIrlslLatest Thlngk In Novelties I Call anJ Inspect them.

13. STEIGMAN.KIngstroot, noarUnlon Kxpross Co.

California Tobacco anJ Cigars. 1076


AVheois rented; J. J. ltfohnrdson, Ilotel street.

Bountiful Hawaiian silk lines75 cents cncli. Goldon ltulo Bazrinr.

Hawaiian Sconic Cnlondnrs for1899 ready for mailing 25c.Goldon ltulo Bazaar.

Tho Orphoum had n good housolast night considering thu wenthor.Thero was a clmngo of progrnm.

Oahn Lodge, No. 1, K. of P.,moots this ovoniuc in Castlo hall,Fort street. See Eratornnl Direc-tory.

This ovening Honolulu Chapter,No. 1, lloyal Arch Mneouo, willmoot. Officers will bo elected.Soo Fraternal Directory.

An appropriate gift for agnatic-ma- n

at this sonsoti of tlio year is asilk umbrella. M. Mclnerny hasthem. See his announcement oupage 4.

Do you liko to drink pure whis-ky ? TIipii if you do call for"A. A." Jcpbo Mooro ntnny of thosaloons. Lovejoy it Co., distribu-tors for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Tlio annual mooting of thostockholders of tho IlawniinnSugar Co. will bo hold on Thurs-day, Dec 22. Sen Now Today on8th pago of tho livo 1Julli:tin.

Prof. F. W. Jacobs announcesto tho public that ho will try anyouo's voico who is interested insinging, frco of charge Call atStudio, Alakea House, AlakeaBtreot.

Tho Humane Society polico-ofi- icor raided a tramenr yesterdaynoon, arrested tho driver aud com-pelled his attendanco at tho Policestation to bo booked for cruelty toauimals. Tho car was loft withits passengers without a responsi-ble driver, but tho mulos mado nokick at tho onforcod delay.


In His I'uluro t'riKm M Ith Ntsrilen Willl, If;norrl.

The London Daily of ro-co- nt

dato eayB: Norway linn justcomo to tho most extraordinarydecision arrived at by any govern-ment for BOtuo time.

Hitherto tho Norwegian flag hasincluded tho otnblem of unionwith Sweden. By a practicallyunanimous voto tho Storthing hasnow resolved to introduce n Hagthat will tako no cogmsnnce ofSwedon, but will bo purely Norwecian.

Tho Storthing consists of lidmembers, and tho fact ot therohaving beon only one dissentingvoto when tho motion for the newflag was adopted, shows the almostunanimous opinion of tho mem-bers on tho subject, aud also de-

monstrates tho indopondent feol-i- ng

that exists toward Swedon.Up to tho present tho flag of

Norway has consisted of a bluecross on a red ground, and in itsupper left-han- d quarter r smallred, bluo, and yollow designwhich is supposed to donotc thuunion with Sweden, it is theomission of tho latter which willconstitute tho change.

Incidentally it may bo mention-ed that Norway possesses tholargest mercautilo fleot in thoworld excepting that of England.


An Honest OfTur.

Dear Editor: Kindly infoimyour roadorH that if written to con-fidentially, I will cheerfully makoknown to them in a sealed letter,froo of clmrco. tho plan pursuedby which I was permanently ros- -torod to perfect hoalth and manlyvigor, after yonrs of sufferingfrom Norvous Weakness, SeminalLosses and Soxual Fcoblencss.

I havo no schemo to got monoyfrom any ono. I havo nothing tosell or send C. O. D., but amsimply anxious to mako knownto others who may bo suffering as1 uiu tins means ot certain andpermanent cure. Address, 0.Johnson, Box No. 903, Dolray,Mich lUay-eo- d

Americnn Messenger sorvico.Masonic Toraplo,Tolephono Hi.

Nicoly famished rooms at thePopular Houbo, 154 Fort Btreot,tram Ssl.uu por wook up.

Tho uso of tho Singor in mil-lions of homes shows tho unnrocedonted succors nf Minna ldnnlsowing maohines. It is convincing proof that tho Hincer excelsill all kinds of family sewing andart needlo work. All our sowingmachines aro of tho host construc-tion, beautifully decorated, andaro raouuted on solected woods infinely finished cabinets of artisticdesigns. 15. liorgorson, ngout, 1GJ.uotnoi street.

Fraternal Directory.


I. O. O. P.,Mcct. every Monday evening nt 7:30,

in Harmony Hall, King ntreot.O. L. SOHHKNSON, N. O.11 R. IIKNDRY, Secretary.

All visiting brothors very cordiallyinvited. 1003

HAWAIIAN TIIIBE No. 1,improved Order of Eed Men.

Meets on tlioiceond nnd fourth Fridayof each mouth, at 7:30 p. m., in Knightsof 1'ythlas Hall, Fort street. Visitingbrothors aro cordially Invited to attend.S. .r.HALTEH.Sachoni: J.F.KCKAROT,Chlofof Records. 1003

MYSTIC LODGE No. 2, K.of P.,Meots every Wednesday evening at

7:30 o'clock, (.'astlo Hall, Fort street.Visiting brothers cordially Invited toattend.1015 A. L. MORRIS, K. R. B.


Meets o cry third 'J'liurxday evening InMasonic Tomplo. All visiting conipan- -

ons cordially Invited.HKNRY UCOOPKIl, 11. 1.

W. (I. ASHLKY.Sccretary. 1010


Meets In Masonic Temple on tho secondThursday ooulng of each month. Allvisiting Sir Knights courteously invited.

IIKNKY K. COOl'KK, K- - C(:. ASHIiKY, lttMiirdor. HMO

OAUU LODGE No. 1, K. of P.Meets eory Thursday ovening at theirCastlo Hall, laoji Fort street, nt 7:10.Members of Mvstlc Lodgo rso. '2, nndvisiting brothors, cordially Invited.


1010 K. of It. and S.


A. O. P.,Meots every llrst and third Friday, ntK. of 1 Hall, Fort Mreot. A cordialInvitation Is extended to visiting brothers, l'or ordor C. u.

V. A. F1'7TI'KH,1023 Secretary.


No. 1, A.-- . & A.S. B.Meets the first Thursday In each mouth,nt Masonic Tomplo. Sojourning nndvisiting brothors cordially invltod to at-

tend all meetings.V.. M. FRANK It. ArKKIlACH.

ALLAN II. SCRIMi:OUR, Secretary.102--


No. I, A.-- . & A.-- . S. R.Meots at Masonic Templo tho fourthThursday In oach mouth. Sojourningand visiting brothors aro cordially in-vited to attend all meetings.

V.'. M.1. FRANK 11. AUKH11ACH.CLAUr.N'CK L. CRA1II1I2, Socrotary.



No. 124, A. &A. S.Rito.Stated meotlngs on tho last Monday of

onch mouth, in its hall, Masonic Tomplo.C. M. WHITE, 'VV. M.

II O. CRA11HE, Secretary. 1020

COURT CAMOES, No. 8110,A. O. F.,

Moots ovory second and fourth Tuesday,nt K. of 1. Hall, Fort street. A cordialinvitation is oxtonded to visiting broth-ers,

J. ub FRIAS, C. R.A. II. VIEIRA, Financial Secretary.

P. O. Hox 682. 1030


Cathcart&ParkeAttorn eys-at-- L aw

13 Kaahumanu StreetWilliam A. Henshall,

attorney at Law113 Koahnaann Street Tele. 683.


A-ttorne-y at Law and

Notary JPublic.Kaaliumniiu Htreet.

T. McCANTS STEWART,(Formerly of the New York Bar),

Attorney and Counsellor at LawSprlckuls building,

Room . Honolulu, H. I.30 Tort St.


W. O. Acm. Enoch Johnson,AOHI&JOHNSON,

Attorneys and Counselorsat Law.

Ofllco No. 10 Vest King streot.Tolopnono H8-1- . 1078





Are for sale by ourexclusive distributingagents : : :

HOBRON DRUG CO.,Fort and King Stroets,



Christmas ToysTerra Cotta ware,Fancy Goods, etc., etc.,



XTHE WAR CLOUDHaving disappeared with tlio help of our

Navy and Army,HOLLISTER & CO.,

TOBACCONISTS.Havo received Cigars and Cigarettes from

JXEAixrii;Also some Cigars made expressly for tho otlicors

stationed at Morro Csistle, Havana.Fort and Streets.

Since We Must Eat to Live, Let's Have the 'Best.

S!pLyft!qfs Besj TbCONSISTING OF

Japan Flavor, English Breakfast and Ceylon. AlsoSCHILLING'S BEST BAKING POWDER,

Olvo thoin n trial. Monoy back If you don't thoin.

Choice Block Butter, Kits Creamery Butter,Fidelity Bacon, Hams,

Mild Oheeso, Smoked Beof, etc., etc.



Chas.212 King streot, noxt to tho Arlington.


Practical Harness

Fort King streets.

Is MADE by us, ADVERTISED by us,SOLI) by us, nnd

Used and Appreciated by trie People of the Islands.EVEHYIIODY, tho Press, tlio Pulpit, tlio

Endorse tho Finish nnd Durability of our goods.You don't linvo to WALK to find us. Wo nro in tho centor oftrado, nnd propose sto-nl- ng thoro.

Manufacturing Harness Co.A. CH1SHOLM,

The Old Corner,Maker.



"Hello, Palm Lumber and Building Go.'

lift Ilift' s?nyff


'Hello !

"What kind of house can you build for S500?"1'"Almost as good as you can get in California.""How can you build them so cheap?""Because we import all our materials direct

from the factory, and employ the best work-men. The best is the cheapest."

"Where is your business place?""Our Office and Yard is on King street, near

O. R. & L. Co.'s Depot; our Planing Mill corner King and Bethel streets. Telephones 55and 838. P. O. Box 3C7. We can give youhundreds of first-clas- s references, among theleading people of these Islands.


Read tho List.Itedroom Sots,2-- 3--1, -1 Bedsteads,2"t,3-- l, MWiro nnd Moss Mattrossos,Pillows, Dining Extension Tables,uieuoiuors, urtirouos,


THE!S T7tr T .TT1-'-"P. O. Box 635 Telophono 178.

Cor. Merchant




Read the List.Holler Ton and Flat Desks.Meat Safes, Kltchon Tublos,

'amp Stools, Stoamor Chnlrs.


Cots, and llockors,DontUtaml J


I. 3C L-r-ITJ1T3 tn-r-- i 7' ' ' ''- - - - - 'C.,corner and




t J

Army ChairsHarbor Chairs. Mirror. t


Muimnu King stroot.

Page 3: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."

"TM;WSPr r ,Mf'1$ "

;;' 4.


t .






BSTiiBLlSEIBD I860.The Germania Life Insurance Co.

Of IVETV YOR.K.ASSETS $23,721,077. 1 3Legal Reserve to Policy Holders 20,866,008.00"Surplus to Policy Holders 2571595-9-Paid to Policy Holders since i860 38,331,242.67Claims by death paid to Beneficiary Policy Holders 20,846,623.84.Matured Endowments paid to Policy Holders 5,524,720.07Life Annuities paid to Policy Holders 327,474.70Dividends-an- il Surrenders paid to Policy Holders n ,632,424 .06

TI10 Gurnmiilii Irmiio.-- nil tho Intost mul most liberal forms of Life, Instal-anou- t,

Incomo Ulvldond, Endowmonl or Bond l'olicloa.EMMETT MAY,

Suporintondont of Agencies.3029 210 King street, Honolulu.

Tlie People's Beoar !

S '&J?!iJ1,K ntslsrcufol rt

For Sale toyW. C. PEACOCK & CO,, Ltd.Telephone 92. pTo. Box 145


Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew goods received ly every paokot from tho States and Europe.

3?RESn CALIFORNIA PRODUCE BY EVERY STEAMER.All orders faithfully attended to, and cnodo delivered

TO ANY PART OF THE CITY FKEE.Gonrjral Agents for tho Sanitarium Brand of Ilcaltli Poods.

Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed

East Corner Fort and King Sts.


Embalming a Specialty.LOVE BUILDING, G31-53- G FORT ST. TEL. 81G.

Residence 777 Fort St. Tol. 810.

Hotels and Restaurants.

Beaver - Lunch

ROOMS.H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

The Best Lunch in Town

Tea and Cpfffooat all nouns.


Cigars and TobaccoJILWAV8 ON HAND.

Experienced Caterer.


Announces to tho public that ho Is now

opon for onfragotnonts to tako ehargo of

JUnrjUots, Ualls, Dlnnors and Garden

X'artles, Socials, oto.

Addros caro Union Express Company

Bead This!AT THE 33AGLE HOUSErurnlshod Rooms, well kept, can bo

had for $2, J2.50 and 1 perweek, and Meals,

'AT THE QUEEN HOTEL,At $1.50, So and ?U por wook.

