Beautiful Dreams Vol 4



IMVU magazine

Transcript of Beautiful Dreams Vol 4

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Hey guys Ria here! So I want to say thank you for all you out there who read our comeback issue and of course our

past issues and the ones to come. Thank you! I also want to mention that we are still looking for members to join our

staff. Now as I said in the last issue I and we here at Beautiful Dreams are all about being your true self and we

don’t really turn people away so have no fear if you want to join us! However we are only looking for serious

people to join in. Meaning if you know you won’t have the free time to do your part in the magazine then really

come on common sense don’t ask to join. Also if you know you will only want to do that one issue then let us know

so we know what to expect in the next issue. We all love having fun but we are all humans with lives and we will

not sit there and try to do our part and yours. Just doesn’t work that way so if you can are serious then come on in!

Now in this issue we thought that since we did a Mother’s day issue that we would do a Father’s day issue as well.

We also have two new people in the staff. XXSAMIJ0Xx and xXMISHAPXx also known as Sami and Landon. Sami

will have an advice column called “Ask Sami” and Landon will be doing a “What Really Grinds My Gears” page.

Sunna is back with the next part of her role play short story and Nik has something to say in his corner. Other

things to look forward to in this issue are the Dev Corner which features an interview with the amazing Vein and

an article about why people role play and all of that fun mess! Of course as I said earlier we are celebrating our

fathers and yours along with the rest of the world’s dads! However I know in the last issue we said we would

have an introduction on the staff but since we are still working on getting regular staff members that didn’t get to

happen. Hopefully by the next issue everything will be taken care of and we will have that done for you! So with

that being said I will let you guys go so you can read up and hopefully leave us some feedback as we really

appreciate it. Good or bad ha! So until the next issue, take care guys. <3


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Raewyn walks along the familiar maze her long brown hair blowing behind her in the cool morning breeze, her grey hoody clinging tightly against her chest the material of her pants clinging to her shapely legs, she smiles knowing she looks amazing she never bothers with makeup finding that it takes away from her natural beauty. She knows every intricate curve of the maze, every little detail burned into her memory as she has made this trek so many times before. She steps over a small hidden wire; she always wondered why there were so many traps along this particular maze. She knows the land and the land owner and was granted free access to it many of years ago when she was yet just a small child. The smile on her face widens as she the sight before her as it takes her breath away. This happens every time she has wandered near the ruins.

She comes to a stop at what she calls the center of this maze; she looks at the open area seeing the ruins ahead of her. The sheer beauty before her she revels in it, she watches how serene the water falls are, they have always seemed so calming to her. She hears the blue birds singing there songs, she walks towards the crumbling bridge ahead of her she stopping only briefly to admire the small blue flowers that the vines for have wound around a wooden bench, she thinks how quaint a spot for lovers, she reaches out her hand plucking one of the blue flowers she brings it to her nose inhaling deeply the sweet perfume of it bringing joy to her heart.

She feels like for the first time she is seeing the ruins, as she doesn’t remember seeing the bench sitting there before. She wanders forward swearing she hears a voice calling out to someone ahead of her. She shakes her head knowing this must be insanity over taking her, an over active imagination as she has always been told she has. Deciding it must have been her imagination she walks out on the crumbling bridge to the familiar edge she always sits on she closes her eyes letting the first of the tears begin to fall. Long ago she realized that this place always made her grieving easier. She leans forward opening her eyes thinking that she can see her tear drops as they hit the water far below her; she lets out a loud sigh as she loses herself in her own thoughts sitting on the ledge.

Felicity sat on the swing still humming the song humming along with the birds she smiled to herself as she swung her legs back and forth making the swing barely move. She was getting lost in her own little world wondering about the what ifs of this place and

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the people that visited it. She was getting lost deeper and deeper in her thoughts when her elven ears picked up a slight nose making her lift her head. She searched the ruins for any sign of life and then she turned her attention to the balcony area and saw her mother at the entry. She grinned and study her mother for a while watching how graceful she looked even though she was still her night clothes.

This made Felicity giggled but she also hoped and prayed that she would be that graceful when she got older. She watched and saw as her mother lifted the top to one of the plates and knew her mother had woken up hungry again so she quickly made the swing stop swinging and placed her feet firmly on the ground so she could stand. She then gathered a bit of the material of her dress on both sides in her hand and begun to walk down towards the center of the bridge.

