Bedwetting Who We Are Treatment Center...Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center: My son, who is 14, said...

4 | 800.379.2331 | 1.248.785.1199 International Who We Are At Bedwetting Treatment Center, we have been permanently and safely ending bedwetting for 46 years and for over 50,000 patients around the world. We have a 97% success rate, and a money-back guarantee. What We Do Our treatment method is based upon ground-breaking and published research conducted by Dr. Roger Broughton, a foremost sleep researcher and neurologist from Montreal, Canada. His study proved that bedwetting is the result of an inherited gene which leads to a deep-sleep disorder. Our treatment has been implemented for over four decades with the same successful outcome - a dry bed - which substantiates Dr. Broughton's study. His research is based in science, and The Bedwetting Cure™—our time-tested bedwetting therapy eectively targeting the unhealthy deep sleep—emerged from there. Our method is designed to establish a healthy and restorative pattern of sleep. This positively eects daytime functioning, and ensures a dry bed every morning. Our method also addresses the bedwetter’s need for increased bladder capacity to end or prevent daytime issues, and to ensure that the bladder has enough capacity to hold urine in it all night. Meet Barbara Moore, our founder. She has been where you are. Frustrated and heartbroken by her daughter, Gaile’s, bedwetting, she made it her personal mission to find a cure to change Gaile’s life. After years of being misdirected and misinformed, Barbara finally discovered the primary cause for bedwetting—an inherited and unusually deep sleep. And that changed everything! With the missing puzzle piece in place, Barbara designed the treatment protocol used to end Gaile’s bedwetting, which had a remarkable impact on her quality of life. With our trademarked Bedwetting Cure and BTC Sleep Training process, Barbara, Gaile, and her stahave helped tens of thousands of children, teenagers, and adults around the world to wake up in a dry bed every day…for a lifetime! Bedwetting Treatment Center A Plan. A Partner. A Permanent Solution. We called BTC when my son was halfway through his junior year of high school. My son has gone from wetting 4-6 times a week to now just wetting 2 times over the last 5 weeks. We're still working the program, and we've seen wonderful results, and we're very near the end. I have all confidence that by the time he leaves for college in August that this phase will be over and he'll be able to live in the dorm without fear of embarrassment. - April, Los Alamos, NM

Transcript of Bedwetting Who We Are Treatment Center...Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center: My son, who is 14, said...

Page 1: Bedwetting Who We Are Treatment Center...Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center: My son, who is 14, said to stop bringing up the wetting the bed issue with his doctor. Besides the fact that | 800.379.2331 | 1.248.785.1199 International

Who We Are

At Bedwetting Treatment Center, we have been permanently and safely ending bedwetting for 46 years and for over 50,000 patients around the world. We have a 97% success rate, and a money-back guarantee.

What We Do

Our treatment method is based upon ground-breaking and published research conducted by Dr. Roger Broughton, a foremost sleep researcher and neurologist from Montreal, Canada.  His study proved that bedwetting is the result of an inherited gene which leads to a deep-sleepdisorder.  Our treatment has been implemented for over four decades with the same successful outcome - a dry bed - which substantiatesDr. Broughton's study.  His research is based in science, and TheBedwetting Cure™—our time-tested bedwetting therapy effectively targeting the unhealthy deep sleep—emerged from there.

• Our method is designed to establish a healthy and restorative pattern of sleep. This positively effects daytime functioning, and ensures a dry bed every morning.

• Our method also addresses the bedwetter’s need for increased bladder capacity to end or prevent daytime issues, and to ensure that the bladder has enough capacity to hold urine in it all night.

Meet Barbara Moore, our founder.  She has been where you are.  Frustrated and heartbroken by her daughter, Gaile’s, bedwetting, she made it her personal mission to find a cure to change Gaile’s life.  After years of being misdirected and misinformed, Barbara finally discovered the

primary cause for bedwetting—an inherited and unusually deep sleep. And that changed everything! With the missing puzzle piece in place, Barbara designed the treatment protocol used to end Gaile’s bedwetting, which had a remarkable impact on her quality of life.  With our trademarked Bedwetting Cure and BTC Sleep Training process, Barbara, Gaile, and her staff have helped tens of thousands of children, teenagers, and adults around the world to wake up in a dry bed every day…for a lifetime!