Oo, Sco, Try and SatisfyYourself !

Dewey Restaurant.A First-clas- s Rosort in ovory rospoct,

Tho bost moal to bo had.ICE CREAM 15 CENTS A PLATE.


1008 Ttorotnnla anil Fort Btronts.

BSrrorsons attending tho Orphoumcan loavo tholr bicycles with 1110 without0,t

OHAS. HEINEMANN,Open nights. 724 Fort street.

Hotels and Restaurants.


Half Way Between Honoluluand the Great Scenic

Attraction !

Accommodations for Man and Beast I

In the Most PicturesqueSpot in Nuuanu Valley. . . .

LIGHT WINES AND BEERServed, excepting Sundays.

A. F. FRANCA Proprietor,1080


Extonsivo Improvements,Big Businoss, andBright Prosnoots,ss

It is LoWat Waikiki !

Address W. II. M., llullotln onico.

Excelsior Dining Saloon333 NUUANU ST.,


CHAS. L1ND, PropV.First-clas- s inoals, under tho supervis-

ion of a whlto man, sorvoil from 5 a. in.to8 p. in. MEAUS TWJONTY-FIV- E Cts.

l'ostoflleo Box 112.

HofflD Bakory Bflslanraoi

And Ice Cream Parlors.E. FOPl'LETON. M'o'lt.

This Is a modern Amorlcanro&tauraut. Excollont meals for 25 conts.


Real MeritIs tho characteristic of Hood's Snrsnpa-rlll- n,

nnd It Is mnnlfcstcd every day In thoroinarkablo cures this mcdlclno accom-plishes. Druggists gay: When wo sell abottlo of Hood's SarBaparllla to n newcustomer wo nro sure to sco him back In afew weeks alter more proving that thogood results from a trial bottlo warrantcontinuing Its use. This positive merit

Hood's Sarsaparillapossesses by virtue of tho Peculiar Com-

bination, Proportion and Process used InIts preparation, and by which all thoremedial valuo o( the Ingredients usedIs retained. llood'B Sarsaparilla Is thusPeculiar to Itself and absolutely un-equalled In Its powors as a blood purlllcr,and as a tonle for building up tho weakand weary, nnd giving strength to thonerves. Ho suro to get

Hood's SarsaparillaSold by all druggists. $1; six for G. Pre-pared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Apothe-caries, Lowell, Mass.

Hrwlc DSIIc are the only pills to takeiuu J i IllJ w Itli llnoil'sSarsniKirllla.


In the Circuit Conrt of too First Judici-

al Circuit, Republic of Hawaii.


Tlieo. H. Davles andCompany LimitteJ,

vs.The Steamship "City Libel

ot LoumBai" Her onengines, boilers, ma- - Bottomry Bondchinery,buits, tackle,apparel and furni-ture.


TION.Pursuant to an order Issuing out of the

Circuit Court aforesaid, In the above enti-tled cause, a copy of which order is here-under written, notice Is hereby Riven to allpersons Interested In the matters and thingscontained In said order to appear and showcause wliy the prayer of tlie libel referredto In said ordershould not be granted, atthe Judiciary building (Aliiolanl Hale) InHonolulu, Island of O.ihu, Republic of Ha-waii, on SATURDAY, the 17th day ofDecember, A. D. 1S0S, at 10 o'clock a. m.

II. R. HITCHCOCK.Deputy Marshal of the Republic of Hawaii.

Dated: Honolulu, December 14, 1808.

In the Circuit Court of the First Judici-

al Circuit, Rapubllc ol Hawaii.

IN ADMIRALTY.Theo. H. Davles and 1

Company, Limited,vs.

The Steamship "City Libelof Columbia," her r onengines, boilers, ma- - I Bottomry Bond.chinery.lxuts.tackle, I

apparel and fund- - J

ture. J

The Republic of Hawaii to the Marshal ofthe Hawaiian Islands, or his Deputy'GREETING: .Whereas It appears from the libel and

complaint of Theo. H. Davles and Com-pany Limited, tiled in tlie Circuit Courtof the First Circuit, Republic of Hawaii,sitting in Admiralty against tlie steam-ship "City of Columbia," now at tlieport of Honolulu, Island of O.ihu, saidRepublic, whereof one V. S. Mllnor is, orwas lately master, her boilers, engines,macli.nery, boats, tackle, apparel, furniture,etc. In a cause of bottomry civil and mari-time, that said Theo. H. Davles and Com-pany Limited have a claim against saidsteamship upon a bottomry bond given tosecure tlie sum of S5.686.76 which Is dueand owing to said Theo. H. Davies andCompany Limited; and

Whereas, the Honorable A. Perry, FirstJudge of the Circuit Court aforesaid, hasauthorized process of attachment to issueas prayeJ for In said libel and complaint ofsaid Llbellant.

Now, Therefore, You are commanded toattach said Steamship "City of Columbia,"her boilers, engines, machinery, boats,tackle, apparel and furniture, iorthwlthand to detain the same In your custodyuntil the further orJer of this Court res-pecting the same as provided by law, andyou are further ordereJ to mimlsli and citeperemptorily and personally the saidwaiter a. .111nor, master ot said steam-ship, and all persons Intervening or claim-ing any Interest therein to be and appearbefore the Honorable A. Perry, First Judgeof the Circuit Court aforesaid, sitting inAdmiralty, at Chambers at the JudiciaryBuilding (Aliiolanl Hale) in Honoluluaforesaid, on Saturday, the 17th day ofDecember, A. D. 1898, at 10 o'clock a. show cause, If any they have, why theprayer of said libel should not be grantedand have there this writ with vour doingsthereon, and

Further, It is ordered that you give no-

tice of these proceedings and of the timeand place of hearing as aforesaid by publi-cation until the return day herein by pub-lishing daily In some daily newspaper pub-lished In Honolulu, notice to all parties In-

terested herein to appear and show causewhy the prayer of the libel herein shouldnot be granted.

Witness tlie Honorable A. Perry, FirstJudge of the Circuit Court of the FirstJudicial Circuit, Republic of Hawaii, tills:4th day of December, A. D. 1808.

By the Court:(Sg) GEORGE LUCAS,

Clerk Circuit Court, First Circuit, Repub-lic of Hawaii. IOQ2-- 3

Annual Meeting.Tho Annual Mooting of tho stock-

holders of tho Union Food Co., Ltd.,will bo hold ut tho Company's olllco InHonolulu on Saturday noxt, tho 17thInstant, 11 1 10 o'clock 11. m.

1 R. VIIU,Union Food Co., Ltd.10U2-3- t


Editor Eveniko Bulletin:I rend in n recent ibbuo of thoBulletin your commont 011 thoofficial report of American ConsulMoungunn at Chemnitz, Uor-ninn- y,

ro tho utilization oE moun-tain streams autl watorcoursoBfor industrial purposes, and canverify that portion of tho roportwhich infers Hint tho Germans atloast fully apprccinto tho vastpossibilities attniuablc by thoconversion of water falls intomechanical onorgy. In Juno ofthis year, I had the plcnsuro of avisit, at ray office in Buffalo, N.IT. with "Gus HortuuR" tho wellknown Gorman hydraulic en-gineer, who was sent out by hisgovernment to inspect soiuo of thovarious means used throughouttho United States for convertingtho power and to gather what in-

formation ho could relativo there-to. From him I learned that hispeoplo aro manifesting great in-terest in that direction.

Water was used for purposesof power back in tho early cen-

turies, nnd probably its uso inthat direction antedated thatperiod, and ovou with tho primi-tive moans then at hand, or available, was mado to sorvo in obodi-onc- o

to tho will of man manyuaeful purposes. It is, however,only a comparatively Hhort time,eomo twenty yoars at most, sincethe wonderful possibilities of thoutilization of wutor for power hasboen known.

With tho advont of thopractical though not perfect-ed oloctric generator of thattime appeared tho possibility oftransmitting tho energy of a watorfall to some-- distant point.

Tronsmittinc nower liv 0 ectri- -

city has opened up a now Geld fortho application ot such sources ofpowor, that waB not possible byany former mothods, and the Goldenlarges ns tho sciouco advances.

'i'i.: ..,nni .,i.ii ...i ...i:JLIJAO 1UUDI DUUliU f.UU UiyOllUforco has boon made to serve in-

dustrial and commercial intereststo such tin extent that it can hard-ly bo realized by onyono not cog-nizant of the rapid strides, and de-velopments of tho last few yoars.What has been dono in Gormanyor tho United States, can bo donein tho Uawaiitm Islands, whoro ahead oE wator is available Thisfact does not appear to bo verylargely appreciatod horo by thoh'nus of corporations, who shouldever bo on tho alert for anythingthat would tond to lessen tho costof producing their marketable-article-,

and whoso rcspectivo in-

dustries roquiro tho dissipation oflargo amounts of onorgy.

Tho manager of ono sngarplantation, informs mo that dur-ing tho pnet year ho has consum-ed upwards of fifty thousand dol-

lars worth of coal, pumping waterfor purposes of irrigation, whilowithin four miles of tho pumps isa watorfull of sufficient capacity,

Continued on Pago 0.

Tr Politic,! 0.urtluna AntirCretl.What is tho uso of making a

better articlo than your competi-tor if you can not get a bettorprico for it ?Jti '

MlAub. As thoro is no difforonco

in tho prico tho publio will buyonly tho better, so that whilo ourprouts may bo smaller on a singlesale thoy will bo much greater intho aggrogato.

How can you get tho publio toknow your mako ib tho best r

If both articles aro brought pro-minently boforo tho publio botharo certain to bo tried aud thopublic will bo very quickly passjudgment on tliotn uud uso onlytho hotter one.

This explains tho largo sale onChatnberlaiu's Cough Ilomody.The peoplo havo boon using it forypars and have found that it caualways bo depended upon. Thoymay occasionally tako tip withfcomo fashionablo novelty put forthwith exaggerated claims, but arocertain to return to tho ono romody that thoy know to bo roliablo,and for coughs, cold and croupthere jb nothing equal to Cham-berlain's Couch ltomedy. Forsalo by nil denlors. Bonsou,bmith it Uo., Ueuoral Agonts.

m m

llfcord Ilroken.6no of tho g'olfors wont out to

tho Funahou links yoBtorday andbroke nil previous records mndothorn. Ho wont tho nine holesin fifty-tw- o strokos.

Tho EUto Barber Shop, Kingnear Alakoa street has employedW. R. Boglo tho crackajack har-bor.

Real Estate and Insurance.


TT5rrrff"f VTT

LIFE and FIEBfflpTjpirJE AGijiTg.

AGENTS FOH..New England Mutual Life In-

surance Co. of Boston.

Etna Fire Insurance Company

of Hartford.

Boardman & MasudaBusiness Agenoy.

Houses for Rent.Ileal Ktttato Agouti).

Brokers In Jiipanoo Goods.Employment Amenta.

Collections Made.Legal nnd other documents trans

lated into any language.

Agents for Japan Emigration Company,


U. $ (Jnorj Hottfe BuolpiftRoom No. 1, Sprcckels Block. Tele-phon- o


Bruce Waring & Co.

Lands for Sale.Money to Loan on Mortgages.

Wb are Agents forSvea Fire Insurance Co. of Gothenburg


American Fire Insurance Co. of Phila.

PROGRESS BLOCK.Rooms 7 an 8. Telephone 67S.

David Dayton,Real Estate Broker.

209 Mcrohant Btroet.

FOH SALE.12 Ohincso Qranlto Hitching Posts; JJ

each.Ouo flccotul-lmn- d Buggy, nearly

new, In good order.TO LET.

House at No. 35 School street.

W. C. ACHI & CO.,

Brokers & DealersIN- -

REAL ESTATECy Wo will Pay or Soil Ileal Estate in

ill palta ot tho group.CiT Wo will Boll Properties on Itoason-tbl- o


OFFICE. 10 West King Street




BRUCE CARTWRIGHT,General Manager ot

The Equitable Life Assurance Societj

Of the United States for the HawaiianIslands.

Orr'owi Merchant street, Honolnlni


No. 45 Queen Street.

Expert Appruiuemont of RealSatato and Furniture.

A. J. CAMPBELL,Stock and Bond Broker.

Member ol the Honolulu Slock Cxchance.

Ofllco Qucon stroot, opposlto Unionl'Vod Company.

Telephone ;o(. P.O. Ilox 7). 1044

DONNELLY & ROSS,Expert Accountants and

Searchers of Titles.Custom. IIoubc BitOKnns.

ltoom No. 6 SprockolH Building,Honolulu, II. I.


Real Estuto and FinancialAgent.


Real Estate and Insurance.

