Becoming a Cloud Services Provider



ITEXPO West 2014 panel on how VARs can become a CSP (cloud services provider)

Transcript of Becoming a Cloud Services Provider

  • 1. Great Migration: Becoming a Cloud Service Provider ITEXPO Vegas 2014

2. PANEL: Tim Cook, BlueOSS Annette Miller, IBM Jesse Proudman, Blue Box Adam Radly, Imerjn Moderator: Peter Radizeski, RAD-INFO, Inc. 3. How many Service Providers VAR, MSP, Inter-Connect in the audience today? 4. Is Cloud a threat or opportunity for VARs/MSPs? 5. Do you think you need to migrate to Cloud Services now? Why? 6. What type of customers should VAR's try to convert into cloud customers? 7. Steps to Migrate to a Cloud Business Define your service catalog and bundles Create price plans with revenue assurance Automate reading of usage reports for automated billing and tax calculation. Continue to refine workflows and automate workflows as you scale. Manage Cash flow 8. Obstacles to going cloud: In-house skill set Sales team Billing (BSS) CAPEX Segmenting legacy business operations from cloud business operations Knowledge of over-subscription models Managing cost and margin assurance Potentially complex provisioning workflow processes 9. Margin/Business Model CAPEX vs. MRC business model for cash flow Understanding Agent vs. Wholesale (and associated margins) Should VAR's partner with third party vendors? 10. Other Considerations Software stack Support burden Level of Customers Marketing 11. Positioning AWS vs. Azure vs. Salesforce vs. Office365 12. PANEL: Tim Cook, BlueOSS Annette Miller, IBM Jesse Proudman, Blue Box Adam Radly, Imerjn Moderator: Peter Radizeski, RAD-INFO, Inc.