Beautiful Monitoring With Grafana and InfluxDB

Beautiful Monitoring With Grafana and InfluxDB Lee Jensen ([email protected])

Transcript of Beautiful Monitoring With Grafana and InfluxDB

Page 1: Beautiful Monitoring With Grafana and InfluxDB

Beautiful Monitoring With Grafana and InfluxDB

Lee Jensen ([email protected])

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What We Want

● Historical storage of metrics● Interactive exploration of metrics● Scalable● Performant● Something you can send to the CEO

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Something Like This

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Current - 0.8.8● Started: 2013ish● Paul Dix● ErrPlane● MIT license● Written in GO● Uses LevelDB, RocksDB, HyperLevelDB, or LMDB as database

Future - 0.9.0● Tags and measurements - API more coherent with domain● BoltDB

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InfluxDB Design Goals

● Simple to install and manage. Shouldn’t require setting up external dependencies like Zookeeper and Hadoop.

● HTTP(S) interface for reading and writing data.● Horizontally scalable.● On disk and in memory. Most data is cold.● Compute percentiles and other functions on the fly.● Downsample data on different windows of time.

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Installing InfluxDB$ brew install influxdb


$ influxdb -config=/usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf

Ports8083 - UI8086 - API - Send and query data8090 - Cluster management raft8099 - Cluster management protobuf

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InfluxDB Design

Database, shard space, series (table), column








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Simple UsageCreate Databasecurl -X POST 'g:8086/db?u=root&p=root' -d '{"name": "demo"}'

Add Datacurl -X POST "g:8086/db/demo/series?u=root&p=root" -d '[{"name": "server1.cpu","columns": ["val"],"points": [[88]]}]'

Querycurl "g:8086/db/demo/series?u=root&p=root&q=select%20*%20from%20server1.cpu"

Delete Databasecurl -X DELETE 'g:8086/db/demo?u=root&p=root'

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InfluxDB Interface (http://g:8083/)

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InfluxDB Query Languageselect val from server1select val1, val2 from server1select * from server1select cpu from /server.*/select * from /.*/ where time > now() - 1hselect * from /.*/ where time > '2013-08-12 23:32:01'select * from /.*/ group by time(10m)select count(val) from /.*/ group by time(10m)select percentile(val, 95) from /.*/ group by time(10m)select count(distinct(val)) from /.*/

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Generating Metrics (http://g:8086/)

● 22 client libraries● 31 Sources -> fluentd -> InfluxDB● Graphite -> InfluxDB● Use the REST API Random Server CPU$ while true; do for i in {1..5}; do y=$[$i*2+$[RANDOM%20]]; curl -X POST "g:8086/db/demo/series?u=root&p=root" -d '[{"name": "server'"$i"'.cpu","columns": ["val"],"points": [['"$y"']]}]'; done; sleep 1; done;

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Continuous Queries

Automatically downsample a series with a longer retention period

Series A - Every second for a week (604k)

Series B - Every hour for 5 years (40k)

Downsample aggregates to an hour

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Current - 1.9.1● Started: Dec 5 2013● Torkel Ödegaard● Apache 2.0 license● Pure JavaScript● Inspired by Kibana

Future - 2.0● GO backend● PNG rendering● Corporate support by Raintank - Continue as open source

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Try It Yourself

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Installing GrafanaDownload zip -

Configure$ cp config.sample.js config.js

Host$ sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80

datasources: { influxdb: { type: 'influxdb', url: "", username: 'root', password: 'root', }, grafana: { type: 'influxdb', url: "", username: 'root', password: 'root', grafanaDB: true },}

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Visualizing MetricsFinally! What we came to see! Less talk more demo …

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Add Annotationcurl -X POST "g/db/demo/series?u=root&p=root" -d '[{"name": "events","columns": ["type","tag","text"],"points": [["deploy", "prod","1.0.3"]]}]'

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Scripted Dashboards~/grafana/app/dashboards/script_small.js


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Happy Monitoring!