Be snre thatthe name, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, … snre thatthename, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, isblown...


Transcript of Be snre thatthe name, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, … snre thatthename, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, isblown...

Be snre that the name, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, is blown in the Bottle.Thanks Cod for the Advertise-

ment.F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen Tour let-

ter of May 13thcame duly to hand. I foundHall’s Catarrh Cure in the drug departmentof Siegel, Cooper & Co., cor. Stateand AdamsSt. I have used threebottles andit has doneme a great dealof good,and I thank God thatI ever saw your ad. Now I want to try yourown Stomach and Liver Regulator for consti-pation, piles and rheumatism. Of course lamgetting too old, 52 years, to be cured, but ifyour Regulator can help me, I would like togive it a fair trial, but cannot find any onewhokeeps it here. I have talked it over withthe lady manager of the drug department atSiegel, Cooper & Co.,and she has tried to gotit from their wholesale druggist, but theytold her they did not think therewas such athingin the market. Now, cannot you sendthem one-fourth dozen to Messrs. Humiston,Keeling & Co., 143 Lake St., and say one ofSiegel & Cooper’s customers wantedit, then Iwill be able to get it and wish you wouldwrite me when yousend it and I will bo onthe lookout for it.


Messrs.F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l have beensuffering from catarrh for some time. Havetried several remedies without any benefit.Have used onebottle of Hall’s Catarrh Cureand it hashelped mewonderfully.

Respectfully,H. B. MARTINDALE,

Diller, Neb.

Always Gives PerfectSatisfactionCheneyMedicine Co.:—Toomuch cannotbe

said of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. lam selling andpushingit on account of its merit and havenever found a case where it has not givenperfect satisfaction.

C. H.BOWEESOX,Columbus, Ohio.

Better than Doctors’ Treatment.Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.;—About six

years ago my health failedand I applied to adoctor ;he treated me for my lungs; I had abad cough and expectorated very freely. Hesaid my lungs were very badlyaffected. Aftertaking his medicine all winter, I felt a littlebetter in the and stopped taking themedicine, and next fallwas as bad as ever. Afriend of mine advised me to try Hall’sCatarrh Cure. I took one bottle and receivedso much benefit that I continued using itever since and received more benefit from itthan from all theothermedicines Iever took.

B. M. KAUFFMAN,Shiresmanstown, Pa.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen:—l takepleasure in saying toall personsafflicted withcatarrh, that I have been entirely relievedfrom its ravages by the use of Hall’s CatarrhCure. I tried many remedies previous to us-ing Hall’s Catarrh Cure. It is the only medi-cine that has ever doneme any good. I usedonly five orsix bottles.I wish also to say that I recommended it to

my sister, Mrs. Geo. Brownlee, living nearConnifE in Greene County, Ky., who hadbeensuffering for several years with Catarrh in averyvlrulentform, and after usingsix bottles,found herself entirely relieved.

Respectfully,J. L. EDRINGTON,

Pastor M. E. Church South,Elizabethtown, Ky.

Deafness Cured.P, J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen:—l have

taken a bottle and a half of Hall’s CatarrhCure and it has nearly cured me. I had beenafflicted with catarrh for six years, and hadtried everything that I could hear of, butnothing gave any relief, until one day I sawyour advertisement and concluded to try it,which I did, with the above result. My senseof hearing, which wasalmost totally destroy-ed, is now fully restored, and it is with greatpleasure that I recommend Hail’s CatarrhCure to my friends.

LOUIS E. FOUNS,Sorghotown, Ky.

Worth its Weight in Cold.F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen:—Please

send me six bottles of Hall’s Catarrh Cure,which Iam unable to obtain here, and amsurprised that our druggists do not know ofthe medicine, for I consider it worth itsweight in gold.

Hoping you will fill the above order atonce, I remain Yours truly,B. LINE, Tulare, Cal.

The Best Remedy They Ever SoldF. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen;—Your

favorwith circulars is at hand and would saythat we have sold Hall’s Catarrh Cure for along timeand recommend it as being one ofthe best remedies we have ever sold, as italways gives perfect satisfaction.

M. S. THOMPSON & Co.,Coudersport, Pa.

A Valuable Remedy.F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen:—Please

send me, toMechanicsville,N. Y., six bottlesof Hall’s Catarrh Cure, or kindly inform meby return.mail what firm in this vicinityhandles it. I find it a valuable remedy andam surprised that all druggists do not keepit. We will be at Meehanicsville next Mon-day, therefore an immediate reply or ship-ment is necessary to reach me.

S. K. COBURN,Mgr. Claire Scott.

Be sure that the name, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, is blown in the Bottle.Ho Blessed the Accident.

