Beat depression post chronic illness

Beat depression post chronic illness For many people who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, life becomes synonymous to negativity and hopelessness. This is because chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease or HIV/AIDS cannot be cured completely so far, and hence, take a heavy toll on such patients, even emotionally. They often lose all purpose in life. For many, it is an uphill task to deal with certain chronic ailments, due to enormous changes in lifestyle or limitations in the patient’s mobility and independence. Gradually, such patients are unable to pursue the activities they once enjoyed, which ultimately undermines their self-esteem and could lead to depression. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), depression is common in people suffering from chronic illnesses such as cancer, coronary heart disease, diabetes, epilepsy and multiple sclerosis. However, the good news is that this kind of depression can be easily tackled with proper medication and care. However, there are certain self-help strategies, which can help a person fight depression associated with a chronic physical ailment. Some of them are: 1. Staying hopeful: It is important for a person fighting a chronic illness to stay strong. One should never lose hope even in the worst of situations and bravely deal with feelings of denial, anger and grief that may arise in such situations. Staying hopeful and believing that there is still a lot that can be done can help a person get rid of the resulting depression. 2. Keeping oneself busy: Staying busy can greatly help in keeping negative thoughts at bay. This is important because isolating oneself can actually ruin the condition as well as exacerbate depression. Meeting new people, engaging in activities or joining social groups can provide the person with a strong support system and keep one occupied. 3. Maintaining a healthy diet: Nutrition plays an important role in combating any form of mental or physical illness. When fighting a chronic health condition, one must consume nutritious food to not only ward off any negative feelings since certain foods

Transcript of Beat depression post chronic illness

Page 1: Beat depression post chronic illness

Beat depression post chronic illness For many people who have been diagnosed with a chronic illness, life becomes synonymous

to negativity and hopelessness. This is because chronic illnesses such as diabetes, heart

disease or HIV/AIDS cannot be cured completely so far, and hence, take a heavy toll on such

patients, even emotionally. They often lose all purpose in life. For many, it is an uphill task to

deal with certain chronic ailments, due to enormous changes in lifestyle or limitations in the

patient’s mobility and independence. Gradually, such patients are unable to pursue the

activities they once enjoyed, which ultimately undermines their self-esteem and could lead

to depression.

According to the

National Institute of

Mental Health (NIMH),

depression is common

in people suffering

from chronic illnesses

such as cancer,

coronary heart

disease, diabetes,

epilepsy and multiple

sclerosis. However,

the good news is that

this kind of depression

can be easily tackled

with proper

medication and care.

However, there are certain self-help strategies, which can help a person fight depression

associated with a chronic physical ailment. Some of them are:

1. Staying hopeful: It is important for a person fighting a chronic illness to stay strong.

One should never lose hope even in the worst of situations and bravely deal with

feelings of denial, anger and grief that may arise in such situations. Staying hopeful

and believing that there is still a lot that can be done can help a person get rid of the

resulting depression.

2. Keeping oneself busy: Staying busy can greatly help in keeping negative thoughts at

bay. This is important because isolating oneself can actually ruin the condition as well

as exacerbate depression. Meeting new people, engaging in activities or joining social

groups can provide the person with a strong support system and keep one occupied.

3. Maintaining a healthy diet: Nutrition plays an important role in combating any form

of mental or physical illness. When fighting a chronic health condition, one must

consume nutritious food to not only ward off any negative feelings since certain foods

Page 2: Beat depression post chronic illness

help in boosting mood and promoting positivity but also to regain or maintain physical

strength that can further boost one’s mental state.

4. Being positive: Staying positive is essential for successful recovery from any form of

mental illness or chronic disease. Developing a positive attitude may not be easy for a

person fighting a deadly disease, however, one can try to stay upbeat by adopting

certain self-help techniques such breathing exercises or yoga. This helps calm the mind

and redirect one’s thoughts.

5. Setting realistic goals: Setting achievable goals and working towards them can instill

positivity. Doing so boosts self-confidence and helps one deal with any physical

ailment in an effective way.

Beat the blues

While antidepressants may show some unwanted side effects, treating depression is

necessary for patients battling a chronic disease. If the medication is causing harm, the

patients should ask their physicians to change them. The risks associated should be weighed

conscientiously before the condition deteriorates.

A holistic approach is required to address depression in chronic patients, which can root out

the fundamental cause of mental health problems among such people. If you or someone you

know is dealing with depression, and looking for depression residential treatment centers in

California, get in touch with the Depression Treatment Centers of California. Call us at our

24/7 helpline number 855-678-0400, and our representatives will help you find the best

depression residential treatment centers in Los Angeles and other parts of the United States.

For more information, please visit