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    Chapter 1: Lily and James: The Seventh Year

    [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter]

    I really love the idea of Lily and James and a doomed love.....I would like to remindmy readers, nothing is my own, except what is unfamiliar. Remember R and R.

    Chapter One: Another Year

    The morning sun was blazing through the window of the Gryffindor common room.Lily Evans sat next to the fireplace and sighed. She was waiting for her dorm matesto meet her down stairs so they could proceed to the Great Hall for breakfast.It was their first full day at Hogwarts. Lily and her two mates were entering startingtheir seventh and final year. Lily was the brains of the group. She was easily one ofthe smartest student of her year. She had also been named Head

    Girl, and she often smirked when she saw the sparkling badge on her chest.She was the serious type, and didnt feel there was time for unnecessary foolishness.

    About time, she muttered as her two dorm mates came giggling down the stairs.December ORiley was a tall slender girl with long black hair that fell down her back.She had the most charming smile you could possible imagine and occasionally shecould even charm Lily. Only December thought her teeth were a tad bit too large, soshe often refrained from smiling and preferred to wear a serious expression on herface. Lilys other dorm mate was short giggly Beth Simmons. Beths cheeks oftenflushed and her nose was set in a pinch. She wasnt the serious type, and she wouldmuch rather talk about boys than transfiguration or potions.

    Their fourth dorm mate was aloof and rarely seen. Dreamy Johnston, she often

    tagged along with her dorm mates, but she wasnt always welcome. She came downquickly after December and Beth. She hardly said a word, and seemed to enjoybeing the unknown Gryffindor.

    Well come on, Lils, were going to miss breakfast, Demember said quickly as ifit was Lilys fault they were running late.

    Like Im the one whos putting London into a water shortage with my two hourshowers, Lily shot back.

    The three girls chatted happily down the stairwell into the great hall, Dreamyfollowed silently and disappeared before they reached their destination. Her

    disappearance went unnoticed. They were running late as usual, and the hall wasalready clearing out.

    Oh no, its that foul James Potter, Lily said suddenly.

    James Potter and the Marauders, they were the pranksters, the class clowns, thetroublemakers. If something happened that was outrageous and against the rules,chances are the Marauders were behind it. They had driven Lily crazy the past twoyears. She had been named prefect her fifth year, and keeping her fellow
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    Gyffindors out of trouble had been quite a challenge. While December and Beththought the Marauders pranks were harmless and cute, Lily found them arrogantand wrong. Her fellow Gryffindor prefect the past two years had belonged to thiselite group. Remus Lupin, some help he had been. It was easier to turn his headand ignore his mates than do what was expected of him as a prefect.

    To add to Lilys headaches, James Potter, the most arrogant boy in school, hadbeen named Head Boy. It was the first time in 50 years two students from the samehousehad been named Head Boy and Head Girl.

    Hello Evans, James shouted out happily. Isnt it tradition that the head boyand girl are suppose to date?

    Yea, can see that happening, December laughed.

    December, didnt see you, you look excellent this year, James said with aflirty wink.

    December let a smile slip, and replied, Right back at you.

    She had more confidence than most girl twice her age. Beth gave a giggle, andshot December a longing look, she envied Decembers ability to keep her cool inthe presences of the opposite sex.

    Lily rolled her eyes, she wished her friends would not egg Potter on, she wantednothing more than for him to keep moving and leave her alone. She had lost countof the number of times Potter had attempted to ask her out, if you could call itthat. The first time she had been thrown off guard and she had told him shedrather date the giant squid in the lake. He hadnt taken the hint. He wasarrogant, and that was one quality Lily couldnt stand in a guy.

    Suddenly she felt an arm around her shoulder and heard that annoying voice say,So what about it, me and you, the hottest couple of the year?

    While James charm worked on most girls, it never worked on Lily.She curled her lip and said, Get your hands off me.

    She jerked out from underneath his arm. Im going to class, you guys coming, shemotioned to her friends, and they were out the door.

    Hes just flirting with you, December said coolly as they made their way intothe charms classroom.

    I dont want him to flirt with me, Lily said quickly.

    Lils, hes one of the coolest guys in school, I mean youve never seen him atQuidditch practice Beth trailed off, her eyes staring happily into space.

    For some reason nasty sweaty James Potter doesnt sound like a turn on, Lilysaid rolling her eyes.

    Your just making it worse for yourself, hes a guy, your rejecting him, your

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    turning yourself into a challenge, guys like James love a challenge, Decembersaid like she knew exactly what James was thinking,

    Hello ladies, Sirius Black said as he bowed and walked passed them toward theback of the room. While Lily rolled her eyes again, Beth started to giggle.

    How was your holiday? December asked politely and unaffected.

    Lonely, without you love, Black replied back.

    Not as lonely as mine, December replied back sarcastically.

    Sirius was followed by the rest of the Marauders, they always sat in the back ofthe classroom, and none of them presented themselves with an entrance likeSiriuss. James however did wink at Lily as he walked by, she snarled her noseat him and turned her head towards the window.

    Lily was talking nine N.E.W.T classes and to her disapproval, James was in all ofthem but one.

    Does he like to torture me? Lily said hatefully to herself as James walked byher and winked for the third class that day.

    Just go out with him, then hell leave you alone, December urged, overhearingher complaint.

    Like I would ever stoop to that level, she muttered back.

    Id date him, couldnt hurt to have the reputation of being James Pottersgirlfriend, December said with an evil grin.

    Lily glanced sharply over at her friend and stared at her in disbelief for amoment, December, you really have no shame do you?

    Like him? December said, Though so, explains the defensiveness.

    Lily huffed, and rolled her eyes, Me like James Potter, Id rather go out withSeverus Snape.

    December looked up from her book and gave her friend a look. Lily cocked her chinup towards the ceiling in a defiant pose.

    Lily kept busy, as did her dorm mates over the next month. Lily had Head Girlduties, nine N.E.W.T classes, she was captain of the school chess team and was

    in charge of planning all school events.

    She was always an overachiever and liked too much on her plate. The Gryffindorcommon room was quite this particular afternoon, she sighed in relief, she hadso much to do. Beth was at Quidditch practice and December had not yet returnedfrom her last class. Lily pulled out her planner. Prefect meeting at seven,chess practice at eight thirty, and meeting with Potter at nine twenty-five. Thelast thing on her list of things to do cause her shake her head in distaste. Itwas the responsibility of the Head boy and girl to plan all school outings and

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    You know Rodney Smith? Well, he finally asked Beth out! Shes only had a crushon him for like two years. Im so happy for her, she just told me a second ago,she was heading in to take a shower after Quidditch practice, Ive never seen herso happy.

    Thats great, Lily forced out.

    Rodney Smith was a Slytherin and Lily just didnt trust him. He was the kind ofguy that had a different girl on his arm every week, but Beth was so shy aroundguys. Beth had goggled over Rodney for two whole years.

    I dont care if he is a Slytherin, he so cute, she would mutter.

    I hope he doesnt, you know, Lily said with concern.

    Oh Lily dont ruin the celebration, once she dates him, shell see what a prathe is and be over him. Its the best thing that could happen to her and us, wewont have to endure her goggling any longer, December said with a heavy sigh.

    Lupin let out a small chuckle and mutter something that sounded like, women underhisbreath.

    Your willing to see our friend suffer, so we wont have to hear her goggleanymore? Lily replied shocked.

    Theyll never last, Beths to smart to stay with him after one date. Its justa crush, a phase, December replied her grin finally fading.

    I hope your right, or we might have to hex a Slytherin, Lily saidin a lighter mood.

    James and Sirius have lots of experience to help you there, Lupin interjectedin. See you during Chess Club tonight.

    He got up and headed up toward his dorm.

    Just as he left the portrait entrance opened and a ecstatic Beth came runningin, her hair still wet from her shower.

    He asked me to the Halloween Dance, he asked me out! Beth yelled happily.

    She was glowing from head to toe and it appeared nothing could bring her downfrom cloud nine.

    I know, December here just told me, Lily said with a forced smile.

    The guys are pissed, theyre calling me a traitor. There is nothing wrong withme dating someone in a different house, she said confidently. Sirius, he tried topelt me with a bludger at practice today.

    Lily cracked a grin then something hit her. What Halloween dance?

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    Beth looked at her puzzled, and pointed at the announcement board.Lily looked up toward the board.


    Hogwarts Head Boy and Head Girl are happy to announce theHogwarts Halloween Dance, (Third years and above only) It will take place

    October 31st at seven shape, Great Hall.

    I cant believe him! Lily shrieked.

    Lils calm down, its not that big of a deal. It just took some of the pressure offyou, December said calmly.

    Lily felt the heat rising off her face as James Potter and Sirius Black came throughtheportrait a moment later.Well, who are you going to ask? Sirius was saying.

    YOU! Lily shrilled.

    James smiled and said, Something wrong Evans? His innocent smile normally gothim out of most fixes, but not this one.


    I dont know, I just wanted to spend time with you I guess, James grinnedcalmly.

    Wrong thing to say.


    I take it were not still on for tonight then? he asked hopeful. The girls dormroom door slammed and everyone in the common room flinched.

    Those red head, theyve got a temper Prongs, Sirius said as he patted hisfriend on the back.

