Behavior Change and Surveys December 15, 2105 Anita Urvina Davis Community POWER Grant Program...

download Behavior Change and Surveys December 15, 2105 Anita Urvina Davis Community POWER Grant Program Manager.

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Encouraging Sustainable Behaviors  The Psychology of Sustainable Behavior by Dr. Christie Manning The Psychology of Sustainable Behavior  Tips from Psychology

Transcript of Behavior Change and Surveys December 15, 2105 Anita Urvina Davis Community POWER Grant Program...

Behavior Change and Surveys December 15, 2105 Anita Urvina Davis Community POWER Grant Program Manager Behavior Change and Community POWER Over the last 14 years, Community POWER: has funded over 248 projects directly engaged over 110,000 residents Of the participants surveyed, roughly 73% have reported at least one change in behavior to reduce waste or toxicity Encouraging Sustainable Behaviors The Psychology of Sustainable Behavior by Dr. Christie Manning The Psychology of Sustainable Behavior Tips from Psychology Make Sustainable Behavior the Default What are your neighbors doing? Electricity bills showing neighbors consumption What is the norm? Percentage of people reusing hotel towels Positive reinforcement Thank you for Opportunities for Demonstration Organization-wide initiatives Giving out reusable mugs Opportunities for peers to encourage peers Students collecting reusable items for donation Individual action Backyard compost bin visible from street Emphasize Personal Relevance Connect action to community health Instead of the environment say the air we breathe or the water we drink Focus on other benefits Personal finances or economic impact Human health Obligations to future generations Measuring Behavior Change What you did before versus What you are doing now (due to participation in the grant project) Standard Behavior Change Survey Located atCurrent Grantees > Grantee DocumentsGrantee Documents Question Categories Reduce and reuse Recycling Toxicity reduction Composting Given two to six months after activity Standard Survey Youth Survey Also found onQuestion Categories Recycling Composting Reduce and reuse Photos included Youth Survey Survey Monkey Can be customized for your group Choose specific questions to include Unique URL to distribute to those you are surveying Please contact Anita Urvina Davis at to set it up Survey Monkey Demo Questions? Kira Berglund Grant Program Manager Community POWER