Once she was there she stopped as something caught her attention. It was Raewyn or Rae as she had heard others call her before. Felicity smiled to herself as she noticed Rae step over something and as much as she wanted to go investigate she knew her mother would be angry if she had to eat another cold breakfast so Felicity turned and continued on her way towards her home. Once she reached the stairs she lifted her dress a little more and quickly but carefully made her up them then inside the building. By that time she heard her mother call out for her and she couldn't help but giggle as she replied "Coming momma!"

Even though Felicity wasn't by her mother yet she could already see her mother's face lit up as it did every time her mother smiled. She would be happy that Felicity was already inside the building and that she wouldn't get stuck eating a cold breakfast. Felicity made her way up the stairs and out onto the balcony she then smiled as she spoke softly "Good morning momma" while walking over to her mother, letting the dress fall out of her hands and hugging her mother tightly. She then walked the short way over to the chair that was placed on the opposite side of the table and pulled it out a bit. Felicity then smoothed out her dress while looking out over the balcony searching the grounds until she saw Rae. When she did she tilted her head as she saw her looking out over the bridge.

Felicity sighed softly as she sat down in the chair as her ears picked up the sobs Rae was letting out. Felicity looked up at her mother with worried and concern in her eyes for a woman she had never officially met but felt so connected to. There had been plenty of times where Felicity had sat beside Rae and even hugged her to let her know she wasn't alone but she had never actually showed herself to Rae as Felicity thought about it she chewed on her bottom lip, something she did when she was nervous or had something to say but didn't know how to say it or just didn't want to say it in fear of hurting someone or in fear of exploding and letting all her feeling out in the open. She sighed softly again as she looked from Rae to her mother while uncovering her food and picking up her fork. She looked over at Rae one last time as she poked around in her food then looked up to her mother before speaking quietly "Momma, I think it is time for me to show myself to Rae..." her voice trailed off as she stared down into her plate of eggs, bacon and sausage and cheese with a biscuit and orange juice off to the side.

Felicity looked at her mother and bit her lip as her forehead winkled while she thought about what to say before speaking once more "So... how do I tell her we have been here all along? How do I let her know I have always been by her side when nobody else was here?" Felicity slouched down but immediately sat up straight again as she picked up a few pieces of the egg with the fork and placed it in her mouth as she began to eat her food while waiting for her mother to answer her.

Korina’s ears picked up the faint sound of her daughters voice singing along with the birds after she called the girl to come eat. As she listens closely she hears the faint creaking sound of the swing stopping. Knowing that her daughter must have been sitting down there on it for quite some time now, she smiles closing her eyes as she remembers in the beginning she used do the same things. She can’t help but sit there with a dreamy look on face as some memories flash before her eyes, she comes back too as she hears her daughters steps coming closer.

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She opens her eyes pushing her chair back as Felicity approaches her knowing the girl will hug her as she does every morning. “Good morning dear” she musters the words, she looks at the exquisite dress Felicity is wearing this morning, “I see that the caretakers have left you a dress as beautiful as you are my dear”, she takes the time to let herself admire the dress as Felicity walks around the table pulling her chair out sitting down. She picks up the small dainty spoon lying next to her bowl of porridge dipping the spoon into the bowl; bringing it to her lips she takes a small bite. Laughter erupts from her lips as she shakes her head as she gives her daughter a knowing look. “Seems to be my dear that my porridge is cold once again this morning” It’s probably a good thing she has become used to this. A shiver runs along her spine as Felicity talks about the poor sad woman sitting on the bridge below and her sobbing. “I noticed her earlier” a simple statement not that it meant that Korina doesn’t care; she has just become weary over the time they have been here as to whom she reveals herself.

Korina lets her spoon fall into the now cold porridge as Felicity speaks of revealing herself to this woman called Rae. Korina knows her daughter is saddened by the woman and she watched her in the past sit next to the woman holding her as she cries. Felicity has always been caring such as this and has a huge tender heart. Hearing her daughters sigh she knows that she cannot refuse the child again, based on her own mistakes in the past, nodding her head she lets her daughter know that the choice is her. “Well I suppose you could let her know my dear, I do hope it doesn’t frighten her too much, but remember to be careful in how you answer her questions “

A cold breeze seems to fill the air as Korina speaks, a haunted look coming over her. She pushes the bowl of porridge back away from her as she attempt to give her daughter who seemed to have noticed the sudden chill in the breeze. She pulls herself standing as she pushes the chair back hearing it scrape noisily along the stone. She stands there as her ears pick up a faint sound.