J. S. WALKER,Qiniril Agent ron Hawaiian Islands.

lloyal Insurance Company.Alliance Assurance Company.Alliance Marine and General Assnranoe

Company.raciuo iunttiui j.iio metiranco com-

pany of California,Wilhelma ot Madgcbarg Insurance Com

pany.ticottish Union and National Insurance


Room 12 Bprcckcls Ulock, Honolulu, II. I,

Real Estate Transaction?.Bnbsciibflrn are famished with from live

to six lists per week, giving an accuraterecord ot all deeds, mortgages, leases, re-

leases, powers of attorney, etc, etc, whichare placed on record.Subscription Price, 00 per Month.

A. V. GEAR,210 King 8t. Honolulu.


OI'KICli N'o. 15 Kiinliliuinuu street,Honolulu. Formerly A. Itiw's olllco.Uultod Ktntrn C!iitoin Hoilxo llrokornAccountant's Konrvliorx of Title andOonoral 1Iiimiiuh4 AgcuN.Tcloph)iio 520 1021


Membel of Honolulu Slock Exchange.Queen street.

Telephone ?. P. O. tlox ill.


Stocks, Uonih ami Urn 1:11 Siicuihtiks,LoauM Negotiated. Heal, II. I.

Musical Instruction, etc.


Cultivation of the VoiceAND.,

Artistic Singing..ITALIAN METHOD.

Studio: Alakoa Hoii'-o-.

Telephone 892. 1022


Of Jhifc&i1 and BJaqdoIin

Studio Y. M. C. A. Bi.llriliiK, Room 2Brunch Studio Alakoa IIoiixo,

Alnkcii Struct.

Guitars Made.My Guitnrs nro noted for tho purity

of their touo.Guitars, Mandolins, Violins, etc., Repaired.

A. MAS,064 Ho'el street, apposite the Arlington.

PliEXOH POLISHING,Ourpontoring, Cabin Making,


JACOB MADISON,-- : 722 Fort street.

as-A- ll kinds ot Jobbing faithfully nj promptlyexecuted. 1041


Your work Hnllulteil, mid tlie flneHtclftN-- of Horvleo AT HEAKONABLEI'UIOES GUAHANTEEI).

j iv m q .npRmnmViUUUl LillllUU

All FlannelH nnd Silks washed liyhand. Ordinary Moudlng, mid But-tons .Sowed On.

The Honolulu


IfflTelephono 6811, nnd leave yourorders. Moij




EMBALMINGA specialty.

Office and Parlors514 & 510 Fort St. , near Hotel.

Telophouu 170.









- nvM&k ViWs.

Page 4: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."





ff"umwppji . p? pmp.rm.-"- j, fppn HPJPPWSfi' nrr

Evening Bulletin,PltriihrJ Cvry Day. xcrt SunJiy. 1 io King

iltHl, Honolulu, II. I., by th



DNiri. ICX5AN City EJIlor

TillUtSDAY, DEO. 15, 1898.

wah ri.ATfoujis.


CAN TERRITORY. "As a member ofthe family of nations, .we mustdeJ.ire our position, because we area maritime State. As a neutral state

he Ml wall) should follow;, In duetimo. the example of other mJ proclaim her neutraity. Sucha pro. I im.itlon would require the HennliiRton t.i this port wlthlij 24 hours,just as the Portuguese required the Spanishllrct to leae St. Vincent at once. Shouldth? refuse to ro, we could nothelp ourselves, but would show an honestnsutMlitv." From the Advertiser of Mayytii. ify!.

Ft-o- the speech of Congress-man HlTT AND PLATFORM ON WHICH

0Vi!l:S PASSED THE ANNEXATIONRESOLL.ION "Hut without anv wordsfrom us or any assurances from our

ncitwIthstandlnR the pressure towliu.i it lias been subjecteJ, (he braelitll- - H iv. Govemment, lining Ame-ri.- ..

than Spain and umtident in of the Rreat America ieople as acliil tiiwts its father, remains unchanRedIn ; ur,ioe." ,

AX AlVi:ilTIHi:it IMIAli

On Julv 2J, 189S, the nffichil orRan ofthe II. v.iiian Government expressed thefollow '

it opinion under the cap-t.m- i.


" I he rule" (of appointing federalofliwcrs from .intone territorial resident;.)"is .W hard and fast, and in this case,sho i'd in't perhaps, be applied for a num-br- r

if E"'d reasons."

Tin1 ottiuitil orenn says it liasno; political discussionbut will follow tbo Bulletin.Ti.m U t ind friends. "We arcplenmd t noto your realisationtbut th Bulletin leads and theAdvertiser follows.

The litllo kuot of philosopherswho nre (unking petnlnut opposi-tio- u

to "inipormlism" their latesthubby limo uotbiug to encouragethem . -- pt thoir own convictiou

tb'.t tin-- , tiro beings superior totlm mcrwiieliniut! sentiment oftbp " 11 riy. Now York Sun.

'Th.' So ib of Calfiinity" is thelatest ikI lit'ou to tho A B. 0. bo- -

ciftipq of IIouolulu. All Amerienns who distrust tho honor oftbef- - line mxl nre ready to belittlethe Am i in peoplo aro eliuibloto iiii-- nnd tho Advertieoraccents tin position us officialorg-.- u of tlio Beet.

"The hi-io- iy of tho Inst 300

yi'iitt. hiw conclusively shown Hint(ol'.-ii'i- l iivnrntncuts nloue canretnin control offoreign . I nrn a firm er

tluit it will be in our powerto instill th' principles of Ameri-

can uiviliK.tim in tho pooples ofthe Phdip. linos." Geuoral JoeWheeler.

'Tis tail that many requestshave ben . inndo at Washingtonthat Pro-tideu- t MoKiuloy design-ate July !7 mi a national holidayto celobrat.' iho recout expansionpolicy. This has caaaod the

lo trot out thoirbogey men, and Carl Schurz andhis uiUEwii up friends to set thogriditon of .Imloyalty sizzling.

After hnv ng been given an allround Hpaijkiuu tho childish Ad-

vertiser bn-k-- i into nnothor cornerand yolls, "i'ah, yah, yah, cooncnt, eoon en " It is not and hasnot beo Ui 1 olioy of this paperto drop to ho cowardly, dobaBodAdvortiser plana of personalities.AVeofomriJ appreciate tbut theAdvortiser i smarting undor apersonal ti king-t- o, nnd so far nstho Bulletin is concornoJ ourcontomporar. shall have fullewiug to dam itsolf in porsonolspite.

Tho con ' of our corres-pondent V ) Cross regardinpthe use of Hawaii's mountainstreams sho ' interest tho busi-

ness community. Cheap produc


KMwJJMiiiiSMlffiMltflllillti (iff

jpippPPIf ffyWT't 'ff'TOiBgypiPi!piwPiiii,ij ti Tyrspwu ywppipwpiymy


from tho npponrnnccs, reductionsmust bo looked for in othor linesthnu labor. Thousands of dollarsnro being burned in conl, whenthousands of tons of unharnessedonergy nro running to wnsto inmountain streams. What tho in-

dustrial adaptation of electricityhasdouo'in other portions of thoworld can be dono in Ilnwnii.

llnwnii'8 popular npprovnl oftho Itopublicnu policy of expansion finds recognition in tho demands of tho American PencoCommissioners nt Paris regardingtho Caroline islands. Thcso isl-

ands had beou practically forgotten, till tho Hawniinu Board for-

warded its memorial to Commissioner Fryo. The demands inndoby tho Americans moan tho free-

dom oE Amorican liberalism inislauds thnt hnvo furnished uinnya dark chapter of Spauish rulennd an unfortunnto chapter of thoCloveland administration. Yettburo weak minded would boAmericans iu Hawaii who cursetho policy of President McKinleythat nobly and honestly nssumestho ro'ponsibilitios of tho hour.


President Dolo says regardingtho governorship: "It would beout of phico for me to nominatemyself for tho position and workfor my appointment." This state-

ment is almost pitiful, demonstrat-ing as it does tho nbsolute dissolution of Prssidont Dolo's local sup-

port for tho highest executive po-

sition of tho territory of Hawaii.President Dolo is careful not todeny ho is n enndidnto nnd recog-

nizes tho wisdom of local peopleexpreseiug thoir proferenccs.But no ono has nominated him fortho positiou and he cannot nom-

inate hiniBelf.Nothing that has been put in

print brings out nioro clearly thodamnnblo cowardice, tho politicalbackbiting nnd chicanery of thosmall coterio of timo serving office

seekers who profess to be Mr.Dole's friends. Having lost thosupport of tho rank and filo of thoannexation party who opposo himhonestly nnd 011 principle, Air.Dole finds himself iu tho hands ofsolf-soeki- ng politicians who damnhim with faint praise nnd in private conversation mnko him per-

sonally nnd his capacity for hold-

ing executive office tho sub-

ject of vulgar, low livedbuffoonery. Thoso men whopose as Mr. Dolo's friends wheniu his presence, stab him in thoback personally and politicallywhon out of his hoaring. "With

such a friend wielding tho oditori- -

al pen of tho Advertiser, it iseasy to explain why Mr. Dolo re-

mains nn candidntc.Tho official organ simply throwsmud at Mr. Dolo's opon opponentsto satisfy n personal enmity againstloyalty to Amorican principles.andto distract attention from its ownwoak and intriguing neutrality to-

wards Mr. Dolo.

lolliliiy Spirit.What do you want in tho wine

or liquor lino for the holidays ?

What kind of liquor do you likobest to lubricate the turkey orjoint ? Onmara & Co., Port streethavo just recoived choico brandsof Port, Madiera, Sherry, Muscat,Uoisling, Uerko mm liock put upin assortments to suit. Thoyhnvo a iiuo lino of Amorican nndEuropean brandies nnd whiskies.Among thoir finely selected stockis gonuino port nnd sherry fromPortugal; goods fit for connois-seurs, nyo, nectar for Jupitor.Thoy also hnvo nle and stout nndtho celebrated Soattlo Rainierboor. Camara .fc Co.'s storo willbo kopt open during tho holidayseason up to 9 o'olock or later toaccommodate their numorous pa-trons. Seo thoir announcementon Pogo 8.

Tho regulur weekly meeting oftho Christian Workers will bo holdtomorrow (Friday) afternoon at3:30 o'clock at tho Y. M. 0. A.ball. Tho mooting will bn led byKov. Mr. Morgan. A cordial in- -

vita'ion is extended to all to botion is tho cry of the times nnd present.


Tho Hnwniinn Mercnntilo Agon-oy- ,

Q. H. Borroy, mnnngor, reviewstho commercial phaso of locnl nf-fn- irs

for tho Inst fifteen days asfollows:

Tho situntiou is just now inter-esting in most nil lines of business.Tho bqjidny trndo is approachingproportions inn larger degroo thanformer yenrs.

Prices nro notably rnoro reason- -nblo nnd nrlicles of worth nro now I

within tho menns of the majority.In retnil trndo, cuts in prices iu

certain liucs aro noted nnd thosigus nro nlrondy nppenring thnttho snmo onuses that operate tobring prices down to n lovol cor-

responding to conditions in oldercommunities, nro to hnvo full forcuhero.

Collections on old accounts nrenot db sntisfaotory ns during thofirst of this quarter.

Duilding materials nro in gooddemand. Mechnuics nro scarce.

Of real estuto tho report says:Tho market continues firm. Trans-- 1

notions in largo nmounts hnvoboon fow, tho nctivo domand forresidenco lots still continues. ;

There is n groat demnud forfurnished nud unfurnished housos

Tho relenses of mortgages in thopast fortnight hnvo boon greaterthan tho mortgago iudobtednefcBincurred in the samo space of time.

Leases of rice, enno nnd tnrojlands still contiuuo to be rande, It) I

being recorded sinco our Inst re-- 1

port.luo interest rntes on mortgages

aro: 810,000 nt 0 percent,nt 7 percent, 631,287.29 nt 8 porcent, $2,900 at 9 percent, $5,'J0..01 at 10 porcent, $1,055 nt 12 per-cent and $19,815.91 no rato of in-

terest recorded.Tho immigration report gives

581 arrivals and 870 departures.

Wo nro now opoulng n lino of

WHIPSComprising Huggy, Hiding,

.Tockoy, English Cropf,

Dog Snnko, llawnllnn, etc., etc.

In WluiloUono, Mulacca, Kngllsh Holly,

Straight Holly, Knwhldo.

Dog Collars,Legging,

jMoxicun Bolts.

Cull ami got the firHt choice

Picilc Hardware Co., Ltd.

Fort Stroot,

( The rainy wenther f0) suggests a wet win- - W3y ter- - &

(fV How about a good fm

Silkm Umbrella(y fop w

(0 a w

Jj Holidayti Gift ? W

(0 Nothing more ap- - (f

ii l'ruM-Hi.-. ui- - uoviuh

ri We have a goou as- -(f sortment to choose (t

:Ji from those with ;!i

j steel rod and close(0 folding, or with na- -

tural sticks and(0 mounts.


mModern Clothier,

(0 Merchant and Fort Streets.0


k Household Supplies. 1We are Offering,

This Week,Exceptional Values


Lace Curtains!.A.isno,

Curtain Muslins!Just the thing for Brightening up your Homes.

