Beginner Con 67 01

Beginner | Conversation Lesson 67 1 Copyright © since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved. Lesson 67: New Smartphone! Hi! How are you today? Today’s lesson is about “New smartphone!Let’s make learning English fun! 今日のねらい:スマートフォンに関係した言葉を知る Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions (語彙と表現) Directions: Listen and repeat. Teacher のあとに続いて、大きな声で読んでみましょう。 Vocabulary and Expressions Examples fancy(上等の、 派手な、価格などが法外な) Wow, Stella, your dress is so fancy! not at all(決してそんなことはない) If you look at it once more, this dress is not fancy, not at all. be supposed to......することになっている) Am I supposed to guess what you think? as much(ちょうどそれだけ、等しく) A: Can you take pictures with a smartphone? B: I can do as much. harmful(有害な) Isn’t eating too many sweets harmful? glossy(光沢のある、体裁の良い) This is such a glossy phone! We are on the same page. (私たちは同じ意見だ、考えだ) A: I want to go out for lunch. B: We are on the same page.



Transcript of Beginner Con 67 01

  • Beginner | Conversation Lesson 67


    Copyright since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.

    Lesson 67: New Smartphone!

    Hi! How are you today?

    Todays lesson is about New smartphone!

    Lets make learning English fun!

    Exercise 1 | Vocabulary and Expressions

    Directions: Listen and repeat.


    Vocabulary and Expressions Examples

    fancy Wow, Stella, your dress is so fancy!

    not at all If you look at it once more, this dress is not fancy, not at all.

    be supposed to...... Am I supposed to guess what you think?

    as much A: Can you take pictures with a smartphone? B: I can do as much.

    harmful Isnt eating too many sweets harmful?

    glossy This is such a glossy phone!

    We are on the same page.

    A: I want to go out for lunch.

    B: We are on the same page.
  • Beginner | Conversation Lesson 67


    Copyright since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.

    Exercise 2 | Dialogue Practice

    Directions: Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

    Teacher "Exercise 1"

    Stella starts chatting with Adam about cellphones.

    Adam : Did you see? Lynda bought a smartphone!

    Stella : She must be rich. Anyway, I dont see why someone would need such a fancy mobile phone.

    Adam : If you look at it as a small computer, it is not that fancy, not at all.

    Stella : But it is a cellphone. It is supposed to make calls and write messages. Well, emails too.

    Adam : Well, it can clearly do as much.

    Stella : But, but... I mean, it is not even comfortable to use the internet in it. For internet we have

    computers and for photography we have cameras...

    Adam : However you look at it, I dont think smartphones are harmful.

    Stella : Well they arent. I bet mobile phone companies earn a lot selling such glossy mobile phones. I

    think some people buy them just because theyre popular.

    Adam : There are always people like that. I dont buy it for that kind of reason, though. Probably I dont

    need it soon.

    Stella : Well, at least we are on the same page. I am not planning to buy a smartphone anytime soon,

  • Beginner | Conversation Lesson 67


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    Check your understanding: Answer the following questions.

    1. What is the chat about?

    2. What does Stella think cellphone need to do?

    3. Why did Stella tell Adam that they are on the same page?
  • Beginner | Conversation Lesson 67


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    Exercise 3 | Practice Questions

    Directions: Practice answering the questions with your teacher. Choose your favorite answer between A

    and B.


    1. Do you have a smartphone?

    A. No, I dont like smartphones.

    B. Yes, I have bought it recently.

    2. What do you think about smartphones?

    A. They are very convenient.

    B. They are unnecessary.

    3. Is it popular to have a smartphone nowadays?

    A. Oh yes, it is one of the most trendy things!

    B. Kind of, but I think it will get even more popular.

    4. What are the functions of cellphones?

    A. Writing a message, making calls and sending emails.

    B. Surfing the internet, taking pictures...

    5. Are smartphones expensive?

    A. Compared to normal cellphones smartphones are very expensive!

    B. They are overpriced.

    6. Do you prefer Android phones or iPhones?

    A. iPhones. They are more expensive, but they also have better quality.

    B. I would choose Android phones.
  • Beginner | Conversation Lesson 67


    Copyright since 1998 DMM All Rights Reserved.

    Exercise 4 | Conversation Questions

    Directions: Take turns with your teacher in answering the questions.


    1. Do you like using your cellphone?

    2. Do you have a smartphone? Why?

    3. Is it popular to have a smartphone nowadays? Why?

    4. Do you think cellphones are necessary these days? What about a hundred years ago?

    5. What are some of the advantages of using a smartphone?