Bec Presentation

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  • 7/28/2019 Bec Presentation


    Effective Presentations - How to prepare a presentation

    Presentations can be stressful even for the most experienced speakers. But several tricks and strategies can help us to

    eliminate the stress that is connected with the actual planning of the presentation. We are going to look at some

    strategies and techniques that can be very useful in planning and delivering successful presentation. First of all, lets

    look at how to plan your talk and what to remember when doing that.


    rehearse your presentation

    plan to present the main points of your talkbefore you begin the presentation

    test your equipment beforehand and have abackup plan in case something does not work out

    try to communicate your ideas in the simplestand most comprehensible manner

    plan some time for questions from theaudience after the presentation

    plan to use visual aids and make enoughsupport materials to give to all attendees

    don`t put offthe planning of yourpresentation until last minute.

    don`t present more than five key concepts inyour introduction, most audiences don`tremember more

    don`t try to memorize your presentation

    don`t plan to use humour if normally you`re arather serious person

    don`t digress and waste your audience`s timewith unnecessary information

    don`t come underdressed for the occasion -make sure your clothes are formal and tasteful


    to rehearse a presentation - to practice doing something before the actual event takes place (przewiczy


    equipment - electronic and technical products you use (sprzt, wyposaenie)

    comprehensible - understandable (zrozumiay)

    support materials - additional information and materials (materiay dodatkowe)

    audience - people who are taking part in a presentation or a show (publiczno)

    visual aids - graphic representations of your concepts and information (pomoce wizualne)

    an attendee - a person taking part in a meeting (uczestnik) to put something off- to postpone doing something (odkada co na pniej)

    a concept - an idea (pomys)

    to memorize - to learn something by heart, to commit something to memory (zapamitywa, uczy si na


    to digress - to start talking about another, unrelated subject (robi dygresj)

    underdressed - not dressed elegantly enough for an occasion (niedbale ubrany)

    Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?

    1. Get an early start on your presentation the sooner its ready, the better.

    2. The audience does not need to have hard copies of the presentation.

    3. It isnt necessary to use humor if you dont feel comfortable delivering a joke.

    4. Memorize your presentation reciting is an excellent presentation technique.

    5. You should offer to answer questions at any point of the presentation.

    6. Tell the audience what the main points of your presentation are before you begin.

  • 7/28/2019 Bec Presentation


    Effective presentations - How to deliver a presentation

    There are several guidelines you can follow in order for the next presentation to go a little more smoothly. Start by

    being early for the event, dressing appropriately and getting to know the room. Remember that you are there for the

    audience! Dont memorize your presentation but rather rehearse it. During the talk, dont spend too much time

    reading the notes. Reading the notes may convince your audience that you are, in fact, unprepared. Set the correct

    pace presentation experts believe that each slide should receive at least 10 seconds of your attention and definitely

    not more than 120. Face your audience and maintain eye contact. Dont wander around the room but walk aroundoccasionally and only if it serves a purpose. Use fluid and confident gestures but avoid too much body language as

    this may actually draw the attention away from the content of the presentation to you.

    Also remember; never turn your back to your audience! Firmly establish the question-asking policy. If you have a

    time limit, it is better to ask the audience to leave the questions until the end. Be enthusiastic, as nothing will help

    your presentation more than communicating your passion and confidence. Select your words carefully as they can

    dramatically affect your audiences reactions. Use words like certain and confident. Address the audience in

    second person the word you is more personal and will make them pay attention. An appropriate quotation can

    make an impact on your audience if you include several throughout your presentation and if they are well suited to

    your topic, the chances are the audience will be waiting for more.


    guidelines a set of rules and recommendations one should follow (zasady)

    convince to persuade someone to do or believe in something (przekonywa)

    set the pace to set the rhythm of executing an activity (narzuca tempo)

    a slide one screen of a presentation (slajd)

    to maintain eye contact to look directly in someones eyes (utrzymywa kontakt wzrokowy)

    to wander around to start walking around aimlessly (spacerowa/chodzi bez celu)

    body language the gestures and facial expressions we make (mowa ciaa)

    time limit a set amount of time we have to do something (ograniczenie czasowe)

    confidence being sure of yourself (pewno siebie)

    to affect something or someone to influence someone (wpywa na kogo)

    to pay attention to something or someone to concentrate on something (zwraca na co uwag)

    quotation a phrase said by someone else that we use to stress a point (cytat)

    well suited appropriate (dobrze dobrany)

    Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE?

    1. The audience reacts more if you use the form you to address them.

    2. Spend at least 3 minutes on each slide of the presentation.

    3. Its important to get to know the presentation room in advance.

    4. Use forceful vocabulary.

    5. Using quotations bores the audience.

    6. You should move around a lot in order to keep the audience interested.

  • 7/28/2019 Bec Presentation


    Effective presentations - the introduction (example)

    There are many ways to begin a presentation. How you begin your talk depends on the formality of the situation as

    well as the relationship between you and your audience.