Christmas to many means New Curtains. We havethem in all qualities,

from $1.25 upto $20 per pair. We are showing







Dolls, Toys,Books, Drums,

Guns, Whips,Horses, Pistols,

Prang's Calendars13 oo!:s, Cards,

Paint Boxes,Manicure Sets,

Cigar Boxes,Autograph Books,

Bicycles, Tricycles,Wagons,

Wheelbarrows,Carts, Wash Sets,

Little Chairs forDolls as BIG

AS BABIESDressed Dolls from 15c to $8 !

Everybody is cordially invited tovisit the BAZAAR, 316 Fort St.



T. V. IvIIVG, Lessee


EVENING !Dec. 15, 1808.

V VVaudeville Entertainment !

)y tlio Clovorest ArtUU of the Day,



Itosorvod Soat on sale at Taclflc Cyclo

it Manufacturing Co.'s.Doors onon at 7:30.

I'orfornianco at 8.KoBorvod Chairs, 50o; gonoral

25c. 10S5

Atnorioau Moasencor HorvioeMnaoiiio Tomple. Telophono


Dry Goods Co., Limited.PEOPLE'S PROVIDBRS.ig- -j


Christmas Vehicles! 1On tlio Mohlam wo shall

In SUllItl-rVS- , PH.irrONS anilsultablo Chrltinas Qlfti.

Honolulu Carriage flanufactoryWRIGHT, Prop'r.

1031 VaSigiBJBSlJiaEleMBlBJSlSteBlBia

We are openday and night.There will be noband of music todraw the crowdthis year. Do notlet anything,factor circumstancehinder you fromseeing our immense,beautifuldisplay of Holiday Goods.W.W.Dimond&Co,,


The People's Store,

Von Holt lllock, King street.

Notice.I Iwg to notify my customers and the

public generally that I have transferredmy business to tho Metropolitan MeatCompany, owing to ill health, and thntall bills owing by mo will bo bytho saM Metropolitan Moat Company,and airbills duo me will bo colloctod byBald Company.

Thanking tho public for pnst favors,JOSEPH TINKEIl.

1088-l- Cltv Mont Market.

Honolulu Mesaoncer Sorvico dolivers messaged and paoknges.

Ui. Tolepliono b7H. i

rocolvo a largo lot of Latest Styles i!j

V. V.


ItOAD CAltTS, which will niako Wa '


AfcYou Getting


It you aro, you want tocall at Tho Kash, 0-- Hotel St.Just onoiiod up tho mostCoinplofo Lino of SmokingJackots ovor oxhlbltod on thoIslands, $0.50 to $10 In anolidlots variety of colors.Nock ties or any othorkind of tlos.

Clothing for Mon;Clothing for UoysjClothing for Child ran.Huts tho samo.Shirtwaists, Golf Shirtsand nil othor kinds of Shirts.

"The Kash,"9 Hotel Street : :' layerlerBM

Agents for Dr. Delmel'a LInen-Mo- al

Underwear. Send for Catalogue.

We Make Shirts to Order.Telophono No. 070.

Waianae Hotel,Walanae, Oahu.

Fine sua bathing and mountainSCENERY!


W I All Trains to anJ (rom Honolulu ti!ltor Slop at Ihe Hotel 1 --04

Albert Toogood, Proprietor-108- 9j



1 s



V 7



&&JZkjrt&&i y;i Aklk. m :- wkwfcM j iV?


Page 5: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."

?yflWiv"-- '




WJWtwras"-- 'as-Ui--.

llie 17xiToia.aa.e ZBIcrcle,A GENTLEMAN'S WHEEL.

A world-wi- de reputation for Easy Running Fine Mechan--teal Construction. A year in advance of any other wheel.

r ,7

. T? I ?l S, --,.

v r ., H "


. I M MnilllllM I .i r.Xj. xwj,,...ww




THIS ?Good Violin, Bow, Case, etc., Complete,

Only $7.50

A Few Suggestions for

BanjosFrom $6.50 up




FORT ST.Next to Golden Rulo Tsuziiar.




v "A "A A "A? "! Jv 1i 5i A 1I. 1i. !i 5i !

Piano,Music Cabinet,Piano Scarf,Guitar,Mandolin,Violin,Banjo,Music Roll,Bound Volume of

Hawaiian Songs,Gramophone,Toy Drums.

Wc have (i Jorge nnd well selected stock of the above goodson display. Call and sec us.

from$3.50 up.

Also bear in mind that wc will tulc your OLD PIANO as partpayment on a NEW ONE. Wc have Just received a

VVW"ii,"- large shipment of Kimball Pianos, per Australia.






HOLIDAY GOODS!vrjrjrjrjrjrjrjrjtrjsrAr'jrjr'jrArjrjMNWhite Opera Capes, &

Richly Trimmed, from SO to $25. J

Art Department.A great variety in Hemstitched Scarfs and Center Pieces,

Battenberg Doylies, Embroidered Linen Scarfs, Table Cloths,Stamped Goods.

Linen Department.Irish Table Linen in sets, with one dozen Napkins to

match, for round or any sie table.

B;F. KtftS k CO. IFort Street.




Morgan's auction snlo of rugs to-

morrow.Hats for Ghristmns; reasonablo

prices at Mrs. Hannn's.Ewn Plantation was visited by

very heavy rains yesterday.llemenijuor the Kaumakapili

chnrch fair on Satnrday next.Special American Agent H. M.

Sewall wont to Waiaianalo for ashort vacation trip this morning.

Tho Golden ltulo Bazaar is soiling dolls dressed, from 15 cents to25 cents. Sold by others 25 to 40cents.

Postmaster Oat has just issued,and dish United, a timo-tabl- u ofproposed mail steamer scrvico for189'J.

Tarn McQrew and Mrs. 0. 13.

Cooper returned in tho Mikabalathis morning after a very pleasanttrip on Kauai.

Tho Hawaiian Hotel hack stnndis n splendidly equipped establishment. It has courteous drivers,lino horses aud nibbpr-tire-, volup-tuous vohicles. King up tdephotieNo. 32.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Warrenentertained a party of frionds lastovpning at tho rcsidouco of Mrs.Higgins, to colebroto the first

of the daughter of thefamily.

James F. Morgan will torn- - mowsell by auction tho finest a inrt-me-

of costly aud ponuino Turk-ish and Persian rugs ever showniu this city. Tho sale will takoplace in tho Bruce Waring it Co.building, Fort street.

Iu the noticoof thostickholderameeting of tho Union Fenl Co.,Ltd., publishod in today's issue, itreads "aunual meeting." This isnn orror of the typo. It shouldread adjourned annual meeting.It will bo held Saturday.

E. W. Jordan has such an ini-me-

stock of toys and fancygoods that ho hns boeu compelledto leaso tho Waterhouso promiseson Uueen street, un aaturaaythoro will be a grand opening ofthis store. At his store on Fortstreet ho has many attractions,and oagor buyers throng tho emporium. Daring tho holiday season both stores will bo opou evon- -idqb. Tho iuoon Btrcot storo willbo brilliactly illuminated byacetylene gas furnished by thoOceania ,Gas and Electric Co., 112Hotel stroet.

Thoro aro many inquiries con-cerning Guam Island, tho princi-pal island of tho Ladrones. Sov-er-

enterprising rosidents havooppressed a desire to visit Guam,as business opportunities aro saidto bo good thero. Captain Hairisof tho schooner Concord contemplates making a voyage to tho island. ThovosBol that bo commandswill accommodato thirty-fiv- e passengers and 100 tons of freight.Those intorosUd in tho projectcan ascertain further particularsby calling on H. Hackfeld fc Co ,

Ltd.Georgo Haffner, tho Fort street

jeweler, has a very handsome linoof goods, Bnitablo for Christmaspresents. Mr. Haffner is a silversmith and engraver of many yearsexporionce. Ho has manufacturedout of coins, woods and nuts someartistic things in tho jewelry linewhich aro typical of the countryand aro destined to bo of greatvalue in coming years. He willmako anything in tho jewolry linothat the many readers of the liveBdllktin may dtsirn. All ordersintrusted with him will bo faith-fully and artistically oxocutcdSee his card on pago 8 under NewToday.

Cruelly to Anlmtl".Thoro is being investigated by

xuiBS Helen Wilder, humano ollicor, a caso of cruelty to animals,that takes on a much more cruelaspect than ordinary cases.

Sometime ago, J. S. Walkertook a dog from a friend to bokept at his homo. On Monday ayoung PortugucBO working forMr. Walkor, becamo angry at thodog for chasing chickons, Toshow his very small nature, bo tiedtho poor bruto with n chain andthen procoeded (o mark its bodywith n whip. Tho flexible partdid not suit him so ho boat thedog with tho handlo until the poorthing was unanlo to move. Dur-ing tho night, tho dog died.

In spoaking of tho matter to aprominent judco this morning, hosaid: "A Huh or imprisonment istoo mud. Theused to beat thoused on tho onetho doed.

wuip tuut was,dor, should bewho committed


--kHoliday Season, 1898!

Largest and Finest Stock in Honolulu,


Santa Glaus'


l'rcnontHfor theYoung midOld.If wo run-n-

suitVou no onoIn towncan.

uolcomo totlmIlKiSHOW.


Notice.Persons ulslilni; to obtain bonrd at

Maknuao, Maul, can be rcconitnodntedat MRS. II. H. 'S

Torms, $10 imrwi'ok. fi55-fl-

Xiiihi Cnnllii.Church fairs, festivals, socials

aud candy dealers supplied withtho purest coeds at lowest prices.Now England Bakery and CandyCompany.


Sterling 25c !



Gold, Silver and Plated Ware,in the Latest Designs,



M. R. COUNTER507 Fort Stroet.




NOTARY PUBLIC and TYPEWRITEROfllce: 209 Merchant street. Camp-lie- ll

Block, rear of J. O. Carters otllce.P. O. Box 101.

EDMUND II. UAltT,Notary Public and Typewriter

Convpanccrani Searcher of Record's.

Olllco Cniiiiiboll'H Hlook, Merchant St.Next door la Hawaiian Wine Co 1055-1- 1


Acknowledgments to Instrumen's,District of Konn, Oaliu.

At W. C. AuIiI'h olllco, KI111; htrout, nearNuuniiu.

1 Christmas Prices on Bicycles!For Sweethearts and Wives,

Sisters nnd Daughters......A LARGE STOCK AT


312 FURT ST. Telephone 5G5.



ChristmasGiftsFop All

In electing Christmas Giftsmany points are to be considered:

First of all, where! is the largestand best display to be seen ?

Second, the quality and prices ?

After you have convincedon these two points the rest

is easy.

Stock.We have on display tle

largest and greatest variety J

HOLIDAY GOODS ever offeredin Honolulu. We know our priesare right, because we hair rightfrom the manufacturers, therebyliving the percentage made bv

the middle man.

Cheapestand Best

When you come to our storewe feel it our duty to familiarize

you with the goods wecarrytiandour time is yours.

Come and inspect our stock.

Goods are all marked in plain


Hollister Co,

mTOmm333mSa3S&33SB338g' sS



Holiday GoodsOwing to oup Immense Stock of TOYSand FANCY GOODS, we have beencompelled to pent mope stope space.SATURDAY, at the old Watephouseppemises on Queen stpeet, we willhave a GRAND OPENING. Both ofoup stopes will be open nights

Mps. E. J. Boardman has charge of oupART DEPARTMENT. j&sT



feya.k ,t





- ;



Page 6: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."





Hardware, etc.

If vmt iicoil now

MATTINGTor ur houso, or

Japanese RugsTo brighten your homo,

at ii cost,

you will bo Interested

In goods Just to hand itt

Lowers & Cooke's.

Your Roof and


Should be put in thorough repairbefore you are washed out duringthe heavy rains.

I stand ready to do any necessary

repiirs required.

John Notf,75-7- 9 KING ST.

Telephone No. 31.

Chinese and Japanese Firms.

Hit; Importation ofJjix I nsiilar and lloina"Victoria

IniAXILA. 01 G AltSJust received by

KAM TAI,llotol St.. Hour Tort.

HOP WO COMPANY.King Street, I'ulaco Square

Merchant Tailor.Circnl iiiiiny vuiietlos of I.lnun Suit

ings. Coat iiikI trousers, ?1; n iKirfectJit guaranteed. Read nude, $2.fiU, flmid 9.1.50 n milt.


Merchant Tailor323 Nuuanu St.

Fine Suitings in English, Scotch andAmerican Goods made to ordor.

Xelophono COS. -- Postolllce box USO.

Real Estale.

A Few

Bargainsrilouu Lot on K'alll street, at Kallhl.

