Be sure to help us decide what goes here by placing your vote!

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Many families return to the abuser or anyone else willing to take them in when they run out of resources. Sometimes women start new relationships to ease the problem, only to discover they’ve picked another abuser. Sets children up to experience higher levels of emotional problems. The abuse cycle continues through generations, because this is all the children know. Many teens who live with abusive homes leave the home at a young age, and around 49% of those remain homeless for the rest of their lives. For those who do not remain homeless 96% will remain on some form of government assistance for the rest of their lives.

Transcript of Be sure to help us decide what goes here by placing your vote!

Be sure to help us decide what goes here by placing your vote! JGP technically began about 11 years ago, when I left a domestic violent situation with 3 children. Incorporated on Dec. 9 th, 2015 Working on 501c3 (revisions from edit review currently being added) Crisis resources do exist, but they are limited. After leaving the environment help came only when we were facing another crisis. child support enforcement Homelessness lack of food or basic needs health problems behavioral issues This caused me to focus on surviving from one crisis to the next, ignoring the future. Establishes a sense that there isnt anyway to leave the abuse behind. Introduction Many families return to the abuser or anyone else willing to take them in when they run out of resources. Sometimes women start new relationships to ease the problem, only to discover theyve picked another abuser. Sets children up to experience higher levels of emotional problems. The abuse cycle continues through generations, because this is all the children know. Many teens who live with abusive homes leave the home at a young age, and around 49% of those remain homeless for the rest of their lives. For those who do not remain homeless 96% will remain on some form of government assistance for the rest of their lives. What I wanted: Independence Ability to find quality employment Job training Transportation Employment opportunities Raise children in a healthy environment Affordable child care Affordable housing Contribute to community Moment of Crisis External Contact (often more than once) Police Medical Facilities Friends/Family Advocate Crisis Line Decision to Leave (point of action) Friends/Family Hidden apartment or similar location Shelter (90 days) Providing for the Transition Shelters- 90 days Focused on providing safety to get away Provides space for decision making Short term goals to establish safety Focused on preventing death/injury Community living arrangement Typically used during back and forth of going back to abuser JudyGails Place- 24 months Begins after the crisis phase (application) Focused on self-sufficiency Individualized based on unique needs/situation Work with existing services Enough time for training & complete legal process Ready to make long term commitments (lease) Reduce stress of transition, to reduce risk of returning to danger Transition Phase Legal Issues Order of Protection Parenting Schedule Child Support Property/Assets settled Employment Concerns Benefits needed Income needed Training/education needed Long Term Housing Budgeting Investment Transportation Living Arrangements Re-engage with society PSTD/Anxiety Relationships Social Community Immediate Issues Court hearing for order of protection1 month Apply and Receive Benefits2 months Child Support3 months Parenting Classes3 months Parenting Arrangements6 months Settlement (property, debt, savings etc..) 12 months Longer Term Concerns Trauma recovery months Train for career months Many issues cant be resolved until AFTER the legal issues are settled Determine budget1 month Child Care (long term)1 month Housing1 month School for adult (when desired)1 month Bank/Investments1 month Transportation2 months New Career6 months Address lingering emotional Issues12 months New Traditions12 months Children Adjustment18 months Single Parent Living18 months JudyGails Place will provide sliding scale access to: Affordable Child Care Budgeting Guidance Training/Scholarships Court Paperwork Assistance Funds to help with legal need Housing Access to Information/therapy Social Support Same Career Direction Same Education Level Divided Social Support Children adjust alone Therapy if time to find it Homelessness is possibility Relationships to ease stress Dependent High likelihood of return Life After Abuse NO Transition SupportTransition Support Higher Paying Career Direction Higher Education Options Developed Social Community Children have resources Access to therapy Housing Options Self-sufficiency Doesnt need to return Fundraiser Testing Lisa Olivas Mason Jars A women's shelter will allow 90 day stay, this fundraiser is designed to help you see what happens in that time period and how JudyGails Place can help stop victims from returning to their abusers. How you can participate: Sign Up (name, phone, address andaddress) Take a jar home Collect your change in the jar for 90 days Read the 1 paragraphthat comes each work day In 90 days hand jar with change back to JGP representative* *Jars will be picked up weekend of April 15-18th How can You Help? Joy Freymiller Branding Ideas What do we do? Help us decide by voting for your favorite: 1.Escape from Domestic Violence 2.A Place of Refuge 3.Resources for Domestic Violence Survivors Vote by writing 1,2 or 3 on the provided papers and toss your choice into the jar. The one with the most votes after this meeting will be used as our logo. Executive Board Focused on business side of organization, how things run overall and where to use resources. Joy Freymiller- President Amber Grady-Fuller- Vice-President Jack Sullivan- Everything else TBD- Treasurer (books, budget etc.) Steering Committee Members who are focused on the needs for a specific project or direction. Lisa Olivas- Project Support Kay Grady- Drop in Child Care Crystal Gurley- Advocate Melissa Bucksas- Personal Budget Shona Neff- Education/Advocate Michelle Harrison- Drop in (as needed tasks) Anita Barela- Feasibility Study First meeting January 26 5:30-7:00 pm (Smiths conference room) Volunteers Wide range of tasks (see hand out) Non-voting members Short term commitment level. Formal meetings 1-2 times per year. Critical to helping things run smoothly Please provide your contact information if you are interested in volunteering in this way and we will get in touch with you. Dates to Remember Steering Board Meeting January 5:30pm-7:00pm Smiths Conference Room Navigation Training March 2 nd and March 9 th At 5:30pm-7:00pm Location TBD Core Advocacy Training (NMCADV) May Abq (Register Online Physical Items See hand out list Questions & Answers