    Chapter 2: The Lion and the Snake[View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter]

    AN: I would like to remind all my readers that nothing is my own. This chapter is

    going to seem slow, and I apologize for the method to my madness....enjoy.
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    Chapter 2: The Lion and the Snake

    Lily awoke the next morning to a frustrated Beth.

    "I can't find my qudditch robes," she whined.

    "Damn it Beth, your match isn't until noon, can't you let us sleep for crying outloud," moaned a grouchy December.

    "No, James wants us all at the field by eight sharp, meaning I've got fifteen minutesto find my robes, eat breakfast and get down to the field," Beth said with distress.

    Lily and her dorm mates were use to this type from Beth behavior during Quidditchseason. They often told her she'd lose her head if it wasn't attached.

    Lily really couldnt blame Beth for her dramatics. James was the Quidditch tyrant.Since he had been appointed Quidditch captain in his sixth year, he had made it a

    point to make everyone on the team miserable on game day; it was the only thinghe took seriously in Lily's opinion.

    "If I'm late again.....they're already pissed at me because of the whole Rodneything," Beth cried.

    "Beth, calm down, check under your bed and I'll check in your trunk," Lily said with acalm voice.

    "Here it is, thank you so much Lily," Beth gave Lily a huge hug and ran out the door.

    "I wish I could kill her sometimes," December said bitterly as she smashed her pillow

    over her head, determined not to wake up.

    Lily however knew it was useless trying to get back to sleep so she decided to get upand start her day. Her anger had blown over from the previous night, she still hatedJames Potter, but she didn't feel like ripping his head off anymore. It was a beautifulSaturday and Lily decided she might go for a walk outside and enjoy the nice fallweather.

    She made her way down to the Great Hall for a bit of breakfast, she was almost theonly student up at this early hour, almost. Lily let out a frustrated sigh as she sawthe Slytherin Quidditch team, lead by the jerk of Quiddith Captains Anthony Points.

    "Look, it's one of the loser," he jeered. "Come to eat while you still have the stomach

    to do so?"

    "Id watch it Points," Lily warned.

    "I don't care if you are Head Girl, your still a mudblood. A filthy piece of scum thatdoesn't deserve to be in this school," he shot back coldly.

    "I'm sure Professor Dumbledore or McGonagall would like to hear your opinions ofme," she said bravely although her heart was racing. The Slytherins outnumbered

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    "I'm sorry I scared you, I didn't mean to upset you," he said sincerely. "Sirius saidhe saw someone over here spying, and I came to check it out."

    Lily felt her face flush, and she began to yell, then suddenly stopped herself andshook her head.

    "That's okay. I came to see how Beth was flying, you know, after what happened lastyear," she said, although she didn't feel she owed him an explanation.

    "Yea, that was a nasty fall. Stupid prat Gobler, pelting that bludger at her when shehad her head turned and all," he said staring over towards the Quidditch field.

    "Isn't that the point of the game?" Lily asked.

    "No, that was a cheap shot, she didn't even have the Quaffle," James argued. "Atleast we beat the bloody hell out of them."

    He smirked.

    Lily smiled, "I honestly can't believe she got back on a broom after that."

    "She's tough, I never had any doubts," James said confidently.

    Lily stared over at him, she had never really talked to him before. He wasn't as badas she had imagined. She could see what Beth was talking about, he did lookdifferent in him Quidditch robes, the small beads of sweat forming at his forehead,and that proud look in his eyes.

    "What are you staring at Evans?" he smirked.

    Lily blushed, why did he have to ruin this moment. "Oh, don't be so arrogant," she

    spat.She turned on her heels and stormed away, she glanced once over her shoulder andsaw a smiling James watching her. She shot him back a smile and headed backtowards the castle.

    "What was that God awful noise? It sounded like you were being killed," Sirius yelledas he flew up behind James.

    "Nothing," James said turning his head from Lily.

    "Ah, Evans, finally tell her you love her mate?" Sirius said sarcastically.

    "Shut-up you stupid prat," James replied as he punched Sirius in the arm. Sirius let

    out a bark like laugh as shook his head at his friend.

    "Well, you better get with her soon, I'm getting tired of copying homework with L.E.doodled all over the edges," Sirius joked.

    "Padfoot, if you learned to do your own work, we wouldn't have this problem," Jamessaid. "We'd better get back to practice. We've got a tough game this afternoon."

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    Later that afternoon the entire school began to crowd into the Quidditch stadium. Itwas the most anticipated match of the year, Gyrffindor and Slytherin.

    "Come on Lily, let's sit up near the top, it\'s the best seats," December bellowed overthe crowd as she grabbed Lily's arms.

    Lily let her friend drag her up to the top rafter, in front of them sat Remus Lupin andPeter Pettigrew. They were the two Marauders not on the house team.

    "Hey guys, save us a seat?" December asked pleasantly.

    Peter blushed and gave a mousy smile, while Lupin just replied, "Of course."

    Dreamy Johnston wasn't far behind Lily and December. She gazed at them politelyand took a seat next to December.

    "Cheers," December smirked slyly.

    December knew that Dreamy rarely said a word, and when she did it was because

    she absolutely had to. To everyones surprise Dreamy smiled and said, "Thinkingabout asking Peter here to the dance."

    "What? Me ask Pettigrew?" December gasped.

    "Me, I was thinking of asking Peter Pettigrew to the Halloween dance."It seemed time had stopped for a split second. The Quidditch teams entered thestadium, but the world was silent to everyone on the top rafter in the Gryffindor box.

    "Me?" Peter choked out.

    "Yes, you," Dreamy replied aridly.

    December cracked a wicked grin, "Well this is the gossip of the month. Beth is goingto be so upset she missed it."

    Peter looked desperately over towards Lupin, as if he needed help, or advice, oranything.Lupin simply smiled, "I think the lady asked you a question Wormtail."

    Peter gave Lupin a hateful glare, as if to say, thanks a lot.

    Dreamy seemed to be getting impatient and finally spat out, "Well?"

    Peter still looking completely lost and confused nodded in her direction. Dreamysmiled and gave her normal indication she preferred to remain silent the rest of thematch.The rest of the group finally started paying attention to the Qudditch match.Gryffindor was killing Slytherin by 40 points. Suddenly Slytherin's team captain andseeker Anthony Points made a dive toward the tiny golden snitch. James Potter assuddenly right on his tail.

    "Is that legal?" December asked Lupin.

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    He just shrugged.

    James inched closer and closer until finally he finally was beside Points. He veeredhis boom violently into him.

    "FOUL! ILLEGAL PLAYER POSITION" Points screamed. As he was voicing his objectionthe Gyrffindor seeker Kathy Bell grabbed the snitch.

    Suddenly the stands erupted in protest. Half the group was screaming foul the otherhalf screaming fair play. Mr. Dafney (Quidditch offical and flying instructor) shoutedout,"FAIR PLAY, GRYFFINDOR WINS.\"

    James Potter, Gryffindor team captain and chaser had just knocked Pointes awayfrom the snitch and won the game. Everybody, but the Slytherins, was on their feetin celebration. Even Lily Evans found herself cheering and screaming in excitement.James Potter soared on his broom over the stands, and as he came close to Lily, heshot her a wink. Instead of turning her head in protest she blushed, and James felt

    his heart skip a beat.

    The crowd slowly began to calm down, and the victorious Gryffindors waved to theirfans as they departed from the stadium. December and Lily screamed out to Bethwho was glowing from head to toe, they saw Sirius throw his arm around her in avictory hug as they disappeared from sight.

    "She better not get any ideas," December said coyly.

    Lily looked at her puzzled, but December never faltered. Finally she decided she wasjust going to have to ask. "What ideas?"

    "About stealing my date to the dance," December said as she cracked a grin.

    Lily's raised her eyebrow in suspicion. "You and Sirius Black?"

    "Yeah, he asked me after your tantrum last night," December said casually.

    "I didn't know you fancied him like that?" Lily replied.

    "I'm not sure I do," she winked back. "Now we have to find you a date Lils."

    "Oh no, I can do that perfectly fine by myself," Lily warned.

    December shot her a playful grin and shrugged. "I'm sure you can."

    The two girls walked silently back to the common room. When they arrived, theparty had already broken out. Lily started to protest, but December shot her a giveit a rest Evans look, and Lily decided to let the celebration slide. Somehow someonehad found a way to bring butterbeer, sweets from Honeydukes and all kinds ofgoodies from Hogmeade into the Gryffindor common room. Somehow, someonealways did.

    "I'm going to tell Professor McGonagall that the celebration is under control," Lily

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    said forcefully.

    She hated having to tell Professor McGonagall that a party had erupted in her housecommon room, she felt McGonagall was disappointed in her every time. Shedisappeared through the portrait.

    When she finally returned half and hour later she walked into chaos. The entirehouse was celebrating like Voldemort had just fallen from power.

    "What in the world," she muttered.

    December was in the corner with Beth giggling about something.

    "I thought I could trust you guys to keep it under control." Lily said to her friends.

    "Sorry it was out of our hands. Our team captain just created a new rule toQuidditch, it's being added to the books as we speak, the Potter exception is whattheir calling it," December informed her.