00 x 100Mouse ani Lot at Kallhl ; 400 x 100..Price Jj joo.Mouse ani Lot on Young street, 75x155

($5 000Lot at Kamolllllll, about 'A acre.

Lot on Prospeit street, 75x115.

'Three Lots opposite Mck'ee Island,next to Mai JonaM sI our Lots Kapahulu Tract. Site 50 x,iooeaih.



15 Kaahumanu St.


g DIETZ,Practical Watchmaker


Repairs fine complicatei Watches, Clocks, Musicbaxel an) Jewelry

All work guaranteed. experience.

LATEST STYLES JEWELRYBy last steamer from the Coast.

THE REGULAR THINGAt my store, where the


la done repairing ami now workboth. Plus, riot's, brucolets, watch-making, ete.

H. G. BIART 404 Fort St.

a WtWlttrbfafcy'Si . .ufityttaMs - 4'jvJ, i,,

? ", ' """Vi rf" pa' "fcf "T f" 'Tm-r- wfipipaMywpr tut-.!"- .


Calumet (g)Baking



FopYourChristmas !

e m mOberz Dam Pfnusse;

Spitz Kugehn;

Feinstc Weisse;


Feinste Basler Lebkuchen from

the confectionatyof Heinrich

Haberlein, Nurnberg, Ger-


Pitted Olives, from France;

Crescent Olives, from France;

Weisbaden Stuffed Prunes;

Glace Fruit from Paris;

Figs, Pressed, from Smyrna;

Frendi Mnrrons Glace (Chest-

nuts in Vanilla Syrup);

Christmas Tree Ornaments;Live Trees from the forests of

Northern California, to ar-

rive per Australia, order


Bon Bons.

riien there are Bon Bons forfun and favors not alwaysfor children we thought ofyou, too, and your dinnerguests. Oh t the fun youcan have with these snap-pers !::::::::

Melange in Syrup, from Ger-

many ;

S. R. St J. C. Motto' New

York Celebrated Sparkling

Sweet Cider;

Lowney's Chocolate Bon Bons

you know what they are;

Drawing Room and Christmas

Candles, all colors;

Dressed Turkeys on ice from


Cape Cod Cranberries.

Lewis & Co.211 FORT STREET.

Telephone 240

"Wholesale mid RetailDealers in - --

Staple andl'linuy

GroceriesV. O. Hox 207.

H. MAY & CO.Wholesale and Retail Groceries.

515 & 517 Fort St., HonoluluTfclephonor 2VJ P.O. Box 470



225 Quoen stroot, Honolulu, H, I,

Artistic Graining


House Painter,Paper Hanger,Grainer, Glazier, andTlNTER : : :


1070 Next to 1'ollco Station


Continued from Page :t.

wore it liameesod, to do doubletho work llio coal docs.

Tho cost of operating tho pumpsby electricity, (jonerntod by thopower of waterfall, would bo amoro nothing, compared with whatsteam is costing them.

From what I can lonrn I wouldconsider it advisable, on planta-tions whero water power iu abuu-dauc- e

is availablo, at reasonablecost, within a distanco of pixtymiles, to supplant steam ontirolyby electricity, as somo managerstell mo they would like very muchto put, the trash, on tholoud, for tho reason, that whilo itmay uot bo a first-clas- s fertilizer,yet it seems to keep tho groundopcu continually till tho crop ietakon off by which timo it is thor-oughly disintegrated or decom-posed, then tho soil is roady for afresh supply.

Electricity could bo used in thomills for powor and for ovaporat-ln- g

tho cuuo juice, to great ndvnu-tng- oover steam, as it would bo

much cleaner, and would onlyoccupy about one eighth tho floorspace that tho stoma equipmentdoes. A good oxamplo of whntelectricity gouerated by waterpowor can do in tho way of pump-ing, is to bo scon ou the plantationof tho AVniauao Co. at Waianae,Oahu. Four million gallons ofwater nro boing raised daily, thopump is throe and ouo half milesdistant from the source of power,and during the two years tho planthas been iu operation, it has notcost one cent for repairs.

I think with Mr, Young whomyou quoto today, that tho questionof sugar growing in tho Islands,to maintain present or approxi-mately presout profits, resolves it-

self iulo one of cheaper production,and I think ouo of tho menus tothat end is to utilizo tho wateravailablo in tho mountains andthereby reduco coal consumption.

F. J. Cnoss.Honolulu, Dec. 9, 1898.

Mother mill Hon.

"Hood's Sarsaparilla has curedmo of rheumatism and neuralgiawhen 1 could find uo relief fromanything else. My son also suf-fered for years from nouralgiaand boils, but since taking Hood'sSarsaparilla ho hns had no symp-toms of thoso diseases." Mrs.Annie McGowon, 8 North 10thStreet, Temple, Toxas.

Hood's Fills aro oasy to take,onsy to oporato. Curo indiges-tion, headache.

m 9 m

If you want a nico Rubber tirohack with a careful driver ring upClub Stablo Hack Stand Tol. 319,and wo guarautoo you will bosatisfied.

Mechanic's Homo, corner Hoteland Nuuanu streets, lodging byday, week or month. Terms: 25and 50 cents por night. SI rind81.25 por week.

Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand Diarrhoea Remedy can alwaysbe dopondod upon aud is ploasantand safe to take. Sold by all deal-ers, Benson, Smith & Co., Gen-eral Agonts.

My Honolulu Hollo is a compa-nion piece to My Honolulu Lady.It is by tho samo author and forsain by tho Rorgstrom Music Co.Stop in and try it on ono of thoKroegor pianoB.



In Big "Variety !


Cor. Fort and Merchant Sts,1090


KaumakapHi Church,


The Proceeds are for the Benefit of the Church.

ADMISSION, 25 CTS.Tickets are for sale by the Committee having

the matter In hanJ, and at the entrance, lotlg-t- d

w w w w W W


I ATWATERHOUSE'S.J.fji Spasm of Joy i


is seen 111 me uttes in iner patrons ot tins store wnen tney r

see the handsome line of Crock- - L

pery and Glassware. n



New fresh Groceries of the"PURE FOOD" grade in our

I Grocery Department. Wearealways on the alert to serve

I you with the best of every- -

thing that the American andI European markets can produce T

f J. T, Waterhouse3; Wtvverley Mock, Eetliel St.


Established in 1851. leaders la 1898.


Surgeons and Physicians.


Comor Richards and Borotnnla strcotsOlUeo Hours : 10 to 1.

108S Tolopliono 517.


streets.Olllco Hours: 8 to 10 u. in.; 1 to 3

p. m.; 7 to 8 p. in. Sundays: 8 to 10

n. in. Tolopliono filO. 1. O. Box GUI.1070

DR. C. L. GARVIN"Olllco: 5U7 Kino Hriinirr, near Punch-

bowl, Honolulu, II. I.TUMil'lIONi: No. 413

Houre: 8 to 9 n. in,; 2 to 5 p. in.;0 to 7 p. in.

BQX-- At Dr. Day's olllco 0 to 12 in.; 7to 8 , iiu

Office HoursOn nnd after Novombor 1st, 1803, Dr.

J. T. Wnyson's olllco hours will bo:Wook days, 10 a. in. to 3 p. in.: 0:30 to7:30 p. in. Sundays, 10 n. m. to 12 m.

1040-t- f




MOIT-SMIT- I1LOCK.Telephones: Olllco, 015; Kcsldonco,

789. llouns: 1) n. m. to I p. m.


Mew Love's Ilmldinft, Fort BtreetiTELKl-UON- 434.


13-- 1 1 Progross lllock, comor Borotnulnand Fort Streots, Honolulu.

DR. R. I. MOORE,Dentist.

No. 21(1 Hotel stroot. Tolopliono 505,HOURS: 0 to 12 and 1 to 4 p.m.




Olllco : llotol Stal)loa. Calls, duy ornllit, promptly muworod. Speclnltlos:Obstotrlcs nnd r.ililoilOKS. 1005

A.R.ROWAT.D.V.S.GraJujta of McGIII University, Montreal.)

lias had ten ears rractlcal experience In the treat-ment ot Horses, Cattle ani Domestic Pets in theHawaiian Islands.

Orders left at Club or Pantheon Stables will bereceived and promptly attended to.Office 610 Fori St. Telephone 785


Ova h i I I JIt Ii

Office and Infirmary, 863 King St.TELKPHONK 708.

,llodorn and Humane Trcatmont.


IIncorporated Under tub Laws 1

lop tub Hawaiian Repubuc.j

Capital Subscribed, 100,000

Capital Paid Up, - 300,000

OFFICKRS AND DIRECTORS:CirAi. M. Cooui:, Prosldont.

J. II. Atiikrion, nt

C. II. CooKn, Caslilor.e F. O. Athiiiiton, Socrotary.

Henry Wntorhouso,Tom May,

F. W. Mncfarlano,K. D. Tonnoy,

J. A. McCandloss.

Hxcliango drawn on Wolls, Fargo ACo.'s ll,nk In San Fninclfeo and NowYork, and tliolrcorrospondonts througli-ou- t

tho world.Oriental eorrcipondonts, Tho Hong-

kong and Shanghai Ranking Corora-tlo- n,

tho Chartorod Rank of India, Aus-tralia and China.

Attention glon to gouoral bankingbuslnoss.

Safo doposlt boxes rented by mouthor year. 1015

Architects, Contractors and Builders.


223 Marchant St.. Honolulu,Between Fort aud Alakca,

Telephone : : : 734

Building MaterialsOF ALL KINDS.

Dealers in Lumber and Coal.

ALLEN & KOBINSON,Qucon Rtroot, Honolulu.

Mechanics' Tools.Wo have a large assortment at tlio


Next to Union Hxpress Co., King st.3A large assortment of Garden Tools. ,069


at MODERN 1'ltlCES consultmo.

Latest designs In Bath Tubs alulLavatory Furnishings.

JOHN PHILLIPS,1017 28 Hotel street.


Contractor and Builder.Olllccs nnd Stores fitted op and

Estimates given on

ALL KINDS OP WORK.ts Olllco and Shop: No. 619 Fort street,

adjoining W. W. Wright's Carriage Shop.

To My Patrons and the Public,

Having recovered from my re-

cent illuess, I am npain prepnrcdto do all kinds of Tinsmith andPlumbing work as heretofore.Thanking you for past favors, Irespectfully solicit a continuanceof tho samo.

JAS. NOTT, Jr.- Tel. 814.

Monuments and Headstones,

Tho undorslgnod Is propared to doCEMETERY WORK OF ALL KINDS,and supply MONUMENTS and HEAD-STONES of which lio has a groat va-rlo-

of tho Latest and Most ArtisticDoslgnn, and will also supply Stono Cop-

ing sop.iratoly for surrounding como-tor- y

lots.tSf" Estimates glvon in Marblo, Gra-nlt-

Hawaiian Stono, ote.FRED. HARRISON.

A Mew Paint Shop.

Having associated with us Mr. JohnII. Wot, a practical Houso I'.ilntor,Docorator anil Wood Pollshor, o aronow prop.irod to glvo ostlinatos on allkinds of work in that lino.

Mr. West having hail a practicalof over twonty years In San

Francisco and other largo eltlos on thoCoast, wo fool confldont that any workentrusted to us will glvo ontlro satisfac-tion to our patrons.

Peerless Preserving Paint Co.

Have You Seen Them?Those ologant WR OUO II T IRON

FENCES wo are putting up aroundthe moro liandsoiuo rosldonco lots Intown V Costs no moro than 11 woodenfouce; lasts 11 llfo tlmo: 11 combination ofbeauty and strongth that will add moroto tho uttractlcuossof your homo thanany othor iniprovoniont for twlco thonionoy. Call and soo our samples.

Iron Work of every description. Im-ported and domestic MONUMENTS,Tombstones and Statuary.

Estlmatos glvon on all kinds of Grad-ing, Stono Work andTorrachig, Curbingand Cement Sldowalks. Comont workof all khuls. Lettor Cutting lu brass,Iron anu stono.

Stoncll making a specialty.

Hawaiian Iron Fonco and Monu-

mental Co.

H. E. HENDRIOK, Manngor.31 5 Fort stroot.Tolophoho 602.


OL.1U8 Bl'ltKCKELS. Wm. Q. Irwik.



San i'Vartclwo Agtntt Tnn Nivadi Bink OFSan FnANcisco.


(jiH Fbakoisoo Tho Nevada Bank ol SanFrancisco.

London Tho Union Bank of London, Ltd,Sbw Youk American Exchange National

Bank,CninAoo Merchants National Bank.Piiita Comptolr National d'Escompt de

Paris.BnnLiN Drcsdncr Bank:IlONorcoNa and Tohoiiama Hongkong &

Shanghai Banking Corporation.Nnw Zealand and Austhalia Bank of Now

Zealand.Victoria and Vancodveb Bank of British

North America.raasact a General Banking and Eicrtaiige BusinessDcpoists Received. Loans mado on Ap-

proved Security. Commercial and TravelersCredits Issued. Bills of Exchange boughtand sold.Collections PnovrrLT Accounted Fob.