    Perhaps we should begin. Good morning ladies and gentlemen On behalf of, may I welcome you to For those of you who dont know me already, Im responsible for If you have any questions youd like to ask, Illbe happy to answer them. Perhaps we can leave any questions you haveuntil the end of the presentation. First, Id like to give you some backgroundinformation. Let us now move on to

    OK, lets get started. Morning everyone. Thanks for coming today. As you know, Im in charge of, Im a Feel free to ask any questions you like as we goalong And dont worry, therell be plenty of time leftover for questions at the end. Lets start with the background. OK, Ill now look at

    Alright, it`s two o`clock. Let`s get started. Good afternoon everyone and thank you all for coming here today. My

    name is Barbara Jones and I`m a consultant with B-tech ltd. This afternoon I`m going to talk to you about I`m

    going to begin by giving an overview of the different and then look in more detail at the two key elements that I

    know you are interested in, namely our corporate image and the changes that have taken place recently in the


    I`ll talk for about 45 minutes and then we`ll open up the session for a general discussion. But if you have any

    questions while I`m speaking, please feel free to ask them at any point.


    on behalf of- representing (w imieniu) to be responsible for something - to be answerable for something (by za co odpowiedzialnym)

    background information- additional information about a particular product or project (dodatkowe


    I`m in charge of- I`m responsible for (jestem odpowiedzialny/a za)

    plenty of time- more than enough time (mnstwo czasu)

    an overview - general information (przegld, oglne informacje)

    the key element- the most important element (kluczowy element)

    to open up the session for general discussion- to allow the audience to ask questions (rozpocz dyskusj)

    And now some practice

    Complete the gaps in the sentences below using a word or phrase from todays lesson.

    1. After the presentation Id like to open up the for general discussion.

    2. You must remember that crisis management is still one of the key of our business.

    3. Before I start my presentation, Id like to give you a brief of our companys track record last year.

    4. On of our managing director, Id like to welcome all of you to this conference.

    5. If you have any questions, there will be of time to ask them at the end of my presentation.

  • 7/28/2019 Bec Presentation


    6. Good morning, my name is James Sinclair and Im for sales and marketing.

    Effective presentations - Summarising and concluding a presentation

    Without a good conclusion, no presentation is really complete. One way to finish a presentation is to summarise briefly

    the main arguments and draw conclusions for the audience. It is extremely important that you do not simply finish your

    talk but rather spend some time recapping the main points.

    Useful vocabulary and expressions: Right. As I mentioned earlier in my presentation As I was saying a fewminutes ago, there are many pitfalls and dangers in takeovers and mergers that you really have to consider carefully. Im

    sure there is no need to spell out what the main problem is going to be. But we do need to seriously address the question of

    how we are going to overcome it. The basic message Im trying to get across to you is simple we cant rely on XYZs

    support much longer. As you can see Disappointing end-of-year figures underline the seriousness of the situation.

    And the main conclusion weve come to is that massive corporate restructuring will be necessary before any

    privatization can go through. To sum up To conclude

    Example: Our results for this year are satisfactory but we feel there is still room for improvement. As you can see

    from the results I have just presented to you a lot of work needs to be done in the sphere of sales and marketing. To

    conclude, are we going to sit back and enjoy the relative success weve had last year or will we press for betterachievements?


    to summarise to briefly go over the main points of a talk or a presentation (podsumowa)

    to draw conclusions to deduce something (wycign wnioski)

    to recap to review something by providing a brief summary (podsumowa)

    to mention something to briefly talk about something (wspomnie o czym)

    a pitfall a trap or danger (zasadzka)

    to consider something to think about something (bra co pod uwag)

    to spell (something) out to make something clear (przeliterowa co, przedstawi co szczegowo) to (seriously) address something to talk about a specific issue (powanie potraktowa dan spraw)

    to get (a message) across to get a point across to an audience (dotrze do kogo)

    to underline something to emphasize something (podkreli)

    to sum up to summarize (podsumowa)

    to sit back and enjoy something to rest on your laurels (spocz na laurach)

    And now some practice

    Complete the gaps in the sentences below using a word or phrase from todays lesson.

    1. I dont think it is necessary for me to out the potential dangers of this merger.

    2. Although it may seem unlikely, Id like you to this option many firms that chose it, do not regret


    3. I would like to the importance of a reliable computer system for a company like ours.

    4. To up in order to survive we need to act and we need to act quickly!

    5. Before any questions, Id like to on ll the major points of my presentation.

  • 7/28/2019 Bec Presentation


    4KEY: 1. spell 2. consider 3. underline 4. sum 5. recap

    3KEY: 1. session 2. elements 3. overview 4. behalf 5. plenty 6. responsibl

    2KEY: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True 5. False 6. False

    1Key: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True