    "A player can change position if necessary, when attempting to dislodge a bludger orkeep the seeker from catching the snitch," Beth quoted with a smile. Lily rolled hereyes as if their excuse didn't satisfy her.

    Lily was about to break up the party when December yelled, "Don't be an old maid,live for once in your life Evans!"

    Lily glared at December but decided to let the insanity continue for a while longer.

    "So Evans, hear who I'm taking to the Halloween dance and feast?" asked a cockyvoice from behind her.

    Lily spun around to see a confident Sirius Black gloating.

    "Yeah, heard you got lucky this time," she retorted.

    December looked seriously at Beth who was giving her an envious smile.

    "The sun shines on a pigs bottom every once and a while, doesn't it Sirius?"December said sarcastically.

    "Don't play games with my heart, love. You know your the luckiest girl in school rightnow," Sirius smirked back.

    "No, youre just the fastest guy in school. You just happened to be the first person to

    ask me," she responded coolly.

    "I hear your fast in other ways too," she added with a grin.

    "December O'Riley, are you planning on having your naughty way with me?" Siriussaid with a smug grin.

    "Mr. Black, what kind of girl do you think I am?" she replied casually.

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    Sirius turned his attention away from December and Beth and looked straight at Lily.

    "So who are you going to the dance with?"

    Lily blushed.

    Sirius seemed to like her response. "James is still available," he added.

    "But I'm not," she replied.

    December and Beth both shot her a look of curiosity, but she shook her head andmotioned she tell them later.

    Chapter 3: Disappointment[View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter]

    AN: Standard Disclaimer :P

    Chapter 3: Disappointment

    The party finally died down, and Lily managed to usher a bunch of complainingsecond year students off to sleep. As she was forcing a group of second year girls upthe stairs she caught James Potter smiling pleasantly at her.

    Always the responsible one? he asked mock casual.

    Always, she replied.

    Hey Evans, listen, Im sorry about going over your head about the dance. Ibrought it up to Professor McGonagall and I presented the idea as ours, James

    started. She loved it, and went to Dumbledore. Next thing I know theseannouncements were posted. He trailed off, expecting the worst reaction fromLily, for bringing up the subject.

    Lily didnt have much of a reaction, she just stared at him in disbelief, wasJames Potter apologizing to her for the second time that day.

    We could always cancel the dance and plan something together, he suggestedwhen she didnt respond.

    She finally smiled and said, No James, I think its a good idea. Next time,just tell me about our ideas before I read them on an announcement board.

    He felt his palms getting sweaty and his stomach turning knots. Soon she would turn

    away and walking up the steps to her dorm. He knew if he didnt ask her soon,somebody else would. She was almost out of sight. He had to do it, now or never.

    HEY EVANS! I mean, Lily.

    She paused, came back down a few steps, and looked at him in amusement, Yes.
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    I know you think you hate me and all, but would you go to the dance with me,seriously, he spoke quickly.

    Potter, dont be silly, she said lightly. I dont hate you. Strongly dislike youmaybe but I dont hate you.

    James held his breath, and felt his face going white. If she didnt answer soonhe felt he might die right there on the spot. So does that mean you will?

    Lily bowed her head and finally said, Im sorry James, but Im going withsomeone else.She turned quickly and disappeared out of sight.

    He felt his heart fall into his stomach. Had he just heard her correctly? Shewas going to the dance with someone else? For the first time since he had laideyes on her, she was pleasant to him. He had asked her out and she didnt sayno. If he had asked sooner, she could have been his. He walked over to thecouch and collapsed. He stared into the fire in disbelief.

    Prongs, you okay mate? asked Sirius from behind.

    James didnt move, he didnt react, he wasnt really sure if he was okay.

    Sirius sat down next to him and waved his hand in front of James face, Mate,are you there?

    She going with somebody else, James said emotionless.

    Sirius patted his friend on the back, Yeah, I know.

    Sirius stood up, glanced at his friend and said, It will be okay, Prongs, there

    are plenty of available girls at Hogwarts.

    Sirius knew it didnt matter how many available girls there were, none of there wereLily Evans.

    Upstairs Lily was crawling into bed feeling completely worn out.

    Oh no you dont, you cant get off the hook that easy, December said suddenly.

    December, Im so tired, cant I just tell you guys tomorrow? Lily asked pitifully.

    Doubtful, you promised youd tell us tonight! Beth argued.

    I did no such thing, Lily said as she turned her head into her pillow.

    Its simple, either tell us and get some sleep, or we keep you up all night,December said with an evil grin. Your choice of course.

    Lily knew it was hopeless, she rolled her eyes and sat up and started her story,

    Remember when I went to go tell Professor McGonagall about the party? Bethgiggled as December who nodded. Well, when I got outside the portrait, Roy

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    Lockheart was waiting. He asked if he could walk me to wherever it was I wasgoing.

    December and Beth were both staring intensely at Lily, and she could tellDreamy was paying attention also. Anyway, when we reached ProfessorMcGonagalls

    office, he asked if Id go the dance with him. End of story.

    No, what did you say, did you kiss him? Beth insisted.

    Not everyone kisses every guy that talks to them, December joked.

    I dont kiss every guy that talks to me, Beth said defensively.

    Lily giggled at her friends, and said, No, I didnt kiss him. But, I did sayId go to the dance with him. She smiled buried her head in her pillow.

    Gilderoy Lockheart was a Hufflepuff sixth year. He was athletic, handsome and had aterrific smile. He was also a Hufflepuff prefect.

    December smiled for a second and suddenly said, What about James? Potter will killLockheart if he tried to date you.

    I dare him to try it, Lily sneered.

    The girls stayed up a while longer, talking about the dance, boys andeverything else seventeen-year old girls talk about.

    The next week went by quickly. The entire school was buzzing about the dance.The older students were busy getting dates. The younger students were excited

    about the pre-dance feast.

    Also, the entire school was telling the heroic story about James snitchcapturing victory. It was turning into a school legend.

    Lily and December were sitting in their normal Charm seats, talking about theprevious nights chess meeting. James, Sirius and Remus came running in, almostlate. Sirius rubbed Decembers neck flirtatiously as he passed.

    Hear who James is going to the dance with, December said noticing Lilyexpression as James passed her without so much as a wink.

    No, who? she asked suddenly. Her response caught her off guard, what did she


    Rebecca Blair, miss perfect herself, December spat.

    Rebecca Blair was miss popular; she was rich girl from a well-known family. She wasa Ravenclaw and a member of practically every important club or organization atHogwarts.Good for him, Lily said flatly.

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    That night was the dance, and Lily was nervous. Where are you meeting Glideroy?December asked.

    He likes to be called Roy. Im just meeting up with him in the Great Hall after thefeast, Lily responded distantly.

    Lily was going to the dance Gilderoy Lockheart. She should have been thrilled, butshe wasnt. As the four girls departed their dormitory they also parted ways.December and Dreamy met up with Sirius and Peter in the common room while Lilyand Beth continued on to the Great Hall. Lily caught a glimpse of James before hedisappeared into the crowd to find his date. The pre-feast meeting was pleasant.Everyone who had a date from a different house met up with their partners todiscuss where they would meet after the feast.

    The feast finally began. Lily and Beth chatted together as December and Dreamy,(well December anyway) talked with their dates. Finally, Professor Dumbledorestood up and dismissed all second and first years to their common rooms andannounced the dance could begin.

    The Great Halls ceiling turned into the night sky and the candles suddenlydimmed. Couples slowly started penetrating the dance floor. Lily was lead outonto the floor by Roy. She saw Rodney and Beth quickly following.

    You really dont like Beths date, do you? Gilderoy asked Lily as he watched Lilygiving Rodney a cold glare.

    No, I dont, Lily responded. She felt Gilderoy pull her closer, and she smiled athim. He was so charming, not at all like arrogant James Potter.

    Lily, is something wrong? he asked her concerned.

    No, nothing at all, she lied as he felt her eyes betray her and search the dancefloor.

    James was sitting next to Remus, who didnt have a date.

    James, arent you going to ask me to dance? Rebecca asked flirtatiously.

    James smiled forcefully, Sure, in a minute though. Im talking to Remus aboutsomething important.

    She pouted and walked over towards the refreshments.

    You really dont want to be here with her, do you? Rumus asked

    Oh course I do. I mean, shes great, James lied.

    Sirius set you up? Remus smirked.

    James smiled as he ran his hand through his hair. Yeah.

    He tried to set-me up to, but Ive learned from my past mistakes, Remus joked.The two boys laughed, suddenly James caught the image of Lily and Gilderoy

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    dancingout of the corner of his eye. He sat there, his stomach turning somersaults, hishead feeling heavy and his wand itching to hex something.

    You know what the solution is, Remus said watching James. Ask her to dance.

    James stared blankly back at Remus, he looked helpless and pitiful.

    Come on Jameys, sweep me off my feet! exclaimed a smiling Rebecca as shesuddenly reappeared and pulled James to his feet.

    Rebecca pulled James close to her, placed her head on his shoulder, and beganto dance. James stomach gave an uncomfortable lunge, he sighed and rolled his eyesat his good fortune.

    When he looked up, and saw the beautiful green eyes of Lily Potter staringat him. He couldnt turn away.