Savings Doposlts will boreceived mid Interest allowed by thisRank at four and ono-ha- lf por cent,per annum. Tho tonus, rules androcrulntlniiH nf dm Ttnwniin.i i,ni clings Rank have boon adoptod as far nsis m iimcuiiiuio 10 nppiy tiiom, nml thoCash Rosorvo of J50.000 as rcqulrotl mi-d-

the Postal Act will bo maintained.Printed eoplos of tho Rulos and Reg-

ulations may bo obtalnod on application.HISHOP & CO.

IQIO-t- f

Establishod 18C8


Transact a General Bankingand Exchange Business.

Commercial and Traveler'sLotters of Credit issued, avail-able in all tho principal citiesof tho world.

Interest allowed after July1, 1898, on tixed doposits 3months 3 per cent., G monthsSh por cent., 12 months d-p-


Pioneer Building andLoan Association.

Assets, June CO, 1S0S, $113,032.51.Money loaned on approved soeurlty.A Savings Rank for monthly deposits.Houses built on tho monthly Install-

ment plan.Eighteenth Sorlcs oY stock will bo opon-o- dJanuary 1, 1899.

OFFicmts: T. F. Lansing, Presldont:S. R. Roso. Vlen.I'nMlilniit; n 11 n...Treasurer; A. V. Gear, Secretary. '

.ujiu.u-iuiu,.- - i. v, i,insing,H.ii. itose,A. V. Goar, A. W. Kooeh, J. G. Itoth-wel- l,

Honry Smith, J. J. MoLoan, J. D.Holt, C. II. Gray.

For further particulars apply toA. V. GEAK, Secrotary.

Chambor of Commoreo rooms.Olllco Hours: 12:30-1- :30 p. in.

Tlje falrjiriHina gpecie BanLIMITED,

BobBcrlbod Capital Yen 12,000,000Fold Up Capital Yen 10,600,000ReservoFund Yon 0,060,600


BRANCHES AND AGENCIES.Kobe, London, Lyons, Now York,

San Fruncisco, Shanghai,Bombay, Hong Kong,

Tho Rank buys andrecolvos for collec-tion Rills of Exchange, Issuos Drafla andLottuisof Credit on tho uboo Branchesand Agencies, nnd transacts a generalbanking business.INTEREST ALLOWED-- On

I IxeJ Deposit for i months, 4 per cent p. a.On I kcJ Deposit tor 6 months, !S "On FlxeJ Deposit for mos, "

INTERLST ALLOWED- -Ilthe llcaJ Office at Yokohama, on Current De- -Posit. i'J percent. er annum.

On IxeJ Deposit for i months, 7 per cent, p, a.

Hew RepaMle BolUni, 11 fang St, Honolulu

The . . .

Hawaiian ElectricCompany,

Cor. Alakca k Ealekaawila Bta.

Has a largo assortment of

Chandeliers and Elec-trical Goods

Constantly on hand.

Estimates givon for house wir-ing and Eloctrioal plants.

Marino Wiring a spooialty,





M , ,j. fS nji jm 0i v tj$ j t i y W Mv w v i s k ,u . fc. Atf, ., iiMhrtKj ix&

Page 7: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."


1 ' ' ' ' 'JWflP1 V"""' ''IW1 'JW-'- "J'VTT'

Lines of

Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE.Tho Fino PasBongor Steaniora o This Liuo Will Arrive at an?

Loavo This Fort as Hcroundor.

From San Francisco:AUSTRALIA December 21

ALAMKDA January 1

AUSTKAIjTA lunuury 18

MAKIPOriA February 18

In connection witb tho sailing of tbo above steamers, tho Agentsnro prepared to issuo, to intending passengers, coupon throughtiokots by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in theUnitod Statos, and from Now York by any steamship line to allEnropoan ports.

For further particulars apply to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., Limited,General Agents Oceanic S. S. Co.

Pacific Mail Steamship Go,ACTD

Occidental and Oriental Steamship Go.Steamers ol the above companies will call at Honolulu anJ leae this pott on or about the

dates below mentioned i

For Japan and China:CITY OF PUKING Decombor il'J


For San TrancUco Cabin.. . $ sEuropean Steeraje ... 5

For Yokohama Cabin S"European Steerage . . 85

For Hongkong Cabin itsEuropean Steeraee loo

H. Hackfeld &

Lines of Travel.

O. R. & L. Co.THAINS.


3 s o --



A. M. P. M.

Honolulu . 7 : 10 9:1s 3: 10 51 10Pearl City. 8 :o7 9148 3141 5! 50EwaMIII.. 8!JJ 10:08 4:03 6 10Walanaa. . 9:17 10 : j '4lWalalua .. 13 t OO 5 l

o m


(Inward).sf5 II 1

A, M. p M. P.M

Walalua... 6: 13 39

Walanae... 7 113 10109 3: JSEwaMIII... 7 47 10: 59 4: 33 13 145Pearl City. 11 : 34 4 "J I i 10Honolulu 13! 13 5 : I I 45

F. C. Smith, Gon'l Pass. fc TlckotAkuuL.

0. 1. Ijunison. Snporlntnnilniit.


Bonsai Bartor Shop.

Mr. A. Pelxoto runs one chair and an Italian Pro-fessor another.

OHAS. MOLTENO, Prop.Merchant utroot, opp. Jndd Htilldlng.




ta- l- -- MArlington Block, Ilotol Stroot.

N0110 but tho most skillful Uarborx om- -ployod.

Joseph Fernandez, Prop'r

IF YOU ARE TROUULED withuanuruuor uuv uihciihu or tlio scalp, ntrlnl bottlo of DANDRUFF KILLERwill entirely remove all doubt as totho vlrtuu claimed for tho preparation

Prickly heat cured by a few applica-tions.

lie wuro that tho label on tho bottlobeuru tho two faces and name; allothera aro uniuuiniiH.

F. PACHECO,Solo Proprietor.

SELLING AGENTS HollUterDrujr Co., IJenson, Smith & Co., Unioniiaruer snop. iuoi


'nF w yyt1 ' ' w

THE EVENING H. I., 15, d(J8.

For SanAUSTRALIA December 27MAKU'OSA January I

AUrfTItAIilA January 21MOANA February 1

For San Francisco :

CHINA December 20


For San Francisco Cabin, 4 months $135For Yokohama Cabin, 4 months 915

Cabin, la months 36250For HonRkonj Cabin. 4 months 36350

Cabin, ta months 31635

Ltd., Agents.IOSS

Lines of Travel.

Hers Steamship Go's

TIME TABLE.0. h. WIGHT, Prei. S. 15. ROSE, Boo.

Uapt. J. A. KINO, I'ortSupt.

Stmr. KINAU,Commander,

Will lfifLvo TTonnlnln Avnrv TitoB.fni n irto'clock a. m., touohlng at Lnliuinaj Man- -iuob jjuj uuu dihkodo me same day;jauuuBonn, aawaiuae and Iianpalioehootho following day, arriving at Hllo onWednesday.

Returning, will gall from Hllo everyFriday at K o'nlnnlr p. u innnMn.. .Laupahoehoe, Mahukona and Kawaihneimuuu uujj iuBoua. juaaiaea uay andLahaina the following diyj arriving atuuuuiuiu ouutiuy a. M.

Will OBI! at PnlinlU Pnnn nn li,second trip of each month, arrivingthorn on th mnrnlnr. nf ilm lm. nfsailing from Hllo to Honolulu.

i.ue popular route to the Volcano Isvia Hflo. A good carriage road theentire dietanco.


Will leave llonolutu Tnosday at 5r.M,itouching at Kahulul, Hana, HamoaandKinahuln. Mnnl. liAtnmtn. nt.a .1Honolulu Sunday mornlnga.

itjii can niiNau.nanpo. on second tripof each month.

aTlarNo Frfiloht will Ha r.Atvi a,a4 r. M. on day of sailing.

This 0mpany resorvos tho right tomake changes in the time of departure andarrival of its steamers without notice andIt will nnt hA Mannn.lKIa K MH ....quenoes arising therefromi

uousiguwB mnn oe at tne Landings toreceive their Freighti this Company willnot hnlrl ItRAlf mannnalhlA fni. fMnl.. has been landed.

Live Stock only at owner's risk.Thin Hnmnnnv will nnl Iia ADnnHnlul.

for Money or Valuables of passenger?unless plaoed in the care of Pursers.

PackagoN containing porsonal eirocts,whethor shippod as buggago or froight,if tho contmits thoroof oxcoetl $100,00 Invaluo, must have tho value thoreofplainly fcUitod and markod, and thoCompany will not hold itsolf liable forany loss or damugo in oxcohh of thissum oxcopt tho goods bo shippod undera special contract.

All eniployoos of tho Company aroluiuiutiuii m rucwro irnigni wiinout uo- -Hvorlllir a dlllnnlnir roinln llmnifni. Inthe form prescribed by tho Companymm wiiicii iimy uo soon oy siupporsuiwn oppllratlon to tho pureors of thoComnanv'H KtnnmnrM.

Shippers aro notlllod that If froight Isn.iii.uu tvnuuub miuii recoipt, 11 will nosolely at tho risk of tho shlnpor.

Passengers are requested to purohasetiokets before embarking. Those failing todo so will be snbjoot to an additionaluutugo ui iwumyuvu per cent.


Tho atago for Kaneoho, Hccln, Wal- -Kanc, ruiiaiiiii,i,uio, KaniiKti and waypoints, will leavo PostolHce, BethelBtreotshle, nt 0 a. m. (Siiiiilaya except-ed), calling for passengers and pack-age- n

at Lovejoy A Co'h, No. lONuuauustreet

ttSuStages will make the return triprom Kahuku daily. 1019

iT ailil'iii ilil....,!'.,.,. ralii.t:h.V.toi.St..l.iLj , ,flJ.

W'lMf,- -








Beer and Wine Dealers.


nIEiflifiii About

Beer ?Ivfc IF YOU WANTl!BHtT'!ll

mmMirf. The Best,

Most Delicious

and Healthiest,

Miaf ...DRINK...

HwES SCHLITZThe Deer that maJe

Milwaukee lamoua

Maofarlane & Co., Ltd.sole Agents. 1027

Should Yen lio Weary and Foil of Thirst


iST. BREHAM'SHop llccr Cottage, No. 11 Konln (formerly

Smith) street.

Ho nmknin Hiieclulty of tho browlnirof HOP lli:i;it, and ovory Imttlo jmikvpstitulor his Hroiiiil hiiht Isloti, and Isguaranteed by lilin. Hnj) Ilcer Ih notan Intoxicant, Is and Im acnnl,pitiatiill(),ho!i'odlkohutomgc. Mr.iiroiinm courts 1111 oen lnscetl(ii of Illsplace iiml lils methods of doing business.


Wine niiil Liior Sealers.Agents lor the Dottled Rainier ueer of Seattle.

No. Hi Nuuanu STiu:irrFoster Block, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

P. O. Dox i)t. Mutual Telephone J08.

Acloso rcsomblancoto IJcor,From Kentish Hops." An admirable Imitation." LondonTimes.

HAWAIIAN SODA WORKS.Tolephono 032 '014



Photography !

We turn out the finest workat the most reasonable prices.

souvenir v lews 01 me isianasin endless variety.

J. J. WILLIAMS,At tho Old StandOn Fort Street ::


In Colors. Also Somtnlr Portraits anJ Views In

Platinum or IrlJIum.


F. Anton Severin Prop'r.Colorlne and large work a specialty. Fine ISLAND

VIEWS for sale. The finest workmanship at theowcsi pntcs. nmaicur ana KOjaK WOTK solicited.


PhotographGalleryNuuanu Street. opp.Oueen Emma Hall.

1 doi. Cabinets, $j. Work Neatly Executed.


FOR SALE.In KIllo Condition, just os (iood oh Now

J. T. LUND,Union Stroot (Bell Tower).

aTLlRhl Machine Work promptly done

Mftgjootingll&IIeflj1Ioti:i. St., nbaii Nuuanu.

.John H. Lang, ProprietorWThli Is the only Shooting Rallery In thecltyf

w.uf 11, aiiv. r juui iiiiHuiaiiauip

Heaitlla Ueer.

This evor popular Iininior beeris Jjoooming a honeohold wordand "will you havo a glnaa ofSeattle" is moro often heard thananything elso. Tho OritorionSaloon have tho beer on tap or inbottles.

. ' tni.iAiiiti iftwrfcitifci;i)Tii1iaAt.nma.lrii,i.


