B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 (Univ. Exam... · 2016-08-21 · J

J<-- 3 B.Ed.lSem-lst/CIED- 1I12015-16 WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITY B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 CONTEMPORARY INDIA AND EDUCATION (>til"I6;l~ ~ '8 ~) . CIED-II Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70 Thefigures in the margin indicate full marks. Candidates should answer in their own words and adhere to the word limit as practicable. Use separate answer books for each half ~ ~~fir '1.¢rR~ W?rl ~ f.N?r f5/7IP.l ~ "/'ff _ 1IW m~1 ~ ~ 'lJRl1W ~ ~ <f?R1 1. FIRST HALF EDUCATION IN POST INDEPENDENT INDIA ~OjC61i1~~ Answer any five questions within 2 or 3 sentences each. ~~ ~ <Uffi ~-r:m~ W!rn ~ ml (a) Mention two salient characteristics of Fundamental Rights. ~ '6lfii"l'1i3Bl ~ ~ '" ~ ~I (b) What is the educational provision mentioned in the Article 45 of the Indian Constitution? ~~ 8~~~~~~~~~1 2x5=10 (c) How does the Constitution ensure sharing of educational responsibility between centre and state? Wff IS ~ 1100 mr ~K~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~? (d) What do you mean by 'Rural University' mentioned in the report of University Education Commission (1948-49)? f.iiAJf<jii()I01{l mr ~ (~~8lY- ~~8~) ~ ~ '~ f.iiAJf<jii()I01{l' ~ ~ ~ ~ ? Turn Over

Transcript of B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 (Univ. Exam... · 2016-08-21 · J

Page 1: B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 (Univ. Exam... · 2016-08-21 · J

J<-- 3

B.Ed.lSem-lst/CIED- 1I12015-16

WEST BENGAL STATE UNIVERSITYB.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16



Time Allotted: 3 Hours Full Marks: 70

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.Candidates should answer in their own wordsand adhere to the word limit as practicable.Use separate answer books for each half

~ ~~fir '1.¢rR~ W?rl~ f.N?r f5/7IP.l ~ "/'ff _ 1IW

m~1~ ~ 'lJRl1W ~ ~ <f?R1




Answer any five questions within 2 or 3 sentences each.~ ~ ~ <Uffi ~-r:m ~ W!rn ~ ml

(a) Mention two salient characteristics of Fundamental Rights.~ '6lfii"l'1i3Bl ~ ~ '" ~ ~I

(b) What is the educational provision mentioned in the Article 45of the Indian Constitution?~~ 8~~~~~~~~~1


(c) How does the Constitution ensure sharing of educationalresponsibility between centre and state?Wff IS ~ 1100mr ~K~ • ~ ~ ~ ~~?

(d) What do you mean by 'Rural University' mentioned in thereport of University Education Commission (1948-49)?f.iiAJf<jii()I01{l mr ~ (~~8lY- ~~8~) ~ ~ '~f.iiAJf<jii()I01{l' ~ ~ ~ ~ ?

Turn Over

Page 2: B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 (Univ. Exam... · 2016-08-21 · J

.Ed.lSem-lst/CIED- I1120 15-16

(e) What is 'Multipurpose School' mentioned in the report ofSecondary Education Commission (1952-1953)?~ fi'T'lfT ~ (~~Q-~-<h:» ~ ~ '~~' M"1lIil1C{l~~<It ffil

(f) What is 'School Complex'?'~'lli'iJ:~?

(g) Mention two probable solutions against 'Discrimination andMarginalization' in education.fi'r'lffl! '~'1 'S mm ~<Bl' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I

2. Answer any three questions from the following within 150words each.f.lol ~ ~m ~ ~ ~Q-o~ ~ WU t<!-~ ~ ~~ffil

(a) Critically estimate the recommendations of UniversityEducation Commission with reference to the 'Aims' ofEducation.~ ~ ~ M':lM"1lIil1{l fi'T'lfT ~ ~ ~m>1'1ICil1It5OlI>L"1<P~ ~I

(b) State the curriculum of Secondary Education as recommendedby Mudaliar Commission.~ ~ ~ \5l1C'lIM~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I

(c) What is meant by Programme of Action (POA)?'~~~~~~~?