    The song suddenly ended, and the eye contact between them was broken. James

    sawLily smile, whisper something in Gilderoys ear, and walk away. This was his chanceto talk to her and ask her to dance.

    Rebecca, I need to ask Sirius something, Ill be back in a second, he lied.

    He acted like he was going to talk to Sirius. It was just the blessing of fortune thatLily was in the same place talking to December. He approached as he felt a jolt ofpainshoot through his chest.

    Hey guys, how is it going, he choked out.

    Sirius gave him a puzzled expression, he looked over towards Rebecca directionand back at James.

    Where is your date Prongs? Sirius asked.

    I think she went to take a break, he lied.

    December and Lily were chatting to themselves, ignoring the guys. James stared ather wanting to say something that would make her smile. She looked up and grinnedcoyly at James and he felt his heart stop in his chest. Before he could recover shewas gone. Again, he had missed his opportunity.

    Bad luck Prongs, Sirius muttered watching his friends reaction.

    What were you two chatting about? James asked December casually.

    December looked confused. Nothing, James.

    She was desperate to avoid the conversation, the normally calm collectedDecember seemed rattled.

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    What is it, tell me, he pushed.

    Roy Lockheart just asked Lily to be his steady, December replied withoutlooking James in the eyes.

    BLOODY HELL! Sirius cried out.

    James felt the room spin, and his chest erupt in a surge of pain. Lily hadboyfriends in the past, and James had made it a personal mission to torture eachand every one of them. Hed hex them in the hallways, or curse them on theQuidditch field. Very careful never to lead the tracks back to himself.

    James, you okay, December asked concerned. He looked like he was on the vergeof tears, and his face was contoured in an uncomfortable smug.

    Fine, James finally answered.

    He walked towards the doors of the Great Hall. He didnt say goodnight toanyone, not even his date. He just disappeared into the night. He felt he had

    lost his reason for living. Lily Evans was out of reach, she could never behis. This was their seventh year. If he didnt win her heart now hes never getanother chance.

    Lily was on the dance floor once again with Roy. He was smiling at her,holding her close and whispering sweet nothings in her ear, You look wonderfultonight, Im so lucky to be here with you.

    Lily smiled weakly at him as a monster fought to control her feelings. Her mind keptwandering back to James Potter. Had December told him? Is that why he had runoff? She saw him leave December and Sirius and head for the Great Hall doors. Helooked hurt and upset. Surely December didnt tell him what Roy had just asked her.

    So, will you be my one and only Lily, Gilderoy asked again flashing his pearlysmile.

    Lily smiled and replied, I really like you Roy. Im just too busy for aserious relationship. Maybe can we just take it slow?

    He frowned for a second then pulled her close, Of course we can. As slow as youneed me to go, I just want to make you happy.

    She looked up at him with a sign of relief on her face, he bend down and kissedher gently. Lily was taken off guard and pulled away and gasped.

    Im sorry, I didnt mean to upset you, he said as she looked at him.

    Lily realized how silly she was being and smiled, No its fine. Im just actingoff tonight. I have a lot on my mind. Im sorry.

    He smiled, Beautiful Lily Evans, you never need to apologize to me aboutanything.The two of us together on this dance floor is perfection.

    He twirled her around the dance floor, and she fought to keep her mind off the Great

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    Halls doors and James Potter.

    The night was coming to a close. The Great Hall was thinning out. Lily saw Bethbeing led away by Rodney and she felt a twinge of fear creep into her throat.She hated the thought of any of her friends getting hurt. Dreamy was smiling atPeter, who was napping in his chair. She apparently was deciding whether wake

    him or not. Sirius and December had already left, and Rebecca was still lookingfor James.

    Can I escort you back to your common room? Gilderoy asked Lily politely. Shesmiled and took his arm. They didnt talk as they walked up the stairwell. He juststared at her, and she stared at her feet.

    James was coming back from the astronomy tower. He had went up there to calmhimself and sort things out. He had decided he was going to confess him love to Lily.He had to have her know how he felt. He had watched for seven long years.Stunning LilyEvans, she had barely noticed him at first. No matter how hard he had tried to winher

    attention she had always turned her head and ignored him. Finally, in theirfifth year, when he had almost given up hope, she finally took notice. Shehadnt been very friendly to him, but she did know who he was. He tried to gether attention even more, getting into trouble, letting her fuss at him aboutbeing arrogant. Now they were in their last year, if he didnt win her affectionnow, he might lose his chance forever. Next year there would be no Hogwarts. Hehad spent hours doodling her name on his assignments and daydreaming aboutthem together. There was no girl as wonderful as Lily in James opinion.He walked down the corridor toward the Fat Ladys portrait when he heardvoices and he stopped.

    Lily, I had a wonderful evening, Gilderoy was saying.

    So did I, she whispered.

    I was wondering if you would come to Hogmeade with me next weekend? Royasked.

    Oh, I dont know, I promised December Id help her find an owl for her birthday,Lily said sadly.

    Ill get back to you after I talk to her, okay.

    Gilderoy smiled and nodded. He bend down and gave her a deep goodnight kiss.In the shadows James felt his pulse race and his anger rise. He was jealous and

    wanted tonothing more than to hex that scum Lockheart all the way back to the Hufflepuffscommon room.

    Lily said the password and retreated inside waving lightly as she disappeared asGilderoy stood there watching. James felt heat on his face as he took outhis wand and softly muttered, pimpluls,. Him and Sirius had created this hex and itsuddenly seemed a perfect time to test it out.

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    The spell hit Gilderoy so softly that he didnt even flinch. James gave and evilgrin and watched him disappear into the darkness.

    That wasnt very nice, comment the Fat Lady when she saw James. She apparentlyhad witness the entire hexing. James smiled at whispered the password.

    Inside Lily had already disappeared. He made his way up to his dorm where he foundMoony and Wormtail already asleep. He pulled back his sheets and trying to go tosleep. The image of Lily and Gilderoy kissing was playing over and over again in hismind, and knew he wasnt getting much sleep that night.

    Chapter 4: The Hero

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    Chapter Four: The Hero

    Lily should have been glowing from head to toe, but she wasnt. Gilderoy Lockheart

    was charming, good looking, and nearly everything she could possibly want in aboyfriend.

    Yet, she wasnt excited he had asked her out again. In fact she had lied to him. Shedidnt promise December to go owl shopping. She didnt have any reasons not towant a relationship, she just didnt. Not with Gilderoy anyway.

    Beth stumbled in about 12:30 or so and Lily gave her a forced smile. So howwas your date?

    Good, I think, she replied with a frown.

    Lily smiled and gave an urging look for her friend to continue. He didnt even

    kiss me goodnight, Beth said concerned. He shook my hand.

    Lily gave Beth a worried look, Its okay, hes a Slytherin. They arent the mostaffectionate students at Hogwarts.

    Beth suddenly busted into a fit of giggles, Im only kidding! I think Im in love!

    Lily almost fell off the bed as Beth let out another shrill.

    Im glad you and Rodney had a good time, she forced out. Beth proceeded totell her all the details. Lily glanced at the clock and then back at Beth who was stillgiggling. Where was December she was so much better at dealing with this kind ofthing. Finally she discovered she wasnt the only one wondering this. Dreamy hadwandered in during the middle of Beths story and Lily knew final signal that theBall was over. She assumed Dreamy had watched Peter sleep until the professorsran her out of the Great Hall.

    Where is the world is December? I want to tell her about Rodney, Beth suddenlysaid off subject.

    Just wondering that myself, Lily replied.
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    Lily and Beth decided that it would best to check the common room before gettingworried. Most likely that is where theyd find their missing dorm mate. They pulledontheir night robes and creped down stairs. To their surprise the fire was stillburning and there displayed in front of it for everybody to witness was December.She was cuddled on the couch snogging Sirius Black. Beth let out an excited gasp

    and Lilyyelled Break it up!

    December looked up innocently, and Sirius just shot them a pleasant wave.

    I was just seeing if he was a good of a kisser as he was claiming to be,December defended.

    Im Head Girl, this is unacceptable! Detention for both of you! Lily shirked.

    Sirius let out a slight snicker, Thats going to damage my reputation,detention for snogging.

    December gave Sirius a sly look, and then said to Lily, Lils, why do you alwayshave to be such a uptight prat?

    Lily was fuming. She loved December, but this time she had gone too far.

    There are rules in this school, and its time you learn how to follow them, she saidcoldly, Ill be reporting this incident to Professor McGonagall in the morning. Youtwo are both seventh year students and should be setting an example.

    But we were, Sirius laughed as December stood up and brushed some wrinkles outof her dress.

    Lily didnt wait for an excuse or reply she just stormed up the stairs and wentto bed. The next morning came quickly for Lily; she had fallen asleep almost theinstant she hit her bed. Her anger had passed. She sat up and saw Decembersitting on the foot of her bed.

    Morning, Lily said carefully.

    Lils, Im sorry, I know I shouldnt have said that last night in front ofSirius, its just, I wish youd have a little fun once and awhile, Decemberrecited.

    It wasnt easy for December to apologize. It wasnt in her nature.

    If this is to keep me from telling Professor McGonagall about you and Siriuslast night, you better forget it, Lily warned.