Additional, and the latest Shlpplnc News, will befound on the eighth pace


Noenu for Ilonokna nnd Kukui-lmo- le

tliis nCteruoon.The W G Irwin will sail for

Son Frarjctaco with a cnrRO ofaupnr on or about next Tuesday.

Tbo American schooner Transit,Jorgoueon mastor, arrived in portyesterday afternoon, 22 days fromSan Francieco will a carpo of 5)00

tonB of general merchandise con-signed t T II Davies A Co.

l'ASSEXdEUS AllI(lVi:U.From ilntianuuihi, per stmr

Waialealo, Doo 11 Ilobt Mor-inon- t.

From San Francisco, per schrTrnusit, Dec 11 U A Edwardc, Jli Edwards. J ii Welch, W IIWilkinson, dno union.

I'AHSr.XaUltS DIU'AHT.For Lahaina, nor stmr Kauai.

Dee M-- W A Wall.KXI'OIITS.

For San Francisco, ppr fchrKobort Lowers, Uoo 1122,325 exHiicnr from 11 Hackle d A Co toWilliams, Dinioud & Co. Valuo.$102,583 50.

IMPOItTS.From Ilniiiuniitilu. nor etmr

Wnialenle, Dec M 3000 sx sumirfor II IlMckfeld A Co.


Krr Slnirlc Iinlrrn Kntrrlnliimi-n- l

Will ho (lltrn Tonlulit.Col. II. Evans, from Salvation

iVrniy hendnunrters. New York.has just returned from visitiutrSalvation Army work on Knuitiand expresses himself as woll

enncil with tbo work that is bo- -

iul' accomplisued. in Wiiiiiiriithe work among tho Chiueao andnatives is very eucourncint'Quito a number have been con-verted, whilo in Koloa a goodwork is boiu(4 dono among thenntivea, also in othor nlacos visited. Col. Evans was accompanied by tho Hawaiian districtofficer Slaff Capt. Morriweathor.This eveniuc in tho hall, cornerKing and Nuuanu streets, thorowill uo a Ireo magic lantern euter- -tmnment at 8 p. m. Evorvbodvwolcomo.

C"nlrct II Ilf n I.t.Tho 'contmct for building the

addition to tho Beruico I'auahiBishop Musonm at Kamohamehahas bocn let to A .A.Harrison, thocoolractor, and work is soon tobegin. Tho audi tion is to bo ontho Waikiki sido where tho found-bee- n

ation has already laid.

TIib I.iiil Car.Tho last cars of tho King street

lino going to Waikiki and 1'alamapass tho Anchor Saloon. Thoclcvorost mixolooists in tho citvaro thero always to put you upanything you may doeiro. Dropin and tako a drop boforo you takotho cnr. Tho celebrated Seattleboor is to bo lmd lioro on draughtA full lino of liquors including tinfamous A. A. Jesso Moor Whibkvetc., always on hand. Tho mostoxaoting Bnd varied demands canbo satisfied. Tho Anchor Saloonis hero to ploaso its patrons.

Ilnwnllun Fluua.Tho I. X. L., corner Nuuanu

and Kiug streets, has HawaiianFlaps at 5c, 10c, 25c, 50c. and75 cts.

Fains in tho chost when a per-son has a cold indicate a tendencytoward pneumonia. A pieco offlannel dampened with Chamber-lain's Pain fialni and bound on lotho chost over the seat of pain willpromptly roliovo tho pain and pre-vent tho threatonod attack of pnen-moni- a.

This samo treatment willeuro a lamo back in a few hours.Sold by all dealers. Bonson.Sraith& Co.. Goueral Agents.




When the very best Bicycle produce! In America Is

quoted at $50, journay bo lure that rock tottom liasbeen reached. I venture to predict that an end hascome to those annual reductions that have so demorat-Ire- d

trade. Only the finest ol equipments, with rigideconomy of management, can produce such a marvelol cheapness as a standard American Bicycle at theprices quoted In advance lor '09. Do not look for anymore sweeping reductions. Capital must have lairreturns, and the American artlian will have goodwages,

A lew more second hand Dikes at $u, also NewGuaranteed ll'cycles at $10; only a few lelt.

lllcvcles kept In runnlnp order and punctures repaired at $1 per month Krpalrs lor all Ulcycles atIIAILEY'S HONOLULU CYCLEUY

231 King Street.Established 1891

..&,, , .ihi-t- .il !...-.- -' '"V-.- t ....

REAL ESTATE FOR SALE.1. 3 lluildlliK Lots, Kownlo ttrcut,

100x270. l'rleo 0 por tout. Icsi thanadjoining nroirty.

2. Hoimo nml It, K'owulo street;nlcoly improvod; size of lot 100x270.

3. lIotio nnd Ixit, l'nxpect nnd Aln-pi- tt

strcot1!; houno contnini 8 rooms nndnil modern Improvements.

A. 8 Rcnntlftil HttlldlnK IxiN nt h'n--

Hill; goodnlr nnd Watitifill vlou; aireof lot 125x271); only $1 ,1100.

5. Hoiin nnd Lot on Alexnndor ft ;

slro of lot 100x200; 7 l.trgo rooms; Ikhi--

it tip-t- o d.ito with oloctrlc lights nnd


To pnrclmso ncros noar tho rontrnltho city.

STOCKS.Wo nro Stock hut hflloxo ,

wll Wo p.itron.tgu.

monoy, plenty nro looking forliivostinontacall seo ns.

L. C7ABLES,Real Estate and

Telephono rsir


At Specially Low PricesTo Reduce

fflfflffiiilEldridge,Victor,FKinp Juvenile and

11 HC, Juvenine Tandem

Crawford,Crawford Chainless.


t i ..?' .


Cor. Queen Fort

Importers anil Wholesale in

liny, Grain, Peed,....Flour, jMcals, otc

Goods aro AlwaysIsland Orders Solicited.Phono


Ohia, Algeroba and Pine Firewood

Oat Bplit (ready the Btove).Also,



t Lowest Prices, any oiCity.


HUSTACE & CO.,Qooen Street.


If you want CnrrLiRO riiietonItepalretl Trimmed,

J. DUSHALISKY,400 Alakon anil

Merclmnt HtroeLs. 10'.!

Practical Horseshoer,Uuurtiiitopcl Promptly


A. MORGAN,St., In T. Mnrniy'B Carriage 8hoj

- . ifilalMtlli "'Mlilirirl aitu-!

modern Improvements ; bountifulgrounds, $4,750.

6. homo on .,ilro of lot 7.1x125

7. An homo on Ilerctnnlit.treotj lot 84x21)0 feet. Must he sold.8. A lino Lotnt partially

lmproetl; lot 220x230. l'rleo $1,600.

9. An unlinproed lot on ISorctnuln.nnd Aloxnndor utroets, 200x300; nrteslnnwutor laid on; part bnl.iuco nt yourown tlmo, with low Interest.

10. tho furniture of n nlcocottngo right In town nnd n

cotuigo n rental of $22 h.t mouth.

for cash, olio or two of ground jmrtloii of

not n inomlior of tho Kxc'hnngt, wo o enn liny orfor yon nt gootl n llgnro ns if wo uoic. solicit

Tlmo Is nnd wo linvo of it. If yonnnd





and Sts.




and (or


delivered tothe


your oror call on

L.stroot, botwoon King

All Work nnd



l'rleoA beautiful Coltcgo


Urge Kallhl;


$.'100 buyssccuro; beau-

tiful nt

ns your




Financial Agent,iroTtrv STrtisET.

Stock o o



G. J. Walleu, : : Manaqkr

Wholosalo and llatail


Navy Contractors.BEST OP MEATS.

Families duNlrini; tundor roa.stH,Juicy Ktoakx nnd cIiojm nIiouIiIcall on tlio

Central Meat MarketWo mako a HjioclaHy of family trndonnd hoU tlio lxi8t nt rcasonablollgtiroM,

H. E. GARES, Proprietor.214 Ximnniit. Toloiiliono 104.

Honolulu Iron Works Co,Improved anil mndorn SUOAH MA

CIIINKHY of every cajmclty and des-urliti- oii

innilo to ordor. Holler workand HIVITTKD l'IPKS for IrrigationjiitrpofeH a. apeelnlty. l'lirtlciilnr attonlion paid to JOIIWOHK, and relrH nil

atHliortr(t notlPu. 1035

uOiioliilAin Planing 11BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS.

Fort street, Honolulu. IOoU

.. jstaLtWiaikart-j- A.,

Page 8: Believe 'fritss-Jr- Evening Bulletin" My judgment is that petition-ers nro entitled to their discharge from respondent's custody, and that thoy be allowed to antor these Hawaiian Islands."

v .



















5',-- Tfi " xj.v 'sv1,"' T'VTT"' r55rWr"i T'1


Great Sale

isrE-- rro-ujir- .

Wines and LiquorsFop Christmas andNew Years fe fe fe

Clmiv.e LlranJjut received of Port, Madeira, Sherry, Muscat, ReisliiiR,Gerke and Hock, put up in assortments to suit.

A Fine Line of American and European Brandies and Whiskies.GENUINE POUT AND SHERRY FROM PORTUGAL.

Ale and Siout, and the Celebrated Seattle Rainier Beer


mv v-- v





Longs for a Bicycle, and hopes Santa is think-ing of bringing one this Xnias. We have the stockif you have the time to drop in and pick one out andthe prices only range between $28 and $$. We havethree sizes of Juveniles, and :an fit any child from

4 years up. If you have no time just telephone usthe age and size of the child, and we will send to

your home on any day before Christmas you wish.


0. HALL & SON, Ltd,Cor. Fort and EZinc: Sts.

Columbia ami lUunblor Agonts.


: PERFUMES gTSRoger and Gallet,


Gosnell's, in all odors

Toilet Sets, Perfume Bottles,Sachet Powdeps,

Maile Cologne, Without a Rival.

Benson,Smith&Co.,LtdFORT AND HOTEL STS.

ANOTinm niAitm: adi:i.

THE 1898.


rollci',Court I'll lo. I In llmr UnmlillnirCaaea.

Tho Police Court was well filledthie morning with people anxioustn hear tbo proceedings in tho ensoof Doc, Rivers, Buchanan anilUnrdnor, charged with conductinga lottory game. lu the front rowof scats woro a numbor of youngiuoii called in as witnesses, thoyhaving hcon pointed out to the po-lice as frequenters of tho place inwhich tho four men mentiouedahovo wore found.

Doo, Rivera and Buchanan worofirst callod hofore Judge Wilcox.The charge, mad o 'the previous dayaud montioniug "lottory" was roadby tho clerk. A. L. 0. Atkinsonthou asked leavo on tho part ofthe prosecution to araond part, as follows: "Opon,cause to open, carry ou, deal, playaud conduct a certain Ramblinggame to wit, roulette, at whichsomething bt value is lost or won."Iiivors and Buchanan plead guiltyand Deo, not guilty. The prose-cution naked that a nolle prosequiIm entered in the caeo of Doo.This was granted and Mr. Doostinted out. lie had not gottenvery far before he was callod backto stand again with Iiivors andBuchanan. In tho meautimo tho






following dialoguoliad taken placobetween Mr. Bobortson and JudgeWilcox:

Mr. Bobortson "Your honor, Iuud rstand that tho prosecutionhas another choreo up its sleevo.I wish thoy would raBko it beforoyour honor sontoncos these

on tho supposition thattlioro is bu' one ouargo."

Judgo Wilcox Mr. AttorneyGeneral will please proceed toompty his slouves.

Mr. Atkinson thon rend thochargo, which mentioned faro.Again Mr. Deo pload not guiltyand his case was continued untiltomorrow. The other two defendants pload guilty.

Mr. Bobertson mado u plea formitigation of sontonco in tho ensoof Bivers. Ho was on his way toManila and had only stopped offhere for a short timo. No warninghad been given him by tho policeBuahannn was au omployo of thopromises, working for Bivors.

Judco Wilcox finod Bivors SI 50on tho first charge aud $100 on theeecoud. Buchanan wis fiued $100in thcJ first enso and $70 in thesecond.

Tho case of Gardner, chargedwith gambling was put over untiltomorrow morning.

Temple of



WANTS.vfj, in tHt column will be inurttJ att$ ccnliJ25 attntftnt intttthn to ctntt ttconJinnr.

tton; )a ttntt a week anj ? ctntt a month. 7 bit it tbecbtJft$t aJxttttsing etr offtrcJ tbefcpftt of

WE WANT YOU TO IIAVL J VM DisinfectingMachine rut In your closet or cesspool, nJ

Jive slckncsi. California I'eeJ Co.,At;ent. tcoQ-i-





VOn SALE- -A lloMeln-Jerse- y Milch COW. ArplyT C, Klemme, at The Tlvoll. 1086--

A TWOMANOALanJ Pedal Pass IcEEDOROANV Suitable for chapel or residence. UerRvtrom

Music Co., Tort street. 1067

REST 15 cent meal In town.u vlnceJ.