F. J, Cheney & Co., Gentlemenlt is notnecessary for me to state to those who haveknown me for the past six or seven years,how much I have suffered from that miser-abledisease called catarrh. During the pastyear, therehave been nights that Icould notsleepand days that I was unfit forlabor, allthe result of this disease. I had faithfullyusedall the well-known remedies, but with-out perceptible improvement. It was pureaccident thatenabledme to makeuse of Hall’sCatarrh Cure; a few days ago in looking overthe different remedies for this disease, Inoticed that Hall’sCatarrh Cure differed fromall the others in this, that it claimed topurify the blood and acted internally; asthis was a new mode of treating the disease,I made up my mind togive it a trial. I havedone so andI bless the accident that broughtthis remedy to my use. This was about tendays ago; after using the medicine for a fewdays, as directed, the disease began to giveway, and day by day it has grown less, andnow I can say what I have not been able tosay for years, that Iexperienced complete re-lief, and I firmlybelieve that the use of thesecond bottle will completely eradicate thedisease. If this commendation of the virtuesof this medicine should be the means of in-ducing myneighbors or others to use Hall’sCatarrh Cure, they will thank me over andover again. Yours truly,

F. S. EDWARDS,Dunkirk, N. Y.

Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.—lhave used Hall’s CatarrhCure, and find it thebest remedy for Catarrhmade, and I think itwill cure all cases, no matter of how longstanding, if continued inits use as directed.

W. M. CLEARY,Litchfield, 111.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.—l usedonlyfour bottles of Hall’s Catarrh Cure, and havefound great relief. So much so, in fact, thatfor the past nine months havenot had to useanything. I think it will cure any case ofCatarrh if used according as directed.

MRS. GEO. W. HECKEB,Litchfield, 111.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.—My daugh-ter, eighteen years old, has been affected withcatarrh for the past four years. Have usedthree bottles of Hall’sCatarrh Cure and thinktwo more will effect a permanent cure.

JOHN SMITHSON,Litchfield, 111.

Took His Friend’s Advice.F. J. Cheney & Co.:—This is to certify that

Hall’s Catarrh Cure cured me of a bad case ofcatarrh of over four years’ standing. I couldnot breathe through one nostril at all andbut very little through the other. I triedvariousremedies, but with no success. Lessthan four months ago, a friend advised meto give Hall’s Catarrh Cure a trial. I did so,and after having taken less than three bottles,I am completely cured. Both of ray nostrilsare free and I breathe with comfort and ease,every symptom has entirely disappearedandI am satisfied that the cure will be as per-manent asit is complete. I heartily recom-

mend Hall’s Catarrh Cure to all suffererswith that diiease. I consider your medicinea great boon to suffering humanity and Ishall always feel grateful to the friend whorecommended its use to me. Wishing yousuccess Iremain, Yours respectfully,

B. H. SEEING,Long Cliff, Logansport, Ind.

Gained 45 Pounds.F. J. Cheney & Co.:—lconsider it my duty

to write you in regard to my case, as 1 con-sider it a very extraordinary one. I becameaddicted to the opium habit some years agoby having it prescribed to me by my physi-cian, and after I got through with the treat-ment for the disease, I found I could notquit the drug. I alsobad a slight catarrh atthe time, but while I was using the drug itdid not trouble mo much, and I paid butlittle attention to it, but was considerablyworried about theopium habit; tried severaltimes to get free by taking Cures I saw ad-vertised, butfailed'eachtime; finally I wentaway fromhome andput myselfunder treat-ment iu a Sanitarium where they agreed tocure me orno pay. I got through treatmentin ten days with but lie tie suffering and wasrejoiced to think I was cured of the terriblehabit, but in a few days I found that I wassuffering more from the catarrh than I hadfrom the drug. It hurt me so I could notsleep or rest one minute. I tried severalnoted Catarrh Cures, but all to no purpose,and had made up my mind I wouldhave toresort t v the use of opium again before Icouldgot any rest. When I told my druggist,F. Kennedy, about it, he advised me to tryHall’s Catarrh Cure. I thoughtat the timeit would be useless, but finally purchasedseveral bottles. I bad taken it but a lew dayswhen 1commenced to break outwith pimplesand boils, for my blood was full of poisonfrom the continued use of the drug. Thedis-charge was also increasing very much, butthanks to Hall’sCatarrh Curemyhead ceasedhurting, and I began to get sleep and restthat I had uot enjoyed for a week. I nowweigh forty-five pounds more than I didwhen I got through treatment for the opiumhabit. I have belter health and feel betterthan I have for ten years. In fact, I believeany one after being treated lor the opiumhabit would do well to take your Cure topurify the*blood, as the continueduse of thedrugs fills the system with poison which fewbloodpurifiers will eradicate. I feel it myduty to write these facts, for perhapsit willbe of benefit to suffering humanity.

Trulyyours,E. OROSWELL,

Felicity, O.