    I dont care if you tell Professor McGonagall, I didnt do anything wrong,December shot back.

    You were snogging in the common room! Lily accused.

    I didnt realize there was a rule that said no snogging in the common room,

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    December said coldly.

    So what, are you and Sirius Black going out now? Lily asked hatefully.

    Why do you care, December responded.

    Guys, stop. This is silly, Beth begged. She was so pitiful sometimes, herblond hair was matted down to her head, and her large eyes were filling withtears.

    Lily and December stared at each other and finally Lily broke down.

    Im not going to say anything to Professor McGonagall, she said forcefully.

    December gave her an excepting look, and turned her attention towards anothersubject, So are you going steady with Lockheart.

    I dont know, Lily said honestly.

    How can you not know? Beth asked suddenly.

    The look on Decembers face wasnt that of surprise, she already knew why Lilywasnt excited about Gilderoy Lockheart.

    I didnt think you and Lockheart would hit it off, December simply offered.

    So what about you and Sirius? Lily said, trying to take the heat off her.

    Just friends, random accident last night, December said seriously.

    Beth look at her, What did your lips accidentally run into his?

    December hit Beth with a pillow and they all laughed.

    When the three of them descended from their dorms they found the Marauderschatting around the fire downstairs. Sirius gave December a weary glare, but shewinked at him to let him know everything had blown over.

    How are you ladies this morning? Sirius asked confidently.

    Wonderful, December replied.

    December, love, I was just telling the guys here what a wonderful kisser yousaid I was, Sirius grinned.

    Did I, must have been hallucinating, December said with a smile. You think Iwould have mentioned how Remus was a much better kisser than you.

    Siriuss face when into mock shock, and Remus blushed. Remus and December haddated once in their fourth year, he was her first kiss and they had remainedfriends ever since.

    The girls giggled and Sirius grabbed December trying to pull her into his lap,

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    she just slapped him playful and forced herself up. Your such a pitiful flirt,she badgered.

    Lily glanced down at her watch and realized she needed to get going. She had somuch transfiguration homework to do. She waved goodbye to her fellow housematesand headed towards the library.

    James watched her disappear, and lowered his head back to the fire. Except forthis motion it was hard to tell if he was even alive. Everything okay Potter?Beth asked quietly.

    He didnt answer her, he just stood up and left, without so much as muttering agoodbye.

    Hes in a foul mood, December said under her breath as he disappeared out thedoor.

    Lily was almost to the library when she ran into Roy.

    Oh my goodness, what happened to your. she treaded carefully.

    Gilderoy lowered his head in shame. His smile had vanished. I dont know, I justwoke up this morning and this is what I saw.

    Gilderoy Lockhearts face was covered in disgusting yellow pimples. Hiseyes that were normally so distinctive were hidden by his swelling legions.

    Madame Pomfrey gave me some cream, and she said it should be cleared up in aday or so. It might have been an allergic reaction or something, he said quietly.

    Lily looked at him nervously. She had a strange urge to hug him and run from him at

    the same time.I guess you dont want to go to Hogmeade with me looking like this, he saidsadly.

    No, of course I want to go with you. How shallow do you think I am? shereplied.

    He smiled, and bent down to give her a chaste kiss. She forced herself not to cringe.

    Ill see you later then, he said as he gave her a weak smile before he disappearedaround the corner.

    Lily heard snickering from behind her, and spun around to find a smiling James


    Whats so funny? she asked him defensively.

    Your boyfriends really attractive, he said shortly.

    Lily shot James a cold look, What did you do?

    What do you mean Evans? James said with a guilty face.

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    You hexed him, didnt you! she accused.

    Lily, why would I waste a perfectly good hex on wanker like him? James repliedsnobbishly.

    Lily gave him a terrible glare. James Potter, I cant believe youd dosomething like this. Youre so arrogant and immature!

    YOU ARE THE MOST INSENSITIVE PRAT IVE EVER MET! she screamed. She turnedand ran from him, as fast as her legs would carry her. She didnt know where shewas going and she didnt care.

    How could he upset her so easily, one minute she couldnt get him off her mind thenext minute she was ready to kill him. She was found herself outside before thetears finally came.

    Stumpy, said a voice from behind her. Lily felt herself fall to the ground,she had bit her lip and tasted the salty blood in her mouth.

    I warned you that youd get yours, said a cold voice. ARIIAS!Lily was suddenly ten feet in the air.

    She finally got her eyes to focus, and she saw a group of Slytherins laughingbelow her.

    I hate a mudblood, said Anthony Points, They always seem so dirty.

    She tried to scream but he shot a muting spell at her, her tears were blurringher vision, where was everyone, why wasnt anyone rushing to her aid. SuddenlyAnthony Points muttered the counter curse, and Lily smacked the ground.

    Bellatrix Black sent another stunting spell and Lily felt her body give out,as she tried to pick herself up.

    Severus Snape was over her. This is pointless, Points. Shes the Head Girl. This isntthe purpose of today.

    Give her the slow poison Severus. Were going to eradicate these mudbloods one ata time, he said coldly.

    The mute spell had begun to wear off and she looked at Snape coldly, Just waituntil I tell.. she passed out.

    Next thing she remembered was a soft voice urging her to wake up, Lily wake up,

    come on, stop playing, wake up.

    Lily opened her eyes and let out a soft cry. The pain inside her chest wassurging and she felt like her insides were on fire. She threw her arms aroundher unknown hero and began to cry.

    Lily, its okay, youre safe now, he said as he tried to comfort her.

    She couldnt speak as she felt a strong pair of arms lift her off the ground and

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    carry her back to the castle. Her tears were falling so forcefully she couldnt makeout who was was saving her. He carried her up to the hospital wing, and set herdown on one of the beds. She turned her head into her pillow and continued hersobs. She heard whispering, and Madame Pomfrey ran over to Lily.

    Are you okay dear? she asked sincerely.

    Lily nodded, and muttered out the word poison.

    Its okay, you havent been poisoned. Im going to give you a powerful sedative.Youll be fine. You just get some rest, Madame Pomfrey said kindly.

    Will she be okay, James asked with much concern.

    Shell be fine dear. She is just in shock, where did you say the other student are?she asked suddenly.

    Snape and Points are stunned by the lake, but they might not be there anymore.I hit Bellatrix with a vomiting spell, shell need medical help, he said quickly.

    Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall came bursting into the hospital wing whenthey received news of the incident. Oh my goodness, is everyone alright?McGonagall asked.

    Everyones fine, said Madame Pomfrey, No permanent damage.

    Potter, what happened? McGonagall asked with her hands over her mouth.

    I had a falling out with Evans so I followed her to apologize. When I finallyfound her, a group of Slytherins were torturing her, so I cursed or stunned asmany of them as I could and got her out of there, Potter replied emotionless. He

    was so angry, he wanted to kill those Slytherins. They had hurt Lily. He couldntimagine Dumbledore letting them stay in this school after what they did.

    Do you remember which students were participating in this event, Dumbledoreasked.

    James listed the students and he felt his temper started to flare. Dumbledoreexcused him and smiled politely while saying, You did a brave thing today, Mr.Potter.

    James entered the Gryffindor common room. The professors and insisted everyonereturn to their common rooms after the attack on Lily.The Marauders and Lilys dorm mates were sitting on the couch. Another professor

    had informed them that Lily had been involved in an incident and James was withher.

    Is she okay? December asked when James came through the door.

    What happened, Beth asked tears falling from her eyes.

    Some Slytherins decided to have a little fun with her, he said coldly.

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    No Blacks were involved, were they? Sirius asked suddenly

    James just gave Sirius a regretful look.

    Damn it, I hate all of them. My brother? Sirius continued.

    I didnt see him, James replied.

    Sirius had a wildly strange look. He had the look of someone who wanted revenge.December suddenly stood up and gave James a hug. Thank you James, for helpingher, she muttered.

    It took a few hours but Lily finally awoke. Her head was pounding, but she was alive.She looked over and saw Gilderoy sitting by her bed.

    Welcome back, he said pleasantly.

    Lily cracked a smile. Did you save me? she whispered.

    He seemed taken back for a second then he smiled and nodded.Thank you, she mumbled before closing her eyes in exhaustion again.

    He slowly stroked her hair. How could she have been so blind. She was a jerk,thinking about James Potter when her hero had been holding her in his arms. Sheswore to herself, she was never going to think about James Potter again.