LlnJ's Excelsior Restaurant.


ANTED A Cottage 1 to 5 rooms. Appl)tottase. tins omce. 109JMW

WANTED PUPILS IN STENOGRAPHY,and EntrIKh branches bv rracttcal re

porter, California State Normal anj College graduate,$i per mo.; day or evening.fetween 5 ana ? ai gar rving si.

Trv It ani be con- -


neat of

Inquire afternoons1003 im

J7ANTED A NURSE to care for CHILDREN onW a irp 10 Australia or through to England. An

elderly woman preferred. Address II, Bulletin office.

loSffTHE PUI1LIC TO KNOW that the St. Louis Col- -

lege. St Andrews Priory, Oahu Prison, OahuInsane Aslum. and other public Institutions, use our

with great success. CaliforniaEted Co., Agents. lotu-i-

WANTED-Seve- ral SMALL DOYS. Apply atMessenger Service, corner King and

Alakea streets.

ANTED 500 to get shaved for 15 cents, atW 615M street, opposite the Stables.

10t-t- f JEFFS, Proprietor.


IO7-t- f

MenTort Club



WE RENT the West DISINFECTING .MACHINESand keep them In order, for a small monthly

rental, California Peed Co., Agents. io6o-t-

TO LET Furnished Rooms, with electric light. In acottage near Thomas Square. Address H. L.,




ALirE, from not having West DisinfectingIn your houses, kills

cockroaches and ants. See California Feed Co.,Agents, icty-i-


FOUND Sigma Chi College Fraternity PIN. Samehad by calling at this oftice and paying

' cost of advertisement. 10S0


Continued from Pago 1.

Mr. Magoon argued tho claimthat tho respondents woro ontitledto immediate- discharge, nppoal orno appeal.

Tho Attorney General arguedthat an appeal waB not agaiustHawaiian law.

Tho Chiof Justice denied anappeal and ordored tho potitionorsdischarged.

Tho Attorney Gonornl noted ex-

ceptions, which woro over-rule- d

by the Chief Justice.The nino Chinese walked out in

tho freo air of tho United States.m

City of Coluntlilu People.The mon of tho City of Colum-

bia are adrift, tho ship having,at tho order of tho Court, boonplacpd in tho hands of tho was sought to have tho men re-

main aboard but Deputy MarshalHitchcock folt disinclined to lotthis bo so and still bo rosponsiblofor tho ship.

Attornoy Kinney will today pe-tition tho Court to tho ofToct thatprovision at certain boardinghouses bo mado for tho mon, tbopay for this accommodation to botho first to corao out of tho monoythat is expected ax a rosult of tholibel now on tho ship.

Gale In OUiu Channel,Island sailing vessels that ar-

rived this morning from Mauiand Hawaii ports, toll of n windin tho Oahu channel that was aperfect galo. This began to blowlast night. Tho Mokuloln passedMolokai point at about G o'olook.Captain TownBend says ho wasglad when ho got around DiamondHead. Tho thirty miles was madein two hours and 1G minutes.

The JIMolo la In.Tho fishing schooner Malolo re

turned from Kona aud Kohalayesterday aftoruoon at about 5o clock. Ono fishing station hasalready beou established andmanned. Anothor will followsuit on tho next trip. Tho Malolowill Btart out tomorrow and, it isexpoctod bIio will bring baok nload of fish when sho returns.

IlPirulur Monthly Meoilnir.Tho regular monthly mooting of

tho Board of Directors of thoMyrtle Boat club was held lastovoning at tlfo boat house. Thoregular routino business was dealtwith. E. Kopko was oloctod anactivo member in tho olub.

Thero will bo a moeting of thoY. M. O. A. orchestra at tho usualplace this ovoning. Every mom-bo- r

is requested to be present.


lor additional Shipping News see seventh page.

Diamond Head Signal Station, Dec115, 1 i in Weather clear, wind freshN K.

Weather Bureau, Punahou, Deo 15.Temperature Morning minimum,

07: Mlildav maximum. TO.

Itarometur, 0 n in, 30.20 steady.Kiunrnii, no, U.J7 in.

Humidity at 0 a in CO percent.Iltalm; barometer of yesterday has

been followed by fresh trades well tothe northward.

AnnivALB.Wednesday, Dec II.

Stmr Waloleale, Green, from Hana-miuilt- i.

Htnir Upolu, Hcimingscti, from Ha-waii.

Thuwday, Dec 15.Stmr Mlkahala, Thompson, from

Kauai ports.DErAllTOUEB.

Wednesday, Doj 14.Isr bk Carrlzal. Peterson, for the

Sound.Thursday, Dec 15.

Stmr Noeau, Pedersen, for Hono-lulu mid Kukullmcle.

Stmr Wiilntenlc, Green, for llana-mitttl- u


Ktin r (ri)olii, HeiinlugHuii, for Ko-hala and Komi.

A bark supposed to bo tho Hawaiian Isles olT tho port.

Tho Upolu brought 2oU bags oftho finest Kona coffee for T HDavies &, Co.

Tho Waialoale and tho Mikahalaaro both discharging their sugarinto tho Albert in tho stream.

Tho Transit iB discharging herlive stock at Brewer's wharf. Included iu this aro U22 hoes forMcCandless.

Tho Dominion has hauled inalongside tho Oceanic wharf whorohor rigging is being repaired andpreparations aro being mado forpainting.

Paul Moldonhawer, recently oftho Inter-Islan- d Co, has acceptedtho position of mat3 on tho Upolu.That steamer will Bail for herusual ports tomorrow morning.

Tho Noeau ronorts as follows onHamakun and lau shipping mat-ters: Sugar left at Kau, 0500 HA Co and Dimond II, 2200. AtHnmakua, hoavy northerly swoll.I' a iu will Btart grinding on tho20th lust.

The Waialealo caino in fromHanamaulu Inst ovening. Thopurser reports as follows: Bainvweathor on Kauai. Stoamor W GHall at Makawoli, stenmor Koauhou at Hanamaulu and steamorKilolmna nt Kilauea.

Beport of Mikahala from Kauai:Weathor changeable and unset-tled. In Waimea, wiud fromsouthwest, strong. In Hanama-ulu strong northenst with froquontrain squalls. Sugar left ns fol-lows: Diamond W, 1000 bags; KS M, 500; V K, GOO; H M, 3000; L

MS Co, 300; K S Co,0000. Total of 15,900 bags.

PASSENQEltS AllRIVED.From Hanamaulu, por etmr Mi-

kahala, Deo 15 A Cropp, J TMcGrow, Mrs O B Cooper, O vonHamm and 10 ou deck.

IMrORTH.From Hanamaulu, por stmr Mi-

kahala, Dec 155030 bx sugar,200 bx rico and 5G bdls hides.

arnilvo Hullor OverliOunl.Early Wednesday morning

whilo the steamer W. Q. Hall wasapproaching Nawiliwili, a nativosailor fell overboard. It sootnsthat ho was in tho act of throwinga bucket of ashes overboard whontho ship lurched in tho directionho was throwing. Tho man losthis balanco and wont overboard.Tho alarm was sounded, tho engines reversed and tho searchlightturned on. lno man was kopt insight nil tho whilo and iu twentyminutes, not two hours, n boathad beon lowered and tho man so- -cured. Ho was not in the leastexhausted as stated elsewhere.Had it boon nocessary, ho woulduavo swam to land, rsiuivos aronot easily ovorcomo in tho water,especially whon tho Boa is smooth.

Aietlxlntr Tlilnir.D. G. Camarinos has rocoived

ontho etoamer Australia a bigof delicacies, comprising

tho following: Fresh Salmon,Crabs, Frozon Oysters (tin andsholl), Apples, Qrapos, Figs, Lo-mo- ns,

Puro Olivo Oil, DryFruit, oto., otc.

The Greonwioh Insurance Co.,through their agouts, Gear Lans-ing & Co., have distributed horo,neat tablot calendars for 1899.

For Sale.Tiiroo Alio RKSIDENOK LOTS In ono

of tho cholcost rosldoneo localities ofHonolulu. Size of lots Od'A x 178 footThose lots aro improved and nicoly laidout with fruit and ornamental troos.

l"or further information apply toGKAlt, LANSING ,fc CO.,

1002-t- f 210 ICIng stroot.

B ....T r


ALWAYS AHEAD!And why shouldn't wo ho, if iirst-cla- ss

goods and honest prices have anything to do

with success 1

Wo carry tho LAltGEST STOCK,


and tho LATEST STYLES of Ladies', Gents'

and Children's Shoes and Ituhhor Goods.

Our customers can always find whatthoy want in tho Shoo Line, at tho LOWEST

PRICES for high-grad- o goods.

The Manufacturers' Shoe Co,,

Siox or tiik 13io Siiok,

Xt Fort street.




WT Vf.itOffi

&:?:;- -


By M. B. Mihpan,A Native of Armenia.

y$Sales, Land Sale,


lly order of J. M. Vivas, Kwi., administrator of tho estate of Jose tieFreltiiH, (lcceatuil, will noil at PublicAuction, at my (salesroom, Quueustreet,

UiNDec. 17, '08,

AT 12 O'CLOCK NOON.I. Loiihu of premises on Klnau or

I.uso street, between Alupal anilMiller Ntreets, opposite tho resilienceof Mr. Heed. There uro two cottageson tho property, renting at $21 permouth. Ground rent to April, 11M11,

$17.50 por year; ground rent to April,1000, $10 per year. Buildings insuredfor 81,000.

II. Leuso of premise on runch-lio-

street, above Eminii wtreet, op-

posite School street. There is a build-ing formerly used as a store ou tillsproperty; will rent for about $12 pormouth. Ground rent $15 per annum.Lease expires Oct. 17th. 1000.

IIT. Outstanding accounts amount-ing to 270.bO.

JAS.F.1000-5- t Auctioneer.








Manufactured JewelryElegant andPresents for the Holidays

GEO. HAFFNER,it Port Street.

Engraving a Specialty.Allorders promptly executed. 1093

Stockholders' AnimalMeeting.

Tho annual nicotine; of tho stockholder of tho Hawaiian Sugar Companywill bo hold Thursday, Decombor il2nd,at 10:30 o'clock 11. in., at tno olllco or W,G. Irwin ,t Co., Ltd.

Y. l. noiTKn,109a.Dool5,17,10,21 Socrotary.

........ Ivory "Ware

. . .r. . .Jjncquor Wnvo'. ;... Silver AVuro

Orockory "Wave

WING WOVI & 00.211 Nuunuu stroot


Thursday, Dec. 15An,,,, sttUIKCI


From Constantinople,.and a Uare Fine




O &




3 1

J AJ t

&..' S ST.y i NS JS "TJ 1 X

'Vx.y VW

? &VM A--V


cftRusHangings, etc.

JAS.F. AORGAN,Auctioneer

Morgan's Auction Morgan's


FineResidencePropertyFor SaleiM

Tlie unclorslgnoil olTors for hide atprivnto application,

Eight of the finestResidence Sites, in thebest residence districtof Honolulu.

TIioho lots oxtond from tho Oovorn-nio- nt

Hosorvatlou at tho Maklkl 1'uiup-in- g

Station, along Hastings (street audtho Mauoa road, and for tho most partfaco tho grounds of INinahou College,bolng u division of tho Judd Tract.

Tlioso lots contain from 1 to 2 acrosoach, and elegantly Rltuatod lu rofor-onc- o

to soonory and hoalthfulnoM).Lot 1 lias a Iroutago on Jiak'All

stroot, conUilns i ncios. iIot 1! fronts 011 Maklkl aujl

Iluutlngs btruets, and adjoins tho property of Mr. 1. Wlldor, ou which Isbolng o roc tod an ologant roshUnco, cou-tul-

1 iicio.Lot !, on Hubtlngs street, ad- -

Joluntlio G. V, Vlldor proporty, cou- -(ulus aero.

f,ot 5 is an ologant lot, and


fronts nn Hafetlng) htroet and tho Mauoaroad, contains 1,10 aero.

Lots 0 and 7 on tho Manoaroad, and fuco tlio grounds of Punahou .

Coliogo, contains 1.21 aero and 1.22 aero. -

Lots A and 11 aro at tho end oftho tract, on tho high ground overlook-ing tho Punahou grounds, and com-

mand on oxtondod yIov of Mano.i Val-lo- y,

Diamond Head, the harbor and city,ovor 2 acros oneli.

A MAP OF TIIK PHOPKUTY can bosoon at my salesroom, .1.1 Quoou ctQjet,whero all furthor noodod Informationcan obtalnod. ' t109a







The choir of tho Catholic Cathe-dral will bo augmented for Christ-mas servicoa by a band of instru-mentalists.

'Ia.-- -

. ..ft 'MHTM... . . w.... J. --L&Z

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