"Hello, hello is someone up there? “Called out Raewyn

Korina's eyes snap to attention whenever she has been upset it seems the ones that visit these ruins can seem to hear. She looks at her daughter still sitting there wondering if she heard the woman's voice, it sounded scratchy to her ears probably from the crying. Korina can’t bring herself to answer the woman below for she knows what can happen more than anyone if you get too close to these people. Her eyes begin to burn as she feels the tears forming in them she turns away from her daughter so she won’t notice.” I’m done with my porridge, it is time for me to finish getting ready for the day dear” Once again Korina hears the woman’s voice call out.

"Hello; I know I heard something who is here!" Raewyn called out louder this time.

The sound of the tea cup in Korina’s hand shattering fills the air; she didn’t even realize she had been holding it all this time as she looks down to the stone floor now covered in little pieces of porcelain and tea. She looks at Felicity wondering what her

daughter will do as Korina rushes back to her bed she pushes the pale pink gown aside not even bothering to admire it as she falls face first onto the bed the tears now running down her cheeks as she sobs into a pillow.

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Hello all you loyal readers. Today we are going to discuss a topic that I see happen a lot. Overly using Out Of

Character also known as OOC in Role-play rooms. There is a certain amount that is too much for a Role-play room.

but even if it a little amount it can be too much. Because I have seen so many Role-play moods be ruined by OOC

being overly used in a chat. So I am going to give you some tips on how to reduce the amounts of OOC to be used in

the Role-play rooms

1. Let's face it. Some times while Role-playing you are going to have to bring up OOC matters. Weather it is Urgent

or if you just need to chat about Real Life topics. You can always ask to see if everyone can handle an extra room for

OOC only or if need be you can ask them if they can be on Skype. Yahoo. Msn or Facebook. Or even texting

2. If it has to deal with the fact of being bored while waiting for a few people to post a few lines of Role-play.

Assuming you have a Posting rotation. Example: You have Person # 1. Person # 2 Person # 3 and Person # 4. And

yourself being Person # 5. Take this time to start writing your post and base it on what their posts involving things

your character can see. Smell. Feel. Or if it is involving your character at all. Not only will this keep you from being

bored and having to wait. But this will help with other people having to wait as well. In the long run this will help


3. If OOC is over powered and it is your room don't let ooc in a room discourage you. Get a grip, tell them to leave

and continue on. Even enforce the rule that if too much is used that you can threaten them with the boot. This will

also help

4. And always know that you can't ask something in OOC and then turn around and try to use it In Character. Also

known as IC. Example: Person # 1: ((Hey where did you hide the key?)). Person # 2: ((I hid it under the rock))

Person # 1: ((K thanks)) -Goes and looks under the rock- Heyyy I found it!

While that is all for tips at this time, I would like to also wish a Happy birthday to a very special person. My

wonderful wife Ria. Though you will see this way early I just wanted to say happy birthday since the next issue will

be out after your birthday. I love you my sweet Love <3

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Since Father’s Day is right around the corner we here at Beautiful Dreams wanted to do something special in order

to help celebrate and to thank our own Fathers. Role play and of course our real life fathers. After all if it weren’t

for them we wouldn’t be here today. So dad, thank you and what better way to say thank you and help celebrate

our fathers than by writing about them. Here are what some of our family, friends and readers had to say about

their fathers. Enjoy. <3

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"Hello I need some advice but for real life. You see I've been going out with this girl for like ten months and it’s been nice and special

and I'm not the heart break type but I kinda already cheated on her like three times. However I can't break up with her. She loves me

with all her heart and she's suicidal. She always says if we ever break up she would kill herself and she's already tried once so I know

she will do it. I cheated on her with her ex-best friend or at least one of the times was with her... I have bad feelings about my ex-

girlfriend but I can't have my girlfriend killing herself on my conscience she’s only 15 and I am 16 so I defiantly don't know what to

do." -iamhumanlol

"If you don't want to be with her then you need to be honest about that with her. You can't keep cheating on her it's not right. Sit her

down and talk to her. Let her know your feelings and she's going to have to accept them. She might try and harm herself if she does it's

her own stupidity. Besides once she knows you're cheating on her she might break up with you. You need to tell her the truth. She is

young and she will find another guy. Dragging it out it just going to make it worse. You two are too young to think it’s going to last

forever anyways. Tell her she's a beautiful girl and if you stay together you're just going to keep hurting her. Let her down gently but do