Excels all Doctors.Messrs. P. J. Cheney &Co.:—l have recom-

mended Hall’s Catarrh Cure to many of myfriends, knowing it to be the bestpreparationfor catarrh. In fact, have tried manyspecial-ists of the highest reputation, but Hall’sCatarrh Cure excels sll doctors and patentmedicines now in existence. It will cureany ease of catarrh, judging from my ownexperience, as I do not think anybody couldhave a worse case than mine was and live.

Yours respectfully.J. D. MCCONNELL,

Glasgow, Ky.

Be sure that the name, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, is blown in the Bottle.Case of 5 Years StandingGured.

Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l hare hadcatarrh more than five years and have spentconsiderable money on different medicinesthat did no good. But Hall’s Catarrh Curehas cured me. I believe it is a cure, foundedon the only principle that catarrh can becured on, that is, through the blood.

Respectfully,M. W. KNIGHT,


The Only Reliable Cure.F. J. Cheney &Co.;—l desire to inform you

and the public generally (should you wishto place this testimonial in print), that yourvaluable medicine, Hall’s Catarrh Cure, hascompl tely cured me of catarrh in the head.Had tried various other so called CatarrhCures, balms and other nostrums before try-ing yours, but none of them ever benefitedme. Before 1 had used yourCatarrh Cure oneweek, I began to feel greatly benefited andafter taking four bottles, I was completelycured. Toany one having catarrh, I wouldrecommend Hall’s Catarrh Cure as the onlysure and reliable cure. Yours respectfully,

ARTHUR E. DANIELS,Kewanee, 111.

Thanks Hall’s Catarrh Cure.F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l commenced using

Hall’s Catarrh Cure some time ago and ithasdone great wonders for myself and son. Ihad the disease for the past sixteen years andmy son had it eight yearsand no doctorcouldhelp either of us. After using Hall’s CatarrhCure, it helped both of us immediately, somuch so, that after taking four bottles, I wasable to walk five miles and do the washingfor a large family,while ten years ago, I wasunable towalk one mile. Must thank Hall’sCatarrh Cure for the great change.

GESINAVAN LOH,West Bend, la.

Everybody Speaks Highly of It.F. J. Cheney &Co., Gentlemen;—l have suf-

fered from catarrh for about five years andhave tried several remedies without reliefuntil Icommenced to use Hall’s CatarrhCurelast Feb. I must say that it is a success; thedropping in my throat disappeared entirelyafter the first bottle. It increasedmy appetite,so that I now weigh eight pounds more thanmy customary weight. I have recommendedit toothers and all who used it have beengreatly relieved and speak highlyof it. Oneof them was in my store yesterday and ex-pressed his wish to peddle it this winter.Will you please let me know the lowestterms you could furnish it for, as Iwould liketokeep it in stock. Hoping to hear fromyousoon I remain, Yours respectfully,

R. C. HAUSWEDELL,Lake City, Minn.

The Best Doctors in the CountryRecommend It.

F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l have used Hall’sCatarrh Cure in my practice for many years,and must say it is a remedy of peculiarmerit. Unlike many of the nostrums ad-vertised for this purpose,it not only palliatesbut cures. Patients who have tried otherremedies and failed, may try this with a cer-tainty of cure.

J. J. MURPHY. M.D.,Lima, O.

Just as Recommended.F. J. Cheney & Co.:—icertainly feelgrateful

to youfor the benefit I have derived from theuse of your valuable medicine. I have had ca-tarrhof thehead for about ten years thinkingit only a cold in my head. My health failedrapidly, and I was told by myphysician that Iwas a victim of that obnoxious disease, ca-tarrhof the head. My case was certainly abad one. I was so reduced in flesh that myfriends scarcely recognized me. It alsoaffected my breast and throat. My sense ofsmell was totally gone, in fact, I became sofeeble that I did not know whether I wouldlive until spring. I met a lady who had usedHall’s Catarrh Cure, and she advised me totry it, which I did and have been greatlybenefited, and knowit will effect a permanentcure. I have found your medicine to be justas you recommend it in every sense of theword and I heartily recommend Hall’s Ca-tarrh Cure toany one suffering from catarrh.

Your respectfully.MRS. FANNIE HARMISON,

Romney, W. Ya.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen:—l havebeen taking Hall’s CatarrhCure after havin0been afflicted with that disease for twentyyears, and never before obtained so much re-lief fromany other medicine that I tried

F. S. MYERS,Redfleld, Dak.

Constitutional Treatment.F. J. Cheney& Co., Gentlemen:—x write to

inform youthat havinghad catarrh fora longtime and having tried anumberof thevarioustreatments advertised, besides being undertreatmentofa homephysician forsix months,using internal and local remedies, also sub-mitting to the torture of swabbing the nasalcavity and the throat and receiving but littlebenefit, I scarcely knew what next to try ofthemany remedies offered to the public, butfinallyconcluded to try Hall’s Catarrh Cure,as your statement that catarrh being a_ con-stitutional disease, needed a constitutionalremedy, meets my views of the case. I haveprocured of a local druggist6 bottles of Hall’sCatarrh Cure and am now using according todirections the fifth bottle and 1 can truly saythat I feel greatly benefited by its use.

