Behavior Styles

Overview of the DISC Personality System By Dr. Mary Askew As individuals, we are unique in the way we interact, communicate, respond, and behave. Yet, there are patterns of behaviors called personality or behavior styles. The DISC personality system tells about our temperaments, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. In addition, understanding behaviors style will also help us to understand the behaviors, motivations, and communication styles of others. This results in less conflicts while producing better teamwork and cooperation. The DISC was an acronym for D - Dominant/ Driver, I - Influencing/ Inspiring, S - Stable/ Steady, and C - Compliant Correct. Each behavior type had characteristics, weaknesses, fears, and contribution to the team. D - Dominant Driver I - Influencing Inspiring General Characteristics General Characteristics Direct Decisive Enthusiastic Trusting High Ego Strength Risk-Taker Persuasive Optimistic Problem - Solver Self-Starter Talkative Impulsive Independent Dynamic Emotional Inducer Strong-willed Influencing Demonstrative Value to the Family or Team Value to the Family or Team Bottom-line organizer Creative problem-solver Places high value on time Great Encourager Challenges the status quo Motivates others to achieve Innovative Positive sense of humor Negotiates conflicts; peacemaker Possible Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Oversteps authority More concentrated with popularity than tangible results Argumentative attitude Inattentive to detail Dislikes routine Overuses gestures and facial expressions Attempts too much at once Tends t listen only when it’s convenient Greatest Fear Greatest Fear Being Taken Advantage Of Rejection


Personality, behavior, and DISC types help us understand - the way we act or feel, the way we do we do things, and the way we see things and our world.

Transcript of Behavior Styles

Page 1: Behavior Styles

Overview of the DISC Personality System

By Dr. Mary Askew As individuals, we are unique in the way we interact, communicate, respond, and behave. Yet, there are patterns of behaviors called personality or behavior styles. The DISC personality system tells about our temperaments, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations. In addition, understanding behaviors style will also help us to understand the behaviors, motivations, and communication styles of others. This results in less conflicts while producing better teamwork and cooperation. The DISC was an acronym for D - Dominant/ Driver, I - Influencing/ Inspiring, S - Stable/ Steady, and C - Compliant Correct. Each behavior type had characteristics, weaknesses, fears, and contribution to the team. D - Dominant Driver I - Influencing Inspiring General Characteristics General Characteristics Direct Decisive Enthusiastic Trusting High Ego Strength Risk-Taker Persuasive Optimistic Problem - Solver Self-Starter Talkative Impulsive Independent Dynamic Emotional Inducer Strong-willed Influencing Demonstrative Value to the Family or Team Value to the Family or Team Bottom-line organizer Creative problem-solver Places high value on time Great Encourager Challenges the status quo Motivates others to achieve Innovative Positive sense of humor Negotiates conflicts; peacemaker Possible Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Oversteps authority More concentrated with popularity than

tangible results Argumentative attitude Inattentive to detail Dislikes routine Overuses gestures and facial expressions Attempts too much at once Tends t listen only when it’s convenient Greatest Fear Greatest Fear Being Taken Advantage Of Rejection

Page 2: Behavior Styles

S - Stable Steady C - Compliant Correct General Characteristics General Characteristics The Introvert The Watcher Introverted Pessimistic Good listener Team Player Accurate Analytical Possessive Steady Conscientious Careful Predictable Understanding Fact-finder Precise Friendly The Pessimist High Standards Systematic Loyal Family-oriented Soft-spoken Perfectionist Peacemaker Quiet Controlled Compliant Easy-going Competent Competent Talented Value To Family or Team Value To Family or Team Reliable and Dependable Perspective: “The anchor of reality” Loyal team worker Conscientious and even tempered Compliant towards authority Thorough in all activities Good listener Defines situation Patient and empathetic Gathers, criticizes, and test information Good at reconciling conflicts Orderly and organized Possible Weaknesses Possible Weaknesses Resists change Needs clear-cut boundaries for

actions/relationships Takes a long time to adjust to change Bound by procedures and methods Holds a grudge Gets bogged down in details Sensitive to criticism Prefers not to verbalize feelings Difficulty establishing priorities Will give in rather than argue Selfish and stubborn Critical, moody and negative Stingy Rigid and legalistic Self-protective Too meticulous Indecisive and fearful Not people oriented Too compromising Sets realistic goals Greatest Fears Greatest Fear Loss of Security Criticism Fear of change Change in circumstances Fear of confrontation or conflict Fear of confrontation or conflict