(d) Narrate the views of Swami Vivekananda on WomenEducation.'~ ~' " ~ M,,<q<pH~~ ~ <ui1¥~I

(e) What do you mean by Equalistion and Universalization ofElementary and Secondary Education?~ 'S ~ fi'r'lffl! ~ 'S >14i6!;nOl~1 ~ Fir ~ ?



Page 3: B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 (Univ. Exam... · 2016-08-21 · J


3. Answer anyone question from the following within 300 words.. ~ ~-~ ~ W!m ~ ~oo$ ~ WITml

(a) Write the meaning and significance of Secularism III

Independent India.~ ~ ~_8H~;m.C1-'*""'\!l=I~~ '8 \!ll~"1<t ~ ~I

(b) Discuss in brief the main features of National EducationPolicy of 1986.~M,.~ ~ ~ R,*IOllf\!5~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~I

(c) What is the relevance of values in education? What type ofvalues should be imparted in education for nationalintegration as well as International Understanding?P'I'lffiI OJ."1lIO<IIC<R!~ ~ ~ ~ ~~? ~ ~~~ ~ '8




Answer any five questions within 2 or 3 sentences each.~-~~W!m~~~~~WITml

(a) What is population explosion?iSlO1MC~I~"! <Tlt ?

(b) Mention two reasons for the unemployment.C<l<t>hK~~~ ~ <I'm"!~ ~I

(c) What are the main causes of students unrest?~~~~<I'm~~~?

(d) What is the full form of DIET and IASE?'DIET' ~ 'IASE' -~ ~cf WI ~ ?

(e) What is the basic difference between 'Distance Education'and 'Open Education'?'~fi'r:I;t' '8 '~ ~' WIT~ ~~$ ~ ?

(f) What is the main function ofUGC?M"JMIi()I"BI ~,fu~ ~ ~ ~ ?


lOx 1=10



Page 4: B.Ed (1st Semester) Examination 2015-16 (Univ. Exam... · 2016-08-21 · J

B.Ed./Sem-lst/CIED- 1112015-16

(g) What is Total Quality Management (TQM)?~of~~~~f<l;~?

S. Answer any three questions from the following within ISOwords each.Rom ~-vm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~o~ ~ ~ ml


(a) What are the functions of NCTE to improve TeacherEducation?~ fi'r:Rcm ~ ~~. Pr. ~. ~ Jj~~ ~ f<l;f<l;?

(b) What are the main steps taken by the Government to ensureeducation for the Dalits and Tribes?~ 0!1q( ~<I~ ~ 0!1~ fil'lffi! ~ ~ f<l; f<l; ~ ~'i

~?(c) State in brief the report ofN.K.C-2009.

~. ~. Pr. -~OOli> ~~ ~ Jj~ ~ ~I

(d) Narrate the Administrative Structure of Secondary Education.~ P'I'lfflI ~ ~ <I<f;n~I

(e) What are the basic differences between Educational Planningand Institutional planning?lit'll'T '1K11'wr.:!1~<I~ tjfQJ~IHl' '1K11'~ ~ ~ ~faI f<l;?

6. Answer anyone from the following within 300 words. lOx1=10Rom ~-vm ~~ ~ ~ ~ '=lOO~ ~ ~ ml

(a) State the main features of Sarva Siksha Mission (Abijan)(SSM) 2000?~OOO ~ ~ ~ (\5l~~I("H1)~ ~ ~faI ~~I

(b) What are the main provisions of RTE-2009? Evaluate theimpact ofRTE-2009.~ooli> ~ fil'lffi! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~faI ~ ~I~~~$1<I~~1

(c) Discuss in brief the curriculum as reflected in NCF-200S.~Oo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~' ~ Jj~ ~