MRS. S. S. ASHBAUGH,Sac City, la.

Be sure that the name, HALL’S CATARRH CURE, is blown in the Bottle.Derived Great Benefit.

F. J. Cheney & Co., GentlemenMy hus-band has been using Hall’s CatarrhCure andrecommending it strongly to all suffererswiththatdisease. Our druggist here is indifferentabout sending for it. I have used it myselfand derived great benefit fromit and believeI could sell a great deal to acquaintances if Ihad the Cure on hand.

Pleaselet me hear from you in reference tothis matter, and oblige.

Yours gratefully,MRS. B. LIVE,

Tulare, Cal.

All Well Pleased.F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen Your

favor of recent date isat hand. You can sendme one gross of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. lam sowell pleased with the benefit I havereceivedthat I am going to recommend it to my cus-tomers. If you will give me the privilege ofadvertising in our daily paper, I am satisfiedthat I can create a large demand. I havenow about twenty-fivecustomers using itandthey are allwell pleased with it.

Yours truly,B. A. MORGAN.

Marshalltown, la.

Doctors Endorse It.P. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen Please

send me half dozen of Hall’s Catarrh Cure toPittsburgh, by express. I took two bottleslast winter at Hot Springs. Ark., on the rec-ommendation of Dr. Ellis, of that place,and it did me a great deal of good and I wantto give it a thorough trial. Yourtruly,i SANFORD H. ROBINSON,

Agt. Forepaugh'sShow.

Druggists Recommend It.Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l have been

Belling Hall’s Catarrh Cure for many years,and always feel safe in recommending it inpreference to any Catarrh Remedy I everusedorsold. Ihave sold hundreds of bottlesof it.Yours respectfully,

J. M. LYTLE,Ft. Morgan, Col.

Testifies to Its Merit.Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l used Hall's

Catarrh Cure about one year agoat Rockdale,Tex, It is the only medicine that ever didme any good. Several parties here want meto order it, and as I can testify to its merit Iwould like to act as your agent here and youcan ship me four dozen at once.

Yours truly,J. B, BEACHAM,

Richmond, Tex.

Wonderfully Benefited.Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co.;—l have been

using Hall’s Catarrh Cure for some time andfind it a great medicine. _ Not only has ithelped above mentioned disease, but it hasbenefited my general health wonderfully.

WM. STODDART,Charleston, 111.

P. J. Cheney & Co.:—Having beencured ofcatarrhwith Hall’s Catarrh Cure, I desire toascertain your price to agents, as I can confi-dentlyrecommend itand sell large quantitiesof it.

J. A. JOHNSON,Medina, N. Y.

Deafness Relieved,P. J. Cheney & Co.:—l have been taking

Hall’s Catarrh Cure for four months and re-ceived great relief from it. My hearing isbetterand my generalhealth Improved, andithas done all that you claim for it.

Respectfully,C. A. FENTON,

Cairo, IIL

Beats Them All,Messrs. F. J. Cheney & C0..—1 have used

eight bottles of Hall’s Catarrh Cure and feelthatI am cured. Have used a great manyother catarrh remedies and found yours tobeat them all. Yours truly,

W. IX HEFFELINGER,Bernville, Pa.

F. J. Cheney & Co.:—l have been usingHall’s Catarrh Cure a short time and it hashad such a wonderful effect that I wish youwould send circulars and price list to agents,as I think I could sell some of it where itwould be of great benefit. I have beenafflic tedwith catarrh formore thanten years,and I have obtained more relief from twobottles of Hall’s Catarrh Cure than from allthe medicine taken during that time.

C. P. PERKINS,GreenLeaf, N. C.

Read What Prominent WomenSay.

KansasEqual Suffrage AssociationIknow Hall’s Catarrh Cure to be good, for

I have used it and received great in-deed I may say a cure.

MRS. LIZZIE HOPKINS, Cor. Sec.,Salina, Kas.

Always Recommended AfterGiven a Trial.

F. J. Cheney & Co., Gentlemen:—lam deal-ingto some extentin medicines, and wishyouwouldlet me know if you would let me havea half dozen bottles of Hall’s Catarrh Cure atthe jobbingprice. I am sure that I can sell it,as several in this vicinity are afflicted withthe disease. I haveused it and feel benefitedby it. Let me know at once, and oblige.

J. B. FINNEY,Farm, W. Va.

M. A. Kelly of the Continental ClothingHouse, Des Moines, la., writes that Hall’sCatarrh Cure gave him great relief.