Bedwetting Treatment Center A Plan. A Partner. A Permanent Solution.

We called BTC when my son

was halfway through his

junior year of high school.

My son has gone from

wetting 4-6 times a week to

now just wetting 2 times

over the last 5 weeks. We're

still working the program,

and we've seen wonderful

results, and we're very near

the end. I have all

confidence that by the time

he leaves for college in

August that this phase will

be over and he'll be able to

live in the dorm without fear

of embarrassment.

- April, Los Alamos, NM

Page 2: Bedwetting Who We Are Treatment Center...Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center: My son, who is 14, said to stop bringing up the wetting the bed issue with his doctor. Besides the fact that | 800.379.2331 | + 1. 248.785.1199. International

Hard Hitting Facts! Beware and be aware of these suggestions…

• Take Medication – Often the first suggestion from physicians, the medication effectively dehydrates the body, and is known to be only a temporary fix at best.  If it works at all, once the medication is discontinued, the bedwetting resumes immediately. The serious side effects of the medication are often overlooked, but they are real and detrimental to one’s health.

• Wait, It Will Go Away – Often the second suggestion from physicians, but equally erroneous. Bedwetting is not a medical condition, so we have to look beyond the physical. Most of our patients are teens—the average age in our care is15—and they, like our adult patients, have been waiting their whole lives to outgrow bedwetting, and dealing with the effects of poor quality sleep along the way. Symptoms of poor sleep may be masked until a new and healthy pattern is established. Then the positive changes are obvious and celebrated.

• Use A Software Program + Blue Mat Alarm – This inexpensive product ends up costing you more.  We hear from families every day who have tried it with little or no progress.  That’s because generic videos and data entry cannot replace close personal guidance. Changing a sleep pattern is complex and nuanced, and it requires an individualized, consistently-modified, and closely-monitored program. Unlike this alarm company claims, permanent dryness cannot occur within a few weeks, and because they only sell a product and don’t offer follow-through, they cannot guarantee a dry bed for life.  Ongoing, live, and integral support is not offered. 

• Restrict Fluids – Consumption of fluids is not a contributory factor to bedwetting.  One could refrain from drinking all day and still wet the bed at night.  Excessive fluids before bed will only affect the volume of urine.

• Treat Constipation – Impacted bowels is not the causal factor for bedwetting.  We discovered a urologist who is suggesting a protocol of 90 days of enemas, which is not only missing the mark, it is unnecessarily traumatizing.  Unfortunately we’ve heard from parents who have tried it because they didn’t know where else to turn, and because a doctor proposed the idea.

Please know this:  You are not doing ANYTHING alone!  No guesswork; no hoping you’ll get it right.  We have found that direct and consistent guidance and communication is the key to a successful outcome. We are the experts, and we are your partner.  Together we permanently bring about an end to bedwetting and the stress it creates.

Note:  Due to the complexities and variations of an individual’s needs, a consultation with the family is necessary before we consider treatment. During our one-hour First Step Consultation, we’ll also go in-depth about our approach and bring clarity to the process.  You will come to find that nobody has to live with bedwetting—nobody!

The Top Five Misleading Suggestions For The Treatment of Bedwetting

Page 3: Bedwetting Who We Are Treatment Center...Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center: My son, who is 14, said to stop bringing up the wetting the bed issue with his doctor. Besides the fact that | 800.379.2331 | +1.248.785.1199 International

Our program is a one-of-a-kind, drug-free, and fully-guided system that makes things simple for you!

• You receive direct & private care without leaving your home

• You have a customized plan & personal counselor to facilitate and manage every step

• You have a full-service program rather than unreliable and unpredictable do-it-yourself alarms and generic videos

• You have unlimited guidance and support with person-to-person connection & from start to finish

• You have our exclusive life-long money-back guarantee and the power of our 97% success rate

Imagine a life free of bedwetting for good! This is what we do, and this is what you can count on! _________________________________________________

When treatment is complete, you will be…

- Free From Stress - You’ll no longer even have to THINK about bedwetting on a regular basis. You’ll be relieved of buying Pull-ups or doing excessive laundry, and your teenager will leave for college knowing they can wake up in a dry bed and not have to worry!

