Behavioral Pattern of the Personality in the Sociocentric Dimension

Description of the Types of Personality in the Sociocentric Dimension Sociable Type of Personality High Sociocentric Personality has a high need for love, care, belongingness, affiliation and social interaction. They have a deep well for feelings. Apparently, they are emotional, sensitive and can be easily hurt. They can burst into tears in time of sharing their joys and sorrows. Their life is centered on love and affection. They need love and can give love to others. They are sentimental, passionate and romantic. They are interested in people and are attracted to crowds and parties. They make friends easily and are good at networking. They share their interests with their friends. They enjoy the fun of being together sharing hobbies, cracking jokes or having a casual discussion on some current issues.


High Sociocentric Personality has a high need for love, care, belongingness, affiliation and social interaction. They have a deep well for feelings. Apparently, they are emotional, sensitive and can be easily hurt. They can burst into tears in time of sharing their joys and sorrows. Their life is centered on love and affection. They need love and can give love to others. They are sentimental, passionate and romantic. They are interested in people and are attracted to crowds and parties. They make friends easily and are good at networking. They share their interests with their friends. They enjoy the fun of being together sharing hobbies, cracking jokes or having a casual discussion on some current issues.

Transcript of Behavioral Pattern of the Personality in the Sociocentric Dimension

Description of the Types of Personality in the Sociocentric Dimension

Sociable Type of Personality

High Sociocentric Personality has a high need for love, care, belongingness, affiliation and social interaction.

They have a deep well for feelings. Apparently, they are emotional, sensitive and can be easily hurt. They can burst into tears in time of sharing their joys and sorrows. Their life is centered on love and affection. They need love and can give love to others. They are sentimental, passionate and romantic.

They are interested in people and are attracted to crowds and parties. They make friends easily and are good at networking. They share their interests with their friends. They enjoy the fun of being together sharing hobbies, cracking jokes or having a casual discussion on some current issues.

They prefer working in groups. They believe that more heads is better than one. They feel that alone they cannot do much but with friends they can do much more things together. They enjoy instilling sense belongingness. They want to be a part of an organization

They like to collaborate with each other by scratching each other back. When their friends are in need they will be there to offer their assistance and support. They expect others to

help them in time of needs. They need to be liked. They can feel hurt when others do not accept them.

Sociable- Asocial Type of Personality

Average Sociocentric Type of Personality has a moderate need for affection, care and affiliation. They are neutral in their emotional make-up. They can live with or without love. If love comes by so be it. If not, they can still live happily by focusing on other things. They take a neutral stand in showing care and concern for others’ well being. They will only give their support and assistance when there is an urgent need. They are not too excited about things. They seldom generate enthusiasms and inspire others. They are lukewarm in expressing their feelings and affections. They are quite careful in expressing their feelings of likes and dislikes. Their relationship with others is neither intimate nor superficial. It is just nice and lukewarm. They have no preference working alone or in groups. They are comfortable working alone and in teams. They do not deliberately seek companionship. They make friends as it come long in their life. They are neither an introvert nor an extrovert at social function. It does not matter to them who make the first move for social interaction. They let things go by naturally

Asocial Type of Personality

Low Sociocentric Type of Personality has a low need for love, care and companionship. They put this need in their low priorities by focusing more on other needs. They want more space for themselves and are uncomfortable in parties and crowded places. They have no interest in understanding people and would shy away from attending social gatherings

and functions. They enjoy doing solitary activities and do things on their own. They are aloof, quiet and reserved. They like to spend time alone to sort things out in their mind. They have a shallow well for feelings and are not easily excited about things. They tend to withdraw their feelings when they interact with others and keep things inside their heart. They find difficulty in demonstrating their affection and are not likely to give hugs and kisses to their love ones. They seldom pat people on the back. They find it uncomfortable to put their feelings into words and communicating them to others. They are protective of their inner self sharing. They are rather guarded and are uncomfortable with self disclosure. They do not share their interests and hobbies with others. Neither would they share they joys and sorrows, nor their difficulties and problems and their likes and dislikes. They are indifferent about people welfare and well being. They are not interested to know about their problems and difficulties. They find difficulty to give warm and support. As a result they can be misunderstood lacking understanding and sensitivity in their relationship with others. They are uncomfortable working in groups. They do not want to depend on others to get the job done. Hence they do not enjoy doing things together. Apparently they are not well-equipped to meet the emotional needs of others. They may have problems in fulfilling the needs for intimacy of others and giving them the level of intimacy that is needed.