    Chapter 5: Dirty Liar

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    Chapter Five: Dirty Liar

    Lily was still in the hospital wing the next week. Gilderoy stayed with Lily almost

    non-stop. He had cried to Professor McGonagall and told her that they were in loveand it was in her best interest if he stay with her. It did little to persuade McGonagallbut did grant him permission to company Lily when nobody else was allowed to visit.She needed peace and rest. James had argued he had a right to see Lily since hehad rescued her, but McGonagall was strict and wouldn't budge on the matter. Tellme how you saved me again," she asked. Everything she wasn't sure of the weekago made complete sense to her now. Gilderoy Lockheart was her guardian angle,and she couldn't imagine him not being with her. "I saw you being tortured by thosescum Slytherins. So, I approached and said, release her or I'll be forced to cause youphysical harm," he began. "They attacked me, all of them, but with one powerfulsummoning charm, I snatched all their wands. The cowards fled and I brought youback to the castle to get help," he finished. She giggled and she thought about howhe didn't seem to fit the heroic profile, but he had saved her. She had taken to oftenreferred to him as her knight in shinning armor or her hero. He suddenly drew downupon her and kissed her deeply. Luckily his acne problem had started to clear up,and she was beginning to notice the legions less and less. "Lily Evans, will you by myone and only," he asked her seriously. She started to glow, "Well, you did save me.""Madame Pomfrey said I could leave the hospital today if I was ready," she said asthey broke away from another kiss. "I don't think that's wise, youre still so weak,"he said with deep concerned. He seemed so worried about her. She smiled slightlythen replied, "Maybe I'll wait until tomorrow." He kissed her again and stood to makehis departure. She found it odd how she didn't want him to go. "Can't you stay a
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    while longer?" "Regretfuly no. I have to do my prefect duties," he said with a frown."I'll return to you soon." Gilderoy left the hospital wing quickly careful not to lookback. Fear was building in his stomach. He had led her to believe he had saved herwhen in truth James Potter had saved her. She looked so helpless when she hadawoken the first time. He didn't know what made him say he had saved her. He hadjust found it simple to nodded because it felt like the right thing to do. "I'll confess

    everything tomorrow, and she'll forgive me. She loves me," he told himself. Lily satin the lonely hospital room thinking about Gilderoy and his worry about her leavingthe hospital wing too soon. The longer she lingered on the thought the moreridiculous it seemed. "This is silly," Lily muttered to herself. "I'm fine, I don't need tostay here another night." She pulled herself out of bed and went to find MadamePomfrey. She searched around the wing, but Madame Pomfrey was no where insight. Lily sighed with defeat. She would just have to wait until morning. She crawledback into bed, pulling the sheets close around her neck. She keep wondering whateveryone was doing. She hadn't seen anyone but Roy since the incident. Slowly, shefelt her eyes getting heavy and she was soon fast asleep. "It's been almost a week!"James exclaimed loudly in his dorm. "She'll be back soon, Prongs, calm down," Siriussaid with a smirk. "I can't take it anymore. I need to see her just to make sure she'sall right." James was now pacing. "Well, why don't you just let Prongs visit her

    tonight," Peter suggested. James stopped dead, and looked at the ratty looking boywho had started to cower at his suggestion. "What did you say?" "Nothing it was astupid suggestion," Peter asked nervously. "Seriously, what did you say," Jamesexclaimed. Sirius laughed, Did you hear him, Prongs? He said it was a stupidsuggestion and I agree with him. "I said let Prongs visit her," Peter repeated. Thistime his response was greeted by a stern "NO" from both Remus and Sirius. "Wecan't just use our secret whenever we want. It wouldn't stay a secret very long,"Remus argued. He knew it was too late, James had that look in his eyes and therewas no stopping him now. Right, James nodded, That was pretty dumb,Wormtail. Around midnight James quietly slipped out of bed, and opened his trunk.He removed a silvery cloak from it. Suddenly he felt someone grab his arm. "James,don't do it mate," Sirius warned. "Don't try to stop me. I've made up my mind,"

    James said in a serious tone. Sirius shook his head, "This has got to be the mostidiotic in the history of stupid ideas. Be careful, Prongs. Don't get caught, and if youdo run like hell," He grinned and walked back to his bed. James walked down thestairs and put on his cloak in the common room. He muttered the password, and theFat Lady opened the entrance looking for the source of the voice. He slipped out inher confusion. He knew where he was going, the place they always transformed. Hehad done the transformation nearly a hundred times but never by himself. He knewhe had to keep collected, he had to stay focused. He reached the astronomy towerand peeled off his cloak. His heart was pounding, but he was ready. Suddenlywithout a second thought he transformed into a great white stag. Prongs reared ontohis two back legs and headed for the stairs. He had just over an hour to get to thehospital wing see Lily and return to his dorm. He reached the hospital wing withoutany trouble. He poked his head into the bed ward and look around. Empty, except

    for one bed. In that bed was the most magical sight he could ever imagine. Heapproached, and stared down at her with his stag eyes. He had done what he hadcome to do and now it was time to leave. He turned to exit when he heard a soft cryfrom behind him. He stopped cold in his tracks. If she screamed somebody wouldsurely be awakened and he would be caught. He turned around slowly and saw anastonished Lily Evans staring at him. "Hello there," she whispered. She slowly pulledherself out of bed and approached the pearly white stag. She outstretched her handand began to caress his soft neck. Prongs shuddered under her touch. He had longedfor it so long. She worked her hands along his coat and cradled her face into his soft

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    fur. He didn't want to move, he didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay in this roomforever. She slowly backed away and their eyes met. The sun was starting to riseand Prongs has waited too long. He reared up on his hind legs and took off asmysteriously as he had appeared. "Goodbye," Lily whispered. James was sure he wascaught, he ran at top speed all the way back to the astronomy tower only barelymissing Professor McGonagall as she was heading down to the Great Hall for her

    morning coffee. When he finally made it he transformed without thinking. Hegrabbed his cloak threw it over his head and headed back to Gryffindor commonroom. It had been a week since she had walked down the school hallways, and shenoticed her hand remained dangerously close to her wand. She was almost at theGryffindor common room entrance when she heard a voice scream from behind her.With a moments hesitation she drew out her wand and spun around. "Good Merlin,Lily, are you going to hex me?" December said sharply. Beth had her hands over hermouth trying to muffle her excitement. She grabbed Lily into a huge hug. "We wereso worried! James told us what happened." "I'm fine. I just needed some time torecover," Lily replied. "Oh Lily, everyone's going to be so happy your back." Beth hadlarge tears streaming down her face. "Beth I'm fine. Please stop crying," Lily pulledBeth into another hug. "I'm sorry-- I was just so worried about you after what thosefools did to you." "They got away with it to," December hissed acidly. "What?" Lily

    asked amazed. "Yeah, just two months detention and house probation," Decemberspat. "I dumped Rodney Smith. I couldn't date a Slytherin after what they did toyou," Beth cried. The three girls braced each other in a group hug, and Lilymuttered, "Thanks guys." Inside the common room sat a sleeping Sirius Black, areading Remus Lupin and a dazed looking James Potter. James was twirling his wandbetween his fingers and Peter Pettigrew was watching him in amazement. Jameskept watching the fire. It had become his favorite thing to do since Lily's attack. Hehad been so mad at McGonagall for not letting him check on her and Dumbledore fornot expelling the Syltherin. The portrait opened and James felt his heart gave amight leap right out of his chest and land on the hearth rug in front of him. It wasLily Evans. He lost his train of thought for a moment and without realizing what hewas doing he ran towards her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Get off me

    Potter," she said quickly as she wiggled out of his arms. "Give him a break Evans.He's been worried sick!" Sirius snapped rubbed his eyes awake. "Anyway, you shouldbe thanking James for saving your neck." "He didn't save my neck," Lily saidindignantly. The entire group turned and looked at Lily with a confused expression"He most certainly did," Sirius argued. "Boy, can we say ungrateful." James had alook a hurt and surprise on his face. "Lily, don't you remember what happened?"James asked breathing heavily. He had pinned every hope of being with Lily on thisrescue. December and Beth telling there was no way she'd pick Lockheart over theguy who saved her. "Yes, Roy saved me from that evil group," Lily repliedconfidently. "Lily, who told you that load of dung?" December asked. Lily felt heranger rising. Roy had saved her. He hadnt lied to her. It couldn't have been James."Why are you guys trying to do this to me! You actually believe this jerk," shescreamed pointing at James. James flinched hard. "IF YOU'D RATHER BELIEVE A

    LIAR LIKE JAMES POTTER OVER ME FINE, I DON'T WANT TO BE AROUND ANY OFYOU!" Lily roared. "Lily, you don't know what your saying? We werent accusing youof being a liar," Remus interjected. "SOD OFF LUPIN!" she shouted coldly. Sheturned and ran out of the portrait. She had to find Gilderoy. She needed to talk tohim and to find out what was going on. This was just another James Potter trick. Itwas another one of his lies. She trusted Roy. She tore down the hallways realizingshe didn't have the first clue where to find her boyfriend. "Where in the world is he,"Lily said to herself. A voice from behind answered. "Lily, what are you doing?"Gilderoy asked with a worried expression on his face. "I just left the hospital wing

