Beautiful Women (Eylin&Maria)

Beautiful women vs. intelligent, who has a better chance in the future? Vs. The physical appearance today is a very important factor, and especially if they are directly focus on women, because exists currently beauty standards where we are often pressed to fulfill them. The social pressure that women feel today about their appearance isn’t only guided at emotional level or anything else related to get a boy, this is expanded to the job level, there are statistics showing how influential can be the personal appearance in the selection of an employee, because of this, most of the women feel worried about their physical


composition, English. Eylin & Maria.Great Job..!

Transcript of Beautiful Women (Eylin&Maria)

Beautiful women vs

Beautiful women vs. intelligent, who has a better chance in the future?


The physical appearance today is a very important factor, and especially if they are directly focus on women, because exists currently beauty standards where we are often pressed to fulfill them.The social pressure that women feel today about their appearance isnt only guided at emotional level or anything else related to get a boy, this is expanded to the job level, there are statistics showing how influential can be the personal appearance in the selection of an employee, because of this, most of the women feel worried about their physical appearance equally than their ability to perform their jobs.A few days ago a friend told me how difficult it was for his friend to find a job, although this person was very well prepared for supervisor positions, she was rejected in her interview for no reason, unlike, my friend's girlfriend found a supervisory position without preparation or experience compared to that another girl, but she is prettier than the other girl, this happened here in Venezuela, where, by excellence the physical appearance of a woman is of great importance for all the areas, but then, I found out a very similar case in another country where two friends went to try their luck in a foreign country and the girl, who is very beautiful, found a job in the amazing period of 2 months without good academic index or any experience in the area that she was working at the administrative level, while the other girl wasnt so attractive, but, she was more prepared, and she found a job in 7 months and it is far from satisfactory. These experiences left me thinking that this is a global trend and it isnt a single case in Venezuela.In a study made by Italian university professors Giovanni Busetta, Fabio Fiorillo and Emanuela Visalli that sent at less than 11,008 false CV in response to 1542 job postings. They configured eight CV models all with the same data, except for name, first name and photograph. In each bid they sent four documents with the image of an attractive man or woman, and the other four with pictures of people unsightly. The results were Escribe texto o la direccin de un sitio web, o bien, traduce un documento.


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incredible: 54% of the CVs sent with the photograph of an attractive woman were answered and 47% handsome men too. In the case of the ugly people, the thing was much worse, especially for females. Only 7% of fictitious candidates were contacted for an interview, while 26% of unattractive men advanced successfully the selection process.This makes us to think, to what point this global trend overestimates the physical qualities of a person and underestimates the intellectual and behavioral skills, especially in women.Professional women must comply not only intellectually but also in physical appearance, because apparently we are being assessed and judged by both factors, even unconsciously among ourselves we make these distinctions, how many times have we heard in the office, that girl is fat or underdressed or your hair, skin, face, etc. is ugly? Even, many times we have been involved in this kind of comment and banal talks, in a completely professional environment. We are so immersed in stereotypes that we name doctors, engineers, lawyers, accountants, and we imagine attractive people in corporate clothes, and we forget that what we wear or how we look doesn`t define us as human beings, much less set the capabilities that we can have, but the propaganda and education of the society leads us most of the times to think contrary to this.

Now in the sentimental field, this aspect of the women lives is much more noticeable, obviously the possibilities to find a couple are higher than for a less attractive woman, and the variety of candidates that the pretty woman can find is obvious, but however I think this is proportional to men too. The amazing thing about this, is the social level, exactly in friends, an attractive woman has many more friends than an ugly woman in most of the cases, maybe, this is for the natural confidence that attractive people possess in itself, that they have won by the constant praise they receive, that makes in most of the cases they be the leaders of the social groups in which they operate. And this goes beyond that, for being ugly or not, a woman has more likelihood to be discriminated against in any environment even by her family. Some days ago, I could hear the case of a father who sued his wife for having ugly children, I cant imagine the kind of trauma that the kids had when they knew the opinion of their father about them.

It seems ridiculous, but ourselves have established this kind of standards and divisions, and even when we are thoughtful beings and with a higher coefficient than other living beings, we are so basic, that seems, our success is influenced for such basic things and superfluous as is our physical appearance.

What do you think about this?

Eylin Garcia.

Maria Rivas.

Book II