- Achieving Productive Sleep - Your child will achieve this on a nightly basis, which means sharper focus, more energy, elevated mood, better memory, etc. Sleep is everything to how we function, and healthy sleep will be experienced for the first time…and for a lifetime!

For A Free Inquiry and Fee Quote, Please Call: 800-379-2331

Money-Back Guarantee! Payment Plans and References Available!

(Fees Vary Depending on Age and Various Factors)

Page 4: Bedwetting Who We Are Treatment Center...Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center: My son, who is 14, said to stop bringing up the wetting the bed issue with his doctor. Besides the fact that

Dear Bedwetting Treatment Center:

My son, who is 14, said to stop bringing up the wetting the bed issue with his doctor.  Besides the fact that he’s embarrassed, he told me he is tired of feeling blamed for the bedwetting.  The doctor said he needs to get in a better frame of mind. That he needs to practically “will” this condition away.  I found that to be absurd! Besides this, my son’s father wet the bed until 12, and the doctor kept telling us that my son would do the same...that he’s just taking a little bit longer.  

Beginning at age seven, I would tell this same doctor that the sleep must have something to do with this since he, being one of three children, is the only one who wets the bed and seems to sleep so much more soundly than the other two.  The doctor denied this as a possibility. Yet we noticed he didn’t even hear our smoke alarm go off one night. That freaked us out. At age 11, I was told it was time to rule out if something was physically wrong with his kidneys and bladder.  In my own mind I thought if this was a cause of bedwetting, why didn’t he rule that out at age seven!? I guess you could say I was brainwashed that the doctor always knows best. Not when it comes to bedwetting, as I learned. Many tests later, nothing was wrong with the kidney or bladder.  Next came suggestions, not a step-by-step plan, just suggestions about how to deal with the ongoing bedwetting. Some kind of drug was part of the list. Diet changes were also on the list. I almost cannot believe it!

My son was so beaten down by this, and I was so baffled and fed up, I finally turned to Dr. Google (Ha!) and found you. Why would my son still be wetting the bed at 14, and how do I assure him your treatment will fix the bedwetting? He’s super skeptical and resigned. Stacey G., Dallas, Tx Dear Stacey:

Your son is skeptical and resigned?  That is TOTALLY understandable. We hear that all the time.  Who wouldn’t be having those feelings if they have tried suggested remedies over and over and are still wetting?  It’s hard for someone to trust new claims for successful treatment when nothing has worked. Yet when we start educating parents about the true cause of bedwetting, it begins to make sense.  In fact, it’s like a light bulb goes off for them because it makes complete sense and it also seems to trigger their intuition...that they had a gut sense that this was the issue all along.

It’s natural for us to go to a doctor first and foremost when we are having a health challenge.  And it’s becoming increasingly known that western medicine isn’t always effective. It doesn’t apply to every situation or concern.  This is why parents get in action to seek other sources, and they are always relieved to find us. After we spend an hour in consultation with you and answer all of your questions, it will become abundantly clear that we know that a very deep sound sleep is the source, and that we offer an effective protocol to change the pattern and eliminate the bedwetting.

It’s not unusual for us to hear that a 14-year-old is still wetting the bed.  Waiting to outgrow bedwetting--the most common suggestion from doctors--is what seems to put more teens in action surfing the web.  When they find us, they urge their parents to call to see if it’s worthwhile. Even in the face of resignation, they always have an underlying desire to be dry.  

By the way, less than 1% of bedwetting is caused by a physical problem.  This is a credible statistic that we have found in research papers. And from our personal experience, we have never encountered someone with a physical problem as it relates to bedwetting.

Thank you for writing to us, and we trust this will ease your mind.  We invite you to call us to schedule a consultation so we can explain our program and eliminate resignation. | 800.379.2331 | + 1.248.785.1199 International

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