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    and Madame Pomfrey said you'd already left." Lily smiled there was nothing aboutRoy that she didn't trust. "I went back to my common room this morning. I wasgoing to find you to tell you later," Lily said with a smile. "Did you talk to anyone?"Mikel asked worriedly. "Why do you ask?" Lily replied, her smile fading. Could it betrue, James saved her not Gilderoy? Roy shook his head. "James Potter is spreadinga horrible lie. He's telling everyone he saved you instead of me. I've tried to tell

    everyone that it wasn't true, but he's the most popular guy in school. Nobody willbelieve me." Lily's heart suddenly felt lighter, she put her arms around Gilderoy andwhispered, "I believe you." He grabbed her and held her tightly, "Thank you." Theykissed and although Lily though she should feel happy she wasnt. Gilderoy walkedher back to her house common room. "I'll see you at dinner," he whispered into herear. Lily entered the common room to find her worst fear confronting her. "Lily, canwe talk," James said desperately. "We don't need to talk. Roy just told meeverything," she said icily. "He did?" \"Yes, he told me how you've been spreadingyour terrible lies all over school, and how nobody will believe the truth! You shouldbe ashamed of yourself. First you curse him then to try to make him out to be a liar,"she spat. Lily could feel her anger rising, her face was almost the same color as herhair. She was defending Gilderoys honor. She knew it was the right thing to do. "Isthat what he told you," he chuckled sarcastically. "Don't laugh." "If you want to

    believe that deceitful git-- that lying no good bastard," James started ranting."SHUTUP! You have no right to talk about him like that!" Lily cried. "WHY DO YOUHAVE TO BE SUCH A STUPID GIRL!" he yelled. "I'm not stupid. Im smart enough tosee through you." Tears were now streaming down her face. James wanted to holdher but he knew he couldn't. This made his anger seem even more painful. Youreblind, Evans. Youre just a stupid blind girl. He was staring straight at Lily with theireyes connected. Suddenly Lily's let out a gasp. James felt his anger leave him and hewalked over to her, scooped her up in his arms and kissed her. He kissed her like hislife depended on it. He put every ounce of his soul into that kiss. She didn't resist, atfirst, but then she pulled away. It was too much for James to handle and he dashedup to his dorm room leaving Lily breathless.

    Chapter 6: The Betrayal

    [View Online] [Printer Friendly Version of This Chapter]AN: I would like to remind you guys, nothing is my own......Thank-you for thereviews, please continue!

    Chapter Six: The Betrayal

    Three week had went by since James had kissed Lily, and neither of them wereready to face each other. James was angry. He couldn't believe that Lily trusted thatprat Lockheart. Lily had turned against not just James, but her dorm mates. Everytime James caught a glimpse of Lily and Gilderoy together he had to fight back hisurge to hex him.

    James had more self control than some. Sirius and December had made it a personalgoal to make Gilderoy Lockheart suffer. December preferred to embarrass him with aoccasional foolishness charms or mind slip hex. Sirius preferred stripping his pantsdown in the hallways or hexing him with jelly legs in between classes

    Lily stayed true, she wouldn't listen to reason from anyone. She wasn't on speakingterms with December, and the only reason she talked to Beth was because she had
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    promised not to ever bring up James and Gilderoy in the same sentence. Dreamyhad even started shaking her finger at Lily or rolling her eyes when she entered theroom.

    As far as the Marauders-- Lily pretended they didn't even exist. She would flash coldglares at Peter, Remus and Sirius and just ignored James. While several people had

    witnessed the now legendary Potter/Evans kiss she was quite content pretending itnever happened.

    "So, hear of any new kisses today?" December asked Beth sarcastically.

    "December," Beth warned.

    Lily flashed December the coldest look she could muster. She then rolled her eyesand looked back down at her transfiguration homework.

    "I heard Lockheart forgot his own name in herbology today," December teased.

    Dreamy gave a slight laugh.

    "Just shut-up," Lily spat.

    "Why, am I offending you?" she asked sternly.

    "Your mere presence offends me," Lily responded.

    She was usually pretty good at ignoring December\'s taunt, but today she just didn'thave the fortitude."Well, I can't help you with that problem," she said carelessly. She sat next to Bethon the couch.

    Lily wished she would leave. Three weeks ago December ORiley was one of her bestfriends in the world now she couldn't stand her.

    "So, Beth did you hear about the new hex you know who put on the liar?" Decemberteased. Beth gave December a pathetic look. She hated being in the middle of this.

    "He fell flat on his face, and his ink splattered all over his homework," Decemberlaughed.

    "That's it! One more word and I'll" Lily started.

    "What give me detention?" December finished. "For what, exercising my right to saywhatever the bloody hell I want?"

    Lily snatched her books up and stormed out of the Gryffindor common room. It wasapparent she wasn't going to get any studying done in there.

    Lily headed to the Library where she was anxious to find a quite corner so she couldget some work done. She had reached her favorite spot when her boyfriend suddenlyappeared at the library entrance.

    "I was hoping to find you here," he said. He had a depressed look on his face, which

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    was still covered in acne. Lily had a feeling Sirius was responsible for it not healingproperly.

    "What's wrong?" Lily asked with concern.

    Lily felt her face fluster, "I'll get even with Sirius and December," she spat.

    Gilderoy gave her a friendly smile. "Now, now, my little redhead, that's not veryHead Girlish."

    "I don't understand why they won't leave you alone!" Lily sighed.

    "It's all that prat Potter's fault," he accused. "He's egging them on"

    Lily stroked his hair carefully as he slowly bent down and gave her a kiss.They heard the librarian clear her throat causing them to break apart and blush.

    "I've really got to get some of this homework done," she said sincerely.

    "I understand. I'll see you soon," he kissed her on the top of the forehead anddisappeared.

    She was in the library almost all day, and when she felt she had completed asuccessful amount of work, she gathered her things and got ready to leave. That'swhen she heard a greasy voice over her shoulder.

    "Feeling better Evans," Snape sneered.

    "Don't talk to me," Lily said quickly. You were supposed to be my friend. What haveI ever done to you, Severus?

    It was out of my control. You need to avoid that crowd in Slytherin. They arent agroup you want to mess with. If Potter hadnt shown up I dont know what wouldhave happened, Severus revealed.

    She felt her head beginning to swim. "Potter didn't save me. What the hell are youplaying at!"

    "Shhh..." motioned the librarian.

    Why would I lie about that, Evans? You have to watch yourself. In a few monthsthere wont be any Dumbledore and there wont be any Potter. I dont want to see aDark Mark flying above your house someday.

    He shot her a nervous look before rushing past her and disappearing into the library.Snape was lying, he had to be lying. He was the master at mind games. He hadheard the rumors and now was playing with her mind. There had been severaloccasions that Lily could have swore Snape had read her mind. Still, for the first timesince her kiss with James, she felt something she didn't want to feel, doubt.

    Lily didn't know what to believe. Part of her wanted to trust Gilderoy. The other partof her knew he wasn't telling her the truth. She walked back to the common room insilence. She didn't even realize where her feet were leading her.

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    The majority of the students were in the Great Hall eating dinner, but Lily wasn'thungry. She muttered the password, and entered a now foreign house commonroom. She found a seat by the fire, and sat down to reflect on what was goingthrough her mind.

    She wasn't sure how long Remus Lupin had been sitting next to her, but shesuddenly jumped when he asked what was wrong.

    "Nothing" she muttered. For some reason she didn't have the drive to be cold to himanymore.

    "I know you don't trust us, but if you ever need anybody to talk to Lupin saidseriously.

    He patted her leg and left. She stared up at him as he left. She had so manyquestions. He disappeared and Lily found herself staring into the fire once again. Theflames burned her eyes, but she was enchanted by the dancing flames.

    December, Beth and Dreamy came through the portrait some time later.

    "Leave her alone," Beth begged in a whisper.

    December just grinned, and shouted, "No snogging tonight with the pimple, Evans?"

    Lily looked up at her. She wanted to say something, anything. Suddenly her eyeswelled up with tears and she broke down completely.

    Beth ran over to her and tried to offer some comfort. Lily, are you okay? Didsomething happen?"

    Lily finally got a hold of herself, she looked over at December and whispered, "I'm sosorry, can you ever forgive me?"

    December now had tears in her eyes, it was the first time any of them could everremember December crying. "Oh Lils, what took you so long, I hated being mean toyou!"

    "How could I be such and idiot?" Lily cried.

    "Lily, he's deceptive. It wasn't your fault," Beth offered.

    "What made you finally come to your senses?" December asked, now joining Beth incomforting Lily.

    "I listened to my heart," she replied. "I guess I always knew I shouldn't trust him. Ijust didn't want to believe he'd lie to me."

    Lily was sobbing uncontrollably; she felt like someone had just reached into herchest and ripped her heart out.

    "What did he have to say for himself?" December asked.

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    Lily wiped her eyes, "I haven't confronted him yet."

    "Lils, can I do it for you?" December asked hopefully.

    Lily considered it for a second then said, "No, this is something I need to do myself."

    December gave a frown but nodded.So many questions were racing through her mind, and she didn't have a clue whatshe was going to say to him.

    "Come on, lets get you upstairs and into bed," Beth said in a motherly voice.

    Lily felt Dreamy and Beth helping her off the couch. Dreamy didn't say a word, shejust gave a sympatric smile. She was at the base of the stairs leading up to her dormwhen she turned around to see where December was. Her eyes met with those ofJames Potter.She wanted to run, but she felt like she was frozen. She hadn't even thought aboutwhat she was going to say to James. If she owed anybody an apology it was him.Beth tugged gently at Lily's robe and she obediently responded by starting up the

    stairs. She felt James eyes upon her until she disappeared behind her dormitorydoor.

    Lily cried herself to sleep that night. December, Beth and Dreamy took turns strokingher back and trying to comfort her sobs.

    "Is she asleep?" Beth whispered over towards Dreamy.

    Dreamy just nodded.

    "I'll kill that bloody bastard," December swore.

