Being a sustainable learner


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Transcript of Being a sustainable learner

Page 1: Being a sustainable learner

Be ing a sus tainablele arne r






U s in g t h e d e s ig n c y c l e t o im p ro v e LS G w o rk

b y t e a c h in g 0 0a b o u t Zo n e

2 0 0 3

2 0 0 2 , As part of the re view of the course I ask the group to cons ide r‘ ’ s u s t a in a b i l i t y in t e rm s o f t h e ir o w n le a rn in g…

… this appe ars to be a difficult task also Le arning Journal work se ems

.to be done patchily

Do the y se e the point , of the que s tions of

the Le a rn in g S u pp o rt Gro u p ,

of the Le a rn in gJo u rn a l? How can we

make it a pe rennial?sys tem

They are fasc inate d 00… by Zone !Aha

Cre a t e & try out a se s s ionwhich) a use s the LSG to he lp

e ach one re fle c t on how , the y have le arned and to apply princ iple s to it

) b replicate the que s tion applying it to LSG as an e xample of Pe opleCare e thic

) c answe r the Q “How have ?I be en a sus tainable le arne r ”

!Re s u l t A lot of conne ctions

, be ing made & us ing’ 00Graham s Zone

Brain re ally showed’ …it s about !Me

…Bu t a q u e s t io n fo r n e x t y e a r At what point in the course ?to inc lude it

Page 2: Being a sustainable learner

Thanks to Graham Burne tt , for this image which I used

00 , ... e xte ns ive ly when te aching about Zone like this

Page 3: Being a sustainable learner

Be ing a sus tainable le arne rAim: to identify how ethics and principles are embedded into learning; how to use this to design a sustainable learning practice.

Lesson plan - 2 hours, middle-ish in the course when people know each other, partly revision of concepts, start to build up to reflection on course experience.1. Random pairs - 5 minutes of Trust Walk activity + debrief re what it felt like, then swap & go again…debrief whole group - link to people care ethic, draw out principles2. In home groups - consider individually

how do you look after yourself?how do you look after your home group?how do you look after the whole group?

3. Now Zone it… 1-5 (where is 5!)Take a break, get some tea…

4. Theory re Zone 00, using GB’s brain… what is Maslow, use JoHari window, needs, goals, barriers, etc. Refresh re learning styles, add in Gardner’s 7 intelligences… encourage use of Learning Journal. See how it’s all connected, as in a brain… 5. Map a section to principles.. Which do you shy away from? Take it & use it to redesign the way you approach the next task, and also linkwork...6. In home groups, get Unit (x) finished… what evidence, share, suggest, show, tell, what witnessing needed, etc. Your imagination is the only limitation….7. Reflect on this in your LJ - write/draw/poem/doodle/invent! a way of recording your thoughts...

Page 4: Being a sustainable learner

Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligences

Linguistic: communicate, read, writeLogical/mathematical: reason,

think, calculate

Kinaesthetic: bodily, creativity, use

body to solve problems & present ideas &

emotions to others - act/roleplay

Visual/spatial: “see” a result, mental

images, use space effectively, direction

Musical: understand patterns, form

& rhythm, Interpersonal: social skills, work effectively

with others

Intrapersonal:self analysis, reflection

Page 5: Being a sustainable learner

Becoming a sustainable learner

Know your le arning s tyle s

Be able to choose , which to use when

Challe nge yourse lf to !use a diffe re nt one

Recognise othe r’ pe ople s and re spond

to it

Se e how a le arning support g roup displays

Pe rmaculture the ory

. e g what has your group done to focus in on

?People Care

What e thics &princ iple s ?have be en engaged Use the de s ign cyc le

to obse rve and analyse your be s t le arning

De s ig n Pc le a rn in g In t o yo u r l i f e

!p e rm a n e n t ly





Page 6: Being a sustainable learner

how doe s a Le arning Support Group display pe rmaculture

?the ory

Wha t p rin c ip l e s h a v e ?b e e n e n g a g e d

Fun c t io n & s c a le - - 3 -5 small s cale s ize mee ts the ne eds of of the group & the le arning

-Multi function Support for an individual

Builds a group from small e lements but lots of them - inte ns ive cropping” time to speak & lis te n be cause of s ize

Fairshare People care

Wo rk in g w i t h n a tu re - ‘ ’ - pe ople be s t in g roups human, nature contact

- natural communication flow lis te n & re act - Perennial sys tems long te rm deve lopment of supportive re lationships

D iv e rs i t y -’ ’guild Bene fic ial re lationships

inte g ration of views & re lationships - Polyculture many e xpe rie nce s

Zo n e & s e c t o r 0 = ‘ ’ zone home group use s thing s from othe r zone s

00 = zone pe rsonal re fle c tion is the yie ld

!s tacks and laye rs

Page 7: Being a sustainable learner

Essential criteria:theory in action: The solution being within the problem is a major lesson I’ve learned from doing all of this.. Resources being within myself and a ‘teasing out’ of them, rather than trying to impose new ideas. My thirty-year teaching career has finally borne fruit for itself… I now find myself either using permaculture theory all the time, or finding that I can identify permaculture theory & practice in what I do...

design practice: I use SADI mainly, because for me it’s also the learning cycle theory I really like, in action… however I have found that often it stills “begs the question”, that is …. What is the problem? A tool from ‘outside’ that I find useful is Force Field Analysis, which allows the survey - analyse part of the design cycle of reflection/action to be whizzed around at speed.. an example of it is in the presentation about my own experiences in the ALG with Pippa and Don.


fairshare people

Complimentary criteria:Dissemination: the subject and the design itself is about dissemination of theory. It’s also part of a “teacher’s repertoire” training we have in mind to run.Symmetry: I would like to write it up for publication within the Diploma WorkNet, but it will also appear on the course pages of the BPT website, once that’s properly done.. Community building: again, the subject and the design itself is part of the development and review of vision support/learning support through ActionLearning Guilds not only on the design course, but as a precursor forpeople wishing to to the Diploma.Evaluation/costings: time is the only cost, to develop something for the BSC course, to my satisfaction.