it. The longer you stay in the relationship the worse it’s going to get and the cheating isn't going to help. She's going to end up finding

out without you telling her and then she may really try and harm herself and if you really are worried about her killing herself then

tell her parents you're going to break up with her so they can watch her. If they don’t care or listen then figure out something because

she really needs to know. The longer this goes on the worse it’s going to be. Trust me I've been there and once thought like her but now I

am almost 24 and still alive and about to get married so trust me she will be better off knowing the truth. I am really hoping this

helped and I hope you take my advice. Good luck with everything!" –Sami

"So I’ve been dating this guy for 3 days, and I have fallen madly in love with him...he’s charming and sweet...and cute and funny...he

wants to marry me..What do I do?!" -Unnamed Person

"Well dear...I feel like maybe you should get to know him a little better befor jumping right into a marriage. I mean trust me I get the

whole love thing; it's a very powerful feeling. Also with saying that you have to be careful you don't want to jump into a marriage and

then it not work out that would be harder than the relationship itself not working. You seem like a very happy couple and I say give it a

little time and then if you're still happy with him and he’s still the person you want to be with...go for it! Makes yourselfs happy :)" –


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The many stupid things stupid people do on IMVU. This can almost be described as way too easy as there are so many stupid people on IMVU. This list may be long, but it's nothing short of the truth and very much worth your time. As we have already stated, there's a lot of stupid people

running around IMVU. From the stupid "noobs" that are just there for a good cyber lay. To the all high and mighty users that must know everything there is known about the cyber world giving that they've been a member of IMVU for

more than 3 years. Let’s start with the sex crazed fiends. I mean honestly, you couldn't get it off with a dumb broad in the regular chat rooms so you thought "Hey, how about that 3D chat place?” Now the horndogs are not the only ones to blame here. Which brings us to the stupid females of IMVU. Not all of the females but a good percentage of them and to be completely honest, it's just sad. Please, please tell me ladies, why do you fall of these types of men? And then become all kinds of depressed when you discover they've been cheating on you with yet another stupid female willing to flash him her pixel boobs? For one, these horndogs pretty much told you they were going to cheat on you when the first thing they said to you was "Do you like sex?" or "Do you have a webcam?" Honestly ladies, they just want to see how far

they can push the envelope, and you let them. I don't feel bad for you when you cry on pulse about it, why? Because it was your fault for falling into the obvious trap. But the sex fiends and the stupid broads are not the only stupid people running around IMVU. One of the main types of females that really annoy me are the females thinking it looks cute to have a pixel butt so big that even after they turn a corner their butt has yet to make it around. It's not cute, it's

disgusting looking. Yes, that is just my opinion, mine and more than half of the rest of the IMVU community. The point I am trying to make, you look stupid. Point blank. Now back tracking to more noobs, how are you going to go into a chat and try to hug everyone in it and once you are told/yelled at to stop, you go and get butt hurt and try to punch us all. No doubt this is all very entertaining to me, seeing how my avatar automatically counters all of the attacks done to it. But what is really funny to me, is how even though my avatar has thrown you across the room or made you fall flat on your oversized head, you continue to try and hit me. Yes, funny to me and it is also what puts you on my list.

Thank you for your entertaining stupidity. Moving on to those that love to "park'. Why do you go into a chat room and say hi maybe "how are you doing?" and then go silent? What sense does that make? If there is a conversation already happening and you are waiting for a personal invite into it, you might be waiting there for a while. Though they are not the ones who irk me the most, it's the ones who come in and say nothing at all; they just sit there a mute collection of pixel stupidity. They are the ones that make me want to kick pixel babies. Another thing that irks me, the people trying to rule over everyone else, please just jump off your high horse and give it a rest. Not everyone falls under your law.

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But let’s move on to one of the last types of idiots I will be talking about today. Mainly because I have just dealt with one. I have never understood why you would come into a chat room with the sole purpose of annoying everyone in there. I can keep up with the "trolling" back and forth just as well as anyone else, but saying the same thing over and over is just about one of the stupidest things I have seen happen on IMVU. Saying things like "I'm kind of a big deal." over and over again makes you the exact opposite. And honestly I can care less about who you came in with, if it's my room, I'm going to boot you not the idiot that chose to date you. Personally, I think you just need to come back once you've grown up a little. Now I will say good-bye to all the lovely readers out there, leaving just one word of advice, IMVU is not your

real life, so stop trying to make it that way. Until next time. -Landon Blackwood

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