Beckoning nudity

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  • 1. Hi Readers!Happy to be back again with a MIND BOGGLING TOPIC-Yes it is mind boggling because it really boggles minds of even those who are above worldly desires say like saints. Nudity is used as a weapon to lay them astray and deviate from their paths of meditation".Like the Indian saint Vishwamitra whose"tapasya" or deep meditation was destroyed by the intoxicating beauty of Indian Breathtaking "Apsara", Menaka! But if the saints "think they have gone astray-it is their thought because it is their minds which sees "nudity in beauty""!!! But if they think there is no wrong in their acts,then they can boldly and positively face everything coming in their stride.NOW THIS IS NOT I,WHO IS ADVOCATING THIS LINE OF "THOUGHT" It is being advocated by those Philosophers who THINK NUDITY IS IN THE MIND OF PEOPLE.According to such Philosophers we, "need to open our minds to view the world and its inhabitants in their natural state. No other animal is ashamed to show off their is humankind who has perversed the course of nature by creating a false aura around the human body. On a warm day, or in warm countries, it would be perfectly natural and would be considered to be common sense to remain naked." The above excerpt is taken from the link below.For more discussions on this topic visit : BUT IS IT REALLY SO? IS NUDITY A STATE OF MIND? If it is really a state of mind then shouldn't we all do away with keeping ourselves clad and going nude at public places.Now I think such Philosophers dwell in a state of UTOPIA!!! We can not run away from this fact,even after long marathon discussions that NUDITY ATTRACTS-SEX SELLS!!

2. Pick up any newspaper or surf any channel on T.V.,half of the advertisements are displaying semi- nude or sometimes fully nude pictures and clips of women selling items which have no relevance "of their beautiful bodies" with the products. Whether it is cement,milk products,hair brushes,hair dryers,computers,furniture,cell phones,cars, trucks, buses, air conditioners, fans, jewelery, almost any and everything has an attachment "of a woman's luscious body-now what does this signify?It is very-very simple .If NUDITY IS A STATE OF MIND AND IT IS HIGH TIME WE SHOULD DO AWAY WITH THIS STATE ,THEN WHY ARE WE SELLING THINGS EXCITING THE MINDS OF COMMON PEOPLE? It is high time we realize that we cannot do away with this state-it exists and will exist exciting the entire human clan for the ages to come.I think it is useless gibbering over an aspect which has existed since Adam's time and if it had not existed THE PRESENT HUMAN RACE ON THIS PLANET WOULD HAVE NOT COME INTO EXISTENCE.So one thing is crystal clear- nudity sells and its fragrance has intoxicated even the geniuses of the poets.Let us read the lines below give our frantic minds some soothing tranquilizer. "of naked stone, with a lot of arousal left behind,almost like flesh, only cold instead,even though our hands are penniless and empty,they are filled with mans destiny to love and be loved,so similar to the divine in repose, we lay upon rose 3. petals in our scalloped shells nibbling on poppies,reading poetry and singing songs of naked love." (This poem can be found in Sculpting the HeartsPoetry, Conversing with the Masters) at Joyce White. rashmi.