    "She really cared about him," Beth said as she stared at Lily's sleeping form.

    December sneered, "She can only blame herself. We tried to tell her."

    "How can you be so insensitive?" Beth spat at December.

    December however had a smug grin on her face, "Trust me. I'm going to be a herotomorrow after I get done with Lockheart."

    Beth gave her a worried look, but December just winked and crawled into her ownbed.

    The next morning Lily felt a pain twigging in her chest. She was an early riser, but

    this morning she didn't want to get up. Her face was burning and her puffy eyeswere throbbing in protest of her tears. She couldn't remember her head ever hurtingso much.

    "Morning sunshine," December said brightly. "I got up early to go get you somecoffee, McGonagall's special."

    Lily smiled because it wasn't characteristic for December to wake up any earlier thanshe had to. It was a terrible Monday morning, Lily didn't want to leave the sanctuary

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    of her dorm room, but a higher caused forced her to face the day.

    "I don't even want to see him," she sniffled.

    "My offer to dump him for you still stands," December offered.

    "What if I can't dump him?" Lily asked, worry filling her voice.

    "Then I will," December said instantly.

    Lily cracked a smile, she was glad December was being friendly to her again.

    The four dorm mates slowly got ready and prepared to face what appeared to be aneventful day.

    Lily wasn't four steps out the portrait when a voice she was dreading to hear said,"Lily, where in the world have you been, I've been so worried. Billy Irvin saidSeverus Snape was talking to you yesterday after I left you in the library."

    He tried to pull her into a hug, but she backed away swiftly.

    "Keep away from me," she warned. She felt the tears building, but she wasdetermined to fight them back.

    Gilderoys expression suddenly became anxious and worried. "Lily, what's wrong?"

    "You know damn well what's wrong!" she spat. Youre not worried about Snapetalking to me. Youre worried he told me the truth.

    She was glaring at him with such anger, he had betrayed her.

    "Did I do something to make you mad?" he asked stupidly.

    "Idiot," December muttered.

    "How could you lie to me?" Lily asked him frigidly.

    "I didn't lie. It was James Potter that lied. Severus Snape must be on his side now,"he argued.

    "Stop playing games! I know the truth," Lily cried.

    I don't want to lose you over this."

    "I was never really yours to lose, was I?" Lily asked him shaking her head.

    Lily turned and started to walk away. She was done; she had nothing more to say.

    "So are you dumping me," Gilderoy called after her.

    "Good observation," December retorted.

    "Lily wait. Lily we can work this out?" he yelled after her. "WHAT THE HELL?"

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    Lily stopped and looked behind her to see what he was cursing about. She almost fellover at what she saw.

    December had done the masterful hexes on Gilderoy. His hair was glowing brightgreen, and not just the hair on his head. The bright green hair was growing at an

    alarming rate. Suddenly the ends of the hairs sprouted heads and thousands ofVenus fly traps were snapping their jaws. She turned right after she saw Sirius liftinghis wand and joining December. Lily almost felt sorry for him, almost.

    Chapter 7: Confessions

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    Chapter Seven: ConfessionsChristmas break was quickly approaching, and the fifth and seventh year studentswere becoming anxious about the upcoming N.E.W.T.S and O.W.L.S. "So Lils, whatare you going over the holidays?" December asked as she read a copy of WitchWeekly. "I guess going home and putting up with Petunia. I hear she has a new

    boyfriend," Lily replied. "What about you?" "I'm staying at Hogwarts, mum and dadare going to the States for business," December answered. The school year wasflying by. "Why are we sitting up here in the crampy dorm? Why don't we go down tothe common room?" December asked anxiously. Lily shot her an anxious look. Lilypractically never left the safety of her dorm these days. After the whole ordeal withGilderoy she just didn't have the nerve to face anybody. December and Beth hadtried to be understanding, but they quickly realized that they would have to becomerecluses themselves to hang out with Lily on what they considered the usual level.Lily dumping Gilderoy was the talk of the school. December's fly trap hex had beenretold so many times, it now was said that Gilderoy was eaten by a man-eatingplant, and rescued by Madame Pomfrey in barely the nick of time. Gilderoy himselfhad written a booklet on his whole trying ordeal. How I Survived the Man-eatingPlant, by: Gilderoy LockhartHe was pretty much over Lily. He was too busy

    impressing the younger girls with the tales of his daring escapes. While Decemberhad gotten her fill of torturing Lockheart the Marauders had not. Other than SeverusSnape, he was their favorite victim. "Lily, you can't hide up here forever," Decemberargued with her friend. "I can try," she appealed. "What? Are you afraid your goingto run into Potter?" December asked. Lily glanced at her and attempted to ignore thequestion. James Potter was possibly one of the main reasons Lily didn't want to leaveher dorm room. She hated how she had behaved. He had rescued her from theSlytherins and she hadn't even muttered a thank you to him. In fact she hadn't evenso much as seen him since the night she decided to end it with Gilderoy. She wasintentionally coming to class late and making sure she was the first one out the door.She hadn't even tried to break up the last Quidditch party when Gryffindor beatHufflepuff. "Come on, I'm not going to let you rot away in this dormitory," Decembernow said on her feet. She reached down and grabbed Lily by the arms. "Come on,get up." "No! I'm perfectly content right here," Lily spat. "Have it your way. I'mgoing to go enjoy my life," December said sarcastically. December left, and Lily knewshe would not be returning until late. She pulled out her Ancient Runes andAstronomy text books and began to study. She was on the verge of dozing off whenshe heard a strange noise near the door. She jumped, and stared in the direction ofthe intrusion. There on the floor was an envelope that someone or something hadslid it under the door. She got up and walked over to the open the door. She peeredoutside, nothing there. She looked down at the envelope and saw her name writtenin bright red letters. "What in the world," she muttered. She bent down picked up
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    the envelope and walked over to her bed. Lily, Meet me in the astronomy towertonight around nine. It is really important that we talk. Lily looked over at the clockon Beth's night stand, it was just turning eight. "Who is would need to talk to me?"Lily asked herself. She was reluctant on going, but the more she stared at the letterthe more her curiosity got the better of her. "What if it's a trap? What if theSlytherins were trying to get even with her?" Lily asked to herself. "What if it's

    Gilderoy and he wants to corner me and win me back,"she suddenly felt a bit ill. Sheglanced at the clock again. It was now closer to eight forty-five. She let out a sigh,and grabbed her robe. She wasn't sure she should, but she was going to find outwho this mystery penman was. She walked quietly down the stairs, careful not tobring any attention to herself. She spotted December sitting on Sirius's lap near thefire. Beth was on the floor next to them working on her broom. Peter was watchingBeth patiently. Lily walked by the group silently as she made her way over to theportrait and disappeared into the darkness of the hallway. Her heart was racing, andher hand was holding her wand through her robes. She practically ran to theastronomy tower. She was almost ready to turn back until she saw a shadowy figureenter into the tower just before her. "Come on Lily, you can do this," she encouragedherself. She climbed the tower stairs and looked around when she reached the top.Nobody was there. She walked over to the edge of the tower wall and took a seat.

    Where was the person she had just seen come up before her. Suddenly fear wascreeping into to courage. She began to nervously look around. "I didn't think you'dcome," said a voice from behind her. She turned around, and found herself face toface with James Potter. James dark hair was blowing in the night wind, making iteven messier than it normally was. His rimed glasses reflected the light from thenight sky and caused a glare that hide his soulful eyes. He looked different, older."James," Lily said softly. They stared at each other, looking deep into the otherfamiliar eyes. Lily felt lost, scared. She had never been so excited and frightened inall her life. James couldn't believe she had come. He wasn't sure what had made himslip that note under her door. An hour ago he was prepared to confess everything toher. He wanted to tell her how he had wanted her since their first year; how he felthe would die if one more day went by without her in his life. But now, standing face

    to face with her, he was frozen. Lily looked as if she was about to say somethingthen suddenly turned and started to run off, James reached for her hand. "Pleasedon't go." She looked at him, he did look handsome in the eerie moonlight. Youforgot to sign the note, she said in a voice she didnt even recognize as her own. "Ihave something to confess to you Lily Evans," he started, ignoring her comment. Hischest was racing and he felt his heart was going to explode. She didn't say a word,she just looked at him. "I cant get over you. You're the first thought I have in themorning, and the last thought I have before I go to sleep. I dont want to get overyou. I dont care if you hate me. James stood there breathless, "I've never looked ata girl the way I look at you. I never will." Lily was in shock. She felt her heart sinkingdown into her stomach and her eyes drowning in an ocean of salty tears. She wasn'tsure if she was happy or upset. She didn't really know how she felt about JamesPotter. "I realize," he continued, "that you don\'t feel the same way about me. I

    swear I'll never stop waiting for you. Lily, if you want me to back away, I will,"James finished. She didn't respond. He bowed down towards Lily and gave her a softpeck on her cheek, "Good-bye Lily." Lily was now about to drown in her own tears.She had never seen this side of James Potter. She didn't want him to leave, shewanted him to stay. "James, I never told you thank you," she cried out. He stopped,but didn't turn around. Lily felt her legs lift her weight and she found herself runningtowards him. She threw her arms around his neck kissed him. She tackl